Guessing about parting with your loved one. Tarot spread for relationships “Separation”

Loneliness makes a person unhappy; if for some reason you separated from your beloved boyfriend (man or husband), we will try to help you understand this issue in more detail. Online fortune-telling “Will your loved one return after breaking up” using Tarot cards will help you understand the reasons for loneliness, and find out the ways that can lead you out of it. Everyone needs a loved one to give love and inspiration, so take a step to find him.

Principles and rules of fortune telling

The absence of a loved one is especially deeply felt in middle age, when a loved one unexpectedly leaves and you have absolutely no idea what to do. I'm already tired of fleeting romances, from which only memories remain.

Will the one with whom you go through life through all the hardships, the one with whom you enjoy moments of happiness and create, return? How long did you break up for? Is it possible to restore the relationship? Tarot cards will help you understand the answer to this question.

Online fortune-telling “Will your loved one return after separation” for free, without any registration or SMS, will help you analyze the reasons for this situation and give advice on solving the problem. After all, all the reasons are hidden within us. You just need to see and realize them. 8 Tarot cards will tell you what you need to change in yourself so that your personal life can finally improve. Now close your eyes and ask the cards: “Will my beloved return...”

Online option

Layout diagram

Tarot card layout diagram for fortune telling “For the return of a loved one” after a breakup

Meaning and interpretation of cards

Your past relationships:

  • First card: what did this relationship give you;
  • Second card: what caused the separation;
  • Third card: what did you go to for the sake of the relationship, what did you sacrifice;
  • Fourth card: what are you not ready to sacrifice (or maybe you should?);
  • Fifth card: what you need to do for your loved one to return;
  • Sixth card: what does He need to do to return to you?
  • Seventh card: Can you accept it?;
  • Eighth card: The outcome of the relationship in case of return (to the family or to the relationship).
  • Ninth card: advice from the Tarot deck and at the same time the answer “Will he return or not”?
Published: 2017-10-09, Modified: 2017-10-19,

People meet, people fall in love, get married. They disperse and everything goes in circles again. The cycle of human life includes meetings, partings, love, experiences, hopes, sorrows and various torments. Love, separation, parting, hope, faith, expectation - these feelings go with us through life. It's good to do it from time to time, if only to check if your intentions are the same. Whether we like it or not, we enter into different kinds of relationships. Be it the relationship between classmates and teachers, employees and employers, subordinates and superiors. It could be a chance meeting and a fleeting glance, two words for acquaintance and then nothing. Or maybe this is the love of your life, which was destined for us from above. And how painful and offensive it is when the word comes into life - parting.

Clarify the situation by telling fortunes about separation

When making this Tarot layout, we are primarily interested in how long the relationship will last, and whether we should expect separation. Big or small, but parting. In some cases, a separation may mean moving away for an indefinite period of time, or it may mean that you will have to separate completely. A restless heart forces us to turn to magic, in the form of card layouts, in order to understand the correctness of our choice or attitude towards a particular incident. When you need to make the right decision, but you can’t do it yourself, turn to Tarot cards. There are a large number of layouts that are similar to open windows into which we look, wanting to receive additional information.

The Tarot layout for separation will tell you whether you should continue the existing relationship and will characterize the depth of your feelings. In some cases, the cards will indicate the inappropriateness of your relationship. But what to do is still up to you to decide. Tarot layout for separation is made of six cards. In the first position, the card will show how you feel about the existing relationship. This alignment will answer the question of what is important to you in this relationship. The card lying in the third position will indicate arguments that indicate that it is better for you to break up. The fourth position in the reading will argue in favor of preserving your relationship. The cards of the fifth and sixth positions will tell you what is best for you and what to do in this situation.

Independent fortune-telling technique:

Card 1 – Your role in the conflict; Card 2 – Your partner’s role in the conflict; Card 3 – What is in your chosen one’s soul? Card 4 – What is stopping you from reconnecting? Card 5 – Should you try to save the relationship?

5 steps to breaking up: What causes a relationship to break up?

In the relationship of any couple, you can find many mistakes and actions that both women and men make. Almost all lovers sometimes have quarrels and scandals, both small and large-scale. We have selected the most striking problems that, as a rule, lead to conflicts and are the main causes of quarrels.

1. Uncontrollable jealousy.

Absolutely all people are jealous by nature. Most people won’t admit it, but as soon as your other half is given the slightest reason, the person turns into a jealous monster. It is jealousy that forces loving and kind people to spoil their relationships through endless reproaches, scandals and angry statements. Jealousy should not prevent you from building harmonious relationships.

2. Social activity.

Social networks are not just a means of communication of our age, but also a huge bone of discord. After all, it is there that you can read other people’s correspondence, you can see guests, likes and social activity with the ensuing scandal. To prevent this from happening, you should follow a few simple rules: communicate in real life with a living person, and not with a phone screen, do not read correspondence and do not post the smallest details of your life on the Internet.

3. Not all advice is good.

One of the main enemies of any relationship is best friends. Even though they are the best, they can very easily quarrel with you without meaning to. Giving endless advice, discussing the shortcomings of your half, they become personal psychologists, which in the end does not lead to anything good, but only spoils the trust of lovers.

4. The investigation is conducted by experts.

Does it often occur to you that your other half is hiding something from you? Every day do you think that the best place for evidence is in your jacket, phone, bag and pockets? Nip this curiosity in the bud; the further you go, the worse it is. Over time, you will become incredibly excited, and checking your phone and pockets while no one sees you will become a habit. However, someday you will be caught, and violation of personal space will provoke a scandal.

5. Too strong emotions.

You should not tell your man about your warm relationship with your ex-partner, and even more so, about your trip to a cafe or cinema together. Any mention of communication with your ex-boyfriend will anger the man, which will lead to heated exchanges, even breaking up, and being lonely is not at all what every woman dreams of.

Whatever your choice, whether to restore the relationship or not, we suggest using our free relationship fortune-telling, which will help you learn about the hidden sides of the conflict.

Sometimes relationship problems make you think that a break is the only way out of the situation. This Tarot layout for relationships will help you figure out whether it’s worth breaking up with your partner, whether the separation is final, how best to inform your partner about the breakup, what will happen to you after the separation.

If you are feeling anxious or anxious right now, do this.

Scheme and meaning of Tarot cards for relationships “Separation”

Card 1 – How best to inform your partner about the breakup
Card 2 – What does your partner think about the prospect of breaking up the relationship?
Card 3 – What will your partner’s life be like after breaking up?
Card 4 – How your life will change after separation
Card 5 – How your life will go if you continue the relationship
Card 6 – Is there a chance of renewing the relationship after a breakup?

So... concentrate and watch the layout

What's the best way to tell your partner about a breakup?

The Eight of Cups speaks of the unsatisfactory nature of existing relationships, of the desire and search for novelty, of escaping from boring circumstances that are oppressive in their ordinariness. This break is necessary, the card says, even if it is hard. The previous relationship has outlived its usefulness, the time has come for a new round in the spiral of your life. The path into the Unknown is scary, but it leads to development, new opportunities and new acquaintances.

What does your partner think about the prospect of breaking up the relationship?

The Nine of Swords is a card of fear, gloomy expectations, forebodings, remorse and pangs of conscience. Depending on the position of this card in the layout, it can mean experienced grief or foreshadow big troubles. In love and relationships, the card can mean a serious scandal, separation, painful clarification or breakup. The advice of the card is to find the cause of worries and doubts and rely on the power of the mind to overcome it (Swords - the suit of Air, the elements of intellect and logic).

What will your partner's life be like after a breakup?

Map of success, recognition of merit and achievement of goals. In a relationship, it means a stronger position of one of the partners (depending on the position in the layout), the ability to influence the partner. The card also means a favorable chance for developing and strengthening relationships, an opportunity to achieve your goal. In a common cause, it means achieving joint important results.

How will your life change after separation?

This card denotes a great burden, difficulties, and a period of testing. Obligations and responsibilities are heavy, and there seems to be very little strength left. However, he doesn’t carry his own burden, and he doesn’t have much time left to carry it. The Ten of Wands indicates something very difficult or almost unbearable, but it does not last too long. Everything ends someday, and only the one who has it can endure the test.

How will your life go if you continue the relationship?

In feelings, this card signifies impulsiveness, impatience, and sometimes even aggressiveness or intransigence. Events that begin at your or someone else's will may have favorable or disastrous consequences, but now it does not matter. The main thing is that the card means a chance to clarify a difficult situation and win a dispute. Depending on the position in the layout, the Ace of Swords can mean strong pressure - a partner on you, you on a partner, or the pressure of circumstances on both of you.

Is there a chance of resuming a relationship after a breakup?

The Five of Pentacles speaks of a difficult period in a relationship, of dissatisfaction with the existing situation, of a feeling of exile, rejection, of the desire to give up everything, to go in search of something or someone else. Unsuccessful romance. It is necessary to carefully consider your desires and aspirations, since the solution to the problem, the card says, is closer than it seems.

We wish you love and happiness!

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Fortune telling with Tarot cards that may come in handy

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Online fortune telling “Separation” is suitable for couples who, for some reason, decided to break off their relationship. If you think that the relationship can still be saved or just want to find out what your partner’s reaction will be, do divination on the Lenormand cards. You will also find out what will await you if you decide to leave.

It is best to start fortune telling at night. In the period from 23:00 to 04:00, higher powers will give the most truthful answer. It is not advisable to resort to fortune telling (for one person) more than once a month. The result you receive will be valid for the entire month.

Focus on the person’s energy and start free online breakup fortune telling.

Questions the cards answer

  1. What is the best way to tell your partner about a breakup?
  2. What does your partner think about the prospect of breaking up the relationship?
  3. What will your partner's life be like after a breakup?
  4. How will your life change after separation?
  5. How will your life go if you continue the relationship?
  6. Is there a chance of resuming a relationship after a breakup?

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