P space outdoor games space. Space adventures: games for children

1. Own rocket
Spaceship is an integral part of any space game. Do cardboard rocket , which usually remain after toilet paper. It can be painted and decorated with bright stickers. Make a flying machine out of plasticine and place a Lego man there. Or go on an intergalactic adventure yourself. A cardboard box left over from a large purchase can easily be adapted for space purposes.

2. Lunar soil sample
There are so many options for tactile games and . You can use flour, coffee beans, rice colored with black food coloring , black plasticine, cocoa powder, glass balls and much more that in the game will replace the night sky and soil samples from another planet. We will give one simple recipe , which will help you make safe lunar soil at home.

Here are the ingredients to mix:
1. Baking soda
2. Water
3. Colored glitter
4. Black food coloring or liquid black watercolor (watercolor is better, since food coloring is more difficult to wash off skin and clothes).
You need to add just enough water to the soda so that the soda becomes a homogeneous mass, but not more so that it does not spread.

3. What are craters?
Tell your child where craters appeared on the surface of many planets. Tray filled with a mixture of flour and cocoa – an excellent field for experimentation. Take glass balls, pebbles (something small and quite heavy). By throwing them into flour, you can observe how pits of different sizes are formed (depending on the size of the falling “meteorite”).

4. Alien Family
A set of plasticine with a slight movement of the hand turns into a family of funny aliens. What are yours? Maybe one of them is very similar to the teacher, and the other resembles the neighbor's dog? Many-armed, one-eyed, purple-skinned, toothy, winged, but most importantly - undoubtedly born of the imagination of a child. By the way, try using luminescent plasticine, then the aliens will glow in the evenings. You can also take a set of toy eyes and stick a dozen or two on the head of the newly minted alien. And not just on the head.

5. Star map
There are a lot of options for making a star map, and all of them are mainly suitable for school-age children (at this age, the level of concentration on small details and the level of abstract thinking allows you to sit for a long time studying the constellations and creating a celestial map). Simpler methods are suitable for younger children. For example, in small cardboard cards make holes according to the diagram of the simplest constellations. On a sunny day or by pointing a lamp at the cards, the child will be able to see their shadow on the wall with bright star dots that form a constellation. You can do the same thing with regular paper cups : Make holes at the bottom and shine a flashlight through the cup onto the wall. Another option is to stick stars or draw circles on a chalk board and let your child connect them with lines.

6. Home solar system
The solar system in your pocket is so cool! Especially for kids who are just getting acquainted with the world of space and are still confused about the names and locations of the planets. Combine plastic and metal caps that resemble the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in size and color. The moon, by the way, is there too. At the same time, you can tell why it is visible in the sky at night. Tell older children that scientists are gradually discovering new planets, and there are already five dwarf planets in our solar system that were previously unknown.

7. Moon rocks
If the idea to play in space came instantly, but you don’t have time to make complex preparations, take the most ordinary foil and quickly crumple it into a set of real moon rocks. You can collect them with a special space excavator, arrange them according to size, throw them into a bowl for accuracy, feed them to moon men - as you can see, there are many options for playing, and almost every kitchen has foil.

8. Selfie with an astronaut
Constellations are constellations, and the most favorite space entertainment is to be in the role of an astronaut. From plastic bottles and colored paper you can make a backpack booster for intergalactic flights, and from cardboard to make frames on a stick in the form of spacesuits for space family photographs. But even without a suit, any child can imagine that he is an astronaut. It is enough to believe in this and you are already developing supersonic speed.

The cold emptiness of space has long attracted authors of science fiction works. Indeed, unlike fantasy worlds, which, despite all their diversity, still live according to the general canons of the genre, the infinity of space provides scope for the wildest fantasies and allows the implementation of grandiose author's ideas without compromising the integrity of the perception of the world. It is not surprising that it is in the space setting that many very worthy games take place, to which we have dedicated our selection.

Best Action

Mass Effect series

Other candidates

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Other candidates

Other candidates

Other candidates

Master of Orion is a legendary series of space strategies, which all followers are guided to one degree or another. Its history began back in 1993, and the relaunch was released in 2016. It is distinguished by a high barrier to entry and painstaking micromanagement of colonies.

Stellaris. Coming out the same year as the Master of Orion reboot, Stellaris managed to capture the spirit of the original series even better. As in all games, tons of detailed statistics, many opportunities to manage your empire, interesting quests and branded random events await us.

Galactic Civilizations is another version of the famous Civilization in a space setting, this time from the Stardock studio. The game uses a hexagonal map cell, which makes it similar to and expands the tactical possibilities in battles.

The Star Wolves series is very close in spirit and style to Space Rangers, only the graphics are more modern. Here you can already assemble a team of up to 6 pilots, capable of causing a stir on a galactic scale.

Nexus: The Jupiter Incident is a tactical simulator of battles on spaceships from the Hungarian studio Mithis Entertainment with stunning (for its 2004) graphics. The ships here are pathetic and majestic, and the battles between them proceed smoothly and measuredly, giving time for reflection and maneuvers.

Games based on the Star Wars universe

Star Wars Republic Commando

Over the long years of its existence, the Star Wars franchise has acquired a detailed Expanded Universe, which, moreover, as a soft canon (everything is fair until the films show otherwise) includes games written based on this universe.

Star Wars: Empire at War is a classic RTS that takes place between episodes 4 and 6 of the film series. You can play for both sides of the conflict, with the Empire creating technology itself, and the Rebels having to steal imperial developments.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - before the release of Mass Effect, it was this duology that claimed the title of the best space RPG. Events take place during the Old Republic, 4 thousand years before the time of the cinematic universe. The Jedi Order is experiencing another decline, the Dark Side is once again raising its head, and we have to solve this problem (or join the Sith).

Star Wars Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy is a classic action/shooter with a small RPG element, telling the story of attempts to restore the Jedi Order after the events of Episode 6. Here we will learn the intricacies of the Force under the guidance of the legendary Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn, and at the very end we will have the opportunity to go to the Dark Side. Even 15 years after the game's release, its multiplayer servers are still alive.

The classic Star Wars Battlefront duology - two gameplay clones of Battlefield 1942 in the Star Wars setting, released in 2004 and 2005. For their time they had very decent graphics.

New Star Wars: Battlefront duology (2015-2017). In the restart, the original format of battles involving vehicles typical of the world of Star Wars is complemented by grandiose battles from the films and the opportunity to take tests based on the events of the cinematic universe.


Like space itself, our list includes bright stars like Mass Effect, mysterious nebulae like Stellaris, and dangerous black holes. Space games of varying quality are released every year, and with each new discovery of Curiosity or successful launch of Space X rockets, interest in such games will only grow. After all, humanity has recently entered its Space Age, which means all the most interesting things are still waiting for us.

Outdoor games for older preschool children

"50th anniversary of the first space flight"

Compiled by: teacher

group No. 10 “Star”

L.A. Leshkova

Running games.

"Running on the Moon"


Run at a calm pace as far and as long as possible.

Run along the edges of the area or along a flat path, raising your knees high.

Run, throwing your legs back, trying to touch your buttocks with your heels.

Run, stepping over the lines drawn on the ground at a distance of 1.5-2 m.

Run, stepping over sticks, slats placed on the ground or raised to a height of 15-20 cm.

"Martian Runs"


Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. A line was also drawn on the opposite side of the site. In the middle, between the two lines, there is a Martian trap. After the words: “One, two, three - run!” - the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the runner crosses the line is considered caught and moves aside. After 2-3 runs, the caught children are counted and a new trap is selected - a Martian.

"Star Traps"


The children are on the playground. The trap, assigned by the teacher or chosen by the players, stands in the middle of the court, holding a three-dimensional star in his hands. At the signal: “One, two, three - catch!” - all the children scatter around the playground, dodging the trap, which is trying to catch up with one of the players and touch him with a star (stain). The one touched by the trap with an asterisk moves aside. When 3-4 children are spotted, a new trap is selected.

“Feet off the ground!”


The game is played in the same way, but with the condition: you cannot catch those children who managed to stand on some elevated object in time - a chair, board and other objects.

"Get away from the chase!"


Children stand in a circle. Each of them has a strip of steel-colored fabric tucked into the back of the collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal: “Catch!” - children run around the playground. The trap runs after the children, trying to take a strip from one of the children. A child who has lost his ribbon temporarily steps aside. At the teacher’s signal: “One, two, three, quickly run in a circle!” - everyone lines up in a circle. The catcher counts the number of ribbons taken and returns them to the children. The game continues with a new trap.

"Little Planets"


A circle with a diameter of 3-4 m is drawn on the ground (floor). Using a counting rhyme, a comet trap is selected. He stands in the center of the circle, the rest are small planets behind the circle. After the signal: “One, two, three - catch!” - the children run in a circle, and the comet trap catches them. When he catches 3-4 children, a new trap is chosen.

"Flying Comet"


The game plays out the same as the previous ones, but the trap must hit the runners with a soft ball.

"Moving Target"


In this game you cannot catch the child who managed to sit down.

"Cosmonauts on One Leg"


The trap cannot catch a child who has stopped on one leg and clasped the knee of the other leg with both hands.

"Star City"


Children stand in a circle, two at a time, each pair holding a card with a picture of the city. The distance between pairs is 1-2 steps. There are two drivers behind the circle. One of them runs away, the other tries to catch up with him. The running child, escaping from the catcher, stands in front of the pair, who will pick up a card with a picture of the city (the teacher chooses the pair). If he managed to run into the circle and stand up before he was stained, he can no longer be stained. Now the child who is third from the edge must run away. If the catcher managed to touch the runner, then they change roles.

In this game you must adhere to the following rules:run only in a circle without crossing it, do not grab onto children standing in a circle, do not run for too long so that everyone can join in the game. If there are few players, then you can stand not in pairs, but one at a time. Then it will be not the third, but the second that is superfluous.

Jumping games.

"Martian Scout Robot"


Option 1

Children stand all over the playground, freely, without interfering with each other. At the teacher’s signal, everyone jumps in place on two legs, trying to jump higher. To the clap or signal: “All around”! - everyone turns around in a jump, then jumps again in place and turns again at the signal.

Option 2

Children line up along a line drawn on the ground (floor) or made of cord. The teacher suggests jumping on two legs at his count; at the clap or other signal, the children jump across the line with a turn in the jump. It is important to have time to make the jump exactly on the signal.

Option 3

A line 5 meters long is drawn on the ground (floor) or cords are laid out. Children stand in a column one at a time at one end of the line. At a signal, children begin to jump on two legs, moving forward, jumping over the line from right to left and from left to right (zigzag).

"Galaxy Journey"


1. Jump, moving forward, while jumping over a line 4-5 m long on one leg (right and left alternately).

2. Jump, moving forward (at a distance of 5-6 m), with an object clamped between your legs (a bag of sand, a ring, a wooden block, etc.)

3. Jump on two legs over slats mounted on wooden blocks 30-25 cm high (the distance between the slats is 1 m).

4. Jump on one (right, left) leg.

6. Jump from the log into the circle drawn on the ground. You can jump into several circles drawn at different distances from the log.

7. Jump over a log using your hands.

8. Jump on two legs, moving forward, along a log with a diameter of 20-30 cm.

9. Jump on a log lying on the ground on one leg,

moving forward. At the same time, slightly turn the toe inward.

Rope jumping

"Space Fishing"


Children stand in a circle at a short distance from each other. In the center of the circle is the teacher. He rotates a cord in a circle (at a height of 10-15 cm), to the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The players carefully watch the bag, and when it approaches, they jump up in place so that the bag does not touch their feet. The one who is touched by the bag takes a step back and is temporarily eliminated from the game. After some time, a short break is taken. Then the game resumes, with all the children participating again. First, the cord is rotated so that the bag rises low. If children cope with the task easily, the bag can be raised a little higher. You can rotate the cord not only clockwise or counterclockwise.

Jumping with a short rope

"Space Jump"

Using a counting rhyme, children are divided into two teams.

1. Jump rope, rotating it forward, backward, and crosswise.

2. Jump over a short rope on two legs; with between jump;

From foot to foot. Jump on your right and left legs alternately.

3. Jump over a long rope that two other children are spinning.

4. Run under a rotating rope, do a certain number of jumps and run out from under it. Who will never get hurt!

5. Jump over a long rope together.

Running relay games

"Fun space competition"


Children playing stand in several columns near a common line at a distance of 2-3 steps from one another. Each column has the same number of children playing. Each team has the name of the spaceship and an emblem with its image, which is worn by the team captain. In front of each column, a “path” is drawn from two parallel lines 3 m long (the distance between the lines is 20-25 cm). Next, two perpendicular lines are drawn through the “paths” at a distance of 70-80 cm, “craters”, and then hoops lie at a short distance from them. At the teacher’s signal, the captains run along the paths, jump over the “craters,” run up to the hoops, take them, put them on themselves and lower them to the floor. After this, they quickly return, put the emblem on the next team member and stand at the end of their column. You can play differently. The first children, having completed the task, return, and they must touch the second players with their hands and stand at the end of the column. The second players run immediately as soon as they are touched.

"Let's collect space debris"


Children are divided into 2 teams with an equal number of people behind the line on one side of the court. Children have empty buckets of different colors in their hands, and on the floor there are small balls (cubes) of the same color as the buckets.

At the teacher’s signal, children collect balls (cubes) into their bucket in accordance with its color.


Move only in giant steps;

Move only by jumping on 2 legs.

"Let's harvest for the astronauts"


Children line up in 2 columns behind a line on one side of the playground. A second line is drawn on the opposite side of the site. The first players of each team hold a cart in their hands, and there are dummies of vegetables in a basket on their side. At the teacher’s signal, the first player must quickly put a dummy vegetable on the wheelbarrow and take it over the line to the other side of the site and put it in the “spaceship”, then quickly return back, pass the cart to another child and stand at the end of the column. The other players repeat the same until all the dummies are transported over the line. The team whose last player is the first to run with an empty cart to the starting line wins.

The game can be made more difficult by placing some obstacles in the way that children must run around while carrying dummies of vegetables.

Relay in pairs

"Space Relay"


Children stand in 2 columns in pairs behind a line on one side of the site; the number of pairs in the columns should be the same. Objects (cubes, bricks, skittles) are placed on the site. At the teacher’s signal, the first pairs, holding hands, children run between the objects, run around the chips and return to the end of their column. As soon as they cross the starting line, the second pairs run away, and so on until all the pairs have run. The column whose players complete the task faster and do not separate their hands while running wins.



Children are located on one side of the playground, with empty baskets next to them. On the other side there are baskets with “meteorites” (balls). Children run at the same time, each to their basket, take a “meteorite”, hold it between their legs and return, jumping back, put it in their basket, then run again for other “meteorites”. The game continues until all the “meteorites” have been transferred. Whoever does it first wins.

Complication: invite children to complete the task for a while.

"Fast Jupiters"


2-3 children run in a race. In each pair or trio the children are of approximately the same physical fitness. The length of the track is up to 30 m. You can run this distance by jumping over a short rope.

"Fast and accurate astronauts"


Option 1

2-4 children run, racing, raising their knees high, each with two bags of sand in their hands. Having reached the line, children must stop and throw the bags into circles (1 m in diameter). After this, the children must quickly return to the starting line in a side canter. The winner is the one who threw the bags into the circle, completed the task correctly and returned to his place faster.

Option 2

Standing at a distance of 1-2 m from a rope stretched on stands at a height of 2 m, throw the ball over it and, running under the rope to the other side, catch it. The task is then performed from a distance of 2.5 m and 3 m.

"Date with a Comet"


An obstacle course is installed on the site: from 3 gates they are placed (tunnel); 4-5 hoops; rope. Children take turns running one after another from the starting line to the first obstacle, crawling under the collars, then running to the second, jumping into hoops, running to the 3rd obstacle (rope), jumping from one end to the other, running to the finish line, touching the “ comets" by hand. Whoever completed the task first won.

"Count the cosmic steps"


Children gather on one side of the playground. The task is performed in pairs, it is proposed to run to the other side of the site, taking a smaller (more) number of steps: raising the knee high, side gallop, back forward and other types of steps.

"All together together"


The players stand on one side of the court. You need to run across it in a line, maintaining alignment. Everyone should run at the same speed, no one should overtake anyone.

"Running on the lunar surface"


“Cubes – craters” (20 cm high) are laid out on the site. The players take turns running, stepping over barriers.

Difficulty: run through the barriers as quickly as possible; jump over them.

"Space Triathlon"


Children perform the following tasks, divided into teams:

Having taken the starting position while sitting, take a run and jump over a low cube or “groove” made of 2 ropes; run to the arc, crawl under it on all fours; sideways; run further, stepping from hoop to hoop (4), laid out on the floor, and reach the finish line as quickly as possible. Whoever completes all three tasks the fastest is the best triathlete!

"Path of Agility"


Children in pairs run along the path for 15-20 meters, stepping on the footprints of space aliens painted on the floor surface, or vice versa, they run along the path, trying not to step on the footprints of the aliens.

"Return to the Lunar Rover"


Children are divided into 2 teams on one side of the playground. On the other side of the site there are “lunar rovers” (2 large hoops). Teams are invited to jump over several “craters” made of 2 ropes; crawl along a gymnastics bench; walking from “stone to stone” (low cubes are used). The winner is the team that is the first to assemble in the “lunar rover”, that is, in the hoop.

"Warm-up for an astronaut"


Slowly, jogging together with the teacher, children run 2-4 segments of 60-150 meters. During breaks between running, you should not stop, but walk at a free pace. Such jogging training allows you to gradually prepare children for continuous running from 400 to 1000 m, and in the seventh year of life, 1500 m. It is necessary to practice jogging every day.

"Space flight"


Children stand in a line on one side of the playground - this is planet Earth. Every child is a spaceship. All the children jump from foot to foot, “fly” to another planet. The presenter throws “Meteorite” at these ships with a soft ball.

"Find your way to the spaceship"


Signs are prepared, arrows are drawn on them, and the teacher places these signs in the kindergarten area in those places where there are turns, so that they are clearly visible to the children. Children gather at the starting point. Taking turns at certain intervals, at the adult’s signal: “March!” - the children run out into the distance. The task is to run the entire distance from start to finish, independently navigating according to the signs placed on the site.

When repeating the game, you can send two at a time into the distance, and the children must run to the finish line together, according to the cards.

"Walk on the Moon"


Children are positioned randomly on the playground and walk at random steps. At the signal “Hop!” Everyone must simultaneously jump higher and turn in the direction indicated by the adult.

"Taking a Run into a Starship"


In order to learn how to push off when jumping with both feet, you need to jump with a short run-up (3-5 steps) in length, while alternating the start of the run-up from the right and left legs. The teacher suggests jumping in a competition with a friend, pushing off with the leg that is more comfortable. The one who jumps further and reaches the spaceship faster wins.

"Martian Jumpers"


Children stand on the playground in 2 lines, they need to jump on their right foot (pushing off with two), then on the left (pushing off with two). Then push off with your left foot and land on both feet at the same time, push off with your right foot and land on both feet. The team that reaches the finish line faster and without making mistakes wins.

"Star Marathon"


Option 1

On the site, 4-6 parallel strips are laid out from ropes, located at the same (60-80 cm) distance from one another. Children jump alternately through each strip with stops between stripes or continuously, performing one jump after another.

Option 2

Several parallel short strips are laid out from ropes. The distance from strip to strip should increase: from the first to the second it is 40 cm, from the second to the third - 50 cm, from the third to the fourth - 60 cm and from the fourth to the fifth - 70 cm.

Children should not jump over the stripes; they only serve as a guide for jumping. Therefore, in the starting position, he stands not behind the first strip, but next to it, stepping back a step.

The task is to jump long from a standing position, trying to land as accurately as possible at the level of the next strip.

With the exception of starting a career as an astronaut or hitchhiking into deep space on an unmanned probe, computer games are the best and so far the only way available to humanity to leave Earth and go on a journey towards the unknown. Peaceful trade or pirate fishing in the vastness of the Milky Way, or escaping from a terrible alien monster in an abandoned orbital station - all this is on our list of the best games for PC, one way or another dedicated to space.

Leaving their planet behind, humans begin to colonize Mars: you are now entirely responsible for the outcome of this process. Your new civilization will begin its development from a small settlement in the Martian desert and grow into a vibrant, growing and extraterrestrial metropolis. But we advise you to monitor your oxygen and electricity levels, because a deficiency of either of these components will lead to a terrible death of the population on the red planet.

Released: 2017 | Developer: Fullbright | Buy

The space squad mysteriously disappeared from the Tacoma lunar mobile station. You are sent to investigate this situation and restart the artificial intelligence of the lunar station. This is an atmospheric, sci-fi story from the creators of Gone Home.

Characters reveal a compelling story in detail through interactive augmented reality recordings. Extreme attention to detail adds to the mystery of the story. The more thoroughly you explore every meter of the station, the more immersed you become in solving the mystery.

Elite: Dangerous

Released: 2014 | Developer: Frontier Developments | Buy

In this large-scale and exciting simulator, an entire galaxy plays the role of an open and accessible world for exploration. Starting the game with a simple ship and a handful of credits, you become the master of your own destiny. Become a fearsome pirate? A famous merchant? Or an outstanding discoverer?

The beauty of Elite Dangerous is that it gives the player complete freedom of action. Intense space battles or serene exploration of the nooks and crannies of space - here everyone can find something to their liking. On top of that, the ships in the game are simply fabulous: controlling the nimble fighters and massive cargo ships in Elite is definitely worth blowing off the dust from the old joystick.

Released: 2003 | Developer: CCP Games | Buy

Providing the opportunity to live a fulfilling life in space, EVE Online is an unparalleled MMORPG where the development of the world lies entirely in the hands of the players. This is a galaxy teeming with life, where thousands of capsule players fight, trade, mine resources, and explore the unknown side by side. Once you leave the confines of the relative safety of the police-patrolled launch system, you will find yourself in the middle of an uncompromising Wild West in a vacuum of space.

Whether you prefer to fight in large-scale space battles, each of which consists of thousands of ships costing thousands of real dollars, or explore the vast expanses of New Eden alone, EVE will provide you with many unforgettable experiences.

Released: 2017 | Developer: Rockfish Games | Buy

There is no way to recover in this rogue game. But the money earned in this battle will remain and will be used by you to improve the characteristics of the ship, which will help you win in the future. Improving these features will allow you to visit the far reaches of space with complete determination.

The game process itself is a continuous cycle. If your character dies, you won't be upset and will happily start playing again to see how far you can go this time.

Released: 2006 | Developer: Petroglyph | Buy

The game was developed by a group of experienced programmers from the Petroglyph company, who once worked at Westwood. This real-time strategy game is the best PC game in the Star Wars series. The simplified interface and low system requirements may turn off avid fans of the genre.

However, the sheer amount of chaotic and exciting battles on earth and in space are simply stunning and will excite any Star Wars fan. And such key characters as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker make the game even more popular.

Released: 2017 | Developer: Suspicious Developments | Buy

In this 2-D sci-fi game, you find yourself on board a spaceship, where your main task will be to destroy the crew using a huge variety of weapons and gadgets. The genius of the game is how strongly your imagination is developed, which will allow you to play according to your own scenario. The reaction and chaos from the revelation of your presence on the ship turns the game into one continuous joke. Sometimes things can go wrong, which is what makes the game fun in its own way.

Released: 2016 | Developer: Misfits Attic | Buy

Despite its minimalistic, retrofuturistic interface, Duskers is one of the most frightening modern sci-fi horror games on PC. In it, the player will need to take on the role of the pilot of a small “vehicle fleet” of drones, with their help searching abandoned ships in search of fuel, spare parts and threads to understand why the unknown galaxy in which the main character finds himself is completely devoid of life.

However, almost completely: the ships being explored are infested with creepy and aggressive creatures, which makes moving through their dark, narrow corridors an unexpectedly stressful experience.

Released: 2017 | Developer: Bungie | Buy

Bungie is a massively multiplayer first-person shooter hybrid that features alien environments and is simply addictive. The forested ruins of the planet Earth, the vast seas of the planet Titan, the red forests of the planet Nessus and the volcanic nature of the planet Io - all these areas delight the eyes of those who like to shoot and shoot.

The game's end goal is vague, but fans of the sci-fi genre will enjoy the lively and vibrant setting.

Released: 1995 | Developer: LucasArts | Buy

Point-and-click adventure game from LucasArts, for some reason never received due recognition. A mission to deflect the flight path of an asteroid threatening to collide with the Earth turns into a disaster for the participants: due to mysterious circumstances, they find themselves in a distant and lifeless world.

Some of the game's mysteries are difficult to understand, even by LucasArts standards, but the colorful and bizarre planet that serves as the setting is one of the most compelling extraterrestrial worlds of all time. Special mention is due to the voice acting with The X-Files and Terminator star Robert Patrick in the title role.

Released: 2014 | Developer: Giant Army | Buy

A space god simulator that allows you to control exact 3D copies of real galaxies and star systems and observe the catastrophic results of your intervention. You can start your interstellar experiments by increasing the mass of Jupiter to such a value that all other objects in the solar system will begin to revolve around it, or by completely removing the Sun, which will lead to the scattering of the Earth and other planets in different directions.

Released: 2016 | Developer: Ocelot Society | Buy

Drifting alone around Jupiter in an old spaceship, your only hope of returning home is connecting with an artificial intelligence suffering from severe emotional disturbances. You will have to communicate with Kaizen exclusively through the keyboard, and if you choose the right words and arguments, then in the end he will agree to cooperate.

Only to suddenly change his mind the next moment and close the external airlock, leaving the player suffocating from lack of oxygen outside the ship. Overall, it's a thoughtful adventure game with a subtle '70s sci-fi style.

Released: 2010 | Developer: BioWare | Buy

If you've ever imagined yourself in the role of Captain Kirk, commanding his own ship, coming into contact with various types of alien aliens and making difficult decisions that will affect the survival of the crew, then Mass Effect 2 gives you the opportunity to experience all of this and more. Combining space opera elements with a plot that rivals the best Star Trek episodes, Mass Effect 2 is one of the best sci-fi games on PC.

It has a rather linear story and does not have the freedom of choice that Elite is famous for, but instead the on-rails plot takes the player on an unforgettable journey through the galaxy, including visiting phantasmagoric planets and communicating with their peculiar inhabitants. In principle, the entire Mass Effect series is worthy of mention on this list, but our choice fell on the second part.

Released: 2016 | Developer: Paradox | Buy

The game was developed by Paradox, known for such creations as Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis. Such a large-scale, sci-fi story made a huge contribution to the strategy genre. You have the opportunity to explore the universe, create alliances with alien factions, and take part in large-scale space confrontations. The diversity of the system makes the game a powerful generator of random stories. You will never be able to predict what kind of creature you will meet on your space journey.

Released: 2014 | Developer: Creative Assembly | Buy

In this spine-chilling survival horror, Amanda, daughter of Ellen Ripley from the Original Cinematic Universe, hides in a falling apart space station from a relentlessly pursuing xenomorph. As a large-scale homage to Ridley Scott's 1979 film, the game set the benchmark for slowly building tension.

The Sevastopol station itself is designed in the style of low-budget science fiction and is replete with bulky retrofuturistic technological devices and terrifying flashing lights. The developers managed to present the world with one of the most bona fide live-action film adaptations of all time, but at the same time, Alien: Isolation remains an outstanding representative of horror even if you take away its rich cultural baggage aimed at fans.

Released: 2016 | Developer: Hello Games | Buy

This is not to say that No Man’s Sky lived up to all the expectations placed on it, but nevertheless, you can still spend many exciting hours in its procedurally generated galaxy. Its sci-fi setting is one of the most aesthetically distinctive, and the ability to jump from outer space to a planet's atmosphere without loading screens is a pretty impressive technical feat.

Of course, the planets here are still empty and lifeless, but the ability to build bases, introduced in the recent Foundation update, brings some variety to the activities on their surface.

Released: 1994 | Developer: Totally Games | Buy

A rare chance to step into the shoes of a George Lucas space opera villain. Given its compelling storyline and variety of missions as an Imperial Stormtrooper - including fighter-to-fighter combat, VIP escorts, and capital ship attacks - this is one of LucasArts' best Star Wars games.

Basically, the same could be said about Star Wars: X-Wing, if only playing as the Rebel Alliance forces wasn't so boring. A separate advantage of this line of space simulators is the fact that they have all received re-releases from GOG.com and are compatible with modern computers.

Released: 2012 | Developer: Subset Games | Buy

In FTL, the player takes on the role of the captain of a Star Trek-style spaceship, which will have to be controlled through gameplay that combines elements of turn-based and real-time strategy. A solid roguelike action game takes place in a painfully familiar, but no less fascinating sci-fi setting.

Full of discreet humor, additional quests and unexpected encounters make every attempt to achieve the final goal exciting and unique. And the ability to give your own names to the crew members and the ship makes you really worry about their fate when they find themselves in yet another dangerous situation in the depths of hostile space.

Released: 1993 | Developer: Origin Systems | Buy

Fans of the series are unlikely to ever stop arguing about which part of Wing Commander is the best, but our choice fell on Privateer thanks to its more. This is a sandbox rich in possibilities, allowing you to become a mercenary, a pirate, a merchant - or something in between these three options.

Most of the gameplay consists of hopping between systems in search of wanted criminals to capture and cargo ships to loot, but it's worth it - the space combat here excites the imagination. The plot is built linearly, but this does not take away the player’s freedom of action and choice.

Released: 2016 | Developer: CCP Games | Buy

If you have a set for playing in virtual reality, then you should not bypass this game. Here, online, you will test yourself in the role of a spaceship pilot who participates in space battles. On a subconscious level, you will feel the comfort of the cabin and the strength of the ship rushing at great speed. The battle mode is specially configured for a virtual reality helmet.

Released: 2015 | Developer:Squad | Buy

Defy gravity and the laws of physics as you try to build your own spaceship and explore space! It's a deep, complex and entertaining sandbox, full of both fun and science-based possibilities. The first successful liftoff from the surface of the planet Kerbin and landing on its moon Moon using a ship designed by oneself is one of the most magical sensations that can be obtained while spending time in a computer game.

Released: 2013 | Developer: Bohemia Interactive | Buy

Take On Mars from Bohemia, the developer studio behind the well-known Arma, is an ideal choice for those who prefer a more scientific approach to simulators - the process of space exploration here is based on real astrophysics. In it you can build a Mars rover a la Curiosity and use it to study the surface of the red planet or build your own lunar base. In general, this is a game for people who prefer science without a dash of science fiction.

Released: 2008 | Developer: Ironclad Games | Buy

Combining real-time strategy and 4X elements, Sins is all about galactic conquest. Choose a faction, accumulate enough forces and resources and become the all-powerful ruler of space. Slowly managing large-scale battles in real time is exciting, but the game's capabilities are not limited to this: you can also expand your influence through diplomacy.

Released: 2013 | Developer: Keen Software House | Buy

Basically Minecraft in space or something. The gameplay consists of extracting building materials from asteroids and making space bases and ships from them. Asteroid exploration is carried out using jetpacks or gravity generators pre-built on them. This is one of the best, which, moreover, constantly receives updates from the developers.

Released: 2013 | Developer: Chucklefish Games | Buy

SpaceEngine will allow you to experience all the delights of an existential crisis and feel small and insignificant, as the events of the game unfold on the scale of the entire universe - or, in any case, the part of it known to us. Taking off from Earth and accelerating the engines to full speed, you quickly realize that you are just a speck of dust rushing through an endless void.

The variety and elaboration of technologies in the game, allowing you to travel between galaxies and land on planets, is amazing. But, unfortunately, aside from exploring the vast open world, this game doesn’t have much else to offer.

Elena Gerasimenko
A collection of didactic games on the topic “Space” for children of middle preschool age

"I believe, friends, caravans of rockets

They will rush us forward from star to star.

On the dusty paths of distant planets

Our traces will remain"

V. Voinovich


Modern preschoolers ask a lot of questions about space, stars, planets, as this topic excites their childhood imagination. This topic causes children interest and provides an opportunity to develop the child’s personality in many ways. Didactic games on the topic« Space» help children form initial ideas about space, the sun as a star, the planets of the solar system, about the constellations. During the games about space for children knowledge about the world around us is formed, cognitive processes are cultivated. They broaden your horizons, contribute to the development of children observation and curiosity, develop intelligence.


Enrich and expand ideas and knowledge children about space, about the planets of the solar system, about constellations, to promote the development of cognitive and intellectual abilities children.



Expand knowledge children about space, about the structure of the solar system;

Develop orientation skills and spatial concepts;

Name the planets of the solar system from memory;

Practice counting planets;

Develop children communication skills.


nine cardboard planets of different sizes and colors, cards with numbers from 1 to 9, a diagram of the solar system, cords for laying out orbits, nine balls of different sizes and colors.

Game options:

Option #1

Children use cords to lay out the orbits of the planets around the sun on the table and then place the planets with numbers in their own "paths", orbits.

Option No. 2

Children place the planets on a solar system diagram using a poem without cards.

“One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row

And then after him

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto"

Option #3

Children use cords on the floor to lay out orbits around the sun and with balls - planets - stand on their "orbits" in accordance with the location of the planets of the solar system.



Learn children correlate a schematic representation of an object with an artistic one;

Introduce the symbolism of some constellations, accepted by astronomers since ancient times;

Develop cognitive interest.


Lotto cards depicting various constellations;

Pictures depicting fabulous animals or people symbolizing these constellations: Ursa Major, Eagle, Swan, Lion, Whale, Pisces, Dragon, Hercules, Perseus, Pegasus.

Progress of the game.

Children are given lotto cards depicting various constellations. The teacher has pictures depicting fairy-tale animals or people symbolizing these constellations: Leo, Whale, Pisces, Ursa Major, Eagle, Swan, Dragon, Hercules, Perseus, Pegasus.


In the night sky you can see a constellation that looks like a big bucket. In ancient times, it seemed to people that the end of the handle of the bucket looked like the nose of some kind of animal, several stars under the bucket looked like its paws and body, and the bucket itself looked like a saddle. And they decided that if they connected all these stars, they would look like a bear. It's called Ursa Major. Who has such a constellation? (etc. with other constellations)



Learn children depict a constellation on a plane;


sheets of black or blue paper, stars made of yellow cardboard.

Game options:

Option #1

Children depict the constellation according to the model.

Option No. 2

Children depict this or that constellation from memory.



Learn children planar design based on a model;

Develop thinking, creative imagination, memory;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.


12 large cards depicting an object (rocket, sun, alien, etc.) and geometric figures of different colors.

Game options:

Option #1

Children put details on the sample.

Option No. 2

Children design by looking at a sample.

Option No. 3

Children design from memory.



Consolidate knowledge children about geometric figures;

Learn children design according to a model and from memory;

Develop thinking, imagination, memory;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.


cards with pictures items: rocket, astronaut, satellite, robot, star.

Game options:

Option #1

Children construct an object according to the model.

Option No. 2

Children construct an object from memory.



Consolidate knowledge children about geometric figures;

Develop thinking and imagination;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.


Cardboard rockets with slots, with "holes", geometric figures: circles, triangles, trapezoids, rectangles.

Progress of the game:

Educator: -Guys, our missiles collided with a stream of meteorites and they damaged them. Now you are all design engineers. We need to repair our spaceships.

What color is our rocket?

(In front of the children is a rocket with holes in the form of geometric shapes. There are geometric shapes on the tray. Children put and identify those holes that are suitable for repair.)

Now name the figures that you needed for repairs (children call).



Form at children elementary ideas about the change of day and night;

Give children the idea that the Sun rises early in the morning in the East, rises in the sky during the day, descends in the evening in the West and goes beyond the horizon. At night the stars and the Moon are visible. The moon is in different phases: new month, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon; together, day and night are called days;

Cultivate interest in the world around you;

To form a cognitive and research interest and broaden one’s horizons;

Encourage children to active verbal communication.

Relevance of the game:

The game guide will allow the child to reveal his potential and use analyzers body:

1. Auditory: listens and remembers the teacher’s assignment;

2. Visual: finds visually "Sunrise", "Sky", "Sunset";

3. Tactile: the child independently holds the model "Suns", "Moons", moves it in an arc.


10 sets consisting of 2 cards indicating "day" And "night", layouts "sun", "moon", "months".

Game options:

Option No. 1

Each child has a model of the sky in one hand and a model of the sun in the other. The child inserts the model of the sun into the slot and moves it in an arc, finding the sunrise, moving it to the sky, and then to the horizon, carefully listening to the teacher’s instructions.

Option No. 2

The night luminary is the Moon; when night falls, the Moon appears in the sky. Children change the model of the daytime sky to a starry sky and insert a model of the moon. Day and night - a day away! At night the stars and the Moon are visible; The moon is in different phases: new month, waxing moon, waning moon. Listening to the teacher's instructions, children insert a model of the new moon, the full moon, and the waning moon.

Children can play with a teacher or independently.



Develop logical thinking (analysis and synthesis);

Develop the ability to classify, combine objects according to some basic, essential characteristic;

Develop memory.


sets of cards of four pictures.

Rules of the game:

First level (based on clarity). The teacher shows the children sets of 4 pictures. The children are given the task of finding among pictures are an extra item that does not fit into the overall scheme.

Second level (without relying on clarity). The teacher reads sets of words to the children. Task children– find an extra word in this set that does not fit into the general scheme and explain your choice.

Suggested sets words: Rocket, satellite, lunar rover, boat. Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Earth. Comet, star, meteorite, globe, etc.

A game "Rocket launch site"

Children say a chant before the game starts.

We are all now astronauts,

Like Gagarin, like Titov

Our rocket crew

IN space is ready to take off. Start.

(raises red flag)

Children stand around the rocket; at the sign of the red flag, the children begin to move in a circle under space music, after some time, the second child raises a yellow flag - the children move in a circle in the other direction, then the third child raises an orange flag - the children begin to move freely around the hall, the fourth raises a green flag - the children squat down or stop in place, the game is played in For some time, the children themselves control the process of raising the flags, the main task is to monitor the raised color.

Didactic game

"Find Your Planet".

Target: - Learn to navigate in a confined space (office room, find and arrange toys according to the teacher’s instructions.

Develop visual search in macrospace, consolidate knowledge of the basic prepositions characterizing the location of an object.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to find 4 rockets located in different places in the classroom and tell where the rockets are, using spatial prepositions.

Didactic exercise

"Find your planet (star)».

Target: - teach to see among set of objects a given subject, develop visual attention, perception.

To form the concept of the relativity of the size of objects, the ability to compare objects by size.

Progress of the exercise:

1. Children are offered among stars laid out on the floor, find given:

– Find a big red star, or a small green one.

Find the big blue star.

Compare which of the big stars more: red or blue? etc.

Game "Around the Sun"

Each team has 6 people who form columns. The top two players on each team are given a balloon. Players from both teams raise their hands. At the leader’s command, the game participants pass the balloon from hand to hand to the back of the column. The team that completes the given task faster wins.

A game " Cosmonauts"

Fast rockets are waiting for us, children are running scattered around the hall, lying on the floor

For walks on the planets. rocket hoops are one less than children.

Whatever we want, at the end of the words, the children run into the hoop

We'll fly to this one. which of there weren't enough hoops for kids, out

But there is one secret in the game - from the game

There is no room for latecomers.

Didactic exercise

"Rocket Route".

Target: - develop children visual perception,

Activate the visual functions of the eyes, develop peripheral vision.

To form visual-motor orientation and graphic skills.

Progress of the exercise:

Children follow the teacher's instructions and draw a route. rockets:

First, the rocket will fly to a big red star, then it will fly to a small green planet, etc.

One child completes the task at the board.

A game "Who gets to the moon faster"

2 children take part in the game and stand opposite each other. Each person holds the edge of the ribbon on a stick in their hands. In the center of the ribbon is the symbol of the Moon. On command, children twist the ribbon onto a stick. Whoever is faster wins. It is played with 3-4 players.


Knowledge comes first children's ideas about space were superficial, derived mainly from cartoons. Children named 1 - 2 planets, 1 - 2 constellations, had no idea what people do in space.

Educational games about space helped children systematize knowledge about outer space,Solar system, constellations, enrich the active vocabulary by introducing new words. Children have become more competent, their horizons on this topic have expanded significantly. topic.

Used Books.

1. Panikova E. A., Inkina V. V. "Conversation about space»

2. DoninaO. I., Khamidulina L. A. "Journey through the Universe..."

3. Grizik T. I. "Experience the world"

4. Bondarenko T. M. "Ecological activities"

5. Pavlova L. Yu. “ Collection of didactic games to get acquainted with the world around us"

6. Wenger A. A. “Raising a child’s sensory culture”