Who is he thinking about now to guess online. How to tell if a man is thinking about you

The thoughts of another person are still a mystery. How much simpler everything would be if we could “get into” the heads of people we like, wouldn’t it? In this case, there would be no need to suffer, suffer, and be tormented by questions. But alas, man is not omnipotent, and only a few can boast of real psychic abilities. But still, if you are eager to find out what thoughts are running through the head of your beloved man, you can make a Tarot reading “Does he think about me” to get at least some answers.

Is it possible to use the Tarot to find out a person’s thoughts at a given moment in time?

A person’s thoughts change very quickly, so when making a layout at a specific moment in time, we risk “not catching” in the subject’s head exactly the topic that interests us. Therefore, you should not ask the cards the question “What is he thinking about now?” - it’s better to ask the Tarot “Does the young man think about me in principle?” And in general, in our opinion, clarifying thoughts at the current moment is rather the destiny of the Lenormand deck, by which you can immediately determine what the person you are interested in is doing and thinking about. Tarot is suitable for working through deeper issues. But, nevertheless, we still offer you several layouts of a person’s thoughts.

Tarot spread “What does he think about me” for 3 cards

This simple fortune telling will answer three main questions. The first card will show the person’s thoughts about you, the second will tell about his feelings, the third will describe his attitude.

Let's look at the interpretation with an example. A girl came to you with a question for the Tarot: “Does a man think about me?” We pulled out the Ace of Pentacles, the Hermit and . We see the following picture: the man’s thoughts are clearly occupied with some material issues, in terms of feelings he is now going through a period of soul-searching, and his attitude towards the girl is clearly dishonest, cowardly, and cowardly. We can say unequivocally that he does not think about her in principle, and, alas, there are no special prospects for her.

In order to carry out this fortune telling, you don’t even need a diagram - the cards are pulled out of the deck and placed in a horizontal row. We draw four cards in total.

  1. Describes a person’s thoughts about the client, how she seems to him from the outside
  2. He'll talk about what he likes about her.
  3. Shows what you don't like
  4. A man’s plans for a woman, is he thinking about starting a relationship?

Let's look at an example. A woman asks about the thoughts of a man she recently met. She went on a date with him, but after it he hasn’t made himself known for two days now. Cards dropped: , Ace of Swords, Wheel of Fortune. They can be interpreted as follows: the man thinks of the client as a romantic, kind and pleasant person in every sense. He really likes her intelligence, her ability to think outside the box, but he doesn’t like some haste and assertiveness. But he hasn’t decided anything about his future plans yet: he believes that let it be as it will be.

A simple “Yes - No” layout to get a straight answer

Using this method, even a beginner can find out the exact answer “yes” or “no” to the question posed. You don’t have to think about the meaning of the drawn card, interpret combinations or consult reference books. The main thing is to formulate the question so that it can be answered unambiguously. So, for example, a client can ask before fortune telling, “Does he think about me at least sometimes?” and get a clear, concise answer, but, however, without details.

All you need is to pull out one single card from the deck, and we’ll look at what it says now. For convenient orientation, we will mark the inverted position of the card in parentheses as “pp”, and the card that is equally readable in the forward and reverse position – as “vp”.

Cards that answer the question "yes"

  • Major Arcana: Magician, Empress, Emperor, Justice, Court, Priestess (pp), Hierophant, Lovers, Star, Chariot (vp), Hermit (pp), Wheel of Fortune (pp), Strength, Hanged Man (pp), Temperance, Tower (pp), Sun (vp), World (vp)
  • Court cards: all Knights (vp), Queen of Wands and Cups (vp), King of Wands and Pentacles (vp)

Cards that give the answer "no"

  • Major Arcana: (pp), Empress (pp), (pp), (pp), Judgment (pp), (pp), Star (pp),


When we are in love, we often remember the object of our affection and, naturally, we become interested in whether our feeling is mutual and what occupies the thoughts of our loved one. This is especially important if there is no relationship as such yet, but would really like to start one. Tarot spread “Is he thinking about me?” will help you “look” into the head of the object of affection and understand whether there is any sympathy or interest on his part.

Is it possible to use Tarot to find out what a person is thinking about now?

Tarot can answer absolutely any question. But, in fact, trying to find out a person's momentary thoughts is not a good idea. See for yourself: different thoughts and ideas flash through the minds of each of us every second. Even in a couple of minutes you can have time to think about work, relationships, everyday issues like “What to buy in the store?” or “What dish should I cook for dinner?” Even if we are in love, we do not mentally remember the image of our loved one every second, right? So is there any point in doing a fortune telling “Is he thinking about me now”? Isn't it better to just ask the cards to show the feelings, attitude, interest that arises in a potential partner? Why upset yourself once again by receiving a negative answer from the cards just because the person you are interested in is currently busy resolving a work issue or is thinking about the health of a distant relative?

To summarize the above, I would like to note that fortune telling to the question “Does he think about me at least sometimes?” in fact, it doesn’t make sense, because sincere interest and sympathy can be read according to the usual scenario for relationships. In the end, we are all far from children anymore, so all these “Is Vasya thinking about me now?” I propose to leave it aside and consider several simple but informative layouts of a more professional level. After all, we are tarot readers, which means we are serious people, right?

“What does he think of me” layout based on three cards

Instead of finding out from the Tarot whether a young man is thinking about me, we will look at a simple three-card fortune telling about the impression you make on the object of your affection. You just need to focus on the issue of interest, imagine your beloved man before your eyes, and then pull out three random cards from the magic deck.

There are two variations of interpretation. Choose the one you like best. In the first option, number 1 will show the thoughts of the object of sympathy, 2 - his feelings, 3 - the behavior or mask that the person puts on when communicating with you (if the card clearly contradicts the first two positions). When using the second option, the first card describes the general impression you make on a man, the second - the emotional sphere, feelings, and the third - a subconscious attitude towards you, which he may not even realize.

Tarot reading “What does he think about me” for 7 cards

What can you learn from this informative Tarot reading: does a man think about me, what plans does he make, how does he feel, how does he behave. We carry out the layout in the classic way, asking a question and shuffling the cards. From the shuffled deck we select seven Arcana at random, laying them out as shown in the picture.

The meaning of positions in the layout

  1. Thoughts of the object of sympathy about the querent
  2. His true feelings
  3. Demonstrated attitude, how a man behaves with a querent in public
  4. True attitude (may differ significantly from position 3)
  5. A man’s goal, what he wants from this woman
  6. His behavior in the near future
  7. Prospects, outcome, possibility or impossibility of building relationships

Simple fortune telling “Yes-No” for a specific answer to a question

Probably the simplest and easiest way to get a clear, intelligible answer is Yes-No fortune telling using a single card. Even a beginner can master this technique, since we do not use any complex schemes or a large number of Arcana. We simply ask a question that can be answered unambiguously - yes or no, and pull out one card from the deck - it will be the answer you are looking for. What questions can be used for fortune telling: does he think about me, does he remember our meetings, does he feel sympathy, does this man like me, does he want or does not want to start an affair, etc.

The most important nuance here is interpretation. It is best if it is intuitive, since each tarot reader perceives the same card in his own way. So, for example, for some, Arcanum Moon may mean “yes, but he hides it,” but for others it is a definite “no.” Therefore, before performing fortune telling, decide which cards will respond positively and which will respond negatively. Some generally use a simplified system, taking any upright card as a “yes” answer, and an inverted one as a “no” answer. Other tarot readers determine the answer by the semantic shade of the card: for example, problematic Arcana like the Devil, Three, Five, Nine, Ten of Swords, as well as the Five of Pentacles, the Tower and some other cards, in their opinion, answer negatively, and clearly joyful ones - the Sun , Star, Ten of Pentacles, Three of Cups and others - positively.

You can analyze cards in another way, applying their meaning to yourself. Look: we ask the question “Does Nikolai like me?”, and then look at the Arcanum that appears. Let's say we get the Nine of Swords - a card of disorder. Let's think about which answer, yes or no, will upset us more - that one will correspond to the truth. If, for example, we didn’t like this Nikolai at all, but friends and acquaintances tried their best to bring us together (this also happens!) and we got, for example, the Sun, then it would be logical to assume that Nikolai does not feel any sympathy , which undoubtedly makes us happy. If, on the contrary, our heart burned with passion for this imaginary Nicholas, then the Sun would confirm mutual sympathy.

It is also worth paying attention to cards whose unambiguous meaning you doubt. So, for example, Moderation, Justice or Lovers clearly speak of some kind of duality, so we can safely assume that they will mean the answer “I don’t know”, “it’s unclear”, “unknown”. In the same way, you can match all other cards in the deck. The main thing is to be guided by your own feelings, and not by book interpretations, because even the same Death or Tower is perceived by many tarot readers as a positive Arcanum rather than a negative one. In a word, practice and personal feelings are important in everything.

Every girl in love wants her feeling to be mutual. Unfortunately, no such machine has yet been invented that would help read the thoughts of other people. There are “folk methods” with which you can figure out what’s going on in your gentleman’s head. We will tell you how to find out whether a man is thinking about you, or whether he is not interested in you at all.

If a man is truly interested in you, his behavior around you will be different from his behavior in company. A charismatic, handsome man and leader will become timid and shy next to you, while a quiet man, on the contrary, will be talkative and self-confident. So, if you notice that a man is acting strangely when you appear on the horizon, do not doubt that he is in love.

A man in love tries to spend as much time as possible next to the object of his adoration. If a man is not indifferent to you, he will constantly catch your eye and look for excuses to talk.

Trying to start a dialogue can be quite awkward. But nothing can stop a man who is overwhelmed with feelings.

Watch his facial expressions. If a man constantly looks away, looks at the time and yawns, then he is simply bored with you. After all, you yourself know that “happy people don’t watch the clock.” Most likely, your interlocutor has some insidious plans for you, or he communicates with you only out of politeness.

A man who is truly interested in you plans your leisure time. He will definitely invite you on a romantic date or a walk in the park and will be very upset if you refuse.

If all his thoughts are occupied with you, he will constantly talk about you with his friends, no matter what the conversation is about. They will talk about fishing - he will remember how wonderfully you cook salmon soup.

These are just a few signs. Even more examples are in the article.

If a man does not show up at all, you can use the most powerful female weapon - girlfriends.

Send secret agents to find out how the object of your adoration spends his weekdays. Curious girlfriends will quickly find out whether Alyosha/Petya/Vasya is sad at the window or having a blast in a nightclub with a couple of blondes. However, this option may backfire on you - we discussed this issue in the article.

Rituals and conspiracies for love

In pursuit of the desire to know everything, girls turn to various fortune tellers and psychics. Some people use conspiracies and rituals posted on open resources. But why turn to unknown forces when you can independently find out everything that a person thinks about you? To do this, just ask a man how he feels about you. Of course, you run the risk of hearing something in response that you don’t want at all. But the bitter truth is better than a sweet lie. Once you find out that a man is not interested in you, you will no longer waste your precious time communicating with him. Or, on the contrary, your sympathy will be mutual and you will not have to think and guess about his feelings.

A frank heart-to-heart conversation is the most mature and wise decision that will put everything in its place.

Finally, a simple way to avoid problems

It happens that now everything is fine in a relationship, and then bang - and something happens: a major conflict, betrayal. And maybe everything will continue to be fine. It is impossible to predict this in advance; no one knows the future.

This is actually not true. All events can be predicted in advance if you know how.

You've probably experienced something where you feel like you've already been in this situation. It's called deja vu. It is quite possible that you were given a sign from a passage of your future in a dream. The Universe warns us about upcoming events - good or bad.

We advise you to pay attention to master class from Tatyana Panyushkina. She is the presenter of schools, seminars and trainings on energy information literacy and personal growth. She taught many girls to predict events in their lives in order to turn the situation in their favor and become happier.

If interested, this course is available at Tatyana's official website. She usually sells it for money, but we asked her to open it for free for our visitors for a while.

Fortune telling on cards appeared almost simultaneously with the appearance of the cards themselves. The interpretations of the cards are very different. Man has learned to interpret various signs in order to predict his future. Nowadays, fortune tellers follow the rules of fortune telling on cards, following which one can easily tell about the past, present and future of a person. What does the person I'm interested in think about me? Does he love me? Maps will help answer these and other questions.

"Gypsy Oracle"
Fortune telling online using gypsy cards - fortune telling for the future. The oracle draws one card. Think about what or who you are guessing at. Concentrate on the object of your fortune telling. Click on the "Fortune" button and hold down the mouse button, the oracle will begin selecting a card for you. When you feel like it's time to end the shuffle, just release the button and you will see your card.

"The Fortune Telling of Madame Lenormand"
There are several versions. One - a gypsy introduced her to fortune telling with cards, from whom Maria received an old deck of cards as a gift. According to another, she accidentally discovered this deck at home after returning from the monastery. It seemed to her that the cards were moving. She began to sort through them: one was warmer, the other was colder. Then more and more clearly she began to see the image of each card: the living faces of strangers, in which their fates were guessed.

"The Oracle of Madame Endora"
Madame Endora's stunningly beautiful oracle represents the myths of the Old World and is inspired by the works of Paracelsus and Regardie. Madame Endora's oracle has an internal structure, concise and specific interpretations. Madame Endora's cards are more suitable for people who love specific answers, and not for those who prefer delving into the wilds of psychology and canonical symbolism. Each card, except for the name, has a brief meaning.