Legendary cases and famous detectives of the Moscow police. Window to the courtyard

Famous literary characters, movie characters and real people. Who solved the most daring crimes and who can be considered the most famous detective?

The most famous detectives in cinema and literature

Of course, these characters are repeated. It’s impossible not to show it on a blue screen legendary personality described on the pages of books. A striking example– everyone famous Sherlock Holmes by the great author Arthur Conan Doyle. Stories with the famous detective in leading role have become classics detective genre. It is believed that the prototype of the legendary Sherlock was Arthur Conan Doyle’s acquaintance, Joseph Bell, who was famous for his ability to pay attention to the finest details and accurately determine a person’s character. The readers themselves were so imbued with the image of Holmes that they began to send him letters asking for help in investigating their personal detective stories. The whole paradox was that the house numbered 221b Baker Street did not exist. But a stream of continuously incoming letters encouraged the architects to create the Sherlock Holmes Museum at this address.

And although Sherlock Holmes, due to his worldwide fame, is considered the founder of the detective genre, in fact, the very first detective - Auguste Dupin - was created by the imagination of Edgar Allan Poe. He appears in the following stories: "Murder in the Rue Morgue", "The Mystery of Marie Roget" and "The Stolen Letter".

One more popular author detectives is Agatha Christie. She created such famous detectives as Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. It is believed that the prototype of the famous Belgian agent was an acquaintance of Agatha Christie's refugee, former police officer Jacques Joseph Amouard. Judging by the description of the main character: “unbearable, vile, pompous, tiresome, self-centered” - the writer herself did not really like her character. But due to the genuine interest of readers in Hercule’s abilities, she considered it her duty to continue writing Detective stories associated with it.

As for Miss Marple, unlike the previous detective, she was not a professional in unraveling criminal cases, but did it for the soul. Her image is that of a good-natured and sympathetic old woman who lives alone and occupies herself with knitting, collecting donations and caring for house plants, etc. Miss Marple is quite curious, interested in the lives of all her neighbors, and not a single crime story that happened nearby is complete without her participation. To add a little variety to the routine of her life, she gladly takes on her own investigation of the most mysterious crimes. And she does it brilliantly.

The modern filmed double of Miss Marple is the writer Jessica Fletcher. main character from the series Murder, She Wrote. A former English teacher, she now writes detective stories, collecting stories for which while traveling around the world. Just like Agatha Christie's heroine, Jessica lives alone, but she has many relatives whom she goes to visit.

The heroes of detective novels by Daria Dontsov received unprecedented fame: Ivan Podushkin, Evlampia Romanova, Daria Vasilyeva and Viola Tarakanova. All of these characters have absolutely different tempers and methods of crime investigation, but they are united by genuine curiosity and a thirst for justice in the most complicated criminal stories. Surprisingly, detective stories are made into films with modest budgets. But the costs of some film projects are simply amazing, and the most expensive film of our time is a Soviet film. .

Legendary real detectives and sleuths

The image of Alan Pinkerton immediately appears. From hometown Glasgow, he moved to America, where he worked as a sheriff in his county for 4 years. Then he threw public service and opened a private detective agency.

In a matter of months it gained wide popularity, and even Abraham Lincoln himself was among the agency's clients. In 1861, company employees foiled an attack on the President in Baltimore. And another high-profile case for which private investigator Alan Pinkerton became famous was the arrest of persons who stole 700 thousand dollars from the Adams Express railway company. It was the agency's leaders who first introduced the practice of searching for criminals based on their portraits, which were hung in public places, which significantly speeded up the search for villains. Alan himself became the prototype literary character Nat Pinkerton.

The most famous detective about whom a movie was made

The most famous detective in history is Eugene Francois Vidocq. His biography is quite interesting. He himself began his journey with criminal activity. At the age of 14, Eugene killed his fencing mentor. It was an accident, after which he decided to flee to America, but was drafted into the army. He did not make a good minister, and he deserted. Eugene found himself in a bad environment.

As part of a gang, he constantly robbed, killed, and was repeatedly caught by the police and convicted. But each time he escaped from prison, for which he received the nickname “werewolf” and “king of risk.” But after some time, he realized that such a life was no longer possible, and Eugene took a decisive step. He turns to the police to offer his services to catch bandits. Vidocq argues that only a criminal can understand a criminal. He recruits a group of former members gangs and begins to successfully unravel the most complex crimes. For this he was nicknamed the father of criminal investigation. And therefore Eugene Francois Vidocq became the prototype for the creation detective characters in the world of cinema.
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Today, January 15, the country celebrates the Day of Formation of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation. This date was included in the holiday calendar after the signing of the law “On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation” at the end of December 2010.

For the first time in Russia, Peter I decided to separate the investigative department from others government agencies. In 1713, the first specialized investigative bodies appeared. They reported directly to Peter I and dealt with cases of particularly dangerous acts.

The editors of mger2020.ru talk about investigators, who today for many law enforcement officers are an example of courage, bravery and valor.

Ivan Putilin

Ivan Putilin went from a scribe to the head of the Petersburg detective. IN late XIX for centuries everyone knew about him. It is surprising that he was respected not only by his colleagues, but also by the leaders of the criminal world. He was the first to apply investigative techniques that are still used today, and developed a high-quality agent network among all classes of St. Petersburg society. If a mouse runs in the wrong place, they will report this to Putilin in an hour, and in another half hour the mouse will be found. Putilin became literary prototype and the hero of several films.

Nikolay Sokolov

In February 1918, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army by Admiral Alexander Kolchak in order to investigate the most notorious crime of the 20th century - the murder case. royal family and the case of the Alapaevsk martyrs.

The conditions under which Sokolov had to conduct the investigation were extreme. All work - interviewing witnesses, collecting material evidence - was carried out during the Civil War.

Yakov Vagin

Yakov Vagin headed the Perm criminal investigation department for 17 years - until 1986. During his work, Perm came in third place in terms of crime detection in the country. Moreover, both large and small cases were solved equally brilliantly. Yakov Vagin solved the case of the Vedernikov brothers, who killed police officers, and caught the “Kungur maniac” who, having seen enough of “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” went hunting in a luminous mask.

Colleagues nicknamed Yakov Vagin “the watchmaker.” He devoted 65 years of his life to detective work. According to his colleagues, he always competently organized the work of investigative teams, providing them with everything they needed. He did not disdain new technologies. His initiative was to equip investigative teams with night vision devices.

Amurkhan Yandiev

They say that an investigator's talent can be most fully revealed when investigating cases. serial maniacs. After all, there are no financial interests in these matters. different groups society, no politics and corruption. There is only a mentally unbalanced person whose logic of actions is different from the logic healthy person. This significantly complicates the work and requires a special algorithm of action.

The famous Amurkhan Yandiev was investigating the cases of the most famous maniacs - Chikatilo, Tsyuman, Burtsev, Mukhankin. It was the Chikatilo case that became “the story of life” for the investigator. Yandiev personally interrogated the maniac, built a trusting relationship with him, although he never forgot: in front of him was a beast who had brutally and dirtyly dealt with almost fifty people. Now Amurkhan Khadrisovich works as a lawyer, gives lectures at law schools and always answers all questions from listeners about a case that was almost 30 years old.

The work of an investigator is very difficult and multifaceted.

But at the same time this profession and very much in demand!

History and concept of the profession of investigator

When identifying the profession of investigator, it is impossible to unambiguously attribute it to a single type. Because the person conducting the investigation must have a certain set of skills. Including sports training, as a law enforcement officer, and intellectual data that allows you to analyze the situation, see and solve a crime, even during its staging. And since the work is aimed at eliminating social danger and ensuring law and order, it includes social aspect.

The history of the investigator profession is inextricably linked with the emergence of the very concept of crime and the development of such a science as criminology. The first mentions of identifying criminals, interrogations, and searches can be traced back to the sacred books: Old, New Testament, Avesta, Koran and legal monuments Ancient Rome, Greece, China and other countries.

Early normative acts, such as the ancient Roman XII tables, the laws of King Hammurabi, "Russian Truth", systematize the list of crimes and penalties.

In individual works on criminal proceedings starting from the 17th century. recommendations are made to involve in the investigation persons who have special medical skills and the ability to recognize poisons and handwriting features.

But the emergence of criminology as an independent science occurred at the end of the 19th century. Its developers are considered to be the French scientist Alphonse Bertillon and the Austrian professor Hans Gross. Thanks to them, the first identification methods were proposed: using a person’s portrait, including using a photo of the process, and fingerprints.

Profession investigator - description

Investigators work in law enforcement agencies: in the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Investigative Committees, FSKN and FSB. In the future for Good work the investigator may become a prosecutor in the department for supervision of investigations in the prosecutor's office or a justice adviser.

The investigator's activities include:

  • initiation of criminal cases;
  • resolving all issues arising during the investigation and taking the necessary measures.
  • active participation in trials of the accused;
  • appealing certain decisions and achieving a fair outcome in court cases.
  • As for the personal side of the investigator, he needs to have an analytical mind and be able to defend his opinion by citing reliable facts and evidence.

Nowadays, numerous universities graduate great amount lawyers, but not everyone becomes professionals in their field.

The future investigator must receive a Higher Legal Education, since while carrying out his activities he must know:

  • code of Criminal Procedure,
  • forensics,
  • legislation,
  • logic,
  • psychology.

Only an erudite person who has:

  • Analytical mind,
  • flexibility of thinking,
  • able to express his thoughts clearly and concisely,
  • defend your point of view
  • argue for it.

This is the kind of person who can achieve a lot in this profession.

Features of the investigator's profession

The work of an investigator is an activity aimed at solving crimes. The peculiarity of his work begins with the inspection of the crime scene, identification and collection of all necessary evidence. And subsequently, after obtaining the necessary laboratory results and conclusions, determining the essential details that will go into the process of solving the crime and identifying the offender. The exact identification of the latter also depends on the level qualifications, professional qualities and investigator experience.

This work is very responsible, hard and dangerous. It includes irregular work hours, and the possibility of threats and even attacks. In the course of his activities, the investigator constantly encounters aggression, meanness, death, and the grief of others and bears special responsibility for all decisions made and conclusions drawn.

An investigator is a law enforcement officer who has a legal education and is involved in solving crimes. A person holding this position must have certain intellectual and psychological qualities, among them:

  • stress resistance
  • self-organization
  • discipline
  • responsibility
  • excerpt
  • ability to analyze
  • resourcefulness
  • practical thinking

Being an investigator is, first of all, a calling, savvy with legal knowledge and experience.

Profession investigator criminologist

Forensic scientists are the first to arrive at the crime scene to conduct an examination, take fingerprints, pack evidence, and then carry out all the necessary examinations in the laboratory.

In order to solve a crime, many examinations are carried out, including:

  • traceological (examination of remaining traces of clothing, shoes, teeth, etc.),
  • phonoscopic(study of recording materials aimed at identifying and establishing a person by voice and speech),
  • ballistic (research of weapons and ammunition),
  • technical examination of documents.

With the development of science, types of examinations and research are constantly expanding and improving, modern stage DNA research is also carried out, which is aimed at identifying the person by hair, saliva, that is, by the organic traces left behind.

In addition to skills and psychological characteristics necessary for investigative activities, a criminologist must have special education, be careful, meticulous, and work skillfully in a team.

Profession investigator - pros and cons

But like any job, being an investigator has its pros and cons.

Working in the Authorities is prestigious and respected. It is possible to provide employees of this profession with their own housing.

Except legal issues specialists will learn about banking when investigating economic crimes, and even medical science if the crime occurred in the healthcare sector.

The disadvantages of this profession are, of course, long working hours, round-the-clock duty and night work.

Profession investigator - salary

But unfortunately, the salary of investigators in our country is meager, although there are many requirements for this profession.

This article will help you prepare an essay, report or presentation about the profession of an investigator.

Recognized as the best investigator in the region last year, a puncture happened only once during her five-year investigative practice, when she had just arrived at the investigative department No. 1 of the Angarsk police department. A small technical error, even the prosecutor’s office did not notice it. It only came up in court. After that, she even jumped up in her sleep: she kept imagining that she had messed something up again.

The most favorite hobby“to sew a finished case into the crust,” she admits. - Everything has been proven, calculated, weighed, you can’t find fault with a single conclusion... You look at daddy and admire it as if it were a beautiful thing.

By the way, at night not only fears come, but also insights come.

You sit all day, tossing around, unable to tie ends meet, and in a dream, suddenly everything somehow comes together by itself. You wake up - in your head ready-made solution. I’m not the only one where this happens, many of my colleagues talk about it.

Bah, all the faces are familiar

But there is little time left for sleep. Mandatory daily shifts are especially exhausting. Now that the entire staff is staffed, there are three or four of them per month. And there was a period the year before last when there were only three people left in the entire investigative department. They sent people from Irkutsk to help them, but it was still hard. After three days on the fourth, charge for a day. You fit into a jacket, you get a service weapon and a sleepless night into the bargain.

There are quiet watches when, obeying some heavenly command, the city is enveloped in peace and benevolence. Evil thoughts fly away from people, and their hand does not rise to offend their neighbor. Then you rest. But Angarsk rarely falls into peaceful prostration. He has a solid criminal reputation, which he is always in a hurry to confirm. That’s why, most often, calls pour out like from a torn bag.

One day there were ten calls for duty. The flow of information is crazy. The testimony of witnesses alone can drive you crazy: one says one thing, the other says another. I already have calluses on my hand from the fountain pen, and my legs just can’t hold up. You dream of one thing: to fall into bed and sleep, sleep. But I can’t sleep. A regular working day begins, and you return to your office and sit down at your desk. The rest of the duty group is going on vacation, but there is no rest for them. No, of course, he’s supposed to, and you can go home, but business can’t wait. So you cheer yourself up with coffee instead of a pillow.

Time is what we constantly lack. There are too few hours in the day, I always want to add at least a couple more, Anna dreams.

By the way, she received her baptism of fire, if you can call it that, on one of her first shifts. Usually, newcomers are put on non-obvious crimes, often as “grouse,” so that they can use their brains, so to speak, fresh ideas planted. And she, being on the road, immediately found the criminal. A young guy, not even thirty, came out of prison, settled with his mother, and a couple of days later he set off from there, taking with him the things of his mother’s friend.

She opened a criminal case, obtained confessions and quickly sent the case to court. He will be given two years, in a year he will be released on parole, pick up his old ways and soon fall into the hands of Bazhgeeva again. He will receive a new sentence, which he is serving to this day.

We take them there, and they come back. You start a business, look, bam, a familiar face.

One thing ends, another begins

She stands up for justice. As a child, she got it with her fists. The poor mother, meeting her daughter covered with battle scratches, constantly instructed: you need to convince with words, with words somehow more intelligibly. The sown seeds took a long time to germinate, but by the time jurisprudence beckoned her, she also came to understand that the main weapon of a lawyer is language.

“I can talk to anyone,” she laughs. “I don’t spare time to talk with the victims.” There needs to be clarity, no ambiguity. Here I am, twisting and turning.

She admits that she chose her calling early, at the age of six. There was a traffic police post next to the house, and the sight of an employee dressed in a uniform sank into my soul. As, probably, a symbol of the highest justice. She was eager to go to the investigative unit - the same one where she now works, right after school. They said it was too early. I came after my first year of university - again early, I came after my second year. I could barely wait for my diploma. They were admitted to the staff in November 2008, just on Police Day. Or the police, for today's sake. In general, it turned out somehow significant, with meaning.

As a result, there is a hierarchy. Major cases - murders, financial scams, drug trafficking - are conducted by investigators of the Investigative Committee, prosecutors, as they are called by their previous registration. And the small things - thefts, robberies, robberies - are dealt with by the “cop investigators,” as the prosecutors call them in a disdainful manner. This does not infringe on Anna at all, and she is not attracted to a different situation, other spheres at all.

When she had just arrived at the department, there were a lot of robberies. There are more and more thefts now. She prefers to do just that.

Robbery is an obvious crime, as they say: I came, I saw, I conquered. But theft must be proven.

There is especially a lot of trouble with “guest performers”. Usually they ride along the route: Irkutsk, Angarsk, Usolye, Cheremkhovo and back. And they demonstrate high class. They are looking out for rich houses, and even the most sophisticated locks and alarm systems cannot save them. They open it so quickly that the arriving police find only an empty and cleaned apartment.

One criminal told me: you simply can’t imagine what you can learn in prison. I can pick a rack lock with a pencil in three seconds. Prison is a school, and savvy people come out of it.

Not only school, but also home. They somehow came across a petty thief, whom they dubbed the All-Russian homeless person. He wandered all over the country, and closer to winter he deliberately committed a minor crime in order to spend the winter in prison. He was terribly offended by the Chita operatives, who firmly promised him imprisonment, but gave him a suspended sentence.

There was another one, eager to go to prison as if to a haven of salvation. A very educated man who graduated military school, could carry on any conversation. But a drug addict. “Here, in freedom, no one needs me, not even my family,” he admitted. - And there I am in a good position, I have a job, money is pouring into a book. And most importantly, I don’t inject myself. I live like cheese in butter.”

Anna also likes to investigate multi-episode cases. Pull the thread, unraveling the whole criminal tangle. Somehow the series began robbery attacks. One, two, three. The handwriting is the same. They usually attacked people who were heavily drunk. Naturally, being in such a state, they remembered little. They were confused and confused in their testimony.

It must be said that it is sometimes more difficult to work with victims than with the criminals themselves. Either it seems to them that the investigator is on the side of the suspect, wanting to cut their sentence, or those summoned for identification are afraid that the robber, when released, will take revenge.

I tell them all the time: you and I are on the same side. As for revenge, believe me, our criminals do not indulge in such things. By the time they get out of prison, they've forgotten their last name, let alone yours.

So, in the case of a series of robberies, the witnesses were not confused, two pieces of evidence coincided: there were two men, and one of them, a younger one, a helper, was dressed in a red tracksuit with the inscription “Russia”. Based on this suit, the operatives caught him. And he has already handed over the leader.

The leader turned out to be a seasoned guy, one might say, a hereditary thief - dad also plied this trade. My son had several walks, and he studied the Criminal Code from cover to cover. So it cost Anna a lot of blood to extract confessions from him in all the episodes.

When principles are shaken

The fewest cases are related to fraud. Somehow the criminal world does not indulge in criminal mind games. True, one young Ostap Bender amazed the entire investigative department. He managed to sell the apartments of several of his relatives, which they, naturally, did not suspect. The buyers were tearing their hair out: shame, the boy had cheated him.

Children are Anna's weakness. That’s probably why, on top of everything else, she was labeled as a minor violator of the law. Two years ago, all serious crimes committed by minors were transferred to the Investigative Committee, and they were left with moderate crimes and thefts, but there are still enough cases.

Anna’s boss, Lyubov Nazarova, told me that working with them is difficult.

They tend to exaggerate, leave things out, and sometimes even fantasize. Therefore, establishing the truth is very, very difficult.

The main clientele for the investigation department comes from Angarsk boarding school No. 7.

I have a firm principle: a criminal should be in prison. But when you look at them, get acquainted with their biography, then my always firmness somehow begins to waver. They are offended by life, they were not loved, they were not given affection. At first they look at you like animals, then they begin to thaw, their eyes are different, without malice, without hatred. I climb into the table and scoop out candy, if there is any. It’s probably not supposed to be this way, but I can’t do it any other way.

And one last thing. There are official characteristics, and there are those delivered by “pigeon mail” from places not so remote. It has its own measurement scale. There is an opinion about investigator Anna Bazhgeeva: she does not deceive.