How to gain weight quickly after losing weight. How to get out of a diet correctly and not gain weight

How to maintain weight after a diet? ... How to avoid gaining weight after losing weight? ...

These and many other questions concern those losing weight around the world. And this is actually a problem. And I'll tell you why. A person is designed in such a way that his brain works correctly when you give yourself instructions. You are preparing yourself psychologically. And you succeed.

By the way, not everyone is able to even give themselves such an instruction: go on a diet. If you are one of those who are already ready for this, then you can really be congratulated. You see your problem and you ask yourself how to solve it. Moreover, you are most likely already solving it if you ask yourself the question of how not to gain weight after a diet.

So, let's figure it out...

How to avoid gaining weight after losing weight

1. Choosing the right path to losing weight

The most important thing in losing weight is, as you already understood, how you actually lose your weight.

If you force yourself to suffer through strict diets, endless illogical workouts, spending maximum time in the gym or, even worse, using capsules and diet pills, various magic berries and root vegetables, then you will definitely regain your weight and possibly even more.

The thing is that you are not psychologically ready to work for hours in the gym. You'll just die there. And in the end you will say: fuck it...

I have seen many people, even those closest to me, who started running a lot from the very first day, and within a day or two everything ended in failure. I have also seen people who go on strict diets and then think about how not to gain weight after this strict diet.

After all, you won’t be able to eat like this all the time. And, if you eat like this for a long time, you will notice how much weaker you have become, you will feel dizzy, and so on. By the way, I strongly recommend that you read the article about what problems arise during low-calorie diets.

It is important to lose weight correctly and healthily, that is, gradually, with the right diet, the right exercises and the right rest.

It's important to make changes to your lifestyle and not just start counting your calories for the day, which will not give you the desired results.

2. The best diet for weight loss

On this blog you can find a lot of tips on how to lose weight the right way through nutrition.

There are many more, but let's recap...

Eat fresh food, add more greens, start cooking properly, for example, steaming. Include super foods in your diet - fiber-rich cereals. Make sure your body is getting a balanced meal with all the required nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Do not eat unhealthy foods, such as fast foods and carbonated drinks, especially since all this is not cheap and will cause enormous harm to your health. Eat small meals every 2-3 hours, which will give you 4-6 meals a day. Eating small meals frequently will ensure that the resulting calories are completely burned.

The main idea of ​​a healthy diet is not to allow your stomach to be empty so that the body simply begins to store fat until better times, as they say. After all, he does not want to experience constant stress associated with hunger strikes.

3. Proper exercises for weight loss

So what do we mean by proper exercise?

It's not like you need to spend hour after hour in the gym killing yourself with intense exercise. During these types of workouts, you'll end up hurting your body, causing muscle tears, and simply exhausting your body.

You will end up hating these weight loss exercise programs.

So what do you think? Are you familiar with this effect?

Start small. Spend 30-45 minutes in the gym to begin with, just working, doing something. This is enough to maintain a healthy weight. Make sure you choose the right exercise program. If you don’t have the conditions or means to go to the gym, start walking or moving more.

Of course, this is easy for me to say. But I know that there are people who will never do this. Then my recommendation is to start with yoga. It's fashionable now and it's effective. Even the simplest yoga poses will help you get into the routine and possibly get used to the stress. But you will need a coach.

Just become more active.

4. Proper rest

“He who goes to bed early and rises early becomes healthy, rich and wise” - Benjamin Franklin.

This really is the truth.

You must learn that the minimum is 6 hours of sleep (8 hours would be perfect sleep). If you reduce your sleep time and prevent your body from getting the proper rest it needs, it will take a toll on your health.

And, interestingly, sleep will help you prolong the youthful life of your skin, get rid of wrinkles at an early age and help you lose weight. So to maintain a healthy weight, give your body time to regain its strength and youth.

5. Lots of water

Drink at least 6 glasses of water every day, or at least close to that. And one more thing that you should take into account is that you should drink water in the morning when you get up.

Water is amazing, it is full of life, after all, we are mostly made of water. Well, why not drink it?

Although I know that many people cannot just drink water. You can often hear this, right? So is this a problem? Add flavor to your water, for example, squeeze a slice of lemon, infuse mint, a little grapefruit. These fruits will not only help you maintain your weight, but will also help you burn extra calories.

This water will taste like a drink to you. In addition to helping control weight, it will also help improve the health of your facial skin, hair and body. You can also drink green juice, which will also help in weight loss.

6. Be active

Although we have already talked about this a little, it is still worth repeating...

Just start doing short workouts in the morning and throughout the day. Involve yourself in simple little things like stretching, even if you are in the office. Take a few steps, if you sit still for a long time, start using the stairs at work and at home instead of the elevator.

Walk short distances to the market or store instead of using cars, taxis or buses. Small changes in your actions produce big results.

Believe me, the results will not take long to arrive.


Maintaining weight after a diet can be much more difficult than the diet itself. But today you should have realized that it is not the diet that is important, but the lifestyle you live. You must start educating yourself.

So if your diet hasn't been the healthiest, just start with these tips you learned about today. Change your habits. I have given you many hints along the way to other articles on the topic. Just understand yourself, understand what you need and start eating right, doing the right movements that will inspire you and not stress you.

In order for the extra pounds to flow away faster, and most importantly, so that they don’t come back, you need to keep diaries, and two at once. In one you will record what you ate and how much. In the other, how much you lost in mass and volume.

This really helps. Scientists from several universities drew attention to the power of diaries and notes, and their studies confirmed that regular entries are a powerful stimulant that saves you from excess weight.

Measure and record

Scientists from Cornell University noticed that people who measured and recorded their weight daily lost more extra pounds and were much more successful in maintaining their new shape than those who did not keep a diary.

The two-year study involved 162 people who set themselves a high goal of losing 10% weight. 88 people measured their weight every morning and recorded the results in a table. The remaining 74 people did not keep such a diary.

The first group lost the first 5% of weight almost three times faster during the first year of the study. And among those who maintained the result after the second year, there were twice as many people from the group keeping records. A serious fact, considering that after dieting, weight returns in 40% of cases in just a year.

Self-weighing and visual monitoring are a useful strategy in conjunction with other ways to help you lose weight to maintain health.

Krishna Ramanujan, David Levitsky, Cornell University

All participants in the experiment had different methods of losing weight, selected individually. But they measured (or not) the weight the same way.

It should be noted that you do not have to weigh yourself every day. It is enough to record your weight, waist and hip circumference once a week. It is more important to record this data, to record the results for a certain period.

Oddly enough, in practice, people often step on scales, but do not keep records. “I’ll remember anyway” is a popular misconception. Nothing like this. Keeping a journal is critical to success. After all, you can only improve what is measurable.

Record and lose weight

Sometimes we eat right, do exercise, but the weight doesn't come off. A common reason is self-deception. We actually eat more than we think because it's easy to underestimate the calories and nutritional value of a serving. If we don't weigh each plate on a scale, we end up eating more than we think. We snack on high-calorie foods and don’t even think twice about a couple of cookies with a cup of tea. In the end, we forget to count how many calories we consumed along with the liquid.

The solution is nutrition - daily tracking of everything you eat. Its effectiveness has also been proven by research. One of them - the longest one ever conducted - showed that people who recorded all the information about their daily diet lost twice as many extra pounds as those who did not.

Here's why a food journal can help you lose weight:

  • A food diary reveals much more than just a list of consumed products. With its help, a complete picture of your lifestyle emerges. You will learn a lot about yourself and be able to do the math to create the body you want to live in.
  • You can do the math. When you write everything down, down to the last crumb, you will immediately notice the difference between how much you supposedly ate and how much you actually ate. The diary helps us correctly estimate the portion size we need. We are used to estimating the amount of food by eye, comparing the serving size with the plate size. And everyone’s dishes are different. Someone will take a medium-sized bowl, but it will actually hold a huge portion. When you keep a diary and take measurements responsibly, you see the real picture.
  • You will figure out the source of extra calories. Intolerance to certain foods and hidden sugar in food slow down progress. They strike on the sly, but if you record every bite you eat, you have a better chance of catching the pest.
  • A diary will help you stop. before you take too many bites. Another spoon of sour cream on a salad, candy that we bought at a gas station, another mug of sweet compote at lunch... Such little things add 150-650 extra kilocalories a day, and we forget about them when calculating the energy value of the main meals.
  • You can trace the connection between mood and food. If you write down not only what you ate and how much you ate, but also the time, place, and your impressions and emotions at the time of eating, you will see how stress affects your diet. Don't make the mistake of writing about how you felt before you ate the grilled chicken. After a good cutlet, we are all happy, but it is more important for us to know when our hands reach for the refrigerator.
  • You see how much you've already done. When the numbers show that you've lost a kilogram in a week, increased your intake of clean water, and no longer want to steal a candy bar from a colleague, it motivates you to continue in the same spirit and inspires you to do everything to maintain the momentum.

Record and win

It seems that keeping a diary is a terribly difficult and painstaking task. But there is one big plus: the first results of such activities will be noticeable within a week. Give it just a week and you will see how your attitude towards yourself and towards food changes. And perhaps you will notice progress on the scales.

And further. You don’t have to show your diaries to anyone but yourself. You don't need to visit a doctor or trainer to record and share your results. So you have no one to lie to and no one to show off to. Both your progress and your mistakes will remain only yours. Therefore, be extremely honest both when you record the amount you eat and when you note the results of your measurements.

Diaries are kept for good work, not for a beautiful schedule.

You'll find that this dual journal will become a must-have tool to help you lose weight and keep it off. Don't limit yourself to just a notepad and pen. Use apps if you pick up a smartphone more often than a notepad, so as not to create unnecessary obstacles on the way to competent journaling. Start your journey to a slimmer, healthier you.

If you once kept a diary, what did you write there?

By adhering to one diet or another, you can achieve the desired result. Perseverance, willpower and the desire to have a slim figure will help you with this. But how to maintain the achieved result and not gain again weight after diet? This is exactly what we will discuss in our article today.

Avoid low-calorie diets

Low-calorie diets stress the body, depriving it of necessary energy and nutrients. Therefore, we recommend consuming the required amount of calories every day, but at the same time increasing physical activity.

Fruit-based cocktails will help you maintain weight after a diet

In order not to dial again weight after diet, consume filling foods. Fruit-based cocktails are a great option.

Choose fruits to taste, blend them in a blender and add a little water. If the drink turns out unsweetened, sweeten it stevia .

Another healthy option is gazpacho(cold vegetable soup). It must be eaten without straining to preserve the fiber.

Consume foods such as: whole grain bread, pasta, brown rice. These foods satisfy hunger well and are also rich in essential nutrients.

Algae agar-agar - Same a good option to add to dishes. They are rich in valuable nutrients that have a beneficial effect on human health. Their regular consumption:

  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels
  • Improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels
  • Helps cleanse the body
  • Promotes wound healing

Avoid high protein diets

Diets that are high in protein are unhealthy. Despite the fact that they allow you to lose weight in a short time, Such diets overload the body. Especially, the load on the liver and kidneys increases. Thus, a protein diet may lead to side effects after some time.

Without a doubt, protein should be part of the diet. However, do not forget about And vegetables (carbohydrates).

Chew your food thoroughly

Chewing food thoroughly is essential for good digestion. It also helps to avoid overeating, which leads to excess weight gain.

Watch your food combinations

The combination of some products is poorly absorbed by the body.

The basic rule is not to mix many foods into one meal. It is better to choose one product from each category, for example:

  • Squirrels: meat, eggs, legumes
  • Carbohydrates: pasta, rice, potatoes, bread
  • Vegetables: salad, vegetable soup and so on

Along with the main dish, fruits such as citrus fruits, watermelon and melon are poorly digested. They make digestion difficult and can cause bloating, gas, and other similar problems.

Drink water

Drinking plenty of fluids helps flush out those that accumulate in the body. However It's better to drink warm water, as cold water can cause difficulty digesting food.

Green and red tea help avoid fluid retention in the body and burn fat reserves.

Do you think that the phrase " Life after losing weight” sounds like “Is there life on Mars”? Also implausible, uncertain and doubtful? Well, we think it’s time for us to reassure you: believe me, life after losing weight much more interesting than the process of “destroying” calories!

But aren’t you interested in the new opportunities that you received in addition to your honestly earned slim figure? You probably knew about “new horizons” when you started watching your weight. Now you're worried about how to maintain your personal best and how to avoid gaining excess weight again, and we’ll give you a couple of tips on how to do it better.

So, life after losing weight does not mean a complete abstinence from food. You still have to eat. But the sense of proportion that you should have developed during the period of active weight loss should now work one hundred percent! You need everything. When the body requires fats, it is impossible to replace them with something else. The same applies to carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, do not trust diets based on the consumption of a single product. According to the best program instructors and nutritionists, eliminating foods only worsens the result, and sometimes nullifies all the efforts of girls losing weight. The best prevention of extra pounds is to eat everything, often and in small portions.

How to avoid gaining excess weight? If you follow a moderate approach to food, you can get rid of painful thoughts about culinary delights, because at any moment you can eat a piece of pie - but not to the point of gluttony! Use any of the schemes according to which you can calculate the number of calories for you every day. These schemes don't work if you don't follow them!

To your new one life after losing weight We recommend taking some lifesavers that can easily cope with excess calories. Exotic pineapple, eaten before and after meals, will make the protein absorbed completely. Grapefruit, as you know, is a real disaster for fats: it simply burns them mercilessly. Pepper, this storehouse of vitamins, will improve your health. Green tea and clean water should not be banished from your diet. If you feel like you “lost it” and allowed yourself to eat too much, “reward” yourself the next day with vegetable broth soups, vegetable juices containing water and fiber. Such a restriction will be beneficial: against the background of a full feeling of satiety, additional cleansing of toxins will take place. Favorite dishes will not become less desirable, but without unnecessary ones, if they do not contain mayonnaise or sour cream, but worthy substitutes in the form of soy sauce, lemon and mustard dressing, and apple cider vinegar.

The lesson that anyone who loses weight is forced to learn is the need to completely cleanse the body of toxins accumulated over years of inactivity. But now you need to do this periodically, introducing “fasting and cleansing” days that are convenient for you.

How to avoid gaining excess weight by forgetting about the gym? No way! Physical activity is simply necessary. Remember, returning to a sedentary lifestyle will bring back the pounds with the added bonus of a nervous breakdown! A visit to the pool will now be not only a necessity, but also an opportunity to demonstrate the fruits of your labors - your slim body. Introduce a rule for yourself: start your morning with exercise, a smile and a glass of clean water, which will make your body wake up from sleep. After this practice, the question “ How not to gain excess weight? It just won't happen for you.

Life after losing weight will require more “healthy egoism” from you and to the work you have done. In one of the interviews, the respected Lyudmila Gurchenko urged women not to liken their body to harmony, either losing weight or gaining weight again! Sound thought. If you decide to take care of your appearance, don’t stop halfway. The body does not forgive careless treatment of itself. Although you have probably already felt the beauty of physical activity, the pleasure of your own easy gait and good health! We think you will never agree to give up these sensations.

Let your goals now remain: a good figure, great health and pleasure from everything you do!

Yes, we want to correct our mistake: while talking about life after losing weight We completely forgot to congratulate you! You achieved what seems unattainable for many millions of women - you emerged victorious from the battle with excess weight! We understand that now, along with the pleasant need to update your wardrobe, you feel anxiety and a new fear: how not to return to the “previous sizes”, whether your work in this field has ended. Alas and ah! We don’t want to disappoint, but we’ll have to work a little more: just as much as you want to stay slim.

Tatiana Sinotova
Women's magazine JustLady

If you return to your normal diet after the diet, you will gain not only the weight you lost, but also a couple of extra kilograms. Review your diet in favor of fresh and healthy foods - vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, dairy products, cereals, etc. Eat more often - 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. After 16 hours - only protein foods and non-starchy vegetables. From time to time, arrange fasting days on cottage cheese, apples or kefir.

To learn how to control the amount of food you eat and not overeat, try to follow these rules:
- get enough sleep;
- get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger;
- drink at least 6 glasses of water a day;
- use more spices and herbs, but less salt;
- Chew your food thoroughly and enjoy every bite of it;
- give up low-fat foods and sweeteners - if food does not satiate, the body constantly demands more;
- forget about “supplements”;
- eat from dishes in cold colors - blue, lilac, dark green.

However, moderate nutrition does not exclude gastronomic pleasures. Take the example of the French women and learn to enjoy very small portions of your favorite dishes. In addition, try not to feast on pizza and pies, but on capers, gherkins, hard cheeses, dry red wine, and high-quality dark chocolate. You'll soon realize that it's better to eat a little healthy dark chocolate and maintain your ideal parameters than to swallow a stack of pancakes and then find yourself gaining weight.

Avoid the temptation to reward yourself with something sweet or eat up troubles. You can pamper yourself by buying a new outfit, perfume or shoes, going to the movies, or traveling. Take your mind off troubles with sports, long walks in the park, meeting friends, and new experiences.

Exercise stress

To keep your body in good shape, you need to exercise. In summer, sufficient physical activity will be provided by running, cycling or rollerblading, and Nordic walking. During the cold season, you can go to the gym, fitness, dancing or yoga. Sign up for strip classes or oriental dancing - this way you will not only keep your body in good shape, but you will also be able to please your loved one with a private show.

Completely update your wardrobe

Psychologists recommend that women who have lost weight get rid of things that have become too big for you. New outfits will keep you in shape - once you gain a couple of kilos, they will become too small. Besides, nothing pleases a woman more than new clothes. And the more you enjoy life, the easier it is to stay slim.