Step-by-step instruction. How to get a personal webmoney certificate? Get a personal webmoney certificate online

The WebMoney payment system is one of the most popular. Almost every serious project on the Internet has the ability to pay for goods or services through the electronic wallet of this system.

Taking advantage of the free time on vacation, I went to Moscow to receive a personal WebMoney certificate. Now I will tell you what a personal certificate gives and how to get it?

Obtaining a personal WebMoney passport in Moscow

Each participant in the WebMoney system has his own certificate. A WM-passport is a digital certificate, so to speak, “your passport” on the Internet, with the help of which you carry out monetary transactions.

When making your first transaction with a stranger, check his ID in the system, this will allow you to protect yourself well from scammers.

Pay attention to the type of certificate, age of the account, business level, and the presence of complaints.

Why do I need a personal passport

So, why do I need a personal passport? I'll outline the main points:

1. First, this is to increase the trust of your clients and users. In the future, I want to create a section with paid services. My personal certificate indicates that I am responsible to my clients, since dishonest performance of services can prevent the operation of my electronic wallet.

2. The second point is to link a bank card to be able to withdraw funds from the WebMoney system to a bank plastic card. I’ll write soon about this in more detail, since I’m doing this myself now.

3. Further, we are offered the opportunity to participate in various interesting WebMoney systems and affiliate programs. There is a lot of useful stuff here, so in order not to describe everything, I’ll throw in a link -

Here you can learn about all types of certificates and their capabilities.

Let's see what needs to be done to obtain a personal certificate.

1. First, you need to register in the system. For convenient use, you can download the wallet client for your PC or mobile phone.

Hi all! In this article I will answer the question: “How to get a personal WebMoney passport?” Read about what I did for this and how it happened in this article.

Recently, or rather on July 29, 2013, I received the following message in my mailbox: “your application for a WebMoney certificate has been approved. To view your WMID certificate, open this page.

Well, for those who don’t even know what webmoney is, I’ll stop with a few words. If you earn money on the Internet or want to buy various goods online, then you cannot do without a WebMoney electronic wallet. Therefore on webmoney official website, download the Webmoney Keeper Classic client and install it on your computer following all the system instructions. After you install this client on your computer, you will be assigned a 12-digit WMID, then create your own personal electronic webmoney wallet in any currency (R - rubles, Z - dollars, E - euros).

After creating it, you will be given your personal webmoney wallet number, which also consists of 12 digits. After receiving the WMID and wallet number, you need to obtain a formal certificate by giving the webmoney system your passport and other data for verification.

Wallets can be topped up using a payment terminal, bank card, or mobile phone. I top up using my mobile phone, it’s the most convenient way and I don’t even have to leave the house.

Well, you can spend money from WebMoney anywhere, buying clothes, products, services, etc. You can even withdraw money to a plastic card; in general, there are a lot of possibilities. Read more on the official website.

Why do you need a personal certificate?

  • Of course, what everyone basically wants to get a personal passport for is to later replace it with a seller’s passport. And receiving it will make it possible to automate it from buyers on your blog or website using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service. I am sure that many of you have already paid for something on the Internet via webmoney automatically, click the “pay” button, a window pops up asking you to enter a captcha, then click the “receive password by SMS” button, enter the password sent to your phone and That's it, the purchase is completed;
  • You can participate in the work of the credit exchange.
  • Participate in partner program of the Certification Center by issuing initial certificates, making money from this;
  • Get debit Star/Plus bank card and use it to withdraw funds from the system;
  • Serve without restrictions arbitration system claims against other system participants.

There are a number of other possibilities, but I won’t go into them, because... You can write a separate article about them, especially since you can read more detailed information here. I told you these 5 opportunities, which, in my opinion, are most interesting at the initial stage of the formation of an Internet business. Also, the presence of a personal certificate, like a business card, indicates the seriousness of your intentions, that you did not come to fool around and scam people out of money, that this is not part of your interests. Now it is clear? It's not just good, it's very good)

Two ways to obtain a personal certificate

The first method is the method I used. Let me tell you in more detail what and how I did to obtain a personal certificate.

1. I went to the passport control panel in the application form and clicked "Get a personal certificate" . Next we see a list of registrars, participants in the Certification Center’s affiliate program, who, in fact, issue personal certificates . Here you will see two ways to get it . The first is a personal meeting with the registrar and provision of the necessary documents; the second is by sending notarized documents sent by mail. Registrars for the first or second method can be found by the corresponding icons. I used the first method, so I chose an attester who lived in the city closest to me.

2. Went to the section certification documents and rules, downloaded to your computer and printed out an applicant application for the WebMoney Transfer system for citizens of the Russian Federation with a bar code.

You need to fill it out. There's nothing complicated there. In the field (indicate your VM ID) I entered the 12-digit WMID number, each digit above each stroke in large, clear numbers. The fields signature, surname, initials and date do not need to be filled in; you will do this in the presence of the attester.

3. Scanned the home page and registration page of my passport.

4. Arrived at the specified address, provided an application and scanned passports. All! On the same day, or rather July 29, 2013, I received a message to my e-mail: “Your application for a WebMoney certificate has been approved.

Second way. You do everything the same (pay for the application), except:

1. Fill out an application and go to a notary to have it certified. The notary will check your data in the application with the data in your passport. If everything is filled out correctly, he will tell you to fill out the remaining fields (signature, surname, initials and date), put two stamps, pay him the money and you’re done with the notary). Attention!!! WebMoney requires you to provide them with the contact information of the notary with whom you certified the application, so take a business card from your notary;

2. You also make scans of your passport (main and subscription pages);

3. Go to the post office, buy an envelope for sending a letter first class and put in it: a) a notarized application b) a scan of your passport c) a notary’s business card Send the letter to the address: 119049, Russia, Moscow, PO Box 38, LLC "WebMoney.Ru" EVERYTHING!!!

In about 5 days you will receive an email informing you that you have received your personal WebMoney certificate. That's basically all, I hope this article was useful to you. Well, when I make my first paid information product, then I will need to automatically receive funds through WebMoney , and in order to accomplish this, I will apply for a seller's certificate. And when I get it, I’ll write a detailed article, so follow the blog news to keep abreast of all events. I wish you success!


Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

Hi all! In today's article I will tell you about how I received a personal webmoney certificate, I will tell you why a personal webmoney certificate is needed in general and I will give you detailed instructions on how to obtain a personal certificate if you decide to get one...

If you do business on the Internet, then having this certificate gives you a number of advantages over having a regular formal certificate...

I know that there are some guys who don’t even know what webmoney is, so a few words for them. If you decide to make money on the Internet, then be sure to go to the official webmoney website, download the Webmoney Keeper Classic client there and install it on your computer following all the system instructions.

After you install this client on your computer, you will be assigned a 12-digit WMID, then create your own personal electronic webmoney wallet in any currency (R - rubles, Z - dollars, E - euros). After creating it, you will be given your personal webmoney wallet number, which also consists of 12 digits. After receiving the WMID and wallet number, you need to obtain a formal certificate by giving the webmoney system your passport and other data for verification.

You can top up R, Z, E wallets in various ways. I use an R wallet, so I always top up through payment terminals, of which there are now hundreds in any city... Just as you put money on your phone, you can put it on a webmoney wallet, but you don’t need to indicate the phone number in the terminal, but your 12-digit number. All!

Then the money comes to your wallet and you can pay with this money for anything on the Internet... Mobile communications, products, services, etc... In addition to replenishing your wallet, you can also empty it, that is, withdraw real money from it, but that’s another story and it takes too long to tell, it’s better to read about it on the same official website.

You can send money to other participants in the system, etc. In a word, webmoney is a good thing. If you come to the Internet to earn money, the first thing you need to do is install Webmoney Keeper Classic and create a wallet! Let's return to non-newbies... Why do you need a personal certificate?

— Firstly, having a personal passport, you can obtain a merchant’s passport, and having a merchant’s passport, you can automate the receipt of funds on your website or blog from clients using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service. Surely many of you have already paid for something on the Internet through the webmoney system automatically, clicked the “pay” button and this window appeared:

Enter the numbers, confirm payment via SMS and you're done! The money came to the seller, but left you.

— Secondly, you will be able to participate in the work of the credit exchange.

— Thirdly, you can become a participant in the certification center’s affiliate program and earn money.

— Fourthly, you can get a Star/Plus debit bank card and use it to withdraw funds from the system;

In general, many other privileges are given to the owners of a personal certificate; I will not go into details about them in more detail; for me personally, and for you, I think, these four opportunities will be important.

And in general, a personal certificate is personal, it is no longer initial and not formal. The fact that you have a personal certificate indicates that you are a serious person, that you are seriously engaged in business on the Internet, and that scamming people out of money and any other fraud is not in your interests...

Conclusion - a personal certificate is good! How to get a personal webmoney certificate?

You can read about how to obtain a personal certificate here. Now I’ll tell you in detail what steps I took to get a certificate in 5 calendar days!

This is how I received a personal certificate, spending a little more than 500 rubles. In principle, there is nothing complicated! If you still have a formal certificate or even a pseudonym certificate, then I advise you to get a personal one.

I’ll probably end this article here, I hope it was useful for you. When I make my first paid information product and start accepting payments on the site through the webmoney system automatically, I will apply for a seller certificate. I will receive a seller’s certificate, and I will also write a detailed article with all the steps of what and how I did to get it. So .

I wish you success! Now you know how to get a personal webmoney certificate.

P.S. How do you like the article? I advise you not to miss information about new free video courses and blog competitions!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

Every Internet entrepreneur is required to obtain a personal Webmoney certificate, since they most often use this electronic money in their activities. What this certificate is and why online businessmen need it can be found in this article.

The Webmoney electronic service is an online payment system founded in 1998 and owned by WM Transfer Ltd.

This electronic payment system is used by millions of users, not all of whom are Internet entrepreneurs. This electronic payment system can be used by absolutely everyone. But there are still some restrictions that can be removed by passing certification in the system.

Why do you need certification in Webmoney?

Obtaining certificates for users expands their ability to use electronic money for payments on the Internet. The service has several types of basic certificates

Basic certificates:

  1. Nickname.
  2. Formal.
  3. Initial.
  4. Personal.

For the category of people who rarely plan to use this payment system, the formal, initial and pseudonym certificate are suitable. For active users who make a large number of payments online, a personal one is needed.

In the system, there are also professional certificates, mainly for legal entities.

Professional certificates:

  • seller;
  • capitaller;
  • payment machine;
  • registrar;
  • developer;
  • guarantor;
  • operator.

Anyone who plans to engage in registration and issuance of certificates will benefit from certification as a registrar. For online stores and large businessmen, seller certification is needed. More details about each of them can be found on the official website of the payment service.

Opportunities for users with a personal certificate:

  • storing large sums of money in your own wallets;
  • making payments involving large sums of money;
  • the ability to conduct initial certification;
  • receiving a bank card for convenience (a wallet is attached to the card - all the money in the dollar wallet will be on the received dollar card);
  • the ability to work with the credit service of the payment system (issue/receive loans).

Instructions for obtaining a personal Webmoney passport

Some Registrars may accept documents without a personal meeting, but certified by a notary. They are marked with a special sign in the list of Service Registrars

If you have become a user of the WebMoney service, one of the questions that will interest you will be how to obtain a personal WebMoney passport. It is relevant for individuals and businessmen. It is studied by everyone who does not like restrictions and sees prospects.

There are few of the latter in anonymous status. You can make purchases, pay bills, but even withdrawing your own money is problematic. Most users, when registering with the PS, strive to immediately identify themselves in order to remove the restrictions received after initial authorization. A WebMoney personal certificate is the maximum that e-wallet owners can count on. This is a status, the acquisition of which turns WM into a kind of cornucopia, the prospects of which only become wider over time.

What is a personal certificate

We have already come to the conclusion that the described status for individuals and legal entities is an option that opens up great opportunities in the PS. By ordering it, you will receive the highest level of access to services. The main condition for moving to the last stage is the presence of status:

  • formal;
  • initial

If you have any of the above, you can move on to the next stage. This means that before receiving a personal WebMoney passport, the user must change his anonymous status and identify himself.

Important: to quickly move to the highest level of authorization, you will have to personally meet with the WebMoney registrar. The service is provided on a paid basis. On average, its cost is from 10 to 20 dollars. In some cases more.

By taking this step and paying the bill, you will receive the following prospects for using the service:
  1. You can become a PS consultant.
  2. Publish news on the platform pages.
  3. Issue entry-level certificates to users.
  4. Take out loans from the service.
  5. Be a creditor.
  6. Get a specialized bank card for withdrawing money.
  7. Accept funds automatically, etc.

With WebMoney you can create your own trading platform using the DigiSeller service. Megastock will also be open.

Obtaining a personal WebMoney certificate can become a new successful stage in the development of your own business. If you are interested in this perspective, please review what you need to provide to the WM Certification Center.

How to get a certificate

The cost of the procedure and the need for an agreement with the registrar were discussed above. This is the fast way. However, you can do without a personal meeting with a WebMoney representative. In any case, you need to proceed as follows:

Important: the procedure for transmitting information about yourself is also open to minors. One of the parents must accompany him to the meeting. Additionally, you must provide documents confirming this degree of relationship.

During a personal meeting, the WebMoney registrar must receive an application written by the applicant and a copy of his passport. The PS representative must compare the data of the document and the copy.

Remotely obtaining a certificate

If you are unable to meet with the registrar, look for the option with the envelope icon in the list of financial service representatives. In this case, send a copy of your passport and application to the specified address. The last document must be certified by a notary. All of its columns must be correctly filled out and reliable.

If during a personal meeting it will take about 3 days to verify the submitted data, sending papers can make the process longer.

If you want to get a certificate for free, do not waste time resolving this issue. Such a service is not provided in the PS. However, the payment for the new prospects is too small to regret the money spent.