Why do you dream about nuns and the church? Dream Interpretation

The general meaning of what a nun dreams about is probably clear. Such a dream is a kind of warning against love and other temptations in worldly life, and also urges girls not to trust a new boyfriend or lover.

In any case, you should be careful with new acquaintances and take care not to be deceived and experience disappointment later. Married ladies should be attentive to their husband so that he does not have affairs on the side.

What if you dream about a nun?

For a deeply religious and religious person, seeing a nun in a dream means some warning from above, so that in the real life of this person, material joys do not take precedence over spiritual interests. Those who dreamed of a nun can be advised to be more attentive to their thoughts, because they are material, so you need to think only about the good. It is also worth controlling your actions so as not to do things that are displeasing to God. For women, the dream “Nun” means a possible breakup with your significant other or betrayal by a lover or husband.

If in a dream a woman sees herself as a nun, the interpretation of this dream implies that the woman is most likely dissatisfied with her current situation and her life. For a young girl, a dream in which she decided to become a nun does not bode well on the love front: most likely, she will face disappointment in love, separation, followed by worries and suffering.

Strong personalities and solid natures will be able to cope with this state of affairs. If in a dream a woman or girl takes off her nun’s robe, in reality she will be more likely to be drawn to worldly joys and pleasures, and her duties will fade somewhat into the background.

What does it portend?

Talking to a nun in a dream promises a change of residence. Hearing a choir in which a nun sings warns against failures on the love front. If you dreamed of a nun, this does not mean at all that there will definitely be a dark streak in a love relationship.

Remember that everything depends on the person and how he perceives and corrects the current situation. In any case, after such a dream, it is better for a believer to go to church and light a candle for the well-being of his family and loved ones.

Then everything will definitely be fine, and any adversity will pass by.

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Nun: a person who has moved away from real organismic life, who does not live a real full life, but exists in the illusory world of serving God, and therefore occupies an exceptional position in relation to ordinary people. Her life proceeds according to the program of the social religious mechanical super-ego. This is the image of a person who, due to the fact of being in a divine, transcendental initiation, has lost his own reality and renounced himself. Having uprooted himself from his own reality, this person became a stranger and a carrier of alienation from himself. It is a divinely inspired (divine spark) symbol of negativity. This is a person who hides from the real world behind endless religious prayers, wastes himself in the service of God, without trying to get anything in return. Seeing a nun: this denotes a desire or fear to act in one of her roles. Namely: fear of sexual inadequacy, the desire to overcome the attraction of material things, the desire to avoid independent decision-making, the desire to make others think of themselves as an extraordinary, sacrificial person who is better than he really is. If a stranger is seen in the image of a monk: this image can be interpreted in the same way as if a person sees himself in this image. If a well-known person appears in the image of a monk: this is a reflection of a person’s desire to receive dominant help and a solution to his own problems from another. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monks: servants of God and thus elements of the Superego. Nun: sister of the individual. Someone desired by God, respected by people, the idea of ​​purity and decency. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Nun If a woman dreams of nuns, this foreshadows widowhood or separation from a loved one. A dead nun dreams of despair. It is likely that you will find out that your loved one is cheating on you. A dream in which a girl takes off her monastic robe means her inclination towards worldly joys. She may not be able to keep her promise to someone. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monk (nun): personifies a venerable, sexually abstinent figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of a person, the possession of spiritual strength. Meeting with a monk: portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk: to changes in your life, growth of inner resilience. ABC of dream interpretation

Meaning of sleep Nun Nun. For a religious person, seeing nuns in a dream foretells that material joys will interfere with spiritual interests. He must be wise and control his actions. If a woman sees nuns in a dream, this means possible widowhood or a break with her lover. If she sees herself as a nun in a dream, it means dissatisfaction with her position. Seeing a dead nun means despair: maybe you will learn about the infidelity of the one you loved. For a woman who has a dream in which she throws off her monastic robe, this promises an increased desire for worldly joys. Such a dream will make it impossible for her to fulfill her obligations. Big dream book

Dream Monk, nun If you look closely at a monk: this may be a sign of discord in the family or an upcoming unpleasant business trip; seeing yourself in the image of a monk means the loss of loved ones or illness. Dream book of the future

Dream Nun A religious person who sees a nun in a dream must show wisdom and keep his desires and actions under control. Otherwise, material joys will interfere with his spiritual interests. A woman who sees a nun in a dream is about to break up with her lover. If a woman saw herself in the image of a nun, then she is probably dissatisfied with her position. Large universal dream book

Interpretation of the dream Nun If a young woman dreams that she has decided to become a nun, this is a sign that she will be disappointed in love and will suffer so desperately that this suffering will almost lead her to lose her mind. However, she will be able to overcome despair. It also warns her to beware of temptations and not to trust too much the man who is courting her. Try to clarify the motives that guide his actions. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monk: happiness in a modest environment, criminal love Monk, hermit: your hopes are not fulfilled Nun: betrayal of a lover or mistress talk to her: change of place hear a choir of nuns: broken hearts. Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Monk: may indicate that you should absorb all your energies within yourself and isolate yourself from the surrounding material world. It is also a symbol of spirituality through celibacy and self-denial. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Monk (Nun)
Monk (Nun) in a dream MONK (NUN) - messenger; in black - to misfortune or to success through suffering; sexual abstinence; problem (for a man); spiritual knowledge. Nun - widowhood, divorce, unhappiness in love, a long period of sexual abstinence or (in connection with inversion) indulge in debauchery (for a woman). Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Monk (nun)
Monk (nun) in a dream Represents a venerable, sexually abstinent figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of a person, the possession of spiritual strength. A meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk means changes in your life and increased inner resilience. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Seeing a monk in a dream means discord in the family, unpleasant business trips. A young woman has such a dream. Seeing herself in the form of a monk in a dream means the loss of loved ones or illness. For a religious person to see a nun in a dream: foretells that in his life material joys will prevail over spiritual interests. To prevent this, he must be wise and control his actions. If a woman sees a nun in a dream: this means possible widowhood or a break with her lover. If she sees herself as a nun in a dream, in reality she is dissatisfied with her position. A woman who has a dream in which she throws off her monastic robe: will experience a strong desire for worldly joys. Her actions and desires will make it impossible to fulfill her obligations. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun Communicate with a nun: in the near future, an extremely unpleasant situation created by a person in black clothes or a pronounced brunette, an alliance with evil spirits is not excluded. Repentance, visit the graves of your close relatives. To failure in love to a family quarrel. Newest dream book

Dream Interpretation Monk (nun) Represents a venerable, sexually abstinent figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of a person, the possession of spiritual strength. A meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk means changes in your life and increased inner resilience.
Monk (nun) in a dream Represents a venerable, sexually abstinent figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of a person, the possession of spiritual strength. A meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk means changes in your life and increased inner resilience. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Monk, nun If in a dream you looked intently at a monk, you will face discord in the family and unpleasant business trips. This is a dream for a young woman. If you saw yourself in the image of a monk: begin to monitor your health more carefully. A religious person who sees a nun in a dream: must show wisdom and keep his desires and actions under control. Otherwise, material joys will interfere with his spiritual interests. For a woman who saw a nun in a dream: she is about to break up with her lover. If a woman saw herself in the image of a nun, she is probably dissatisfied with her position.

Monk, nun - disagreements and problems in family life, a break with a lover.

Seeing yourself as a monk or nun means dissatisfaction with your position in the family, sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

Seeing a Nun in a dream

Your lack of restraint can be a source of problems.

Imagine that a nun comes to the bishop. Next, focus all your attention on the bishop (see Bishop).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does the dream Nun mean?

If a man dreams of a nun, he will change his place of residence or work.

For a woman, such a dream means separation, betrayal.

Perhaps she will become a widow or break up with her lover.

Seeing yourself as a nun means being dissatisfied with your position.

A dead nun means despair.

Shedding monastic robes means striving for worldly joys.

There are many nuns - material interests will exceed spiritual ones.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Dream about a Nun

A religious person who sees a nun in a dream must show wisdom and keep his desires and actions under control. Otherwise, material joys will interfere with his spiritual interests.

A woman who sees a nun in a dream is about to break up with her lover.

If a woman saw herself in the image of a nun, then she is probably dissatisfied with her position.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Nun

If a young woman dreams that she has decided to become a nun, this is a sign that she will be disappointed in love and will suffer so desperately that this suffering will almost lead her to lose her mind. However, she will be able to overcome despair. It also warns her to beware of temptations and not to trust too much the man who is courting her. Try to clarify the motives that guide his actions.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does a Nun mean in a dream?

For a religious person, seeing nuns in a dream foretells that material joys will interfere with spiritual interests. He must be wise and control his actions.

If a woman sees nuns in a dream, this means possible widowhood or a break with her lover. If she sees herself as a nun in a dream, this means dissatisfaction with her position.

Seeing a dead nun means despair: maybe you will learn about the infidelity of the one you loved.

For a woman who has a dream in which she throws off her monastic robe, this promises an increased desire for worldly joys. Such a dream will make it impossible for her to fulfill her obligations.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Nun

If a woman dreams of nuns, this foreshadows widowhood or separation from a loved one. A dead nun dreams of despair. It is likely that you will find out that your loved one is cheating on you. A dream in which a girl takes off her monastic robe means her inclination towards worldly joys. She may not be able to keep her promise to someone.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Nun

A Buddhist monk or nun studying sutras portends melancholy.

If you enter into a relationship with a nun, it foreshadows the loss of wealth.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from

Most people associate monks and nuns with restrictions and prohibitions. If you dreamed of a monk, it means that the dreamer is a spiritually mature person, capable of self-sacrifice.

As the Modern Dream Book explains, a nun is a symbol of purity and chastity. For women, the dream predicts a desire for asceticism and self-knowledge, a rejection of fleeting pleasures in favor of eternal values.

Interpretation of the dream depending on which clergyman you dreamed about

1. Why do you dream of a nun in dark robes? This means your dissatisfaction with your life and your willingness to fight for a better life. If a nun is dressed in white, wait, circumstances will soon change for the better, many joyful events await you. The second meaning of the dream is associated with the awareness of the fleeting nature of our existence, with the desire to do good deeds absolutely unselfishly.

2. Seeing a monk in a dream means humility. Perhaps in the future you will face tests of strength that you are destined to pass with honor. There are many monks - the dream symbolizes a person’s desire to retire, to hide from the outside world.

3. The dream in which you dreamed will be interpreted as a miraculous deliverance from danger or big troubles. The dream warns the girl about the need to be careful when choosing suitors. For a married woman, this is a signal - you shouldn’t flaunt your happy family life, there are a lot of envious people around.

4. Why do you dream of a monk dressed in an orange cassock with a shaved head? This is a Buddhist monk, symbolizing steadfastness and inner strength. Enemies will test your patience, their goal is to compromise you. The more effort your envious people put in, the sadder the result will be for them.

If a person dreams of clergy, in reality he hopes for help from above in solving his problems. A dream can also reflect a person’s internal need to grow and develop spiritually. Perhaps the dreamer dreams of solitude and peace.

Interpretation of sleep by various dream books

Modern dream book. Why do you dream of monks in black robes walking past you? The meaning of sleep for a man is that very big troubles will pass you by. The dream warns the girl that she is too demanding of herself, and advises her to lower her standards at least a little and relax.

Family dream book. What does it mean to dream of yourself dressed in monastic robes? For a girl, this means a minor quarrel with her loved one, which will end in a quick reconciliation. For a man, the dream promises immersion in work. For a woman it is also a sign indicating the need to pay more attention to her family.

Miller's Dream Book. If you dreamed of a monk calling you to a meeting, this means you will have a heart-to-heart conversation with a very close person. The dream advises girls to be more prudent. The dream warns a man about temptations that he should not succumb to.

Dream book Tarot. To dream that monks in black are walking in a line past you is a sign of a strange, unexpected event that will greatly surprise you. Following the monks is a sign of an extraordinary act; you may have to save someone’s life or perform a good deed. To go ahead of the monks is to lead a difficult, hopeless task and bring it to a victorious end.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. To see a dream, a monk blesses you for some action - to success and incredible luck. For an unmarried man, the dream promises a quick meeting with his life partner. For a pregnant woman, an easy birth and the birth of a healthy baby.

Esoteric dream book. Why do you dream of a monk calling you - the dreamer will find himself in a very difficult situation, but will be able to miraculously get away with it. The dream warns men against frivolous relationships. For girls, the dream foretells an imminent marriage. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

It is impossible to say for sure why a nun is dreaming. For a believer, a novice seen in a dream means insufficient fortitude. But atheists who communicated with a cult minister in a dream must understand that sinfulness does not lead to anything good. Let's figure out whether a nun is always a kind of echo of conscience, or whether there are exceptions. And dream books will help us with this.

Interpretations of Miller's dream book

If you dreamed that during a church service you looked, spellbound, at a nun in a black robe - beware of conflicts in the family, they can have dire consequences. For a young girl, such a dream promises deception, gossip and intrigue around her name.

The good nun as a symbol of joy and spiritual purity

Seeing or talking to an elderly nun in white vestments is a sign of quiet joy and serenity in reality, promises Pastor Loff’s dream book.

Did you help a young novice living within the monastery walls in a dream? Very good! Wait for help and protection from higher powers. And you will be lucky in everything, the Lunar Dream Book pleases.

A nun who prepares food in a canteen for the homeless, located at a church, symbolizes your concern for your loved ones.

If you dreamed that the abbess of a women’s monastery was scolding you for something, the interpretation of the dream is very simple: you need to repent to those you have offended.

An unsociable novice is a sign of financial failure

You dream that you are lost in an unfamiliar place and ask a nun in black clothes passing by to show you the way, but instead of helping, she showered you with a contemptuous look - you should not invest money in enterprises that you are not familiar with - you will burn out.

A nun in a black monastic cloak running away from you is a symbol of elusive success in business, the Eastern Dream Book saddens.

Being a nun in a dream means you are striving for unattainable heights

You dream that you have decided to become a nun in order to become the abbess of a monastery - you are striving to embrace the immensity! Moderate your ardor, otherwise “emotional burnout” awaits you, warns Miss Hasse’s dream book.

To be a nun in a dream and to walk around in black vestments means despondency and sadness because everything is not working out the way you wanted. Be patient - everything has its time!

One can only sympathize with a man who dreamed that he was a monk living in a women's parish. Such a dream suggests that his dreams of a happy marriage are not destined to come true; his beloved is not faithful to him.

An abandoned monastery or Ghosts of the past...

To see in a dream an old abandoned monastery standing alone in a deserted place - you are haunted by the actions you have committed and your conscience. Cleanse it - ask for forgiveness from those who were innocently offended, go to a church service - you need to restore peace of mind.

If you had a nightmare in which you wandered through the ruins of an old monastery and came across the ghost of an old nun in a white funeral shroud - unexpectedly unpleasant details of your life will emerge for you. Protect your secrets from strangers, Vanga’s dream book advises.

You dream that you hear the bells of a half-destroyed church ringing, although they are not in the bell tower - a sign that the time has come to pay for the past. From now on, when you do bad things, think about their consequences.

Dream Interpretation Monk, why do you dream about seeing a Monk in a dream?

Autumn dream book Why does a Monk dream according to the dream book:

Monk - A monk in a monastic cell reading the Bible - to humility.

Summer dream book Why does a Monk dream according to the dream book:

Monk - Seeing a monk in a dream means loneliness, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why does a Monk dream according to the dream book:

Monk - Seeing a monk in a dream means discord in the family, unpleasant business trips. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows gossip and deception. Seeing yourself in the form of a monk in a dream means the loss of loved ones or illness.

An ancient Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Monk:

Interpretation of the dream book: Monk - Look at the hermit, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why do you dream about a Monk?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream. Monk - Portends melancholy and inaction. If you see yourself in the guise of a monk, it means that there will be temporary stagnation in your personal life.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream of a Monk in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see a Monk - a Monk in a dream - for a man this is a harbinger of a quarrel with his beloved woman and subsequent separation from her. For a woman, such a dream, on the contrary, promises a meeting with a man who will turn out to be a passionate and tender lover.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Monk what does it mean

Monk - Messenger, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Monk:

Monk - You will have good company. Nun, to be one is to be unfaithful to your lover. Many nuns work for pleasure and good.

Spring dream book Why does a Monk dream according to the dream book:

Monk - A strange person will appear who will interest you very much.

Big dream book Why does a Monk dream:

Monk - Messenger.

Monk – Illness, loneliness

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why does a Monk dream in a dream:

Monk - To dream that you are staring at a monk means discord in the family and unpleasant business trips. For a young woman, this dream foretells that gossip and deception will be used against her. Seeing yourself in the form of a monk in a dream means the loss of loved ones or illness.

Dream Book of Nostradamus Why does a Monk dream according to the dream book:

Monk - A symbol of righteousness, restraint and dispassion, moderation and asceticism, fanaticism. Seeing a monk in white robes - this dream means that the northern territories will be united by the election of a common head of the church or overshadowed by the light of religion from above - a message from God. Seeing a monk drunk is a dream foreshadowing universal wealth and joy. Seeing a monk ringing a bell is a symbol of an alarming event, change, sudden misfortune associated with power, with a moral transgression. See monks with weapons going to war. - means a sharp increase in crime, a decline in morals and impunity for crimes that will lead to the total armament of humanity. Seeing a mute monk is a symbol that foreshadows an act of vandalism against religion, the destruction of a beloved temple or monument that is directly related to religion. To see reprisals against monks means to receive a blow, which will lead to a change in life principles, loss of interest in everything that is happening, and fear of the future. Seeing tonsure as a monk is a symbol of the clash between secular and religious authorities, which will lead to a temporary strengthening of the church. Seeing a spaceship whose crew consists of monks is a sign of universal morality, which will capture the world's population and lead to a change in the institution of religion. To see a monk dressed from head to toe in gold - this dream foreshadows wealth and grace that will descend to earth after people stop all wars.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Monk:

Monk - A strange event, a surprise that will change your ideas about life values.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Monk in a dream

In a dream, what does a Monk dream about - Happiness in a modest environment, criminal love

Monk – Hermit - Your hopes will not come true

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Monk in a dream

Monk - hermit - Your hopes will not come true.

Monk - Happiness in a humble environment.

Dream interpretation of the sorceress Medea Monk according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Monk (nun) in a dream - Represents a venerable, sexually abstinent figure. Symbolizes the inner wisdom of a person, the possession of spiritual strength. A meeting with a monk portends trouble for you. Talking to a monk means changes in your life and increased inner resilience.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Monk (–nya) – Messenger; in black - to misfortune or to success through suffering; sexual abstinence; problem (for a man); spiritual knowledge. Nun - widowhood, divorce, unhappiness in love, a long period of sexual abstinence or (in connection with inversion) indulge in debauchery (for a woman).

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream of a Monk:

Monk in cell - Gift of the Prophet

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about a Monk?

See in a dream

Monk, nun - A dream in which you see a monk serves as a warning against failure, perhaps you will seek advice in difficult circumstances, a monk may dream of significant changes in fate (both good and bad). A working monk means the fulfillment of a plan. If in a dream you talk to a monk, it means that an important change in fate awaits you. Seeing a nun means a change of profession, failure in love. Seeing old or singing nuns means widowhood. Having a relationship with a nun in a dream means losing wealth or property.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why does a Monk dream:

Monks, priests - to trouble. If you dream of a priest, then it is the devil who takes his form.

If you saw a monk in a dream, this is a sign of disappointment and dissatisfaction with life. A dream is a call to change your worldview.

Another interpretation of the dream characterizes the monk as a warning against failure. There will be significant changes in life - positive or negative.

What color clothes did you see the monk wearing in your dream?

Black clothes on a monk in a dream

Why do you dream of a monk in a black robe? This is a sign of righteousness and asceticism. If a clergyman in black clothes reads a prayer, victory awaits you in long-stagnant affairs.

Dreaming of a monk in red clothes

If you dreamed that you were looking at a monk in red clothes, pacify your feelings, suppress your anger, direct your emotions in a positive direction, otherwise you will not see anything good, troubles and discord will burst into your life.

According to Miller's dream book, if a religious person saw nuns in a dream, material joys will greatly interfere with his spiritual interests. For a woman to see nuns is a sign of a possible break with her lover or widowhood. If she saw herself in the image of a nun, she would be dissatisfied with her own situation. a dead nun dreams of despair - perhaps you will become aware that your loved one is unfaithful to you.

To be a nun

Dream interpretation of being a nun dreamed, why dream of being a nun in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to be a Nun in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Nun

Dream Interpretation - Nun

Dream Interpretation - Nun

Dream Interpretation - Nun

Dream Interpretation - Nun

Nun - betrayal of a lover or mistress - talk to her - change of place - hear a choir of nuns - broken hearts.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

If a woman dreams of nuns, this foreshadows widowhood or separation from a loved one. A dead nun dreams of despair. It is likely that you will find out that your loved one is cheating on you. A dream in which a girl takes off her monastic robe means her inclination towards worldly joys. She may not be able to keep her promise to someone.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

To a change of profession, failure in love.

Seeing old or singing nuns means widowhood.

Having a relationship with a nun means losing wealth or property.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

Monk, nun - disagreements and problems in family life, a break with a lover.

Seeing yourself as a monk or nun means dissatisfaction with your position in the family, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

If a young woman dreams that she has decided to become a nun, this is a sign that she will be disappointed in love and will suffer so desperately that this suffering will almost lead her to lose her mind. However, she will be able to overcome despair. It also warns her to beware of temptations and not to trust too much the man who is courting her. Try to clarify the motives that guide his actions.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

For a religious person to see a nun in a dream foretells that in his life material joys will prevail over spiritual interests. To prevent this, he must be wise and control his actions.

Nun with crosses in

Dream Interpretation Nun with crosses in I dreamed about why I dream about a Nun with crosses in her? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Nun with crosses in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cross

The cross that appears in a dream should be taken as a warning of an approaching misfortune into which others will involve you.

If in a dream you kissed the cross, then you will accept this misfortune with due fortitude.

A young woman who sees in a dream that she is holding a cross in her hands will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, which will win the love of others and arouse the favor of fate.

If you dreamed of a person holding a cross in his hands, do charity work and show concern for your loved ones.

Nostradamus considered the cross a symbol of salvation, trials, and hope. He gave the following interpretations to dreams about crosses.

If you saw a cross in a dream, get ready for long and difficult trials.

If you dreamed of a church crucifix, your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering.

A dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its talons means that someone is very aggressive towards you.

To dream of a cross outlined in a circle is a sign of trouble; you and your loved ones are under threat.

If in a dream you put a cross around your neck, then in reality one of your neighbors will ask you for help. If you do so, you will incur losses.

A burning cross is a warning of danger.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that in a dream the cross is a symbol meaning forgiveness, protection from evil, renewal. This is how she interpreted these dreams.

The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain on your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor.

Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes.

In a dream you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such a necessary character quality as the ability to forget and forgive insults.

You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you saw a large cross - this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will certainly be punished by higher powers. In reality, you have lost faith in the justice of this truth.

And D. Loff wrote: “This powerful religious symbol represents comfort, condemnation, healing, pain or the need for protection. Of course, it is important to analyze how this object appears in a dream and what impact it has on the entire plot of the dream.

The cross can also evoke completely opposite feelings: attraction, disgust, or a desire to avoid it. Avoiding the cross is an indicator of condemnation, shame, and an inadequate attitude towards eternal human values. This is an attempt to ignore the memory, which is a kind of defense mechanism to help you forget about the consequences of a choice or event associated with religious symbolism in your life. The crucifixion, of course, also has a positive beginning - it brings salvation and a sense of security. Many religious icons are a “positive” taboo for us. Just as we avoid association with dark symbols or taboo images, we experience the good power of positive symbols. The power of a symbol gives us a sense of security.

Christians who see a crucifix in a dream can achieve inner purification, renewal and reconciliation.”

Dream Interpretation - Nun

For a religious person, seeing nuns in a dream foretells that material joys will interfere with spiritual interests. He must be wise and control his actions.

If a woman sees nuns in a dream, this means possible widowhood or a break with her lover. If she sees herself as a nun in a dream, this means dissatisfaction with her position.

Seeing a dead nun means despair: maybe you will learn about the infidelity of the one you loved.

For a woman who has a dream in which she throws off her monastic robe, this promises an increased desire for worldly joys. Such a dream will make it impossible for her to fulfill her obligations.

Dream Interpretation - Cross

The dream of the cross predicts fate and warns of trials, while demanding tolerance and determination. Praying to a cross in a dream is a sign of joy and receiving a gift from a loved one. Kissing a cross in a dream is a sign of approaching trouble, which will be a real test for you. Seeing an iron cross in a dream is a sign of protection; Seeing a fenced grave cross in a dream is a harbinger of joy and peace; cross by the road - receiving good news; seeing a cross across the road in a dream foreshadows failure in business; flowers next to a cross in a dream mean joy, a pleasant meeting, peace of mind. Seeing a golden cross in a dream foretells receiving good news. Seeing a cross on yourself is a sign of fate: it all depends on how it looks. Seeing a cross on others in a dream is a sign of trials. Putting a cross on others (or passing it on to others) in a dream means that you are entrusting certain responsibilities to that person.

Removing the cross from yourself in a dream means that you will want to change your life, despite the remorse that you will then experience. Finding a cross in a dream is a harbinger that your life may soon change. Kneeling in front of a cross in a dream means that you will experience repentance for your sins, humiliation, and emotional distress. A broken cross in a dream foretells that your real life will collapse like a house of cards. Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream is a sign of happiness and good luck. Holding a cross in your hands means sadness, grief.

To see a golden cross in the hands of an angel in a dream is a sign of God’s will, God’s blessing.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

If a man dreams of a nun, he will change his place of residence or work.

For a woman, such a dream means separation, betrayal.

Perhaps she will become a widow or break up with her lover.

Seeing yourself as a nun means being dissatisfied with your position.

A dead nun means despair.

Shedding monastic robes means striving for worldly joys.

There are many nuns - material interests will exceed spiritual ones.

Dream Interpretation - Cross (large)

A test from which you will emerge with honor. Iron - be relentless and be patient. Wooden - simplicity of solutions is the key to success. Gold - you will gain the support of an influential person. Silver - you will find a compromise solution in the reconciliation of two opposites. Straight cross - you have to break strict prohibitions. Oblique St. Andrew's cross - your actions will bring glory and honor. To bear the cross yourself - the time has come to do charity work. Seeing how others carry the cross - the dream calls on you to be more merciful to the people who are dear to you. Kissing the cross - you have to prove your loyalty to friendship. Praying near the cross - a dream foreshadows happiness and triumph over all disasters. Cross by the road - you will be required to do things that contradict your beliefs. Cross in the blood - you will find reliable support from your closest relatives. Decorate with flowers - you will receive good news. To be crucified on the cross - you will become an object of gossip and humiliation. A grave cross - to recovery from a serious long-term illness. Cross on the church - you have to go through mental suffering. The cross is inscribed in a circle - at the end of the test, financial well-being awaits you.

Imagine that the cross is made of gold or a precious stone.

Dream Interpretation - Cross

A cross seen in a dream is a sign of reliable protection from the misfortunes that threaten you, into which your enemies may involve you. Carrying a cross in your hands means that you will have favorable conditions for realizing your capabilities and abilities. Seeing a cross in the hands of another person foreshadows the friendly and supportive attitude of people towards you, on whom your success and happiness largely depend.

Praying on your knees in front of the cross means that in reality you will repent of your own mistakes. Kissing a cross in a dream means that the misfortune that befalls you will not break your spirit. A pectoral cross is a sign of recovery for the sick, help for those in trouble and reciprocity in love.

Seeing in a dream a cross in the form of an order that is awarded to someone means that in real life you will soon receive good news from afar.

Seeing a cross on the dome of a temple portends happiness in the house. A grave cross seen in a dream suggests that in a difficult situation, true friends will help you find a way out of a hopeless situation.

Signing yourself or someone else with the sign of the cross is a sad event. Seeing a religious procession means the death of one of your close relatives. To be baptized or to baptize children in a dream - in reality you will receive a valuable parcel or parcel with an item that you have ordered and been waiting for a long time.

A dream in which you see your godchildren reminds you of the need to maintain old connections, because they may still be useful in the future.

If your godfather or mother appears to you in a dream, it means you will receive a salary increase or a big win in the lottery, which will dramatically change your entire future life.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

A religious person who sees a nun in a dream must show wisdom and keep his desires and actions under control. Otherwise, material joys will interfere with his spiritual interests.

A woman who sees a nun in a dream is about to break up with her lover.

If a woman saw herself in the image of a nun, then she is probably dissatisfied with her position.

Dream Interpretation - Cross

A cross in a dream is a symbol of fate, but at the same time a religious symbol.

It can mean salvation, joy and sorrow in various dream contexts.

For a patient, a dream where a cross appears is a sign of recovery.

For lovers - to reciprocity.

Kissing the cross means steadfastly accepting all the vicissitudes of fate.

If a young woman dreams that she is holding a cross in her hands, in life she will be modest and kind towards people.

Fate will smile on her.

Holding a pectoral cross in your hands is a sign of happiness.

Seeing it on someone means worrying about this person.

If you see a figure with a cross in his hands in a dream, show charity in reality.

A cross standing by the road is good news.

If the cross is fenced, you will find a way out of the difficult situation.

Praying to the cross means receiving a gift.

Find the cross - defeat opponents.

Seeing a golden cross in a dream is a sign of joy.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

A Buddhist monk or nun studying sutras portends melancholy.

If you enter into a relationship with a nun, it foreshadows the loss of wealth.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Cross

The cross is a symbol of salvation, trials, hope.

Seeing a cross in a dream means that you will face long and difficult trials.

To see a church crucifix in a dream - your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering.

If in a dream you clutch a cross in your hand, then you are choosing not the easiest, but worthy path in life.

A dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its talons means the aggression of a powerful empire.

Seeing a cross outlined in a circle in a dream is a sign of trouble; the entire planet and humanity are under threat.

If in a dream you put a cross on your neck, get ready for the fact that one of your neighbors will ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable for you.

Seeing a burning cross in a dream is a warning of danger.

The cross, which looks like an anchor, means spiritual rebirth.

Nuns priests

Dream Interpretation Nuns priests dreamed of why nuns and priests are seen in dreams? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see nuns and priests in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Priest

The priest dreams of illness. And if you saw him during the service, then anxiety will be added to everything.

A woman who dreamed that she was in love with a priest should be prepared to be deceived by her lover. A dream in which a priest seeks her love means that she will be found fault with for being too fond of entertainment.

If in a dream you confessed to a priest, then you will have to grieve because of some unseemly act of yours. In general, any dream in which a priest or preacher appears before you serves as a reminder of your own vices and weaknesses. Become more demanding of yourself, and you won’t have to be sad.

A dream in which you see a priest, but do not talk to him, should be taken as a warning: do not let anyone subjugate you to their will.

A conversation with a priest in a dream foreshadows high honors in the future. And if the priest looked sad and tired at the same time, know that this is a warning about possible evil.

The Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga interpreted dreams about a priest as follows.

To dream of a majestic priest saying a prayer means that it is time to repent for all your sins.

A dream in which you saw yourself in the rank of priest means that you are called to Earth in order to bring good to people. You are destined to become a servant of the Church.

Confessing to a priest in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon find yourself in a very difficult situation. You can get out of it only if you resort to the services of your influential acquaintance, who, before providing you with all possible help, will demand an explanation of what is happening.

Dream Interpretation - Priest

It is considered most favorable to see in a dream that a priest has blessed you. Such a dream portends you success, prosperity and good income.

Seeing him saying prayers in a dream is a sign of anxiety about loved ones.

If you dream that he is dressed in elegant church clothes, then you will face a big lawsuit over an inheritance, which will ultimately be decided in your favor.

Seeing him in dark clothes in a dream is a sign of grief or sadness. In general, a dream about a priest predicts the receipt of favorable news. If you dream that you see a priest during a service, then illness and suffering await you.

Confessing to a priest in a dream means that you repent of your sins, you want to correct the mistakes you have made, but you cannot. If in a dream the priest, after confession, lets you go in peace, then your suffering will end.

Loving a priest, talking to him about love, caressing him or kissing him in a dream is a sign of condemnation of your dissolute behavior, which will so tarnish your name that in the future you will be ashamed to look people in the eyes.

Being a priest yourself in a dream is a harbinger of trouble.

The appearance of a priest in a dream predicts that you will soon need help, support or blessing. If something goes wrong in the dream (the priest gets angry, turns away, dies, is angry with you, etc.), then you should look at your problems with different eyes and find other ways to overcome them. See interpretation: also high priest, censer, spiritual mentor.

Dream Interpretation - Priest

A priest in a dream is a harbinger of illness. If in a dream you see him busy with work, it means that illness and anxiety await you.

If a woman dreams that she is in love with a priest, it means that she should be wary of being deceived by her dishonest lover. If a priest seeks her love in a dream, it means that she will be reproached for being too fond of entertainment.

Confessing to a priest in a dream is a sign of impending humiliation and sadness. This dream means that you have done or will do something that will cause concern to you and your family in the future. A priest or preacher are your spiritual mentors, and any dream in which they appear before you serves as a reminder of your own vices and weaknesses, so that you are stricter in your actions.

A dream in which you see a priest but do not talk to him warns you against enslaving someone. If you do not take this dream as a warning, complete submission to someone’s will awaits you.

A conversation with a priest in a dream promises you high honors in the future.

A dream in which the priest looks sad and tired warns you of possible evil.

Dream Interpretation - Priest

Seeing a priest in liturgical vestments means receiving the support of an influential person. If you dreamed of a priest without vestments, you are about to meet a person who at first glance seems completely ordinary to you, but it will soon become clear that he belongs to the powers that be. If the priest performed a divine service in your dream, you will participate in some large and socially important matter; this will bring you good acquaintances and respect from people. Receive a blessing from a priest - all the things you start in the near future will be successful. It's a good time to start, don't miss it! If the priest in your dream performed a memorial service (in a temple or at a grave), this means solving a complex problem that has been bothering you for a long time. To see a priest delivering a sermon in a dream means you will hear important news, on which a lot will depend.

Imagine the face of the priest in your dream and thank him. It is very good if on this day you manage to meet a priest in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

For a religious person, seeing nuns in a dream foretells that material joys will interfere with spiritual interests. He must be wise and control his actions.

If a woman sees nuns in a dream, this means possible widowhood or a break with her lover. If she sees herself as a nun in a dream, this means dissatisfaction with her position.

Seeing a dead nun means despair: maybe you will learn about the infidelity of the one you loved.

For a woman who has a dream in which she throws off her monastic robe, this promises an increased desire for worldly joys. Such a dream will make it impossible for her to fulfill her obligations.

Dream Interpretation - Priest

To see a majestic priest reading a prayer in a dream is a sign that the time has come to turn to God and repent before him for all your sins.

If a priest blesses you in a dream, then you will soon receive the support of an influential person. Sometimes such a dream prophesies success in all endeavors.

A dream in which you saw yourself in the rank of priest means that you are called to Earth in order to bring good to people. You are destined to become a church minister.

If you dreamed of a Catholic priest, then changes await you in the near future. You may need to make difficult choices or decisions.

If a priest crowns you in a dream, then in real life you will have a happy, calm life with your loved one.

Confessing to a priest in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon find yourself in a very difficult situation. You can get out of it only if you resort to the services of your influential acquaintance, who, before providing you with all possible help, will demand an explanation of what is happening, which you will keep silent about for a long time.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

If a man dreams of a nun, he will change his place of residence or work.

For a woman, such a dream means separation, betrayal.

Perhaps she will become a widow or break up with her lover.

Seeing yourself as a nun means being dissatisfied with your position.

A dead nun means despair.

Shedding monastic robes means striving for worldly joys.

There are many nuns - material interests will exceed spiritual ones.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

A religious person who sees a nun in a dream must show wisdom and keep his desires and actions under control. Otherwise, material joys will interfere with his spiritual interests.

A woman who sees a nun in a dream is about to break up with her lover.

If a woman saw herself in the image of a nun, then she is probably dissatisfied with her position.

Dream Interpretation - Nun

A Buddhist monk or nun studying sutras portends melancholy.

If you enter into a relationship with a nun, it foreshadows the loss of wealth.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Priest

Communicating with a priest in a dream promises philosophical conversations with someone in reality or the need to pray.

In general, the figure of a priest signifies important news and sometimes prosperity, and sometimes illness.

It all depends on the state of your spirit.

If you want to hide something from a priest in a dream, your ugly secret will be exposed in reality.

To be in confession is to experience humiliation.



communication with a saint or a monk, he was interested in what was bothering me

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Svetlana, perhaps your dream about communicating with a monk suggests that you will have to pour out your soul to someone.


I dreamed of a monk in a dark robe, a hood on his head - his face was not visible. He came up to me and led me uphill along the highway, telling me that he could help me get rid of my headache. I really have headaches. But he didn't say how. And disappeared


I was running away from a sniper in a dream. I found myself near a monastery. Near it, on the street, there was a table on which there were cakes, they were handing out pieces to people. I saw a sniper walking away from the table with a small piece of cake. He didn’t bother me anymore... I went up to closer to the table, and one of the monks asked me a question: - What is most important to you in life, day? I answered: “So that my mother is happy!” And then he gave me 80% of the cake, almost all of it... Please help me interpret my dream. I will be grateful.


I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which I saw the following. as if I was next to the bus station and was about to leave somewhere. I walked up to a grocery store where they sold fresh vegetables and fruits. I especially remember the green onions on the counter. I’m buying fresh onion bulbs and suddenly, to my left, I notice a hiermonk dressed in a black robe standing next to the shop. I looked at him intently, trying to peer into his face and eyes. unexpectedly for me he spoke to me. he said that it was time for me to stop doing unnecessary and useless work for me, to stop shuffling papers. time is passing and it would be better for me to start saving my soul. he looked at me very sternly and piercingly.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Such a dream involving a monk most likely indicates that you may encounter a misfortune along the way.


This was my old dream. I dreamed about it several times. I dreamed of my sister's husband, wearing a long black monastic robe. It’s as if he settled down to live on the edge, near some deep, large forest, completely alone. His house was made of red brick and looked very much like a small church. Every time he went out, he folded his palms in front of his chest and prayed, closing his eyes. He went back into that church, and when he came out, he prayed in this way.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Most likely, your dream in which that person was in the form of a monk indicates that you may come into conflict with this person.


I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which I dreamed of my husband in a black monastic robe. I was sitting on a chair, he walked past me, and I touched my head to his sleeve.


i dreamed as if I was confessing to a monk or a priest or a saint, he was all in black, his hand was on my head and he was praying to forgive my sins and suddenly a blinding ray passed through me and growing there was a bright white flash, and after this light I realized that all my sins were forgiven! Please interpret my dream


Please help me interpret the dream.
I dreamed of a monk, or priest, in black clothes, with a high black headdress. I was surprised that he didn't have a cross. He started telling me: “He’ll shoot you...”. I closed my eyes and began to tell myself that I would not look at the monk or talk to him. I tried to read the “Our Father,” but the thought kept returning to the monk. I will be very grateful

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there was an image of a monk in your dream most likely indicates that you can pursue spiritual goals rather than material ones.


Please help me decipher the dream. I dreamed that I was going to visit. I approach some five-story building, I’m about to enter the entrance and go up to the top floor. I don’t remember which one specifically. A man is standing on the porch and says: come see me. I go into the apartment on the first floor. He is already dressed in a monastic robe. but not dark. something golden. For some reason, I had the idea in a dream that he was a Shaolin monk. He was holding a sword in his hands and began to teach me some kind of fighting stance. I'm without a sword. then he comes up, hugs me, and says: THE POOR SHE HAS BEEN SUFFERED SO MUCH. You want to be strong, but you’re still weak. But everything will get better. Your energy is flowing poorly in your right shoulder, stop smoking. He gives me a black stone, there is an image of a cross on it. I don’t remember exactly whether he read something above it, the stone said with a prayer. Noya didn’t take it in her hands, and then for some reason she didn’t take it when she left. and at the end I paid for the session, and instead of money I see in my hands 2 tickets to my hometown. (I don’t live there now) The monk said, you’ll go to seminars 2 times. Explain what this means. Thank you in advance

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely indicates that you will have to deal with a person who has a rich inner world and will be interesting to you.


I dreamed that I was in the queen’s castle, she was looking at me very carefully... And then a nun appeared, she was the queen’s assistant, and had to show her possessions... By the way, the nature in her domain was unusually beautiful... In the end, we (the nun) and I ended up on the bridge... By this time it was already dark, we were lying on the bridge and talking... She was no longer dressed like a nun.. We talked about our relationship and were in love with each other...

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Such a dream most likely means that you will be in a difficult situation, you will have to resort to the help of someone who is an expert in his field.


It’s like I’m going somewhere, but the road passes a strange church, in which there are 3 benches, on two of them lie old nuns (it’s not clear, they seem to be alive, but they seem to be dead), and on the 3rd bench lies a baby nun named love


I dreamed of 2 nuns, one was younger, the other was older, as I understood both sisters... The youngest looked to be about 8-10 years old, the eldest was about 13-16, their clothes were neat! The younger one was shorter than the eldest, then I moved to some kind of house (Definitely not mine) and I followed the younger one (I don’t remember if I teased her). I was running and when I ran I saw the older one through a gap without clothes... I don’t remember anything else! Why is this?


It’s church right away, I’m inside before the service. Then I saw that women were sitting and waiting in line for confession. I thought in a dream that I definitely need to confess. I came up and took the line and found out that a nun was confessing. I thought it was so good, I’ll definitely wait for my turn. While I was waiting , many people ran in without a queue, but I didn’t get annoyed and just waited until I could come in. Someone said that I needed an onion, I had two onions in my hands and I littered them with them, I felt uncomfortable and tried to collect the garbage, but it was quickly sucked in under the floor of the confessional. I waited for my turn, but another woman and a girl came in, the nun was distracted by the girl, but then asked them to wait and turned to me. I immediately thought about how I would confess to strangers, but then it stopped bothering me. The nun asked me questions and I answered them, asked why the garbage was being sucked under the confessional, the nun smiled and said that it should be so. That’s the whole dream, although I didn’t have time to confess what worries me.


I’m retired. I dream that I’m working. My partners call me and they say come out to you, your grandmother has come. I go out and see my grandmother dressed like a nun. She told me something but I don’t remember. My grandmother died a long time ago. Probably a bad dream. Please explain.


I dreamed about my grandmother who died in 1993 (I had never dreamed about it before). She was sitting on the balcony in her room, squatting and crying, she was dressed in monastic clothes (black). And her face was not old, but of a young girl, i.e. I understand that it’s her, but she doesn’t look like her face.


I dreamed that there were nuns walking on a large stone bridge, about 50 of them. And they were all shot. And in order to stay alive, I also dressed up as a nun and lay down under the bridge between two dead people and pretended to be. Then they chased me all night. This moment was good. I remember. Why would that be?

Your name:

My mother dreamed that, while looking through books, she saw a nun standing in the doorway. All in black, with a stony gray face, she said - I have come. Approaching her, my mother asked - why, for better or worse? She repeated again - I came. In a rage, her mother attacked her and began to beat her, and when the nun turned into a marten, she threw her out the window.


I dreamed of politicians where a priest and a nun approached them, she began to swear loudly with the politicians and I began to defend her, for which they began to chase me, I ran away from them down some steps, it was dark and in the darkness I heard the call of my name, I turned around but from - ran further out of fear!


help. I dream that I am watching a fenced lake from the side. 3 monks are sailing on it in a boat, one has a thick braid. They go ashore. It turns out they are hunting. They have living creatures in their hands. Then I see that they are holding a black one in their hands killed chicken and begin to wash them for cooking.


I dreamed of a manachine, she put a silver ring on me and gave me a hundred rubles, and I gave the change to her, and I also argued with my husband, then I was late for the bus.


I dreamed of a young monk in black clothes with a hood on his head. He was selling church supplies laid out on the table. He told me that my name is light Seraphim. I asked about one stone in the shape of a cross, but he said that I didn’t need it, otherwise I’d quickly grow old. After some time, he disappeared and I saw him in the distance already in the form of a hunched old man in the same black clothes


Hello Tatiana! I had a dream - as if they were telling me - wake up - I hardly open my eyes - a tall, young nun (I had this feeling), turns around and leaves for the door. in reality the door to the bedroom was closed. at the same time she walks - she doesn’t walk, but seems to move slowly, as if appearing and disappearing. I try to look - before reaching the window, she disappears. At the same time, I have the feeling that I see this for real, but I don’t feel fear. it seems light, weightless, there is no aggressive energy from it. I have a feeling that she came for some reason, I couldn’t wake up for a long time, I just felt her presence.


I came to the monk to confess, other monks called him, he left without confessing. On the way, I found a ring with three red stones and the words “Save and preserve” and put it on my little finger..


I had a dream that I was lying in a coffin, I still don’t know whether I am or not, and a nun in black stood near the coffin and talked about what my fate was


sela v avtobus,v kotorom sideli zenscini v platkah,sama toze bila v platke,denj nazad snilsja son gde ja bila v platke na ulice i vse oboracivalisj smotreli na menja.


I have a best friend, a monk, his name is Demid. I dreamed about him today, lay with me, then began to leave and call me to come with him. As if I didn’t believe this happiness, and didn’t want to go... He said, I say for the last time, are you going? Well, I got ready and went... We went into the temple, he went into the office, took tickets and said now you will always be with me!!! I was very happy. Well, I was upset that the priests passed by and said you were fired from here and rejected from monasticism... What are you still doing here?? Well, he took my hand... I asked the question: “Why did you leave monasticism?” “he replied with time to spend more with you!! and we were flying on the plane and I woke up) what is all this for???


We were running away from Manashka, she ran after us and tried to talk to me, there was also one elderly grandmother with her, she screamed stop, I’ll call Manashka right now and you’ll wake up to talk to her, I don’t remember then, my sister left with them and I don’t see her in my dreams anymore saw




I dreamed of a nun who wanted to kill me with a cross, but this nun had the face of either a witch or a zombie!


I’m driving in a car with my wife, then I see that the road is blocked by musicians and there are people standing on the right, they are taking photographs at their wedding, I drive around this wedding and my wife and I get out of the car. And suddenly she falls into the hatch, which is very deep. I ran for help. I found myself in a crowd of people and then I see a man walking and a nun tells him that everything will be fine with you, I see it. I ran after her and asked about my wife, what was wrong with her, she told me everything was fine, she just ran with the keys and fell through the hatch, and I asked if I would have children and she told me no. And I woke up


There are a huge number of monks in black robes in the church, prayer is going on. I wanted to ask a question, and one of the monks’ servants threw me out of the church.


Hello. I dreamed of two beautiful white horses and one light beige one. At that moment I was lying on the grass, dressed, and a beige horse lay down next to me and hugged me with its legs. At the same time, she had a sad look, as if she felt sorry for me. A little later a nun appeared, she completely lay down on me, facing me. when the bodies touched, she pulled away from me as if struck by an electric shock, I asked what it was, cancer? She said “yes.” I asked again: “Stomach cancer?”, She answered, “Yes.”


I went into the altar and saw Vladika Damian there. I wanted to talk to him about my problems, but I didn’t dare ask him a question, then he left the altar and the dream ended


Good evening. On the night from Saturday (September 27) to Sunday (September 28), in the morning, I had a dream that I was talking with a group of nuns (I don’t remember the essence of the conversation) and in the end, one of them, the eldest, was an elderly woman with a stick in her hand and hunched over, or rather bent over, since she didn’t have a hump, she took me by the right hand and led me somewhere. At the same time, I woke up and had the feeling that she was supposed to lead me to something important.


I stood and talked with the nun, she told me that you are already the bride of God, I told her that no. The nun believed me and smiled, a kind smile.


I was riding on a horse-drawn carriage and was dressed in a monastic robe and could not put on my feet the same blue-red sneakers or ballet shoes


I dreamed that I met a nun, and I cried to her that my husband didn’t want to give me a puppy, she asked if I needed this puppy, and I answered that I really wanted a child. And she gave me a puppy. What does this dream mean? help me explain


Hello. My name is Valentina. Dream: I am riding in an elevator with a man monk dressed in black and white. At his request, I press the button in the elevator where he asks. The elevator is going in the other direction. From the elevator I can see where I'm going on the bus. This is an unfamiliar place and I'm afraid that I won't find my way back. And I was going to a completely different place. We exit the elevator and while I observe the surrounding situation, I look around - I don’t see the monk, but I know that he has died. And I wake up. Thank you.


church, my sister and I are dressed in a black robe, in our arms a little girl is sick, we are together in church for some ritual and it’s scary


I understand that it is night, I see that outside the window near the fence some man is walking backwards and forwards, I understand that he sees me, for some reason I can’t hide, he was wearing something long and black, there was also something on his head it was black with a white frill, very similar to some kind of European monk, then I see that there are a lot of such people on the street and for some reason I calmed down.


as a girl, I lived in another place and in another house, in this house my daughter-in-law lives now, my brother died ... so it’s as if three nuns entered this house, namely one room, through the window, one older nun in a high headdress is walking towards me, I ask how did they get here they are silent, I closed the door and don’t let them in any further, I say how you entered and leave... then alone, as if already in worldly clothes, sat down to drink tea


I met and bowed, a monk in yellow robes, they were talking about something, he handed the rosary to me, then he moved his hand over his chest and head, he said we must live


I dreamed of a walk along the Cote d'Azur, there was a man with me, but I didn’t see who he was, and as if there were many more people with us, but I don’t see them either, but I see them only when they run away, or I just stand away from them (since I’m walking along the very edge between the water and the shore. And there are sharp corals, I walk slowly so as not to get hurt) and when everything is already in the distance I see the temple, and I see the life of Tibetan monks in the windows, they smile, go about their business, then come to me my companion returned and I showed him this temple, and we went back, I collected shells and showed him, then I found one beautiful stone and took it for myself. And the dream itself is so vivid, such beautiful, blue, transparent water, beautiful, clean sand, everything is so beautiful.


Hello! Today I had a dream. that I, in long black clothes, climbed up a very high new staircase, and there were a lot of women in the same clothes. I started going down...the steps were very inconvenient to go down. I went down 1/3 and that was it, then I had to jump, but very high. I woke up in such fear.


I dreamed of a procession of monks and nuns in black. It was as if there was a theatrical performance. Before that, I dreamed of a hospital and a man was standing behind me. He said that great grief awaited me.


It’s as if I’m standing in a room with my sister and praying in front of an ikonomi and on my head is what nuns wear.


I dreamed of three nuns who came up and handed over three pieces of paper with something written on them; I couldn’t make out the inscriptions


time 22.00 07/04/2015 A nun in black wanted to enter the house. Or perhaps just an elderly woman in black clothes. but the legs were bare without stockings. I asked her where you were going. And she went to work. I detained her and asked her to sit on the porch; there were two chairs there. I suggested that she open her face. But she didn’t. I won’t open my face. people are envious. then I offered her a drink, she agreed, but then I woke up. the dream lasted about 15 minutes


I dreamed of a nun with her head uncovered, a red kitten at her feet, my friend shielded me because we were scared. Then my friend turned sharply towards me and hit me on the head with a new one


I dreamed that I was going to a nunnery and making the decision to become a nun, as I got used to their society. I clearly remember how difficult it was to follow their rules in a dream. (Nuns work a lot and sleep little, they need to be very obedient to the senior nuns, and have holy faith, constantly pray.) The colors in the dream were mainly black, white and brown , dark colors.


Edu ya kuda to, doroga ne asfaltirovanaya. Zadom k doroge stoyala monashka, Ona to li v sled to li vpered kinula skomkaniy v shar hleb, i potom uje kak bi so storoni viju sebya v okne mashini s raduushimsya licom proezjaya ee.


It was not a dream, I saw it in real life, “it” stood above the child’s head in a black robe and waved its arms so that I saw the robe swaying.


I dreamed that three monks in dark robes and hoods came to the house, their faces were not visible. At first they were near the house, then they got inside. I was in the next room at the time, heard their voices, got scared, and rushed to the phone. Before I had time to call anywhere, one monk took the phone from me, said: “You are in vain,” and cut off my head with a knife.


there was a thunderstorm, I don’t remember how I got to the church, one nun was waiting for me there, but the peculiarity of all this is that in the dream I was pregnant, after I entered the church, this nun tried to snatch the child from me, after which I vaguely I remember everything, but judging in real life, a couple of months ago I had an abortion, now I still suffer from nightmares, but they were always monotonous, but here it is somehow strange, especially it all happened in my Catholic church, where I go, but there are no nuns even like them, now I’m very scared, help me, please.


I dreamed that I was sitting with a child - a girl, on some boards near the house and then I saw a monk of an old wooden gate, he didn’t say anything, we just looked at each other!


Good afternoon I dreamed of me walking with my ex-girlfriend along a path (in the city). She's ahead, I'm a little behind. A young guy (of Asian appearance) in a hat and a red shirt, flashily dressed, is walking towards him. Having passed her, he turns sharply and dances after her. It turns out that she is in front, he is behind her, I am behind him. He begins to flirt with her (along the way). She turns and looks at me questioningly (like, what should I do?). I point my finger to her lips (they say, quietly, let’s see what happens next). In general, she walks without paying attention to him, and he flirts. When too active flirting begins on his part (hands are used). I'm interfering. I suggest you go and move away. We all went to the river bank, to the beach. I go and get ready for a fight. I understand that he is leading me to his (apparently) friends. (It was he who suggested going to the river). And so it happens - we approach his friends, and he begins to complain to them about me. The friends turned out to be Tibetan monks. Now they suggested that I leave the crowded place and talk. We walked a little away from the beach, while we were walking, the girl and the one in the hat disappeared. I mean neither together. The monks and I sat down near the birch tree, having first spread out the blanket. We talked peacefully, I don’t remember what. I remember I asked only one question and received an answer. He asked: “If two people agreed on something among themselves, then can one of them jump from the agreement if someone who respects them allowed him to?” They answered yes. Thank you in advance.


Hello, I had such a dream, I come out of some house or store, open the door, take a couple of steps and see two nuns in some unusual clothes and cone-shaped white hats, which are to my left about 15 meters in the lowland somewhere - then they walk and suddenly, about five meters from me, with a piercing cry, two huge gray bats take off and fly into the sky. These nuns get scared, start running away and turn into two fat huge rams or goats and also run away roaring. I thought that something was wrong here and turned around and ran to the door. Before entering I wanted to cross myself, because... I thought that I was entering the church, but I couldn’t move my right hand, so I just ran in and closed the door. Then he woke up and crossed himself in reality.


Khanah, that he wants to sleep with a dubious woman, lie and smile on the bed, the girl’s doorbell rings and I rush to open the door and in a hurry, a beautiful green dress to put on top


They were carrying black monks in a coffin, one monk was laid on top of the grave, his eyes were all in wormholes, there were many different candles lying around, I went up and picked one up and lit it.


This dream had more impact on my feelings. very deep sensations that do not leave me even now (the dream was about a month and a half ago);” I was forcibly placed under the same roof with a man, a cat. found himself in monastic garb. I was very grumbling and dissatisfied, because I wanted to go to another place. The monk was in such powerful peace and silence and did not pretend to be anything, only observed from within. And gradually, in His Presence, this majestic Peace flowed into me (He still did not say anything). And one day I returned home, and He was not at home (although He had always been before) and I began to worry and I no longer had enough of His Presence “” and in a state of excitement I woke up….


I dreamed that I was talking to someone indoors (I don’t remember the interlocutor), and he wouldn’t let me go, but I needed to go outside, there were a lot of people in white, something like a meeting, a rally. When I finally went outside, everyone was already leaving and the black figure of the monk was leaving.


Hello, I dreamed that I was at the sea, people were swimming and enjoying themselves….and then it started to flood….we began to save ourselves….and we ended up…….the monks had a priest there……and then I found myself in a place where the catastrophe had not yet begun… .why is this...


I dreamed that I was a Tibetan monk. I'm a guy and I'm about 17 years old. I was next to 4 Tibetan monks like me. There were 5 of us. We were bald and dressed in red robes. Opposite us stood 5 other Tibetan monks in yellow robes. And we bowed down to each other.


night, people in the house, screaming, swearing. My grandmother, who died 2 years ago, scolds me, points to the window, I look out and see a monk in a light yellow canopy, in a hood, his face is not visible, he is all glowing, rays emanate from him, under the hood you can only see his chin with stubble and an evil smile , and I’m very scared, he pulls me towards him.


I dreamed of Tibetan monks in orange robes, they invited me to go somewhere with them, but they warned me. that I need to pay 300 rubles, I hand over 500 and he gives me change for 200 rubles in one bill. I think I went with them. but then I fell behind. to meet your man. he was waiting for me. and then I don’t remember how it ended


I dreamed of a very ancient city that you could enter through a gate. I was already in the city, but as if secretly. A dying man came up to me, lay down on his back and began to say that the black-haired men were being hunted, that they were in danger, and handed me a package, which I never looked at. Next, monks entered the city; they were very tall, about the size of a 5-story building. They had censers in their hands. There were three of them and, by their gestures, I realized that they were lighting up the city. They wore even monastic clothes. I stood and felt shocked by their growth and at the same time a state of peace. Then I saw myself hanged, but there was no scaffold, as if a rope came from the sky, I was wearing the same black monastic clothes. One of the monks touched the rope on my head with his hand, I was dead in the noose, and with the words you are released, the rope shone with a golden radiance and dissipated. Then I started to vibrate and woke up. The dream was not colorful.


I dreamed that there were nuns in my school, and an unfamiliar girl (whom I had seen before) and I were running around the school, looking for our friends. And we run through the school and the nuns are ahead, I said hello to them, and they were silent. And then it turned out that we were not at school at all, but in some abandoned building, like a hospital. Well, I didn’t see the nuns anymore. they were dressed in white and gold.


I dreamed of a monk in black clothes with a hood and a cross. I told someone nearby that we were taking these 4. And I stood and looked... I dreamed about it on Monday morning


I dreamed that a monk in a black cassock with a hood with a cross told someone that we were taking these four, and I stood and watched.


I dreamed of a monk in a cassock with a cross... I told someone that we were taking these 4, and I stood and watched.


I dreamed of a familiar schema-nun in her room. She talked to me about something, promised something, even gave me something, as a parting word.

Why do you dream about a big black cockroach?