Queen of Wands tarot combination meaning. Queen of Wands Tarot Meaning

Do you want to learn how to read Tarot cards correctly? Then in this article you will learn the detailed meaning of the Tarot card of the Queen (Lady) of Wands (Staffs) and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. We wish you pleasant reading!

Brief description of the Queen of Wands card

The main essence of the suit of Wands is inspiration, vital energy. The Queen of Wands is depicted as a lady seated on a throne and carrying with her all the symbols of status, power, and authority - the Scepter and the Wand. Luxurious clothes decorated with gilding, beautiful hair styling, a throne decorated with lions are just some of the elements of the design. This lady is cruel, capable of protecting people dear to her. To learn about this Minor Arcana in more detail, we recommend reading Sergei Savchenko’s free book “Evening Tea by Candles and Tarot Cards.”

Note! The sunflower symbolizes the power of the Sun, optimism, happiness, joy. The black cat is a symbol of independence, non-acceptance of dogma, restrictions


Let's look at the main keywords/phrases related to the Queen of Wands. Details below.

  • Queen of home or heart
  • Love of life
  • Greatness
  • Authority
  • Desire to be the center of attention
  • High social status/position in society
  • Popularity among members of the opposite sex
  • Addiction to sex
  • Tendency to assert oneself at the expense of others
  • Demonstrative attitude
  • Leadership
  • Diverse interests
  • Foresight, self-confidence
  • Generosity bordering on independence
  • Love for the environment
  • Positive thinking

Key ideas of the Lady of Posokhov

To get the desired result, add more optimism and self-confidence to your life. A positive attitude will help you achieve a positive result. If you are in a negative mood, switch to something good - this will give you additional energy and vigor. Don’t doubt your own abilities, act no matter what.

Video: Tarot card meaning - Queen of Staves

The main meaning of the Queen of Wands

The direct position of the above card symbolizes the beginning of events indicated by other cards in the layout. Most often he describes an attractive, pretty, friendly middle-aged lady, whose main character traits are practicality, self-control, and self-confidence. A woman can sometimes be arrogant, quick-tempered, but quick-witted. The main goal of the character is care, attention, love, respect from others.

Reversed card meaning

The inverted meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot symbolizes independence bordering on self-centeredness, a lack of experience in overcoming existing obstacles. The person in question is domineering, narrow-minded, tough. Her arrogance and inability to help people makes her an outcast in society.

Note! If such a person is your enemy, proceed with extreme caution. Be careful, as this person is guided not by emotions, but by logic - everything depends on the neighboring cards of the layout

Queen of Wands and Major Arcana

Consider the combination of the Queen of Wands of the Tarot with Death and other Major Arcana.

  • Jester: Excessive emotionality, tendency to sudden mood swings
  • Mage: Getting your own benefit at any cost
  • : Indicates a professional in a particular industry
  • Empress: Symbolizes a successful person
  • Emperor: Success in business and family
  • : Sincere attitude towards certain people
  • Lovers: Devotion in feelings towards another person
  • Chariot: Independence, tendency to control other people
  • Strength: Intolerance for other people's shortcomings
  • : Many do not share the person’s enthusiasm
  • Wheel of Fortune: Fortuneteller accepts the challenge of Fate
  • : Justice needs to be restored
  • Hanged Man: The sacrifices made will not give the desired result
  • Death: Possible loss of meaning in life
  • Moderation: Return to a familiar, everyday state
  • Devil: Expect cruel lies from a loved one or a stranger
  • Tower: Loss of self, important life values
  • Star: Excessive self-confidence of the fortuneteller
  • Moon: Presence of female competitors
  • Sun: Creative self-realization, pleasure from the result obtained
  • Court: Indicates creativity
  • Peace: Behavior that others will look up to

The meaning of the card in fortune telling for relationships and love

The meaning of the Queen (Queen) of Wands in love and relationships depends on the position of the card in the layout. Let's consider the interpretation of the direct and inverted position.

The upright position indicates an objective attitude towards the partner, equality of the two parties, cordiality, maturity. To avoid disagreements, gentle submission to your loved one is recommended. In relationships, it indicates equal emotional exchange, revitalization of dilapidated relationships, etc.

When divining relationships in general, the meaning describes an active, long-term, stormy relationship with a spectacular, optimistic ending.

The inverted position can be interpreted as excessive vanity, egocentrism, unreasonable jealousy of the opposite sex, a desire to dominate a partner, to make him dependent on himself. Another interpretation is excessive mannerism, stubbornness, moralism, deceit, insincerity.

Attention! The inverted position of the card paired with the Lovers is interpreted as an endless period of grinding in characters. With the Moon is interpreted as the appearance of a rival/rival on the Path of Life

Queen of Wands and the suit of Wands

Let's consider the interpretation of the Queen of Wands in combination with cards of its suit.

  • : Inspiration in the creative field, opportunity for self-expression
  • : Adjustment of existing plans, creative thinking
  • Troika: A good start to the planned project
  • Four: Successful start of the chosen activity
  • Five: The Beginning of Uncoordinated Cooperation
  • Six: Advancement in work, career
  • Seven: Believe in yourself, your own strengths
  • Eight: News, approval of the planned project
  • Nine: Restraining moments, forced “stopping stages”
  • Ten: Submission, doom
  • Page: Good, impressive news
  • Knight: Excessive haste in making decisions
  • King: Consistency, understanding, participation in a mature project

Psychological state characterized by the map

The Queen of Wands indicates a force that brings warmth, creativity, courage and joy. A thirst for adventure is possible. You should not ask questions about the rationality of performing any action. Get ready to become the Creator of your own destiny, arranging your life as you please - experience, independence, consciousness will be more than enough.

The meaning of the card in combination with the suit of Cups

Let's consider the meaning of the above Minor Arcana of the Tarot in combination with Cups.

  • : Happy motherhood, the emergence of new feelings
  • : Possible engagement
  • Three: High probability of promotion
  • Four: Shortsightedness
  • Five: Unfulfilled projects
  • Six: Lucky coincidence, ex-fiancee
  • Seven: Unfortunate prospects
  • Eight: The end of a relationship
  • Nine: Promising position
  • Ten: Living together, family ties
  • Page: Far-sighted plans, expecting a child
  • : Profitable proposition
  • Queen: Understanding, confidence
  • King: Union of two people

Lady Posokhov in health matters

Let's consider a detailed interpretation of the sign in health matters.

To maintain a normal state of health, you should not take everything to heart, stop hiding your poor health, regardless of the nature of the people around you. This can provoke many diseases associated with the intestines (constipation, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, etc.).

The disadvantage of the Queen of Wands is the masking of existing health problems, which is fraught with the brewing of an internal conflict for this sign.

Queen of Wands and Suit of Swords

Let's look at the main combinations of cards with the suit below.

  • Ace: Entrepreneurship, good partnerships
  • Two: Unwillingness/inability to assess the consequences of actions taken
  • Troika: Dissolution of marriage with a partner
  • Four: Long-awaited trip, rest, vacation
  • Five: Failure of plans, defeat
  • Six: Leaving your current position, moving to a new place of residence
  • : Ingenuity
  • Eight: Concerns, doubts, fears
  • Nine: Heaviness in the soul, bad feeling
  • Ten: Lack of bright prospects
  • : Meeting with an angry person
  • Knight: Confrontation, Confrontation
  • Queen: Hypocrisy, meanness, deceit
  • King: Unspoken struggle with an authoritative person

The meaning of the Queen of Wands card in fortune telling for work and business

When fortune telling for a job or business, the card means the possibility of professional self-realization, confidence, the presence of a lot of successful projects, an unbiased attitude towards employees, and good fulfillment of assigned obligations. One of the interpretations of the result is taking responsibility and willingness to accept a leadership position.

You can clarify the obtained value using neighboring cards.

The inverted position of this Minor Arcana regarding a career means the following - the fortuneteller has chosen the wrong profession, a complex character, tyranny, stubbornness, and self-centeredness. Indicates the instability and problematic nature of the human factor.

Note! The reversed Queen of Wands in combination with the 10 of Staves indicates the beginning of a hopeless business. The Ace of Coins with the Queen of Staves symbolizes the pursuit of money, instability, and incorrect prioritization

Queen of Wands with Pentacles

The combination of the Queen of Wands with the Pentacles looks like this.

  • Ace: Financial support
  • Two: Fussiness, pursuit of money
  • Troika: Proper use of existing talents
  • Four: Powerful, treacherous woman
  • : A lady with a difficult character, lack of moral values
  • Six: Good business prospects
  • Seven: Focus on results when doing business
  • Eight: Practical, hardworking woman
  • Nine: Confidence in the future, financial security
  • Ten: Relationships with relatives
  • Page: Thirst for research, representative of the creative profession
  • Knight: Consistent progress towards the goal
  • : Business, confident lady
  • King: A good marriage - a business woman, a confident man

The fortuneteller knows exactly what he wants from life and from the current situation. Talent, strength, originality of thinking are the main strengths of a person. Gain determination and independence - this will guarantee the success of the operation. Study your immediate surroundings, choose a smart assistant, a middle-aged adviser - this will help you move in the right direction.

Queen of Wands: a warning

Handle money carefully, try not to waste it - there is a high probability of financial losses due to the negligence of its owner.

Questions to ask when drawing the Queen of Staves

Below is a list of questions relevant to this card.

  • How does the current situation affect your leadership skills?
  • Is there such a thing as self-pride?
  • Is there positive thinking?
  • Does any woman inspire the fortuneteller?

When the Queen of Wands Tarot card appears in a reading, the meaning may concern both the situation or emotions of the fortuneteller, as well as individuals from his environment. Its main meaning is a business woman who can cope with any difficulty, but it can vary depending on many factors.

In the article:

Queen of Wands Tarot - meaning in readings

The meaning of the Queen of Staffs Tarot assures the questioner that success in solving the question asked of the cards is quite likely. This card symbolizes not only a powerful woman, but also a thirst for happiness and enjoyment of life. You are likely to receive valuable advice from an attractive and intelligent woman.

If you got the Lady of the Tarot Staffs, this indicates a balanced character and the ability to act fearlessly, as well as some authority. The fortuneteller is strict, but fair even towards enemies.

Meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot upside down states that you are characterized by such qualities as stubbornness, limited thinking and despoticism. If the question related to any business, then there is a high probability of deception.

Inverted The Queen of Wands says that it is simply impossible to trust a certain woman. This card also means the extreme degree of feminism, hatred of the power of men and the envy that this lady feels towards the stronger sex. Perhaps she overestimates her capabilities in some way. This lady is characterized by nervousness, mood swings, irritability and cruelty. Flexibility is not inherent in her.

This woman may interfere in your plans solely so that you do as she wants. Try not to poke your nose into her affairs, not to contact this lady again, and also not to allow emotional blackmail.

What kind of people does the Queen of Wands Tarot card represent?

The person represented by the Queen of Wands Tarot card was born under one of the fire signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Queens in Tarot rarely predict how a particular situation will develop. As a rule, they reflect part of the personality of the fortuneteller or people, usually women, from his environment.

Upright The meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot is a woman who will not be confused in any situation and will cope with any problem. Her only drawback is her lack of endurance in stressful situations. This lady is smart, powerful, fair and noble. She is used to carefully considering her decisions, which many trust.

Pride is of great importance to this woman, and this makes her vulnerable to criticism. It is very easy to offend this lady, although she hides it. Despite the desire for independence, she is not limited to her career. She occupies a dominant position in the house, loves comfort and nature. The Queen of Wands does not forget the importance of contacts with relatives and friends. She likes strong competitors, this lady draws inspiration from wrestling.

In general, the Queen of Wands is a businesswoman, aimed primarily at a career or success in entrepreneurship. Most likely, she occupies a leadership position. This lady occupies an important position in society, but may well be lonely. She may be young, but she is definitely psychologically mature. This lady is always ready to help. She likes to command, but is always ready to defend the interests of her friends. Even if we are talking about an elderly lady, she is energetic, active and cheerful. She knows how to take care of herself and always looks attractive.

Sometimes the Queen of Wands says that in front of you is a devoted wife and loving mother. She is passionate about housework and does an excellent job with it, but her interests are not at all limited to creating comfort in the house and preparing a delicious dinner. This lady is active and energetic, even if we are talking about a housewife, she can be involved in a large number of interesting projects. She values ​​home and family, but loves to be the center of attention; she may well prefer life in a village or province.

Upside down The Queen of the Tarot Staffs says that you are dealing with a woman who is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of an illusory and unrealizable idea. This sacrifice led her to discord in her relationships and problems in other areas of her life. This lady is temperamental, never gives in and does everything her own way. She is subject to private nervous attacks and likes to interfere in other people's affairs. The woman in question has business qualities. She loves to lead and prefers to occupy leadership positions.

Besides, inverted The Queen of Staves may indicate an unfaithful wife. Sometimes we are talking about a cutesy person who, in her opinion, is always right. She loves to read morals and impose her point of view on others. Gossip is one of the favorite pastimes of such a person.

Queen of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The personal relationships of the person who received the Queen of Wands in fortune-telling for love and relationships are strengthened by a responsible attitude towards them. You have solid life experience, enough insight and loyalty. In addition, the Queen of Wands can mean that you are growing up, and at the same time changing your attitude towards your partner. If he was superior to you in some way, it no longer frightens you. You are ready to accept yourself and him as you are.

If we consider the interpretation situationally, then this card may foreshadow some revival of feelings in an already existing union or new acquaintances. The latter will be extremely interesting in your understanding. Changes in relationships will most likely be of a more carnal nature. If you have been married for a long time, passion will return to your family life.

The meaning in a relationship of the Queen of Wands Tarot, if she is located upside down- jealousy and selfishness. Jealousy may well be justified, because infidelity is another fact that this card can predict.

Queen of the Tarot Staffs - meaning for self-development

The meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot recommends that the fortuneteller explore the sources of personal strength, vitality and inspiration. You must know where the boundaries begin that you cannot yet go beyond. This card advises women to be calm about their emotional needs, they will not disappear, come to terms with their presence. For men, it reminds them of the importance of contact with the feminine aspects of the personality and the inspiration that this contact brings.

At the moment, the fortuneteller feels a surge of strength, he again enjoys life and rejoices in every day he lives. He is not bothered by old worries, he is filled with courage and excitement. This period is also characterized by a thirst for adventure. You want to take risks and show independence, and the meaning of the card recommends doing just that.

At this stage, the questioner has no particular doubts about the correctness of his decisions. That is why he can easily get rid of the habit of making other people's decisions. Now you want to take fate into your own hands and control all events personally, preventing other people from influencing your life. You have enough life experience to show independence, you are responsible and know what to do in order to achieve your goal.

The Lady of Wands reminds us of the importance of positive thinking. You may be surprised by its effectiveness.

Lady of Wands Tarot in readings for work and affairs

The Lady of Wands says that work or business for a fortuneteller is what makes him independent and self-reliant. Knowing that you can provide for yourself and your loved ones brings you pleasure. You work in order to have a certain income and afford a modest lifestyle, as well as to occupy an enviable social position. However, you clearly shouldn’t be afraid of excesses; you’re simply not inclined to them.

In addition, the Lady of Wands says that now you have every opportunity to take on a new business. Complex tasks that you previously lacked the strength to complete are now within your grasp. Now you are open to business contacts that are generally useful to your business. Your open-mindedness becomes a serious plus.

The Lady of Wands also indicates that the fortuneteller is finally ripe for further professional development. Perhaps the time has come for active career advancement, or maybe you have long wanted to get another higher education or improve your qualifications in some other way.

Queen of Wands in the Thoth Tarot

In the Thoth Tarot, the Queen of Wands is depicted as a woman sitting on a throne of fire. She is dressed in armor with the sign of Pisces on her chest, which symbolizes the unity of the opposite elements - fire and water.

The Queen's Crown symbolizes clarity of thought and a broad outlook, as well as heightened perception. At the same time, it has the features of a crown of thorns, which recalls the suffering that the Queen had to endure.

The eyes of the woman depicted on the Queen of Wands card in the deck are closed, and her consciousness is turned inward. The pine cone on top of the wand symbolizes spiritual growth. This card shows that you have made progress, but should not stop learning. You are also capable of sharing your knowledge with other people. Self-realization is what we should strive for now.

Each Tarot card has its own story. Its details allow for a multifaceted interpretation of a particular lasso. Each symbol has its own hidden meaning. The Queen of Wands has an ambiguous meaning in the Tarot. She is often correlated with the archetype of the Mother and the Mature Woman. She is endowed with personal power or authority.

General plot

The classic plot of this card is a woman with a crown on her head sitting on a throne. She holds a sunflower in her left hand and a wand in her right. In front of her is a black cat, and behind her on the back of the throne are silhouettes of lions. The woman is wearing a yellow fluffy dress, over which is thrown a gray robe.

First of all, you should pay attention to the central figure of the lasso. The queen's clothes are light and rich colors. The color yellow is boundless solar energy and a sign of self-confidence. The heavenly body does not ask the question whether this should be done. A woman deserves attention from others.

The mantle is a sign of activity and power, enormous inner strength. It attracts attention, emphasizes a person's credentials and makes him stand out from the crowd.

She holds a sunflower in her hand for a reason. This is a symbol of the sun and its personification. In esotericism, the following properties are attributed to the flower:

  • happiness;
  • longevity;
  • prosperity;
  • wealth.

Sunflowers always turn towards the rays of the sun. Therefore, if you carefully study the map, you will notice that on it the flower is looking at the queen. Tarot readers often interpret this as a desire to be the center of attention.


In some scenarios, this detail means that the woman received flattery and drew certain conclusions for herself. And this act pleases her.

The cat is depicted sitting in front of the throne. It is small and barely noticeable. It symbolizes an objective assessment of what is happening and attention to detail and detail. The Queen knows how to see the big picture of what is happening.

Behind the woman is a blue sky without a single cloud. He has no boundaries and this symbolizes complete freedom of action. But at the same time, the queen sits on the throne, with her back to him. She voluntarily gives up her freedom.

Her strengths are independence, intelligence and strength. Any restrictions on herself are imposed only by herself. It is impossible to force her to act against her will.

But the cat sits in front of the throne and the queen blocks her passage to heaven. That is, the cat is completely in her power. And for her, the figure of a woman becomes the embodiment of justice.

In some decks, the Queen of Wands embodies the Sibyl, a soothsayer who warned of various disasters. In other sources it is Amazon.

General value

The very appearance of the Queen in the scenario can be interpreted as a struggle for leadership. Ambition and pride are used as bargaining chips. This lasso helps in any matter that is aimed at self-realization - be it a career or the social sphere. The card is favorable to:

  • independence;
  • ambitions;
  • independence.

Sometimes it indicates that a person is strongly inspired by something and this energy allows him to engage in personal growth. If the question was asked about when these events will begin, then the answer of the card is simple - they are already underway and things are taking shape and boundaries. If it is connected with the questioner, then his success is predetermined. The Queen of Wands embodies:

  • career growth;
  • business success;
  • fame;
  • popularity.

Therefore, if it appears in layouts that are related to these issues, then everything will be fine. In situations, it can indicate the appearance of an important and influential person or the presence of a bright rival with whom it is not so easy to compete.

Personal sphere

This lasso imparts charisma, the ability to inspire and lead. She has a desire for success, resilience, sincerity, and friendliness. Most often it embodies an established personality. She knows what she wants and how to achieve it.


Her important quality is the ability to share everything with others. And these are not necessarily material benefits.

A valuable quality of such a person is his influence on the spirit. In moments when a person burns out or experiences a breakdown, it comes in handy more than ever. She has no desire to teach or otherwise be boring, but her energetic impulse helps everyone.

A valuable lesson that the lasso teaches is the ability to listen to your needs. Many men, due to stereotypes, do not allow themselves to react antisocially to something.

Professional issues

The lasso is very favorable for work situations. He embodies a successful business woman. Most often, the card foreshadows a meeting with superiors or a good moment to start a new venture.


The Queen prefers to decide her affairs on her own; she is strong and courageous.

The map does not highlight any special areas. For her, the main thing is that the activity is enjoyable and carried out with enthusiasm. Usually the work is associated with some form of popularity - this is either media exposure or some kind of public speaking. In any case, she will never be a victim who obediently goes to a hated place of work. If the querent is visited by such thoughts, he will immediately look for another field of activity.

Attempts to persuade oneself to take a step of patience never pass through this lasso. No amount of persuasion will help here. The main task of the Queen of Wands is self-realization. In her opinion, the rest will follow naturally.

Often the card indicates that a convenient time has begun to create your own business. It is also good for job seekers: a place will appear that will give a lot professionally.

Love sphere

In matters of personal relationships, the lasso manifests itself extremely ambiguously. The Queen herself is a self-sufficient woman and has little need for a partner. But at the same time, she is capable of productive and vibrant relationships. The woman is easy-going and open to everything new. It is about her that we can say that loneliness does not gnaw at her, she prefers to be on her own.

If she is interested in someone, then she will not hesitate to initiate an acquaintance. For the sake of the object of her love, she is capable of anything, including extraordinary actions. Such a person will always be confident that she is able to achieve anything, the main thing is to think through and calculate everything correctly.

The querent is not shy about having sex for the sake of sex. It is usually more difficult for women to take such a step than for men. But if there is love, it will be mature and strong.


She is characterized by the ability to transform her partner. She is a great inspiration and motivator.

For such a partner, being close to an ordinary person is a disaster. But transformations and work on oneself bear fruit and the person changes. Any achievements become within his capabilities.

The Queen of Wands is an ideal partner who will always support and help. It’s not for nothing that they used to say that in marriage it is important to find a good friend. Even her jealousy is of a special nature - it is important for her to receive the admiration of her partner, and if he adores someone else, then expect trouble. She is not interested in children.

But for those looking for love, the card does not promise anything good. Most likely, with it, a person is comfortable with his condition, and he clearly will not make any effort to correct it. This is the case when loneliness is not forced, but was chosen consciously.

Reversed position

Each card in the Tarot deck has different meanings. In addition to the position in the layout and the question asked, you need to take into account its position. In the reverse position, the Queen of Wands does not acquire the best features. Most often it is selfishness, nonsense, jealousy. Someone hurt her pride and now she is obsessed with revenge.

If we look at the plot of the card, we can see that its central figure is a black cat. It is this animal that embodies witchcraft and is the witch’s first companion. Despair, anger, rancor, malicious intent - this is not a complete list of possible manifestations.


Sometimes a card is an indicator that the questioner has a rival or an unfriendly woman.

There are also problems and quarrels with friendship. In an inverted position, the card embodies a woman who wants something, but does not know what exactly. She may be sacrificing too much for the cause. All this leads to failure and isolation from reality.

Sometimes the card serves as a warning that a dishonest game is being played against the querent. A certain person, intentionally or not, is trying to undermine the authority of the questioner or push him off the pedestal of success.

Through such a position, the querent will have to painfully win for himself a place in the sun and develop. An important lesson that the card teaches is to never impose your values ​​on others.

Health issues

In health readings, it does not indicate any serious problems. All cards of the Wands suit can signal various types of inflammation. They are accompanied by fever, headache and high temperature. Often the lasso is an indicator of a manic-depressive state.

The Queen of Wands is directly associated with kundalini energy, which means that a person has full vitality, high immunity and vitality. But an excessive desire to reach certain heights and overcome any obstacles will result in stressful conditions.

In the reverse position, the card indicates diseases of the genitourinary system, reduced immunity and nervousness.

Different situations

Sometimes layouts are made to make certain decisions. If the answer to the question is supposed to be an unambiguous “yes or no,” then one Tarot card is enough. If the Queen of Wands appears, the answer is yes, but only if it is associated with a loving, active and vibrant woman or with career growth, entrepreneurship or flirting.

The answer is “no” in cases where a person is lacking initiative and without external polish. If the question is somehow related to intrigue, deception and deceit, then the answer is also negative. In the case when the querent is not active and does nothing, the answer is also “no”. In any case, you need to stay in the center of attention and attract it to yourself.

As a card of the day, the Queen of Wands advises to take on the most difficult part of the work, but this should only be done if the querent is confident in himself and his abilities. In this case, he is ready to take a decisive step forward. Optimism, support and wise leadership will help you lead people with you. A fateful meeting with a strong-willed and temperamental woman is possible, which will have a great influence on your future life.

How the card of the year sympathizes with such qualities as:

  • self confidence;
  • gentle persistence;
  • diplomacy.

All of them will allow us to lay a good foundation for the future. It will be quite successful and happy.

Some combinations

To better understand the layout, it is important not only to consider each lasso separately, but also their combinations. Together with other cards of the Wands suit, the Queen takes on a positive meaning. Ace offers a chance to express yourself and gain creative inspiration. The deuce insists on minor adjustments to the plan. Three indicates a good start to the project.

The Five of Wands brings cooperation, but it will be uncoordinated. Six brings excellent advancement. But a bad case is already going through the Ten: it will fail and you will have to submit to circumstances.

In the case of the Major Arcana, everything is not so clear. The jester increases the tendency to mood swings. But the Magician is a tendency to act in his own interests. The Priestess is always the embodiment of professional knowledge. The Empress puts more emphasis on the emergence of a successful individual, while the Emperor embodies family life and career. Lovers enhance feelings and devotion, the Hierophant gives them sincerity.

Power intensifies manifestations of intolerance. With the Hermit, the querent develops an enthusiasm that no one will support. The appearance of the Wheel of Fate literally means a challenge to fight with her and it is better to accept it, otherwise the matter will end badly. The Hanged Man makes a useless sacrifice, while Death signifies the loss of meaning in life. The Devil is carrying out a very cruel deception.

The Tower always brings shocks and when combined with the Queen of Wands it has a bad effect. A person loses himself and his life values. The Moon means a meeting with a lover, and the Star gives you faith in yourself.

The court gives creative strength and energy for their rise. All this can be directed to different areas of life. According to the arcana, the World is going through a serious task: to become a model for other people. To do this you need to be an almost ideal person. Therefore, you will have to work hard. Moderation is the basis for understanding oneself as a person.

Straight position

The arcan is presented in the form of an experienced, mature and practical woman who has taken place in life. She is often also called a magnetic personality, strong-willed and impressive. The one who gets this Arcana is a self-confident, active, proactive, independent, open and charismatic person. He makes a decision quickly and decisively, but he still needs outside support. He is distinguished by high professionalism, therefore he is able to overcome obstacles, challenging fate.

Thanks to his pride and ambition, his claim to leadership is very relevant. He is independent and independent, successful and ambitious.

The Queen of Wands card is self-sufficient. Her attractiveness, openness and goodwill are described here, which means that a person can count on her support in his endeavors, he may have allies and inspirers. But another meaning of the card says that a bright opponent will appear in front of you, who will find it difficult to prove his advantages.

Inverted position

The reversed Queen of Wands expresses the impulsive and overly independent nature of a person. Often he simply lacks experience and underestimates the complexity of the problems he faces. Under the influence of Arkan, he becomes cruel and domineering; he tends to show arrogance towards people. In addition, he does not want to help others, refuses to share his experience, and does not want to do good to people.

Such a person is even capable of committing a treacherous act. And such an enemy should be feared, because his actions are based not on emotions (the Queen of Wands is an easy-going and unforgiving person), but on logical thinking.

A person with this card is jealous, selfish and arrogant; anger, revenge, and despair are visible in his behavior. And if the upright position of the card indicated friendliness, then in an inverted position, quarrels with friends arise. In turn, she has disagreements in the family and failures in business.

Queen of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

The card is interpreted from a positive side. We can talk about the objective attitude of partners, between whom there is equality and cordiality. A person under the influence of Arkan seems to obey his loved one and shows gentleness towards him.

He freely exchanges emotions and shares impressions. There is a noticeable revival in relations. Even mutual indifference and almost destroyed relationships can be revived when this card is played for love.

In general, you can expect stormy, active and long-term relationships in the family. And they will line up in a beautiful and effective way. But in the future, not only the harmony of relationships and an optimistic attitude, the card speaks of the stability of a marriage in which great happiness is expected.
Inverted position

In relationships, jealousy, selfishness, and vanity are observed. A person is cruel to a partner. It costs him nothing to make a loved one dependent on himself and dominate him. He can show his stubbornness, mannerisms, moralism, and be indifferent to the needs of other people.

The card falls to the person who tends to be an insincere and deceitful person, greedy and greedy. In relationships, he is capable of being unfaithful, and therefore considers his jealousy to be completely justified.

Queen of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

Straight position

In a situation, Arcanum implies such concepts as strategy of plans and intense dynamics. A person simply needs to quickly resolve any issues. A promising future and professional self-realization await him, but only if he honorably fulfills his obligations and is confident in his abilities to the last.

He should not be afraid of responsibility in an activity in which he is well versed. He can easily open his own business, and no longer work “for his uncle,” but “for himself.” He will have a lot of interesting and profitable ideas that will be successfully implemented. It is possible that a person will be able to express himself in creative activities.

Inverted position

The lasso indicates failures in various situations, both domestic and professional. Under the influence of the Queen of Wands, a person becomes very complex in character; in the eyes of others, he looks like a tyrant who behaves like a stubborn “ram.” It is because of the human factor that big problems and instability arise in business.

Any activity with this card can be perceived as useless and unpromising. There is no development and no chance to realize at least part of your plans. Instability manifests itself in everything, there is even no point in chasing money, all efforts and aspirations regarding a career will be in vain.

Queen of Wands: Card of the Day Meaning

A day for decisive action, when a person will feel confident and strong energy. Anyone, even the most difficult one, will be able to handle it. He is ready to take decisive steps, displays courageous qualities and an optimistic attitude towards business. And the people around you will notice this, they will follow you, because many people in life so lack human support, optimism and wise advice.

The Queen of Wands card will give a person a fateful meeting with a temperamental nature, which will play an important role in his life.

There is no doubt that a person knows perfectly well what he wants from life and from a given situation in principle. Thanks to your talent, courage, strength, independence and originality, you can count on great success.

And even if a person seems to be unable to cope with some tasks, he can use the help of intelligent advisers. They will not only lend a helping hand, but also point you in the right direction. And there will definitely be such people. Perhaps they themselves will want to help you, even if you don’t ask them to do so.

Queen of Wands: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

personality prone to mood swings

Ace of Wands

creative inspiration; potential opportunity to express yourself

Ace of Cups

the birth of love or motherhood

Ace of Swords


Ace of Pentacles

financial support

a person acting solely in his own interests

King of Wands

mature project; consistency and understanding

King of Cups

King of Swords

opposition from a powerful person

King of Pentacles

couple: confident woman and business man

person with professional knowledge

Queen of Wands

Queen of Cups

confidence and understanding

Queen of Swords

face hypocrisy

Queen of Pentacles

confident and business woman


successful personality

Knight of Wands

haste; danger of burnout as a specialist

Knight of Cups

proposal from a fan

Knight of Swords

open opposition

Knight of Pentacles

consistently move towards your career goal


successful career and family life

Page of Wands

impressive news

Page of Cups

pregnancy; hatching plans

Page of Swords

meet with a dissatisfied person

Page of Pentacles



Two of Wands

creative thinking; adjustment of plans

Two of Cups


Two of Swords

inability to assess consequences

Two of Pentacles

fuss about finances


devotion in feelings

Three of Wands

optimistic start to the project

Three of Cups


Three of Swords

Three of Pentacles

using your talents


take control of your life; desire for independence

Four of Swords

Four of Pentacles

lady with a strong grip


Five of Wands

uncoordinated cooperation

Five of Cups

unfulfilled project

Five of Swords


Five of Pentacles

demoralized lady


enthusiasm that no one supports

Six of Wands

successful promotion

Six of Cups

ex-lover; lucky coincidence

Six of Swords

moving; care

Six of Pentacles

Queen of Posokhov – Minor Arcana

In the astrological aspect, the Lady of Posokhov corresponds to the Moon in the constellation Leo, which symbolizes a hot temperament, the desire to live life to the fullest, self-confidence and pride.

Other names for the Lady of Wands: Queen of Wands, Lady of Sceptres, Queen of Wands, Queen of Wands.

Brief description of the Lady of Posokhov: Mistress, Businesswoman, Amazon, Strictness and justice, Self-reliance and independence.

Description of the Lady of Staves

The Arcana depicts a luxurious, majestic woman with a truly royal bearing, seated on a massive throne. With its strength, it indicates the consistently high position of its owner.

The lady is the personification of self-confidence and self-sufficiency. She sits imposingly, without feeling any anxiety or tension. She holds a staff in her hands, indicating a position of power. A beautiful black cat sits nearby (on some Arcana, for example, in Loginov’s edition, a panther is depicted, which Lady Posokhov easily tamed).

The crown, throne, and wands are symbols of power, making us understand that a woman occupies a very high position in society and has authority.

On the Arcana Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, the Lady of Staves is depicted against a fiery background, which indicates her passion.

The sacred meaning of the Lady of Staves

An understanding of the deep meaning of the Arcana is revealed to us by the figure of the Lady, whom we would like to call the queen. And not even because she has a crown on her head, but she sits on a throne. Here her majestic posture is more striking. This is the posture of a woman who knows exactly what she wants to get from life. She has experience, she is wise, she has achieved a lot and was able to take her place on the throne through legal means.

It is her confidence, calmness and some passivity that indicate that her position is very strong. She is already at the top, she has achieved what she wants. Now the time has come to take responsibility for your “subjects”: help them with advice and financially, support them. However, her imperturbable pose can also serve as a warning to her enemies that she will not allow anyone to encroach on her independence and high position, and if someone persists, she will punish her.

A cat on the Arcana indicates that a woman can easily tame anyone, even a wild animal. She has unsurpassed magnetism that leads.

The Wand says that despite the passive sitting position, the Lady is always ready to act and will show determination in this, because the Wand does not lie next to her, but is in her hands, and in a “combat” position.

Mythological background of the Lady of Staves

The meaning of the straight Queen of Staves in the layout

As expected, Arcana-pictures are always considered from the perspective of two interpretation options. First of all, these cards show personality. As a rule, this is a woman who has achieved a lot in life. She is kind to her friends and lenient towards her enemies. He has vast life experience and practicality. She has a natural magnetism that attracts people to her.

When the Lady of Posokhov appears in the scenario, we can say that it is precisely such a woman who will help in resolving the issue.

In addition, this Arcanum indicates the need to make the most of initiative in a situation and confidently resolve any issues. A positive result can be achieved through openness and charisma.

In the scenario, Lady Posokhov indicates the active dynamics of events, which will lead to a successful outcome. However, you need to remember that nothing will resolve itself. Events require decisiveness and speed. If the Wheel of Fortune (X Arcanum) is located nearby, then Lady Posokhov recommends, gritting your teeth, overcoming all obstacles and actually challenging the circumstances in order to get the long-awaited success.

In any case, Arkan shows that a good start has been made and now we need to maintain the positions we have gained and confidently move on.

The meaning of the inverted Queen of Staves in the layout

The reversed Lady of Posokhov suggests that events were complicated due to excessive impulsiveness, which prevents one from making the right or rational decision in due time. It is likely that everything that happened was initially misjudged, and the reason could be a lack of experience.

Also, inverted, this Arcanum indicates empty hopes for help from a wealthy, self-sufficient woman. This help will not be provided because this woman is not inclined to make sacrifices and has no desire to help anyone. If the inverted Lady of Staves appears as an aggravating circumstance, then you need to be very careful with this woman, she can cause serious harm. This is a dangerous enemy.

Arkan shows that at present it is unrealistic to achieve the goal, since it is illusory, and excessive involvement in the idea and even some obsession with it prevents it from being correctly assessed. Desires have nothing to do with possibilities. You need to stop hanging in the clouds and look at everything with a sober look. Many mistakes will be revealed that can still be corrected at the initial stage.

Direction of self-development

The lesson of this Arcanum is that it is necessary to learn to be independent and independent, to act actively, and at the same time be able to manage oneself. You need to learn diplomacy in relationships, then people will strive to follow you, providing support.

Lady Posokhov helps to build relationships with people correctly, learn to share experience and knowledge, and easily provide assistance.

The inverted Lady of Posokhov says that self-development is hampered by selfishness, which develops into egocentrism, thirst for power and material enrichment, intolerance towards people, cruelty and despotism. The time has come to get rid of these qualities, otherwise you will have to experience coldness from people and loneliness without allies.


Lady Posokhov in professional scenarios shows that a person is ready to successfully move forward. He is open to new beginnings, has the strength to tackle a long-planned project, and in this state he can safely set himself big goals.

Arkan speaks of favorable circumstances for career growth, and it can promise the highest positions. A person has every chance for complete self-realization, he is full of strength and aimed at success more than ever. The most important thing is that at present he can take on greater responsibility without fear that he will not be able to live up to it.

Lady Posokhov indicates excellent prospects for a person who decided to create his own business and work exclusively for himself. In financial terms, Arkan indicates success and obtaining the desired profit. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct business not with obsessive assertiveness, but with gentle persistence and diplomacy.

Inverted, Lady Posokhov shows an unsuccessfully chosen direction of application of forces, a mistake in choosing a profession. As for direct work, those around him look at the person with caution, considering him stubborn and selfish, in some cases they call him a tyrant behind his back. This is not surprising, because with such a card greed, acquisitiveness and an uncontrollable desire to get rich at any cost are manifested.

The situation in business is unstable, and the problems are caused largely by the human factor. The upright Ten of Staves adjacent to the inverted Lady of Staves shows that the direction chosen in business is unpromising, and the Ace of Pentacles speaks of unsuccessful attempts to develop a business. Success in this case is hampered by the lack of a specifically set goal and the inability to stabilize the business that has been started.

Personal relationships

Lady Posokhov says that at the moment a person’s soul is open to new sensations. He is ready to develop feelings and strives to make new promising acquaintances. This is facilitated by the understanding that he is ripe for a serious relationship, one might even say he has “grown up” to it.

For a union, this Arcanum promises revitalization of feelings and emotions, new experiences in the old format. Partners come to the conclusion that peace in a union is the ideal solution, so they take a more rational approach to issues that previously infuriated them. In such an alliance, partners give each other objective assessments, are mature in solving common problems, and show cordiality.

Sometimes one of the partners has to obey, but this happens very gently, without compromising one’s own dignity.

If we talk about existing or emerging relationships in general, the Arcanum shows them as long-term, active, eventful and emotional, and beautiful actions. If the Emperor (V Arcanum) appears nearby, then everything points to a marriage that promises to be stable, and the Ace of Cups next to the Lady of Staves will tell about a very happy marriage in all respects.

An inverted Arcanum indicates that one of the partners in the union (most often a woman) shows jealousy and even self-centeredness. This is especially clearly visible if the Moon (XVIII Arcanum) is located nearby. In addition, such a connection may also indicate the presence of a rival or rival.

Such a partner tries to subjugate the other, dominate and control. Quite often, it is this partner who tries to make the union dependent on himself.

Often in an alliance there is moralizing, setting certain requirements, sometimes quite stringent. There is also insincerity in relationships or deceit. If in the scenario the Lovers (VI Arcanum) are adjacent to the Lady of Staves, then we can talk about a period of grinding in between the partners.

Personality characteristics

Naturally, Lady Posokhov best describes a woman. She shows a very talented person, and first of all, talent is manifested in building relationships with people. She is very insightful, notices every little thing in the relationships not only with herself, but also with those around her, which she never ceases to use for her benefit.

She approaches people quite differently. If she considers a person to be one of her own, she opens her soul to him; with others, she keeps a certain distance, while remaining friendly. Lady Posokhov is quite tolerant of people, but this does not prevent her from being touchy, and if she is offended, she will try to pointedly ignore the offender, forcing him through his actions to be the first to agree to a truce. Typically, she takes offense most often at her own people.

Lady Posokhov is characterized by positional rigidity in relationships: she does not give others the opportunity to impose their opinions on her, and demands a respectful attitude towards herself. Men of this type are sensitive to their own moral principles and do not allow them to be trampled upon. The toughness of the Lady of Posokhov is also manifested in the fact that she can easily put a person in his place, can teach him a lesson or punish him if the person really deserves it. According to her personal conviction. If you get her, she can be quite vindictive, and is ready to wait for the right time to take revenge. She will not allow anyone to ruin her reputation.

We must pay tribute, Lady Posokhov analyzes what is happening very carefully, using logic and trying to be as objective as possible, so she rarely punishes wrongly. Her patience also plays a role here.

As a professional in any field of activity, Lady Posokhov will always be at her best. She is scrupulous, meticulous and will never take on responsibility without making sure that she can look decent. She instantly processes the information received, structures it, evaluates it, and only then applies it. She has flexible thinking, although this goes against her maximalism: she does not accept halftones, prefers either black or white. This attitude towards the world makes the Lady of Posokhov suspicious when it comes to attitudes towards her.

This person is practical, but she is not alien to subtle taste. She manages to harmoniously combine such qualities. Some consider her to be mercantile, but she is, rather, reasonably economical, since she loses peace of mind if her financial situation suddenly becomes precarious. That is why she does not enjoy wasting money, although it is difficult to call her poor.

For the Lady of Staves, it is very important to keep everything under control, which forces her to be in tension all the time. She is very precise and punctual, trying to make the most of every minute. This makes her very active and always busy.

The personality characterized by Lady Posokhov knows how to empathize and subtly senses the problems of others. She happily provides help, and does not wait to be asked for it.

Inverted, the Arcanum indicates the same qualities, but in this case they have a negative connotation. Rigidity in relationships turns into despotism, and the desire to keep everything under control turns into ambition, stubbornness and even some narrow-mindedness, although no one would dare to call it stupid.

Such a woman is ready to sacrifice a lot in the name of her goal and achieving success. Her rational approach to financial matters turns into stinginess and acquisitiveness. She can easily deceive if circumstances require it. Quite often she is consumed by jealousy.


The straight Lady of Posokhov speaks of fairly good health, but there may be problems with stamina. There are vital forces, but they are not limitless.

A reversed card shows that health is currently poor. The condition is characterized as feeling unwell without specific reasons.

Layout for the situation

The Lady of Posokhov characterizes situations that have already begun earlier and are currently going through the stage of important processes for resolution. At the same time, the card says that the desired result can only be achieved through gentle persistence, without excessive dramatization of events and obsessive assertiveness.

Lady Posokhov herself is very diplomatic, which is why she suggests resolving issues with a certain diplomacy. In addition, the appearance of this Arcana in the scenario makes it clear that a self-sufficient and self-confident woman who can come to the rescue at any moment can play a significant role in the situation.

There have been positive changes in the situation itself, but in order to strengthen them, it is necessary to take decisive action and quickly respond to current events. It is very important to correctly assess what is happening, logically analyze incoming information and take the right actions.

The reversed card says that the situation is unlikely to be resolved in the manner desired by the person. The human factor prevents this. These can be either personal negative qualities, for example, impatience, intractability, selfishness, deceit, or the influence of such a person from the outside.

It is important to take a close look at your surroundings. There is probably a woman nearby who can become a rather dangerous and powerful enemy. It is precisely this that does not allow you to get the desired result.

Card of the day

The upright position of the Lady of Posokhov says that on this day a person will be the architect of his own happiness. He must take the situation into his own hands and boldly act to achieve his plans. This day is simply ideal for taking a decisive step, since you can easily find allies and captivate them with your idea.

In an inverted position, Arkan speaks of obsession in resolving some current issues, which can serve a rather dubious service. This is a day of negative emotions, jealousy, intemperance. You need to keep yourself within limits as much as possible so as not to make mistakes.

Card of the Year

This year, the main qualities should be determination, self-confidence, gentle persistence and diplomacy. With them you can move mountains and make a foundation for the near future, which will be very successful and quite happy.

Inverted, Arkan depicts a year of intemperance and vacillation, changeable moods that will force a person to rush from one extreme to another. It’s not an easy year, but if you moderate your negative qualities, you can get through it quite tolerably.

Arcana Council

Lady Posokhov suggests that at the moment a person knows exactly what he needs to get from life. He has enough strength to implement his plans. You just need to learn to be independent and show more determination.

If there are any difficulties, then it is advisable to find yourself an intelligent, experienced and friendly ally. She will help you pass any test.