How to draw a teacher with a pencil step by step. Greeting cards and pictures for Teacher's Day Children's drawings on the theme of Teacher's Day

Beautiful card for Teacher's Day. Master class with photos

Master class "Postcard for Teacher's Day, made using mixed media"

Age audience: cardmaking lovers aged 10 to 100 years

Description: this material is offered to children and adults interested in making handmade cards (children, mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers, additional education teachers).

Target: Making a greeting card using mixed media: applique + quilling

1.teach techniques for working with paper using applique and quilling techniques
2.develop aesthetic taste and interest in cardmaking
3.develop creativity and outlook

The term “cardmaking” is familiar to those who like to create greeting cards with their own hands, but I’ll try to decipher it for those new to this business. Translated from English card - postcard, make - to do. If you combine these two words, you get the idea of ​​making postcards.
This art originated in Ancient China, when the custom arose of exchanging cards and invitations to holidays. A good idea spread in the 13-14th century in Europe; this art was accessible only to wealthy people. Everything changed at the beginning of the 19th century, when printed materials began to develop and many people could congratulate their loved ones with postcards. In our country, cardmaking appeared and became popular about 10 years ago.
Cardmaking is a type of creativity that involves making postcards using various techniques:
Pop-up-a union of two techniques: cutting and kirigami;

Scrapbooking- from English “scrap”-cutting and “book”-book, a technique that combines applique and decoration with elements of ribbons, flowers, made with decorative hole punches and many others. etc.;

Decoupage- gluing elements cut from 3-layer paper napkins or decoupage cards to the base;

Embroidery- creating patterns on fabric using a needle and thread;

Pergamo- embossing on tracing paper;

Iris folding(Iris Folding) - laying out strips of colored paper according to a pattern;

Isothread– making a pattern on cardboard according to the pattern using thread and a needle;

Mixing techniques in making handmade cards is encouraged. We will now start mixing techniques. I propose to make a greeting card for Teacher's Day using two techniques: applique and quilling!

For work we will need materials and tools:

1.two sheets of watercolor paper -20.5 x 29.5 cm
3. printout with pictures for applique
4. strips of green, yellow, red paper - 0.7 mm x 29 cm
5.colored pencils,
6.wax crayons,
7. felt-tip pens, gel pen,
9. quilling ruler,
10. stamp pads with orange and red paint (used in scrapbooking for toning)
12.glue pencil,
13. PVA glue,
14.air markers
15.decorative plastic eyes
16.simple pencil

One of the techniques that is necessary for our postcard is “appliqué”. The “Applique” technique has been familiar to us since childhood. We know how to cut out elements and glue them to the base, these skills will come in handy now!

We will print pictures taken from the Internet.

Cut out each element with an allowance of 2 mm

Using pencil glue, we glue the cut out elements to the watercolor paper - this must be done to make it more convenient to color the pictures.

Let's start coloring the pictures. First we work with colored pencils and wax crayons, and then we add brightness using felt-tip pens (the apples are not painted - they will be guides when gluing the elements, and will not be visible on the postcard)

Cut out with an allowance of 2 mm (the layer of watercolor paper should not be visible).
The elements for creating the application have been prepared.

Let's move on to mastering the Quilling technique. Quilling is the making of crafts from strips of paper. The strips are wound onto a special quilling tool, a roll is created, then the roll is modified by pressure, from the sides or from the top, and numerous shapes are obtained, which, when connected, produce interesting openwork patterns. A rowan brush was created using the quilling technique for our greeting card. First, let's look at what a rowan branch looks like in nature.

Photo from the Internet
The brush contains numerous round red or orange berries, the leaf has a complex shape, it consists of small oval-shaped leaves.
Let's move on to making rowan and prepare 24 red stripes. To make one berry, we need to sequentially glue one whole strip and one half of the strip.

Let's use a quilling tool and wind the prepared red strip, remove it from the tool and glue it with a drop of PVA glue (choose glue that is thicker - it glues the elements together faster).

You need to prepare 16 berries

From two green strips 0.7 x 29 cm glued together in sequence we will make a roll and unravel it on a quilling ruler - the diameter of the hole on the ruler is 18 mm, then glue the end of the strip to the roll. This element is called a free spiral.

From a free spiral we should get an oval.

For this:
1. squeeze the loose spiral between your thumb and index finger
2. the spiral is compressed and an oval is obtained.
To make rowan leaves, we need to make 12 green and 5 yellow ovals.

The ovals will stick to the petiole:
1.take half of the green strip
2. bend it in half, and bend the ends in opposite directions
3.glue the strip with PVA glue (the ends remain unglued)

The petiole is ready, the second one remains to be completed, since we have two complex leaves.

We assemble the leaf: glue one green oval to the petiole, it will be the central leaf, and then glue all the remaining ovals.

This is what the leaves look like, which are necessary to create the composition. We still have 3 green ovals left in stock. We will need them when the rowan branch is finally glued to the postcard.

The stalks for the berries are made in the same way as the petioles for the leaves, but a smaller size is taken:

1.cut off one fourth of the green strip
2. bend in half
3.cut the bent strip lengthwise, we get two thin strips
4. bend the edges in different directions for each strip
5.glue each strip without gluing the folds

In total you need to make 8 strips

We connect each berry with a stalk. A total of 8 berries need to be connected to the stem; the remaining red rolls will be glued to the card later.

In order to form a bunch, it is necessary to connect the berries with the stalks using PVA glue in groups: 2-3-3.

We combine all the resulting elements into a brush.

While the elements are drying, we move on to forming the postcard:

1. Divide the wide sides of watercolor paper measuring 20.5 x 29.5 cm in half, put dots with a simple pencil, use a ruler and the tip of scissors to draw a line connecting the dots - the resulting groove divides the sheet in half
2. bend the sheet along the intended line (this method of making a postcard does not create creases on thick and at the same time loose paper)

The base of the card is ready, let's start decorating it

Recently, more and more new devices, materials, and tools for creating postcards have appeared - one of these innovations is air felt-tip pens. Why are they airy, because fireworks of colorful splashes appear when they blow forcefully into the transparent cap of a felt-tip pen.
Before we apply paint, we need to make a paint stop out of cardboard measuring 12.5 x 19 cm. We will also need a newspaper on which the postcard will be placed (we don’t want to stain everything around with paint).
If you don’t have such air markers, then let’s remember the proven method of applying paint using an old toothbrush:
1.dilute watercolor paint with water
2.dip the tip of the brush into the paint
3.Stroke the brush with your thumb to create splashes.

This technique is called the “spraying” technique and is used to create fantasy paintings using stencils.

We do similar spraying inside the postcard.

We will also paint the backing for the inscription.

Glue the inscription to the substrate, which has dried after applying the paint, trim the watercolor paper at a distance of 3-4 mm from the inscription, and draw dotted lines with a black gel pen.

The leaves have dried and you can start assembling; you need to glue a green strip, one-fourth the size of the whole strip, to one of the leaves.

Let's move on to the application on the postcard:

Glue a globe to the upper right part of the postcard (we work with glue with a pencil), below we glue a stack of books with an apple (the leaf of the second apple and the beginning of the petiole of the first apple are in contact)

Glue an owl onto a stack of books (glue it onto apples), and place pencils at an angle on the left side of the postcard.

We paste the inscription on the pencils.

Applique elements can be made more voluminous if bulky double-sided tape is glued under each element in several places, this is done if the card is made using the scrapbooking technique.

Let's start forming a rowan branch:
1.glue two sheets
2.glue a bunch of rowan berries to them

When the branch dries, put it on a postcard and try out the location. Carefully turning it over to the wrong side, apply PVA glue to the leaves and stick it on the postcard.

Teacher's Day is a bright and cheerful holiday. On this day, kids rush to congratulate their mentors, thank them for their patience, gifted knowledge and invaluable experience. Not only kind words and wishes are heard in honor of teachers, but children also try to please teachers with original gifts, creative skits and performances, learn rhymes and songs, and make wall newspapers.

In other words, congratulations on a professional holiday are a great opportunity for schoolchildren to show their creative abilities and reveal the talent of an artist or actor.

Children's drawing for Teacher's Day

Traditionally, kids prepare a series of themed cards for Teacher’s Day. These are unique works of art that reflect the inner world and perception of little personalities, their attitude towards their teachers and good wishes.

Postcards with children's drawings are a wonderful congratulation on Teacher's Day for every teacher. After all, what could be more valuable and original than a gift made by little children’s hands with such diligence and enthusiasm.

Pencil drawing ideas for Teacher's Day

The imagination of the younger generation is limitless, but sometimes they lack the skills and abilities to bring all their ideas to life. In particular, to draw a beautiful picture for Teacher's Day with a pencil, children will probably need the help of adults. And since not all parents are endowed with artistic abilities, a master class on how to draw a picture for Teacher’s Day step by step will be a salvation in this situation.

Let’s not change traditions and “give” our respected teachers a vase of flowers, for example roses.

So, let's get started, for work we will need: simple and colored pencils, a sheet of paper (preferably more than one).

A few words about the general composition: if you are more accustomed to holding a computer mouse in your hands than a pencil or pen, it is better to first practice drawing a vase and flowers separately. And after you master the technique, feel free to arrange the elements into a single composition.

Now, let's look at how to draw such a drawing for Teacher's Day step by step:

Things are a little simpler with the vase:

A more original way to make congratulations on Teacher’s Day is a garland with children’s drawings or wishes. For example, each student in the class can write or draw their congratulations to the teacher on a strip of colored paper.

So, to make a garland we will need: strips of colored paper, colored pencils, tape, a sewing machine or glue, scissors.

Another gift option is to make a wall newspaper and color it with pencils, like a coloring book. Here are some options for drawing a greeting wall newspaper.

The role of a school teacher in the life of every person cannot be overestimated. Thanks to the perseverance and daily work of the teacher, children from school gain a desire to understand the world, new knowledge, discover and develop their own talents. From year to year, the teacher instills in each child the concept of good and evil, explains the essence of humanity and goodwill, outlines the future of a successful educated person and an illiterate lazy person, stimulating him to work on his lessons. Only a dedicated teacher puts a piece of his own soul into each student free of charge and cares for the fate of all graduates. Isn’t this a reason to give your favorite teacher the most sincere and beautiful congratulations on his professional holiday? Even cool posters or pictures for Teacher’s Day with poems and kind words can convey your gratitude for the most important lesson in life. Prepare for the holiday in advance, download pictures for free in our large gallery.

Bright pictures-congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017

Residents of 160 countries of the modern world annually celebrate Teacher's Day. In Russia, this holiday became a state holiday more than half a century ago. Nowadays, people are preparing for the celebration dedicated to the country's teachers with great inspiration. On the eve, schoolchildren draw wall newspapers and make handmade gifts, school and college staff organize concerts and theatrical performances, parents buy flowers and select bright pictures of congratulations on Teacher’s Day. On the day of the celebration, teachers receive the warmest congratulatory words, bright autumn flowers, postcards, gifts and even cute pictures via mobile phone or email. We have collected the most successful of them in the next section.

Collection of greeting pictures for Teacher's Day

Beautiful pictures and posters of Happy Teacher's Day 2017

Teachers of the Soviet Union noted in the list of their responsibilities not only teaching children to read and write, but also their moral education. It was the school that was assigned the main role in the life of a child in the period from 7 to 15 years. It is not surprising that Teacher’s Day in that era was held very solemnly and officially: boys and girls in dress uniform hung beautiful posters and pictures, gave flowers to teachers and showed short performances. The Soviet Union remains far in the past, and the principles of school education have changed beyond recognition. But teachers still continue to tirelessly educate their students and open a wide path to the future for them. Only instead of organizing ceremonial demonstrations, teachers choose traditional souvenirs, SMS congratulations in verse, beautiful pictures and posters on Teacher’s Day as gifts.

A selection of pictures to congratulate your beloved teacher on his professional day

Free Happy Teacher's Day pictures with poems - options for downloading

Teacher's Day is an international holiday aimed at attracting public attention to the problems of school education. On this day, government authorities should think about improving the quality of education, raising the rating of the honorary title “teacher,” and raising the standard of living of educational workers. And on Teacher’s Day, schoolchildren and parents must pay attention to their favorite teachers, congratulate them with free pictures with poems, and respect them with inexpensive symbolic gifts. You can unite with the whole class in advance to buy some meaningful thing for the class teacher. Or act independently by choosing free Happy Teacher's Day pictures with poems from among our options for downloading.

A collection of pictures with poems for free downloading for Teacher's Day

Funny pictures and cards Happy Teacher's Day

You can congratulate teachers on their professional day in different ways: with a useful gift in festive packaging, a bright thematic poster or wall newspaper, a beautiful postcard with wishes in verse, or a cool picture on your mobile phone. Or you can show creativity and please your favorite teacher with a funny flash mob, a funny performance in a humorous manner, or a festive poem of your own composition (mentioning specific teachers). The latter options are more suitable for high school students, while primary and secondary school students are better off with the simplified versions. And the most popular among them are funny pictures and cards for Teacher’s Day.

A selection of funny pictures for Teacher's Day

Happy Teacher's Day greetings to colleagues from the teaching staff

When a teacher achieves great success in the diversified development of students, thoroughly masters methodological skills and brings his own ideas and developments to life, he has the right to count on the respect of not only schoolchildren and parents, but also the entire teaching staff. Honored and respected professionals are more willingly nominated to participate in various kinds of competitions and are just as willingly congratulated on Teacher’s Day with pictures, posters, poems and other signs of attention. On this bright professional holiday, the best teachers are invited to city concerts and awarded with special certificates, and in their home school they are given the main place on the honor board.

If you are looking for congratulatory pictures from the teaching staff on Teacher's Day to colleagues, pay attention to our next selection.

A collection of pictures to congratulate colleagues on Teacher's Day

Happy Teacher's Day posters and pictures are one of the most popular congratulation options for beloved teachers. Beautiful and funny, with poems or prosaic wishes - they perfectly improve the mood of the heroes of the occasion and evoke the brightest and most colorful emotions. Download the best pictures for Teacher's Day for free and express your gratitude and deep respect to teachers.

Teacher's Day is a wonderful autumn holiday, which is celebrated in early October. On this day, students and their parents congratulate teachers and thank them for their hard work, patience and professionalism. In many schools, on the eve of the holiday, various literary, artistic and musical events are held, in which children perform creative tasks to participate.

On Teacher's Day it is customary to give flowers and gifts. In addition, every teacher will be extremely pleased to receive a beautiful drawing from the hands of his favorite student. In this article we will tell you how to draw a children’s drawing for Teacher’s Day yourself, and also offer interesting ideas for work that any teacher will definitely like.

How to draw a picture for Teacher's Day step by step?

In order to congratulate your beloved teacher on his professional holiday, a child can independently draw a beautiful bouquet of roses for him. Such a gift requires certain skills, and a small child, of course, will need the help of his parents. At the same time, high school students can easily cope with this drawing using the following instructions:

With an ordinary pencil you can draw the teacher herself doing her favorite job:

Drawing ideas for Teacher's Day

Of course, the most common theme of congratulations on Teacher's Day in the form of drawings is flowers. They can be depicted any way you like. These can be single flowers, large bouquets, flowering bushes, and much, much more. Most often, children's drawings are made using colored pencils or felt-tip pens, but if you have certain artistic abilities, you can use any other technique, for example, drawing with gouache, watercolors or pastels.

Usually beautiful drawings for Teacher’s Day are designed in the form of greeting cards. In this case, the child draws directly on a sheet of cardboard or glues a ready-made drawing to a prepared template. In addition, you need to add an original congratulation, which is best written by hand.

On the postcard you can depict not only the flowers themselves, but also a plot situation, for example, when students present bouquets to their favorite teacher. You can also use any ideas related to assessments or a class journal in your work. Finally, any teacher will be pleased to receive a congratulation that contains something from the subject he teaches. So, a geography teacher will definitely like a postcard with a picture of a globe, biology - plants and animals, physical education - various sports competitions, and so on.