Event script based on musicals. Scenario of the musical “The Town Musicians of Bremen” for children of senior preschool age

Marina Petrovskaya
Script for the musical " The Bremen Town Musicians» for older children preschool age

The Bremen Town Musicians

Musical based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm

Characters : Host, Troubadour, Robbers, Princess, King, Cat, Dog, Rooster, Chieftain, Security, Donkey, Detective (Beggar Woman, Page, Jester, two Maids of Honor.

First picture

Hall decoration: a panel depicting a royal castle, in front of it is a forest road, on both sides there are trees.

Presenter. Wonderful short stories for you,

For children and kids,

I'll tell you about princesses

In the kingdom of stupid kings.

About the funny ones musicians,

About forest robbers

And about many talents

Brilliant detectives.

The fairy tale tells itself quickly,

Things don't get done quickly.

On the way this morning,

Leading to a noble castle,

Without sadness and anxiety

The song was heard.

There was a Troubadour in the carriage,

Rooster, and Dog, and Cat,

Everyone howled in unison,

Who will sing louder?

Performed "Song of Friends", words Yu. Entina, music. G. Gladkova.

Troubadour (pointing to the royal castle).

To the royal castle

We are in a hurry with friends

So that people have fun

It was with us.

Sounds music"Road". Friends head to the castle. The panel moves to the side. At the central wall there is a throne on which the King sits. The Princess sits on a small throne nearby. Servants stand on the sides (Jester, Page, Maids of Honor, Security). The troubadour and his friends stop in front of the throne and bow.

Troubadour. We welcome you, king,

Beautiful princess!

And our performance

Let's start without delay!

Sounds fun music"Performance". Each character performs the action that the presenter talks about.

Leading. Weights were lifted by Donkey,

The dog was spinning like a wheel,

Gopaka the Rooster danced,

Dashingly flapped his wings.

Well, the Cat’s trick is

This is a miracle of beauty!

And the Princess was amazed -

In Troubadour. and fell in love!

The rooster is dancing "Hopak" - dance creativity child.

Leading. It was getting dark and dark,

The show was over.

Everyone went away for the night -

The Troubadour has no sleep!

And the beautiful Princess

I couldn't sit still

I was sad and bored,

She hummed the song sadly.

Sounds "Song of the Princess and the Troubadour".

The central wall is again covered with a panel depicting the royal castle. The robbers' house is visible from the side. Sounds in a quiet background music"Robbers".

Dog. Everything in the forest is dark and dark,

But one window is on fire.

Rooster. What could be burning there?

Cat. Brothers, we should take a look!

Leading. The full moon is shining,

The animals stood at the window.

Cat. Oh, forest robbers!

Rooster. They are scary and evil.

Troubadour. Let's wait and find out what they are wondering about!

Leading. All the robbers are sitting

They look into the chieftain's mouth.

One half of the house opens. The robbers are sitting at the table. At the head of the table is the Atamansha.

Chieftain (evil and rude). Have you sharpened all your axes?

Have you forgotten about the knives?

Robbers (ingratiatingly). We did everything immediately

You are our chieftain!

Chieftain. Atamansha is the right word,

I'm ready for some nasty things!

Performed "Song of the Robbers".

Leading. The animals screamed with all their might,

The Likhodeevs were very scared.

Animals bark, meow, crow, and make noise.

And the robbers fled

Everything was abandoned in the hut.

The robbers run behind the screen. The troubadour and the animals enter the house.

Troubadour. Let's stop right here

We all found shelter here.

I need to sleep, it's already dark,

The sun has been sleeping for a long time.

All animals are located on benches.

Leading. And the next morning - on the way

Someone's feet pounded.

Performed "Song of Security". A whistle is heard.

Leading. Whistle, alarm in the forest,

The king climbed the tree.

A dashing song was heard,

The band of robbers appeared.

The King hides behind a tree, the King's guards run away.

King (peeking out from behind a tree). Where is the security? Where is the help?

I'm getting off my feet quickly!

The imaginary robbers tie the King to a tree and go to the house of the robbers. is heard in the distance music, The king listens.

Leading. Along the path, past the house,

An acquaintance was walking as a troubadour.

There's a melody playing "Song of the Troubadour". The Troubadour passes by the King tied to a tree and pretends not to notice him.

King. I'm sitting here tied up,

I've been looking at you for a long time.

Can you untie me?

Troubadour. Glad to provide a service!

The Troubadour unties the King, then enters the robbers' house. Sounds music"The fight between the robbers and the Troubadour". After this, the Troubadour leaves the house.

Troubadour. I'm glad to take the fight for you,

I'm glad for the honor of standing.

King. I don’t forbid the princess to marry

And I promise to marry you today!

Troubadour. Then hit the road, true friends,

Today is a great day for me!

Sounds "Polonaise". The panel depicting the royal castle gradually moves to the side. There are children behind him. Performed old dance"Minuet" (or others). All the animals - friends of the Troubadour - approach the entrance to the hall. There is a guard at the entrance.

Leading. So, all the animals dressed up

And they stopped at the gate.

Security (in unison). The king told us not to let anyone through!

Leading. And the song sounded sad,

Which we once sang together.

There's a melody playing "Songs Bremen Town Musicians» . The animals slowly, with their heads down, walk around the hall and go behind the screen; the Troubadour and the Princess, holding hands, catch up with them.

Second picture

"In the footsteps Bremen Town Musicians»

A Servant and a Page run into the hall. The King enters. His head is bandaged. Everyone oohs and aahs.

Leading. What's wrong? Trouble!

Jester (with concern). Our King suddenly fell ill!

Page. Don't worry, I said -

The king sent for the detective.

The king sits on the throne, the servants stand around him with a worried look. The Detective runs in with a magnifying glass and looks through it at the walls, the floor and all the servants. Sounds "Sleuth's Song". The King jumps off his throne and runs up to the Detective.

King. I ask you, help,

Find your stupid daughter!

Detective. I need to know the signs!

King. I can help you tell:

The braids are so light brown (shows on himself,

Legs are slender - straight,

And the eyes, and the eyes,

It's like being in a sea of ​​pearls.

Detective. I understand everything - let’s get started

I will find everyone, I assure you.

They won’t run away from me, I’ll find them underground.

The detective leaves. The panel again covers the central wall. The Troubadour appears with the Princess and friends. She stops in the middle of the hall.

Cat. I congratulate you, children!

I wish you happiness and joy!

Live together, have fun,

And you love each other.

The Troubadour and the Princess are spinning under music holding hands. The Detective comes out, dressed as a Beggar Woman.

Beggar woman. Oh, where have I gone?

I've never been here before!

What are all the screams in this place?

Cat. Here's the groom! Here comes the bride!

Beggar woman. Who celebrates a wedding like this?

What awaits the bride?

Not here music, colors!

No rings! And there are no poems!

Troubadour. We'll pick flowers now

And we'll bring it in a basket.

Everyone runs to pick flowers - behind the screen. The detective throws off the beggar's robe and grabs the Princess's hand.

Detective. Here I came across, girl,

You can't hide from me!

By order of the king

I'll take you to the castle!

The detective pulls the Princess, she resists. The detective still takes her behind the panel. Troubadour and his friends run out into the clearing with armfuls of flowers.

Troubadour. Where is the Princess?

Dog. Hey, hurry up! Bring your friends here!

Friends go around the room and go behind the screen. The panel moves back. The King sits on the throne and cries, and the Princess sits next to her, turning away from the King. Sounds "Song of the King and Princess". The troubadour sneaks into the castle and hides.

Princess. Daddy, I would rather die

How will I change the Troubadour!

Troubadour (comes out and looks at the audience with a sly smile).

We can save the princess

Take him out of the castle in the morning.

Sounds music"Arrival Bremen Town Musicians» . Troubadour's friends enter - Dog, Cat, Rooster and Donkey.

All the children come out in a line and surround Bremen Town Musicians, Troubadour and Princess.

Princess (turning to the King). Daddy, don't you know

You can't break our friendship!

Troubadour. Wind and wave are friends,

The sky and the moon are friends,

You are my friend and I am your brother,

Everyone is happy to make friends!

Then the song is performed “There is nothing better in the world”, children leave the hall in a chain and wave their hands to the audience.

MDOU "Arsky" kindergarten №2"
Musical script. Fairy tale with the author's element "Little Red Riding Hood"
teacher – Ganieva Rezida Zavdatovna,
music director- Abdullina Yulduz Ildusovna,
senior teacher - Galiyakhmetova Gulusa Faukhutdinovna.

- expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the world around them;
- continue to introduce children to the forest and forest inhabitants;
- teach children how to behave in the forest;
- develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination;
- stimulate mental operations;
- activate and improve lexicon, grammatical structure of speech,
pace, expressiveness of speech;
- improve motor skills, coordination, smoothness, switchability,
- develop the emotional-volitional sphere;
- develop a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other, create experience
moral behavior;
- bring joy to children by causing active interest, captivate them.

Rules for preparing for the performance:
- do not overload children;
- do not impose your opinion;
- provide all children with the opportunity to try themselves in different roles.

Stages of working on a performance
1. Selecting a play or dramatization, reading, discussion.
2. Dividing into episodes and retelling them by children.
3. Work on episodes in the form of sketches with improvised text.
4. Search for musical and plastic solutions for individual sketches, staging dances, songs, creating sketches of scenery and costumes with children and parents.
5. Transition to the text of the play: work on episodes (expressiveness of speech, authenticity of behavior in stage conditions).
6. Rehearsal of individual paintings in different compositions with details of scenery and props (can be conditional), with musical accompaniment.
7. Rehearsal of the entire play with costumes, props, scenery. Premiere of the performance. Discussion with children and spectators.

Little Red Riding Hood, Forest Fairy, Lesovichok, Goat, Wolf, Bear, Masha, Fox, Malvina, Frog Princess, Tsokotukha Fly, Mom (Little Red Riding Hood), Grandmother, Baba Yaga.

Musical numbers :
1. “Dance of Flowers”, music. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
2. “Song of Little Red Riding Hood”, music. A. Rybnikova, words by Mikhailova Yu.
from the film “About Little Red Riding Hood”
3. “Song of the Goat”
4. “Song of the Fox”
5. “Song of the Wolf”, music. A. Rybnikova, sl.Yu. Entina
6. Song “An animal in the footsteps of any…”
7. “Dance of the Hares” (“Old Polka”
8. “Dance of the Mushrooms”, music. A. Samonova, lyrics. I. Chernitskaya.
9. " A true friend", words. M. Plyatskovsky, music. B. Savelyeva.

The Forest Fairy comes in to the music and says:
Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see you all.
I'm kind, not evil -
Forest fairy.
I want about the forest
Conduct a story
May your meetings make you happy.
We want the birds to sing
So that the forests around make noise,
Dove skies,
The river flowed beautifully
And a silver fish
Splashed in a clean river.
Along with good music
Magic comes to you
Be careful, be careful
Don't scare him away.

Baba Yaga:
Check this out? Book on a stump
Someone left it for me
I'll read you a fairy tale
And I’ll turn everything around in it!
Come on, open the book
My fairy tale begins!

Music is playing.

There lived in one village a little girl: she was so pretty that there was no one better than her in the world. Her mother loved her deeply, and her grandmother even more.
On one of the most beautiful days on her birthday, her mother says:
- Daughter, accept this gift from your grandmother!
- Thank you, mommy!
Since then, the girl went everywhere in her new, elegant red cap.
The neighbors said this about her:
- There goes Little Red Riding Hood!
One day my mother baked pies and said to her daughter:
- Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to your grandmother, take these pies and a pot of honey, and find out if she is healthy.
- Okay, mommy! Well, I'm off!
- Go, go, daughter, have a nice journey!
Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother in another village. She walks through the forest and sings her favorite song ("Song about Little Red Riding Hood")
From the film “About Little Red Riding Hood”, composer: Rybnikov A. Lyricist: Mikhailov Yu.
1. If it's long, long, long,
If it's long along the path,
If it's long along the path
Stomp, ride and run,
Then, perhaps, then, of course,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
You can come to Africa!
And in Africa the rivers are this wide!
And in Africa the mountains are so high!
Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,
A-ah, monkeys, sperm whales,
Ahh, and a green parrot!
Ahh, and a green parrot!
2. And as soon as, only, only,
And as soon as on the path,
And once on the track
I'll meet someone
Then to the one I meet -
Even the beast, - I believe, I believe, -
I won’t forget, I will, I will,
I will say “hello.”
3. But, of course, but, of course,
If you're so lazy
If you're so shy
Stay at home, don't go out.
You don't need roads for anything,
Slopes, mountains, mountains,
Gullies, rivers, crayfish.
Take care of your hands and feet!

Suddenly Lesovichok appeared.
Forest birds, animals
Meet the old man.
Bushes, trees, grass
The name is Lesovik!
And grandfather with sharp eyes
Looks at the sensitive forest.
I have been living in the forest for a long time.
I keep a close eye on the forest
So that the forest does not get sick.
So that the branches are strong,
So that the roots are strong,
So that the beetle does not eat the bark!
Lesovik: “Hello, Little Red Riding Hood!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Hello, who are you?”
Lesovichok: “I’m an old man – Lesovichok. Lord of the forests. The forest is called the “kingdom of trees” and I protect everything that lives in this kingdom. Why did you pick so many flowers?”
Little Red Riding Hood: “For my grandmother. She is sick, I wanted to please her.
Lesovik: “Do you know that flowers feel pain and cry? Do forest flowers fade very quickly?
Little Red Riding Hood: “Strange, I didn’t notice that?”
Forester: “Take a closer look at the stems: do you see them wet?
Little Red Riding Hood: “I won’t do this again, forgive me!”
Lesovik: “Well done!” I realized my mistake!”
(Goat enters to the music)
Little Red Riding Hood: “Hello, oh, what fairy tale are you from?”
Goat: “I, I ... “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”!??
Little Red Riding Hood: “Well, I know the wolf. But I just don’t remember you in this fairy tale? Anyway! And why are you so sad? Did someone offend you?
Goat: “Yes, the Wolf took my kids. Keeps them locked up. But I don’t know how to drive away the Wolf and free the kids (cries)
Little Red Riding Hood: “Don’t worry, we will help you. I’m not alone, look how many guys are around. We'll figure something out! In the meantime, help yourself to some pies!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Guys, who do you think the Wolf is afraid of? (hunters and dogs) Let's help: half of the room will be hunters, and the other half will be dogs. Hunters: clap and stomp; dogs bark.
(Meanwhile, the wolf is sitting in the hut and watching what is happening, frightened by the noise, he runs away)
Wolf: “Well, Little Red Riding Hood, wait!”
Goat: “Thank you Little Red Riding Hood and your friends!” Here's some delicious candy for you."
Little Red Riding Hood: “Thank you!”
Our Little Red Riding Hood set off further and suddenly met...
Little Red Riding Hood: “Oh, who is it?”
Fox: “I, Elizaveta Patrikeevna. Who else? Almost crushed my paw!
Little Red Riding Hood: “How clumsy I am!” Excuse me. You're not really looking for a bun, do you want to eat it?
Fox: “Me? Eat? How can you say this about me? It's all in an old fairy tale. And we’re in another!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Well, don’t be angry, Elizaveta Patrikeevna! I did not want to offend you. Better yet, tell me how I can correct my mistake?”
Fox: “It smells like something very tasty. Al pies?
Little Red Riding Hood: “Yes, I’m bringing pies and a pot of honey to my grandmother. Oh, please, help yourself!”
Fox: “Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Hey!!” Well, I have to go!! Goodbye!!"
(hares dance)
Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the forest, admiring the flowers, and the pies were cooling in her basket. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Gray Wolf appeared...
Wolf Where are you from and where?
Driving a Red Panama Hat?
What are you carrying in the basket?
Beautiful madam?
Little Red Riding Hood: “I’m bringing the pies to grandma, help yourself!!”
Wolf: “How far does your granny live?”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house, on the edge”
Wolf: “Okay, I ran, I want to make your grandmother happy, first.” Don’t rush!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Thank you!!”
(In hand Gray wolf plastic bottle, goes and listens to music loudly, drinks water and throws it away) Here Lesovichok appears.
Lesovik: “Don’t rush, Gray!! Have you forgotten the rules of conduct in the forest?
Wolf: “What other rules of behavior?”
Forester: “Guys, let’s remind you what rules of conduct in the forest you know?
(answers from children from the audience) Well, as I remembered! Well, if you don’t follow these rules, then I will drive you out of the forest!!”
Wolf: “Okay, I’ll correct myself, I’ll follow these rules of yours!!!” (runs away)
Lesovik: “You know the rules of behavior in nature quite well! You just need to always do them and remind others to do them. Guys, what do you do if you come to a clearing, and someone has already left all sorts of garbage behind?”
Children: “We will collect it and take it with us”
(mushroom dance)
The Bear appears on the stage.
Bear: “Little Red Riding Hood, have you seen a stump nearby? Why am I tired of walking and carrying a backpack. Masha told grandpa and grandma to take it to her. Oh, I should sit down and rest.
Little Red Riding Hood: “Yes, here’s the stump!” Sit down, Mishenka, take a little rest!”
Bear: “I’ll sit down, sit on a tree stump, and eat at least one pie!”
Masha's voice comes from behind the scenes.
Masha: “I see everything, I hear everything, and even Misha don’t even think about eating a ruddy pie!!!”
Bear: “Where is the girl sitting that looks so far away?”
Masha runs out and says:
Masha: “Well, Misha! I thought you couldn’t be trusted with anything!”
(The song plays from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” “An animal in the footsteps of any…”)
Beast in the footsteps of any
I know how to recognize
And a giraffe and a cow,
And the beetle and the sparrow!
Whose traces are these meandering?
Near forest roads?
Little Red Riding Hood: “Don’t be sad, Mishenka, help yourself, ( holds out a box of sweets) I know you love sweets!!”
Masha: “What’s that there? And this is all for me? Tasty, but not enough!! More more. more... Share with your child! (takes a box of candies out of the bear’s hands. Masha eats the candies and throws the candy wrappers on the ground, Lesovichok looks out from behind the scenes)
Lesovik: “Well, Masha, we need to teach you everything!! Mischief"
(Hearing Lesovik’s words, Masha quickly cleans up after herself)
Masha: “I won’t do this again!!”
(Masha and the Bear leave)
Our Little Red Riding Hood goes further, and here they come to meet: Malvina, Fly-Tsokotukha, Princess Frog, and they cry bitterly, bitterly.
K.cap: “What happened? Why are you crying?
Malvina: “We walked in the forest, it was hot, we swam in the river and forgot who we are?”
Little Red Riding Hood: “It was probably the river of oblivion. Well, don’t be upset, the guys and I will definitely help you. Do you remember anything about yourself?”
Fly-Tsokotukha: “I remember how I once found some money, went to the market and bought a samovar, and then invited guests, a huge spider attacked me, and a brave mosquito saved me. So who am I? (audience responds)
Malvina: “And I was the one beautiful doll at the puppeteer's long, long beard. He is very angry, and one day I ran away from him along with my poodle friend Artemon. And then I met the wooden nose. His name was Buratino. What's my name?
Frog Princess: “And I lived in a swamp. And one day I caught the arrow of Ivan the Tsarevich, and he took me as his wife. At night I could turn into beautiful girl. Who am I?
All three: “Thank you guys for helping us remember our names!”
Fly-Tsokotukha: “Where are you going, such a beautiful Little Red Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood: “I’m going to grandma, bringing her pies!”
Malvina: “What about the jam pies?
Frog Princess: “Oh, they must be delicious???”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Help yourself, please”
Together: “Goodbye!”, ( run away holding hands and laughing merrily)
(Wolf Dance with Hares)
The Wolf comes to the door and knocks
Grandma: “Who’s there?”
Wolf: “I’m the plumber!”
Grandmother: “Pull the string and the door will open”
Wolf: “Great, grandma, get ready, I’ll eat you now!” Hungry, no strength, haven’t eaten anything for three days?!!”
Grandmother: “So sit down, my dear, will you drink tea and pies when you’re hungry?”
Wolf: “And what about the pies?”
Grandmother: “With meat, of course, your favorite!!”
Then Little Red Riding Hood arrived and knocked.
Wolf: “Pull the string and the door will open!”
Little Red Riding Hood: “Hello, grandma!” I came to visit you and brought you pies. (wants to get it) Oh, grandma, are there any pies left?!! ( crying)
Grandmother: “Don’t cry, granddaughter, we haven’t eaten all the pies yet, there’s enough for everyone!” Sit down and help yourself!”
It's time to part ways
And say goodbye to the heroes.
But let's not be discouraged
We will invite Skazka to visit.
All were artists today
We showed you a fairy tale
Everyone tried, they were great,
Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts!
The farewell song “True Friend” sounds. M. Plyatskovsky, music. B. Savelyeva.
1.A strong friendship will not break,
Will not come apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend will not leave you in trouble, will not ask too much,
This is what a true true friend means.
2. We will quarrel and make peace,
“Don’t spill water,” everyone around jokes.

This is what a true true friend means.
At noon or midnight a friend will come to the rescue,
This is what a true true friend means.
3. A friend can always help me out,
If something happens suddenly.

This is what a true true friend means.
Need someone to be in Hard time -
This is what a true true friend means.


IN: Styopa!

WITH: Vasya!

IN: How glad I am to see you!

WITH: I'm very happy too!

IN: Hello, Styopa!

WITH: Hello, Vasya!

IN: So you and I forgot to do something!

WITH: I haven't forgotten anything!

IN: We forgot to say hello to the guys.

WITH: This is true. Oh! How bad. It's your fault, Vasya.

IN: It doesn’t matter who is to blame. We need to say hello. You start.

WITH: But I can’t.

IN: You can not? Then I’ll say hello to the guys first, and you watch and listen - it’s very simple.

WITH: Okay, now it’s me.

It's very simple.

Hello guys, hello!

IN: “Very simple” is not necessary. Just say “Hello guys, hello!”

WITH: You teach me badly, and even scold me.

IN: Well, don't be angry. Let's say hello together.

TOGETHER: Hello guys, hello.

WITH: How many guests are there?

IN: How many friends are there?

WITH: We all gathered here at once

For fun fairy hour!

Storyteller (to the tune of the song “Come on, quietly...”

We old fairy tale let's read

And to distant childhood, and to carefree childhood

Let's quietly enter on tiptoe

Let's close our eyes and in our dreams and daydreams

You and I will hit the road

After all, it is impossible to return a fairy tale without mentally

But we still want to take a risk

We remember this fairy tale very well

We will play it out of spite for all the years.


Hello, dear guests!

Get your ears ready, kids!

Get ready, guests, to listen!

A fairy tale enters a bright house

And he will tell you everything.

Someone threw it at us at the window,

Look, the letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles our face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

While flying, did you drop it?

Guys! Who did the letter come from, would you like to know?

(fanfare sounds, the presenter opens the letter)

I’m opening the letter now, and you all need to try and guess together!

The heroine is not simple!

She walked across the field

She found the money.

Flew to the market

And I bought...

What is the name of this fairy tale?

(audience responses)

Right. This is “The Tsokotukha Fly.” And I wrote this fairy tale wonderful writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

The gentle sun is shining. White clouds are floating across the sky. The birds are singing. Grasshoppers chirp. Variegated butterflies flutter in the meadow. And a light warm breeze plays with the flowers.

(dance of flowers)

I'm a clicking fly

And I beautiful - I bet No

And friends around, around know and understand this

It is a holiday today

My birthday

I have guests today

And an invitation and a treat

My friends are relatives

Unfortunately, on my birthday

No money for food

What should I do?

What do i do?

What should I treat my guests to?

Yesterday I went for a walk in the field

And I took my wallet with me

Perhaps I forgot it somewhere

And it became - not a penny

IN beautiful dress I'll go for a walk

And I’ll go look in the field again

Perhaps a miracle will happen after all

And I will find the money

M-C: How good is that!

How great is this!

Live in a green meadow

And be friends with flowers.

(minus “Song of Little Red Riding Hood” sounds)

M-C: (dances and sings)

If it's long, long, long

If it's a long time along the path

If it's long along the path

Run, jump and buzz

Then, perhaps, then of course,

It's probably true, true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,

Can I find some money?


Ahh, I’ll go to the market with this money

Ah, I’ll find a lot of different products there

A-ah, look, boots,

Ahh, painted cups, spoons

Ahh, buy lilies of the valley -2 times


Oh! What a beautiful girl!

Well, what paws! Well, what kind of wings!

How can such a charmer live without flowers?

Buy flowers. After all, these are lilies of the valley!

Song "Lilies of the Valley, Lilies of the Valley"

I don't need your lilies of the valley.

I'm looking for a samovar!


So I went to the market

And I bought a samovar.

Because it's a birthday

I will celebrate today.

All the bugs, cockroaches

Treat yourself to sweet tea.

(sets the table)

I'll treat my friends to tea,

Let them come in the evening.

I have for guests

Lots of delicious sweets!


Came to Mukha

Grandma bee


I brought honey...

(polka sounds, bee comes out)


Hello, Tsokotukha Fly,

Gilded belly!

I'm from all my native meadows

I brought you flowers.

I am a neighbor - Bee,

I also brought honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

(hands Mukha a bouquet of flowers and a jar of honey)

Thank you, thank you!

My dear!

Sit down at the table,

The samovar is ready!


Fleas came to Mukha,

They brought her boots.

(song to the tune of “Small Country”)

There behind the mountains, behind the forests

The fly lives alone

Visiting yourself for your name day

She calls fleas

Guests will have fun there from night until morning

There will be songs flowing loudly

Oh! Tskokotuha!

The fly is beautiful!

The fly is a miracle worker!

Happiness, health and good luck

We want to wish!

1st Flea:

Take these boots from Flea!

2nd Flea:

The boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps!

(hands a boot to Mukha)

Thank you, my dears!

Sit here, the guests will arrive soon.


And here come the naughty butterflies,

Cheerful flyers.

Flying through the fields

Through groves and meadows.



We don’t get tired, we flutter merrily,

We spin, we fly.


We flutter through the flowers

We flew to visit you.

BUTTERFLIES:(in unison):

Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

We treat you to flower jam!

(pass the jam to Mukha)

Thank you, dear friends,

Please come to the table !(The butterflies sit down at the table.)


All the bugs -

Three cups each

With milk

And a pretzel:

Today the Fly-Tsokotukha

Birthday girl!

(song by I. Alegrova “Birthday”)

The arrows are spinning faster and faster

The stars have become a year older,

The leaf fell off the calendar,

But don't be sad in vain.

And not in vain on my birthday

All friends gather.

And the more friends around,

The younger the heart beats.

Happy birthday!

Success, joy, luck,

Any wishes come true

And a million nights and days.

Happy birthday!

Love until you're dizzy

And a crazy mood,

And the most devoted friends!

Come, cockroaches,

I'll treat you to tea!

(cockroaches come out with drums and walk around the hall)


Shhh... Here are some flowers for you!

We collected them on the meadow.

Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit down at the table,

I ask you to drink some tea.

Eat, don't be shy

Help yourself, everyone.

Look what gingerbread cookies I baked!


We drove through the mountains, we rushed through the valleys

To the Goryukha Fly, to the Tsokotukha Fly!

The fly was waiting for guests, baked gingerbread,

She made tea and gave water to all the guests.

Beautiful butterflies, eat the jam!

Or don't you like my treat?


Your treat is simply a sight for sore eyes!


Your treat is simply delicious!

There's cream and sweets here.

And what’s missing here!

Marmalades, chocolates,

And nuts and sweets!

Gingerbread is mint, fragrant,

Surprisingly pleasant!

Cream tubes, pies

And very tasty cheeses!


Suddenly out of nowhere

Old Man Spider

(a spider appears)


I am the evil Spider, long arms!

I came for Mukha

The clattering one has arrived!

(throws a net over Mukha)


Here he is, our Fly in the corner

Dragged -

He wants to kill the poor thing

Destroy the clattering noise !

M-C: (kneels and says plaintively)

"Dear guests, help!

Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you

And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me

In my last hour!"


I not only eat flies,

Me and Bees and Mosquitoes -

Ready to try everyone!

Ha ha ha, ready to try everyone!


But the worm beetles

We got scared

In the corners, in the cracks

They fled.

(everyone runs screaming different sides, hiding behind trees, under tables)


But the villain is not joking,

He twists Mukha’s arms and legs with ropes,

Sharp teeth pierce into the very heart

And she drinks her blood.

The fly screams


And the villain is silent,


Suddenly it flies from somewhere

Little Mosquito,

And it burns in his hand

Small flashlight.

(march sounds)


I am the brave mosquito

Well done!

Where is the Spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his snares!

I'm not afraid of spiders

I will fight the Spider!

(battle reenactment)


Flies up to the Spider,

Takes out the saber

And he's at full gallop

Cuts off the head!

There are bugs and boogers here

Crawling out from under the bench:


"Glory, glory to Komar - the Winner!"


Did I defeat the villain?


Did I free you?



And now the soul-maiden,

I want to marry you!


People are having fun -

The fly is getting married

For the dashing, daring,

Young Mosquito!

(butterflies put a veil on a fly, cockroaches give flowers - Mendelssohn's march)


Boots squeak

Heels are knocking -

There will be, there will be midges

Have fun until the morning:

Today the Fly-Tsokotukha

Birthday girl!


Oh, you dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!


The time has come to part,

We say to you: "Goodbye!"


We will say goodbye to the theater

But you don't leave, our viewer is the only one

There are hundreds of children's performances on the posters of the capital's theaters. But among them, musicals stand apart. Bright musical productions always have a better chance of winning the love of the audience: piercing music, the power of live voices, the dynamics of the action, and A New Look on familiar subjects.

Information about all the musicals that you can go to with the whole family can be found in our section. In this review, we present to your attention 11 musicals for adults, children and teenagers.

Attention! Before purchasing tickets, please carefully read the reviews from our readers.

It is also necessary to take into account that not all productions that are positioned as musicals can rightfully be called such. Some of them are more like operetta, while others, on the contrary, can be attributed to musical performances. In general, read the reviews, choose and enjoy your viewing!

Cinderella(Moscow operetta) from 6 years old

Schoolchildren junior classes can be taken to a musical based on the film script of the same name by Soviet playwright Evgeny Schwartz, which is staged at the Moscow Operetta.

Musical production Andrei Semenov is essentially a remake of everyone’s favorite film, which for more than half a century cannot leave either adults or children indifferent. The musical even features music from this movie. But, according to reviews from viewers, what they saw is still more like an operetta.

Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes.

The Snow Queen(Moscow International House of Music) from 6 years old

Another original children's musical no less famous fairy tale You can watch it with the whole family at the Moscow International House of Music or the Central House of Culture for Railway Workers. The dramatic basis was the play by the same E. Schwartz, inspired by Andersen's fairy tale.

This story is known to everyone: the brave girl Gerda overcomes all obstacles, wanting to save her friend Kai, who was captured by the heartless To the Snow Queen. It was this story, full of exciting adventures, that inspired Stas Namin to write great music. He is also a production director.

Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes, with intermission.

The Wizard of Oz(Children's musical theater named after Sats) from 7 years old

Musical in 2 acts based on fairy tales by L.-F. Baum play within the walls of the Children's Musical Theater named after. Sats. The performance was created by a Russian composer according to Western models and tells about wonderful adventures in songs and dances main character fairy tales of the girl Dorothy and her faithful friends: the dog Totoshka, Tin Woodman and Straw Man.

Looking for the magical Emerald City they will visit the Blue and Yellow Kingdoms, almost die in a battle with an evil witch... but, of course, everything will end well.

Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes, with one intermission.

The Adventures of Oliver Twist(Children's Musical Theater of Young Actor) from 7 years old

L. Bart's classic musical "Oliver", a Broadway favorite, is presented on the stages of the Moscow Music Hall and the Young Actor Musical Theatre. The story of a workhouse boy, told a century and a half ago by Charles Dickens, is modern and interesting today.

In the musical everything looks less tragic than in English writer. Brilliant musical parts- bright, accurate, - a kind of tuning fork for hearts seeking the right path in life. The main roles are played by very young actors. To make the plot more understandable, it would be better if, before going to the theater, children read the book itself, on the basis of which the musical was based.

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes, with intermission.

I OFFER A Script for a Hip-Hop Musical - Parodies of modern morals for adults "FLY-CHAUGHTER".


Musical (for nightclubs) - two parts, with discos, in poems, songs, remixes, soundtracks, with games and fun. Time - 2-3 hours.

The cost of the Script is 30 thousand rubles.

Hip-Hop Musical - A parody of modern mores

(for nightclubs)

Fairy tale parody for adults

"Laughing Fly"

(Presenter from behind the scenes):

Funny parody

Great melody!

Super show - relaxation!

Party, chaos,

Disco and striptease,

Kitchen - for every whim,

"Hot Potion"

And great fun!

Laughing Fly

A modern fairy tale for adults is a parody of modern mores.

(Performed in rap style. Pauses - inserts of disco melodies. Presenter's style - from a cheerful folk style before the treaty of the “new Russians”)

Presenter (behind the curtain): As children, we all loved birthdays, good poems and fairy tales from wonderful classics of children's literature. And of course, special place in this row was occupied by the wonderful poem by Korney Chukovsky - “The Tsokotukha Fly”.

But time passed, we grew up, birthdays began to turn into anniversaries, and morals and life itself changed. And along with them, the heroes of our fairy tales changed and grew up.

And now, for you, a modern, funny, parody version of this fairy tale:

Musical for adults - “Laughing Fly”!

Beginning: a cheerful melody at a tempo.

“Flight of the Bumblebee” with inserts of buzzing and mosquito squeaking.

At the very peak, Mucha comes out to applause (she begins to clap) and, dancing to the music, walks through the hall.

Fly, Laughing Fly,

Having decorated the belly with piercings,

Once I went around the city,

I found the money right away.

Song(to the tune of “Genghis Khan”):

Mu-ha, Mu-ha,

Fly walks with grandmas,

Scratching the piercing with his paws,


Mu-ha, Mu-ha,

Manicure with scratches,

He eats armfuls of chips,

Looking for a groom!


I won’t tell you where the money is from,

Nowadays everyone forges them,

And into furry paws,

Who takes and who gives.

Did Mukha have a sponsor?

Was it the boss who was nice to her?

Or some other monster

Just fucked her off...

In a word, Mukha has money,

With them, she doesn't care about rumors.

With grandmothers it’s not life, it’s life!

And Mukha walks around in high spirits.

Fly's Song (Rap):

Hi all! I am Laughter!

Decorates the belly piercing.

And under my belly -

Passionate Fire Zone!

Mischievous, long-legged,

And I'm not strict with men.

I go where I want,

I buzz what I want.

I dance what I want,

And I kiss whoever I want.

And, besides, with money,

In pearls, and in brains.

Well, you'll think it's a fly!

I am beautiful, young woman.

In a word, fly in,

Hurry up and grab me!

I make anyone rich

Lots of happiness!

Presenter: Rap (background music):

The fly sang a song

Immediately I became bolder,

I crashed into a restaurant,

I felt as if I had just come out of a bathhouse.

Insert: Oh oh oh! My God!

From the cognac, immediately - into battle!

(Other characters slowly appear in the hall: cockroaches, beetles, butterflies)

Right there, right away, from relaxation,

Mukha began to bleed.

A fly is like a drunken hussar,

Suddenly there was a market.


What kind of restaurants are these?

Where there are only old men,

Dirt, unwashed glasses,

And, besides, Cockroaches

On show-offs they will tar the terry cloth,

And do they move their mustaches?


And along the way, our Fly

She stuck it in Flea's ear,

And to the blacksmith-tape artist -

Slap in the face

Dashingly, on the move, she dunked it.

And then she jumped up on the table,

Belly with piercings - go ahead,

And how he yells at everyone:


Oh, you pathetic creatures!

Not fish, not animals.

Insects! Bugs!


Shameful aphids and midges,

Unsavvy Fleas!

And, in addition, they are poisonous!


Louse says to her with a grin:

Well, you, Mukha, damn it!

Apparently, the grandmothers have appeared!..

Here everyone immediately disagreed:

(in chorus)

Oh yes, Laughing Fly!

Beautiful young woman!

Look, and she has piercings -

A real redhead!


They climb to Mukha with a pretzel,

They draw glasses of cognac.

Someone with vodka will rush towards her,

Like, let the birthday girl laugh!

Musical insert - rhythm, noise, screams.

Musical insert (phonogram "LIFEISLIFE! ensemble "Opium"):


And for everyone's birthday -

A complete celebration!

Day of goodness and fun,

And just mischief.

Let's take a walk from the heart,

Let's have a wild DRIVE!

Let's play the fool

After all, you have to live like this in full KIFE!



The fly drank a glass,

I spat on the floor three times!

With grandmothers, they say, whatever I want,

I'm either spinning or spinning!

Fleas approached the Fly,

They kissed Mukha's feet.

Hands were also kissed,

Vodka was poured into the glass.

They clapped their hands together,

They offered her boots

Stir up for a gift,

If you have something to pay.

Fleas were praised for an hour

These same boots:

Like, the boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps!

They also received slippers as a gift...

And they ripped off the money from Mukha.

And behind them, next - a fat Bee,

Tsokotukha also cheated her out of money:

Here, for weight loss

Fresh brew.

This is not throwing

Just a treat

Two hundred dollars...

Full of flattery

I grabbed the swill

The money paid.

Night butterflies

They flap their wings,

Near Tsokotukha

The naked ones are dancing.

They dance a striptease for her,

They stroke and kiss

They whisper in her ear:

Here you go, Laughter,

Women's services -

Sweet friends,

Dark-skinned butterflies,

Just hooligans.

(Short dance of two butterflies - striptease - topless).


The fly scolded them

She kicked her foot

Although it scared me away,

But she unfastened the money.

And then she sat down on a chair,

I started singing a song when I was drunk.

Song of the Fly (To the tune of the romance “I remember when I was still young):

I remember I was a buzzing young man,

I once cheated a spider into money.

Although he was rich, young and not bad,

But he got caught like the last greedy sucker.

He didn't let me out of the webs,

Poisonous drool everywhere,

I was just thinking about important look like a turkey:

What and how to stuff your fat fat tail?

He loved nothing but money,

I entangled him in the web,

He screamed, he paid off and suffered

Until I gave all the money.

And when she cheated him out of money,

Then I began to live as a free fly,

And although I haven’t gotten married since then,

But, on the other hand, I’m cheating everyone out of money.



Mukha, Mukha, here he gives!

And dances and sings!

Yes, I'm buzzing, buzzing,

I'll show you anything you want!

Leader - shout:

What does a person need here?

Well, of course,



Continued - 24 pages.