Dream interpretation of a guy you like smiles at you. If you dream about a guy - why do you dream about the guy you like?

According to psychologists, a young man dreams of a girl who constantly thinks about her boyfriend, yearns or misses him. The subconscious reproduces the image of a loved one, thoughts about which haunt you all day. But sometimes a complete stranger appears to women in their dreams. What does this dream mean for a girl? A dream book will help you give the most accurate answer.

If you dream about a guy in a dream, what is it for?

Had to see a guy in a dream? Interpretations may be as follows:

  1. young man in a hat and long coat– the girl hides her thoughts from others, but soon she will have to open up;
  2. naked stranger– imminent danger;
  3. see a man in a light shirt- the marriage will be unhappy;
  4. dead young man lying on the road– you will soon discover new sources of income;
  5. ugly young man- you will be very disappointed with something;
  6. great man- you will know glory;
  7. annoying advances from a stranger– you will have to experience many unpleasant experiences due to the fault of a close friend;
  8. dreaming about a boy you like what does it mean– if the action takes place in a beautiful setting, you will soon be together.

I dreamed about a guy I like

You periodically dream of a guy you like, this means that your thoughts are occupied only with this person. An alternative interpretation is also possible, as suggested by the dream book:

  • a man comes towards you– pleasant surprises await you;
  • talk to a young man who interests you in reality - soon there will be good news about him;
  • kissing a boy– you will have a pleasant time together;
  • the guy's death makes me sympathetic- a new round of relationships, good luck in business, the beginning of a good stage in life.

Why does a guy dream from Thursday to Friday?

If you dream about a guy you like from Thursday to Friday– it is better to remember every detail of the dream, since during this period you can see mystical and truthful symbols.

If the young man had a pleasant appearance, and you yourself experienced positive emotions when you saw him - your relationship will work out great.

A naked man could mean that you like a narcissistic and self-centered person.

If you are in the same bed with the object of his sympathy - this means that he expects certain actions from you in real life.

The guy dreams from Friday to Saturday

Did you dream about a guy from Friday to Saturday? If the young man looked attractive, was calm or joyful, perhaps he is your destiny.

Did the guy show up in the company of friends? This may mean finding happiness with your loved one. Seeing a young man in a dream from Saturday to Sunday:

  • do you know him– expect to meet a close relative;
  • you saw your man, whom you are already dating- you will soon achieve success;
  • have sex with your man– your financial situation will improve;
  • A lonely girl sees a young man in a dream– the dream book warns that it’s time for her to stop delving into someone else’s “dirty laundry.”

A guy dreams from Sunday to Monday

If you dream of a guy from Sunday to Monday, with whom the dreamer is in love - he is preparing a pleasant surprise for her. The young man will demonstrate his true attitude towards his beloved, their romance will continue for a long time.

If you see your boyfriend in a dream that night, to which in reality you pay too little attention - it needs support.

An unfamiliar man appeared to a lonely young lady on this night - it is necessary to become softer so as not to scare off young people who pay attention to her.

If you dreamed about a person who likes Monday on Tuesday– a quick marriage and the birth of a child are possible. Flirting with a man means an adventure of dubious nature will soon occur.

The guy dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

The young man dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday- happiness awaits the dreamer. She will receive the attention of a young man whom she has liked for a long time.

Kiss the man you love means that you simply do not have enough warmth in your life.

If you start seeing images of your ex-boyfriend– he is bored and wants to improve the relationship.

You dream of a guy from Wednesday to Thursday whom you have loved for a long time– you suffer from loneliness, but a future together with this person is impossible.

Seeing in a dream the person you love but you are not together

You dream about the guy you love but you are not together– you need to pay attention to some details.

He is cheerful and joyful- there is a rival who occupies all his thoughts.

The sad look of the man indicates that he is experiencing mental anguish and torment due to feelings of guilt.

He has a bad character in your dream and a terrible mood - your friends are spreading gossip about you.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

When your ex sleeps The dream book warns of possible jealousy.

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend - the development of relations in the future is possible.

Intimate caresses- condemnation of his immediate circle, the ex’s mother will be especially dissatisfied.

If you see that the man you abandoned going down the aisle with another girl- you are jealous in vain.

Do you feel judged or disdained by him?- your other half is not suitable for you, it is also likely that he has another woman.

I dreamed of a man who hugs and kisses

If a lonely girl sees this dream– her life is too boring, she feels sexual dissatisfaction, and there is disappointment in past relationships.

Kissing in a dream with your regular partner– happiness awaits you in your family life, but conflicts may arise in the near future that should be quickly resolved.

You don't just hug and kiss a man, but you also experience great joy - the interpretation of such a dream can be literal. Soon you will actually find yourself in the arms of your loved one and feel happy.

What does it mean if you dream about a guy you like? If a girl sees such a dream, perhaps in reality her feelings for this person are very strong. In reality, they may even be unrequited, but in a dream the young man will smile and care for her. That is, do everything that a lady expects in real life. Such a dream may simply be part of a girl’s fantasies about a young man; it means little.

If a guy you like in a conversation with a sleeping woman is unable to look directly into her eyes, his eyes run around, most likely, in real life he is not trustworthy. They talk about such people - in their own minds. When a young man in a dream is rude, behaves rudely and very frivolously, most often this is a harbinger of an imminent separation. This person is not suitable for the dreamer. They have different paths.

If a guy you like brings a bouquet of red roses in a dream, in reality the girl needs to prepare for a warm, intimate conversation, a romantic evening. It is possible that the date will end in intimacy. Each author's dream book answers the question of what it means if you dream about a guy you like, in its own way. Below we present some interpretations.

A guy who likes dreams means that the girl will soon meet her beloved.

Modern dream book

The guy you like dreams of love games.

Eastern dream book

What does it mean if you dream about a guy you like? Kissing your loved one in the dark means gossip and condemnation from society. If this happens in the light, then the sleeper will show himself on the good side. When a bride dreams that her chosen one has married someone else, in reality she will be tormented by attacks of jealousy, which has no basis in reality. A dream in which a girl is upset that her boyfriend treats her indifferently, in reality means that she will face a painful choice between marriage and freedom.

Treason on the part of the dreamer herself dreams that she will deceive her beloved. If the opposite dream occurs (the guy she likes cheats on the sleeping woman), in reality her trust may be abused. A dream where a lady cheats on her chosen one out of revenge means that everything will go smoothly in her family life.

A dream in which a girl received a photo from her betrothed suggests that in reality he does not love her, but simply uses her for some selfish purposes. If a guy she likes gives an unmarried lady expensive gifts, in reality she will have a decent and rich husband. A dream in which a girl is walking with her beloved in a well-groomed and very beautiful park foreshadows her having a great time, and in the future - a happy marriage.

If a young woman dreams that she is having dinner with her chosen one, this is a warning. In reality, their couple is facing separation or a very serious quarrel. What does it mean if you dream of a guy you like, and in this vision he says goodbye to you? For a lady, this dream is a sign of indifference on the part of her beloved. If a girl experiences absolutely no emotions when breaking up with a guy, then in reality she will have many fans.

Anchor points:

From Monday to Tuesday

I have a dream - to meet this guy. Fate is showing you that it is worth taking action rather than hiding your feelings. He also has sympathy in your direction, but whether it will flare up even more or gradually fade away depends only on your further actions.

From Tuesday to Wednesday

New relationships await you, and not necessarily with the dreamed person. The new stage of life will be filled with positive emotions and interesting meetings. You will feel the happiest, and it will really be so. The person nearby will take care of it.

From Wednesday to Thursday

This dream foreshadows changes only in professional life. At school or work, you will be able to show your best side, but all positive changes will happen only if you yourself want it. Career growth will largely depend on your communication skills.

From Thursday to Friday

From Thursday to Friday - prophetic dream. The person you like thinks about you often and would not mind continuing your acquaintance in a romantic way. At this moment in time, he is afraid to open up and honestly admit his feelings, but very soon he will no longer be able to restrain his emotions.

From Friday to Saturday

From Friday to Saturday - it means this person has strong feelings for you. You make him jealous with your behavior, although you don’t think that you can cause pain in this way. You should talk and open up to each other.

From Saturday to Sunday

You are waiting for an invitation to a romantic date or a walk from a person who has long been attracted to you. Most likely, this is not at all, but don’t rush to give up. This new experience and pleasant pastime can soon develop into tender love.

From Sunday to Monday

This guy is not indifferent to you, moreover, he is counting on a long and strong relationship and is already making plans for your union. Expect gifts from him and interesting ideas that will captivate you.

Kisses a guy on the lips, according to the dream book, means that someone liked you, perhaps even this very guy. A mutual kiss on the lips means mutual sympathy. A kiss on the cheek means you like your appearance. Kisses on the neck - unexpected interest from someone you didn’t expect. Kisses hands - they are not just interested in you, but also want more. Kisses your forehead - he thinks about you, appreciates not only your appearance, but also your intelligence. Kisses another girl - indicates the boy’s love of love, willingness to cheat for the sake of physical pleasure. Just seeing a boy kissing a girl means wanting to add a touch of romance to your own life. I just wanted to kiss you, but I didn’t dream of the kiss itself - you’ll like you, but nothing more. An acquaintance kisses another - passion for another girl.

Boy raises picks you up, carries you in your arms, lifts you up - support from a romantically minded young man. He took another girl in his arms - this person is ready to help, not paying attention to the fact that sometimes he acts contrary to the interests of his couple.

I dream that you love- feel the need for romance, fiery feelings. pesters, pursues boy - to arouse interest in oneself. Calling - they need you.

Boy gave a gift - to interest in you. Given a ring - they want to be with you. Gives flowers in a dream - they sympathize with you; a more accurate interpretation will be if you pay attention to their color and variety. For example, giving a rose means experiencing love or passion. If you give me earrings, they will flirt with you. Treats something tasty - to temptation, flirting.

Boy intently looks into your eyes, he observes - he wants to know better, he is interested in you. Looks away– deliberately ignores. Doesn't pay attention- He doesn’t think about you at all, he already has enough to do.

I dream that cheats a guy with another girl - to real betrayal in reality. In a dream, a boy cheated with his girlfriend - those you trust will let you down. Betrayal by a person you don’t even know in life - be careful, they want to set you up. Married someone else, dreamed about his wedding - the soul of your chosen one is drawn to another person. Seeing someone kissing means being deceived. Cheating on his girlfriend with you means being involved in an ugly story. He loves someone else - the dream suggests that the boy has noticed someone on the side. Betrayal - they intend to set you up, to treat you dishonestly.

“Why do I dream about cheating on a guy who I just know in life?” To know how they can let you down, all you have to do is just be on guard and not allow yourself to be treated dishonestly.

Lying- a low act.

Abandoned, fell out of love- friction and discord will arise in your relationship, and you will not be the initiator. He left for someone else - they are trying to interfere in your relationship, the appearance of a third person in the couple. Rejects - not inclined to be with you, does not show interest. Kicks you out of the house - experiences negative emotions towards you. Indifferent, ignores, avoids, does not want to communicate, passed by - to indifference in real life. Offended, I dream of an offended boy - inadvertently hurting or infringing a loved one. Jealous a stranger to you - to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Jealousy of a guy you know - you will be accused of something.

Boy came to visit you means rapprochement or a desire to become closer, to learn more about you. He came to you from afar - he wants to see you in reality. Boy leaves from you - to separation, quarrel or misunderstanding. He left for another girl - to a quarrel, a cooling of passion because of a rival. He was taken away - someone is deliberately trying to deceive you. He went into the army, was drafted into the army - the need to take a certain step, to decide on some action, and if you do not fulfill the duty yourself, then circumstances will force you. Came back- the need to return to the past. Returned from the army, came from the army - fulfilled obligations. He is visiting - he is thinking about you.

Blushed- get into a spicy situation, find yourself in an awkward position. Shy– lack of courage at the right time.

Dreaming like a guy hit you, shot, attacked, bites - a persistent manifestation of interest, but most often physical desires. Beats a representative of the fairer sex - someone else was preferred to you. But if He was beaten by a girl, then they have their eyes on the boy. A man's fight means a showdown, misunderstandings, and squabbles. Raped- to forced actions that you will not like. Repels- to coldness on the part of the boy you like.

Boy saves protects you in a dream - to find support in reality, to endure the trials of fate and find a way out of the current difficult situation. Saved from the water - they will support you when your own emotions overwhelm you.

Doused water - someone will impulsively tell you everything that has accumulated in their soul.

The guy is somewhere coming in a dream - despite the seeming stagnation in business, there is still movement towards the goal. Waiting you - someone is waiting for you to pay attention to him. Waiting for someone else - to find yourself in the role of someone waiting. sat down, sat down - the need for a break, it is very important to stop and think through the next actions.

Familiar guy crying in a dream, to see his tears - indicates that this person is loving and is ready to trail behind every skirt. A stranger is crying - to forced unpleasant situations that will turn out to be for the better for you. The boy smiles according to the dream book - to a pleasant pastime in male society. Laughs- to have success with men. But if they made fun of you, on the contrary, become the object of someone’s unflattering jokes.

Sings songs - to hear pleasant words about yourself.

A familiar guy in a dream died, died - to his longevity, however, the dream may also indicate troubles in his personal life. If you dream of the death of a stranger, troubles are already threatening you directly. He did not die, but was killed - someone will destroy your hopes and romantic dreams. Got in an accident– be careful, the people around you now are easily excitable and are ready to start a conflict at any moment.

Smokes– a tense situation when it is important to show your best side.

What did you do

In a dream want guy - in reality have unsatisfied physical needs of an intimate nature. Kiss with a boy on the lips - to experience attraction (not necessarily to this particular person). A kiss with a boy you like means mutual interest. Kissing just an acquaintance means becoming interested in the opposite sex, but not necessarily in this particular representative. A kiss on the neck from your side means unexpectedly becoming infatuated with someone. Kissing on the cheek means you will like someone in appearance.

Embrace, mutual hugs - mutual readiness to support; if we are not talking about a specific person, then the dream indicates mutual assistance in your environment. Snuggle to the boy - the need for protection. Sit on your knees– to be dependent on this person, or on someone else, to receive support, help.

Lie in bed next to your boyfriend, the interpretation from the dream book reveals your need for rest. Lying in an embrace means the need for a strong shoulder. Sleeping side by side is the same thing, but to a greater extent. And here get laid with a boy, making love to him - the dream indicates the body’s need for physical intimate release.

holding hands with a guy, walk hand in hand, walk arm in arm - cherish each other, mutual attraction. Dance with a boy means to experience very pleasant feelings, attraction to someone; also, a dream about dancing can predict a beautiful romance.

“Why do I often dream that I fell in love with a guy in my dreams?” Your heart is ready to respond with love as soon as a worthy candidate appears.

Begin meet with a guy according to the dream book, going for a walk, being on a date - a lack of love, romance, walks under the moon in real life. This dream of meeting a boy often simply reflects inner desires. Live with a young man in a dream - readiness to start a family. A dream can also indicate spiritual intimacy.

See off the boy, when he leaves - to separation. Meet long-awaited beloved - to His appearance in your life (if not in person, then he can write or call, send a message). Also, a dream can only reflect your hidden desire.

We broke up according to mutual desire - mutual reproaches, cooling on both sides. Parting for a while - the former ardor will disappear involuntarily or forcedly. Break up with a stranger - be more delicate with others. Leaving and handing over the keys to his apartment means it’s time to change something in your personal life, perhaps even break up with your lover.

Argument with a guy (quarrel, quarrel, quarrel, scold, quarrel) - defend your opinion, try to reach each other, open your eyes to something. Fight with a boy - to mutual misunderstanding, the desire to prove something to each other. To beat Him is to strive for him, to desire his company. choke– obsession, excessive attention, total control, excluding personal life and freedom to choose the object of your love.

Make peace with a guy in a dream - to desire reconciliation, mutual understanding with a loved one. To put up with yourself is to feel guilty. Reconciliation of another couple before your eyes - realize the need to take the first step.

Run away from the boy - subconsciously distance yourself from this person, or in general from male attention, relationships with the stronger sex. Hide from the boy - to be modest and embarrassed in male society. Run after the young man catching up, chase - the dream indicates to you some clinginess, obsession with the male sex or a certain person. Running after each other - they say about such relationships that apart they are bored, but together they are cramped. Refuse in intimacy or meetings - subconscious unpreparedness for changes in personal life.

Lose– loss of contact, the ability to understand a loved one. Search guy - searching for a soulmate in reality. For those who have already found a couple, the dream is interpreted as a search for common points of contact and mutual understanding. Find loss - to the creation of harmonious relationships.

Acquaintance dreaming about a guy - meeting in reality someone who interests you. Getting to know someone you know means learning something new about them. Like in a boy’s dream – the need for attention and sympathy from the opposite sex.

Marry for your boyfriend - to closer communication, close relationships. A wedding with a stranger or just an acquaintance means known or unforeseen changes in life.

Change to your boyfriend with another in a dream - to act in reality towards a loved one is not very nice. Watching a girl cheat on a boy means becoming an accomplice in betrayal.

Choose a guy from two or more contenders for your heart - find yourself in a situation of choice where a wrong decision can ruin your entire romance and harmonious relationship.

Feed guy - try to please him. Treating someone with sweets is openly tempting. To help- lend a helping hand to your neighbor. The dream also calls on you to be more careful so as not to accidentally deny someone in need your sympathy. Bathe boy, wash his hair - show your special affection.

Play- flirt with the opposite sex, lure into your nets, but it is not yet known who is the fisherman and who is the fish.

Drive in a car with a guy, according to the dream book, it means moving in the same direction, having similar goals. Ride, have fun together - have similar views on relaxation and a pleasant pastime.

Swim with a young man - to a love affair. Fly- to mutual love.

Take pictures in the company of a boy - to enjoy happy moments, to preserve them in memory.

Other dreams involving a boy

Seeing a guy in a dream in car– you don’t control your own destiny at the moment, however, you don’t have to worry as long as everything goes as it should. By bike- not the fastest, but easiest way to implement plans. On a motorcycle– achieve the goal, despite the possible risk. Rides in the bus– you will have to go about your daily affairs. Behind the wheel- master of your life.

On horseback- be in a winning position. But a dream about a boy on a horse indicates that they are lying to you.

In prison- inability to do as you want. In the hospital– the plan will be achieved with difficulty; weak point is health. In the forest- to pleasant communication.

Dreaming about a boy In the bed- to fatigue, the need to sleep, relax. In bed dreamed of a boy - to dreams of an intimate nature. At the table- goodbye.

Photo a guy in the dream book means to believe a deceptive impression about someone. Seeing a photo of a young man with you - it just seems to you that you could become an ideal couple. A photograph of a boy with another girl suggests that not all of your chosen one’s actions are honest; after rummaging through your memory, you will probably remember facts that discredit Him.

Hear the name boy (surname) or see what is written - a noticeable role of a person with this name in your life.

The guy is dreaming with baby– your ideas now have prospects and a real chance of ending in success. With a dog- the opportunity to soon find a reliable friend in the person of a fan, or, on the contrary, the need to look at your friend more closely, since he may become your soul mate. With flowers- an indication of the feelings and emotions experienced (interpret the color and variety).

With stroller to see a boy - readiness to start a family and procreate.

With a knife dreamed about it - a threat to your safety and mental peace.

Closing their eyes, many impatiently wait to see what or who will appear to them in a dream. And how nice it is to see a loved one in your dream.

Why do you dream about a guy you like? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about a guy you like - basic interpretation

A guy who a girl really likes may appear in her dreams because she thinks about him very often. The subconscious in a dream simply gives a picture of what the brain process is most occupied with. Especially if the girl’s experiences were associated with not entirely positive emotions and situations.

The guy she likes and his behavior in a dream reflect the girl’s subconscious desires and needs; perhaps she would like more intimacy, but there is no such possibility yet, and that is why she dreams of him so actively. Perhaps, on the contrary, she is indignant in reality because of his behavior and is thinking about breaking off the relationship completely. Therefore, her sleep is disturbing, and she sees her lover in a dream, as in reality.

What should you pay special attention to after sleep?

Did the dialogue take place with the guy;

Actions with a guy;

Sleep mood;

Emotional state after the dream;

Was anyone else involved in the dream?

In order to fully interpret such a dream, it is necessary to take into account all its little details and nuances. Even down to what you and your life partner were wearing, because every detail of the dream is important and can clarify the picture of future events that will happen to you. It is important to remember that you should not mistrust dreams; sometimes they clearly predict the future and literally convey upcoming conversations and events.

If you suddenly met your soulmate in a dream and cannot understand where he is going, you should weigh the pros and cons and moderate your ardor. Most likely, in reality you are plagued by jealousy and lack of confidence in yourself and in your relationships. Even in reality, you are trying to control every step of your life partner, and this only leads you to a dead end in relationships, since each person consciously wants to remain free and wants to be trusted.

If you just like the guy for now, and we’re not talking about any budding relationships - you should be attentive to his actions in reality. This is necessary so as not to miss the moment when the relationship can reach a completely different level, when you can open up in it and not only enjoy yourself, but also make your man happy.

If you like a guy and in reality does not show any interest in you, but in a dream he actively courtes you - take a close look at his behavior, perhaps he is actively preoccupied with you in his thoughts. A dream can give a clear hint on how to behave in order to bring him into dialogue. So that he begins to take initiative in reality.

It is important to remember all the details of the dream and especially all the dialogues; sometimes very important information is hidden in them, which allows us to reveal through the prism of the dream all the nuances of relationships between people.

Why do you dream about a guy you like according to the esoteric dream book?

Why do you dream about a guy you like? The esoteric dream book says that such a dream foreshadows a meeting in reality. It is important to remember what you and he were wearing. If clothes constrained you and squeezed you, then you will be overly restrained in relationships in reality. If the clothes were too big for you - you will allow yourself too much.

Seeing yourself in a chic evening dress is an opportunity to spend the evening with each other. If you dream that the guy you like confesses his feelings to you, you shouldn’t get your hopes up right away. Such a dream has a very double meaning and rather promises you the opportunity to get closer to him, but not a love relationship. The whole point is that you are already close to him spiritually and morally, but for some reason in reality neither you nor he take the first steps towards living together.

It is important to remember what else you did together with the guy in your dream. If you dream of meeting his relatives, you are more likely to be afraid that his family will not accept you. If the relationship between you has not yet been formed, then the dream advises you to be the first to establish relationships with his close circle. If the relationship is already emerging - try to please those around him.

If in a dream you are sitting at the same table not only with him, but also with his relatives, you should take a close look at these people, perhaps there is an enemy among them who will harm you in every possible way and interfere with building relationships in reality. To receive something as a gift from your loved one in a dream - such a dream suggests that you should not relax, most likely, all your shortcomings and shortcomings will come out, and you yourself will ruin the pleasant moments of spending time together.

It is important to remember exactly what gift you received from your friend.

If this is a beautiful decoration, then your relationship in the near future will be more like a practical joke, an acting game, a relationship for others;

If you were given a personal item as a gift, the guy trusts you completely;

If he gave you flowers, you have the opportunity to win his heart.

If a guy who you like in reality, but shows no interest in you, offers you his hand in marriage in a dream, such a dream means that you should not trust him and trust him with your secrets. In fact, he is a two-faced person who puts his interests above yours, and you feel this on a subconscious level. Trust your intuition, do not deviate from your principles.

Why do you dream about a guy you like according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that a girl dreams about a guy she likes when her emotions take over her reason. In this case, she becomes a hostage to her dreams and can quite easily ruin a budding relationship. The whole point is that at the moment, most likely, she puts in first place the desire to possess the object and only then make his life better and her life with him happy. But she has different concepts of happiness with him, so they can’t build a relationship in reality. What does this mean? That they have different values ​​and even hobbies in sex. Most likely, the guy is not yet ready for a serious relationship, but the girl, on the contrary, only dreams about it.

If a girl dreams of sex with a guy she likes and the sex will be quite pleasant and tender, then the partners have the opportunity to establish sexual relationships, and the sensual side will play an important role in this.

If a girl dreams that the guy she likes has cheated, then in reality it’s worth taking a close look at his behavior and his friends. Most likely, he still has another half and he does not consider it necessary to remain faithful. But is such a relationship suitable for a girl, or is it better for her to remain alone?

Why do you dream about a guy you like according to other dream books?

In the Universal dream book it is said that a guy who kisses you in a dream foretells minor troubles that will quickly end, and you can quickly get back into a rut. There will be losses, but they will be insignificant. It is important to take a closer look at the behavior of your close circle in the coming weeks. Most likely, someone has been deceiving you for a long time.

If the guy you like begins to actively show interest in you in a dream, but you don’t see any further development of the relationship, don’t delude yourself. It is important to remember how long you communicate with a guy in a dream, what exactly he says to you - these phrases contain the true essence of everything that is happening.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that if a guy you like in reality tells you in a dream that he is infatuated with another, such a dream indicates that it is time for you to reconsider your attitude towards your personal life. You are too conservative and reserved, so you miss your opportunities. Opportunities to develop your life, receive love from the opposite sex. It’s high time for you to go in search of true feelings and not expect reciprocity from that person who doesn’t value you.

Do not worry if in a dream you experienced somewhat disturbing feelings and emotions. Most likely, you have nothing to fear. You are simply too emotionally worried about the troubles and failures that accompany your personal life. In order to improve the situation, you need to actively engage with yourself, but not with your partner.

Improve your life and find inner happiness and joy, and life will make sure that you have a worthy person next to you.