2 wands in a deck of 78 doors. The personality represented by this card

This card combines a statement of fact and at the same time a challenge: it shows that we want to maintain a neutral, indifferent position, but the situation forces us to speak out directly and unambiguously. The situations this card corresponds to often resemble dead ends. On the objective plane, there is nothing that we could consider the reason for our loss, defeat or bad mood, but here they are, and we do not know what exactly unsettled us. The point here is that we are tired of participating in external life, and we have locked ourselves away from it in another ivory tower. In any case, we have achieved that nothing bothers our soul anymore, and we no longer care what happens to our loved ones, not to mention those distant. You can get out of this state only by allowing your ideas to become beliefs, and your intentions to become deeds, and honestly.


Here this card means that we really don’t care what we do, and we do our job just to get away with it. It can also mean that in the next conflict we demonstratively take an absolutely neutral position, or take the side of the majority, because we really don’t care who is right and who is wrong. We pay for this with inner emptiness, which over time can lead to complete depression. This card strongly encourages us to check whether our internal attitudes are still correct so that we can ensure complete clarity in our affairs.


Here the Two of Wands shows that we are, as it were, in a state of some lethargy, from which we can only free ourselves by putting our words into action. If we declare something, then we must act accordingly so that our words do not remain an empty phrase.

Personal relationships and love

Retreat to the “prepared positions” of a person who does not need anything, who does not experience any feelings. Is it dangerous. At the same time, our words may be full of passion, but there is nothing behind them. The danger is that such a union, devoid of internal warmth, begins to die out. And here the Two of Wands recommends that we finally make a choice: either we do everything to preserve the union, or then we immediately break it off, letting go of our partner.

Inner meaning

The Two of Wands is not the most inspiring card. Something unexpected is about to happen or appear on the scene. What you did not allow or could not allow in your plans. At the very least, it will surprise you. But this could mean the loss or failure of your venture.

Note that some interpretations of the Two of Wands give the complete opposite meaning to this and state that the Two of Wands brings wealth, gain, luck and power.

But most of these interpretations of the Two of Wands tarot card include the statement that with good fortune comes bad luck.

Combinations with other cards


Nun: Passivity, staying in the background

Priest: conformity, following the group

9 of Swords: powerlessness, fear of action

10 of Pentacles: following rules, loyalty


Magician: personal power, gaining power

Chariot: personal power, leadership

Sun: vitality, wit, grandeur




Mars in Aries

1°—10° Aries

Original title: Lord of PowerOriginal composition in the Golden Dawn system: a hand extended from behind the clouds holds two crossed wands. Tongues of fire emanate from the point where the wands intersect

Color of Chokmah according to the King's scale: pure pale blue
The colors of Mars on four scales: scarlet; red; Venetian red; bright red with azure or emerald veins
Aries colors on four scales: scarlet; red; sparkling flame; flaming red
Formula: Two (Chokmah) + Wands (Atzilut) + Mars in Aries = POWER

If you look at the basic diagram developed by Mathers, it becomes obvious that the Two of Wands is a real visual aid to the use of color scales: the red tones of Aries are placed here against a background formed by the explosive mixture of reds, azures and emeralds of Mars. These colors make it clear to us that Mars feels great in the sign of Aries, and Aries, in turn, is extremely happy about the presence of Mars.

Crowley notes that due to such a strong astrological marriage, concluded in the sphere of Chokmah (in which the elements find their first manifestation), the Two of Wands represents “Fire in its best and highest form” and symbolizes “Will in its most sublime form. This is an ideal Will, independent of any specific goal.”

The wands are depicted as Tibetan dorjes with demon heads. Like the Perun of Zeus, the dorje symbolizes the directed power of the deity and serves as an instrument of divine destruction, which must inevitably precede the cycle of creation. “To fertilize a virgin egg, you need to break through it,” Crowley notes in this regard. Six flames escaping from the crosshairs of two dorjes indicate the power of the Sun, which is exalted in Aries and feels excellent in it.

This card, corresponding to Chokmah in the suit of Fire, symbolizes Will in its most sublime form. This is an ideal Will, independent of any specific goal.

“For a pure will, untamed by design, free from lust for results, is perfect in all respects” (Book of the Law, I, 42, 44).

The background of the card shows the strength of the planet Mars in its abode, the sign of Aries, the first of the signs. Here Mars personifies the Energy that gives the first impetus to the Flow of Power.

The image on the map is two crossed dorjes. Dorje is the Tibetan symbol of lightning, denoting the Power of Heaven, but in its destructive rather than creative form, and, moreover, in its early rather than developed expression. After all, destruction can be considered as the first stage of the creative process. To fertilize a virgin egg, you need to rupture it. The first reaction to such violence is disgust and fear. But then, with the realization of the whole plan, voluntary submission and joyful cooperation follow.

Six tongues of fire emanate from the center of the image. This is an indication of the influence of the Sun, exalted in Aries, and the Sun is a symbol of the creative Will.

Mars in Aries corresponds to the geomantic figure Puer.

The meaning of geomantic figures should be studied from a textbook dealing with this art (see The Equinox, I, 2). Please note that the Minds of geomantic figures are predominantly Dwarves (see Book 777, columns XLIX and CLXXVIII).


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

Flying freely, naturally and effortlessly, the eagle from the height of its flight sees all the plains and mountains stretching below. He hovers in his domain, majestic and self-sufficient.

Straight position

This card shows that you are now at a point where a world of opportunity is open to you. Because you have become more self-sufficient, more self-loving, you can work more easily with others. Because you are relaxed and free, you can recognize opportunities when they present themselves, sometimes even before others see them. Because you are in tune with your nature, you understand that existence provides you with what you need. Enjoy your flight! And celebrate the majesty of the landscape that lies before you.

The meaning of the card

The mind can accept any boundaries. But in reality, by its nature, existence cannot have any boundaries, so what will happen on the other side of the boundary? - another sky. That's why I say that heaven beyond heaven is flyable. Don't be content with little. Those who are content with little remain small: their joys are small, their delights are small, their silence is small, their existence is small. But this is not necessary! This humiliation affects your freedom, your unlimited possibilities, your unlimited potential. (Osho)

The suit of wands, also called rods or staves, represents situations associated with creativity, will, enthusiasm, spiritual development and self-confidence. These cards correspond to the element of Fire. In a regular deck of playing cards, the wands are matched with diamonds.

Fire, fertility, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

In the upright position - Ace of Wands - growth, vitality, masculinity, energy. Feel free to get down to business, and good luck will be with you. Potency for men, and advice for women to find a man.

In the opposite position - there is not enough strength. For women - the absence of a man.

In financial matters

Financially, the Ace of Wands represents initial investments and ventures of a creative nature. Finally, you have the opportunity to make money doing something you really love. Don't be afraid of new opportunities and adventures. Trust your own instincts and try to be creative even in solving financial issues

In matters of love

As a rule, this card signifies the beginning of a passionate romance or an explosion of enthusiasm in an existing relationship. The source of your creativity and inspiration can be your partner himself. Follow your heart - don't wait for the other party to make the first move. Don't be afraid: most likely, you will receive a positive answer.

In matters of work

A proposal looms before you, in which there is room for your talents and inspiration. It's time to dive headfirst into a project, job, or business venture. Don't lose sight of the opportunity to gain new experiences. Remember that success is only possible if you are ready to invest your strength in its implementation. Its important components will be optimism and self-confidence.

Like a personal growth map

The Ace represents a period of gaining new experience and professional growth. Along with confidence, truly creative energy awakens in you. Be open and accept all new opportunities and challenges with a smile.

The man achieved what he wanted, but he did not start a new life, but remained in the old one in order to comprehend it and benefit for himself. He has power, success, but suddenly there is emptiness - why does he need all this? Was the result worth the effort? Change your value system that you have lived by for so long. The card says: is it worth taking on the intended task? It will work out, but will there be disappointment later? The plan is quite realistic, but in reality it will become a burden. Also intellectual and creative work (books, dissertations, plays, paintings, plans, etc.). The main theme of the card is intellectual cargo.

In the opposite situation, it will take a lot of effort and time, and the result will be doubtful.

In financial matters

Take upon yourself the decision of monetary issues - the time has come to show independence in this. Be confident in yourself. And even if you have the opportunity to accept outside help, do not strive to receive external support, which will force you to sacrifice your own dignity, principles and influence.

In matters of love

The Two of Wands symbolizes the stage at which both partners must declare their own intentions, thereby laying the foundation for the development of the relationship. Rely on your vision and enthusiasm, and you will have a strong future. This card can also symbolize creative collaboration, in which partners draw inspiration from each other.

In matters of work

Show energy and persistence in your work. The time has come to realize our plans. Take control of the situation at work and commit yourself fully to the process of achieving your own ambitions - don’t let anything stand in your way. Strive to resolve difficulties, rather than sit back in the hope of peace, comfort and security.

Like a personal growth map

Clearly define the objectives, principles, scope and purpose of the work. Don’t sit idly by and watch life pass by—join in! Use your willpower and your dreams will come true.

Traveler, long and unsafe path. He left his old life, changed a lot in it, changed himself. He was tired, but he achieved his goal, although the path was difficult. The sea is a new world and it is free from the burden of the past. The Three of Wands is similar in meaning to the Two of Wands, but we are not talking about intellectual work, but about material work (building a house, buying an apartment, opening a business, etc.).

In the upright position - a favorable prognosis in any issue and area.

In the opposite situation, think it over and most likely put it off until better times.

In the upright position - joy and fun, love and friendship. You have the comfort of home. Favorable in any matter.

In the opposite position, you do not want and cannot feel joy in life. Your lack of mental balance is preventing you from resolving the issue. While he is not there, don’t start the business.

In financial matters

You have drawn this card, and with it stability and financial well-being.

This is a good time to seek financial support. Four indicates that issues related to investments, business, or any other financial problems should be resolved in your favor. Finally, the time has come to enjoy the fruits of our own labors.

In matters of love

The Four of Wands signifies happiness, stability and harmony in relationships. The whole atmosphere is saturated with romance for you. The time has come to resolve the problems of the past. Now that you know what you want and feel a positive aura around you, you can attract exactly the person you were created for.

In matters of work

Success and contentment replaced the period of everyday work. A project or work undertaken at this time promises to be realized, thereby bringing complete satisfaction. Pay attention to details and be confident that you will make it through, no matter what. This card can also symbolize the successful completion of a project and satisfaction from a job well done.

Like a personal growth map

The Four of Wands represents a period of calm, peace and comfort. You are happy with yourself and your place in life, because you know that you have earned it. Share your experience with others.

The absence of a specific goal, unexpressed desires, the efforts of the people solving your issues are directed in different directions. So far, what you are doing is not leading to any result. Therefore, you should formulate your goal more specifically. Get support from other people. Meaning of the card: a lot of noise - little use. If you want to start a business, then the Five of Wands promises only troubles and someone’s promises, but not results. If you are afraid of something, for example, going to court, etc., do not be afraid, these are empty worries of your ill-wishers.

In the opposite position, there is still a lot of noise, but the result is rather unfavorable for you.

In financial matters

Every now and then, disputes flare up over resources, property, ideas, rights and areas of activity. Confusion and disagreement arise everywhere, whether it concerns the mode of production, use, investment or distribution of money. Be practical - your losses may be caused by inattention to what is happening around you. Do not ask others for financial advice. There is no need to touch on legal issues related to property or money now.

In matters of love

Minor disagreements give rise to serious quarrels between you and your partner. Personal confrontations flare up again and again, but things are still there. Most likely, you are both very selfish, and therefore stubbornly hold your positions, refusing to take the side of your partner. Show more flexibility and desire to cooperate.

In matters of work

Arguments, disorder, and confusion wreak havoc on your work environment and overall career. Selfishness and stubbornness are increasingly hindering progress. Perhaps you are Quietly idealistic, and therefore ignore practical and financial issues to your detriment.

Like a personal growth map

Leave aside narcissism and habitual behavior that hinder your development. This card may also indicate that you have your head in the clouds when you need to deal with real problems.

You have achieved your goal brilliantly. Success, all the work is almost done - success is close, do not despair. In practice - success beyond all expectations. Even in reverse, it retains its meaning, only with a little delay. Or success may not come to you. However, the map is promising.

In financial matters

After a period of hard struggle and effort, success and financial gains are in your hands. In the field of financial matters and business ventures, this card symbolizes victory. Investments, especially long-term ones or those involving some risk, will certainly pay off.

In matters of love

The number six symbolizes a time of happiness, peace and cooperation. You and your partner have overcome all difficulties and have every right to enjoy each other's shaking. Now you are ready to express your feelings in an appropriate way - openly and passionately, perhaps in the form of marriage or through another means of expressing your affection.

If you are looking for true love, then this is the surest chance

In matters of work

You will experience success and satisfaction in your work. The card means that you can achieve your plans, get a great job, or achieve excellence in a difficult enterprise. The time has come to act and develop.

All your rewards are the result of work honestly done; the same applies to the confession received

Like a personal growth map

This is a period of joy and achievement. You have passed the strength test and completed the task perfectly. Victory is yours. The Six of Wands can also represent recovery from illness or injury. Meditate on this card and you will bring prosperity and success to your life.

Enemies will not be able to harm you. Where you see danger, there really is none. Feel free to go forward and see for yourself. Meaning of the card: there is danger, but it will not cover you personally, so act more boldly.

In the opposite position - the enemies will overtake you, the forecast is negative. If they are asking not about one person, but about a group, then a direct card can mean injuries and casualties, although there will be few of them, compared with the number of people in the group.

In financial matters

Try to join the financial enterprise, plans or current course of events, even if it seems difficult at first. In order to make a profit, you need to put in a lot of effort. Hold your positions firmly, but try to avoid conflicts related to property or money.

In matters of love

Make every effort to develop your own relationships. Remember that there are no unsolvable problems, all you need is time and desire. Don't lose hope. Show a positive attitude and interest, even if it seems easier to give up now

In matters of work

Don't lose your enthusiasm; keep working hard and you will definitely achieve your goals. Set your priorities and try to direct your energy where it will do the most good. Be persistent and everything will come true, but it may take time. Don't let disappointments and various obstacles get in the way of achieving your goal

Like a personal growth map

The Seven of Wands symbolizes development based on desire, perseverance and patience. However, in order to achieve your plans, you will have to work hard. Get rid of negative attitudes that interfere with your concentration, and avoid unreliable people.

Symbolizes the current period of time (here and now). The card says: don’t think about the future, live one day at a time, seize the moment. The card will not give a direct answer to the question, but will only indicate that the time for an answer has not yet come. This is not the question that should concern you; it is better to use your energy on something else. In practice: “yes, but not as soon as you think, plans will be implemented, but in six to eight months.”

In the opposite situation, the implementation of plans takes even longer than one year or one and a half years.

In financial matters

This card foreshadows a time of unrest, urgent matters and rapid development. You may need to react and make decisions quickly. Be prepared for an influx of information, new opportunities and results.

In matters of love

This card symbolizes passion and inspiration. Love will come as if from an ambush and turn your whole life upside down or awaken the flame within an existing relationship.

Among other things, the Eight of Wands can also mean spontaneous decisions - such as, for example, a rash wedding.

In matters of work

This is a busy period when problems develop faster than you expect, and therefore you need to think, act, etc. make decisions without delay. During this period, creativity and inspiration, as well as the feeling of overcoming more and more new obstacles, will not leave you. You can achieve considerable progress and significantly accelerate your career growth. Business trips are possible.

Like a personal growth map

The time has come for decisive action. Don’t be afraid of anything, take risks, try yourself in something new, something you’ve always wanted to do. Follow your lucky streak.

The battle has just ended, the man still lives with these experiences and looks around, expecting a new attack. He does not know or does not want to look for ways to avoid further conflicts. And in vain. You should not brandish your weapon in anticipation of an attack. He won't be there anymore. It's time to do peaceful things, perhaps work on yourself, and devote energy and time to spiritual development.

In the reverse position, another blow is possible, but it will be the last.

In financial matters

The Nine of Wands represents financial stability and security. If you have suffered certain losses in the past, now the cards foretell recovery. However, you will need to wait some time in order to achieve the inviolability of your position and the maximum return on your own investments. Try to gain a foothold - in In the position you have achieved, you are not afraid of any trials.

In matters of love

Once again reminding you that every cloud has a silver lining, the Nine of Wands promises the onset of better times. It can mean that you and your partner will finally overcome difficulties, or, if the relationship does end, you will learn a lesson and become stronger. The card also advises to be more patient and not strive to get results immediately.

In matters of work

You are able to easily restore your strength and recover from failures. Continue to move towards your goal, because even if you have lost your former passion, the worst is over. There is only stability and success on the horizon. Even temporary delays provide a chance to strengthen your own positions. Stand up for them no matter what.

Like a personal growth map

All troubles are behind us. You have overcome difficulties and become stronger. This card can also symbolize restoration of strength after illness or injury.

Commitments that are difficult to fulfill. You need to stop and throw off at least part of the burden and look around where you have gone and whether it is worth carrying this load further. Often falls on businessmen and workaholics who work 25 hours a day. You immediately need rest, otherwise your health and your business will collapse. As a forecast: it is better not to take on the planned business because it is not feasible right now.

In the opposite situation, failure has already occurred, you have strained yourself and paid for it with health or luck.

In financial matters

Money issues hang like ballast on you. Perhaps others are hoping for your help, or your financial situation is influencing them. Either way, you have to carry your burden. The Ten of Wands may also indicate that you are too busy with financial issues, while you should change the very prospect of development.

In matters of love

The Ten of Wands represents a mature and responsible attitude towards communication. You take love seriously and feel deep affection for your partner. Sometimes this carat indicates a marriage or a long and strong relationship between two people who care about each other. Among other things, it can symbolize relationships, the development of which will require considerable effort.

In matters of work

You have too much responsibility or work hanging on you - more than you can handle. You feel your own burden, but are in no hurry to throw off the burden - perhaps because others depend on you. Try to relieve yourself of authority and responsibilities in order to alleviate stress. Remember that all the difficulties you face will ultimately help you gain new knowledge and become stronger.

Like a personal growth map

The Ten of Wands is a symbol of overwork. You have taken on too much and now need to take a break. If this is not possible, try to learn to cope with the assigned duties and responsibilities.

A child or young man, full of energy, a wonderful lover, dancer, actor, lover of travel. In any case, a person prone to narcissism, this causes many obstacles in his way (star fever). Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Situation: a challenging situation, a test of strength. The matter is promising, you just need to show perseverance.

In the opposite position - circumstances that will interfere with the case (illness, transport strike, natural disasters). Princess (or Page) Wand

In financial matters

Your investment and enterprise undoubtedly have a chance of success, but their potential has not reached its full potential. Try to approach money issues more creatively.

In matters of love

This card symbolizes love filled with enthusiasm, openness and optimism. Your relationship is based on mutual attraction, honesty and loyalty. Open your heart and trust your partner completely.

In matters of work

The princess represents a job or opportunity that opens up new avenues for creative expression and inspiration. And while you may not be a superhero when it comes to developing your talents and skills, there is certainly progress to be made. Treat it as a step in the right direction. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you love.

The princess represents a young, cheerful and interesting person (regardless of gender). Like a child, the princess lives one day at a time and enjoys being the center of attention.

Like a personal growth map

Tap into your sense of humor, the childish side of your soul. Let your attitude towards life be filled with joy and hope - try to find truth, love and beauty in everything around you.

A man ready for action. He knows what he wants, he knows that he will have to withstand fierce competition. And he's ready for it. He will not treacherously harm others, he only wants to assert himself (athlete, energetic entrepreneur). The horse is ready to rush forward - just let go of the reins. Aries, Taurus, Gemini.

In the upright position - a romantic, ready to take risks for a noble cause. Advice: act when it comes to a trip - go, guided by good intentions.

In the opposite situation, the risk is not justified. Events did not unfold as you expected. A trip or change of place will be forced.

Prince (or knight) wand

In financial matters

The Prince of Wands is a card that heralds change. It advises you to leave investments, property, business or any other financial issues and move on to something else - perhaps something better is on the horizon for you. Sometimes this card indicates that you are too attached to property and money. Show courage - perhaps it is the fear of risk and change that prevents you from achieving well-being.

In matters of love

This card denotes a lack of affection or constancy. Perhaps you or your partner strive for freedom, and therefore avoid responsibility. Your romance can be very exciting, but you shouldn't think that it will last forever. In some cases, the Prince of Wands represents the breakup of a relationship devoid of passion. Perhaps you should be more adventurous in love.

In matters of work

There is an upcoming change in job, area of ​​activity, or responsibility. It's time to challenge yourself and take some risks. Perhaps you will have a business trip in the near future. Sometimes this card indicates that you are not using your own talents to the proper extent, and therefore show more

The personality represented by this card

The Prince of Wands represents a changeable nature, which is abhorrent to various kinds of obligations, responsibilities and restrictions. Easy-going, this person (he or she) is constantly in search of adventure. This card can also symbolize a person who brings change into your life.

Like a personal growth map

It's time for change. Perhaps you should be more daring and less conservative. If you are deeply stuck in a routine, this card advises you to shake yourself up a little. Among other things, she can

signify travel.

In the upright position - a woman who does not get lost under any circumstances. An Amazon who suffers only from excessive aggression in stressful situations. Advice: success is quite likely.

In the opposite position - a business woman who sacrifices too much for the sake of the business. Hence, discord in the family and general failure of business are likely.

In financial matters

Use your talent and imagination for creative purposes - do what you like, and it won’t be about money. The card may also advise you to be smart in order to gain control over solving financial problems. You may have a chance to help others achieve well-being. perseverance, confidence, independence and creativity.

In matters of love

This card symbolizes a passionate romance in which both partners openly express their deep feelings. If you know what you want, don't hesitate. Loyalty, passion and devotion are important components of your relationship, but jealousy can turn into a serious problem.

In matters of work

Bring your energy and enthusiasm to a job, business, or project if you want it to produce results. Most likely, success awaits you, but this requires desire and assertiveness. Your support can be a huge help to those around us.

The personality represented by this card

The Queen of Wands is typically an outspoken, passionate and showy woman who loves to control and is difficult to pacify. A faithful and devoted friend, she always stands up for those she cares about. Often this is a creative person who inspires others to new achievements.

Like a map of personal growth

Believe in your dream. Don't let anyone decide how you should live.

An intelligent leader, a kind father of a family, a reliable partner. He knows how to assess his capabilities, calculate his steps, and therefore has achieved a lot. But often he is overwhelmed by the desire to achieve even more because he is afraid that without striving for more, he will lose what he has, so as soon as he finishes the battle, he immediately begins a new one. The salamander bites its tail - this is the fire consuming the King of Wands. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Pride, ambition, long-awaited news, asset.

In the opposite position - recklessness, unfavorable news.

In financial matters

Consistency and steadfastness are required when dealing with financial issues.

This card can denote an ambitious undertaking that promises success, but requires remarkable energy and loyalty to the goal. It can also mean possible financial support or a reliable partner.

In matters of love

The King of Wands represents a sincere, warm and loving relationship between two closely connected people. However, it is necessary to remember fidelity. Do not expect that someone will leave their partner for you. This card may also indicate an irrepressible manifestation of your feelings.

In matters of work

This is the card of a true leader. Its appearance means that you need to take power into your own hands, show what you are capable of, thereby winning the trust of others. Show determination and ambition. Most likely, your talents and efforts will be appreciated. A creative project and a successful proposal may also await you.

The personality represented by this card

The King of Wands is a recognized leader with high ideals and a passionate soul. Typically, this is a mature man - strong, confident and energetic. Such a person inspires others, instilling in them faith and commitment to the goal.

Like a map of personal growth

Show courage, determination and constructiveness. Bring your ideals to life. Fill your life with passion and sincerity. Treat others honestly and with respect, and they will certainly respond to you in kind.

October 15, 2018

Two of Wands

Tarot Card - Two of Wands
Value in upright position

Rider White Tarot, Ramses Tarot, Thoth Tarot

General description of the lasso:
Waiting, joint action, new perspectives. You are in the planning stage of some very important matter, thinking about your further actions. Partnerships, business or personal, play a significant role in your situation. Successful negotiations, good news. Possible trips, transfers, travel.

Joint project, successful negotiations, initial stage of development. Partnerships play a big role in your business; perhaps you are about to conclude an important agreement, a contract, which will have a beneficial effect on the start of a new project. Receiving important news, profit. You are probably waiting for the results of an interview, planning a move to a new job, or receiving a new task, additional responsibilities, but also a decent monetary reward for your efforts.
Advice is not the time for active actions; you need to plan and think about further actions.

Tarot Card - Two of Wands
Reversed meaning

Minor Arcana "Two of Wands", deck
Durer Tarot, Tarot of the Dwarves, Tarot of 78 Doors

General description of the lasso:
Obstacles, delays, loss of interest. You have probably chosen the wrong direction, as a result of which you are faced with various obstacles on the way to your goal. Events do not develop as you expected, plans are disrupted. There may be troubles while travelling, receiving disturbing news, unsuccessful negotiations, conflicts with friends, like-minded people, partners, and loved ones.

Meaning in love readings:
Your loved one does not have the feelings for you that you expect from him. Behind the apparent sincerity lies coldness and indifference. Most likely, the person you value has a “back-up option” to which he is ready to return even if there are minor difficulties in his relationship with you.
A situation may arise in your personal life when you need to make the right choice.
Advice - you need to slow down the pace a little and see how things develop. Before making a choice, you need to think carefully.

Value in work schedules:
Unsuccessful negotiations, wrong decision, lack of interest in the business started. Unexpected difficulties may arise in the implementation of your project; you fail to conclude an important agreement, a contract on which the further development of your project depends. There may be disagreements with business partners. Lack of benefits and loss of interest in a new business. A business trip does not bring the desired result or is postponed. At work, it is possible to receive unpleasant news, especially when it comes to an interview when moving to a new job.
Advice - think carefully before starting a joint project.

Any complete or partial copying of the material is prohibited.

The Two of Wands cannot be called a card loved by tarot readers - it is not easy to interpret.

Traditionally, there are two almost opposite interpretations: one associates this card with “initiative and confidence,” the other with “indecisiveness and indifference,” one speaks of luck and power, the other of misfortune and failure. One explanation for this contradictory tradition is given in the section where the deep meaning of the Arcanum is discussed. In any case, everyone will benefit from their personal observations regarding this map.

The most positive interpretation of the card is harmony between the achievements of the past and plans for the future. In a positive card environment, the Two of Wands can be interpreted traditionally - as conquest and power, carte blanche in gaining strength. The questioner has enough power, influence and resources to carry out everything planned. It should be added that the Major Arcana, consonant with the Two of Wands, are the Magician, the Emperor, the Sun and the Chariot.

It is also quite common to believe that the Two of Wands foretells the arrival (appearance) of something unexpected. Something is about to happen that the questioner did not allow in his plans. Unforeseen obstacles or problems, some “were not expected”. Coupled with, for example, the Moon, this is understandable - some unaccounted for, noticed factor will reveal itself. At the very least, it will surprise, at worst, it will seriously complicate matters. This could be, for example, unexpected opposition from people from whom it was not expected, the discovery of the existence of some rules that no one knew about, and so on; other cards can give a hint.

The positive environment of the Two of Wands can foreshadow an unexpected but beneficial combination of circumstances.
Most often, this card indicates the presence of a new opportunity, about which the questioner is hesitating whether to take advantage of it or not. She is accompanied by indecision and uncertainty. Sometimes the map reacts to people deciding where to be in a purely geographical sense.

Another common meaning of this card is a threshold, a crossroads, some kind of crossroads in life. Due to the loss of further motivation for new actions, it is difficult to make decisions. A person finds himself on the threshold of something, coming somewhere or leaving somewhere, and he is overcome by a reluctance to take the next step in the chosen direction. It’s as if he was looking at a seething stream into which he needs to enter, his leg seems to be already in the air, but he is completely reluctant to take this step and the person would happily stand on the shore.

This “threshold” may be some business that a person cannot decide to do, because he does not want to do it, or a relationship that he does not particularly want to enter into. As Banzhaf writes, “a weak statement of one’s intentions in the absence of a sincere desire to act.”

The Two of Wands can signal difficulties with choice and decision-making. Moreover, the problem is that a person does not like a single decision, does not truly suit him (hence the apparent “neutrality”, “timidity”, “cowardice”, etc.). Delaying a final answer. Sometimes the card indicates that the decision is not that important; in fact, almost nothing depends on this choice.

There is also an opinion that the Two of Wands means that what is planned is quite achievable, but will require serious effort and time. In this case, what is planned usually relates to the field of intellectual or creative work - writing a dissertation, completing work on a book, play, painting, project, plan, and the like.

In traditional interpretations, the card has a negative reputation: quarrel, scandal, contradiction, incompatibility. Parting, loss of a loved one, departure or absence of something or someone, hence sadness, sadness, sorrow, regret.
Surrounding maps can help determine the direction of interpretation.


The creative flight is delayed. "Oh, muse, where are you?"

Some authors have emphasized the high-energy characteristics of this card, and although they seem dubious to us at the moment, we will still mention them. This is personal strength, a flow of activity and worldly desires, a sense of omnipotence, firmness and courage, masculinity, determination, belligerence, but impatience and lack of endurance. Pressure, demonstration of business qualities, convincing people of your talents. Maybe for some people the Two of Wands manifests itself this way. Its best meaning is good intentions, faith in the success of one’s plans, and expectation of the results of one’s actions.

According to our observations, it more often describes other conditions. The person stands aloof from what is happening because he does not really understand how to act now. He is possessed by the desire to stay away from everything and he does not strive to make decisions, because he has no soul for anything. Dissatisfaction with what is happening. Feeling of frustration, lack of happiness. In some ways this is similar to the melancholy of the Four of Cups, but there is a difference. On the Four of Cups, a person does not see what constitutes his happiness. On the Two of Wands he sees everything, but what he sees does not make him happy...for some reason.

Traditionally, the Two of Wands is an indicator of a strong, influential person, a ruler, a “conqueror and achiever,” a very realized person with great potential. He didn’t allow anything to get the best of him, he has the sea up to his knees and the whole world of his legs, but.... at the moment he is tired of himself and is not very interesting to himself. Just as at the previous stage of development nothing could distract him from fulfilling his plans, so now nothing can bring him back to this.

This is a person who knows and has experienced it all - fire and willpower, the desire to fight and the willingness to take risks, fierce advancement and spontaneous self-expression (and maybe even reckless aggressiveness and demonstration of one's strength), but... at the moment the strength of the flow has weakened and he has no desire to get into trouble. This is a card of an unexpected internal block (this is how people usually experience the loss of enthusiasm, inspiration and zest for life). Sometimes the thought hovers “out there somewhere,” looking for something lost in parallel spaces.

The Two of Wands runs through a constant tension, in which an uncertain inner suffering is hidden. The will balances between creative and destructive impulses, as well as between suppression and prohibition - and burnout and aggression. Banzhaf and Akron emphasize spontaneous will, a state in which it is more important for a person to express his power than to achieve a specific goal. As a result, he chooses (without any strategic thought) new paths on which something interesting awaits him, although fraught with destruction. This is a variant of “there is ecstasy in battle” - a person enters into skirmishes and confrontations for the sake of pleasure, he just needs some kind of “action”. This meaning is more felt in Crowley's system.

The Man of the Two of Wands remains an individualist, no matter what you do with him. He doesn’t particularly listen to other people’s opinions and always does things his own way. He is difficult to be around because he is a dictator by nature, Solus Rex Incognito. Unconsciously, he always looks down on those around him and, at the same time, is not particularly attentive. A more detailed explanation of this phenomenon is in the next section.

This is “achievement depression.”

In an allegorical sense, the Two of Wands depicts the so-called “Alexander’s lament” (“When Alexander looked around the boundaries of his kingdom, he began to sob, because there was nothing more to conquer”). You got everything you wanted, but you feel not so much joy as depression about this.

This allegory helps well to understand the seemingly vague and contradictory descriptions of the Two of Wands: “apparent success that turned into disappointment,” “wealth, luck and power that do not bring happiness.” Symbolically, the card speaks of enormous power, both creative and destructive (like creating a huge empire - but by what means and at what cost!).

During the time of Ace Zhuzlov, a person frantically overcame any obstacles; only a bullet in the heart could stop him (and that’s not a fact), but now this unbridled thirst for advancement and achievement has turned into burnout. This cannot be called a “broken trough” state, but... this trough is rather somewhere inside, and it has cracked there. Banzhaf writes about this: “Sadness and loss of vitality for someone who managed to achieve everything he wanted, but no longer finds the determination to take new actions.” This seems strange, because the Two of Wands is, after all, the very beginning of the Path of this suit! Where, from what? How can you get tired of achievements after taking just the first step? As in all other cases, to understand the meaning of the card, you need to remember what precedes it and what follows it.

The lesson this Arcanum talks about is that the Ace of Wands is a VERY big energy, a huge flow. And when this fuse exhausts itself, a person feels weak and confused for some time. "Well? What should we do next? The enormously powerful meaning-forming and ordering impulse (Ace of Wands) has dried up. Before you can be inspired by new perspectives (Three of Wands), you have to go through the stage of the Two of Wands, when your heart is not in anything.

The Two of Wands is also interpreted as a prison of one’s own conquests and acquisitions. A lot of things, I achieved everything I wanted, the empire of life is huge... what's next?

Friction of polar forces. It is believed that the spiritual test symbolized by this card is the ability to relate to other people. In that specific picture of the world, where the world itself is something lying at your feet, the other person and his feelings are usually not perceived or considered in any way. They are simply difficult to notice; here the heart must simultaneously turn into binoculars and a microscope. Therefore, at the level of society, the Two of Wands symbolizes a person with pronounced ideas, desires, and ambitions, who is forced to seek a compromise with other people endowed with their own ideas, desires, and ambitions.

Regarding astrological correspondences: “The first decade of Aries symbolizes a movement from the depths into free space - furious, ready to overcome all obstacles and uncontrollably striving for victory. This decade, just like the sign of Aries as a whole, is ruled by Mars, and the fiery impulse, reflecting the essence of this sign, is a symbol of every beginning. But this impulse is not yet strengthened and not protected, and therefore vulnerable: and it has not yet adapted to the existing world.

This is a new role for which no script has yet been written. This is uncertainty in a new position due to a break with old experience, blindness by one’s own impulse due to the inability to see oneself from the outside. Therefore, to make a new correct decision, it is important to rely on past achievements. Turning to the figurative path that the Idea takes in its development, at the level of the Two of Wands it (the Idea) seems to gain strength and expand. She is about to separate from the Creator and will be realized.”

In the occult sense, the card can also be interpreted as a threshold between life and death, a portal, a gate leading to another world, renewal through destruction. Such rare interpretations of it as righteous anger, rebellion against restrictions may also be associated with this.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: step aside for a while, maintaining a neutral position, and not make a final decision until you are truly sure that it is correct. Then decide what goals you need to pursue first and transform tension into inspiration and deliberate actions.

Warning: do not hesitate too much in making a decision.

It is believed that the Two of Wands can also lead to the founding of companies and benefits from previously started activities, the conclusion of important agreements or transactions, and the development of action plans. The card favors a career and strengthening one’s position.

Expanding the circle of professional communication, business meetings, cooperation, finding a like-minded person. This is a good and honest business partner. Even if he is not particularly experienced, he is reliable.

The key problem of this card is the linking of goals and means, as well as compliance with the position held. Lack of energy and perseverance, the need to implement plans, overcoming difficulties. This requires firmness and courage. The trouble is that the mood of the Two of Wands is more conducive to sitting with arms folded than to fighting to make your dreams come true. Here it can be difficult to even simply determine the goal, objectives, and scope of action. But perhaps this is where we should start.

Having to choose between two offers, neither of which is truly inspiring. A professional task that does not evoke much enthusiasm (despite the fact that the task may be quite interesting).

Detachment, some depressive indifference to further achievements. Indifference (even lethargic), apathy, loss of vital energy, desire to stay away from the flow of events. Lack of decisive action, lack of inspiration and lack of composure, there is some matter that you don’t have your heart set on.

This card also describes the problems of a leader who must reconcile his ambitions with social reality, with his environment. At best it is a constructive compromise, at worst it is a struggle for power.
Surrounded by negative cards - failure of the enterprise.

There are interpretations that associate the Two of Wands with wealth, luck and power. In a negative card environment, there is the possibility of financial losses. In general, this card indicates a completely stable and secure financial situation and the availability of abundant resources. A constant influx of small amounts of money.

Construction, successful solution of housing issues.

The need to show independence in resolving financial issues - the card is interpreted as a special warning “not to sell out”, not to seek support at the cost of one’s own dignity and beliefs.

For relationships, the Two of Wands is a sad card, speaking of indifference, lack of love and desire.

If the Three of Swords is a broken heart, then the Two of Wands is a cold heart.

This does not exclude dating or sexual intimacy, but.... She speaks of an indifferent attitude, a lack of real interest in a partner. Sometimes this is just a temporary cooling, a “rest” of the psyche from a period of passion (according to the Ace of Wands). The most typical option, perhaps, which is indicated by the Two of Wands, is that a person is on the threshold of a new relationship, which in fact does not really inspire him. It’s as if there is no reason to refuse, but at the same time there is no reason to agree.

A detached, neutral position when there is internal tension (especially when it comes to the presence of two partners at the same time, two contradictory forces and impulses). The card often appears during a period of tension in some kind of “triangle”. The situation is not satisfactory, but on the external plane the person is completely indifferent, because he has no idea what can be done to correct it. The result is self-withdrawal, apparent neutrality, and it looks like the person is determined to be in this position.

This does not mean that the person doesn’t care, it’s just that the very presence of a third person always causes an outflow of energy, experienced as indifference to the partner, as apathy and loss of all inspiration. It also happens that they don’t really like any of their partners, which is why there is no desire to “choose” and make any “decisions”. This is probably where the traditional interpretation of the Two of Wands comes from - “empty words, unreliable promises.” Also - failure in marriage, a partnership that does not bring happiness and satisfaction.

However, some authors see this map completely differently. For example, Banzhaf and Akron emphasize the desire and readiness for conquest, “the desire to take what no one can give - that is, everything at once,” and in general the position of an idealistic egoist who sees only himself in everything.

It is believed that the card rather symbolizes creative collaboration, in which partners inspire each other. However, when it comes to intimate relationships, the Two of Wands manifests itself when they noticeably lack emotional richness (colleagues can communicate this way, but not lovers). The relationship lacks warmth, spark, depth...something important. Sexual dissatisfaction, intimate disappointments.

Lethargy and dependence according to some interpretations, excessive stimulation of feelings according to others (apparently, this depends on which meaning is considered dominant for the direct card). Strong surprise, sudden changes, surprises of fate. Hassles, restrictions, obstacles (for example, the need to return prematurely from a trip due to some difficulties). Confusion, excitement, disappointment due to dishonesty of partners (especially if the layout contains cards associated with deception).
If the upright card denotes a self-realized (and even to some extent tired of oneself) personality, then the inverted one symbolizes “worn out” socially, a degraded position, unfulfillment, and insufficient potential to make one’s dreams come true.

If in the upright position it is “a ruler who controls everyone, but is controlled by no one,” then in an inverted position the card can be an indicator of a ruler who controls everyone, but he himself rules no one, including himself.
Inability to relate oneself to others, to achieve agreement and mutual understanding (dictator complex). There may be a need to acknowledge someone's authority.

With Mage - strengthening, cards are considered almost duplicate. Personal strength, gaining power.

With the Priestess - it is believed that the Priestess weakens the effect of the “dominant” Two of Wands, because it brings passivity and stay in the background

With the Hierophant - difficulty expressing your opinion, conformism, following the team.

With the Chariot - personal strength, leadership talent

With the Devil - Abuse of Power

With the Sun - vital energy, greatness

With the Nine of Swords - powerlessness, fear of taking active action

Reversed with the Devil - fear, misfortune.

Reversed with Ace of Cups, Three of Cups - a pleasant surprise.

Reversed with the Ten of Pentacles reversed - involvement in gambling (from ancient interpreters).

Three of Wands >>

Two of Wands

Straight position:
Two of Wands - Curiosity leading to intellectual development and discovery. Implementation of your own ideas.

© Original meanings of the cards included with the deck.
© Lo Scarabeo. Torino.
© "Avallon". Moscow. Russian version.
Artist: Antonella Platano
Publication date: 2005

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Mars in Libra as a symbol of forced agreement without inner conviction - or without practical consequences.

This card combines a statement of fact and at the same time a challenge: it shows that we want to maintain a neutral, indifferent position, but the situation forces us to speak out directly and unambiguously. The situations this card corresponds to often resemble dead ends. On the objective plane, there is nothing that we could consider the reason for our loss, defeat or bad mood, but here they are, and we do not know what exactly unsettled us. The point here is that we are tired of participating in external life, and we have locked ourselves away from it in another ivory tower. In any case, we have achieved that nothing bothers our soul anymore, and we no longer care what happens to our loved ones, not to mention those distant. You can get out of this state only by allowing your ideas to become beliefs, and your intentions to become deeds, and honestly.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

The first decade of Aries is from March 21 to April 1.
Astrological correspondences - Signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, planets Jupiter and Saturn.
The first decade of Aries symbolizes movement from the depths into free space - furious, ready to overcome all obstacles and uncontrollably striving for victory. This decade, just like the sign of Aries as a whole, is ruled by Mars, and the fiery impulse, reflecting the essence of this sign, is a symbol of every beginning. But this impulse is not yet strengthened and not protected, and therefore vulnerable: and it has not yet adapted to the existing world.
This is a new role for which no script has yet been written. This is uncertainty in a new position due to a break with old experience, blindness by one’s own impulse due to the inability to see oneself from the outside. Therefore, to make a new correct decision, it is important to rely on past achievements.
Turning to the figurative path that the Idea takes in its development, at the level of the TWO OF STAFF it (the Idea) seems to be gaining strength and expanding. She is about to separate from the Creator and be realized.
On a more material level (society), the TWO OF SCEPTERS symbolizes a person with ideas, desires, ambitions, who is forced to seek a compromise with other people endowed with their own ideas, desires and ambitions.

In the upright position, the card is a symbol of constructive cooperation (high manifestation); at a low level - misunderstanding, inability to relate oneself to others, inability to reach agreement.
Thus, this card in the reading will indicate a situation where you will be offered a kind of test of maturity. How much a person is able to relate to other people.
The key words for the card will be: linking goals and means, necessity and desire, firmness, courage in an enterprise, ability to occupy positions. That is, the problem of this card will mean the problems of a leader who must reconcile his ambitions with social reality, with the environment. Therefore, the TWO OF SCEPTERS can also mean a person who knows how to control himself and does not allow feelings to take over and distract him from what he intended. "The ruler controls everyone; he controls no one."
In such situations, the influence of planets such as Saturn and Jupiter, as well as the signs in which these planets are expressed, is strong, primarily Sagittarius and Capricorn.

In an inverted position, the card can mean anxiety, dependence on others, social weariness, lack of initiative, loss of confidence, humiliated position, sudden changes, “surprises” of fate.

From the book: Rider White Tarot.
Theory and practice.
Series "Secrets of Predictions".
Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002