Monthly horoscope. Monthly horoscope Horoscope for October of the year favorable days

In October 2017, the beneficial effects of the aspects of the three most influential planets on the main areas of our lives: Jupiter, Venus and Mars, will bring many joyful events and changes to almost all representatives of the zodiac circle. These events, which will have a positive impact on the usual course of life, will begin to occur in the second and third ten days of the month. During this period, many wonderful opportunities and prospects will appear for achieving success both in the sphere of love and family life, and in professional and creative development. The time is very favorable for the manifestation of talents, the unleashing of creative potential and self-expression. The stars strongly recommend that in October you engage exclusively in activities that bring not only benefit, but also pleasure. This does not mean that you can not go to work and sit in front of the TV all day long, watching tearful series. Rather, this suggests that you need to look for a new job in an area that is really interesting, unless, of course, the old one is enjoyable or does not meet your needs. Or, at least, try to find those moments in your professional activity that you like the most, and continue to work in this direction.

In the first ten days of October 2017, those of us who previously doubted our abilities will believe in our strength, which will greatly spur us to new achievements and conquer new heights. The beginning of October will be harmonious and calm enough to plan everything carefully and without haste, set priorities and understand where to move next. People who make a living from their creative abilities will be lucky financially; their creations will become known outside their close circle of friends, as a result of which the demand for their talent will increase significantly, which will ultimately bring considerable profit. Even those who adhere to pragmatism and practicality in life will find a creative approach to solving issues that stand in their way. For evil dreamers, it’s worth stopping dreaming during this period of the month and taking a step towards realizing your dreams; now you have every opportunity to get into the world you dreamed about. Even the smallest little thing undertaken in October will lead to results that will exceed all possible expectations. The beginning of October 2017 is a very good time to expand your horizons. Try to look deeper, very often, unfortunately, the outer shell can be deceiving.

The second ten days of October 2017 should be devoted to planning or eliminating tails in the professional field. If you don’t do this now, then in the future there simply won’t be time for it. The middle of the month, under the influence of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, will provide all the prerequisites for taking care of your career and personal growth. For those who are accustomed to looking at everything that happens around them through rose-colored glasses, the stars advise opening their eyes wider and becoming realistic. To avoid disappointment, don’t waste your time and energy, be careful and don’t create illusions, don’t just take your word for it, always look for confirmation, and in several sources at once. This is the only way you can secure your transactions, contracts and projects.

In the third decade of October 2017, many of us, in search of our own calling, may naively believe in beautiful slogans and advertising signs. Try not to give in to temptation and remember that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, be wiser. For those looking for a job, loved ones, relatives, friends and acquaintances can be an excellent and reliable source of information. Tell them as often as possible that you are looking for a suitable vacancy and this will soon yield results. Avoid any investment projects during this period; any operations related to investing cash and capital should be postponed until the end of the month, only then is it possible to hit the big jackpot or, at least, do it on fairly favorable terms. In love, at the end of October, everything will be quite quiet and calm. Relationships will be smooth and harmonious, no emotional activity is expected. Single people should not hope to start a serious relationship during this period; they may not last long; it is better to direct your energy to self-development and self-improvement. But couples in love and legal spouses need to learn to treat each other more loyally in order to avoid conflict situations. In general, in the area of ​​family, love and relationships, the final period of October will be a quiet and calm time.

Month October 2017, monthly horoscope

Read the zodiac horoscope for the month of October 2017 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

At the very beginning of October, until October 4, the situation will not be very favorable for business expansion, for starting new businesses or investments. During this period, the desire to quickly achieve results may encounter unexpected problems, and the overly powerful energy of the strong Moon (full moon on October 5) will push people to rash actions or decisions.

Therefore, it is better to schedule important matters, meetings and plans for the period from October 5 to October 8, when there will be more positive opportunities for successful negotiations. In addition, after October 5, many people will feel more free, creative, and open to new perspectives. This is a favorable period for starting new projects; it is only important to wait out the unfavorable time at the beginning of the first ten days of September, when there is a high probability of problems arising with judicial and legal authorities due to not entirely correct financial transactions.

Therefore, starting from the end of the first decade, it will be possible to act more confidently and effectively. In addition, this will be facilitated by the change in energies caused by the entry of Jupiter into the sign of Scorpio (October 10) and Venus into the sign of Libra (October 14).

Read also: Horoscope for 2018 for all zodiac signs

The condition of the Earth's atmosphere will significantly improve, which will affect the mood and well-being of many. In this sense, the second half of October is a much more promising and interesting period, when it will be easier to negotiate and reach agreements both in personal communication and in the business sphere. At the beginning of the second quarter, economic growth will also emerge, exchange rates and stocks will strengthen, investor activity will increase, and a number of positive economic laws will come into force, so the third and fourth quarters will be very favorable for many innovations. This is also a good period for increasing the vitality of many people, for restoring old relationships.

In the second half of October, there will also be more positive moments for resolving previous conflicts or controversial situations. This must be done before October 18, since on October 19 and in the first two days during the new moon there will be some aspect of stagnation or inhibition. However, after October 22, when Mars enters the sign of Libra, and the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio on October 23, this will significantly increase the effectiveness of any undertakings.

The period from October 22 to October 30 will be especially favorable, and it will be remembered as one of the most positive periods since the beginning of October. After October 30, a decrease in energy and tension in the Earth’s biosphere will begin, so it will not be so quickly and easily possible to achieve high results in the business sphere. It will also be much more difficult to maintain harmony in personal or family relationships and connections.

For many Pisces, the first and second ten days of October can turn out to be a very controversial and unstable period, when ongoing events can give impetus to an internal spiritual crisis. At this time, Pisces may be haunted by failures, they may attract unpleasant and manic people, so caution may not be superfluous. In addition, it is possible that swindlers and clingy people may also lay hands on inheritance matters or other acquisitions of Pisces, so the support of an influential and competent person will be necessary. In this situation, it is important for Pisces to maintain sanity and loyalty to their goals, without succumbing to fears and confusion, and they should not make important decisions, especially in terms of finances and property. The third decade will be more favorable, when unexpected and bold solutions can be found for old problems.

October for Aquarius is an interesting, but very difficult period. In the first decade, contradictions, ideological disagreements, as well as troubles during travel can often arise, when they can find fault with incorrectly executed documents. In the second decade, unexpected events will help Aquarius open their eyes to what is happening and free themselves from illusions. This will help them make the necessary changes in their lives, and perhaps move, change their social circle, their usual habitat. In the third decade, Aquarians need to rest more and take care of their health. By the way, this is a rather calm period when their intuition, the ability to find profitable projects and the necessary assistants will help them increase their profits. They will also have unforgettable meetings and trips that can change the consciousness of Aquarius and open up a new multifaceted world for them.

For Capricorns, the first half of the month can be quite difficult and hectic. Difficult and unpleasant conversations, reproaches, and showdowns await them, especially among close people. This is not a suitable period for travel, signing contracts and important documentation, as there will be a lot of red tape and a waste of time and effort. In the second decade, many things will become more active, so Capricorns will be able to resolve their problems, albeit at a cost to themselves. The third decade will be more positive, since disputes in relationships will be resolved, mutually beneficial agreements will be reached, and helpers and wise advisers will be found. This is a very favorable period for working in a team, for diverse cooperation, as well as for freeing yourself from burdensome responsibilities, relationships and finding your comfort zone, even if alone.

This month, many Sagittarius will continue to implement their plans, ambitious plans, and assert themselves in business and in love. October is a positive period for diverse communication, for creating new business and creative alliances, especially the second and third decades of the month. And in the first, Sagittarius needs to be more restrained among colleagues and friends, since direct and frank statements can be misinterpreted by others. In the second decade, much of what was hidden may suddenly come out, there will be no understatement, so it will be possible to eliminate barriers in relationships. The third decade will be the most favorable and calm, although the level of Sagittarius’ vital energy will decrease, but this is a very successful period for discussing important issues, signing agreements, and participating in profitable projects.

The first and second ten days of October for Scorpios are a difficult and disharmonious period for their health. In the first ten days there will be a lot of fuss and accusations against them, so many Scorpios will be in some kind of ignorance of what to do. Much will come into motion, and past unfulfilled responsibilities and promises may be reminded of themselves by scandals and revelations. In the second decade, something will begin to become clearer, Scorpios will be able to develop the right strategy, they will begin to manage their funds more wisely, plan their actions, and therefore will be able to block the opposition of rivals and competitors. In the third decade, their energy potential will be restored, and a very favorable period will begin for Scorpios, when they will be very lucky, they will be able to build their own happiness and realize their business and creative potential.

October for Libra is a period of renewal of energy and plans. An inquisitive and inquisitive mind will help them succeed in the intellectual sphere, in public relations, in discussions and disputes. However, in the first decade, overly dynamic partners with their own ideas can disrupt Libra’s plans, and disagreements may arise more often during this period. The second decade will be more positive, Libra will have good luck, so they can become a kind of talisman in their company or team. At the same time, they will be able to find successful and profitable projects, the right people, and Libra will have no equal in establishing new connections. In the third decade, the situation will become calmer and more stable, it will be possible to resolve emerging contradictions with partners, thanks to Libra’s ability to separate the important from the unimportant and see the very essence of the relationship behind the vanity and petty grievances.

For Virgos, October is an active period, but not entirely favorable. They will be able to very successfully realize their creative potential, as well as demonstrate their talents. But in the financial sphere, Virgos may experience difficulties in the first decade; they may encounter unplanned expenses, some plans will be disrupted, past agreements will change, and they will not be able to freely manage their funds. In the second decade, they also should not risk their finances and property. In addition, it is possible that Virgos may need some of the funds to restore their health. At this time, they will feel more confident because they will be able to control their financial flows. And in the third decade, Virgo’s energy potential will increase, and unforgettable meetings and successful coincidences of circumstances await them, which will help put things in order.

October is a very active period for Leos, since they will have to communicate a lot both on career and business issues, as well as personal ones. However, the first decade in terms of communication and travel may not be suitable, since it will be difficult to reach agreements, as well as maintain discipline and agreements. The negative impact will also affect the perception and assimilation of information, so failures in learning and in any intellectual activity are possible. In the second decade, the head will work much better and more efficiently, and Leos will be able to use their authority and influence to win the trust of others and take advantage of their help. And in the third decade, the energies will become calmer and more constructive, and this is the most suitable time to consolidate your successes, enter into agreements, and go on business or romantic trips.

In the first and second decades of October, Cancers need to show more attention and care for their loved ones, since their mental comfort and career success will depend on the calm and harmonious environment in the house. The first ten days in this regard can be very tense, since mutual claims and grievances can make relationships problematic. In the second decade, Cancers will experience financial success and well-deserved payments, although for this they will have to make a lot of effort. At the same time, their position may turn out to be very unstable, which will be caused by a conflict of interests, the emergence of contenders for property or other rights of Cancers. All this can begin quite unexpectedly and have destructive tendencies. In the third decade, it will be possible to reach mutual understanding and come to mutually beneficial agreements, although Cancers will have to sacrifice something.

The second month of autumn is traditionally significantly different from the previous time stage, and October 2017 will not be an exception in this sense. Representatives of almost all zodiac signs will already feel in the first ten days that the world around is rapidly changing and in order to achieve what we want, we will also have to change. This is a bright, dynamic time, a time of experiments and new achievements. Our key patrons now will be Venus and the Sun, a powerful, albeit ambiguous planetary combination. The combination of these celestial objects does not guarantee one hundred percent success in any direction of life, but the fact that everyone will now have a chance to achieve what they want is certain. Of course, in the midst of autumn, peculiar patterns await us, taking into account which we will be able to realize the potential inherent in us. The key feature of the period is the ability to make quick but thoughtful decisions. Now there is no need to create a multifaceted strategy that takes into account far-reaching plans. On the contrary, it is logical to focus on the tactical features of October, which will have something to surprise us with. In addition, it makes sense to focus more on your own inventions. Of course, reasonable thoughts from the outside may well help you, but in most cases you will be one hundred percent right, and an outside opinion will only confuse you.

As for additional patrons, in October 2017 the signs of the element of Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will be able to do without “heavenly leaders”. In other words, these signs will have to rely only on key assistants, common to all inhabitants of the earth. This does not mean that representatives of the fire element will lose anything, although in certain situations their advantages will indeed not be as large-scale as they could be. On the other hand, they will not have to constantly turn around and control themselves; for them it is a period of greater freedom and less responsibility, which is always a winning characteristic. The element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) will receive the Moon as the “celestial leader”, which is an extremely positive point that cannot be ignored. The point is that it will be easier for overly bright representatives of this element to control themselves, and those around them will begin to react more “evenly” to their “freaks”. In addition, it will be easier for these signs to resolve issues of a communicative nature, although, at the same time, many points will have great ambiguity for them, and this will also have to be taken into account. The Earth element signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and the Air element signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) will be under the auspices of Neptune. For them, circumstances will be more successful, but every difficult situation will require greater flexibility.

Overall, October 2017 will indeed be successful for most zodiac signs. With a few exceptions, any situation will have decent prospects, and any crisis will be overcome, and with minimal effort. This time is ideal for starting a new business and new relationships, as well as experimenting with methods and possibilities. True, it is worth making a reservation about the positions of Uranus and Mars. This tandem will now be on the other side of the barricades, so it makes sense to listen to your inner voice. Provocations are possible; it may seem to you that a forceful method of solving a problem is the only correct one. Do not succumb to these influences, they are extremely destructive and can lead you to results that are directly opposite to those for which you strive. The stars recommend: control yourself, you will flex your muscles later, this is a time of creation, not war.

The horoscope for October 2017, being a general and speculative document, is nevertheless capable of having a significant impact on our daily lives. Simply put, he is an intermediary between our ideal desires and objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and is about to happen is subject to the powerful influence of celestial bodies. What will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us will depend on the configuration in which the planets are located. Having reliable information on this matter, we can most accurately plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, you will find a detailed and accurate horoscope for October 2017 in the personal horoscopes section.

Useful tips


This month your activity will mainly be focused on health, and work will also take up a lot of time and effort. Despite the stress, you should pay more attention to your health, because overwork and lack of good rest can cause problems.

This month you can use old methods that have already proven themselves in your work. It is possible that you will start something that you have been putting off for a long time. Now is a good time for tedious and meticulous work, which will require from you that same perseverance and attentiveness that you so lack.

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On unfavorable days of the month, old chronic diseases. Things will not be resolved quickly; there may be obstacles and difficulties in work. If you have your own business, there may be problems with subordinates.

After October 22 spend more time with your partners. You can look for new partners (business or personal), or build relationships with existing ones.

Attention those who were born during the period from 1 to 3 April any year. This month you will experience many positive emotions, despite the difficulties and obstacles that await Aries. Intuition will now increase greatly, there will be a need to rethink your life, you will be drawn to philosophy, you will want to go to church. There may be prophetic dreams. Watch for any signs!

Stress level : above average

Areas of greatest activity : health, work, partnership.


This month can bring you many pleasant moments; new romantic acquaintances are possible. However, not everything will be perfect: there may be problems with lovers or because of them. Relationships with children may also deteriorate, or they will upset you.

Closer to the middle of the month you can expect creative failures, this applies to a greater extent to people of creative professions. You may feel that you lack inspiration, and new creations will not give you pleasant emotions, and you will want to start all over again.

Read also:

This month is perfect for starting more active lifestyle. If you are already involved in sports, continue to be active and include new workouts in your schedule. But those who prefer to relax passively should change their habits.

Attention those who were born during the period from 7 to 9 May any year. This month will bring you a surge of strength, new emotions, new impressions and new ideas. It is likely that you will achieve what you have been going for for a long time. Your life is now seriously changing for the better, so accept everything that happens to you calmly: changes cannot be avoided anyway. A good month for starting your own business, starting some important project, new plans and implementing ideas.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : personal life, children.


Decision Anxiety family affairs, maybe this month is especially noticeable. You will worry about or about family members. For example, now it will be difficult to avoid quarrels with parents or other close relatives, especially if you live together. Or one of your relatives may get sick. It is better to postpone resolving serious issues related to inheritance and real estate: it will be difficult to reach an agreement.

In the first days of the month, the situation in the house will be much more favorable than closer to the middle of the month. Good at the beginning of the month buy something for the house, especially beautiful things, jewelry. It's also a good idea to go out of town or just take a walk in the park with your family.

Attention those who were born during the period from 2 to 4 June any year. This month can bring a lot of unknowns into your life. You will feel foggy and more distracted and inattentive. This is especially important if you have a demanding job that other people depend on.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : family, family affairs.


Your intellectual activity will be at its best: there will be many people around with whom you will communicate on a variety of issues. You may need to study several things at once.

Acquaintances and relatives, that is, people from your immediate circle, will now be part of the events that will touch you directly. There may be quarrels and disagreements with brothers and sisters or neighbors, loss of understanding with people from your inner circle.

This month is good collect some data, some information of interest, attend courses or listen to useful educational lectures. Information will come from literally everywhere.

The downside is vanity, the risk of getting bogged down in trifles, unnecessary troubles. On negative days of the month there may be problems with documents. There may be a need to urgently do some paperwork, which can bring additional worry and stress. Do not take these issues too seriously, so as not to attract health problems.

Attention those who were born during the period from 19 to 21 July any year. This month may be particularly stressful for you. Your outlook on life may completely change; the events of this month can seriously change your life and your worldview. There may be sharp blows of fate, surprises that will knock you out of your usual rut.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : communication, relationships with relatives and people from the immediate environment, education.

Astrological forecast for the best zodiac signs


This month you will have to worry about money: there may be unexpected expenses, various kinds of excitement. At the beginning of the month, you can make a good profit and increase your income level. But it is possible that on unfavorable days you will have to part with part of your earnings. We advise you to waste less money and save more.

Also not excluded monetary losses due to your fault: We do not recommend lending money or spending money on dubious entertainment that will not bring you proper pleasure.

This month your social circle may increase, new acquaintances will appear, but in the first half of the month it is better to be careful with new acquaintances, as they may unpleasant to surprise.

Attention those who were born during the period from July 23 to 28 any year. This month you will not feel too relaxed: there may be various not-so-pleasant events. It's better not to go on long journeys. Problems with authority figures may also arise. You won't be able to show your best side. There is a danger of your authority falling in the eyes of others!

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : money.


This month you will have a lot of energy and many opportunities to express yourself and use your talents, because active planet Mars will follow your sign. However, some may become more irritable and nervous, but this may be due to severe overexertion, so we advise you to rest and relax properly.

You may feel that there is simply nowhere to put your energy, so you can go in for sports or start some kind of new interesting project. This month you will make decisions mostly on your own, relying on yourself and relying less on someone else.

In the middle of the month, the usual things may fail; difficulties in achieving what you want, it will be difficult to resolve some issues that may become stuck. Wait out these days and don't do anything serious.

Attention those who were born during the period from 15 to 18 September any year. This month will be quite difficult for you, health problems may appear, fatigue and depression will be your companions. It is better for you not to start anything important: there are great risks that serious difficulties and delays will arise in business.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity.


You will be guided during this period subconscious and intuition: listen to it to make the right decisions and you can feel great at the end of the month.

For most of the month, you will not have the desire to be visible and advertise your intentions. If you have any new plans, keep them to yourself, then there is a better chance that everything will work out. will go exactly the way you want. It is likely that brilliant ideas and new opportunities will soon come to you, but for now it’s time to reflect and think about what you really want.

In the middle of the month you may have sad thoughts, there may be depression or a feeling of guilt. But, most likely, you will quickly forget about it. Now it is also important to monitor your health, as exacerbations of chronic diseases cannot be ruled out.

Attention those who were born during the period from 19 to 21 October any year. This month will not be easy for you: sudden and unexpected events can unsettle you, and it will be difficult to find guidelines. You can expect major changes in your personal or professional life.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity, events larger than the internal plan.


Your relationships with friends this month will be tested for strength: situations may arise that will make it clear who in your environment is your true friend and who is not worthy of being called one. Your plans and dreams have a chance turn at the beginning of the month, when your home planet Pluto makes positive aspects to Mars and then Venus. These are also good days for doing things together with friends, for relaxation and entertainment.

Near the middle of the month We advise you to be careful: It’s better not to lend money or get involved in dubious activities. Your hopes may be in vain, and your plans will collapse. At the end of the month, you will want to spend more time alone, seriously thinking about the future.

Attention those who were born during the period from 23 to 28 October any year. This month will bring you many new opportunities, good mood and good luck, and will make you more popular in society. All negative aspects will not be too painful for you: plans and hopes will be implemented in the best possible way. You will have more luck now than other representatives of the Scorpio sign.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with friends.

Astrological forecast for the sign


Your home planet Jupiter will change signs this month. This is a crucial moment that representatives of your sign will feel especially strongly. Most of the month you will be busy with work, you will boldly move towards your goals, but around the middle of the month you can change direction, or you will seriously think about what you want to change in your life. It is possible that your career plans will change, or you will be forced to leave your job and look for a new one.

The most successful period is expected in the second half of the month, then the chances of success are somewhat higher: you can look for a new job, set new goals, look for new opportunities.

By the end of the month, work will decrease somewhat, and you will have more opportunities to rest and relax with friends and in a pleasant circle.

Attention those who were born during the period from December 14 to 17 any year. Saturn will be passing through your Sun this month, so it is possible that you will not feel the most favorable feelings: self-esteem may fall, unpleasant thoughts about the future will appear, and your priorities may change for some reason. Be careful with your choice: there is a high risk that it will not be made in your favor.

Stress level : short.

Areas of greatest activity : work, achieving goals.


This month you will pay more attention to education, self-education, and travel. Now is your chance to learn more, and new knowledge can be a great help in the future for work and other purposes. Trips to distant countries you can plan almost the entire month, but it’s better at the very beginning of the month (around October 8), then there is a greater chance that they will be successful.

It's better in the middle of the month don't go anywhere, as there may be problems with foreigners, quarrels, disagreements. There may be problems with documents (they may not issue a visa, or there may be delays in flights, etc.) Studying may also not be easy: on unfavorable days of the month it is better to take a short break from studying.

This month you may have situations where you need to insist on your own. From how much you you will be convincing, your future luck may depend. You shouldn’t give up when you see serious resistance: stand your ground, don’t pay attention to failures.

Attention those who were born during the period from December 22 to 26 any year. This month (especially its second half) will be very successful for you, all negative aspects will pass you by, new opportunities will come, especially in work. Set new goals and boldly go towards them. This month will be more successful for you than for other Capricorns.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : education, travel, work, pursuit of goals.


This month will be quite difficult and stressful for you, full of all kinds of stress. You'll have to to work a lot to achieve your goals: more than usual. You will probably have to resolve issues related to business, other people's money, insurance, banks, etc. This month is unlucky for borrowing money or taking out loans: it will be difficult to pay off debts. If you need to resolve similar issues this month, choose first days of the month, or plan these things after October 20.

Casual relationships can also become dangerous. Don't rely on fate! Sexual potential will now be quite high, so it is better to restrain your impulses and use common sense.

Attention those who were born during the period from 16 to 18 February any year (that is, at the very end of the sign). All the negative aspects of the month that were mentioned above will be mitigated for you. You will have more luck than other representatives of your sign. This month will bring you more positive emotions and good opportunities.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : joint business, other people's money (debts, loans).


October will force representatives of your sign to think seriously about relationships. It may happen to you change of world view: What you once valued and treasured may no longer be so important.

The middle of the month is unlucky for sorting out relationships with partners and for making new connections. Try to avoid quarrels, as any little thing can lead to rupture or other serious consequences. This month will be especially dangerous for those who have complex and problematic relationships, as there is a high probability of breakups.

The first week of the month is suitable for collaboration, cooperation. We can solve a lot of things together. The end of the month will also be favorable for work. If you want to draw up some documents, negotiate or generally agree on something with someone, outline these things after October 20. Also at the end of the month, you can resolve issues related to insurance, loans, and banks.

In general, the month is very good for pay off debts.

Attention those who were born during the period from 16 to 18 March any year. This month may bring you new opportunities and unexpected situations that you can take advantage of in the future. The events of this month will be unexpected for you.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : partnership, papers, loans.

October 2017 will bring many significant changes to the life of our planet. On the one hand, can something major change in just 31 days? On the other hand, the October events will clearly show us that this is possible. Moreover, changes will occur not only on the scale of the entire planet, but also on the scale of each specific individual. Here's a good example. If until the middle of this autumn you behaved like the most ordinary, average person, for whom to be completely happy it is enough to have a stable, albeit not the highest income, a house, a family and a child, in October you will suddenly categorically dislike all your roles. And then, without any clear plan in front of your eyes, you will begin to destroy everything that you have been building for many years... And, as already noted, this impulse to take and crush your many years of foundations will be observed in very many people! It is not surprising that in mid-autumn the world will look like a miniature Apocalypse (well, only in miniature!). Fortunately, you and I are smart enough to stop this sudden anarchism in time, but only time will tell what consequences it will lead to...

October anarchism will have especially large-scale consequences for those of us involved in business. Agree, business is not an aspect in which you can be guided by your momentary moods! You have already been warned, which means you are armed (which means now it is up to you how quickly you can cope with your sudden impulse to destroy the bright future of your enterprise with your own hands). Simply put, any troubles will pass you by if you control your moods throughout October 2017.

The same advice is also relevant for those people who work in enterprises. Have you ever wanted to look into your eyes and tell your hated boss everything you think about his expensive but very vulgar car, his habit of yawning during important reports, and his flat jokes? Well, in October you may miss that acute moment when all the negative remarks will pour out of your mouth, like a river that has overflowed its banks and does not intend to return. It is clear that you will not get away with this frivolity, and severe punishment will follow. Hence the advice - if you value your current vacancy, carefully restrain your verbal flow and carefully weigh every word spoken.

The only people who will be helped by the anarchic mood of this October will be writers, poets, artists and musicians. People engaged in the creative field will be more keenly imbued with the spirit of October anarchism than anyone else, and then they will begin to create one unique masterpiece after another, thereby replenishing the world’s “piggy bank” of unique works of music, painting and literature! Of course, an anarchic spirit will be traced in them, but this will not make them any less masterpiece. Let our descendants then think and wonder why in the middle of autumn 2017 the spirit of destruction ruled the world!

By the way, be vigilant, because that same destructive spirit can easily reach the sphere of your love affections! People whose romance is in the “newborn” status should be especially vigilant during this crazy October. Your barely fledgling relationship will definitely not cope with an avalanche of negative emotions (of course, if you allow negativity into your love affair). Don’t do this, if your “newborn” romance is dear to you, cherish it as a precious gift received from Fate as a reward for the years of your loneliness.

Married people should also not think that the explosive moods of this October will in no way affect their long-term marriages. You risk more than anyone else, because tiny scandals over a burnt dinner or an unattached shelf in the middle of this fall could end in divorce for you. Yes, yes, a quarrel that began over a mere trifle, unnoticed by you, will develop into a large-scale conflict, after which you and your partner will begin to divide the jointly acquired property! If your marriage is truly dear to you, not only do not quarrel over trifles, but also create a completely opposite atmosphere within the walls of your home (an atmosphere of mutual understanding and love, with the help of which you can give a worthy rebuff to all the unpredictable October events).

Horoscopes for January 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for February 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for March 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for April 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for May 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for June 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for July 2017 by zodiac sign