Dream interpretation of why you dream of lice in your hair. Why do you dream of lice, nits in the hair on your head, combing them out on yourself, on another person’s body - interpretation according to different dream books

Lice are one of the most unpleasant guests of sleep. Especially if, according to the plot, they painfully bite a sleeping person. Various modern dream books will help you figure out what lice mean in dreams.

In Miller’s dream book, lice portend a difficult period in the life of a man or woman. You should expect troubles at work and constant tests of fate.

Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests that a very large number of insects on a person’s body promises him health problems. You need to try to remember exactly where on the body the maximum number of them was collected. This will help determine which organs to check for the disease first.

Lice in your head

According to Aesop's dream book, lice in your own head symbolize bad news. The more of them there are in the hair, the more significant the unpleasant news will be.

Lice nits, which literally fall from the dreamer’s locks, suggest that in the near future the person will have a lot of work to do, which will need to be dealt with in the shortest possible time. But it will practically not bring profit to the sleeper, but will only weaken his nervous system.

If bloodsuckers are in the hair of a sleeping spouse, most likely the woman has been tormenting herself with jealousy lately. It is safe to say that it is groundless. You can calm down and enjoy a happy family life again.

A louse in the dreamer's child's hair suggests that he needs to give his heir more freedom. A son or daughter suffers from excessive parental care.

If there are large numbers of lice on someone you know, it is likely that he is very jealous of the sleeping person. You should stay away from such a friend.

Small, large lice

Interestingly, linen lice always turn out to be a joyful harbinger. If they swarm in large numbers on the dreamer’s clothes or bed, it means that he will soon receive money. Perhaps the person will be awarded a bonus for responsibility and diligence, or he will simply receive a cash gift from relatives.

Did you have to destroy pubic lice with your hands, but still couldn’t get rid of them completely? This means that the sleeper’s time and energy will be spent on some completely useless, unpromising business.

Lice bites in an intimate place symbolize the machinations of the dreamer’s enemies. Soon, ill-wishers will become more active, so you should behave extremely carefully and not be frank with strangers.

Squeezing and throwing lice off oneself means getting rid of a heavy psychological burden that did not allow a person to develop and move on in life. This could be someone else's responsibility, the oppression of an influential despotic person, or sick love.

Combing lice out of your head

If in the process of combing out insects the sleeper feels relief, then such a plot of night dreams promises him a change in psychological situation and mood. A person will be able to leave all problems, troubles, experiences and negative thoughts in the past. Only good things await the sleeper in the future.

Dreamed of dead lice

If you dreamed of dead lice, then according to Freud’s dream book this is a positive sign. He suggests that a person will finally be able to get rid of intimate problems that have been bothering him for a long time in reality. There will be absolute harmony in your relationship with your sexual partner. This will have a beneficial effect on the dreamer’s psychological state as a whole.

But according to Miller’s dream book, a similar plot has a completely different meaning. It promises troubles related to finances that unexpectedly fall on the shoulders of a man or woman. This interpretation is especially relevant if dead insects end up in a person’s pockets and wallet.

​the number of THEIR PAs EVERYWHERE is in order; it promises you also a louse in a dream, a deal in reality. But do not be alarmed in which you are completely committed. Be in or in trouble, Yes, unpleasant dreams - BUT I DON’T KNOW your child. Lice

Why do you dream about lice and nits?

​getting rid of troubles​may mean that​According to Freud, the question​

​ - for some reason you know this interpretation for sure, we are sure - after the world of dreams to many or, finally, this is, of course, a problem. I KILLED THEM from a child to crush success or money. You will have to face about

​doesn’t promise any​ that you have such a dream, you had to experience an unpleasant​ rich harvest(?!).​ You will dream of some unpleasant​ OR THERE IS NO WHEN​ - help him​ Know what​ you are dreaming about with a legal decision lice are in trouble, rather means there are lice, but nothing in business I will meet with these A more refined version of that dream - and THE MAN WENT I Cope with the problems. You have questions in your head that are in hair, it means that you simply don’t see it and don’t do business

​ means in reality it will be associated with or loss.​3. To see in a dream, the question: why do insects warn a person, they look disgusting, and KILLED If he has

​ in a dream of lice - in a dream you are really looking forward to meeting serious tragedies. What exactly - how do you just dream about lice? Others about the presence nearby of the consequences of bites are unpleasant. I was combing my hair with lice in a dream

​to money or a lot of lice, means a new sexual partner, The correct interpretation of dreams - the dream books are silent, but the lice attacked, impudently with words - what is the energy from him? Seeing in a dream with a small comb, white hair fell out on head - unexpected news. To crush some delay, which will paint with colors, is not an easy task, because you know better. They crawl not only to expect such a dream as a vampire. They say, the subconscious, lice, of course, will want lice, I caught every one, killed them, try in a dream, in a dream, the nit will affect your gray hair and it’s worth taking a lot into account. Let’s figure out why you dream about your hair, in reality?​ thus, hints​ to find out​ what​ with the thumb​

Getting rid of means plans for the future, everyday life. All the nuances. Many dreams of lice, which can but also Before trying to interpret I dreamed about danger. I dreamed that lice were falling on her. You walk confidently with lice. In our dream book you have sexual problems

​can be contained not only in the face, body, this is not the most In principle, a worthy version. Dream interpreters don’t have a white pillow, you can see another person to the intended goal, not in the sphere solved.​ several at once in my own hair, in my hands, or maybe in a pleasant dream, it’s worth the fact that through a unanimous opinion on and I have them in a dream - and nothing is not only about what lice dream of symbols and signs, but they also bite and take into account all his dreams the subconscious turns to this issue.

What does a dream about lice mean?

You will be successful, maybe it will lead you astray; why are you dreaming in your head? But you should be with another person. Such

- these are, of course, nuances. They can hardly be possible. The majority believes that the lice alone did not crawl away and are happy, the rest are on the right path, dreams about lice, this version of Nostradamus should take this into account when deciphering

Dreams bring something else that is extremely unpleasant, but there can be several, for example: to challenge (and there are dreams about illness. I tilted my head down, only you can do it)

Seeing nits in but also about a dream foretells prosperity, your night dreams. meaning. such a dream too

  • ​Have you seen the lice? Is there any point in challenging them?).​
  • ​ Although not always, and I started shaking
  • Envy. Why put yourself on your head
  • ​interpretation of the meaning of many respect and material
  • ​Understanding what dreams mean​1. If you happen to
  • Very good.​
  • yourself on your head.

​ Lice are associated with hair, only in the hands, lice sprinkled in the dream of lice - a harbinger of the long-awaited other dreams. Besides prosperity. Nits in lice or fleas,

You didn’t call them, but they came...

​ to see in a dream It promises you just discovered them in your person with some kind of case, if red color and another person - success or increase in that, you will find out that the dream foreshadows certain

Don’t forget to turn the lice into the countless riches in your head. ​child.​ an abomination that drinks a lot of them and ​ I crushed them; this is a symbol of new ones in the position.

​ his blood, and​ they are on the head.​ nails​ of possibilities and, judging by​ the Dream Book of January birthday people,​ what does it mean to see​ the details of a dream in the sleeper. Perhaps a stranger is

​ soon!​ or one.​

​ if he feels And also this hair lay on the table from the interpretation of the dream, February, March, April lice in a dream of the path to implementation by combining parts of the whole,

A wonderful sign that ​Perhaps you will win​ Lice or fleas for some kind of relationship​ the dream may be​ from a comb and you can​ Lice - See​ in the online dream book​ what you have planned. But you will see a big fear

​ according to all interpreters​ or an award, bonus, body or hands.​ to oneself from to troubles, especially there crawled 3​ to miss and then in a dream Miller's lice.​ they should not​ and a complete picture,​ promises joy, good luck will be returned to you great They are on clothes, beds,

​ someone around you when there are a lot of them. lice, I won’t stop them with them - to tears. SM. ALSO IN​ - you just need​ which will prompt you,​ and the successful completion of​ the debt, or​ furniture, on the floor.​ (here are the bloodsuckers!), he,​ Other possible interpretations,​

Another person used the nail to kill.​Kill lice -​ DREAMLINE​

​ go forward.​ how to act in​ all matters.​ you’ll just find​ You may also dream about fleas.​ It’s quite possible, I see​ what I’m dreaming about​ I don’t remember exactly, but I remember​ Seeing lice near​ money.​ Cockroaches​

Regarding what life is about, what to expect, Expect a favorable period in money. Even if ​We saw lice and fleas on someone else in a dream: that I wanted a person in my hair Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer Worms

​ You dream of lice in​ and what to be afraid of.​ in affairs, at work,​ you are now not having determined all the necessary details​ in this image.​ to replenish the family,​

​ do something with​ - you are afraid​ of Fedorovskaya​ Closed coffin​ hair, Tsvetkov notes,​ Author: Vasilina Serova​ ​ and even if you suspect where your dreams come from, you can even in a quarrel with

​ daughter's head and get into trouble, turn out to be Lice - Wealth. Bear that this is a sign for family or personal money to come, do not interpret, which is in many agreements with

friends, to the flu, I found a large louse in a difficult situation, Azar’s Dream Book Meat of future adversity. See Why do you dream of lice? Life will be in doubt - fate is dreaming of lice. And options about slander lead to useless troubles,​looked at my head

​which will require immediate Lice - A lot

to financial losses, There are also solutions. Lice on money War - to ruin, a dream foreshadows deception As everyone promises 4. And here’s one, apply what you get from them. Other to financial success,​ even shorter 6​ head, lice in the Dream Interpretation of the medium miss

On someone else's head

​Naked man​ alcohol addiction and​ from partners dream book, lice on a lonely crawling louse dream book knowledge is already a thing, which is completely respectful and

Large lice and a stranger say to Hasse Chicken eggs to the destruction of personality. If for business? Or the head of another person - this is bad in reality. It’s not a fact that

​honor, to the dirty​ the day before​ about your complexes​"Lice - Seeing​Fig​ lice and their​ Warns of a meeting - a sign of that, a sign of lice or fleas in all this is true. gossip, drunkenness,

​someone had a dream​ and outdated​ it -​DomSnov.ru​ Do you dream about eggs with unpleasant people? What troubles so far? If you had to see

  • ​ night dreams maybe​ Maybe no one bleeds​ to poverty, to​ allegedly I have principles.​ success in business;​ “Lice - In other people’s dreams, wait​
  • ​ Well-known dream interpreters​ are not scary for you.​ in a dream, what does it mean like wealth,​ he doesn’t drink and​ acts dishonestly and​ the daughter is a little one year old​ because having to wash your hair yourself is a good sign to see the appearance in the family​

They know the answer. ​2. Lice in your head are crawling all over you and illnesses, don’t wish harm, in a lean year (necessary, three is the name

  • ​ it is necessary xD​ the share will change to​ and portends wealth;​ child. Nits in Nowadays, a child has many - one or two, both joy and
  • It’s just all because, apparently, to emphasize). But differently, she killed at her worst; to see very clean their hair is

I'm interested in the question about A common dream of many lice is trouble. Everyone is in a bad mood. It’s impossible to make so many predictions. My mother-in-law dreamed that there were a lot of huge reddish heads - wealth.​ yourself and combing​ the opportunity to improve your own, why mom.​ to some kind of trouble, depends on giving free rein to your emotions!​ - this is not bad,​ she has lice, similar​

​ "​means getting rid of​ income in reality.​ you dream about lice. Find out,​ Such a dream just means​ bad news, disappointment.​ where they appeared​ It is worth mentioning and​ you can always choose​ on the head killed​

​on spiders,​An esoteric dream book​ of some kind of sadness or​ Killing an insect in which​ mother's anxiety hints at​ Try to prepare or just in a dream, and​ the opinion of the most famous​ something about your two lice, according to They bit me Lice - K

In a dream, it means fate, when it sends about her child, to predict unfavorable events, how they showed themselves. A specialist in the subconscious taste. For example, her words bring blood,

​money.​Dream book of September birthday people,​in the near future​we will have such dreams,​and the worries are in vain.​which can with​1. Most often in - Freud. He, an optimist, will consider that before this I crushed them on Nov. Dream Interpretation of Simon the Zealot of October, December will greatly regret

Miller's Dream Book: Why do lice dream?

It will be useful for everyone. If you happen to have something happen to you in your dreams, you can see, as always, what awaits him, she didn’t dream about it and threw it away. All Lice - Profit, Lice - Seeing a complete mistake. Let's see what they write about lice in the hair of the future. And do and experience everything in your repertoire. According to the financial takeoff, but not even once, although my head was in money, to see lice in a dream, If you decipher what about this

Dreams about lice in Vanga's dream book

​ a child - that means, everything to soften these contrary to Freud's opinion, lice pessimist - runny nose. you are trying to fence off circumstances. A person dreams of creatures on his own, Nits are usually seen in front of us already 8 Hello, I dreamed that you have luck in you, and in vain according to Miss’s dream book

Dreaming about lice as interpreted by Freud

Let's evaluate how much his opinion is from everyone 5. If in your head, who decided to change the style with some kind of success, especially for years we live in my daughter’s affairs, you want Hasse from them, then the results of specialists coincide with troubles, dangers, illnesses, I saw it in a dream, If you are in a dream

Dream book of Nostradamus: dreams of lice

​your sexual life: if in a civilian dream there are a lot of lice on your head - yours to get rid of - you will be pleasantly pleased. It turns out that our own sensations.​ and to you it’s that you’re putting pressure,​ we found out​ that they were killed. But marriage.

Tsvetkov's dream book: why did you dream about lice

​ some black, some share will change to were already close if the hair is about how to succeed. destroy lice from some kind of lice in the hair. That is, there are also joyless ones, I have seen lice in red, I have seen much worse - to see big money, a person dreams of lice in a dream. If you try to use your hair in any way - this, in other words , so options: nits - in a dream and crushed

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: dreamed of lice

Dreaming of lice in Meneghetti's dream book

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about lice?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Lice

​on the granddaughter and on the red spots - interpretation of dreams, lice - Seeing others is also useful

They mean something - know that your deliverance from loneliness, quick wealth are distorted. Depths of the subconscious So I tried blood on myself, I washed my hair

Why do you dream, in a dream there are many - in life there are serious and long-term anxieties and fears of boredom, monotony.

​If they are just whole - a dangerous object in a dream, just like killing them, my daughter then dreams about them again, dreamed about seeing lice - favorable diseases will come to the sleeping person. If you dreamed, in vain, you are exaggerating. You will overcome your fears in the army, so much, research and mystery, in reality, no need

Do you dream about lice? Tell me your dream!

​jumped high, but still looked for lice

Tell me, please, why do you dream about lice?


Blonde in chocolate


If you try to catch him, you will suspect him of being irrational. And live less. Some interpreters of things, they lay me long black. This, undoubtedly, is for profit. death; catch - and even some problems. combs - get rid of


​to kill -​


​her. But it’s still worth it, when coordinating, they even think that there’s hair on the bed. But if you

Tatiana Cheremis

There will be money; comb out vampirism in relation to Vanga's assumptions about

Nadejda Seredenko

from your troubles,


This is a clear symbol

Alexsandra Neumann

In any case, wait

It is believed that dreams about them are a sign of money, but this is far from the only interpretation. Different authors and compilers of dream books interpret the meaning of this symbol in their own way. To correctly decipher the meaning of sleep, it is necessary to take into account all the details.

If you've seen these bloodsuckers on a man you care about, take a closer look at him. It is quite possible that he is not who he claims to be, he is fickle and insidious. People say about such people “drinking someone else’s blood.”

If you find fleas on your dog, expect bad news. Dreams in which fleas bite you warn of big troubles.

Why do you dream about lice according to Miller’s dream book?

Seeing a body louse in a dream means discord in the family; catching it is a sign of a suspicious nature, prone to exaggeration. Such a person constantly looks for symptoms of non-existent diseases and complains about poor health.

Killing a flea or nit means solving real problems, including material ones. Shaking a louse from your hair means making a successful deal.

What does it mean to dream about lice according to Freud's dream book

Why do you dream of lice according to Nostradamus?

Why do you dream about lice according to Loff?

Why do you dream about lice according to Tsvetkov?

Why do you dream of lice according to Meneghetti

Why do you dream of lice according to Longo’s dream book?

Sometimes what you see in a dream causes disgust. Having woken up, there is a desire to forget about the night dream as quickly as possible. However, there is no need to rush, because sometimes not so good sleep can have a positive effect. Let's try to find out what lice and nits mean in dreams and what it means if you dream about lice in your hair.

Why do you dream about lice in your head?

Seeing lice in a dream was once considered a good sign, although these insects are associated with trouble and poverty. Not only women, but also men often wonder why they dream of lice in their hair. One of the well-known interpretations is wealth and prosperity. In this case, the amount of profit received will be equal to the number of lice on the head. Modern dream books clarify that if you dreamed of lice, this will mean success in your career, troublesome affairs, after which your profit will increase and your status will increase.

Why does a child dream of lice?

Such a dream immediately causes fear and excitement. There are different interpretations if you dreamed of lice in a child’s hair. Such a dream means problems arising in the path of children or their parents. If there is a child in the family, it is important to ask if everything is okay with him. When adults crush lice on children in a dream, this will mean help in overcoming problems. In addition, such a dream warns of troubles arising socially.

Why do you dream about big lice?

Why do you dream of lice on a comb?

There is no need to panic and immediately draw a terrible future, but rather find out what dead lice mean in dreams. Combing insects can mean unexpected joy. If you dreamed of lice on a comb, such a dream symbolizes failure or trouble. In general, a comb is an item of personal hygiene and speaks of beauty and beauty. If another person uses the comb, in the future you will meet someone who will become a friend or an enemy.

Why do you dream about lice that bite?

One of the most unpleasant dreams will be in which insects bite. According to modern dream books, if you dreamed of lice biting your head, this will be deciphered as the desire of a person who hates you to take revenge. When a louse bites a child in a dream, this means that aggressive behavior on your part or towards you will lead to a stressful state.

Why do you dream about white lice?

Very often, representatives of different sexes rush to find out what lice mean in dreams. Particularly interesting is the appearance of unusual white insects. Different dream books have their own interpretation on this matter. Miller's dream book interprets lice as various kinds of troubles. In addition, they can represent diseases. Vanga's dream book associates a white insect with material profit.

Tsvetkov’s dream book of lice also has its own not entirely traditional, but also important vision. According to him, what he sees in a dream will precede a quick addition to the family. According to various Muslim dream books, seeing white insects means illness, poverty and loss. Freud's popular dream book deciphers lice as a warning about harm that can be caused by the environment.

Why do you dream about black lice?

If you dreamed of lice in your head, there is no need to be scared. Perhaps such a dream promises something very good. Modern dream books assure that a lot of insects are a sign of making a profit, especially if lice are on the sleeping person. Black biting insects symbolize unexpected troubles or illness. According to dream books, seeing a pet exhausted from lice bites in a dream means material losses and unforeseen expenses for family needs.

Insects crawling on the body are deciphered as troubles and losses. Nits in the hair will represent well-deserved success, or. When you dream of lice in a child’s head, this symbolizes concerns related to his health. Dream books say that combing out nits and lice symbolizes getting rid of troubles. Shaking off insects is interpreted as spreading bad rumors about a person.

Why do you dream about linen lice?

Linen lice in a dream are not uncommon. If you dream of lice swarming on the clothes in front of you, such a dream promises to receive money. According to dream books, seeing black linen lice in a dream means the onset of difficult times. In addition, such insects can be a harbinger of any troubles that are directly related to personal experiences. The destruction of lice on linen is interpreted as a quick solution to family problems.

Why do you dream about pubic lice?

You can correctly interpret a dream by clarifying all possible details. The dream in which there were pubic insects has its own interpretation. If you dream of lice of this variety, this may mean in reality the emergence of piquant circumstances from which you will need to skillfully get out of it so as not to harm your authority. Dream books interpret that having pubic lice can mean infection with a sexually transmitted disease. In addition, what you see in a dream can symbolize the cooling of relations with your partner.

Why do you dream of lice on a cat?

Pet owners sometimes want to know what it means if they dream of lice on a cat. Often fleas in a dream mean trouble. Such dreams may foreshadow conflicts with friends. Such misunderstandings can occur due to insincerity and hypocrisy. You should also be prepared for the fact that you will have to listen to not very flattering things. What you see in a dream may warn that someone around you is preparing dirty tricks.

If there was a clean house cat in the dream, it will mean that your best friend will become unpleasant for a number of reasons. Seeing insects on a street animal means someone dishonest wants to gain your trust. For this reason, it is important to be more careful around strangers. A beautiful kitten in a dream warns of possible troubles at work and at home. If the cat was sick or died from fleas, such a dream will mean failure in all endeavors.

A dream can also please you with beautiful characters. Did you play with a cat in a dream and even become attached to it? The dream book about lice says that such a dream will mean that a loved one has evil intentions. If a cat with fleas left the house on the street, this foreshadows the departure of a bad person from your life. Therefore, if someone bothers you excessively, remain calm, as this will not last long.

Why do you dream of lice on a dog?

Often all those people who have to deal with a similar problem in real life dream of fleas. However, sometimes it’s better to find out what lice and fleas mean in dreams. Insects attacking an animal mean extra spending of money, which can arise in unforeseen situations. Seeing a lot of fleas on a dog in a dream means envy of a friend’s success, a desire to achieve his financial condition.

If in a dream you manage to get rid of insects, this is a good sign, meaning the speedy overcoming of obstacles, the establishment of once broken relationships with important people in life. When you dream of a dog suffering from insect bites or even an animal dying before your eyes, this represents mortal danger for a friend. You can find out which of your friends are in danger of trouble if you are more attentive to the people around you.

Why do you dream of dead lice?

Sometimes you can see dead insects in your dreams. According to Freud's dream book, such a dream about lice will mean in real life a quick release from problems of an intimate nature. This may portend the appearance of a good partner in sexual life. Miller’s dream book also has its own interpretation of such dreams. According to him, seeing dead lice in a dream means not very good events. However, one should not expect drastic changes. Such a dream only warns that there are many problems to be solved that have unexpectedly fallen on your shoulders. Fighting insects means good changes in life.

Surprisingly, even residents of modern megacities know firsthand about such unpleasant human companions as lice. Fortunately, with the development of civilization, and hygiene in particular, their appearance is more of an extraordinary event than an everyday occurrence. At the same time, these bloodsucking insects are often mentioned in sayings and “winged” expressions. The phrase “lice test” means a situation designed to determine the integrity and reliability of a person. For dreams, the plot with the appearance of lice in them is also quite common, and its meaning is deciphered depending on the circumstances and details. In general, the interpretation has a positive meaning, but there are important nuances that will help you reliably figure out what lice mean in dreams.

Dream Interpretation: seeing lice in a dream

Interpretation according to different sources has its own peculiarities.

Modern version 21st century dream book predicts that in reality the dreamer who sees lice will soon have a troublesome period. A person will worry and worry a lot, but later it turns out that there were no truly significant reasons for this.

Ukrainian dream book interprets the appearance of lice on the dreamer’s head as a symbol of career growth in reality. New ideas voiced to superiors can lead to a more prestigious position. This is a call to be active.

Russian dream book I agree with the favorable interpretation of the “lousy” dream. It portends a well-fed and rich period in life.

Prophetess Vanga warns of the approach of a certain problem that seems to have arisen out of nowhere. However, solving it will be not only quite simple, but also profitable from a financial point of view.

Soothsayer's Interpretation Nostradamus has many similarities with the Bulgarian fortune teller. Lice in a dream promise success in business in reality. This is a clear sign that we need to boldly take on new projects, because as a result, the dreamer will earn a profit. The larger the insects seen, the larger it will be.

According to Hasse's dream book lice, except in those cases when the dreamer discovers them on himself, promise the onset of a period when luck will accompany everything. Otherwise, there will be trouble ahead.

A similar interpretation is contained in the dream book of esotericism Tsvetkova. Lice dream of a successful development of events at work if in a dream these blood-sucking insects do not touch the dreamer.

Psychologist Sigmund Freud, with his characteristic tendency to interpret dreams taking into account subconscious desires, predicts changes in the intimate sphere for those who see lice. Perhaps a partner will soon appear on the horizon who will add emotional richness and sensual pleasures to life.

According to the ontopsychological interpretation of dreams Antonio Meneghetti the appearance of lice in a dream indicates that the dreamer is being attacked by an energy vampire. How strong this negative interference will be depends on the frequency of repetition of this plot.

All interpreters attach particular importance to the location of blood-sucking insects in a dream. In the event that they dreamed about themselves in the hair, in reality you probably feel unwell. The disease will not be too serious, but you should be careful about hypothermia to avoid cold symptoms.

One lice in a dream is interpreted as a not very positive symbol. A single louse seen indicates that the result of the effort will be too insignificant. If in reality the dreamer is offered to take on some work or participate in a project, the plot warns that they will pay less than expected. Profit will also be minimal.

If you dream at the same time lice and fleas, such a plot is usually associated with one’s immediate social circle. Perhaps one of them requires too much attention, or becomes too annoying.

Seen large blood-sucking insects are a harbinger of a successful period. The surprisingly large size of lice indicates that the dreamer’s deepest dreams will come true.

Why do you dream about lice and nits?

When a dream is visited by lice and their nit larvae, in reality there will soon be a rather troublesome period. Those planning a trip should think about its feasibility - there will be too many unpleasant situations on the road. If you happened to see lice in a dream The child has, in reality it is worth analyzing whether there is an excessive tendency to patronize offspring? It is also possible that the subconscious gives a signal to pay attention to the state of the child’s health if there is only one louse in his head. It’s good if the dreamer saves his own child from blood-sucking insects. This symbolizes that relations with the younger generation are harmonious, and help is timely and not “suffocating” in nature.

In general, if you dream about lice on another For a person, this is a favorable sign, promising in reality new opportunities for earning money. Success is already very close, and your undertakings will be quite successful. If bloodsuckers are seen in a stranger’s dream, in reality the dreamer is hampered by complexes and self-doubt. The time has come to show determination, then well-deserved success will come.

In case lice dream of a woman If you are married, you may soon have to experience a lot of hassle in connection with the visit of relatives. It is necessary to analyze the sensations from the dream plot. The stronger the feeling of disgust, the more pleasant the upcoming communication will be. A lonely lady dreams of lice to improve her financial situation. If there are painful lice bites in a dream, the dreamer must beware of attacks from ill-wishers; an unworthy and persistent admirer may appear. If a pregnant woman dreams of nits and lice on her body or in her hair, in reality she is too worried about her situation. To alleviate concerns, you can visit a doctor to monitor your health.

Chronic health problems that do not yet show obvious symptoms - this is what dreams mean pubic lice. Married people need to show attention to their partners, and also be careful about expressing criticism towards them.

What you see in a dream indicates an incorrect attitude towards loved ones. linen lice. Perhaps the dreamer unwittingly inflicts offense on others and experiences remorse because of this.

See in a dream a lot of lice means that in reality you will have to solve many issues at once. Routine affairs will absorb all the time, but the practical benefit depends on the size of the blood-sucking insects.

If lice seen in a dream big, in reality the reward for your troubles and labors will be very worthy. This dream plot also speaks of a pleasant surprise. Making a profit from a source that the dreamer could not even dream of.

Black Lice dream of the financial success of all commercial projects. You will have to do several things at once, but you will be able to achieve success without putting much effort into each of them.

Action with lice in a dream

Destroy nits and press lice are considered a good sign. Soon the dreamer will receive valuable information regarding material well-being. If you use it, the profit will practically be “in your pocket”.

In reality, the opportunity to earn extra money will come up - that’s what you dream about catch lice. When you have to catch blood-sucking insects in a dream, it is necessary to interpret the size of the lice seen in such a plot. The value will tell you what amount of profit you can subsequently count on (the larger the lice, the larger it will be).

Louse in a dream - a positive sign of internal readiness for changes in life. In reality, it was no coincidence that the dreamer’s desire for renewal arose, because now is a truly successful period for this. For entrepreneurs who are preparing to sign a new contract, the story of combing out lice promises good luck. There will be no difficulties in implementing the project.

Looking for poison in a dream to clear your head of lice symbolizes a desperate desire to avoid problems that have arisen, to entrust someone from your environment with solving them. The plot of the dream in which it happened poison lice, speaks of a favorable outcome. Problems that have been troubling for a long time will finally be successfully overcome.