Beautiful good morning wishes in English. How to congratulate in English

Wishes in English / Good Wishes

Wishes in English usually follow congratulations.

General wishes: (I) wish (you, you)... I wish you...

I wish you great success! I wish you every success!

I wish you to pass the exam! I wish you every success in passing your exam!

With all my heart I wish you... With all my heart I wish you...

With all my heart (and soul) I wish you...

With all my heart I wish you happiness! I wish you joy!

I wish you happiness!

With all my heart I wish you happiness / joy!

I wish you (you) all the best

(all the best, all the best! I wish you the best of everything!

Regarding (something) I wish...!

In connection with (anything) I wish...! On the occasion of... I wish you

Wishing you a pleasant stay (vacation, travel, etc.) in English: Bon voyage!

Have a nice trip!

Happy arrival! Have a good trip!

Have a good journey!

Safe journey (home)!

Have a nice holiday! Have a good holiday (vacation)!

Have a great time! Have a good time!

Enjoy yourself!

Happy holiday! Have a good rest!

Have an enjoyable holiday!

Gain strength to you! I hope you come back properly well.

Good night wishes in English: Good night! Goodnight!

Have a pleasant night's sleep!


Goodbye! Nighty night!


Sleep tight! Sleep tight!

Sleep well!

Sleep strong!

Good luck wishes in English: Good luck! (before a test or danger) Good luck (with smth)!

Good luck to you

The best of luck!

Best of luck!

Break a leg! Break a leg!

Good luck!

You win! Good luck!

You should win! I hope you win.

May you be lucky! I wish you luck!

Good luck to you! Good luck! I wish you success.

Wishes for congratulations on a family holiday: On your birthday, I wish...! For your birthday I wish you...!

My birthday wish for you is...!

I wish you on your birthday...!

On your 35th birthday I wish...! On your 35th birthday I wish you...!

On your wedding day I wish...! On your wedding day I wish (both of) you...!

On this joyful day I wish...! On this day of joy/ joyous day/ occasion I wish you...!

On this joyful day I wish you great happiness and success! On this joyous day I wish you great happiness and every success/happiness and success!

Emotionally-tinged wishes: Please accept (my) best (warmest, most cordial, most ardent, most sincere) wishes! Please, accept my best/ warmest/ most heartfelt/ heartiest/ sincerest wishes!

Let me wish you.. May I wish you..

Let me wish you... May success attend you in...

May I give you my best wishes of success!

Let me wish you success! My success attend you!

Let me wish you a successful defense of your dissertation! I wish you every success in defending your thesis!

Let me wish you a successful defense! I wish you all the luck in the world in defending your thesis!

Wishes in a specific situation: I wish to pass the exam! Good luck with your exam(ination)!

I wish you could pass the exam! I wish you to pass the exam.

I do hope you do well at the examination.

Have a good rest! Have a good rest!

I (do) hope you have a good rest.

Bon appetit! Bon appetit!

I hope you enjoy your breakfast, coffee, etc.


Enjoy your meal!

I wish you to get well soon! Get well (and) soon!

I wish you a happy journey! Happy journey!

I wish you a happy journey.

Happiness to you! I wish you joy!

I wish you happiness!

Have a good trip! I hope the trip will be everything you wish for.

Good weather! Let's hope the weather keeps.

Long time to live! May you live to be a hundred!

May you live another... years!

Many years of life! May you live on and on and on!

Congratulations... on your seventieth birthday.

We wish you long life.

Happy birthday to you, dear ..., and many happy

returns of the day!

Cheers, dear...! On the 70th birthday I wish you

health, goodcheer and many more years of happiness and joy!

Get well soon! Get well (and) soon!

I hope you get well soon! I hope you get well soon.

I wish you to get well and soon.

Don't catch a cold! See you don't catch cold/catch a chill!

You shouldn't catch a cold. Dress warmly! See you don't catch cold! Put on something warm.

Be healthy! Keep well! Stay healthy!

Get well! Get well!

Be healthy! God bless you! (if a person sneezed)

Be healthy! Keep well! Stay healthy!

Do not be sad!

Chin up! Chin up! crying won't help! Keep your chin up! Cheer up!

Don't be timid! Don't be shy! Courage!

Take care of yourself! Take care of yourself!

Be a good girl!

Behave yourself! Behave yourself.

Be good/

Be good boy/girl.

May everything be fine (ok) for you! I do hope things go well with you

May you feel good! I wish you well.

Wishes expressed in Russian using the verb want: I want (would like) to wish you happiness! I wish you joy!

I would like (would like) to wish

you (you) successfully defend your dissertation! Success to you in defending your thesis!

I wish you (that) you...

I want to wish you that your dreams come true! May (all) your dreams come true!

I want you to be happy! I wish you happiness.

I want you to be happy.

With all my heart I hope you will be happy.

Reply to a wish in English

The response to a wish is, first of all, gratitude: Thank you! Thank you.


Thank you very much for your wish! Thank you ever so much.

Thank you for your kind wishes! Thank you for your kind wishes.

Response wish: I wish you happiness too! I also wish you joy!

And I wish you success too! I also wish you good luck!

And you too!

And I wish the same to you! The same to you!

In response to cheerful wishes, the hope that the desired will come true can be expressed: I hope so. I hope so.

I hope this will be the case. Let's hope for the best.

I hope this comes true. Let's hope your wishes come true.

It would be nice. If wishes were horses...

It would be fine... It would be fine.

It's good that this is so! I couldn't wish for anything better.

It would be good if that were so! If only it were as you say!

It would be nice... Wouldn't be a bad idea!

God forbid!

God willing! Please God!

  • 03 Aug.

    Congratulations on a holiday, a birthday or some achievement, as well as wishing all the best to a man or woman is not just a manifestation of interest and care for a person. It is also a way to maintain relationships, make new acquaintances or enter into new business relationships. It has now become an accepted norm to have contacts abroad - both business and personal. Everyday conversations in terms of language and grammar are clearly different from the “congratulatory” language. Therefore, many people, when the holidays come or an important event happens, are simply at a loss - how to arrange a congratulation. We decided to give you a few tips so that you can come up with an original greeting yourself.


    The phrase “I wish...” can be started with:

    Wishing: Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season!

    I wish: I wish you a Happy New Year!

    Let be...

    Specific wishes can begin with a verb may or let.

    May the warmth and the joy of the Holiday Season be yours today and always.

    May the New Year be rich with blessings!

    Let all your troubles disappear, and all your friends be always near.

    Best wishes...

    Best wishes, oddly enough, are translated literally - best wishes (for) or sincerest wishes(most sincere wishes).

    Best wishes for the holidays and for prosperity throughout the coming year.

    Sincerest wishes for hope, happiness and peace during this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year.

    What to wish for your birthday?

    Table 1. What to wish in English

    to be healthy.

    To have a lot of money

    have a lot of money.

    To find a true love

    find true love.


    To love and be loved

    to love and to be loved.

    To achieve success

    achieve success.

    To be successful

    to be successful.

    To find a good job

    To find a good job.

    To spend time in a family circle

    spend time with family.

    be happy.

    To have true friends

    have real friends.

    What holidays would you like?

    Table 2. What holidays to wish in English





















    Unofficial congratulations

    Table 3. Informal congratulations in English

    Official congratulations

    These forms of congratulations are appropriate to use either in a business conversation or in a letter - in postcards, for example.

    Table 4. Official congratulations in English

    Expression of surprise

    Despite the different styles of expression, almost all exclamations are translated as “really?”

    Table 5.


    Praise is also a form of congratulations for a job well done. As you know, in Russian praise is expressed with the word “well done.” There are slightly more variations on this theme in English.

    Table 7. How to praise in English

    8 original congratulations in English

    There are several funny expressions in the English language that are strictly used in certain contexts. Let's take a look at them.

    Table 8. 8 original English greetings


    When to use

    1. Congratulations!

    When you congratulate newlyweds, graduates, or just want to say “Congratulations!”

    2. Felicitations!

    This is the same as congratulations. But if you want to stand out from the crowd, then use this word.

    3. Hip, hip, hurrah!

    This is our “hip, hip, hurray!”, which is used for enthusiastic congratulations.

    4. Three cheers!

    Can be translated as “triple cheers.” Usually after this expression there is a preposition for and what you are congratulating or who you are congratulating, for example - three cheers for Tommy!

    This is the same as congratulations, but less formal. In a conversational context, this expression will work to your advantage. Get well wishes in English


    Table 11. Condolences in English

    We are all deeply shocked to hear of the sudden death of…and we would like to offer our deepest sympathy.

    We are deeply shocked by the news of his sudden death... and we want to express our deepest condolences.

    We are so very sorry to hear about your loss.

    We are very sorry for your loss.

    I offer you my deepest condolences on this dark day.

    I express my sincere condolences to you on this tragic day.

    We were disturbed and saddened by the untimely death of your….

    We were surprised and saddened by the news of your untimely death...

    Please accept our deepest and most heartfelt condolences at this most challenging time.

    Please accept our deepest and most sincere condolences during this extremely difficult time.

    Our thoughts are with you and your family at this most difficult time of loss.

Every culture has its own greeting etiquette; There are cliché phrases suitable for any occasion, and more specific wishes that apply to specific people and on a specific occasion. It is important to be familiar with this etiquette, because while native speakers will easily forgive you for a language mistake, they are unlikely to forgive a cultural one. I decided to write this article because, having friends in France who do not speak English, even at the first stage of my study of the French language, I was faced with the task of periodically congratulating them on various holidays. One blog helped with this, offering useful expressions that served as the backbone for my letters and e-mails. I offer you my standardized structure for writing congratulations (although there is more than enough room for imagination here; and yet, if you are writing to loved ones, I recommend coming up with something unique):

2. An extended congratulation with wishes (template phrases will help you, but they are not enough: you must add something of your own, add something that will please the person to whom the wish is addressed, make it more personal; I, at a minimum, come up with 3-4 offers).

3. Final phrase and signature of the addressee.

Are common

I wish you success/ happiness / joy / best of everything / good health / love, etc.
I wish you good luck/happiness/joy/all the best/health/love etc.

With all my heart I wish you...
With all my heart I wish you...

On the occasion of... I wish you…
On the occasion... I wish you...

On this joyous day I wish you…
On this joyful day I wish you...

Please, accept my best/warmest/most heartfelt/heartiest/sincerest wishes!
Please accept my best/warm/heartfelt/sincere wishes!

On behalf of... and myself I congratulate you on/upon...
On behalf of... and myself, I congratulate you on...

My success attend you!
May luck follow you in everything!

Keep well! Stay healthy!
Be healthy!

May all your dreams come true!
May all your dreams come true!

It's time to celebrate!
Time to celebrate!

You deserve all the luck in the world!
You deserve all the luck there is in the world!


Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!

Best wishes on your birthday!
All the best on your birthday!

Many happy returns!
Happy birthday, I wish you many years of life!

Keep smiling on your birthday.
Don't stop smiling!

You can also add some of these funny quotes (you can always find similar funny wishes in English on the Internet):

Congratulations for completing another trip around the sun!
Congratulations on completing another trip around the sun!

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
Everyone gets old, but everyone doesn't have to grow up.

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.
Inside every adult there is a child who cannot understand what happened.

The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
The secret to staying young is living honestly, eating slowly and lying about your age.

So many candles... so little cake.
So many candles... so little cake.


Congratulations on your wedding!
Congratulations on your wedding!

Congratulations on your golden/silver wedding anniversary!
Happy Golden/Silver Wedding Anniversary!

Congratulations, on your engagement! We're looking forward to the big day.
Congratulations on your engagement! We are looking forward to the big event.

Wish you a happy married life.
We wish you a happy life together.

Best wishes on your tenth anniversary!
All the best on your tenth anniversary!

Congratulations to you both and much happiness on your wedding day. May your love shine warmly forever.
Congratulations to you both and we wish you much happiness on your wedding day. May your love warm you throughout your life.

Congratulations to you both and may you always stay as happy and as much in love as on your wedding day.
Congratulations to both of you and wish you to remain as happy and in love as on your wedding day.

Every good wish on your wedding day. Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true.
Best wishes on your wedding day. We wish you a world of happiness and love and the fulfillment of all your desires.

Congratulations on the birth of your new son.
Congratulations on the birth of your son.

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year/ Easter etc.
Happy New Year/Easter etc.

All the best for a happy New Year/ Easter etc.
All the best for the New Year/Easter etc.

Christmas greetings and all good wishes for your health and happiness in the coming year!
Merry Christmas and wishes for health and happiness in the coming year!

I wish you a merry Christmas, many gifts from Santa Claus and a Happy New Year.
I wish you a Merry Christmas, many gifts from Santa and a Happy New Year!

May Peace, Hope and Love be with you Today, Tomorrow and Always Merry Christmas!
May peace, hope and love be with you today, tomorrow and always. Merry Christmas!

Christmas is near and it's coming. Be merry! Be happy!
Christmas is coming! Happiness and joy!

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Very Happy New Year!
Best wishes on this wonderful holiday and Happy New Year!

Season's greetings.
Happy holiday! (Christmas only)

How to end (after all the wishes below, you must indicate the name of the sender):

Best wishes, yours sincerely…
Best wishes, your…

With lots of greetings, Your......!
Best wishes, yours...!

All the best.
All the best.

Hugs and kisses.
Hugs and kisses.

xoxo (symbolic for “hugs and kisses”)

Keep your chin up!
Cheer up! Nose up!

Cheers, dear.
All the best, dear.

I really hope to see you soon.
I hope to see you soon.

With love.

Take care of yourself!
Take care of yourself!

Be good!
Be a good girl!

I wish you well.
May everything be fine with you!

Kind regards.
With sincere wishes.

Sincerely yours / Yours sincerely / Yours truly / Yours faithfully…
Sincerely yours... With complete respect...

hand overwishes:

Give my best wishes to…
Give me my best wishes...

Give my regards to…
Convey my wishes...

Give my greetings to… / Give my love to…
Share a hello…

© Lily of the Valley

How to wish all the best on farewell? The article is dedicated to colloquial phrases on this topic!

When saying goodbye to people, a sign of good manners is to wish them good luck or all the best. The phrases presented below can be used not only with friends, but also with colleagues or even with friends you barely know.

Parting words.

1. The first fairly common phrase is Take care!

- Good bye my friend!

- Bye buddy! Take care!

- Bye, buddy!

- Bye, old man! Take care of yourself!

take care- Take care; Be healthy; be healthy; all the best.

2. The next similar phrase is Keep well!

- Bye! Keep well!

-Thanks, you too!

- Bye! Be healthy!

- Thanks, you too!

keep well- Be healthy; be healthy.

3. In parting, you can say - Have a nice day!

- Good bye! Have a nice day!

- Thanks, same to you!

- Goodbye! Have a good day!

- Thank you too!

- have a nice day/evening/flight/trip.

the same to you- and the same to you (in conversation the article the can be omitted)

4. When communicating with a friend, you can say - Later! This means “see you later”, “see you later”, “see you soon”. Native speakers often use this word in friendly conversation.

- Bye, buddy!

- Let's meet!

5. Another good way to say goodbye is the phrase - Cheers!

— Cheers my friend!

- Bye-bye! See you!

- Bye, buddy!

- Bye! See you!

Different ways to wish a good day in English.

Synonym for "Good luck!" is the phrase “Best wishes!”

- Good bye and best wishes!

-Thanks, you too!

— Goodbye and all the best!

- Thank you too!

If your interlocutor fails, you can support him by saying - Better luck next time!

Don’t be upset my friend! Better luck next time!

(Don't be sad, buddy! Better luck next time!)

That's it, friends. You will find a summary table of phrases below.

Keep learning English and take care of yourself!

take care take care of yourself, be healthy
keep well be healthy, don't get sick
have a nice day/evening/flight/trip have a nice day/evening/flight/trip.
the same to you same to you
Later! see you, see you, see you soon
Cheers! Bye!
Good luck! Good luck!
Break a leg! good luck (analogous to our “neither fluff nor feather”)
Best wishes! all the best!
Better luck next time better luck next time

Some people only need 10 minutes to sign a dozen Happy New Year or Happy Birthday cards. I can sit for half an hour over one postcard, composing the text of the congratulations. And if you need to congratulate in a foreign language, then this can take an hour of precious time.

For people like me, you will find on this page of the site, birthday greetings to friends, colleagues, partners in verse and prose in English with translation.

Happy Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday! Happy birthday!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday! I wish you a happy birthday!
Best wishes and a wonderful Birthday! Best wishes for a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day! Happy birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day!
Congratulations and best wishes on your Birthday! Congratulations and best wishes on your birthday!
I wish you a Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day! Happy Birthday and long life!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you Happy Birthday! From the bottom of my heart I wish you a happy birthday!
I hope all your birthday wishes come true! Happy Birthday! I hope that on your birthday, all your wishes come true! Happy birthday!
I wish you a Happy Birthday! Have a great time today! I wish you a happy birthday! I hope you have a great time today!
Warm and happy wishes on your Birthday! Have a wonderful day! Warm and best wishes for your birthday! Let today be a wonderful day!
Hope your special day brings you all you want! Happy Birthday! May this special day bring you everything you want! Happy Birthday!
Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Have fun! Cheers! Wishing you the best birthday ever! Have fun to the fullest! Hooray!
Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! Happy Birthday and many happy days in your new year!
Sending you Happy Birthday wishes wrapped in all my love! Sending you birthday wishes wrapped in my love!
Wishing you everything happy on your Birthday!
Wishing you a Birthday which is as special as you are! I wish you a birthday as special as you are!
Thinking of you on your Birthday and wishing you happiness! Have a great day! I think about you on your birthday and wish you happiness! May this day be wonderful!
May all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday to you! May all your wishes come true! Happy Birthday to You!
May be I am not by your side on your Birthday but I always think about you and send you all the best wishes! Happy Birthday! Even if I am not with you on your birthday, I always think about you and send you my best wishes! Happy birthday!
Let God keeps you away from evil tongues, sudden misfortune, clever enemies and small-minded friends! Happy Birthday! May God protect you from evil tongues, sudden misfortune, smart enemies and stupid like-minded friends! Happy birthday!
With lots of love I am sending you sweet Birthday wishes! Have a very Happy Birthday! With much love, I send you the most wonderful wishes! Happy Birthday!
Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! Happy Birthday! Even if kilometers separate us, it’s so good to know that you are somewhere! Happy birthday!
With great pleasure I want to wish you much health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! Be happy! Try to save you would not be happening. With great pleasure, I want to wish you health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. I also wish you eternal youth, original ideas and great success in everything you do! Be happy! Remain yourself, no matter what happens!
I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! I wish you a long and exciting life! I wish you good health and outstanding results in everything you do. And most importantly, I wish you immense happiness in every minute of your life. Be loved, enjoy every day!
You're a miracle and a charm! Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy birthday! You are a miracle and a beauty! May there be many joys and successes in your life and no problems and sorrows! Health and happiness to you and everyone who is dear to you! Happy birthday!
With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have a cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, great success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for your being in this world! Happiness and good luck! Happy birthday! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May all your most cherished dreams, hopes and expectations come true in the new year for you. I wish you a good joyful mood every day, good health, resistance to adversity and patience, success in all your endeavors and personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light that you give me! Thank you for being in this world! I wish you happiness and good luck! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, wish you much health, happiness, freedom, success in everything you do and eternal youth. Happy birthday to you, I wish you health, freedom, happiness, success in everything and eternal youth! May all your dreams come true!
I wish you a long and successful life.
I wish you excellent health.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness - without measure - every day!
I wish you good health!
I wish you a long and happy life!
And most importantly, I wish you happiness - immeasurable happiness! Every day!
Wishing you all the best on your Birthday! I wish you all the best for your birthday!
With all my heart - Happy birthday!
You are very beautiful, clever and talented. Keep being as you are! Hugs and kisses!
Congratulations on your birthday! You are very beautiful, smart and talented! Don't change, stay as you are. Hugs! Kiss!
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Many happy returns of the day! I wish you a very happy birthday! Be healthy and wealthy and have a lot of success and good luck…
All the best,
Your friend,
Expensive …………,
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Long time to live! I wish you a truly happy birthday! Be healthy and rich and lucky...
All the best,
Your friend,
I congratulate you on your Birthday and wish you plenty of good health, happiness and peace of mind. Be always positive, optimistic and believe in yourself.
Dear …
I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good health, happiness and peace of mind. Always be optimistic, believe in the future and in yourself.

Official birthday greetings in English

Warm birthday greetings. Warm birthday greetings.
Please accept our heartfelt felicitations on the occasion of your birthday. Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday.
Congratulations and all good wishes on your birthday. Congratulations and best wishes on your birthday.
It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of your 40th birthday and to wish you good health and long years of further activity as a businessman. It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on the occasion of your 40th anniversary and wish you good health and many years of further activity as a businessman.
It was a pleasant thing for me to learn of your approaching birthday as it gives me the opportunity of adding my good wishes to those of your many colleagues. Your life has been so full of great achievements and well-earned successes that you must feel great satisfaction. Please accept my heartiest congratulations. It was very nice to hear that your birthday is approaching, as it gives me the opportunity to add my wishes to those you receive from your colleagues. Your life is so full of great achievements and hard-won successes that you should be satisfied with it. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations.
Dear Mr. ………. ,

Happy to congratulate you to your 45th birthday. I wish I could personally come to share the joy of festivities on this milestone in your life, but I happen to be so far away from you physically at the moment. May your future be attended with prosperity and happiness!
Again wishing you many more birthdays.

Yours own,

Dear sir ………….. ,

I am glad to congratulate you on your 45th birthday. I would like to personally share the joy of the holiday, but I am so far away from you at the moment. May your future be filled with prosperity and happiness!
I also wish you long life (may this day be repeated many times).

Always yours,

English happy birthday greetings in verse

Birthday girl, today’s your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!
There are so many ways to have birthday fun.
Here’s hoping you get to do every one!
Birthday girl, today is your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play.
There are so many ways to have fun on your birthday.
I hope you try them all!
Amazing life will be your way,
Forever, not only today.
And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!
There will be a wonderful life,
Always, today, don’t forget -
Let adversity disappear
Friends don't leave you!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
A lot of people can say with me
That you are a very nice a great friend
Who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend.
I wish to love stories have a happy ending!
I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!
Happy Birthday to you!
Everyone will agree with me, I know
I can call you a good friend,
Who is always ready to support us.
So we wish you the same friends,
And in love, so that they don’t know hardships and losses,
To keep children healthy and happy,
And luck took part in Fate!
You're going to have a fun day
That's what they all say
Hoping that the year ahead
Keeps all your sorrows at bay
We wish you a Happy Birthday!
Have a fun birthday ahead of you today!
Everyone will be talking about this to you today!
May the coming year pass without regret,
Sorrows and bad weather keeping everything locked up!
Let the world without any complexities
will be fascinated Love!
Let all your opportunities
are easily realized!
Let there be a condition
of Peace of mind!
Let each desire
Will give pleasure!!
May the world be without any complications
Will be enchanted by love!
May all your possibilities
Easy to implement!
Let there be a state
Peace of mind!
Let every wish
It will bring pleasure!!