How to uninstall baidu program in Chinese. Methods to completely remove Baidu antivirus from your computer

How to remove the Chinese program Baidu and related unwanted software from your computer.

How to remove Baidu from your computer

1. Exit all Chinese programs

Close all Chinese programs in the system tray. In our example there were three of these. The essence is the same:

  • right-click on the icon;
  • select the specified button in the program exit confirmation window.


2. Uninstalling Chinese programs

Open Control Panel - Programs and Features. If the list contains programs from Baidu And Kingsoft Internet Security, delete them in the standard way. Below we will show you which buttons to press.

Run uninstall CRT_Setup:

Start uninstalling the program from Kingsoft Internet Security with Chinese name:

Click Scan. Wait a few seconds while the utility scans your system for malware.

After completing the check, review the list CAREFULLY.

Check the boxes for all items that contain:

  • word Baidu;
  • word KingSoft;
  • link to exe files located in the folder ..\AppData\Local\Temp\;
  • marker O1 - Hosts at the beginning of the line.

After that, click the button Fix checked:

4. Cleaning the system with AdwCleaner

Download AdwCleaner. Run it()

Just click Clear and remove all malware found:

5. Search for remaining Baidu components and remove

Go to the folder C:\Program Files. If there is a Baidu folder there, delete it. If there is a uninsta.exe file in a subfolder, you can try to uninstall the program.

Launch the task manager and check if any processes with Chinese descriptions are running, for example:

BaiduHips.exe BaiduSdSvc.exe BaiduSdTray.exe BDABrowserProtect.exe bddownloader.exe KAVSETUPS_ .exe

If there are any, right-click and select Open Location. Then try to end the process and if it succeeds, delete the entire folder where the file is located. Repeat for each process.

What is Baidu? In fact, this is a popular company originally from China. She developed a search system of the same name and various programs that help speed up the computer and protect the computer from viruses. But due to mistakes made, Baidu disrupts the operation of the operating system, as a result of which it freezes and reboots, especially for laptops. Therefore, many users decide to remove Baida from their computer once and for all.

Let's try to figure it out how to remove baidu from your computer and why antivirus cannot always help us with this.

Where does Baidu come from?

Baidu is usually installed by the user “in company” when installing other free programs, such as, for example, Mail.Ru Agent. It’s just that an ordinary user does not remove the “extra” checkboxes during the installation process, but “clicks” further and, along with the program being installed, allows all programs “attached” to it to be installed. As a result, applications are installed on the user’s computer that he did not plan to install:

  • search engines;
  • antivirus software (antivirus);
  • programs that should improve system performance.

Why is Baidu bad?

At first glance, Baidu only benefits, but, unfortunately, the application behaves very unfriendly:

  • overload the operating system;
  • They try to individually manage the entire amount of RAM.

As a result, the system freezes and stops responding in a timely manner to mouse clicks and commands issued directly from the keyboard. It becomes impossible to enter the Start menu; folders and programs take a long time to open. Rebooting the operating system solves these problems to some extent, but not for long, about 15-20 minutes. Then everything repeats cyclically.

There is active discussion on the Internet that Baidu applications are, in fact, a Chinese-made virus. However, it is not. The main feature of virus and spyware programs is the creation of similar copies of themselves and their introduction into the program codes of other applications and the operating system. Baidu doesn't do this. Baidu works more like standard software. As a result, antivirus and various utilities that check the system for viruses cannot recognize and remove this program.

However, be aware that the Baidu software is so tightly integrated with the operating system that many utilities consider the program's processes to be system processes, making it impossible to stop Baidu from running through Task Manager. This behavior of the program is very reminiscent of viral activity.
We can state that BaiduAn, BaiduSD 360safe, UC and other applications with similar names simply devour almost all the computer resources before our eyes, and only an antivirus will not help here.

Removing Baida from your PC

At first glance, it seems completely impossible to uninstall all Baidu applications, it is so well integrated into the operating system. It is also alarming that after removing any of the components, the program independently tries to restore it.

It is important to remember that it is not always possible to remove Baidu only using the “Programs and Software” component. Another reason that makes Baidu removal more difficult is that the uninstaller of the malware only supports Chinese. Accordingly, it becomes even more difficult to remove Baidu.

But don’t be upset, there are effective and at the same time simple methods of dealing with Baidu applications.

If after all the above procedures Baidu remains on your computer, this means that it is loaded from other programs stored in the operating system. You must try to detect and remove them. Then sanitize the operating system using an antivirus and check it with utilities to eliminate malware. It must be admitted that Baidu applications bring many viruses into the system, so after removing it, you need to install the best antivirus and check the system.

Baidu is a Chinese antivirus and that says it all. The program was developed by the creators of the largest search engine after Google. The application is distributed as a malicious program, is installed on the computer in the background (silent installation) without notifying the user, and after launch it constantly monitors active processes, slowing down the computer and conflicting with the installed antivirus. Many Windows users, having become a victim of such an “antivirus”, are looking for ways to remove Baidu. Today we will do this.
In general, the procedure for uninstalling Baidu is not much different from uninstalling other products, except for the absence of the uninstall.exe file in the directory with the program and its interface in Chinese, which complicates even such a simple task as clicking on the “Yes” or Ok button.”

  • We end all Baidu-related processes in Windows.

To perform this action, launch the task manager. It is called via the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” or the context menu in the Windows taskbar.

Go to the “Processes” tab and sort them by name by clicking on the name of the first column “Image name”.
Then we find all processes whose names begin with the word “baidu” and end them all in order: select the process with a mouse click and press Delete or select the “End process” command in the context menu of the process and confirm its execution in order to be able to delete the application with all traces.

An easier option to do this is to use the Process Explorer utility. In it, select the main process with the name Baidu, press Shift+Del and confirm the completion of the process tree.

  • We remove the program from the computer using the built-in uninstaller through the “Taskbar” tool called “Programs and Features.”

To remove an application, open the “Control Panel” and go to “Programs and Features” - the application responsible for removing any Windows components.

We go down to the bottom of the list of applications installed on Windows and find “antivirus”, focusing on its blue icon and name containing hieroglyphs.
Call the context menu of the element that is Baidu, and select the only item in the drop-down menu “Delete / Change”.

After a yellow window with a white sun inside appears, click on the white button located to the right (as in the screenshot).

After this, the Baidu uninstaller will launch on your computer. In order to remove this garbage, in the next window we also press the white button, starting the uninstallation of the antivirus from the computer.

We confirm our intentions to rid Windows of applications by clicking on the same white “Delete” button.

Afterwards, the last dialog box will appear, where we simply press a single button, analogous to the classic “OK”. There is no need to leave any checkboxes.

  • We remove the second program, which is installed along with Baidu.

We launch the Windows Control Panel item called “Programs and Features” and, as with the removal of Baidu, call up the only context menu item of the remaining program with a green icon.

In the window that appears with a green heading, we also click the button located to the left that allows you to remove Baidu.

Immediately after this, the remaining program will be removed from your Windows computer. We wait until the process is completed.

In the last window we also click on the only button.

  • We rid the computer of Chinese programs that completely slow down Windows.

Again, we launch the “Task Manager” using any method and try to complete the process remaining after Baidy. Typically it is protected and the operation will fail.

We reboot the computer in safe mode by pressing the F8 key and selecting the appropriate item in the menu that appears after loading the BIOS.

We go to the “Program Files” and “Program Files (x86)” directories one by one, find directories whose name begins with the phrase “Baidu” and delete them from the computer, preferably using the “Shift+Delete” combination, bypassing the trash.

After this, you can use the functionality of the CCleaner program or something similar. This utility will scan your computer for any remnants of an unsafe application and allow you to quickly remove them both from the disk and from the Windows registry.

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How often, under the guise of something useful, we are given something we don’t understand. The Baidu program was no exception. Let's try to figure out what kind of Baidu PC Faster program this is, is there any benefit from it and how to remove it forever from your computer. In general, read how to clean your Windows from Baidu.

Baidu - the Chinese are attacking

The Baidu PC Faster program is a very dubious software product that is supposedly designed to improve the performance of the operating system. However, in reality, this program not only does not speed up work, it slows it down, and quite noticeably due to the consumption of a significant amount of computer resources.

Despite the fact that this program is not as dangerous as some Trojans or ransomware blockers, it can still cause damage to the operating system. The Baidu program constantly scans the system; in addition to the fact that it simply consumes processor resources, it also finds many false errors in the registry and supposedly eliminating them requires purchasing the full version. This, of course, should not be done, otherwise you will waste your money.

Baidu is a large complex of programs for PC

This program most often gets onto the computer as attached to other files or programs, and, as a rule, is installed in hidden mode. Therefore, it is important not to download software from “left” resources, and when installing programs, not to mindlessly click “next” without even looking at the screen, and to avoid the so-called “standard installation modes”. If you have a choice, you should always choose the advanced installation mode for advanced users to independently choose what to install and what not.

As it became clear, you definitely need to remove this “canoe”, but we read below how to do it.

How to completely remove Baidu PC Faster?

Baidu PC Faster is loaded into startup mode when you start your PC and constantly runs in the background, so the first step to uninstalling it is to shut it down. To do this, you need to call the system “task manager”; this can be done either by pressing the combination “Ctrl+Alt+Delete” or through the context menu on the “taskbar”. After this, you need to find all the processes whose name contains the word “Baidu”, and in the description of the process there are a bunch of incomprehensible Chinese characters. For easier searching, you can sort processes by image name. There is no need to rush to complete them.

Now we need to open any text document, Word or notepad, in which we will write down all the paths where the files of this malicious program are located. Now we return to the “task manager”, find processes with the name Baidu and right-click on them, now you need to find the item called “open file storage location” and click on it, usually it is located at the very top of the context menu. A Windows Explorer window opens, in it you need to click on the address bar and copy the full path to the folder with the file into our text document. Perform the same operation with all processes whose names contain the phrase “Baidu”. After all the file paths have been copied into a special document, all these processes can be completed, although some particularly “poisonous” processes are unlikely to be completed.

Now you need to carry out the standard procedure for removing programs through a special system utility, which is located in the “control panel”. However, the usual uninstallation procedure does not yet completely remove the program; you can verify this by restarting the PC and opening the “task manager”. To remove the program completely, we will need our file with the addresses of the program folders. We reboot into “safe mode” by pressing F8 at the beginning of the boot. After that, open our text file and completely delete all folders and files that are located at the addresses copied earlier from the Baidu processes. After this operation, you can reboot into normal mode - the Baidu PC Faster program is completely removed from the computer and will no longer interfere with the performance of the operating system.

Now let’s briefly describe everything point by point:

  1. Launch the Task Manager.
  2. We find in the list of all processes those that contain the word Baidu.
  3. We launch notepad and copy the addresses of the files of these processes and save them.
  4. We remove programs through the “Uninstall Programs Panel”.
  5. Reboot and use F8 to enter “safe mode”.
  6. We go through the addresses in the notepad and safely delete everything that is there!

I hope you found out what Baidu is, and once you find out, immediately remove Baidu from your computer completely and without a trace.

July 7, 2015 at 11:31 pm

Procedure for removing Baidu antivirus software

  • Antivirus protection

What a mess!

The Chinese Baidu antivirus is distributed using malware/adware methods and is installed regardless of the operation of other antiviruses; as a result, a conflict between antiviruses causes excessive slowdown of the Windows OS.
Removing Baidu software is difficult due to the fact that standard uninstall programs exist only for two components; they do not remove kernel-level drivers; moreover, the next time the computer boots, this software is installed again. At the same time, it is difficult to remove canoe drivers due to the fact that they block writing to “their” registry branches and block access to their files.

I have written simple instructions for completely removing harmful Bayda from Windows 7 and 8 without using bootable media; it is intended for use by computer service technicians (“Enikey” technicians) and is suitable for any more or less experienced user.

The instructions are especially relevant for 64-bit versions of Windows, since AVZ does not work in them (more precisely, there is no 64-bit AVZ Guard driver).


First, a picture of the “button” that needs to be pressed in the uninstallation programs:

In uninstaller programs, the button is usually located on the left and is not selected by default.


In the system tool for uninstalling programs (“Uninstall Panel” - “Programs and Features”) at the very bottom there are two items with inscriptions in hieroglyphs. The blue icon is “Browser protection”, the green one is “Antivirus”.
Mark the line with the green icon and click “Delete/Change”. A window with hieroglyphs appears, press the left button in it, wait for completion, press confirmation.
Mark the line with the blue icon and click “Delete/Change”. A window appears, in it we select the right cell with the trash can icon, press the left button at the bottom, wait for completion, press the left button.

Reboot the computer into “safe mode”.

In safe mode:

  1. using the autoruns program from the “Sysinternals Suite” we delete all references to baidu, including: BBenhance, bd0001-bd0004, baiduhips, etc., and the bd0004 service is not deleted - the error message “Service is not installed” is displayed, so use the registry editor or the reg program delete the registry branch of this service: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\bd0004 ;
  2. Explorer, FAR or Total commander delete all files that have the word Baidu in their description or digital signature.
List of Baida files.
In the "%WINDIR%\System32\drivers" directory (usually C:\Windows\System32\drivers):
Full catalogs:
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Baidu
Screenshots of the properties of the "baida" files:

In addition to Baidu itself, Kingsoft Internet Security software is often installed simultaneously with it. It is also impossible to completely remove it with the regular uninstall program; you have to manually remove the “Kingsoft Internet Security K Plus Driver” driver (file %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\ksapi64.sys) and the file “%WINDIR%\system32\drivers\kisknl_del.sys” .