Maxim Galkin and Boris Drobotenko. I heard that you are on a short relationship with Andrey Danilko? The death of Evdokimov came as a shock to everyone...

The childhood of Sergei Drobotenko

Sergey Anatolyevich Drobotenko was born on September 14, 1969 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Some time later, when the future artist was three years old, his parents and little Sergei moved to permanent place residence in Siberia, Omsk.

There Sergei Drobotenko studied in secondary school secondary school No. 64, and later transferred to school No. 11, where he completed his tenth year. While studying at school, Sergei received top marks in all subjects, for which, according to the artist himself, he was not particularly popular among his peers. Future artist original genre showed interest in the scene with early age, while still at school, Drobotenko was a member of the choir. In addition, the future comedian showed interest in ballet art and saw himself on the best ballet stages in the world. But fate turned out a little differently.

Education of Sergei Drobotenko

After graduating from school, Sergei Drobotenko passed the entrance exams, but not to a creative university - but to the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers in the city of Omsk, entering the first year of the Department of Automation and Electromechanics. The artist himself jokes about this that he realized that he could only become a satirist writer in the USSR in a technical higher educational institution.

In June 1988, student Drobotenko was called up to do military service as a private in the USSR tank forces in Far East, in the city of Bikin. Sergei served there for a little over a year, fulfilling the duties of a job description for driver mechanics of tank units. He was released from service ahead of schedule and transferred to the reserve forces in August 1989, when an order was issued by the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal Dmitry Timofeevich Yazov, returning the mobilized students back to their universities.

Drobotenko one day in the life of a bachelor

After being reinstated at the institute, as soon as he started classes again, Sergei Drobotenko became a member of the institute team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. Almost immediately he became its captain. In the 1991 season of games, the team led by Sergei Drobotenko reached the final stage of the KVN city championship, but failed to win the final itself.

In parallel with learning the nuances of the engineering profession at OmIIT, the future comedian learned the wisdom acting in the acting studio. He graduated from it the year he graduated from the institute - in 1992. He was assigned to the Railway Workers' Lyceum to give lectures on electrical engineering.

Career of Sergei Drobotenko in Omsk

In the early 90s, the network of radio stations “Europe+” began to actively distribute its broadcasts in the regions, opening branches in most major cities of Russia. It is interesting that the regional offices of this station have become the first place of work for many artists and musicians. In 1993, Sergei Drobotenko began working in the Omsk branch of the station - “Europe + Omsk”. And reap the first fruits of popularity, a little unusual, because, according to Drobotenko, everyone recognized his voice - no one knew the artist’s face yet.

In the same 1993, he began organizing his own student theater, who specialized in staging pop miniatures. The theater was called "BIS". One of comic options decoding of the capital letters hidden in the abbreviation of the name of the theater was “Mediocrity and Sergei.”

1994 brought the first award to Sergei as an author - the BOOM festival, for pop miniature theaters, and noted the Grand Prix for Drobotenko’s original play “Love and Lard”. Until 1997, participating in various competitions and festivals in the cities of Omsk and Tomsk, the artist received many awards and prizes.

In November 1996, at the Zvezdny cultural center in Omsk, Sergei Drobotenko’s first solo performance took place to a full house.

Sergei Drobotenko's path to fame

On January 14, 1998, Drobotenko moved from Omsk to Moscow, where he soon made his debut on the big stage - the stage of the state central concert hall“Russia”, in the show “Oh, anecdote, anecdote”. Some time later, Drobotenko began writing scripts for this program as a staff writer on the TV Center television channel.

Sergey Drobotenko-Women's logic

In a competition for artists in the genres of humor and satire, in September 1999, the artist took third place. The Grand Prix of this competition was won by Yuri Galtsev, the first and second places, respectively, were taken by Verka Serduchka and Maxim Galkin. While participating in this competition, the artist became friends with parodist Galkin, with whom in 2000 they began performing numbers in Mikhail Zadornov’s programs.

In 2003, Sergei Drobotenko released a CD (and in 2005 a DVD) “Both Laughter and Sin.”

In 2004, in the city of Yalta, he performed at the humor festival with the miniature “Student on Exam”. There he was awarded in the “audience choice” nomination.

The year 2005 began for Drobotenko with the premiere of the large solo program “Simply” at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” good concert" The artist toured a lot with this program, traveled around Russia, neighboring countries, and performed in Germany and Israel.

Since 2008, the artist has also played in enterprises. “Family Trouble,” where Drobotenko plays the role of Jacinto Florido, is the first of them.

Name: Sergey Drobotenko

Date of Birth: 14.09.1969

Age: 49 years old

Place of Birth: Dnepr city, Ukraine

Activity: comedian, actor, television and radio host, playwright, DJ

Family status: not married

Known for playing in KVN, “Smehopanorama” and “Full House” Sergei Drobotenko about his personal life says reluctantly. The comedian has no children or wife. He devotes himself completely to his work and has not yet met the one without whom he cannot breathe.

Sergei Drobotenko’s career has developed very well, and he has achieved considerable heights. Sergei is not just a comedian; he is also a text writer, a satirist and a participant in many humorous programs.


Sergei Drobotenko was born on September 14, 1969 in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk. But as soon as he was three years old, his parents moved him to Russia, he became a Siberian and lived in Omsk. The future artist’s family was simple, his father Anatoly Fedorovich was a teacher at the institute, and his mother Vetta Anatolyevna was a process engineer in the tram department.

Comedian's early childhood

School teachers always praised Seryozha; he studied well, was diligent and obedient. The report cards showed almost nothing but A's. Already from childhood, the makings of an artist were visible in Sergei, he was drawn to everything beautiful, attended singing, ballet and dance clubs. But the parents did not particularly approve of such aspirations and for a long time could not come to terms with the idea that their son chose a theater university to continue his studies.

It is unknown at the suggestion of his parents or for some other reason, Sergei Drobotenko studied at an Omsk university and was sent to work in his specialty as a teacher in one of the lyceums in the city of Omsk.

The biography of Sergei Drobotenok also contains a page of military service. He joined the army in tank forces in the Far East. In 1989, he was transferred to the reserve early.


Despite the fact that Sergei was unable to fulfill his dream of entering a university related to creativity and the stage, he did not give up this dream. After he was discharged from the ranks of the soldiers, he returned to his university and was accepted into the institute team of the club of cheerful and resourceful people. And a little later he began to lead it. Led by Sergei, the team almost made it to the finals of the city championship, but lost.

Sergei Drobotenko's career begins as a radio DJ

First official place The work of Sergei Drobotenko became the radio station “Europe Plus”, which he joined in 1993, his position was as a DJ. It was this work that made Sergei famous. He was not recognized by face, but solely by his voice. Sergei worked at the radio station for five years, during those years he met such famous people, like Yan Arlazorov, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Vladimir Vinokur. Everyone who visited the studio as a guest of Sergei convinced him to leave his career as a radio host and go to conquer the capital and achieve new heights.

Director Drobotenko

Before he got a job as a radio presenter, Sergei Anatolyevich came up with the idea of ​​founding a theater of pop miniatures, which was called “BIS”. He took student friends and colleagues into his troupe, with whom he performed in the club of cheerful and resourceful people.

When the theater existed for only one year, the troupe went to the theater festival in Omsk and “BIS” won the Grand Prix for Sergei Drobotenko for the authorship and direction of the play “Love and Lard.”

Sergei Drobotenko is a very hardworking person and he was able to combine work on the radio and participation with his theater at various festivals throughout Siberia. This bore fruit, and she became the winner several times.

On early stages throughout his career, Sergei Drobotenko performed solo

Sergei's solo career began in 1996 in his now hometown, Omsk. As the artist himself said, he remembers that concert well, the hall was sold out, but unforeseen circumstances happened, the heating was suddenly turned off in the entire cultural center. But the audience, despite the cold, did not leave.

Career in Moscow

Sergei Drobotenko moved to the capital in 1998. The artist did not waste time and immediately sent recordings of his performances to the most famous comedians at that time, Evgeny Petrosyan, Regina Dubovitskaya and others. This bore fruit, and soon Sergei Drobotenko was invited to the “Laughing Panorama” program, which at that time was broadcast on Channel One.

Sergei’s personal life, wife, children, or rather, starting a family faded into the background; he dreamed of conquering Moscow and becoming a famous comedian. This is what happened in 1999, when Sergei Anatolyevich took part in the “Cup of Humor” festival of comedians and took third place, almost the whole country began to recognize him.

Drobotenko participates in many humorous programs

In addition to fame, the “Cup of Humor” brought the artist many useful acquaintances, for example, with Mikhail Zadornov and Maxim Galkin. After the furore at the festival, Sergei came up with the idea of ​​releasing a disc of his humorous monologues. He implemented it in 2000.

Just five years after the first released disc, Sergei becomes very popular and gives his first solo concert in the capital. The audience loved these numbers so much that the comedian included them in the programs with which he toured around the world for a long time.

Career today

Even today, Sergei Drobotenko unfortunately cannot boast of a busy personal life, photographs with his wife and children. There have been no major changes in this area yet. Sergey is actively involved in writing jokes not only for himself, but also for other comedians. His texts and skits can be heard performed by Efim Shifrin, Vladimir Vinokur, Elena Stepanenko and many others.

Besides comedy shows Drobotenko tries himself in the theater

More recently, Sergei Anatolyevich successfully made his debut as an artist. He was given a role in the entrepreneurial play “Family Trouble.” The comedian has a dream that has not yet come true; he wants to write a serious script for dramatic performance and release your music album.

Personal life

There are various rumors about the personal life of Sergei Drobotenko, which have not been confirmed to date. There was no wife in his life, and no children. For this, Sergei is periodically subjected to attacks from the yellow press. Unscrupulous journalists believe that if a man is almost 50 years old and has not married, then attention should be paid to his non-traditional orientation. Maxim Galkin was attributed to his other halves, and for a long time They were procrastinating about their joint vacation trip to Courchevel.

With colleague Maxim Galkin

Sergei’s mother, Vetta Anatolyevna, gave an interview to one publication and said that the dirty rumors about his son were all lies. The main news it was that her son had a fiancée, but she did not announce her name, as well as the estimated wedding dates.

Sergei Anatolyevich himself does not react in any way to the spreading rumors; there was not a single official comment from him about gay. He does not waste his energy on this, but continues to fill the halls. Which suggests that the public does not care about the status of a comedian or his orientation.

of which there are persistent rumors. And if Phillip Kirkorov and Nikolai Baskov gossips gayness has been attributed for a long time, and this will not surprise anyone; about some celebrities, as they say, “you can’t tell from the outside.”

In their research, collective bloggers relied on entries on gay forums, in which visitors to thematic clubs shared that they saw certain stars there kissing and hugging representatives of the same sex, on insider gossip (which should not be underestimated), the most significant urban folklore , as well as the statements and hints of the stars themselves (including jokes and jokes on entertainment shows), as well as on Internet revelations of lower-ranking gays who allegedly slept with celebrities.

Dvachers also analyzed messages on the Internet in which former concert promoters talked about how stars visiting with a concert, with their help, looked for same-sex lovers for relaxation.

The result is the following selection, which you don’t have to believe, but it’s interesting to read.

Sergey Lazarev

Has Lera Kudryavtseva really never snuggled naked body to this pumped up torso?

Alla Pugacheva on the air of radio “Alla” once put Sergei Lazarev in a state of shock, saying live literally the following: “You shouldn’t get married so as not to be lonely! But you shouldn’t at all, as I understand it. If you suddenly get around to it, do you know what I will tell you as a wise woman? For you personally, if you want to get married, you need a friend first of all, a life partner.

Because all these sex shmex, they come and go. And to give birth to a child, you can try once, even two or three times. But, in principle, this is not why a person is needed in life. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha (Mikhail Dvoretsky, director of the singer - Time Out). And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much ... "

Nikolai Tsiskaridze

A charming, art-loving man of great charm, who hardly hides his homosexual orientation, and even jokes about sensitive topics on television when he feels confident.

Nikolay Baskov

Sources characterize him as the “most notorious” and “intimidated” homosexual in Russian show business, for whom coming out means losing most of their audience, since these are archaic, respectable old women with strict views.

But where would we be without him in this collection... By the way, the singer Lolita is a famous gay icon and a woman who publicly supports and defends gays and lesbians in Russia.

Oleg Menshikov

It’s hard for fans to believe this, but too many sources indicate that, at least in mature years The handsome actor is increasingly attracted to young male lovers.

Victor Sukhorukov

And you, brother?!...

However, the magnificent eccentric himself has not hidden it for a long time, and with hints in various interviews he makes it clear about his difficult personal life. With men.

Maksim Galkin

What about Alla Borisovna? The most powerful Russian gay icon, sympathizes with LGBT people, by the way, etc.

The most popular rumor about Galkin points to comedian Sergei Drobotenko as Maxim’s long-term partner. Drobotenko’s mother recently indirectly confirmed in an interview with NTV when journalists caught her off guard with insidious questions.

Evgeniy Mironov

He lives with his mother all his life, the topic of the interview is sexual orientation and personal life in general - a taboo, and a reason for the anger of a sophisticated artist. According to numerous rumors (especially among theatergoers), this is not without reason!

Alexander Rybak

Ay biliv in e fairytail...

And he too?! And he’s so pretty... Although, yes, everything is logical - he’s so pretty!

Andrei Malakhov

On gay forums, no one calls Malakhov except “Andryusha”. Perhaps Andryusha is the only closeted gay man whose admission of homosexuality would not harm his career, because he is too exemplary, intelligent and friendly for older fans to stop loving him for some kind of homosexuality.

Phillip Kirkorov

Well, what would we do without him? They say that in the song “Snow” he filmed his young lover, and the song is dedicated to him.

Pavel Lobkov

What, this one too?!... And we watched “Plant Life!” with him.

Lobkov, by the way, became the eleventh in this selection, although we promised ten characters.

Fresh selection of funny jokes

Words by Alexey Panin "You are a homosexual who lives with old woman! ", addressed to Maxim Galkin, were like thunder among clear skies. The actor was outraged by the comedian's joke about the briefcases that stars could receive if Ksenia Sobchak wins the presidential election. Head of the Animal Protection Committee and environment, according to Pugacheva’s husband, Panin would become.


“I understand when pet people try to joke about dogs. Okay, if the topic of sex had been brought up, stocking... As for homosexuality, I told the truth. I, for example, am bisexual. I don’t think it’s an insult,” - the actor emphasized.

Fans took Panin’s position - they say he’s doing the right thing by tearing off his masks. But the artists came to Galkin’s defense. At one time, Mikhail Zadornov allegedly found Maxim Galkin and Sergei Drobotenko “doing something” that was “so shocking” that he “jumped out of there like a bullet,” and now he has backed down.

“I don’t even know where this came from,” the satirist sighed. “I’m often asked: “Is it true that Galkin and Drobotenko are gay?” I’ve never noticed anything like that. On the contrary, on tour I’ve witnessed Drobotenko and Galkin dating girls more than once. They are real men."

Alla Pugacheva was also forced to intervene in this dirty gay scandal. They said that in 1991 she promised the dying homosexual Swede Jakob Dahlin to sing with a gay choir (she fulfilled the request in 1999, performing at the conservatory with America's first gay choir) and to marry a gay man. However, Galkin, according to her, is not the case: “No, with Maxim it turns out differently. He is a man. And as for the oath to Jacob, it was a joke.”

“The man Galkin” himself was a man of few words. “I don’t think I should report: they say, yes, Alla and I are husband and wife. Although in fact this is the case,” the magazine “Secrets of the Stars” quotes the faithful Diva.

At one time, Mikhail Zadornov found Maxim Galkin and Sergei Drobotenko “doing something” that was “so shocking” that he “jumped out of there like a bullet.” Alexey Panin’s words about Maxim Galkin were like thunder from a clear sky. Panin was outraged by the comedian’s joke about the portfolios that stars could receive if Ksenia Sobchak wins the presidential election. According to Pugacheva’s husband, Panin would become the head of the Committee for the Protection of Animals and the Environment. “I understand when pet people try to joke about dogs. Okay, if the topic had been touched upon, stocking... As for homosexuality, I told the truth. I, for example, am bisexual. I don’t think it’s an insult,” he emphasized Panin. Fans took Panin’s position - they say he’s doing the right thing by tearing off his masks. But the artists came to Galkin’s defense. At one time, Mikhail Zadornov allegedly found Maxim Galkin and Sergei Drobotenko “doing something” that was “so shocking” that he “jumped out of there like a bullet,” and now he has backed down. “I don’t even know where this came from,” the satirist sighed. “People often ask me: ‘Is it true that Galkin and Drobotenko are gay?’ I’ve never noticed anything like that. On the contrary, on tour I have more than once witnessed Drobotenko and Galkin dating girls. They are real men." - Mikhail Zadornov justifies the artists. Don't forget to subscribe: BE SURE to click on the bell 🔔 (to learn about news before anyone else) On our channel you will find everything about Russian celebrities, foreign stars. Latest show business news, Interesting Facts and latest news. Know about everything that happens in the lives of stars. Paparazzi and scandals, intrigue and gossip. All the celebrities in the palm of your hand, plus all the showbiz sensations. Music and film stars and best selections video. The latest news here: The most popular news here: