Sound culture of speech in. The concept of sound culture of speech

sound culture of speech in preschool children.

The sound culture of speech is an integral part of the general speech culture. It covers all aspects of the sound design of words and sounding speech in general: The normal functioning of the speech motor and auditory apparatus, the presence of a complete speech environment are essential conditions for the timely and correct formation of the sound culture of speech.

In the process of educating children in the sound culture of speech in kindergarten, the teacher solves the following problems:

Development of auditory attention

Formation of correct sound pronunciation

Developing correct speech breathing,

Skillful use of components of intonation expressiveness.

The implementation of the tasks of educating the sound culture of speech is carried out in two main directions:

1) development of speech perception (auditory attention and speech hearing, including its components - phonemic, pitch, rhythmic hearing, perception of tempo, voice strength, speech timbre);

2) development of the speech-motor apparatus (articulation, voice, speech breathing) and the formation of the pronunciation side of speech (pronunciation of sounds, clear diction, etc.).

Development of auditory perception (2 slide)

Correct speech reproduction is ensured by the presence of physical hearing (the ability to hear surrounding sounds, speech hearing, as well as auditory attention.

Speech hearing is a person’s ability to accurately perceive and correctly convey all aspects of sounding speech.

Speech hearing includes the following components:

Phonemic hearing

Rhythmic hearing.

Phonemic hearing is the ability to perceive speech sounds, phonemes, and distinguish words that sound similar.

The development of phonemic hearing is a necessary condition for teaching children to perform sound analysis and synthesis of words, preparing them for mastering reading and writing.

Rhythmic hearing is the ability to hear and correctly reproduce the rhythmic pattern of a word, and determine the place of stress in it.

The development of the components of speech hearing is in close unity with the development of auditory attention, that is, the ability to differentiate by ear the sound of various objects, determine the location and direction of the sound.

The teacher teaches to listen carefully and recognize the sound of various objects, distinguish speech sounds in words; distinguish some sounds from others, catch by ear the subtleties of the sound design of the language (loudness, speed of pronunciation, etc.); use intonation correctly, compare your speech with the speech of others; control your own speech.

Correct sound pronunciation. (Slide 3)

Sound pronunciation is the ability to correctly reproduce the sounds of your native language. The inaccuracy of their pronunciation negatively affects the perception and understanding of speech.

The reasons for untimely or incorrect acquisition of sounds are:

Decreased physical hearing;

Deviation in the structure of the articulatory apparatus (impairment in the structure of the dental system, malocclusion, short sublingual ligament, cleft of the hard and soft palate, lips, low mobility of the tongue, soft palate, lips);

Weak, shortened exhalation;

Incorrect or excessively accelerated speech of others;

Underdevelopment of phonemic perception, when the child does not distinguish some sounds from others;

The task of improving the articulatory apparatus is to strengthen children’s muscles through speech gymnastics or special games and exercises. Teach them to open their mouth wide enough when speaking, quickly switch the muscles of the articulatory apparatus from one movement to another, develop the mobility of the tongue and lips, and the ability to give them the desired position for the correct reproduction of sounds.

In order to properly organize the work on the formation of sound pronunciation, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​the sequence in which children learn sounds; which of them act as “substitutes” in the early stages of speech development; what are the reasons for their incorrect or untimely assimilation.

We have prepared a table indicating the sequence of formation of correct sound pronunciation and differentiation of sounds in children of different age groups during the school year.

Speech breathing. (Slide 4)

Speech breathing is the ability of a person in the process of speech utterance to promptly take a short, deep breath and rationally expend air when exhaling.

Speech breathing is the basis of sounding speech, the source of the formation of sounds and voices. It differs from non-speech (physiological breathing) in that during speech, after inhalation, which is carried out simultaneously through the mouth and nose, there is a pause, and then a smooth exhalation; with physiological breathing, inhalation is immediately followed by exhalation, and then a pause.

Speech breathing is carried out voluntarily, non-speech breathing is carried out automatically. During speech, exhalation occurs mainly through the mouth, it is somewhat slower. During physiological breathing, inhalation and exhalation occur only through the nose. They are approximately the same in duration.

Correct speech breathing:

Ensures normal functioning of the vocal apparatus;

Helps maintain fluency of speech;

Promotes the correct use of intonation means of expressiveness, clarity of spoken words;

Improper speech breathing is often the cause of late or incorrect assimilation of sounds (P - a strong air stream is needed, which should cause the tip of the tongue to vibrate).

The teacher’s task is to teach how to use speech breathing. To do this, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work already at the early stages of speech development (in the younger groups of kindergarten). Teach children to inhale briefly, without straining the muscles of the face and neck, and exhale smoothly, silently through the mouth, producing precise exhalation force.

Intonation expressiveness of speech. (slide 5)

Intonation is a means of the speaker’s emotional-volitional attitude to the content of speech addressed to listeners.

Intonation expressiveness of speech includes the following components.

Tempo - speed of speech utterance: acceleration or slowdown of speech depending on the content of the utterance.

Rhythm is a uniform alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables, varying in duration and strength of pronunciation.

Pause is a temporary stop in speech. Logical pauses give completeness to individual thoughts. Psychological - used as a means of emotional influence on listeners.

Logical and phrasal stress - highlighting individual words (groups of words) with a voice.

Timbre - emotional and expressive coloring of speech; it can be used to express joy, annoyance, sadness, etc.

The task of educating intonation expressiveness of speech is to teach children to change their voice in pitch and strength depending on the content of the statement, to use pauses, logical stress, to change the tempo and timbre of speech; accurately, consciously express both your own and the author’s thoughts, feelings and moods.

High culture of speech among adults, constant communication with the child, organization and conduct of speech games - all this is the key to the successful formation of correct oral speech in children.

Depending on the physiological and psychological capabilities of children, the tasks of educating the sound culture of speech at different age stages become more complicated and are distributed unevenly. For example, in early preschool age, more attention is paid to developing the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds and the development of speech hearing; at an older age - the development of clear diction, the development of intonation means of expressiveness, and the improvement of phonemic perception.

Work on educating the sound culture of speech is carried out systematically in special speech classes, but it can also be included in the content of other classes. So, during morning speech gymnastics, you can train children’s articulatory apparatus, clarify and consolidate the pronunciation of a particular sound in a playful way; during walks and other routine moments - to train individual children in the clear pronunciation of words and in the correct use of intonation means of expression. In the evening hours, individual and group outdoor, choral, and speech didactic games are organized. The teacher’s task is to help children master all aspects of spoken speech in a timely manner.

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Workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Education of sound culture of speech in preschool children”

Sound culture of speech is the ability to correctly, that is, in accordance with the content of what is being presented, taking into account the conditions of speech communication and the purpose of the statement, to use all linguistic means. The sound culture of speech includes: SLIDE 1

The sound culture of speech is an integral part of speech culture. Preschool children master it in the process of communicating with the people around them. The teacher has a great influence on the formation of a high culture of speech in children.

Sometimes the work of a teacher in developing correct speech in children and in preventing speech defects is identified with the work of a speech therapist in correcting deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds. However, the education of the sound culture of speech should not be reduced only to the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. Formation of correct sound pronunciation is only part of the work on the sound culture of speech. Sections of work on developing the sound culture of speech include: SLIDE 2

When determining the main directions of work on educating the sound culture of speech, the teacher faces the following tasks: SLIDE 3

Children's speech hearing:

Pitch hearing

Auditory attention

Phonemic hearing

Perception of tempo and rhythm of speech

Pronunciation side of speech:

Teach children the correct pronunciation of all sounds of their native language

Develop the articulatory apparatus

Work on speech breathing

Develop clear and precise pronunciation of each sound, as well as words and phrases as a whole, i.e. good diction

Form a normal speech rate, without speeding up or slowing down.

Intonation expressiveness of speech is the ability to accurately express thoughts, feelings and mood with the help of logical pauses, stress, melody, tempo, rhythm and timbre.

All sections of work on the sound culture of speech are interconnected. To systematically and consistently conduct classes to educate the sound culture of speech, work on the “living” sound of a word should be taken as a basis. At each age stage, the material should be gradually complicated, making sure to include all sections of the education of speech sound culture. Taking into account the age-related characteristics of children’s speech development, the formation of speech sound culture can be divided into three main stages: SLIDE 5

At this stage of work, according to the age of the children, games, nursery rhymes, songs, stories, poems, including various onomatopoeias, are given. The teacher introduces onomatopoeia into the content of games and activities, into classes on speech development and familiarization with the environment, into classes with didactic toys, and into music classes.

With children of the second junior and middle groups, the education of the sound culture of speech is carried out in the process of working on sound pronunciation. Work on sound pronunciation can be easily combined with the development of speech hearing, speech breathing, voice, articulatory apparatus, diction and intonation. Practicing all the sounds of your native language involves four types of work: SLIDE 9

Consistent practice of sounds makes it possible to systematically, consistently carry out work on the formation and further improvement of the sound culture of speech. These types of work on speech sounds can be carried out both in class and outside of them. It is not recommended to combine all these types of work in one lesson, since the process of mastering the correct pronunciation of sounds is the development of a certain skill, and its creation requires consistency and systematicity. Carrying out the above four types of work with an interval of 3-6 days between them allows children to learn and consolidate certain positions and movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and contributes to better formation of the correct pronunciation of sound and its auditory perception.

At this stage, the formation of a sound culture of speech can be associated with the work of differentiating the sounds most often mixed by children: hissing-whistles, voiced - deaf, etc. The work of differentiating sounds can be correctly constructed only if the differentiation of sounds is carried out simultaneously both in terms of their acoustic and articulatory properties. Such systematic work, aimed at the practical study of various features of sounds, helps children who come to kindergarten later to clarify their sound pronunciation, promotes the development of phonemic awareness, all this is a necessary condition for further successful learning of their native language.

Classes on sound culture of speech

Practicing all sections of the ZKR is carried out through didactic games, through the use of tongue twisters, riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes and poems.

In other classes

You can work on developing speech hearing, speech breathing, developing the ability to control your voice, pronounce sounds clearly and correctly, and tell stories at the required pace with appropriate intonation.

Music classes

Musical classes contribute to the development of normal tempo and rhythm in children, develop unity and fluency of speech, and the ability to use intonation means of expressiveness

Work outside of class

Prevents and eliminates speech imperfections in individual children, aligns the group and makes it possible to successfully conduct subsequent frontal classes.

The teacher’s task is to help children master all aspects of spoken speech in a timely manner. High culture of speech among adults, constant communication with the child, organization and conduct of speech games - all this is the key to the successful formation of correct oral speech in children.

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Development of sound culture of speech of preschool children using visual aids

Development of the ZKR of preschool children using visual aids

Speech culture is the ability to correctly, i.e., in accordance with the content of what is being presented, taking into account the conditions of speech communication and the purpose of the statement, to use all linguistic means

The constituent components of sound culture: speech hearing and speech breathing are a prerequisite and condition for the emergence of sounding speech.

The main directions of work on the development of ZKR are the education in children of pure, clear pronunciation of sounds in words, the correct pronunciation of words in accordance with the norms of orthoepy of the Russian language, the education of clear pronunciation, expressiveness of children's speech.

Sometimes the work of a teacher in developing correct speech in children and in preventing speech defects is identified with the work of a speech therapist in correcting deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds. It is not right. Education of ZKR should not be reduced only to the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. This is only part of the work on ZKR.

To learn to speak clearly and pronounce words correctly, a child must hear spoken speech well. Weakened hearing leads not only to the distortion of words, but also to a decrease in vocabulary and the appearance of grammatical errors in speech. The second factor is the development of phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to distinguish some speech sounds (phonemes) from others. For example: CANCER - LAC, CATFISH - HOUSE, etc.

Insufficient development of auditory perception and phonemic hearing can cause incorrect pronunciation of sounds, words, and phrases.

At an early age, a child’s communication with adults is limited to the family. In early preschool age, the circle of people grows: kids talk with their peers. At an older age, children unite for games, and there is a need to tell something to their friends and adults.

Communication is most successful when the child pronounces words clearly and clearly. Fuzzy and indistinct pronunciation of individual sounds in early preschool age is quite natural and justified by the physiological characteristics of the formation of children's speech. But if older preschoolers pronounce words incorrectly, adults should pay attention to this.

The speech of an adult is a model for a child, therefore, when communicating with children, adults must constantly monitor their speech, speak slowly, pronounce words clearly, and observe the norms of literary pronunciation.

Since a child’s speech develops by imitating the speech of people around him (mainly adults - parents, family members, preschool teachers, etc.), first mechanically (reflexive, and then more and more consciously), it is necessary to purposefully influence this process. Influence first This is generally expressed in the creation of an age-appropriate active speech environment for children.

As already noted, the main reason for imperfect sound pronunciation in preschool children is imperfect movements of the articulatory organs or their underdevelopment. Therefore, the most important stage in the prevention of sound pronunciation disorders is the work on preparing the articulatory apparatus. In early preschool age, it is more advisable to use not articulation exercises for producing individual sounds, but a universal set of exercises.

Articulatory gymnastics should be carried out daily so that motor skills are consolidated, become stronger, and the basic movements of the articulation organs are refined and improved.

At an older age, children already have sufficiently developed phonemic hearing. This makes it possible to further direct work towards children’s awareness of the sound analysis of a word and the verbal composition of a sentence.

In the process of speech classes, games and exercises, the teacher teaches children to understand and use the terms “word” and “sound”. Select words from the general speech stream, listen to their sound, independently establish the sequence of sounds in a word, recognize sounds and syllables as separate elements of a word. Children's attention is specially drawn to such a feature of the sound side of a word as the duration of sound (short and long words). Getting acquainted with the sound form of a word, the child learns to analyze its syllabic structure and highlight stress.

Familiarization with the sound side of a word is not just preparation for teaching them to read and write, but also the most important condition for their assimilation of the grammatical structure of the Russian language and morphological system.

From all that has been said, in order to develop good diction in a child, to ensure a clear and harmonious pronunciation of words and each word separately, it is necessary to develop his articulatory apparatus, speech breathing, and improve phonemic hearing. Teach him to listen to speech, distinguish sounds not only during pronunciation, but also by ear, and correctly reproduce them in words.

Taking into account all age-related features of children’s speech development, the development of sound culture can be divided into III main stages.

Stage I – up to 3 years – work is carried out aimed at clarifying and consolidating sounds that are simple in articulation, and at developing a clear and intelligible pronunciation of words. Methodological techniques are used: repetition according to a speech pattern, the use of various didactic materials, toys.

Stage II – from 3 to 5 years (2 junior and middle groups). The leading methodological techniques are speech patterns, memorization, conversations, didactic games, etc.

Type I of work – game exercises that promote the development of correct articulation, education of smooth exhalation, development of voice volume

Type II of work – clarifying the pronunciation of an isolated sound and developing speech hearing (“Pump” - sound C, “Beetles are flying” - sound Z,

III type of work – education of correct pronunciation of words and development of phonemic hearing (Active games “Pie”, “Sparrows”, ball games, “Name the picture”, “Zina and raisins”, etc.)

IV type of work – education of the correct pronunciation of sounds in phrasal speech and the development of speech hearing. Specially selected speech material is used: word games, outdoor games, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, nursery rhymes, poems, fairy tales, etc. Work is carried out on the tempo and intonation expressiveness of speech.

Stage III - from 5 to 7 years - work on differentiation of sounds, clear articulation of sounds, on diction, tempo, intonation expressiveness of speech. Methodological techniques - didactic games, retelling, storytelling, memorization

When developing correct, well-sounding speech in children, the teacher must solve the following tasks:

1. To educate children’s speech hearing, gradually developing its main components:

Sound pitch hearing;

Auditory attention;

2. Form the pronunciation side of speech:

Phrases at a moderate pace, without speeding up or slowing down speech, thereby creating the opportunity for the listener to perceive it clearly.

3. Develop the pronunciation of words in accordance with the norms of orthoepy of the Russian literary language.

4. To develop intonation expressiveness of speech, i.e. the ability to accurately express thoughts, feelings and mood with the help of logical pauses, stress, melody, tempo, rhythm and timbre.

didactic games

moving or round dancing games with text

exercise method

a sample of correct pronunciation and task completion given by the teacher;

a brief or detailed explanation of the demonstrated qualities of speech or speech movements of the motor apparatus;

exaggerated pronunciation or intonation of sound

figurative naming of a sound or sound combination

choral and individual repetitions;

justification of the need to complete the teacher’s task;

individual motivation for the task;

joint speech of the child and the teacher, as well as reflected speech

evaluation of response or action and correction;

figurative physical education pause;

showing articulatory movements, demonstrating a toy or picture.

All of the listed techniques are effective, but the importance of visual aids in the pedagogical process is generally recognized. It has long been known that visualization helps to consolidate what has been learned, leads children to conclusions and generalizations, helps systematize the material being studied and improves the quality of its assimilation. The great Russian teacher Ushinsky considered the unity of words and visuals to be the basis of learning; he called showing pictures a means of making children speak. Ushinsky emphasized that children's nature clearly requires clarity. The child will agonize over some five unknown words for a long time and in vain, but if you associate 25 such words with pictures, the child will learn them on the fly.

Visualization as a teaching tool aimed at activating children's thoughts and speech finds the widest application in working with children.

Emotional intensity and reliance on didactic material take place at all stages of work. The specific material of the pictures leads the child to the correct perception. Visual material helps clarify the understanding of names and the very names of objects, actions, and qualities. To name is not just to attach a label with a name to an object, but to clearly imagine the characteristic features of this object. This idea was repeatedly emphasized in his works by F. Engels. The correctness of this position is supported by observations showing that name words are more firmly established if children receive some knowledge about a given object or phenomenon. Otherwise, visualization itself only chaotically loads the child’s mental work.

Individual words are not yet speech, but correctly understood and pronounced are a necessary prerequisite for the development of speech.

Based on the picture, the child learns to listen attentively to the phrase, to understand the meaning of gradually more complex and detailed sentences, their lexical, phonetic and grammatical nuances. In some cases, the speech therapist illustrates his statement with a picture so that the child understands what exactly is being said. This is confirmed by the words of Ushinsky: “Visibility is a necessary condition for a child’s independent understanding of this or that thought.”

Formation of sound culture of speech of preschool children

It is known that, starting from early preschool age, a child shows great interest in linguistic reality, “experiments” with words, creates new words, focusing on both the semantic and grammatical aspects of the language. This is a necessary condition for his linguistic development, which is based on the gradual awareness of linguistic phenomena. However, with spontaneous speech development, only a few children reach a sufficiently high level. Therefore, special training is necessary, the main task of which is the following: to arouse children’s interest in language and ensure the creative nature of speech, the tendency towards its self-development.

The concept of “sound culture of speech” is broad and unique. It includes the actual pronunciation qualities that characterize the sound of speech, elements of the sound expressiveness of speech, associated motor means of expressiveness, as well as elements of the culture of speech communication. The constituent components of sound culture - speech hearing and speech breathing - are a prerequisite and condition for the emergence of sounding speech.

The sound side of the language is gradually acquired by the child. By the beginning of preschool age, the child’s speech apparatus is formed, and phonemic hearing is also functioning. At the same time, in each age period, children have their own shortcomings in the sound culture of speech, which are considered in pedagogy as an undeveloped ability to reproduce speech.

Preschool children experience incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds, especially hissing sounds, rearrangement or omission of sounds and syllables in a word. Some children have rapid, unclear speech, in which the child does not open his mouth enough and poorly articulates sounds. These speech features are not pathological; they are explained by the slow development of motor skills of the speech-motor apparatus. Children's speech breathing also has its own characteristics: it is superficial, with noisy, frequent breaths, without pauses. These features are inherent mainly in younger preschoolers, but in older preschool age they are much less common.

Disadvantages of sound culture of speech adversely affect the child’s personality: he becomes withdrawn, harsh, restless, his curiosity decreases, mental retardation may occur, and subsequently failure at school. Pure sound pronunciation is especially important, since correctly heard and pronounced sound is the basis for teaching literacy and correct written speech.

Once a month, you can conduct a comprehensive lesson entirely devoted to the sound culture of speech.

Most of the time in such a lesson is devoted to working on the pronunciation of one sound or a group of related sounds. The rest of the time is devoted to developing other speech qualities (two or three).

Thus, the existing system of classes in kindergartens for the first and second junior, as well as middle groups, allows educators to provide children with systematic, qualified assistance in mastering all the sounds of their native language (this process should be completed by the age of five).

What methods are typical for educating the sound culture of speech? These are didactic games, movement or round dance games with text. Didactic stories that include educational tasks for children are very useful. In junior and middle groups, they are often accompanied by a display of pictures on a flannelograph or a demonstration of toys.

In the second junior group, special attention is paid to the education of sound culture of speech. It includes the formation of articulation of the sounds of the native language, their correct pronunciation, clear and pure pronunciation of words and phrases, correct speech breathing, as well as the ability to use sufficient voice volume, normal speech rate and various intonation means of expressiveness. Work on the formation of sound pronunciation is carried out in the following sequence: first, children practice the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds. At the final lesson, exercises are organized to consolidate these sounds and differentiate them.

The formation of correct pronunciation and the development of the organs of the articulatory apparatus involve working on isolated sounds and onomatopoeic words. The teacher clearly pronounces the sound and sound combination and invites the students to repeat the pattern.

An important stage in the formation of sound pronunciation is the development of the ability to correctly pronounce sounds in individual words and phrases. The leading teaching method is the game method.

Clarity and clarity of speech (diction) are practiced with the help of special speech material: children are asked to pronounce jokes with certain sounds.

By drawing the attention of pupils to the speech of others, the teacher teaches children to listen and correctly hear the speech of not only adults, but also children.

At the end of the school year, reinforcing the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds, the teacher invites students to independently determine by ear the presence or absence of a particular sound in given words. Using the same speech material, children are trained in pronouncing sounds and words at different volumes and at different tempos.

In the process of educating the sound culture of speech, the teacher makes extensive use of visual material.

In the middle group, the number of incorrectly pronounced sounds is significantly reduced, and violations in the syllabic structure of words are less common.

Not all children know how to regulate their breathing, voice, speech rate, or correctly place emphasis on words. Some people have insufficiently developed phonemic hearing and intonation expressiveness of speech. Among pupils of the middle group, one can notice a great attraction to rhyme.

Children begin to quite correctly understand the meaning of the terms “word”, “sound” and use them, listen more consciously to words, find similar and different sounds, and highlight certain sounds in them.

Gradually, children's speech becomes more coherent and consistent. This makes it possible to teach a child to compose a short narrative in which he can use his vocabulary, construct sentences of different types, use participles, adverbs and other parts of speech.

The development of sound culture of speech is carried out in the process of all speech classes.

Among pupils of the middle group, interest in the sound of words increases significantly. They listen to words with pleasure and play with them. Work continues on the formation of ideas about the meaning of the terms “word” and “sound”. It is carried out by various means.

When introducing children to the sound side of a word, it is advisable to use gaming techniques. They help the child hear how a word sounds and pronounce it clearly, highlighting all the sounds.

The teacher's clear pronunciation of words is a role model. By pronouncing a word and listening to its sound, children, as it were, examine it, become familiar with it as a sound phenomenon.

It is advisable to use exercises to select words that sound similar, to pronounce missing sounds in a word, etc.

In the older group, the child’s speech reaches a fairly high level. Most children pronounce all the sounds of their native language correctly. When communicating with peers and adults, a child can regulate the strength of his voice, the pace of speech, and is able to correctly convey his feelings intonationally, but when retelling works of art, children’s speech is not expressive enough.

Some children have deficiencies in sound pronunciation (most often whistling and hissing sounds, l, r).

Education of the sound culture of speech in the older group is carried out with the help of exercises that are carried out at least twice a month, for 5-7 minutes. Some tasks of educating the pronunciation side of speech are solved in classes on speech development, on introducing children to fiction.

Since by the age of five not all children have mastered the correct pronunciation of sounds, especially those that belong to the group of hissing sounds, as well as l and r, much attention is paid to working on these sounds.

Work on improving speech hearing is carried out when children memorize poems, nursery rhymes, and counting rhymes. The teacher introduces preschoolers to intonation means of expression and teaches them how to use them correctly.

In the older group, work begun at previous age stages continues.

Work continues aimed at developing speech breathing.

In the preparatory group, most children, as a rule, have the sound side of speech developed quite well.

However, some children still have certain imperfections in the sound aspect of speech. These imperfections are most often expressed in insufficiently clear differentiation of individual sounds (mainly whistling and hissing, in unclear distinction by ear and in the pronunciation of voiced and voiceless, hard and soft consonants.

Nurturing the sound culture of speech in the preparatory group is aimed primarily at improving the pronunciation side of speech.

Developing a clear pronunciation of words and phrases (i.e., good diction) is one of the main tasks of educating the sound culture of speech in children of this age. Work on diction is carried out throughout the academic year.

The development of the vocal apparatus (the ability to regulate voice volume, speech rate, and correctly use intonation means of expression) is carried out in special classes on the sound culture of speech, as well as in other speech classes.

To develop the vocal apparatus, the teacher invites children to pronounce tongue twisters at different volumes and at different tempos. Teaches, by changing the tone of voice, to convey a personal attitude (joy, indifference, grief, etc.) to certain phenomena of the surrounding world.

Work on nurturing the sound culture of speech is not limited only to special exercises or classes. It is carried out in close connection with the development of other aspects of speech. Some of its sections are directly included in the content of work on teaching the native language. For example, in the process of retelling or composing stories based on a picture, the teacher, along with solving the main task, draws the children’s attention to the volume of speech, its pace, and the correct use of various means of intonation expressiveness.

Children must enter first grade with the correct pronunciation of all sounds of their native language, with the ability to clearly and distinctly pronounce individual words and phrases. Deficiencies in sound pronunciation may later affect the acquisition of literacy and native language.

Used Books:

1. Classes on speech development in kindergarten: Book. for kindergarten / F. A. Sokhin, O. S. Ushakova, A. G. Arushanova and others; Ed. O. S. Ushakova. – M.: Education, 1993. – 271 p.

2. A. M. Borodich Methods of developing children’s speech: Textbook. manual for pedagogical students. Institute for specialties “Preschool. pedagogy and psychology. " - 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 1981.-255 p.

Education of sound culture of speech in preschool children

“Education of sound culture of speech in preschool children”

Khomyak Larisa Aleksandrovna, teacher - speech therapist, MDOU kindergarten No. 13, Alekseevki, Belgorod region

Speech culture is the ability to correctly, i.e., in accordance with the content of what is being presented, taking into account the conditions of speech communication and the purpose of the statement, to use all sound means (including intonation, vocabulary, grammatical facts) .

The concept of “sound culture of speech” is broad and unique. It includes the actual pronunciation qualities that characterize the sound of speech (sound pronunciation, diction, etc.), elements of sound expressiveness of speech (intonation, tempo, etc.), associated motor means of expressiveness (facial expressions, gestures), as well as elements of the culture of verbal communication (general tone of the child’s speech, posture and motor skills during the conversation). The constituent components of sound culture: speech hearing and speech breathing are a prerequisite and condition for the emergence of sounding speech.

Preschool children master the sound culture of speech in the process of communicating with the people around them. The teacher has a great influence on the formation of a high culture of speech in children.

O. I. Solovyova, defining the main directions of work on educating the sound culture of speech, notes that “the teacher is faced with the following tasks: educating children in pure, clear pronunciation of words according to the norms of orthoepy of the Russian language, nurturing the expressiveness of children’s speech.”

Nurturing the sound culture of speech should not be reduced only to the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. Formation of correct sound pronunciation is only part of the work on the sound culture of speech. The teacher helps children master correct speech breathing, correct pronunciation of all sounds of their native language, clear pronunciation of words, the ability to use their voice, teaches children to speak slowly and expressively.

At the same time, when working on the formation of the sound side of speech, educators can use some speech therapy techniques, just as a speech therapist, in addition to speech correction, is engaged in propaedeutic work aimed at preventing speech deficiencies.

The education of sound culture of speech is carried out simultaneously with the development of other aspects of speech: vocabulary, coherent, grammatically correct speech.

Disadvantages of speech sound culture adversely affect the child’s personality: he becomes withdrawn, harsh, restless, his curiosity decreases, mental retardation may occur, and subsequently failure at school. Pure sound pronunciation is especially important, since correctly heard and pronounced sound is the basis for teaching literacy and correct written speech.

When developing correct, good-sounding speech in children, the teacher must decide the following tasks:

  1. To educate children’s speech hearing, gradually developing its main components:

    Pitch hearing;

    Perception of tempo and rhythm of speech.

  2. Form the pronunciation side of speech:

    Teach children the correct pronunciation of all sounds of their native language;

    Develop the articulatory apparatus;

    Work on speech breathing;

    Develop clear and precise pronunciation of each sound, as well as words and phrases as a whole, i.e. good diction;

    Form a normal speech rate, i.e. the ability to pronounce words;

    Phrases at a moderate pace, without speeding up or slowing down the speech, thereby creating the opportunity for the listener to perceive it clearly.

  3. Develop the pronunciation of WORDS in accordance with the norms of orthoepy of the Russian literary language.
  4. To cultivate intonation expressiveness of speech, i.e. the ability to accurately express thoughts, feelings and mood with the help of logical pauses, stress, melody, tempo, rhythm and timbre.

Work on the sound culture of speech is carried out in various forms:

  1. in classes that can be conducted as independent classes in the sound culture of speech or as part of classes in the native language;
  2. various sections of the sound culture of speech can be included in the content of classes in the native language;
  3. certain sections of work on the sound culture of speech are included in music classes (listening to music, singing, musical-rhythmic movements) ;
  4. additional work on speech sound culture outside of class (various games, play-based exercises, etc.) .

The following methods are typical for developing the sound culture of speech:

Didactic games (“Whose house?”)

Moving or round dancing games with text (“Horses”, “Loaf”)

Didactic stories including educational tasks for children (repeat words with difficult sounds, change the pitch of your voice, etc.)

Exercise method (learning and repeating familiar tongue twisters, game exercise “Let’s blow on the fluff”, etc.)

Using these methods, the teacher uses a variety of techniques that directly affect the pronunciation aspect of children’s speech:

A sample of correct pronunciation and task completion given by the teacher;

A brief or detailed explanation of the demonstrated qualities of speech or speech movements of the motor apparatus;

Exaggerated (with emphasized diction) pronunciation or intonation of sound (stressed syllable, part of the word distorted by children) ;

Figurative naming of a sound or sound combination (z-z-z - the song of a mosquito, thump-tup-tup - the little goat stomps) ;

Choral and individual repetitions;

Justification of the need to complete the teacher’s task;

Individual motivation for the task;

Joint speech between the child and the teacher, as well as reflected speech (immediate repetition by the child of the sample speech) ;

Evaluation of response or action and correction;

Figurative physical education pause;

Demonstration of articulatory movements, demonstration of a toy or picture.

When working to educate the sound culture of speech in children, the teacher must take into account the speech characteristics of each child, constantly and persistently using frontal, individual lessons, the help of parents, educate children in correct speech, and maintain contact with a speech therapist and doctors.


  1. Solovyova O.I. Methods of speech development in kindergarten. 3rd ed. M.: 1996
  2. Fimicheva T. B., Tumanova T. V. Children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment M.: 2000.

More details

Development of sound culture of speech in preschool children

Mikhailova Elena Ivanovna

A child’s full speech is an indispensable condition for his successful education at school. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the development of correct speech.

Systematic work on sound pronunciation will help the child master the pronunciation side of speech even before entering school. Teachers of the first grades of mass schools also have to work on the pronunciation of sounds and on the sound analysis of words.

With pronunciation deficiencies in children, there is not only a violation of the intelligibility of speech, but also an abnormal mastery of the sound composition of the word.

It is known that insufficient development of phonemic hearing and perception leads to the fact that children do not independently develop readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words, which subsequently does not allow them to successfully master literacy at school.

Researchers of children's speech (Borodich A.M., Maksakov A.I., Solovyova O.I.) note the importance of correct pronunciation of sounds for the formation of a full-fledged personality of a child, for establishing social contacts, for successful learning at school. A child with well-developed speech easily communicates with adults and peers and clearly expresses his thoughts and desires.

Conversely, speech with pronunciation defects complicates relationships with people, delays mental development and the overall development of speech.

One of the reasons for poor performance in school is the presence of deficiencies in children's sound pronunciation. Children with pronunciation defects do not know how to determine the number of sounds in a word or name their sequence (Zhuikov S.F. Psychology of learning grammar in elementary school - M. 1968).

The correct pronunciation of words is no less important than the correct spelling. The role of correct pronunciation has especially increased in our time.

One of the sections of the general culture of speech, characterized by the degree of compliance of the speaker’s speech with the norms of the literary language, is the sound culture of speech, or its pronunciation side.

“The study of various aspects of the sound side of speech contributes to the understanding of the patterns of its gradual formation in children and facilitates the management of the development of this side of speech” (V. I. Yashina).

Sound culture of speech is a fairly broad concept; it includes phonemic and orthoepic correctness of speech, expressiveness and clear diction.

Education of sound culture (according to M. M. Alekseeva) includes:

Formation of correct pronunciation and sound pronunciation, which requires the development of speech hearing, speech breathing, and motor skills of the articulatory apparatus;

Education of spelling-correct speech is the ability to speak according to the norms of literary pronunciation.

Formation of speech expressiveness - mastery of the means of speech expressiveness presupposes the ability to use the height and strength of the voice, the tempo and rhythm of speech, pauses, and various intonations;

Development of diction - clear, intelligible pronunciation of each sound and word separately, as well as the phrase as a whole;

Fostering a culture of verbal communication as part of etiquette.

O. I. Solovyova, E. I. Tikheyeva distinguish two sections in the sound culture of speech: the culture of speech pronunciation and speech hearing and work on the development of oral speech, which should be carried out in two directions:

a) development of the speech-motor apparatus (articulation, vocal and speech breathing) and on this basis the formation of the pronunciation of sounds, words, clear articulation;

b) development of speech perception (auditory attention, speech hearing, the components of which are phonetic, pitch, rhythmic hearing).

An integral part of speech culture is the sound culture of speech. This is the ability to correctly use all language means (sound, tempo, rhythm, intonation, grammatical forms, phrasal and logical stress). Nurturing the sound culture of speech should not be reduced only to the formation of correct pronunciation.

The teacher helps children master correct speech breathing, clear pronunciation of words, the ability to use their voice, and intonation. The education of sound culture of speech is carried out simultaneously with the development of a vocabulary of coherent, grammatically correct speech.

The formation of a sound culture of speech includes the following tasks:

1. education of speech hearing (auditory attention, phonemic hearing, perception of tempo and rhythm of speech);

2. formation of the pronunciation side of speech (correct pronunciation of all sounds, development of the articulatory apparatus, work on speech breathing, diction, tempo, ability to use the voice in communication);

3. development of the ability to pronounce words according to the norms of orthoepy of the Russian literary language;

4. cultivate intonation expressiveness of speech, i.e. the ability to accurately express thoughts, feelings, and moods using logical pauses, stress, melody, tempo, and rhythm.

Thus, the tasks of educating the sound culture of speech are not limited to the formation of only correct sound pronunciation, but cover all aspects of sound speech.

Features of the development of children's speech are associated with the processes of physiological maturation of the central nervous system and its plasticity during this period.

The age period during which speech is mastered without effort is called critical. Outside this period, a child who has no experience of verbal communication becomes unable to learn (0-11 years). The child imitatively borrows certain sound combinations from the speech of others.

Phonemic hearing is formed at an early age. First, the child learns to separate the sounds of the surrounding world (the creaking of a door, the sound of rain) from the sounds of speech addressed to him. By the age of 6, a child speaks approximately 10,000 words (passive vocabulary is always larger than active).

The assimilation of the sound side of a language, according to D. B. Elkonin, begins from the moment when the language begins to serve as a means of communication.

By the end of the first year, the first words appear. From the second year of life, differentiation of sounds begins. First, vowels are separated from consonants.

Further differentiation occurs within consonants: sonorant ones are contrasted with noisy ones, voiceless ones with voiced ones, hard ones with soft ones, etc.

“A characteristic feature of the formation of sounds in the initial period is the instability of articulation during their pronunciation. Even in one word spoken several times in a row, several variants alternate in place of one sound.”

“Most sounds are formed in the correct form not immediately, but gradually, through intermediate, transitional sounds” (A. I. Maksakov). For example, sound acquisition occurs through the following intermediate sounds:

- - - - - . ("piple" - "siplenok" - "syplenok" - "tsyplenok" - "chicken").

In any language there is a certain number of sounds that create the sound appearance of words. Sound outside speech has no meaning, it acquires it only in the structure of the word, helping to distinguish it only in the structure of the word, helping to distinguish one word from another (house, lump, crowbar, catfish). Such a sound that distinguishes meaning is called a phoneme. All speech sounds are differentiated on the basis of articulatory (difference in formation) and acoustic (difference in sound) features. (M. F. Fomicheva).

Speech sounds are the result of complex muscular work of various parts of the speech apparatus. Three sections take part in their formation: respiratory - lungs, bronchi, diaphragm, trachea, larynx; voice-forming - larynx with vocal cords and muscles; sound-generating - oral and nasal cavity.

Thus, the processes of breathing, voice formation and articulation are regulated by the activity of the central nervous system. The entire speech apparatus takes part in the formation of sounds (lips, teeth, tongue, palate, small tongue, epiglottis, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm).

Each individual sound is characterized only by its inherent combination of distinctive features, both articulatory and acoustic. Knowledge of these signs is necessary for the correct organization of work on the formation and correction of sound pronunciation.

The different sounds of vowels and consonants are determined mainly by the fact that the oral cavity can change its shape and volume due to the presence of movable organs of the articulatory apparatus (lips, lower jaw, tongue, soft palate), as well as the work of the larynx.

There is no obstruction in the formation of vowels in the oral plane. Conversely, when consonants are formed, the outgoing stream of air encounters various obstacles in the oral cavity.

Consonant sounds are divided into two groups: according to the method of formation and according to the place of formation.

The method of formation reflects the nature of the obstacle, i.e. in the form in which it is formed: the closure of the organs of articulation, the gap between them, etc.

Fricatives (fricatives):

F, f", v, v" - the lower lip forms a gap with the upper teeth;

C, s", z, z" - the front part of the back of the tongue forms a gap with the upper teeth and gums;

Sh, g, sh - the raised wide tip of the tongue forms a gap with the alveoli or hard palate (with lower articulation, the tip of the tongue is located behind the lower teeth);

X, x" - the back of the back of the tongue forms a gap with the hard palate.


P, p", b, b" - the lips form the bow;

T, t", d, d" - the front part of the back of the tongue forms a closure with the upper teeth or alveoli;

K, k", g, g" - the back of the back of the tongue forms a stop with the soft palate or the posterior edge of the hard palate.

Occlusive fricatives (affricates):

C - the front part of the back of the tongue, with the tip lowered, first forms a bridge with the upper teeth or alveoli, which imperceptibly passes into the gap between them;

H - the tip of the tongue, together with the front part of the back of the tongue, forms a closure with the upper teeth or alveoli, which passes into the gap between them.

Connective passages:

M, m" - the lips form a bow, the air stream goes through the nose;

N, n" - the bow is formed between the front part of the back of the tongue and the upper teeth or alveoli, the air stream goes through the nose;

L, l" - the tip of the tongue forms a bridge with the alveoli or upper teeth, the air stream goes along the sides of the tongue.

Trembling (vibrants):

R, r" - the tip of the tongue is raised up and rhythmically oscillates (vibrates) in the passing air stream.

The place of formation is determined by movable organs (tongue or lips), which form a barrier to the outgoing air stream.

Labial - labial: p, p", b, b", m, m".

Labiodental: f, f", v, v".

Front-lingual: t, d, n, l, r, w, w, h, sch, z, s, c, t", d", n", l", r", z", s"

Middle-language: j (iot)

Rear lingual: k, k", g, g", x, x".

Vowel sounds are divided according to three articulatory characteristics:

i, e - front vowels;

a, ы - middle vowels;

o, u are back vowels.

Analysis of the classification of sounds shows that a child’s successful mastery of the phonetic system of language requires a lot of work on the development of speech motor and speech auditory analyzers. Therefore it is necessary:

Develop phonetic hearing (the ability to distinguish and reproduce all speech sounds);

develop good diction (mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus);

Develop speech breathing (the ability to make a short inhalation and a long oral exhalation, ensuring a long and sonorous pronunciation of speech sounds, as well as smooth and unified pronunciation).

The correct pronunciation of the sounds of the native language should be formed in kindergarten, because Preschool age is the most favorable period for this.

The acquisition of phonetics is mainly determined by the development of the speech motor sphere. Pronunciation problems can be caused by:

1) defects of the speech apparatus (deviations in the structure of the dentofacial system, short hypoglossal ligament, cleft of the hard soft palate);

2) insufficient mobility of the organs of articulation;

3) underdevelopment of phonemic hearing (inability to distinguish some sounds from others);

4) mastering the incorrect speech of others.

Incorrect pronunciation appears:

In replacing one sound with another;

In the distortion of spoken sound.

The articulatory apparatus is the basis of sound pronunciation. Speech sounds are formed in the oral cavity (lips, tongue, lower jaw, soft palate, small tongue).

Disturbances in the structure of the articulatory apparatus (for example, a short hyoid ligament, malocclusion, too high or narrow palate) are factors in incorrect pronunciation. But if a child has good speech hearing and good mobility of the articulatory apparatus, then in most cases it is possible to compensate for the shortcomings of sound pronunciation.

Therefore, the task of the teacher is:

Develop tongue mobility (the ability to make the tongue wide and narrow, lift it by the upper teeth, push it back);

Develop lip mobility (the ability to pull them forward, round them, stretch them into a smile, form a gap with the lower lip with the upper front teeth);

Develop the ability to hold the lower jaw in a certain position;

Pay great attention to speech breathing.

The source of sound formation is the air stream leaving the lungs through the larynx, pharynx, oral cavity and nose. Speech breathing is voluntary. With non-speech breathing, inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose.

Speech breathing is carried out through the mouth. With non-speech breathing, inhalation is immediately followed by exhalation, then a pause. During speech breathing, the inhalation is followed by a pause, then a smooth exhalation.

Correct speech breathing ensures normal sound production, maintaining fluency of speech and intonation expressiveness.

Another aspect of the formation of the pronunciation side of speech is the development of the vocal apparatus, through which sounds are produced that vary in pitch, strength and timbre; their totality determines a person’s voice.

The voice arises as a result of vibration of the vocal cords, and its quality depends on the joint work of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory apparatus. Speech tempo is the speed at which speech flows over time, i.e. the number of syllables pronounced in a certain unit of time.

Children often speak at an accelerated pace. This negatively affects the intelligibility and clarity of speech, sometimes even individual sounds and syllables are lost.

Thus, nurturing correct, clear speech in a child is one of the important tasks in the overall system of work on teaching the native language.

Tables, chairs for seminar participants;

Stickers (red, blue and green)

Preliminary work:

  1. Study of program content on the sound culture of speech in accordance with the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva.

2. Study of complexes of articulation exercises.

  1. Sound culture of speech as one of the aspects of the intellectual development of preschool children (report from a speech therapy group teacher)
  2. The role of articulatory gymnastics in correctional and developmental work. (Beldy O.N.)

Classification of sounds of the Russian language;

Participation of speech organs in the formation of sounds;

Part I. Practical

Work in groups:

1. Drawing up sets of articulation exercises for various sound groups (whistles, sibilants, sonorants, affricates) in accordance with age-related tasks.

2. Pedagogical situations. Work on mistakes.

Seminar progress

Teachers enter the room and take the sticker they like.

Dear Colleagues!

It is known that speech occupies a central place in the process of mental development of the child as a whole and is multifunctional in nature. Mastering speech in preschool age is a necessary condition for mastering literacy and for further education at school.

What to do if parents mistakenly believe that when a child pronounces some sounds incorrectly or does not speak clearly enough, then this cannot be a cause for concern, that this phenomenon is temporary and will pass with age?! It is quite understandable when a three-year-old child pronounces sounds incorrectly and makes mistakes in the grammatical form of speech, and it is completely unacceptable when a 6-7 year old child makes the same mistakes.

The child’s free communication with the people around him and the degree of his social development depend on the ability to accurately and correctly express his thoughts. And today we will talk about the sound development of children’s speech, as well as the necessary conditions for the formation of a sound culture of speech. This will be the topic of our seminar.

Goal: increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical influence in educating the sound culture of speech and preventing speech disorders in preschoolers.

Expand the knowledge of teachers on the formation of sound culture of speech in preschoolers;

Create conditions for increasing both the theoretical level and practical skills of correctional and developmental

Inna Aleksandrovna Astakhova will give a report on the sound culture of speech as one of the aspects of intellectual development.

1. Sound culture of speech as one aspect

intellectual development of preschool children

The sound culture of speech is an integral part of the general speech culture. It covers all aspects of the sound design of words and sounding speech in general: correct pronunciation of sounds, words, volume and speed of speech utterance, rhythm, pauses, timbre, logical stress. The normal functioning of the speech motor and auditory apparatus, the presence of a complete speech environment are essential conditions for the timely and correct formation of speech sound culture.

In the preschool years, the child develops intensively: he masters speech, becomes acquainted with the richness of the sound, lexical and grammatical composition of the language. This is a period of intensive familiarization with the word.

In kindergarten, long before actual literacy training, children are given initial ideas and knowledge about the word and its structure, about the sounding word - a unit of language. A child’s mastery of speech is associated with his increased interest in the sound side of it.

The sound envelope of a word begins to attract the child’s attention very early, and his orientation in the sound form of speech begins already in pre-preschool age. By learning to distinguish one word from another, coming up with songs consisting of a set of different sounds, listening to their combination, the child does a lot of mental work on the sound side of the word. Subsequently, the child specially learns to listen to the sounds that make up words, to distinguish words, to isolate sounds, to analyze sound and syllabic composition, and to hear stress.

Every preschool child makes this journey in mastering the sound side of a word. To avoid delays in the child’s speech development, this path should not be carried out spontaneously. Adults come to the child’s aid in a timely manner and purposefully guide the development of his speech activity.

In the process of educating children in the sound culture of speech in kindergarten, the teacher solves the following tasks:

Formation in children of correct sound pronunciation, clear and precise pronunciation of words in accordance with language norms;

Developing a moderate tempo of speech, correct speech breathing, and skillful use of intonation means of expression.

The implementation of the tasks of forming a sound culture of speech (SSC) is carried out in two directions:

  1. Development of speech perception (auditory attention and speech hearing, including its components - phonemic, pitch hearing, perception of tempo, voice strength, speech timbre.
  2. Development of the speech motor apparatus (articulation, vocal breathing, speech breathing) and the formation of the pronunciation side of speech (pronunciation of sounds, clear diction).

As a result of working on the sound side of a word, children develop a special, linguistic attitude towards speech and linguistic reality. A conscious attitude towards language is the basis for mastering all aspects of language and forms of speech

2. The role of articulatory gymnastics

in correctional and developmental work

Speech therapist O. N. Beldy

Speech is a means of communication between people and a form of human thinking. “The program of education and training in kindergarten,” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, provides for the development of all components of oral speech: vocabulary, grammatical structure, sound pronunciation.

Vocabulary and grammatical structure constantly develop and improve not only in preschool age, but also during schooling. Correct sound pronunciation is formed in a child mainly by the age of 4-5 years. Therefore, education in the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language should be completed in preschool age.

Speech is not an innate ability of a person; it is formed gradually, along with the development of the child.

For the normal development of a child’s speech, it is necessary that the cerebral cortex reaches a certain maturity, and the senses - hearing, vision, smell, touch - are sufficiently developed. Particularly important for speech formation is the development of speech motor and speech-auditory analyzers (Broca's center and Wernicke's center).

The psychophysical state of the child’s health is of great importance - the state of his higher nervous activity, higher mental processes (attention, memory, imagination, thinking, as well as his physical (somatic) state.

All of the above factors are largely dependent on the environment. If an environment conducive to the development of movements and speech is not created, his physical and mental development is delayed.

Phoneme system (SLIDE)

Sound outside speech has no meaning; it acquires it only in the structure of the word, helping to distinguish one word from another (house, lump, som, scrap). Such a sound that distinguishes meaning is called a phoneme. All speech sounds are differentiated on the basis of articulatory (difference in education) and acoustic (difference in sound) features. (photo of speech organs) (SLIDE)

Speech sounds are the result of complex muscular work of various parts of the speech apparatus. Three sections of the speech apparatus take part in their formation: (SLIDE)

Energy (respiratory) - lungs. Bronchi, diaphragm, trachea, larynx:

Resonator (sound-generating) – oral and nasal cavity.

Articulatory features of speech sounds

Let's consider the articulatory features of speech sounds, knowledge of which is necessary, because makes it possible to fix children's attention on certain movements of the speech apparatus, identify disturbances in the articulation of sounds and find the most effective ways to eliminate them.

Vowels: (SLIDE)

When vowels are formed (a, e, o, u, i, s), the outgoing stream of air does not encounter any obstacle in the oral area. Conversely, when consonants are formed, the outgoing stream of air encounters various obstacles in the oral cavity.

Vowel sounds are divided according to three articulatory characteristics:

Row (with the participation of the front part of the back of the tongue: front row - i, e; middle row - a, s, back row - o, y)

The rise of the front, middle or back of the back of the tongue determines the vowels of the lower rise (a), middle (e, o), upper (i, ы, у). Depending on the degree of participation of the lips - labialized (o, y) and non-labialized (a, s, e, i)

Consonants are divided into two groups: according to the method of formation and place of formation. (SLIDE)

Acoustic signs of sounds: without relying on these signs, it is impossible to carry out work on contrasting sounds by ear.

Sonorants (m, n, l, p, j)

Noisy (voiced, dull, etc.)

Types of sound disturbances: (SLIDE)

More details on the website

Nurturing sound culture is one of the important tasks of speech development in kindergarten, since preschool age is the most sensitive for solving it.

From the materialist doctrine of language and thinking it follows that sound language has always been the only language of society. Language is the most important means of human communication due to its sound matter.

The sound side of speech represents a single whole, but a very complex phenomenon that needs to be studied from different angles. Modern literature examines several aspects of the sound side of speech: physical, physiological, linguistic.

Studying various aspects of the sound aspect of speech contributes to understanding the patterns of its gradual formation in children and facilitates the management of the development of this aspect of speech.

Each language is characterized by one or another system of sounds. Therefore, the sound side of each language has its own characteristics and distinctive qualities. The sound side of the Russian language is characterized by the melodiousness of vowel sounds, the softness of the pronunciation of many consonants, and the originality of the pronunciation of each consonant sound. The emotionality and generosity of the Russian language are expressed in the richness of intonation.

Sound culture of speech is a fairly broad concept; it includes phonetic and orthoepic correctness of speech, its expressiveness and clear diction.

Education of sound culture involves:

1. formation of correct sound pronunciation and word pronunciation, which requires the development of speech hearing, speech breathing, and motor skills of the articulatory apparatus;

2. education of spelling-correct speech - the ability to speak according to the norms of literary pronunciation. Orthoepic norms cover the phonetic system of the language, the pronunciation of individual words and groups of words, and individual grammatical forms. Orthoepy includes not only pronunciation, but also stress, i.e. a specific phenomenon of oral speech. The Russian language has a complex system of variable and mobile stress;

3. formation of speech expressiveness - mastery of the means of speech expressiveness presupposes the ability to use the height and strength of the voice, the tempo and rhythm of speech, pauses, and various intonations. It has been noticed that in everyday communication the child has natural expressiveness of speech, but needs to learn voluntary, conscious expressiveness when reading poetry, retelling, and storytelling;

4. development of diction - clear, intelligible pronunciation of each sound and word separately, as well as the phrase as a whole;

5. fostering a culture of verbal communication as part of etiquette.

The concept of sound culture of speech, the tasks of its education are revealed by O. I. Solovyova, A. M. Borodich, A. S. Feldberg, A. I. Maksakov, M. F. Fomicheva and others in educational and methodological manuals.

In the sound culture of speech, there are two sections: the culture of speech pronunciation and speech hearing. Therefore, work should be carried out in two directions:

1. development of the speech-motor apparatus (articulatory apparatus, vocal apparatus, speech breathing) and on this basis the formation of the pronunciation of sounds, words, clear articulation;

2. development of speech perception (auditory attention, speech hearing, the main components of which are phonemic, pitch, and rhythmic hearing).

The sound units of language differ in their role in speech. Some, when combined, form words. These are linear (arranged in a line, one after another) sound units: sound, syllable, phrase. Only in a certain linear sequence does a combination of sounds become a word and acquire a certain meaning.

Other sound units, prosodemes, are supralinear. This is stress, elements of intonation (melody, strength of voice, tempo of speech, its timbre). They characterize linear units and are a mandatory feature of oral speech. Prosodic units are involved in the modulation of articulatory organs.

For preschoolers, first of all, the acquisition of linear sound units of speech (sound and word pronunciation) is of particular importance, since the most difficult thing for a child is mastering the articulation of individual sounds (p, l, g, w). In phonetic and speech therapy manuals, the work of the articulation organs is described in detail. The participation of prosodemes in the modulation of sounds is less studied.

Researchers of children's speech and practitioners note the importance of correct pronunciation of sounds for the formation of a child's full personality and the establishment of social contacts, for preparing for school, and in the future for choosing a profession. A child with well-developed speech easily communicates with adults and peers and clearly expresses his thoughts and desires. Speech with pronunciation defects, on the contrary, complicates relationships with people, delays the child’s mental development and the development of other aspects of speech.

Correct sound pronunciation becomes especially important when entering school. One of the reasons for the failure of primary school students in the Russian language is the presence of deficiencies in sound pronunciation in children. Children with pronunciation defects do not know how to determine the number of sounds in a word, name their sequence, and find it difficult to select words that begin with a given sound. Often, despite a child’s good mental abilities, due to deficiencies in the sound aspect of speech, he experiences a lag in mastering the vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech in subsequent years. Children who cannot distinguish and isolate sounds by ear and pronounce them correctly have difficulty mastering writing skills.

However, despite the obvious importance of this section of work, kindergartens do not use all opportunities to ensure that every child leaves school with clear speech. According to survey materials, 15–20% of children enter school from kindergarten with imperfect pronunciation of sounds; such children at the age of five are about 50%.

The problem of forming the sound side of speech has not lost its relevance and practical significance at the present time.

Sound culture of speech is a broad concept. It includes phonetic and orthoepic correctness of speech, its expressiveness and clear diction, i.e. everything that ensures the correct sound of speech.

Nurturing the sound culture of speech involves:

formation of correct sound pronunciation and word pronunciation, which requires the development of speech hearing, speech breathing, and motor skills of the articulatory apparatus;

education of spelling-correct speech - the ability to speak according to the norms of literary pronunciation. Orthoepic norms cover the phonetic system of the language, the pronunciation of individual words and groups of words, and individual grammatical forms. Orthoepy includes not only pronunciation, but also stress, that is, a specific phenomenon of oral speech;

the formation of expressiveness of speech - mastery of the means of speech expressiveness involves the ability to use the height and strength of the voice, the tempo and rhythm of speech, pauses, and various intonations. It has been noted that in everyday communication the child has natural expressiveness of speech, but needs to learn voluntary expressiveness when reading poetry, retelling, and storytelling;

development of diction - clear, intelligible pronunciation of each sound and word separately, as well as the phrase as a whole;

Mastering the correct pronunciation of speech sounds is one of the most important parts of a child’s speech development. The child gradually masters the correct pronunciation of speech sounds. Sounds are not acquired in isolation, not on their own, but in the process of gradually mastering the skills of pronunciation of individual words and entire phrases. Mastering speech is a complex, multifaceted mental process; its appearance and further development depends on many factors. Speech begins to form only when the child’s brain, hearing, breathing and articulatory apparatus reach a certain level of development, but even with a sufficiently developed speech apparatus, a formed brain, good physical hearing, a child without a speech environment will never speak. In order for him to develop speech and subsequently develop it correctly, he needs a speech environment. In general, the full development of speech is a necessary condition for the harmonious development of the individual. Speech is an activity that is carried out with the coordinated functioning of the brain and other parts of the nervous system. In general, the problem of forming the sound side of speech is currently relevant and significant. Systematic work on the development of the sound culture of speech helps the child to form and improve phonetic-phonemic processes in speech development, without which further mastery of the native language is impossible, and therefore, successful learning at school is impossible in the future. The concept of “sound culture of speech” is broad and unique. The sound culture of speech is an integral part of general culture. It covers all aspects of the sound design of words and sounding speech in general: the correct pronunciation of sounds, words, volume and speed of speech utterance, rhythm, pauses, timbre, logical stress, etc. Researchers of children's speech and practitioners note the importance of the correct pronunciation of sounds for the formation of a full-fledged the child’s personality and establishing social contacts, for preparing for school, and later for choosing a profession. A child with well-developed speech easily communicates with adults and peers and clearly expresses his thoughts and desires. Speech with pronunciation defects, on the contrary, complicates relationships with people, delays the child’s mental development and the development of other aspects of speech. Correct sound pronunciation becomes especially important when entering school. One of the reasons for the failure of primary school students in the Russian language is the presence of deficiencies in sound pronunciation in children. Children with pronunciation defects do not know how to determine the number of sounds in a word, name their sequence, and find it difficult to select words that begin with a given sound. Often, despite a child’s good mental abilities, due to deficiencies in the sound aspect of speech, he experiences a lag in mastering the vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech in subsequent years. Children who cannot distinguish and isolate sounds by ear and pronounce them correctly have difficulty mastering writing skills [p. 16.].

Elena Babich
What is included in the concept of “Sound culture of speech”

Upbringing sound culture of speech- a multidimensional task in which included more specific microtasks related to the development of perception sounds of native speech and pronunciation(speaking, speech pronunciation). She assumes:

Development of speech hearing, on the basis of which the perception and discrimination of phonological means of language occurs;

Teaching the right sound pronunciation;

Education of spelling correctness speeches;

Mastering the means sound expressiveness of speech(tone speeches, voice timbre, tempo, stress, voice strength, intonation);

Developing clear diction.

Much attention is paid culture of speech behavior. The teacher teaches children to use the tools sound expressiveness taking into account the tasks and conditions of communication.

Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for education sound culture of speech. Mastery of clear and correct pronunciation should be completed in kindergarten (by age five).

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to strengthen with children the articulation of the sounds “A”, “I”, “O”, “U”. Objectives: Educational: to consolidate with children the articulation of the sounds “A”, “I”.

Abstract of OOD on speech development “Sound culture of speech. Working on a proposal" Summary of organized educational activities with children of the preparatory group on speech development Topic: Sound culture of speech. Job.

Summary of OOD on speech development in the middle group “Sound culture of speech: sound [zh]” Sound culture of speech: sound Purpose. Development of sound culture of speech; formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Sound culture of speech: sounds [b], [b’]” Topic: “Sound culture of speech: sounds b, b.” Program content: to train children in the correct pronunciation of the sounds b, b; exercise children.

Topic: Sound culture of speech: sounds m, m. Didactic exercise “Insert a word” Purpose of the lesson: To train children in clear pronunciation.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds [z]-[zh]” Target. Creating conditions for children’s auditory perception of sounds z – zh. Tasks. 1. Learn to distinguish the sounds Z and Z by ear, determine the position of the sound.

Lesson on speech development in the second junior group: “Sound culture of speech. Sound I" Topic: "Sound culture of speech. Sound I" Purpose: Exercise.

It is known that speech occupies a central place in the process of mental development of the child as a whole and is multifunctional in nature. Mastering speech in preschool age is a necessary condition for mastering literacy and for further education at school. What to do if parents mistakenly believe that when a child pronounces some sounds incorrectly or does not speak clearly enough, then this cannot be a cause for concern, that this phenomenon is temporary and will pass with age?! It is quite understandable when a three-year-old child pronounces sounds incorrectly and makes mistakes in the grammatical form of speech, and it is completely unacceptable when a 6-7 year old child makes the same mistakes.

The child’s free communication with the people around him and the degree of his social development depend on the ability to accurately and correctly express his thoughts. And today we will talk about the sound development of children’s speech, as well as the necessary conditions for the formation of a sound culture of speech. This will be the topic of our seminar.A child’s full speech is an indispensable condition for his successful education at school. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the development of correct speech. Systematic work on sound pronunciation will help the child master the pronunciation side of speech even before entering school. Teachers of the first grades of mass schools also have to work on the pronunciation of sounds and on the sound analysis of words.

With pronunciation deficiencies in children, there is not only a violation of the intelligibility of speech, but also an abnormal mastery of the sound composition of the word.

It is known that insufficient development of phonemic hearing and perception leads to the fact that children do not independently develop readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words, which subsequently does not allow them to successfully master literacy at school.

Researchers of children's speech (Borodich A.M., Maksakov A.I., Solovyova O.I.) note the importance of correct pronunciation of sounds for the formation of a full-fledged personality of a child, for establishing social contacts, for successful learning at school. A child with well-developed speech easily communicates with adults and peers and clearly expresses his thoughts and desires.

Conversely, speech with pronunciation defects complicates relationships with people, delays mental development and the overall development of speech.

One of the reasons for poor performance in school is the presence of deficiencies in children's sound pronunciation. Children with pronunciation defects do not know how to determine the number of sounds in a word or name their sequence (Zhuikov S.F. Psychology of learning grammar in elementary school - M. 1968).

The correct pronunciation of words is no less important than the correct spelling. The role of correct pronunciation has especially increased in our time.

One of the sections of the general culture of speech, characterized by the degree of compliance of the speaker’s speech with the norms of the literary language, is the sound culture of speech, or its pronunciation side.

“The study of various aspects of the sound side of speech contributes to the understanding of the patterns of its gradual formation in children and facilitates the management of the development of this side of speech” (V.I. Yashina).

Sound culture of speech is a fairly broad concept; it includes phonemic and orthoepic correctness of speech, expressiveness and clear diction.

Education of sound culture (according to M.M. Alekseeva) includes:

- formation of correct pronunciation and sound pronunciation, which requires the development of speech hearing, speech breathing, and motor skills of the articulatory apparatus;

- education of orthoeically correct speech - the ability to speak according to the norms of literary pronunciation.

- formation of expressiveness of speech - mastery of the means of speech expressiveness presupposes the ability to use the height and strength of the voice, the tempo and rhythm of speech, pauses, and various intonations;

- development of diction - clear, intelligible pronunciation of each sound and word separately, as well as the phrase as a whole;

- fostering a culture of verbal communication as part of etiquette.

O.I. Solovyova, E.I. Tikheyev is singled outtwo sections in the sound culture of speech: the culture of speech pronunciation and speech hearing and work on the development of oral speech, which should be carried out in two directions:

a) development of the speech-motor apparatus (articulation, vocal and speech breathing) and on this basis the formation of the pronunciation of sounds, words, clear articulation;

b) development of speech perception (auditory attention, speech hearing, the components of which are phonetic, pitch, rhythmic hearing).

An integral part of speech culture is the sound culture of speech. This is the ability to correctly use all language means (sound, tempo, rhythm, intonation, grammatical forms, phrasal and logical stress). Nurturing the sound culture of speech should not be reduced only to the formation of correct pronunciation.

The teacher helps children master correct speech breathing, clear pronunciation of words, the ability to use their voice, and intonation. The education of sound culture of speech is carried out simultaneously with the development of a vocabulary of coherent, grammatically correct speech.

The formation of a sound culture of speech includes the following tasks:

1. education of speech hearing (auditory attention, phonemic hearing, perception of tempo and rhythm of speech);

2. formation of the pronunciation side of speech (correct pronunciation of all sounds, development of the articulatory apparatus, work on speech breathing, diction, tempo, ability to use the voice in communication);

3. development of the ability to pronounce words according to the norms of orthoepy of the Russian literary language;

4. cultivate intonation expressiveness of speech, i.e. the ability to accurately express thoughts, feelings, and moods using logical pauses, stress, melody, tempo, and rhythm.

Thus, the tasks of educating the sound culture of speech are not limited to the formation of only correct sound pronunciation, but cover all aspects of sound speech.

Features of the development of children's speech are associated with the processes of physiological maturation of the central nervous system and its plasticity during this period.

The age period during which speech is mastered without effort is called critical. Beyond this period, a child who has no experience of verbal communication becomes unable to learn (0-11 years). The child imitatively borrows certain sound combinations from the speech of others. Phonemic hearing is formed at an early age. First, the child learns to separate the sounds of the surrounding world (the creaking of a door, the sound of rain) from the sounds of speech addressed to him. By the age of 6, a child speaks approximately 10,000 words (passive vocabulary is always larger than active).

Acquisition of the sound side of the language, according to D.B. Elkonin, begins from the moment when language begins to serve as a means of communication.

By the end of the first year, the first words appear. From the second year of life, differentiation of sounds begins. First, vowels are separated from consonants. Further differentiation occurs within consonants: sonorants are contrasted with noisy ones, voiceless ones are contrasted with voiced ones, hard ones are contrasted with soft ones, etc.

“A characteristic feature of the formation of sounds in the initial period is the instability of articulation during their pronunciation. Even in one word spoken several times in a row, several variants alternate in place of one sound.”

“Most sounds are formed in the correct form not immediately, but gradually, through intermediate, transitional sounds” (A.I. Maksakov). For example, the acquisition of the sound [ts] occurs through the following intermediate sounds:

[t"] - [s"] - [s] - [ts] - [ts] - [ts]. (“piplenok” - “siplenok” - “syplenok” - “tsyplenok” - “chicken”).

In any language there is a certain number of sounds that create the sound appearance of words. Sound outside speech has no meaning, it acquires it only in the structure of the word, helping to distinguish it only in the structure of the word, helping to distinguish one word from another (house, lump, crowbar, catfish). Such a sound that distinguishes meaning is called a phoneme. All speech sounds are differentiated on the basis of articulatory (difference in formation) and acoustic (difference in sound) features. (M.F. Fomicheva).

Speech sounds are the result of complex muscular work of various parts of the speech apparatus. Three sections take part in their formation: respiratory - lungs, bronchi, diaphragm, trachea, larynx; voice-forming – larynx with vocal cords and muscles; sound-generating – oral and nasal cavity.

Thus, the processes of breathing, voice formation and articulation are regulated by the activity of the central nervous system. The entire speech apparatus takes part in the formation of sounds (lips, teeth, tongue, palate, small tongue, epiglottis, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm).

Each individual sound is characterized only by its inherent combination of distinctive features, both articulatory and acoustic. Knowledge of these signs is necessary for the correct organization of work on the formation and correction of sound pronunciation.

The different sounds of vowels and consonants are determined mainly by the fact that the oral cavity can change its shape and volume due to the presence of movable organs of the articulatory apparatus (lips, lower jaw, tongue, soft palate), as well as the work of the larynx.

When forming vowels [a, o, e, u, i, s] there is no obstruction in the oral plane. Conversely, when consonants are formed, the outgoing stream of air encounters various obstacles in the oral cavity.

Consonant sounds are divided into two groups: according to the method of formation and according to the place of formation.

The method of formation reflects the nature of the obstacle, i.e. in the form in which it is formed: the closure of the organs of articulation, the gap between them, etc.

Fricatives (fricatives):

F, f", v, v" - the lower lip forms a gap with the upper teeth;

C, s", z, z" - the front part of the back of the tongue forms a gap with the upper teeth and gums;

Sh, g, sh - the raised wide tip of the tongue forms a gap with the alveoli or hard palate (with lower articulation, the tip of the tongue is located behind the lower teeth);

X, x" - the back of the back of the tongue forms a gap with the hard palate.


P, p", b, b" - the lips form the bow;

T, t", d, d" - the front part of the back of the tongue forms a closure with the upper teeth or alveoli;

K, k", g, g" - the back of the back of the tongue forms a stop with the soft palate or the posterior edge of the hard palate.

Occlusive fricatives (affricates):

C - the front part of the back of the tongue, with the tip lowered, first forms a bridge with the upper teeth or alveoli, which imperceptibly passes into the gap between them;

H - the tip of the tongue, together with the front part of the back of the tongue, forms a closure with the upper teeth or alveoli, which passes into the gap between them.

Connective passages:

M, m" – the lips form a bow, the air stream goes through the nose;

N, n" - the bow is formed between the front part of the back of the tongue and the upper teeth or alveoli, the air stream goes through the nose;

L, l" - the tip of the tongue forms a bridge with the alveoli or upper teeth, the air stream goes along the sides of the tongue.

Trembling (vibrants):

R, r" - the tip of the tongue is raised up and rhythmically oscillates (vibrates) in the passing air stream.

The place of formation is determined by movable organs (tongue or lips), which form a barrier to the outgoing air stream.

Labial - labial: p, p", b, b", m, m".

Labial-dental: f, f", v, v".

Front-lingual: t, d, n, l, r, w, w, h, sch, z, s, c, t", d", n", l", r", z", s"

Middle-language: j (iot)

Rear lingual: k, k", g, g", x, x".

Vowel sounds [i, e, a, y, o, u] are divided according to three articulatory characteristics:

i, e – front vowels;

a, ы – middle vowels;

o, u are back vowels.

Analysis of the classification of sounds shows that a child’s successful mastery of the phonetic system of language requires a lot of work on the development of speech motor and speech auditory analyzers. Therefore it is necessary:

Develop phonetic hearing (the ability to distinguish and reproduce all speech sounds);

develop good diction (mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus);

Develop speech breathing (the ability to make a short inhalation and a long oral exhalation, ensuring a long and sonorous pronunciation of speech sounds, as well as smooth and unified pronunciation).

The correct pronunciation of the sounds of the native language should be formed in kindergarten, because Preschool age is the most favorable period for this.

The acquisition of phonetics is mainly determined by the development of the speech motor sphere. Pronunciation problems can be caused by:

1) defects of the speech apparatus (deviations in the structure of the dentofacial system, short hypoglossal ligament, cleft of the hard soft palate);

2) insufficient mobility of the organs of articulation;

3) underdevelopment of phonemic hearing (inability to distinguish some sounds from others);

4) mastering the incorrect speech of others.

Incorrect pronunciation appears:

in missing sounds;

in replacing one sound with another;

in the distortion of spoken sound.

The articulatory apparatus is the basis of sound pronunciation. Speech sounds are formed in the oral cavity (lips, tongue, lower jaw, soft palate, small tongue).

Disturbances in the structure of the articulatory apparatus (for example, a short hyoid ligament, malocclusion, too high or narrow palate) are factors in incorrect pronunciation. But if a child has good speech hearing and good mobility of the articulatory apparatus, then in most cases it is possible to compensate for the shortcomings of sound pronunciation.

Therefore, the task of the teacher is:

Develop tongue mobility (the ability to make the tongue wide and narrow, lift it by the upper teeth, push it back);

Develop lip mobility (the ability to pull them forward, round them, stretch them into a smile, form a gap with the lower lip with the upper front teeth);

Develop the ability to hold the lower jaw in a certain position;

Pay great attention to speech breathing.

The source of sound formation is the air stream leaving the lungs through the larynx, pharynx, oral cavity and nose. Speech breathing is voluntary. With non-speech breathing, inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose. Speech breathing is carried out through the mouth. With non-speech breathing, inhalation is immediately followed by exhalation, then a pause. During speech breathing, the inhalation is followed by a pause, then a smooth exhalation. Correct speech breathing ensures normal sound production, maintaining fluency of speech and intonation expressiveness.

Another aspect of the formation of the pronunciation side of speech is the development of the vocal apparatus, through which sounds are produced that vary in pitch, strength and timbre; their totality determines a person’s voice.

The voice arises as a result of vibration of the vocal cords, and its quality depends on the joint work of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory apparatus. Speech tempo is the speed at which speech flows over time, i.e. the number of syllables pronounced in a certain unit of time.

Children often speak at an accelerated pace. This negatively affects the intelligibility and clarity of speech, sometimes even individual sounds and syllables are lost.

Thus, nurturing correct, clear speech in a child is one of the important tasks in the overall system of work on teaching the native language.

The sound culture of speech is an integral part of the general speech culture. It covers all aspects of the sound design of words and sounding speech in general: correct pronunciation of sounds, words, volume and speed of speech utterance, rhythm, pauses, timbre, logical stress. The normal functioning of the speech motor and auditory apparatus, the presence of a complete speech environment are essential conditions for the timely and correct formation of speech sound culture.

In the preschool years, the child develops intensively: he masters speech, becomes acquainted with the richness of the sound, lexical and grammatical composition of the language. This is a period of intensive familiarization with the word.

In kindergarten, long before actual literacy training, children are given initial ideas and knowledge about the word and its structure, about the sounding word - a unit of language. A child’s mastery of speech is associated with his increased interest in the sound side of it. The sound envelope of a word begins to attract the child’s attention very early, and his orientation in the sound form of speech begins already in pre-preschool age. By learning to distinguish one word from another, coming up with songs consisting of a set of different sounds, listening to their combination, the child does a lot of mental work on the sound side of the word. Subsequently, the child specially learns to listen to the sounds that make up words, to distinguish words, to isolate sounds, to analyze sound and syllabic composition, and to hear stress.

Every preschool child makes this journey in mastering the sound side of a word. To avoid delays in the child’s speech development, this path should not be carried out spontaneously. Adults come to the child’s aid in a timely manner and purposefully guide the development of his speech activity.

In the process of educating children in the sound culture of speech in kindergarten, the teacher decides the following:tasks :

Formation in children of correct sound pronunciation, clear and precise pronunciation of words in accordance with language norms;

Developing a moderate tempo of speech, correct speech breathing, and skillful use of intonation means of expression.

The implementation of the tasks of forming a sound culture of speech (SSC) is carried out according totwo directions :

Development of speech perception (auditory attention and speech hearing, including its components - phonemic, pitch hearing, perception of tempo, voice strength, speech timbre.

Development of the speech motor apparatus (articulation, vocal breathing, speech breathing) and the formation of the pronunciation side of speech (pronunciation of sounds, clear diction).

As a result of working on the sound side of a word, children develop a special, linguistic attitude towards speech and linguistic reality. A conscious attitude towards language is the basis for mastering all aspects of language and forms of speech

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds - phonemes - and the correction of sound pronunciation of any pathology and etiology; it includes exercises to train the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

Articulation gymnastics must be performed daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to do it 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Children should not be offered more than 2-3 exercises at a time.

When selecting exercises for articulatory gymnastics, you must follow a certain sequence, moving from simple exercises to more complex ones. It is better to spend them emotionally, in a playful way.

Of the two or three exercises performed, only one can be new; the second and third are given for repetition and consolidation. If a child does not perform an exercise well enough, new exercises should not be introduced; it is better to practice old material. To consolidate it, you can come up with new gaming techniques.

Articulation gymnasts are performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, and the arms and legs are in a calm position.

The child must clearly see the adult’s face, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult should be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics. The child can also use a small hand mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), but then the adult must be opposite the child, facing him.

At first, the exercises should be done at a slow pace, then the pace can be increased and performed counting. It is useful to ask the child how the tongue and lips work (where is the tongue? What do the lips do?) To develop a technique for articulatory gymnastics, it is important to take into account age-related motor skills. At 3-4 years old, a child must master basic movements, and by 4-5 years old, the requirements increase and movements must be clear and smooth without twitching. At 6-7 years old, children perform movements at a fast pace and hold the tongue position for a long time.

The work is organized as follows.

The adult talks about the upcoming exercise using game techniques.

Shows its progress.

The child does the exercise, and the adult supervises the execution.

An adult conducting articulatory gymnastics must monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another. It is also important to ensure that the movements of each organ of articulation are performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise, articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal.

At first, when children perform exercises, tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is observed. Gradually the tension disappears, movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.

In the process of performing gymnastics, it is important to remember to create a positive emotional mood in the child. You cannot tell him that he is doing the exercise incorrectly - this can lead to refusal to perform the movement. It’s better to show the child his achievements (“You see, your tongue has already learned to be wide”), to encourage (“It’s okay, your tongue will definitely learn to rise up”).

Types of articulation exercises: (SLIDE)

Static (Shoulder, slide, cup, fungus,)

Dynamic (Delicious jam, Clock, Let's brush our teeth, Woodpecker, Chatterbox, Horse.)

Exercises for developing the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Frog.Holding your lips in a smile, as if silently uttering a soundAnd . The front upper and lower teeth are exposed.

Frogs really like to pull their lips straight towards their ears.
They smile, laugh, and their eyes are like saucers.

Like funny frogs, we pull our lips straight to our ears.
They pulled and stopped. And not at all tired!

Elephant.Pulling the lips forward with a tube, as if silently pronouncing a soundat .

I imitate an elephant -
I pull my lips with my trunk.
And now I'm letting them go
And I return it to its place.

Elephant frog.Alternating lip positions: in a smile - with a tube. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting.

I will stretch my lips straight to my ears, like a frog.
And now I’m a baby elephant, I have a proboscis.

Fish.Calm wide opening and closing of the mouth. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting.

Swing.The mouth is wide open, the lips are in a smile. We rhythmically change the position of the tongue: 1) the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors; 2) the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. Only the tongue moves, not the chin!

On the swing I swing up, down, up, down.
And I rise higher and higher, up, down, up, down.

Watch.The mouth is slightly open, the lips are stretched in a smile. The tip of the tongue alternately touches the left and right corners of the mouth. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting. The chin doesn't move!

Tick-tock, tick-tock, the clock goes like this.

Spatula.The mouth is slightly open, the lips are stretched in a smile. A wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. This position is held for 5-10 seconds. If the tongue does not want to relax, you can pat it with your upper lip, while saying: five-five-five.

The tongue is wide, smooth, resulting in a shoulder blade.
And at the same time I count: one, two, three, four, five...

Needle.The mouth is slightly open, the lips are stretched in a smile. Stick your narrow, tense tongue out of your mouth. Hold for 5-10 seconds.

I pull the tongue forward, come up and inject.
And again I will count: one, two, three, four, five...

Needle spatula.Alternating tongue positions: wide-narrow. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting.

The tongue lies like a spatula and does not tremble at all.
Then use a needle and pull the tongue with the point.

Slide.The mouth is wide open, the lips are slightly smiling. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is arched. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Then the upper front teeth, with light pressure, are drawn along the back of the tongue from the middle to the tip.

The back of the tongue will now become a little mound for us.
Come on, hill, go up! We will rush down the hill.
Teeth roll off the hill.

Let's knock on the door / WoodpeckerThe mouth is wide open, the lips are slightly smiling. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is arched. Alternate the following movements: move the tongue deeper into the mouth and bring it closer to the front lower teeth. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting.

In order to begin the practical part, we need to divide into groups according to the color of the sticker you chose.

3. Practical tasks

Assignment for group 1: Select exercises for the development of articulation for children of the middle group. (Spatula, cup, swing, football, needle, brushing teeth ) - exercises are aimed at developing the mobility of the speech apparatus

Assignment for group 2 Select exercises to develop articulation for older children (Cup, Let's brush your teeth, Turkey, Tasty jam, Painter )

Tasks for group 3: Select exercises for the development of articulation for children in the preparatory group:

( Horse, Cup, Boat, Watch, Let's brush our teeth )

You are given 10 minutes for this work, after which you need to justify your choice.

2. Find the mistake.

What mistake did the teacher in the middle group make when he picked up the tongue twister:

1) Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl. (Suitable for older people, because sounds r, l are formed last, when the speech apparatus is prepared)

2.) In a group where more than 50% of children have sound C disorders, the teacher selected the following exercises:

Gorochka,Cup , Boat, Let's brush our teeth, Swing (unnecessary exercise “Cup”, because requires an upper elevation of the tongue, which is unacceptable when fixing the sound C).

3.) Select pure sayings, poems for whistling, hissing sounds, for the sounds “L”, “R”

1. Development of phonemic function during a physical education minute

1. I.p. - stand, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart. If the word contains the sound b, clap your hands above your head, for the rest of the words, hands to your shoulders (drum, crow, stick, bun, boar, shelf, soup, oaks, tooth, ship, cotton wool, gift, bison)

2. I.P. - main stand. For a word with the sound z tilt forward, with the sound tilt backward (bunny, sled, pump, umbrella, goat, icicle, badger, sun, gilding, mask, fence, bubble, dew)

3. The one who names the word with the sound m in the middle or end of the word will sit down.

All aspects of the phonemic function were trained: phonemic hearing, differentiation, phonemic representations.

2. Development of phonemic function in mathematics classes.

Senior teacher - I'll tell you a fairy tale. When you hear words with the sound l, place the chip in front of you. It's Tepa's rabbit's birthday. He invited a hedgehog and a squirrel to visit. The rabbit decorated the hole with spikelets and flowers. Tepa put mushrooms and apples on the table. “Please come to the table,” says the rabbit. And then everyone played different games.

Senior teacher: - How many words with the sound l have you heard?


Senior educator: - which ones?

Teachers answer.

Senior educator: - what was the shortest word?

Teachers: - table

Master: how many sounds does it have?


St.educates: - Which word has one more sounds than the word table? One more than in the word squirrel?

Make up problems with one of these words.

3. Speech development classes

Group assignments (up to 5 minutes for discussion)

Selection of tongue twisters

1 group. For learning in the middle group.

Tortilla does not sell cakes.

The heels are not on the heel.

The chatterbox talks, and the whiner whines.

The thrower threw a hammer, and Mitya threw a hammer.

2nd group. For learning in the older group, where many children replace s with w, sh with s.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Elephants are smart.

Elephants are quiet.

Elephants are calm and strong.

Forty forty stole peas

Forty crows drove away forty.

Forty eagles scared the crows.

Forty cows were scattered by the crows.

3rd group. For learning in the preparatory group, where many children speak slurredly and distort words.

Zhenya is not a dear fellow,

and not a car respecter,

And dear carriage driver.

Zhanna loves ice cream and cakes, and Olezhek adores Zhanna.

I look at the shore -

Is there a pie lying around?

Poem selection.

1 group. For children of the preparatory group with deficiencies in the pronunciation of the sounds r and r.

2nd group. For children of the preparatory group with deficiencies in the pronunciation of l.

3rd group. For children of the preparatory group with deficiencies in the pronunciation of the sound sh.

The ferret went to the Christmas tree We are snowflakes, we are fluff

There is a hedgehog and a Christmas tree. We are not averse to spinning.

Very sharp needles. We are snowflakes ballerinas

Otherwise, on the hedgehog tree We dance day and night

Absolutely not similar. Let's all stand together in a circle

He took the firecracker away quietly and it turned out to be a snowball.

Now the ferret uses his firecracker to whiten the trees

It scares animals like a cannon. The roofs were covered with down

G. Sapgir. The earth was covered with velvet

and saved us from the cold.

The first snow is sleeping, Christmas tree covered in ice sparkles

The winter primer is open in warm resin tears

We haven’t read it yet. Fresh, green, illuminated by the sun.

But now onto a blank page

A tit fluttered like a colorful little letter. What grows on the Christmas tree?

It rings like a little bell. Cones and needles

As if the first lesson had started... Multi-colored balls

A. Gorbunova do not grow on the Christmas tree

They don't grow on the Christmas tree

Gingerbread cookies and flags

nuts don't grow

in gold paper.


Blitz survey: find the mistake

1. The teacher asks to determine how many sounds there are in a word. In this case, the words are pronounced as follows: ba-ra-ba-n, s-ka-z-ka, ma-k.

2. The teacher asks to determine the place of the sound z in the words: umbrella, earth, watermelon, vase.

Game library.

Within each group, educators are divided into three subgroups. Each of them goes to the place of the game indicated on the token. On site, consultants practice their game with the newly formed groups, after which each subgroup returns to its table and information is exchanged. This way each group will be introduced to three games.

Ball game "Edible-inedible".

The children stand in a line. The driver informs us of the conditions of the game: Those words that contain the sound w are edible (you must catch the ball), the rest of the words are inedible (you cannot catch the ball).”

The driver throws the ball to each player in turn, saying the words: toad, puck, knives, shower, noise, beetle, hedgehogs, mice, acorns, hissing, cat, spoon, blackberry, gurgle, rustle, wide, live, midges.

Game with the subject "Sound relay race".

Teams receive a task: passing the ball to each other, name a word in which the sound n (hard) is in the middle of the word, for example: window, dark, moon, dreams, pineapple, puppy, clearing, whip, buttons, skill.

Board game "Sound Lotto".

Goals: activate vocabulary, develop auditory and visual attention

Equipment: cards for playing with images of objects whose names contain the sounds z, zh, blue signal chips with the letters z, zh.

The driver names a word or shows a picture silently, the players cover the named (shown) picture on the card with signal chips. After the end of the game, the teacher checks the correct choice of chips.

Summarizing. Monitoring by groups. Rate how useful the material presented was. How do you feel about the group form of work organization? what help do you need?