Rune Kenaz - description and meaning. Rune Kenaz: Meaning and interpretation Direct position of the rune Kenaz

The Kenaz rune corresponds to the zodiac sign Cancer, the VII lasso of the Tarot – the Chariot, the 4th hexagram of the “Book of Changes” – Myn, Underdevelopment.
The patrons of this rune are Freya and Heimdall. This rune symbolizes purification, knowledge and the possibility of its application, illumination of information, understanding of the standard and identification system.

Rune Kenaz (synonyms Kenats, Kano, Ken, Kaun) is the sixth rune of the Elder Futhark, the first att. Rune color – orange and red, element – ​​fire
Style options:
Rune Gesture

In ancient times, Kenaz was compared with some mythical creatures. First of all, people associated the power and energy of this rune with the dog Garm, who was imagined as a fiery creature standing on the border of the worlds and feeding on the passions of people. There is an analogy between Garm and the three-headed Cerberus. According to legend, the dog did not allow unclean people into the gates of Asgard: they burned like torches and fell into the abyss.

Also, the rune could symbolize in the concept of people the Serpent Gorynych - a mythical creature that was associated with the fire element. In ancient times, young men underwent military initiation by walking on coals. Those who were left with burns and blisters on their legs after such a procedure were considered rejected by Perun and unfit to defend their country.
From this we can conclude that Kenaz is the rune of purification and initiation.

The Kenaz rune can also be represented in the form of a spiral, a serpentine, along which you can climb to the top of the mountain. With its help, a person can understand himself and those around him, see their true face. In healing, Kenaz can be used in combination with Uruz and Ingvaz to restore health and strength.
As a talisman for spiritual self-improvement, you can use a combination of the Ansuz and Kenaz runes, where the latter is used to reveal the truth and new qualities in yourself. To create a family and attract love, you can use a combination of Kenaz, Gebo and Nautiz, and to conceive a child - the Kenaz-Perthro-Nautiz formula.

For creative people, the Kenaz rune will help them gain insight and bring ideas to life.

The meaning of the Kenaz rune in fortune telling:

Direct position of the Kenaz rune:

If, during fortune telling, Kenaz falls in an upright position, then its meanings will be the following:

  • power;
  • energy;
  • force;
  • strong immunity and health;
  • discoveries;
  • success in all endeavors;
  • huge creative potential;
  • resolution of all questions and problems.

In principle, a dropped straight Kenaz can mean some kind of a new beginning, given its drop-down shape. And new knowledge too. If you asked for advice and asked the question “What should I do?”, the Kenaz direct rune that fell will advise you to try something new or master some new skill. Sometimes the Kenaz rune in an upright position can advise you to “come out of the darkness” and become more visible. In business scenarios, this can be interpreted, for example, as a call to pay more attention to advertising.

If you did relationship balance, then the direct Kenaz rune can indicate passion, and, unfortunately, this passion is not always with a plus sign. I mean that this can be a withering and non-reciprocal passion only on your part, it can be some kind of painful attraction that will completely torment you and leave a deep heart wound.

In health plans may mean some kind of acute disease, most often inflammatory or with high fever. In some cases, straight Kenaz can mean heart disease.

Kenaz rune advice: Something is darkening your life, give it up. There is no need to regret the old and cling to it: you will no longer need it in its current form. Delve into yourself, figure it out, open your feelings and let the radiance of divine love into your life. Release your secret talents and start acting. Having been imbued with the radiance, trying to find out its nature, there is an opportunity to restore disturbed mutual understanding with loved ones and gain some new knowledge.

Reversed position of the Kenaz rune:

If Kenaz falls in an inverted position, its meanings will take on the exact opposite meaning:

  • losses;
  • separation from a loved one, destruction of a family;
  • missing out on profitable prospects;
  • the emergence of difficulties and unpleasant life circumstances.

An inverted rune Kenaz in layouts may mean that you will never know the answer to your question, the situation will not become clearer yet. Or that you don’t have enough knowledge and skills if the question, for example, concerns business or starting a new business. Or that something has already ended and you didn’t even notice. Or that it’s better for you not to advertise some things for now.

When fortune telling about relationships inverted Kenaz often means that “the love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted.”

When fortune telling for health inverted Kenaz can mean some kind of hidden or chronic disease.

Rune Kenaz advice: Keep in touch with your inner flow, which guides you in your affairs. Every feeling that appears when making decisions clearly shows the future of your plan. By interacting and maintaining a connection with the energy flow of nature, you will become an invulnerable and strong person. You will clearly and purposefully move forward towards the results of your work. The energy of the Kenaz rune carries you and it harmoniously determines your place in the circle of life.

Prediction value in combination with other runes:

If, during fortune telling, the Kenaz rune is combined with Nautiz in an inverted position, you can expect separation, separation from your lover, or the destruction of your family.

If this rune appears in combination with Ansuz, Raido, Vunyo or Algiz, then in the near future you will be inspired by a new romantic hobby. You will be creative, inventive and successful. Rune Kenaz in combination with Ingvaz, Berkano or Hagalaz predicts the appearance of a new family member. If you get a combination of Kenaz with Isa, Nautiz or Otala in an inverted position, in the near future you will experience anxiety associated with the emergence of obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

Use in magic:

The Kenaz rune can be used for magical purposes for:

  • searching for treasures and lost things;
  • get well soon;
  • successful implementation of plans;
  • for conception (women);
  • strengthening will;
  • magical rituals;
  • creative self-realization.

Interpretation for one-rune fortune telling:

If you get Kenaz during one-rune fortune telling, try to be persistent and active in the near future, make new acquaintances, and go on a trip. The time is right for self-improvement. Throw away all fears, begin to cultivate willpower in yourself, try to become more trusting.

The sphere of intuition. Intuition will help you understand the secrets of the subject you are currently studying.

The sphere of emotions. You can be called a sociable and inquisitive person. In relationships with others, you are hampered by inconstancy, due to which you often dissolve existing connections. Also, the cause of troubles in your personal life may be your excessive stubbornness.

Sphere of professional activity. Professions such as salesman, scientist, doctor, teacher, entrepreneur, travel agent are suitable for you. You can try your hand at studying the occult sciences.

Sphere of physical activity. You are distinguished by quick reaction and a huge reserve of physical strength.

Sphere of the mind. You can achieve success in business through the flexibility and sophistication of your mind. You easily navigate in any life situations, always knowing which issues are most necessary to resolve. It is recommended to listen to your inner voice more often - intuition will tell you how you can avoid complications and difficulties in business.
You can cause damage to all your endeavors through excessive love for justice and confidence in your rightness.

Runic formulas with the Kenaz rune:

Protective shield "Mirror". Any impact is reflected and sent back. Creates the effect of “mirror” armor that does not allow any energy to pass through. Isa–Kenaz-Hagalaz-Kenaz-Isa
Fire and water protection. Protection of two energies. Kenaz-Algiz-Laguz
Healing runes. Processes of healing, treatment. Wide range of applications. Universal healing amulet. Used for any pain, ailment, or illness at the initial stage of the disease. Promotes tissue regeneration. For osteochondrosis and neuralgia, the amulet is glued with an adhesive plaster to the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine, depending on the location of the pain. You can directly apply it to the sore spot itself. Kenaz-Perthro-Ingwaz
Runic "Vitamins." The formula has been tested many times. Gives good results in cases of exhaustion, lack of strength, and health problems. A healing amulet aimed at increasing immunity, increasing endurance, speedy recovery, and restoring strength and energy. Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz
Love spell. Kenaz-Gebo-Nauthiz
For new beginnings, implementation of ideas, projects and creative plans. Fehu-Kenaz-Gebo-Sowilo
"Magic Kickoff"(Calling a living person). Eihwaz and Uruz are a powerful impetus to action. Kenaz and Gebo - desire for you (both sexual and any other). Thurisaz - sets the direction of previous runes, enhances their effect and sexual desire, clears obstacles, removes doubts. All together is a kind of explosion of feelings and desires, the need to see, touch, feel…. A person arrives or calls. The formula has proven to be an excellent challenge. Eihwaz-Uruz-Kenaz-Gebo-Thurisaz

Rune Kenaz (Keno, Kenaz) is a symbol of purification, obtaining new knowledge and its application. It corresponds to the Zodiac sign Cancer and is the eighth arcana of the Tarot. Let's talk about the meaning of the Kenaz rune in more detail.

Photo of the Kenaz rune:

Kenaz is an excellent assistant for creative people. The rune bestows inspiration and helps to find the strength to bring creative ideas to life.

The meaning of the Kenaz rune in the upright position

When a rune falls in a straight position, it has the following meanings:

  • A symbol of power, superiority over others
  • The personification of energy and vitality necessary to achieve goals
  • Good health, which helps to resist difficulties and overcome obstacles on the way to the goal
  • Luck that accompanies a person in all his endeavors
  • Development of creative talents and unlocking personal potential
  • Peaceful resolution of problems and a way out of difficult situations with benefit for a particular person, but without harm to other parties to the conflict

Very often, Kenaz personifies and predicts everything new that will come into a person’s life. This could be new knowledge, relationships, opportunities to implement ideas.

If a fortuneteller asked the question: “What should I do?”, the rune’s advice is clear - learn a new profession, try yourself in an unusual business, gain knowledge. Or stop remaining in the shadows and go “into the crowd”, finding yourself in the spotlight.

In fortune telling about relationships, Kenaz falls to passion. But not in its favorable understanding, but on the contrary - to a destructive passion that absorbs consciousness and does not inspire, but inhibits human development. This is a painful, addictive craving, non-reciprocal love, which is sure to leave a big wound on the heart.

In health divination, Kenaz predicts a severe illness. But it can be treated - the main thing is to catch it in time.

Advice for getting the Kenaz rune in an upright position: if something interferes with your life and only gives you negativity, give it up. It's time to end old painful relationships, get rid of boring work, and open your soul to something new. You must become free from everything that destroys you and prevents you from moving on. Then life will radically change for the better.

The meaning of the Kenaz rune in an inverted position

If the Kenaz rune falls upside down, you can expect:

  • Losses - serious unforeseen expenses are coming that will significantly undermine your budget
  • Separation or separation from a loved one, divorce
  • A profitable opportunity will appear in your life, but you will miss it or not notice it
  • Serious difficulties and insurmountable circumstances, powerlessness, inability to solve anything and eliminate negative consequences

If you ask any question in fortune telling and an inverted Kenaz appears, there is no clear answer to your question yet. It is worth waiting for new circumstances, only then will it be possible to influence the situation.

In relationship fortune telling, it means the end of love. One or both partners lost their passion and it cannot be returned.

In fortune telling about health, it indicates the presence of a chronic disease that cannot be treated. It is necessary to support the body so that the disease does not progress to an acute stage.

Advice when the Kenaz rune appears in an inverted position: listen to yourself and study your inner world. You need to learn to hear your intuition - the premonitions that arise will indicate what to do in an exciting situation.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Kenaz rune:

Combination with other runes in formulas

If Kenaz appears together with other runic symbols, the combinations of runes can mean the following:

  1. The combination of Kenaz indicates separation or long separation from a loved one. Also, this situation for family people predicts an early divorce process.
  2. Kenaz - portends that inspiration will soon come to you. But it won’t just appear - you will fall in love and draw energy from the object of your desire
  3. Kenaz means that the fortuneteller is an extraordinary and inventive person. Thanks to the ability to find innovative solutions, you can become very successful if you use this ability for good
  4. Kenaz - - will have to worry in the near future. Your plans will be prevented from being carried out by certain obstacles and difficulties, because of which you will be very worried

Kenaz in runic formulas is very often used in magical rituals, as well as for making amulets, amulets, and talismans. The rune helps to find what is lost, cure the sick, conceive a child, develop creative abilities, and successfully realize your goals.

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Kenaz is the sixth rune of the Old Norse Futhark. This page collects information about the meaning of the direct and reverse (inverted) Kenaz runes in love and relationships, in magic and fortune telling, as well as a description and interpretation of runic formulas. Kano is also called the “rune of renewed clarity.” It improves the concentration of the will and helps to realize what is planned, disperses the darkness of ignorance, and points a person to his strengths and weaknesses.

Germanic name : Kenaz;
Anglo-Saxon name: Ken (o) also Kano (Cen);
Old Norse name: Kaun;
Phonetic correspondence: K (K or hard C);

The mind is needed for those who have wandered far, at home everything is known to you; They will look mockingly at the ignoramus sitting among the wise.

(Elder Edda. Speeches of the High One)

Traditional Match:

  • flame;
  • glow;
  • shine;
  • flicker;
  • torch;
  • reflection;
  • glimpse;
  • reflection;
  • cardiac inclination;
  • tender passion;
  • tender feeling;
  • passion;
  • enthusiasm;
  • love;
  • muse;
  • feeling;
  • creative process;
  • Yang is the masculine principle.


  • people express their emotions and emotional experiences using words;
  • a person engaged in pottery realizes his ideas in the form of pots;
  • the process of giving birth to a child depends on the woman;
  • the company produces the latest vehicle models;
  • when the epithelium is wounded, the internal tissues of the body are revealed;
  • during the digestion process, food stimulates the production of gastric juice;
  • songbirds use different sounds to create a pleasant melody;
  • the animal leaves traces when walking;
  • radiance comes from a light source;
  • the flame radiates heat;
  • the downpour comes from a thundercloud;
  • with the help of lava and smoke the volcano manifests itself;
  • in the art gallery paintings by various artists are available for viewing;
  • The strings of the guitar, when stretched, produce a pleasant melody;
  • X-rays show what is invisible to the naked eye.

Rune Ken (Cen) is a rune:

  • identification;
  • restoration of clarity;
  • gap in possibilities;

It symbolizes:

  • the energy of creation;
  • sex appeal;
  • emotional upsurge;
  • uplifting spirit;
  • euphoria;
  • insight;
  • a bright burst of internal energy;
  • understanding;
  • implementation of goals and intentions;
  • active realization and manifestation of oneself;
  • demonstrating your abilities with the help of creative ideas;

Description of the Kenaz rune

Rune Kenaz (Kaun) generates energy within us, thereby making a person an energy center that carries harmony and the supporting spirit of the Universe.

The Kenaz rune indicates a period of activity when stimulus appears and all ideas are translated into masterpieces. Greater self-confidence appears, a person clearly understands what and why he is doing and what good it will do. Intention, concentration and seriousness in all matters. Even the most enormous and difficult idea can be easily brought to life. Thoughts cease to be chaotic, decision-making becomes expedient.

On the energy plane, the Kenaz rune gives a powerful force that carries harmony and peace. Returning the pristine relationship between soul and body in harmonious contact with nature.

A person under the influence of the Kenaz rune easily leaves old, irrelevant plans and plans and succumbs to the surge of a new flow of ideas that are realized in specific objects.

Rune Kenaz Advice

Keep in touch with your inner flow, which guides you in your affairs. Every feeling that appears when making decisions clearly shows the future of your plan. By interacting and maintaining a connection with the energy flow of nature, you will become an invulnerable and strong person. You will clearly and purposefully move forward towards the results of your work. The energy of the Kenaz rune carries you and it harmoniously determines your place in the circle of life.

Rune Ken (Cen) serves as protection against the spirits of darkness and sets you on the true path to clarity. It also serves to attract sound and useful thinking.

The meaning of the Kano rune in love and relationships

Kenaz - - : formula for finding true love;

— Kenaz —: return of love (missed, lost);

When a person’s problem is related to another person, do not draw hasty conclusions. If Vasya doesn’t love Masha, then the problem should not necessarily be solved only by forcing Vasya to love Masha. As a rule, Vasya is karmically called upon to “educate” Masha. After karmic cleansing, Masha, as a rule, ceases to be interested in Vasya...

The meaning of the reversed Kenaz rune

Rune Kenaz in an inverted position means:

  • ash;
  • ambiguity;
  • darkness;
  • self-control;
  • restraint;
  • energy loss;
  • lesion;
  • defeat;
  • hopelessness;
  • confusion;
  • fright;
  • indecision;
  • uncertainty;
  • emptiness;
  • discouragement;
  • unrest;
  • chaos in thoughts;
  • relationship breakdown;
  • unknown;
  • confusion in feelings;
  • walking blind;
  • lack of logical thinking;
  • destruction of friendships;
  • loss of vitality;
  • sadness;
  • sadness;
  • depression due to love relationships;

Description of the inverted rune Kenaz

Rune Kaun in the reverse position makes it possible to live with the emptiness inside yourself and sort out all your affairs. The emptiness needs to be mastered correctly, and then a new impulse of strength will give you a bunch of opportunities, and you will realize everything you have planned. Emptiness occurs when you no longer need those actions and benefits that until recently surrounded you. You need to be able to easily perceive everything that happens, and not create energy potentials by promoting one problem. You just need to let everything go and listen to the silence of your inner world. This will give you more energy and life awareness.

Rune Ken (Cen) in an inverted position helps you understand that there are many different hobbies in life. You shouldn’t strain and move in only one position; you need to easily get used to all the angles and flows that the Universe provides us.

The inverted rune Kenaz in this position advises that a person should not lose faith in himself and his strength when you have a breakdown and are unable to move on. You just need to drop all thoughts and stop the internal dialogue. But at the same time continue to be confident in your strengths and capabilities. Take a short break and observe your condition in order to fill yourself with energy and begin moving towards realizing your potential.

Practice working with the rune

Kenas - activate the flow. Diagnostics Identification of impact points.

This Rune is associated with the energy of Life. This Rune contains the Power of Life Energy. This Rune contains the energy of Life. Thus, this Rune contains attunement to the flow of energy of living ORGANISMS. The body of a person tuned to this Rune is a conductor of flow. When working with this Rune, the Magician can test the patient’s body. Conducting the flow of Life energy The magician healer Feels the diseased areas of the patient’s body and treats them, directing the flow of energy to them. Using this rune, the healer magician can diagnose and treat various diseases.

Description Poses

The magician creating the Rune is in a middle stance with his knees bent. The body is straight. Hands at stomach level. Energy goes from the legs to the arms.

Description of the Mantra

The mantra of this Rune Kau. The sound of this Mantra activates the flow of vital energy. The Magician's consciousness is attuned to the energy of living organisms, forming a flow. Directing it to the patient’s body, the Magician tests diseased areas of the patient’s body and corrects them with the flow of vital energy.

Gesture Description

The magician's right hand makes a Rune Gesture. The fist is clenched. The thumb and index fingers are apart and pointing forward.

Alternative option

Action of the Rune

This Rune tests diseases of the body and cures them.

Rune Deity

The deity of this Rune is Life.

Spell of this Rune


Based on materials: B. Monosov “Magic of Runes”

Views 2,956

Rune of embodiment and revelation. Ralph Blum characterizes the Kano rune as “the rune of renewed clarity.” A very powerful rune; is associated not only with the formation and orientation of human activity (at any level) in the right direction, but also with giving it the necessary strength.

Name: KAUNAZ or KANO, among the Anglo-Saxons KEN or CEN: torch. Flame (Goth.), Torch (English), Plague (Norse), Plague (Islamic)

Runic formula — ᚲᛖᚾᚨᛉ

Kano action: manifestation.

Deity: goddess Nert. ???

Nerth, Nerthus (Nerth, Nerthus, erroneously Hertha): scand. goddess from the Vanir family, sister (and wife) of Njord, patroness of hunting and fishing. Tacitus (Germany) speaks about the special cult of N. among some German tribes. During the festivities in honor of N., wars were interrupted.

Interpretation: Fire and energy. The torch rune symbolizes the will and energy that moves you. The will can bring light and clarity if it is controlled by consciousness and follows the correct goal setting, but it can also take the ground from under one’s feet if the path was chosen incorrectly or due to loss of control. Fire is both playful and dangerous. “Ken” can also mean enlightenment, sometimes it can mean a painful awareness of the problem. “Ken” advises using fire, but in the form of a torch or candle, controlling it.

Tree: pine (Pinus sylvestris)

Number: 28 or 3.

Character: energy rune.

Essence: reversible rune.

Images of Rune Kano:

  • a man pronounces words
  • potter creates pots
  • a woman gives birth to a child,
  • the plant produces cars,
  • the wound reveals internal tissues,
  • the stomach secretes gastric juice,
  • the birds are singing,
  • the beast leaves traces,
  • the torch gives birth to light,
  • the fire generates warmth,
  • the cloud gives birth to rain,
  • the volcano manifests itself as lava and smoke,
  • art gallery displays paintings,
  • the guitar makes sounds
  • X-ray shows what is invisible to the eye,
  • the star radiates

Kano Rune Meaning

Manifestation, the presence in the world of things generated and created by an agent. These “products” are the actor’s contribution to the existence of the world, as well as signalers on the basis of which the world builds its interaction with him.

“Manifestation products” quickly “dissolve” in the surrounding world. Insufficient external manifestation is a stimulus for the action of Kennaz.

The result of this action is manifestation.

Kano is a purely Scorpio rune of sexual power. But not the power that is expressed in the physical communication of people, but that polar Power that spreads throughout the world and moves worlds and souls.

Application of the Kano Rune in magic

Magical meaning: enhances receptivity, sharpens the senses. Gives self-confidence, initiative, preservation of values, physical health. It is used by women during the period of conception to give the unborn child the desired qualities, as well as by creative people in general who want to fully realize their plans. Helps hunters, geologists, etc. find what they are looking for.

Preservation and consolidation,

Energetic implementation of new ideas and their advocacy.

The magical uses of this rune are extremely wide; one of its aspects can be formulated as follows: the Kano rune contributes to the concentration of will and the implementation of plans. Women use amulets with the Kano rune inscribed on them during conception and pregnancy to give the child the desired qualities. Artists, writers, poets and other people of art can use this rune for the clearest and highest quality embodiment of their plans. An amulet with this rune can be recommended to treasure hunters, clergy, and magicians.

The second aspect of this rune is opening. It is obvious that both aspects are interconnected - it is impossible to realize a plan without revealing yourself to the world. This is a very important point to remember when working with this rune.

And finally, Kano is the main rune of the group of Healing Runes used in healing.

Interpretation of the Kano Rune in fortune telling

Mantic meaning: element of fire, Martian qualities; activity and achieving success through activity, the path to knowledge and its search, military affairs. Luck. Conceiving a child.

In an inverted position - conflicts, including armed ones. An inverted torch in the European tradition is also a symbol of a cemetery.

In a way, the feeling of the Kano rune is similar to the sensitivity of the princess and the pea. We wish we had such vigilance and sensitivity! Many places where you can lay straw warn you in advance. You need to learn to feel a pea. It is necessary to learn to see the Kano rune. Then this Power will begin to help us. She will do a lot for us. If we give it freedom, give it free rein, give it the opportunity to act in us and through us, the arrival of Kano will allow us to change a lot almost effortlessly. This Power rewards a person with understanding, clarity and alertness.


In straight position: As a rule, Kano corresponds to three aspects of life: love, creativity and realized knowledge. And they are all connected by one thing: a person reveals the best sides of his character, gift, heart. “Darkness” is expelled from his life - a period of stagnation, loneliness, boredom.

Inverted: some relationships perish, most paths to self-realization are closed, the “dark” sides of a person are activated - but only for their awareness.

Opportunities provided by Runa:

In straight position: maximum manifestation of oneself in all areas of life. Discovering your creative abilities and implementing them. Pure and bright love - both at the level of feelings and sex.

Inverted: a period of concentration, awareness of necessary actions, and not of many possibilities. An ideal opportunity to look at both yourself and your partner with a cold, rational look.

Rune's warning:

In straight position: don't get carried away! Kano reveals all your talents - but only a few can be realized to perfection - so don't waste your time. In love, try at least sometimes to take the position of an outside observer - fire and passion can lead to self-deception.

Inverted: This period is not too long and should not be perceived as the death of everything good, bright and light. Concentration also should not be excessive and rigid.

In straight position: During this period, you can try “a little bit of everything” to understand your capabilities, or you can direct the fire in one direction - and realize it to the maximum. Here you always need to combine both purity of spiritual impulse and clarity of thought.

Inverted: You shouldn’t give up anything forever. When it comes to love, remember that in order to appreciate the light, you need to live a little in the dark. In order to gain the fullness of life, you need to fully experience the emptiness inside. To renew love, you need to give it up. As far as talents are concerned, concentrating on washing clothes today does not mean that tomorrow you will not be able to take up painting.


  1. Kolesov E., Torsten A. - "Runes. Futhark Classical and Armanic"
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - "Practical course of runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of predictions"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Utark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) — « Runika. Directory of values"

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Other names: Keno, Kano

Keys of meaning: revealing something, fire and torch, light, dispelling darkness and coming into light, clarity and inspiration, knowledge and analytical abilities. For a woman - good luck, a gift from a man.

For a man - the pleasure of giving. Energy and transformation.

Element – ​​fire.

Writing Rune Kenaz. The symbol looks like a bracket and is drawn as follows: put a point, measure 45 degrees up and down from it. Draw the first line from top to bottom to the point and the second line from the point from top to bottom. Thus, it turned out that the two lines converged and formed an angle of 45 degrees between themselves.

Motto of the Rune Kenaz. Try to see the gap between your actions and who you are. Everything you do, you do only for yourself.

The rune informs that higher powers are interfering in your life, in addition to your desires and will.

The Kenaz rune symbolizes friendly fire. This is a beacon or torch. A very powerful energy rune. It can give a person the strength to move in the right direction. Fire Rune as a source of energy for cleansing power.

With its help you can unlock your inner potential. This will allow you to direct the power hidden in the depths to achieve your goals. Inner light and self-knowledge will give birth to useful ideas.

She is like a beacon, illuminating the path to insight, inspiration and revelation of secrets. It helps replenish vital energy and is also an indicator of a speedy recovery. This is the most favorable sign for solving various problems.

Kenaz reports that some hidden actions take place in the fortuneteller’s life, and the person did not know or guess about them, and most importantly, did not take them into account. But now, with the advent of Kano, the time has come to reveal this process and the results from it.

The meaning of the direct rune Kenaz

The meaning of the Kenaz rune in the upright position personifies the personality of the fortuneteller as a strong-willed and creative person. It shows that he is ready to confront negativity. Nothing will stop his plans. Diseases and problems will not affect him in the near future. A person gains strength, he is filled with enthusiasm, which leads to positive changes.

Creative individuals will be able to find their inspiration. Correct use of the energy given from above will bring laurels of victory. It is important to learn how to manage it, because you need to take into account the capriciousness of Kenaz. Without making an effort, without paying attention to the use of forces, you can get painfully burned. You need to remain vigilant, respect and believe in strength until the end and with full dedication. Only then will she generously reward you.

The Kano rune is the rune of revelation and renewal, the emergence of clarity and certainty in a confusing situation. During this period of time, you can both accept gifts and give them, receiving joy and satisfaction from this.

The patronage of Kenaz is revealed in the following - the more light and good things at your disposal, the better you can feel and see the things around you. It also gives the ability to discern what is already outdated and requires innovation or sending away.

The Kenaz rune shows the beginning of a new period in life, the arrival of new ideas and plans. Hear your inner voice. Follow the path that fate provides you, and success will await you.

The meaning of the reversed Kenaz rune

Keys of meaning: wandering in the dark, illness, disappointment, darkness, lack of control over oneself and one’s emotions, separation or conflict, blocking of creative abilities, rejection of something outdated. Lack of vital energy.

The symbol of the inverted Kenaz is a selected gift, that is, missed or lost opportunities. Build up your strength and give up what the question was about in the first place.

The meaning of the Kenaz rune in an inverted position is a serious sign. It portends loss, illness and self-deception. Even if at first glance, a person does not feel the impending negativity, he must be ready to accept this blow from Fate. Serious trials await him, through which he must go through with extreme caution. The main thing in this test will be to maintain faith in yourself and higher powers. She does not try to harm a person, but only warns him of danger. In turn, he must take her warning seriously.

The changes she prophesies will not fall from the sky overnight. It may take quite a long time. It all depends on the question of the person asking. You need to show gratitude for this warning, not lose faith and use your inner resources. Consciousness can give a hint as to what the mistakes were and what the retribution came for.

Pay attention to what is hidden inside you, to what you are afraid to reveal, that is what is now trying to get out. This is the power of liberation from the inverted Kenaz. This is a sign of internal resistance and reluctance to give up the past and fear for one’s secrets and mysteries.

There may be a decline in some friendships or partnerships, the breakdown of a marriage, or a breakdown in relationships. The process of change requires the dying out of old foundations. Ruga Kenaz draws your attention to the fact that the cost of not being willing to consciously accept the end of the stage may entail the loss of an opportunity.

Give up the old, get ready to feel empty inside. It is necessary to gain internal stability.. You should not move forward along old and proven paths, they can deceive.

Runa Kenaz also says that a person resists following his destiny and does not strive to develop his abilities and talents. Internal conflict is possible.

Rune advice: The symbol attracts and draws the bath's attention to what is happening around you and with you. An inverted Rune should not be ignored; it is a sign that something has gone wrong. Don't expect help from where it came from before.

Kenaz in magic

The use of this rune in magic can be of great benefit. She is an excellent helper and patron of students. Her influence plays a huge role in finding your true self. When you need to focus on your studies and absorb the meaning of the information you receive, it affects your mind, clearing it of unnecessary thoughts. All knowledge will be arranged on the shelves of consciousness.

She has the ability to scare away negativity. The shadow of the evil one dissipates from the bright light of the fire emitted by Kenaz. In addition to this ability, she will attract the positive influence of higher powers. They will contribute to the development, protection and promotion of the individual.

  • Gaining abilities for mental clarity, acquiring knowledge.
  • Unlocking your creative potential.
  • Getting inspired.
  • To protect and secure any valuables.
  • To strengthen family ties.
  • Restoring passion and love.
  • In love runescripts and bets on health, strengthening its effect.
  • Assistance in research work and scientific research.
  • Implementation of creative plans, bringing plans to life.
  • Help in resolving complex and confusing situations.
  • Protection of any valuables.
  • Healing from diseases.

Kenaz in fortune telling: correct interpretation

In love

It's time to confess your love. The harmonious fire of passion is ready to unite two hearts. Love in its highest manifestation, purity and openness. You need to be frank with your partner. Runa Kenaz does not tolerate lies. Purity of motives will help you find family happiness.

There is a person next to you who is ready to take care of you, inspire you and guide you in the right direction. Your partner respects you and accepts your needs and limitations.

In a negative scenario, it warns of a fierce and cruel attack of love. This could be a relationship with a wayward person who will slowly “drink” blood. After such a relationship, it’s hard to come to your senses. It is best to realize in time that it is necessary to end the relationship before it gets worse. You need to let them go and open your heart to new feelings.

Kenaz is also a symbol of the death of love due to misunderstanding. A person invented feelings for himself, but did not feel them. In this case, you either accept love or refuse it.

In progress

In work and business, Kenaz portends favorable changes. Advancement up the career ladder and business development will be bright and easy. Meet good people who will play an important role in this advancement. Friendship with superiors and work colleagues. Obtaining high profits and increasing wages due to the invested energy will increase significantly. Bring to life what you have in mind or planned. The situation is under your control. You are jealous of your achievements.

In a negative scenario, Kenaz issues a warning. Possible job loss or demotion. Conflicts with colleagues and boss. Loss of business and clients. Breaking contracts that were planned for the future.

In health

Initially strong and good health. This is a harbinger of a speedy recovery. The fire of life will heal body and soul. Great feeling. Your immune system will be strong, your mood will be cheerful, and this is the most important thing. Home care is recommended.

In a negative scenario, a person is given a sign from above. He must pay attention to his health. If this does not happen, then a loss of vitality and a long illness awaits ahead.


After wandering in the dark for a long time, the man finally saw the light. The best thing in life is to find your own personal ray of light. This is precisely the period now. It should be used for your greatest benefit. There will be success in business.

You are going through a positive period of changing yourself for the better. This can apply to any area of ​​your life. After difficulties and a dark streak in life, light comes and you have found your path. Much has become clearer, and many secrets may become clear, both your secrets and those of others will be revealed to you.


Understand yourself. Runa Kenaz says that this is a Talented person who does not expect gifts. You know what it takes to improve your talents. You can use your energy and time wisely. A person himself acts for his own development, which sometimes goes beyond. You can go crazy this way, but admonition comes in time. Clarity of thought allows you to draw the right conclusions, which accumulate valuable life experience. He strives for power, and does not try to hide it. The main thing in the success of such a person is the ability to forgive. Without this, it is impossible to reach your dream. A truthful and fair perception of the world is above all else for you. You have clarity of thought, which is your strength. You are able to see things in their real situation, as they are - a realist. Even in difficult and confusing situations, you rely only on yourself and expect honesty and openness from the outside. You always have a role model.

Rune advice: learn to forgive yourself and others and then you can achieve a lot.

In whatever position the Kenaz Rune falls, you are required to be vigilant and focused, and you may have to protect yourself from making mistakes. The energy that bursts to the surface can do a lot of things, do not disturb it, step aside and observe.

Release the process accompanied by the rune, but at the same time carefully monitor what is happening. Your participation is a test of strength, whether you can go through a new birth, whether you can withstand the onslaught of higher forces.

The action of Kenaz is associated with insoluble problems and pressure from above. Don’t get lost and go astray, just believe that the force will make its way and the problem will be resolved within the set time frame. As a rule, the power of the sign brings the resolution of difficult situations to their logical conclusion; the most important thing is to be close to this power.

It is very important to monitor your states and events around you.

The might of power cooperates only with those who treat them with respect and awe. This is necessary to prevent destruction and open the way to transformation.

When events come under the influence of the Kenaz Rune, they begin to develop independently and so rapidly that sometimes you may not have time to track it. At such a moment, a person has a moment to rest, so that later he can fight with new forces.

Learn to see and feel the powers of the symbol, then it will begin to help you. By accepting and respecting this power, you give it freedom of action, you open up new horizons for it. This power will work both on you and through you. This power is the reward of understanding, clarity and alertness.

Respect Rune Kenaz and follow her advice.