Sapphire: the meaning of a dream. Sapphire according to the dream book Why do you dream of a ring with sapphire

Sapphire is a sign of a lucky win, but you should treat your chosen one with all the strictness.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

2 English dream book

Seeing a sapphire in a dream means:

Sapphire - Beautiful sky blue sapphires are traditionally believed to extinguish the flames of love and embody peace, open-mindedness, and the pursuit of knowledge. Why do you dream: Sapphires can symbolize platonic love and friendship due to similarity of thinking.

3 Azar's Dream Book

Sapphire for a woman means that she must be demanding of her chosen one; sapphire lucky win.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


4 Esoteric dream book

Dreaming with sapphire means:

Sapphire - to great love that brings mental anguish.
If there is a sapphire in the ring, this love can become fatal for you.
Take, receive, have - everything will soon come true.
Losing, throwing, giving - fighting the feeling is useless. This is your destiny, karma.

5 Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Sapphire dream meaning:

What does Sapphire mean in a dream? What does it mean - faith; world; luck. Finding sapphires means working on your spiritual life; they give you sapphires - the search for a spiritual teacher; faith.

6 Dream Interpretation Maya

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a sapphire:

Good meaning: If you dreamed of jewelry with a sapphire, then very soon you will be proposed for marriage. To make this happen faster, rub your hand with coal and apply it to your heart.
Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were mining sapphire, then get ready for hard and thankless work. To prevent this from happening, wear sapphire jewelry for a week, tied with red thread.

7 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

What a sapphire can mean in a dream:

Seeing a sapphire or jewelry with sapphire in a dream means significant expenses.
In a dream, you buy or sell sapphire - you should be more careful about your income and expenses.
Losing a sapphire means a big win.
If you dreamed that you were given a sapphire, you will soon be given an unfortunate gift.
You dreamed that you were wearing jewelry with sapphire - pay more attention to your affairs.

After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

8 Dream Interpretation 2012

Sapphire in a dream means:

Sapphire is a reflection of the Force. The need for courage to receive Power.

9 Loff's Dream Book

If a girl dreams of a sapphire, it means:

Sapphire is a crystal of faith, peace and good luck. Therefore, dreams with the presence of sapphire have to do with receiving or finding these attributes in your life. The key point in determining the meaning of the dream is whether you find the sapphire yourself or whether it is presented to you by another person. If you find sapphires yourself, you may need to dive deep into your soul for the peace and spiritual wisdom that is missing in your life. If they are presented to you, it means that your life itself requires some spiritual instruction, guidance or management.

10 Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream of sapphire:

To see is a solid win in some game;
for a woman - be more demanding of your chosen one.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

11 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why does a woman dream about sapphire:

Seeing or having sapphire is imprudence.

12 Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a sapphire in a dream means:

To dream that various items of your clothing are decorated with sapphires means that you will commit a very large waste.
For a woman to see a sapphire in a dream is a sign that she should be demanding of her chosen one.

13 Dream book of health

A dream with a sapphire in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing or holding a sapphire is a sign of careless and rash actions; to see sapphire jewelry - to the joy of striving for the sublime.

Sapphire is a very pretty stone that will not leave anyone indifferent. Seeing him in a dream is a sign of temptation, prophesies most popular dream interpreters. Whether this is true and why you dream of sapphire can be found out by remembering the details of the dream and checking the dream book.

“Sapphire” dreams and their interpretations according to Miller’s dream book

If you dreamed of a sapphire, rejoice! This means that you will be lucky in some game. But when making bets, remember that the real winner is the one who knows how to stop in time, reminiscent of the dream book of the famous psychologist G. Miller.

Does a woman dream of a blue gemstone? A dream can be called a warning. She needs to be more demanding of her lover, because it is likely that his rival will be able to seduce him.

Jewelry as a symbol of intense passions and feelings

Seeing a massive ring with a sapphire on your finger is a sign of fatal love with bouts of unbridled passion, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book.

A chic necklace with sapphires and diamonds - your feelings will be so strong that they will bring you and your loved one not so much happiness as mental anguish.

Earrings with a blue gemstone, seen in a dream, prophesy to the dreamer a useless struggle with his own feelings.

I dreamed of a beautiful gold set, which included a ring, earrings and a necklace, decorated with small and large sapphires - to all-consuming and even sacrificial love for your chosen one.

Sapphire in the interior - unexpected expenses await you

Do you dream that you are in a museum that displays an exhibition of art objects inlaid with dark blue stones? The interpretation of the dream is this: do not make thoughtless purchases, otherwise you will remain broke.

Seeing a painting or panel made of sapphire chips made by yourself means minor expenses, predicts the Lunar Dream Book.

If you dreamed that your furniture was decorated with beautiful blue stones, this signifies very large purchases. Think before you commit them whether you really need them.

Buy, sell, find, or From sadness to joy...

Admiring sapphire crafts in a jewelry workshop and eventually buying something is a sign of joy and fun.

If in your dreams you saw yourself as a seller of products with blue stones, vices, temptations and troubles associated with them await you, predicts Miss Hasse’s dream book.

Finding an uncut dark blue mineral in a dream means reconsider your behavior. You need peace of mind, which you don't have.

And if you are lucky enough to find a ring with a sapphire in a dream, you will meet a person who will change your idea of ​​life.

A precious gift - for fulfillment of desires and success

A woman dreamed that her husband gave her a gold ring with a sapphire and a diamond on the day of the conception of their child - a very personal, one might say intimate, wish will come true, the Eastern Dream Book promises.

For a man to receive a signet with sapphires as a gift from his beloved - to success in love, and if cufflinks were presented - to successful business or work-related matters.

A woman dreams that her husband, in addition to the ring given on the day the child was conceived, also presented earrings, but for the birth of a son or the birth of a daughter - you can safely make plans, they have every chance of being realized.

The article on the topic: “why do you dream of sapphires according to Miller’s dream book” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream about Sapphire from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Sapphire: interpretation of the dream

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does Sapphire dream in night dreams?

Sapphire - To dream that various items of your clothing are decorated with sapphires means that you will commit a very large waste. For a woman to see a sapphire in a dream is a sign that she should be demanding of her chosen one.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why do you dream about Sapphire?

Seeing Sapphire in a dream – Sapphire is a crystal of faith, peace and good luck. Therefore, dreams with the presence of sapphire have to do with receiving or finding these attributes in your life. The key point in determining the meaning of the dream is whether you find the sapphire yourself or whether it is presented to you by another person. If you find sapphires yourself, you may need to dive deep into your soul for the peace and spiritual wisdom that is missing in your life. If they are presented to you, it means that your life itself requires some spiritual instruction, guidance or management.

What does sapphire mean in dreams, interpretation:

Seeing sapphire in a dream means great love that brings mental anguish. If there is a sapphire in the ring, then this love can become fatal for you. Taking, receiving, having everything will soon come true. Losing, abandoning, giving up, fighting against feelings is useless. This is your destiny, karma.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Sapphire according to the dream book?

Sapphire - Seeing or having it is imprudence

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Sapphire is dreaming, why?

Sapphire (stone) – Seeing or having it is imprudence.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of Sapphire in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream of Sapphire according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dream about Sapphire from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about Sapphire according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about Sapphire from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of Sapphire in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about Sapphire in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Tue October 25, 2016, 16:15:39

Sapphire in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Sapphire according to the dream book

Sapphire is a very pretty stone that will not leave anyone indifferent. Seeing him in a dream is a sign of temptation, prophesies most popular dream interpreters. Whether this is true and why you dream of sapphire can be found out by remembering the details of the dream and checking the dream book.

“Sapphire” dreams and their interpretations according to Miller’s dream book

If you dreamed of a sapphire, rejoice! This means that you will be lucky in some game. But when making bets, remember that the real winner is the one who knows how to stop in time, reminiscent of the dream book of the famous psychologist G. Miller.

Does a woman dream of a blue gemstone? A dream can be called a warning. She needs to be more demanding of her lover, because it is likely that his rival will be able to seduce him.

Jewelry as a symbol of intense passions and feelings

Seeing a massive ring with a sapphire on your finger is a sign of fatal love with bouts of unbridled passion, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book.

A chic necklace with sapphires and diamonds - your feelings will be so strong that they will bring you and your loved one not so much happiness as mental anguish.

Earrings with a blue gemstone, seen in a dream, prophesy to the dreamer a useless struggle with his own feelings.

I dreamed of a beautiful gold set, which included a ring, earrings and a necklace, decorated with small and large sapphires - to all-consuming and even sacrificial love for your chosen one.

Sapphire in the interior - unexpected expenses await you

Do you dream that you are in a museum that displays an exhibition of art objects inlaid with dark blue stones? The interpretation of the dream is this: do not make thoughtless purchases, otherwise you will remain broke.

Seeing a painting or panel made of sapphire chips made by yourself means minor expenses, predicts the Lunar Dream Book.

If you dreamed that your furniture was decorated with beautiful blue stones, this signifies very large purchases. Think before you commit them whether you really need them.

Buy, sell, find, or From sadness to joy...

Admiring sapphire crafts in a jewelry workshop and eventually buying something is a sign of joy and fun.

If in your dreams you saw yourself as a seller of products with blue stones, vices, temptations and troubles associated with them await you, predicts Miss Hasse’s dream book.

Finding an uncut dark blue mineral in a dream means reconsider your behavior. You need peace of mind, which you don't have.

And if you are lucky enough to find a ring with a sapphire in a dream, you will meet a person who will change your idea of ​​life.

A precious gift - for fulfillment of desires and success

A woman dreamed that her husband gave her a gold ring with a sapphire and a diamond on the day of the conception of their child - a very personal, one might say intimate, wish will come true, the Eastern Dream Book promises.

For a man to receive a signet with sapphires as a gift from his beloved - to success in love, and if cufflinks were presented - to successful business or work-related matters.

A woman dreams that her husband, in addition to the ring given on the day the child was conceived, also presented earrings, but for the birth of a son or the birth of a daughter - you can safely make plans, they have every chance of being realized.

Why do you dream about sapphire?

Seeing a sapphire or jewelry with sapphire in a dream means significant expenses.

In a dream you are buying or selling sapphire - you should be more careful about your income and expenses.

Losing a sapphire means a big win.

If you dreamed that you were given a sapphire, you will be given an unfortunate gift in the near future.

You dreamed that you were wearing jewelry with sapphire - pay more attention to your affairs.

To dream that various items of your clothing are decorated with sapphires means that you will commit a very large waste.

For a woman to see a sapphire in a dream is a sign that she should be demanding of her chosen one.

Seeing or holding a sapphire is a sign of careless and rash actions; to see sapphire jewelry - to the joy of striving for the sublime.

for a woman - be more demanding of your chosen one.

Seeing or having sapphire is imprudence.

Dreams come true by day:

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Why do you dream about sapphire - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's Dream Book

dream interpretation sapphire

sapphire in a dream promises a significant win in a certain game; a woman who sees a sapphire in a dream should choose her life partners more carefully and attentively.

Loff's Dream Book

sapphire symbolizes success, and if it appears in a dream, it predicts good luck; found a sapphire - think about the reasons for events in life, understand the possibilities, evaluate impartially: perhaps you will have enough of your own fortitude to achieve your goals; if a sapphire is given or handed to you, then you cannot do without the guiding force, the wise guidance of an older, benevolent mentor.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

sapphire according to the dream book

owning or seeing a sapphire is careless behavior.

Esoteric dream book

sapphire - a strong feeling is coming, love associated with mental suffering; if a sapphire is inserted into a ring, love will bring torment and prove fatal; you receive or have a sapphire - dangerous love is close; throw away this precious stone, give it away or lose it - these are your attempts to resist unwanted feelings, but they are in vain: your fate is destined from above.

People also dreamed about sapphire

A dream from Saturday to Sunday does not foretell negative events, but shows whether hopes and dreams will come true.

Why do you dream about Sapphire according to the dream book?

The Oracle's Dream Interpretation considers sapphire as a symbol of temptation. For a woman, the stone indicates the need to increase demands on her partner. Sapphire portends a lucky win, good luck.

Earrings with sapphires promise a vain struggle with the manifestation of your own feelings. All attempts to be distracted by something else will be in vain; passion will still take over you. A set of gold jewelry consisting of a sapphire ring, earrings and a necklace foreshadows an all-consuming passion for your soulmate.

We admired the sapphire jewelry in the store window, although we knew that it was a fake - we were in for a fun time, especially if we decided to make a purchase. They themselves sold jewelry with sapphires - to temptations and vices that could end in trouble.

Finding an uncut sapphire means you are tormented by mental anguish, lacking harmony and peace. If you found a ring with a sapphire, it means you will meet someone who can change your worldview.

You should not suppress your own emotions, let them come out, but make sure that this emotional outburst does not harm anyone. Allow yourself to relax at least for a while, this will help you concentrate on solving emerging problems in the future.

I dreamed of jewelry with sapphires

Dreaming of sapphire jewelry means problems in business. A ring with a sapphire promises fatal passion; the feelings shown will completely absorb you. Sapphire necklace - the excessive feelings you show for your partner will not bring happiness, but torment.

Try to moderate your passion, do not reach the point of fanaticism. Love should fill both partners with positivity; if this does not happen, you should reconsider your behavior, otherwise a breakup cannot be avoided.

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Why do you dream about sapphires?

Most dream books existing today believe that dreaming of precious stones is a favorable sign, traditionally promising profit, success and love. Depending on whether you dreamed of a sapphire or some other stone, the interpretation of the dream becomes more specific and deepens.

Centuries-old attempts by different peoples to unravel the meaning of dreams have led to the fact that the information in dream books is often very contradictory. As, indeed, are the magical properties of sapphire, the variety of which is in no way inferior to the number of interpretations.

Sapphires in a dream - meanings according to different dream books

So, Loff's dream book , based on the experience of a research psychologist, claims that seeing a sapphire in a dream means manifestation in life good luck, faith and peace. The key direction of interpretation depends on how the stone was obtained. If a person has found it, then the dream book advises plunging into the search for wisdom and peace of mind. If others present a sapphire in a dream, then at this stage the person needs spiritual guidance.

Esoteric dream book, a modern interpretation created by a mystic and philosopher Elena Anopova , sees a sign in the gem great love to come which will bring mental anguish. A ring with a sapphire in a dream, according to this dream book, warns of a fatal feeling. Actions related to the acquisition of sapphire indicate the imminent fulfillment of the plan. Giving away, losing a stone - the struggle is useless.

Azar's Dream Book , a Hebrew code of dream interpretation, is based on the belief that a dream connects the past and future of a person, helping to make adjustments to reality and avoid trouble. Getting a lucky win is what sapphires mean in dreams according to Azar’s dream book. However, for women, a dream can serve as a warning to behave more carefully and be more demanding of the chosen one.

The dream book of an American psychologist shares the same opinion Miller - one of the most popular collections of interpretations since the end of the 19th century.

Dream book of the 21st century, in which the compiler D. Tabolkin used interpretations of popular publications, warns against large waste the one who dreamed of clothes decorated with sapphires.

Rooted in ancient times Mayan dream book absorbed the religious beliefs of his people. It is not only a cultural monument of an ancient civilization, but also a source that initiated trends in dream interpretation. According to the dream book, a ring with sapphire means marriage proposal soon. Mining this precious stone in a dream prepares a person for thankless, exhausting work.

“Why do you dream of sapphire in a dream? If you see Sapphire in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream about Sapphire:

interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

Dream Interpretation 2012

Sapphire is a reflection of the Force. The need for courage to receive Power.

Dream book of the 21st century

To dream that various items of your clothing are decorated with sapphires means that you will commit a very large waste.

For a woman to see a sapphire in a dream is a sign that she should be demanding of her chosen one.

Azar's Dream Book

Sapphire for a woman means that she must be demanding of her chosen one; sapphire lucky win.

Dream Book of David Loff

Sapphire is a crystal of faith, peace and good luck. Therefore, dreams with the presence of sapphire have to do with receiving or discovering these attributes in your life. The key to determining the meaning of the dream is whether you find the sapphire yourself or whether it was presented to you by another person.

If you find sapphires yourself, perhaps you need to dive deep into your soul in search of the peace and spiritual wisdom that is missing in your life.

If they are presented to you, this means that your life itself requires some spiritual guidance, guidance or management.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing or holding a sapphire is a sign of careless and rash actions; to see sapphire jewelry - to the joy of striving for the sublime.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Sapphire is a sign of a lucky win, but you should treat your chosen one with all the strictness.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing or having sapphire is imprudence.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a sapphire or jewelry with sapphire in a dream means significant expenses.

In a dream, you buy or sell sapphire - you should be more careful about your income and expenses.

Losing a sapphire means a big win.

If you dreamed that you were given a sapphire, you will be given an unfortunate gift in the near future.

You dreamed that you were wearing jewelry with sapphire - pay more attention to your affairs.

Esoteric dream book

Sapphire - to great love that brings mental anguish.

If there is a sapphire in the ring, this love can become fatal for you.

Take, receive, have - everything will soon come true.

Losing, throwing, giving - fighting the feeling is useless. This is your destiny, karma.

Did you dream about Sapphire, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what Sapphire dreams about in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I dreamed of gold today. In a dream, I found ancient gold, many, many chains and I tried them on myself, all my arms up to the elbow were in gold chains. I found them in my house and saw my deceased grandmother, she scolded me for something and said that there was still a lot of gold hidden and that I would find more. I also saw my great-grandmother in a dream, she also scolded me and raised a stick at me. I also found two gold coins, one larger and the other smaller, I picked them up and put them on the table, they were also old. Then I sat down at the table and saw a gold ring on the floor, all strewn with diamonds and in the middle there was a bright blue stone. My grandmother sat down at the table and told me to take it, that it belonged to me and that there were earrings for it that I should find with the power of my thoughts. And I thought that I needed them and earrings appeared from the wall and came into my hands. A very beautiful set, I even remember what it looks like.

I wake up and everything is white around me... I run in the hope of getting out. But I turn around and see him... a sapphire of unknown beauty

I dreamed about a yellow sapphire, as if I was sitting in chemistry class, and the teacher was describing this stone to us and everyone was telling him. that it’s a sapphire, and then a classmate, an ex-classmate, shows it, it’s so yellow, round and glows, and there’s some kind of magical symbol on it, it’s strange, but I met this classmate today, then I started drawing this symbol and the dream ended

Good afternoon I dreamed that there were jewelry in a box at home, among many similar boxes... I especially remember a ring with a ruby. the stone was made in the shape of a large rose, and the pendant was in the shape of a keyhole with sapphires, the stones were arranged - round at the top, 3 drops at the bottom. She put the stone back in the box and took the pendant for herself to hang on a chain.

I sold a wedding dress with white and blue stones, called them diamonds and sapphires, the bride tried it on, she liked it, and I said that you will have a sapphire dress, but the stones were not real

They offered to buy precious stones cheaply and not of the highest quality. I remembered that I was looking at the sapphire. This ended the dream.

I dreamed that my mother gave me a sapphire ring and put it on my index finger.

    Dream Interpretation "juvelirum"

    Depending on dreamed about it sapphire or some other stone, the interpretation of the dream becomes more specific and deepens. Centuries-old attempts by different peoples to unravel the meaning of dreams have led to the fact that the information in dream books is often very contradictory. Ring With sapphire in dream, according to this dream book, warns of a fatal feeling. Acquisition related activities sapphire, they talk about the imminent fulfillment of their plans. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    For what dreaming ring With sapphire says Grishina. Grishina's dream book interprets this plot as a warning. If in dream you were stolen ring, which means that in reality someone outside will interfere in the relationship with your loved one. This interference will be negative. Had a dream that you have not one, but two beautiful rings on your fingers?Read more

  • Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    And if you are lucky enough to find ring With sapphire in dream– you will meet a person who will change your view of life. A precious gift - for fulfillment of desires and success. To a woman dreamed that her husband gave her gold ring With sapphire and with a diamond on the day of conception of their child to a woman dreaming that the husband in addition to ring, presented on the day of the child’s conception, he also presented earrings, but for the birth of a son or the birth of a daughter - you can safely make plans, they have every chance of being realized. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Sapphire, dream Sapphire, dreamed Sapphire. Dream Interpretation In dream see Sapphire. Good value If you dreamed decoration With sapphire, then very soon they will propose marriage to you. To make this happen faster, rub your hand with coal and apply it to your heart. Bad value If you dreamed what do you get sapphire, then get ready for hard and thankless work. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Stone sapphire V ring means spiritual connection, kinship of souls, love of a man, happiness from a man. Emeralds - achievements in creativity and personal development. Or someone who has in dream a stone fell out of rings. Wooden ring- a symbol of difficult life in marriage or union. if you dreamed ring in a box, dream means prosperity and well-being of your home. If ring was valuable and beautiful. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    See in dream sapphire or decoration With sapphire- to tangible expenses. In dream are you buying or selling sapphire sapphire dreamed what they gave you sapphire- in the near future you will be presented with an unsuccessful gift. To you dreamed what jewelry you are wearing With sapphire- pay more attention to your affairs. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    For what dreaming Sapphire in dream: Sapphire is a stone of fidelity, chastity and modesty. It brings divine favor, happiness, peace. Dream book of the gypsy Seraphim. For what dreaming Sapphire according to the dream book: Sapphire- purple stone; helps in the treatment of eye diseases and abscesses; protects from evil thoughts, as the dream book interprets dream which you dreamed about it.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Sapphire- See in dream, What sapphires in dream sapphire- a sign that you should be demanding of your chosen one. Dream book of psychologist D. Loff. For what dreaming Sapphire according to the dream book: SapphireSapphire- crystal of faith, peace and good luck.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Ring, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Ring in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. But it turned out that with both pomegranate and With sapphire rings intact, but simple ring The gold that my boyfriend gave me is gone. I looked for him everywhere - in the toilet. in libraries, somewhere else... and I was thinking about how I would tell him that I had lost it, I can’t say it... I found a bunch of golden things that belonged to me and I thought about them... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    See in dream sapphire- big, all-encompassing love, which can become fatal; symbol of worldly wisdom. The significance is especially strong Sapphira as an image sleep, If you have seen it cut, B ring.And for me dreamed that I open my closet, and there are a lot of stones there, I don’t understand whether they are precious or not, they are all different sizes, cuts, different colors and small bright and just nuggets, I take them all, look at them, and then turn my hand over, and I have on every finger rings everyone is so beautiful, on...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    For what dreaming Sapphire: See in dream sapphire or decoration With sapphire- to tangible expenses. In dream are you buying or selling sapphire- You should pay more attention to your income and expenses. A loss sapphire- means a big win. if you dreamed what they gave you sapphire- in the near future you will be presented with an unsuccessful gift. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "somn"

    to my mom dreamed about it next dream. (In real life she had ring golden With sapphire, the pebble fell out and rolled away, and now we can’t find it) A in dream to her dreamed that it was as if she had been given the same thing ring(golden), but stone ( sapphire) was much larger than in life. To quickly move from one found sleep to another, use on the page sleep wonderful arrows ← and →. Looking in dream books dreamed symbol?Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    See in dream sapphire or decoration With sapphire- to tangible expenses. In dream are you buying or selling sapphire- You should pay more attention to your income and expenses. A loss sapphire- means a big win. You dreamed what jewelry you are wearing With sapphire- pay more attention to your affairs. Dream book of the 21st century. See in dream, What sapphires different items of your clothing are decorated - means that you will commit a very large waste. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "isonniki"

    Sapphire in dream dream book Had a dream Sapphire– Seeing or having it is imprudence. Dreaming Sapphire dream book interpretation dreams Sapphire- See in dream, What sapphires different items of your clothing are decorated, means that you will commit a very large waste. For a woman to see in dream sapphire- a sign that you should be demanding of your chosen one. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dreamdreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring ring itself ring whole. sapphire ring ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation of Sergi With sapphires dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Sergi With sapphires? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams per letter free alphabetically). Now you can find out what it means to see in dream Sergi With sapphires by reading below free interpretation dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring the whole thing was. Thank you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    ring With stone in dream. Hello, please explain dreamed about it dream, a stone flew out sapphire from rings , ring is in reality. the diamonds remained in ring itself ring whole. sapphire it seems to have broken. I collect it and put everything back. and it’s as if it was so, and ring it was not a wedding...and itself ring everything was fine. Thank you.

D. Loff interpreted dreams about sapphire as follows: “Sapphire is a crystal of faith, peace and good luck. Therefore, dreams with the presence of sapphire have to do with receiving or discovering these attributes in your life.

The key to determining the meaning of the dream is whether you find the sapphire yourself or whether it was presented to you by another person.

If you find sapphires yourself, you may need to dive deep into your soul for the peace and spiritual wisdom that is missing in your life.

If they are presented to you, it means that your life itself requires some spiritual instruction, guidance or management.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Stone

The meaning of the symbol depends on the type of stone. An ordinary roadside stone or cobblestone - to difficulties and failures. You throw stones - endless quarrels will lead to loss of strength and disappointment. Stones are thrown at you - receive a warning about the danger. A stone thrown at your back is a betrayal from a person whom you considered your best friend. Walking among the rocks - your path up the career ladder will be difficult and thorny. Going through cobblestones in search of a precious stone - troubles await you in commercial matters in the future. Small pebbles - a little disappointment will lead to big complications. Seeing a stone at a crossroads means you have a difficult choice to make, on which your future life depends. Sitting on a rock means you will be placed in a difficult area of ​​work. Stumbling over a stone is news of death. You crushed a cobblestone - means the loss of a friend.

You can work through such a dream by imagining how you pick up a cobblestone, bring it home, wash it - and it turns out to be a jewelry or ornamental stone (see below).

Tombstone - to disease. You should pay attention to your health. Cracked tombstone - news of illness will take you by surprise. An abandoned gravestone is an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Installing a headstone is a long-term disease with a fatal outcome.

Imagine that the tombstone was replaced with an iron cross (see Iron, Cross).

Stone slabs, stone wall cladding or stone pavement dream of a calm, confident, stable life. A curb stone or brick is a sign of success in a risky and dangerous business. A structure built of stone means you have a difficult task to do, but the result will be solid and durable.

Imagine that stone slabs line a castle (see Castle).

Interpretation of dreams from