Make a cockerel out of plasticine. How to make a rooster from plasticine

Modeling a rooster from plasticine or mastic is an extremely exciting activity. After all, just think about what a miracle will come out of small, shapeless pieces. In a short time, you will make a plasticine craft with your own hands: a figurine of a cockerel and you can add it to any plot composition or leave it alone, thereby providing it with a central and most noticeable place.

Advice: Before you start sculpting the cockerel, the plasticine needs to be warmed up. To do this, you can briefly place the box on the battery. If the battery turns out to be very hot, you can make a layer of fabric and place it between the box and the surface of the battery. The warm plasticine mass is very pliable and you will certainly get maximum pleasure not only from the result, but also from the modeling process itself.

How to make a cockerel from plasticine: master class

To make such a rooster with our own hands we will need:

  • Plasticine - 5 colors;
  • modeling board;
  • stack.

We make the following blanks from white plasticine (see photo below)

Now squeeze two small circles with your finger. Thus, we have the basis of the cockerel, namely: the head, body and wings.

We roll the small circles into sausages, and on the large one we make 5 through cuts with a stack. In this case, the central cut should be larger, the rest can be made shorter. For what? Now you will understand!

Now flatten the ball with the cuts with your finger and get a scallop.

The step with sculpting the scallop may not work out the first time, but this is probably the only difficulty in the master class.

Now let's begin the first assembly of the cockerel base.

We attach the head to the body, and to the head - the comb, beak and beard. Like this!

We take flattened balls of white plasticine - let me remind you, these are our wings, and roll 4 (5) colored peas for each of them.

Now from each pea we will form flattened triangles with rounded edges and stick them to the white base.

The wings are ready - we fasten them in place.

Let’s put our cockerel on its paws, and then we’ll calmly sculpt the tail :)

To do this, we sculpt a figure from yellow sausages as in the photo below. It consists of an oval and a plasticine sausage placed in the middle.

All that remains is to cut the element in half and...

... press the parts in the right place.

Hooray! Our cockerel can already stand on his own!

We make a tail from 4 (5) balls.

We form plasticine in the same way as when sculpting feathers for wings.

All that remains is to collect the tail “in a heap” and squeeze it well at the base. If there is a lot of plasticine of any color, you can always cut it off using a stack.

We fasten the tail in place and, if necessary, lightly cover the joint with white plasticine, slightly masking the seam.

Well, the last few touches remain. We make eyes from tiny balls and fasten them in place.

A handmade plasticine cockerel for the New Year is ready!

We invite you to make a craft with your children. A rooster made of plasticine is a colorful symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017, or perhaps a participant in a home theater from a fairy tale about a rooster and two restless mice, or the commander-in-chief in a plasticine chicken coop. This craft is easy to do; just repeat all the steps given in our master class to get an impressive result.

In our work we used dark red, orange and green plasticine to imitate the believable coloring of a betta. But your craft can become more colorful if you show your imagination and select a different range of plasticine colors for sculpting a rooster.

To make a rooster from plasticine, take:

dark red plasticine (it can be obtained by mixing a bright scarlet shade and brown);

green plasticine (the same muted shade);

a little orange;

a little yellow;

a drop of black;

a match and a sharp toothpick or glass.

Plasticine rooster step by step: description of work

First of all, let's prepare a set of plasticine and select the desired shades and stack from it.

Mix a little red and brown to get a muted red color. Let's immediately form three balls from it: one will be the largest, the second will be medium in size, and the third will be the smallest.

Let's sharpen the large ball a little on one side: this will be the body. Let's stick a medium-sized piece to the wider part. We deform it, pulling it up: we get a neck. And to the highest point I attach a small ball - the head of a rooster.

From orange plasticine we make two droplets - larger and smaller. They are easy to make: roll two balls in your palms, and then pull each of them out with your fingers. We stick the smaller droplet like a beard, and flatten the larger one with our fingers on both sides, forming a comb. Attach the comb to the head in the right place.

We add black dots-eyes and a yellow-orange beak: both are made on the basis of balls, only for the eyes they are tiny and flattened when glued to the head, and for the beak the ball is larger. stretches out into a droplet and flattens on the side on which it is attached to the head.

We pinch off several small pieces from a block of green plasticine, knead each of them along the way with our fingers and roll it into a kind of ball (there is no need to achieve ideal shapes at this stage).

Roll each ball with your fingers into a thin sausage.

We form a fluffy tail from the resulting sausages, collecting all the details in a bun. Attach the tail to the back of the rooster.

We make two small cakes from orange plasticine and stretch them into the shape of wings. Using a toothpick, we apply notches - feathers on the wings of a plasticine rooster.

We attach the resulting wings to the sides, gently pressing on the plasticine to securely fasten the parts together.

To make stable legs for the rooster, break a match in half. Place a thin layer of orange plasticine on it; insert one side of the match into the body, and attach plasticine legs to the opposite side (three short plasticine sausages molded into a flat bundle).

The bright plasticine rooster is ready: as you can see, it’s not at all difficult to make. The craft can be frozen in the refrigerator to strengthen it, and then placed under the New Year tree or included in home games. And we advise cross stitch lovers to pay attention to the master class on creating embroidered chickens.

Elena Nikolaeva (text edited by Eva Casio) especially for the site

A child can create very original and bright products from colored plasticine. In the future, plasticine crafts can become one of the baby’s favorite toys. The theme of sculpting can be absolutely anything. As a rule, kids love to use bright colors of plasticine, so invite him to make a rooster out of plasticine. To create it, the child will be able to use any shades of the mass and its combinations. The modeling technique shown in our master class is very easy and the child can complete all the steps independently.

To sculpt a rooster you will need:

  • bright plasticine of any shades;
  • plastic knife/stack;
  • two toothpicks (one for the base of the paws, and the second for drawing the texture).

How to make a rooster from plasticine

Step 1. We decided to use orange plasticine as the main color. Roll the whole block into a ball. Now you need to carefully roll it out and bend it to form the body and head of a rooster. As a result, your workpiece should have this shape.

Step 2. We will make the wings from a contrasting color - green. We create six drop-shaped parts from the mass. Then we glue them together in threes and flatten them. We fix the resulting wings on the sides of the base.

Step 3. We create the comb and earrings in the same way, but from red plasticine. Glue the blanks to the rooster's head and flatten them a little with your fingers.

Step 4. The next stage is creating the beak and eyes. Roll out a mini-cone from light beige plasticine, cut its sharp tip with a stack and glue it over the earrings.

Next, mark the place for the eyes with the round tip of the stack. Then we roll white and black balls and glue them into the middle.

We also treat the comb and earrings with the ball.

Step 5. To sculpt the rooster's fluffy tail, you can use several shades of mass at once, for example blue and green. We form thin oblong pieces from the prepared blocks.

We flatten them and cut through the texture of the feathers. Glue the base of all the feathers together, and then give them a beautiful curved shape.

Attach the tail to the body of the rooster.

We also cut through the texture on the green wings.

Step 6. Now we create the legs. Break the toothpick in half. We create two small balls from orange plasticine and place them on the top of the toothpicks. Then we attach the legs to the abdomen.

Step 7. To make the rooster more stable, you need to make a stand for it. Let's make it from a piece of green plasticine. We fix the craft in it, and then we add mini-balls to the legs and cut through the fingers.

Exciting modeling activities with children are an excellent basis for developing the child’s creative potential. Bright plasticine encourages the creation of interesting crafts. The child will be equally interested in copying real-life objects and creating incredible fantastic crafts.

Children over 5 years old can make a bright rooster out of plasticine on their own, and the youngest children should enlist the support of adults. Detailed instructions for completing the craft are given below. To sculpt a rooster, you can choose any suitable shades of plasticine: white, yellow, orange, brown, red, etc.

1. Select a material for sculpting the body, for example, yellow, and roll an oval out of it.

2. Place a brighter orange cake on one side and make small notches around its circumference.

3. Attach a little more plasticine of the same color to the central part of the orange cake.

4. Make a large red comb and attach a sharp beak.

5. Complete the look of the rooster with eyes made of white and black grains.

6. To create the poultry wings, make triangular shapes and carefully cut them in a stack to represent the feathers.

7. Place the wings against the body and press until they stick.

8. The rooster should have a fluffy motley tail. To sculpt it, roll several sausages from plasticine in yellow, orange and red shades.

9. Gather the prepared parts into a single bundle and attach to the back of the craft. Then fluff up your tail.

10. And the last element of the bird is the legs. Make them from yellow and orange plasticine.

11. Attach the legs to the lower part of the body. For stability and secure fastening, use match halves.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Here we have such a bright cockerel. You can safely leave it on the shelf in the children's room, because the plasticine copy will not crow loudly in the morning and wake up everyone in the household. Also, you can make plasticine with your own hands, which will be completely safe for small children to sculpt.

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Today, together with you, we will learn how to sculpt a rooster from plasticine. This poultry is the real owner of the chicken coop and the head of the chicken family. He walks importantly around the yard and looks at his possessions. And if two or more roosters live together, then you cannot do without a fight, because these birds do not like rivals.

In this sculpting lesson we will show you how to sculpt a colorful poultry. And at the same time, we will offer you a way to recycle mixed plasticine, which has already served its purpose.

Other lessons on the topic of pets:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

The plumage of roosters is sometimes replete with rainbow colors. It is impossible to understand which color is the main one, and in the sun the feathers generally shimmer, as if they were mother-of-pearl. In general, for sculpting a rooster it is better to use a mixture of shades, and several. For example, you can make red or orange the main color and add green, yellow, brown and others to it. Overall, sculpting a rooster out of plasticine is a great way to use up already damaged material. Surely, after the experiments of the young sculptors, pieces of an unknown color remain in the box. They are the ones that will suit us for sculpting. Roll into a ball.

Attach a protrusion to the ball - the neck and head. The same mixed red or orange plasticine is suitable for this.

At the top of the protrusion, attach the beak, eyes and red beard under the beak.

To sculpt the wings, plasticine of a similar shade is suitable, or add more green to it. First, pinch off two portions from a piece, knead them in your hands, and flatten them. Then press down on the sides with your fingers. You should get flat cakes, the shape of which resembles a drop. Draw many stripes in a stack on the surface of the wings.

Connect two flat parts with a voluminous body.

Make the tail in the same color scheme as the wings. Pull the mass into several oblong thin sausages. Assemble a bouquet from the prepared parts. And pre- or subsequently rinse the plates with a stack. Fluff the top for a chic ponytail.

Attach the tail to its rightful place.

Next you have to decide how to make the rooster stable. Thin legs can be made using matches or toothpicks. Take the halves, stick a thin layer of plasticine on them, and attach paws with three fingers to the bottom.

Attach the legs to the main craft.

So the bright plasticine rooster is ready. You can make a chicken coop and place a rooster in it.