Ben Barnes biography. Ben Barnes

This tall, brown-haired man with brown eyes made it onto the list of Hollywood's most sought-after stars before he turned thirty. He received his first recognition with the release of the fantasy “Stardust” and “The Chronicles of Narnia”, and consolidated his status with the drama “Dorian Gray”. Most of his film works are based on film adaptations of famous novels, which, in turn, speaks of the future success of the films. What else is handsome Ben Barnes famous for? Filmography and facts from the actor’s life will be the main topic of this article.

A mysterious stranger

Benjamin Thomas was born in Great Britain in 1981. What prompted him to choose acting as a future profession remains a mystery to many fans even now. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that Barnes is a dark horse. He does not like to give interviews and, in particular, to talk about his personal life or certain moments from his childhood. However, this does not prevent admirers of his talent from collecting information about him. So who is Ben Barnes? The biography of the future screen star is not a secret.

He was born into the family of a psychiatry professor and marriage therapist. His mother, Trisha Barnes, has achieved considerable heights in her favorite field. She is a member of the British Association of Therapists, remaining a leading specialist consultant on family and sexual issues. Ben has a brother, Jack, three years younger than him, who has found himself in an activity not related to acting.

Patience and a little effort

Barnes graduated from the university in 2004 with a BA in Drama. He entered the youth theater, where he remained until 2003. Here Ben learned to play the piano and drums.

What debut works made Ben Barnes famous? The filmography of the young actor begins with a cameo role in the series “Doctors,” and before that he played in the productions “Fans of History” and “Loving Ophelia,” receiving his first audience applause. Screen creativity includes a number of British sitcoms that did not achieve the desired success. Barnes is not upset: he knows very well that the big movie will sooner or later submit to him.

In move

It is not for nothing that they say that a talented person uses his talent in various fields. The pop group Hyrise formed in 2004 to perform in the British qualifying round of the Eurovision Song Contest. Needless to say who became its soloist. That's right, our friend Ben Barnes.

The filmography of the actor, who slightly cooled his ardor after a musical failure, was replenished with the television drama “A Divided Decision.” The next work was a film by director and screenwriter Susie Hailwood called “More Ben”. It's disappointing to say right away that this film with Barnes has nothing in common except the title. The film, aimed at a teenage audience, tells the sad story of emigrant friends who came to London to get involved in crime and the drug business. It is noteworthy that one of the roles was played by our compatriot Andrei Chadov.

A beautiful fairy tale on screen and in life

As often happens, a project appears in the life of every aspiring actor that radically changes their life. This turned out to be “Stardust”. Ben Barnes received a small role as young Dunstan Thorne, the main character of the film - Tristan. The long-awaited conquest of American cinema began with this work. The film adaptation of the novel is in the fantasy genre; in it, as the audience admitted, there is a large amount of “magic and magic.” They received the film so warmly that they allowed the creators to collect an impressive box office from the box office. A pleasant moment was that Ben Barnes worked on the set with a number of famous A-list stars: Claire Danes, Robert De Niro, Sienna Miller,

And although “Stardust” made a significant contribution to Burns’s track record, he received worldwide recognition with the release of another fantasy, “The Chronicles of Narnia.” A truly fabulous story with incredible special effects cost the studio 225 million. But she brought much more.

We can talk for a long time about the character played by Barnes. Prince Caspian is presented as a navigator, the true king of Narnia, the emperor of the islands, the liberator of his state and even the restorer of long-standing traditions. And although the cycle of children's fairy tales includes seven works, Barnes agreed to two parts. In 2010, a sequel called “The Treader of the Dawn Treader” was released.

Press antics

In order not to remain in one image, the actor considers incoming proposals. And at this time he is occupied by crowds of fans. Ben Barnes and his (mythical) wife are often discussed in the media, but only true fans know that this is the work of the tabloids. For some time, the actor manages to play along with the audience and create the appearance of a love relationship. Despite the fact that he long ago refused to give comments about his personal life, it was this issue as a sore spot that increasingly attracted the paparazzi. They caught the star at premieres and social events, but Barnes’ happy smile did not at all indicate happiness in his personal life. How well does the public know their idol, wondering what this mysterious Mr. Ben Barnes and his wife are hiding? Having finally dispelled the myth about his existing wife, the actor takes on new projects.

Portrait of the Perfect Actor

In 2008, the comedy melodrama “Easy Virtue” was released. The star cast is again impressive: Jessica Biel and Kristin Scott Thomas. Ben Barnes plays Englishman John Whitaker, who brings his American girlfriend to his parents' house.

A year later, fans are praising the adapted film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's work, called Dorian Gray. The fantasy thriller is successful in many respects, confirming that the actor can easily transform into different characters.

Having received universal recognition thanks to films sold all over the world, Barnes is receiving more and more offers from film companies for new roles. However, from now on future projects are chosen by Ben Barnes himself. The actor’s filmography is replenished with the comedy-biographical film “Killing Bono,” which he tried with all his might to get into. He gets the images of the McCormick brothers. Music fans put together a band in the late 1970s, dreaming of conquering the musical Olympus. As a confrontation, their classmates do the same - the group of rivals gets the name U2. It's not hard to guess whose team will win. By the way, the role of U2 lead singer Bono was played by Irishman Martin McCann.

Must-see: films starring

Ben Barnes has a bit of a track record. This talented actor will still have many interesting works that will definitely hook even the most sophisticated viewer. Barnes's filmography includes films not mentioned above:

  • “Farewell” (2009).
  • “Words” (2012).
  • “The Big Wedding” (2013).
  • “In Plain Sight” (2014).
  • “Jackie and Ryan” (2014).
  • “Only God Knows” (2014).

One of the latest works was the film “The Seventh Son” directed by Sergei Bodrov Sr. Barnes was accompanied by Julianne Moore and Jeff Bridges. In 2015, the actor received the main role in the historical mini-series “Sons of Liberty.”

Benjamin Thomas Barnes, better known as Ben Barnes, is a British film actor, star of the best-selling books Dorian Gray, The Seventh Son and others.

The boy was born in the capital of England, into an intelligent family. Father Thomas Barnes taught psychiatry at King's College London, and mother Tricia Barnes is a world-renowned leading marriage and family counselor and the author of numerous publications on how to mend failing relationships. The Barnes also raised Benjamin's younger brother, Jack.

Ben was educated at a prestigious boarding school, after which he entered Kingston University. Initially, the young man studied English language and literature, as his parents wanted, but during his student years he became interested in theater and transferred to the drama department, from which he graduated in 2004. At the same time, the young man performed at the National Musical Youth Theater and sang in the boy band Hyrise.

In addition to professional vocals, Barnes can play the piano and drums. By the way, together with his own boy ensemble, Ben Barnes recorded several CDs, and also participated in the selection for the Eurovision Song Contest in 2004, in which he took second place, losing only to James Fox. Later, the artist sang solo, and Ben’s voice can even be heard on several film soundtracks.


The aspiring actor's debut roles came in the medical drama Doctors, the television series Shattered Decision and the fairy tale film Stardust, in which Ben encountered world-class stars for the first time in his career. In the next film, the social drama “Bigger than Ben,” Ben Barnes played the role of Russian illegal emigrant Pavel Tetersky, and the artist’s partner was a Russian actor.

In 2008, the second part of the famous fairy-tale saga “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” was released. The director could not find a suitable performer for the main role for more than a year, but he saw Ben a couple of weeks before the start of filming and immediately approved him without hesitation. Model appearance, tall height (185 cm) and soulful eyes helped Barnes bring to the screen the image that the director needed.

As Barnes recalls, he jumped for joy when he learned that he had received the coveted contract. Not only that, like every Briton, Benjamin grew up reading books about the magical land of Narnia, the actor immediately realized that this picture would make him famous throughout the world. And so it happened. Ben later played Caspian in the next part -. Together with Barnes, the leading actors - Lucy, Edmund, Peter and Susan -, William Moseley and.

The above-mentioned saga really changed the course of Ben Barnes's creative biography. The actor began to be offered strong scripts. Soon the actor starred in the melodrama Easy Virtue, where he played the British aristocrat John, who married an American woman, Larita (). After the daughter-in-law meets her husband’s parents, it turns out that the mother-in-law Mrs. Veronica () is not able to communicate with Larita. In addition to his acting in the film, Ben Barnes delighted fans with his singing talent, performing a number of compositions for the official soundtrack album for the comedy.

In the thriller The Farewell, Ben played the main character Josh, whose daughter falls into a coma after a car accident. The musical comedy Killing Bono with Ben Barnes in the title role turned out to be a box office success. The artist portrayed the young musician Neil, a classmate of the leader of the rock band U2. Together with his brother Ivan, the main character goes to London to build a musical career, but Bono (Martin McCann) is always one step ahead. Neil sees the solution to the problem in the murder of his former comrade.

The actor also participated in the filming of the detective story “The Word” and the romantic comedy “The Big Wedding,” where he appeared in the supporting cast.

Another starring role for Barnes, after which the actor was once again talked about in all corners of the world, turned out to be from the mystical film of the same name, based on the novel by the writer. The young man gives his soul for eternal youth and beauty. All the vices and diseases begin to appear in Gray’s portrait. Many years later, Dorian for the first time experiences a feeling of love for the young girl Emily (), but he is already overtaken by retribution.

Later, the musical drama “Jackie and Ryan” and the crime thriller “Only God Knows” were released. A significant premiere was the fantasy adventure film “The Seventh Son” directed by. Ben got the main role of the young witcher Tom Ward. The young man, trained by Mr. Gregory (), confronts the world's evil, which Mrs. Malkin () personifies. The adventure film grossed $115 million at the box office.

In 2015, Ben appeared in the main cast of the miniseries Sons of Liberty. The British actor portrayed on the screen the image of the American citizen, philosopher, statesman and freedom fighter Samuel Adams. The film received a high viewership rating - in the United States it was among the top 100 TV series of the season.

Personal life

Fans and admirers make up legends about the personal life of Ben Barnes. The artist is credited with romantic relationships with co-starring partners, for example, and. There is also a widespread rumor that the actor’s wife was a girl named Madina, who has Ukrainian roots.

In fact, Benjamin Thomas Barnes was not in an official relationship, and the artist completely denies rumors of affairs with fellow actresses. This is confirmed by photos from Barnes’ personal account in “ Instagram", which cover exclusively the professional activities of the artist.

For many years, the actor has been conducting charitable work with the Make a Wish Foundation, through which he helps seriously ill children around the world.

Ben Barnes now

The actor does not waste time on trifles, but every year he participates in the filming of the next box-office project.

The actor played a negative hero in a television fantasy western. Ben Barnes plays the depraved Logan, a regular visitor to an amusement park called Westworld. According to Forbes, Business Insider, Vanity Fair, Toronto Sun, the film was among the best TV series of 2016. And the acting ensemble, which also includes Ingrid Bulse Berdal, is worthy of the best Hollywood blockbuster.

In 2017, the actor’s filmography was supplemented by work in the TV series “The Punisher,” based on Marvel comics. In the action film, Ben Barnes got the opportunity to play the character of Billy Russo, a friend of the main character Frank Castle (), who fights crime in New York.

The artist is currently filming an American thriller directed by Bruce Beresford, in which his participation has already been announced.


  • 2007 – “More Ben”
  • 2007 – “Stardust”
  • 2008 – “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian”
  • 2009 – “Dorian Gray”
  • 2011 – “Kill Bono”
  • 2012 – “Words”
  • 2013 – “Big Wedding”
  • 2014 – “Seventh Son”
  • 2015 – “Sons of Liberty”
  • 2016 – “Westworld”
  • 2017 – “The Punisher”
February 28, 2010, 20:40

Ben was born August 20, 1981 in London. Father Thomas R. Barnes (Thomas R. Barnes) is a professor of psychiatry at Imperial College London, specializing in schizophrenia, mother Tricia Barnes (Tricia Barnes) is a leading British marriage therapist and internationally renowned marriage and family consultant, a member of the British Association of Therapists Marital and Sexual Problems (British Association of Marital and Sexual Therapists), brother Jack (3 years younger) Ben studied at Kingston University, graduating in 2004 with a BA in English and Drama, and was also a member of the National musical youth theater (National Youth Music Theatre) from 1997 to 2003
Sings, plays drums and piano. He began his acting career with small roles in English television shows such as Liquid News, Making Up Your Mind, Doctors and Split Decision. However, he took part in the play “The History Boys”, where he played the role of Dakin. It is known that Ben sang in the group “Hyrise” and in 2004 took part as part of this group in the British selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. Ben later appeared in two films: Stardust (2007) and More Ben (2008). In the first of them he played a small role of young Dunstan Thorne, and in the second - Pavel Tetersky (Sobakka), where he played together with Andrei Chadov. After being offered the role of Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Barnes terminated his contract with The History Boys. Barnes will be replaced in the West End by Jamie King. Ben signed a three-film deal with Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media. In 2010, the film “The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Morning Traveler” will be released. In May 2009, a film with Ben’s participation, “Easy Virtue,” was released, where he plays John Whittaker. In September of the same year, the film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, directed by Oliver Parker, premiered, in which Barnes played the main role.
Career: From 1997 to 2003 he was a member of the National Youth Music Theater. Participated in six productions. At the age of 15 he made his debut in The Ballad of Salomon Pavey. At 16 he played drums for Bugsy Malone in the West End. He took part in the television shows “Liquid News”, “Making Up Your Mind”, “Doctors”, “Split Decision”. As part of the pop group “Hyrise” he took part in the competitive selection for Eurovision 2004. He left the group the very next day after failing in the qualifying round. He made his debut in big cinema in 2007 with the small role of young Dunstan Thorne (the father of the main character) in Stardust (produced by Matthew Vaughn). He also played a Russian troublemaker-emigrant in the film Bigga Than Ben, directed by Susie Hallwood, based on the book of the same name by the “last hero” Sergei Sakin, release scheduled for July 24, 2008. Also in 2007, he toured with the production of the National Theater "The History Boys". Ben ended his contract with the National Theater after it was announced in February 2007 that he would play Prince Caspian in the sequel to Disney's blockbuster The Chronicles of Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, directed by Andrew Adamson, premiering on 16 May 2008) . In 2008, Ben starred in the film adaptation of Noel Coward's play "Easy Virtue" (directed by Stefan Elliott), the film premiered on November 7, 2008. In August 2008, Ben began filming the film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's famous novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (directed by Oliver Parker) , release is also expected in 2009. In November 2008, he became a trustee of the British charity Make a Wish, which fulfills the wishes of seriously ill children. In the spring of 2008, filming of the third part of the Chronicles of Narnia, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” (“The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”, directed by Michael Apted), will begin, release is scheduled for May 7, 2010. Ben has a beloved wife, from Ukraine. They met last year and fell head over heels in love. Ben proposed to her beloved on New Year's Eve. According to unofficial data, his wife's name is Madina

Ben was born on August 20, 1981 in London. In May 2009, a film with Ben’s participation, “Easy Virtue,” was released, where he plays John Whittaker. It is known that Ben sang in the group “Hyrise” and in 2004 took part as part of this group in the British selection for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Barnes made his professional debut in 2004, playing the role of Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the play Loving Ophelia. Ben later appeared in two films: “Stardust” (2007), where he played a small role as the young father of Tristan Thorne, and “More Ben” (2008), where he played Pavel Tetersky (Dog). In September of the same year, the premiere of the film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's work "The Picture of Dorian Gray" directed by Oliver Parker took place, in which Barnes played the main role.

Looking ahead, it is worth noting that Barnes is a dark horse. His mother, Trisha Barnes, has achieved considerable heights in her favorite field. She is a member of the British Association of Therapists, remaining a leading specialist consultant on family and sexual issues. Ben has a brother, Jack, three years younger than him, who has found himself in an activity not related to acting.

Barnes is not upset: he knows very well that the big movie will sooner or later submit to him. Ben Barnes will return to the theater Ben Barnes will change cinema to the theater: the actor will play Stephen Waisford in the play “Birdsong” - a theatrical adaptation of the novel of the same name by Sebastian Faulks. Ben is no stranger to the theater, but he hasn't played there for a long time. His last appearance on stage was in 2007: at the National Theater Ben played in the production of “The History Boys” by Alan Bennett.

In 2010, the film “The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Morning Traveler” will be released. At the age of 15 he made his debut in The Ballad of Salomon Pavey. It was called sexual by 61% of respondents (9,343 people), anti-sexual by only 9% (1,271 people) and not arousing any emotions by 30% (4,576 people). Next to Dorian there is also a positive character, the artist Basil (Ben Chaplin).

The pleasures of life,” which Wotton taught him, became boring for Dorian, and, having lost interest in life, he returns to London 25 years later, still just as young and handsome. The author of the ill-fated portrait, Basil Hallward, performed by Ben Chaplin, is even more or less like a “modest servant of beauty”, who is actually inspired by young handsome men. Barnes will play opposite Irishman Robert Sheehan (“Cherry Bomb”). Ben, along with actor Robert Sheehan, will play two unsuccessful Irish brothers Neil and Ivan McCormick, who created a band in Dublin in the late 70s.

Handsome Ben Barnes

In addition to cinema, Ben loves music: he sang in a band and even tried to go to Eurovision with her (fortunately it didn’t work out). Ben doesn’t have a girlfriend yet, but he looks at this with optimism and says that everything can change.

Personal life of Ben Barnes

He began his acting career with small roles in English television shows such as Liquid News, Making Up Your Mind, Doctors and Split Decision. At 16 he played drums for Bugsy Malone in the West End. He took part in the television shows “Liquid News”, “Making Up Your Mind”, “Doctors”, “Split Decision”. This is the first time I’ve come across information that he’s married, if I’ve seen his biographies and interviews somewhere, it says that he’s actively searching...

In 2006, he received the role of Dakin in the play “The History Boys”. Benjamin Thomas was born in Great Britain in 1981. What prompted him to choose acting as a future profession remains a mystery to many fans even now. He does not like to give interviews and, in particular, to talk about his personal life or certain moments from his childhood. However, this does not prevent admirers of his talent from collecting information about him.

Barnes graduated from the university in 2004 with a BA in Drama. He entered the youth theater, where he remained until 2003. Here Ben learned to play the piano and drums. Needless to say who became its soloist. And at this time he is occupied by crowds of fans.

Ben Barnes. Filmography and facts from the life of a modern British actor

Despite the fact that he had long ago refused to comment on his personal life, it was this issue as a sore spot that increasingly attracted the paparazzi. This talented actor will still have many interesting works that will definitely hook even the most sophisticated viewer. One of the latest works was the film “The Seventh Son” directed by Sergei Bodrov Sr. Barnes was accompanied by Julianne Moore and Jeff Bridges.

In the first of them he played a small role of young Dunstan Thorne, and in the second - Pavel Tetersky (Sobakka), where he played together with Andrei Chadov. Life is here and now. However, for Oliver Parker's film, the retelling is just right, because his film is itself a retelling, perverting the meaning of the novel. Really, his pleasures are dull and monotonous. And now all the dirt of his dissolute and meaningless life will spoil the canvas, and his own face will remain forever young and beautiful.

Ben Barnes New Facts

When Dorian is left alone, it seems to him that someone is watching him behind his back. The very next day there is not a drop of regret, bitterness or sadness on his face. The more he comprehends the depth of passion, the art of lies and seduction, the more terrible his face becomes in the portrait.

It is interesting to look at this from the meaning of his name, or rather, his surname. Taken by surprise by strong feelings, he realized for the first time the value of mutual love. He is consumed by longing for that love, real, not illusory, that he experienced a long time ago.

Well, cinema, music, theater are one thing, but what about the other love, real love? As an actor, of course, you retain a piece of every role if you've put so much time and love into the character you're playing, so it has to have its impact. I just want to do a few movies that someone somewhere in the world will call their favorite movies. We don't love him for his age, we love him for his talent!

So who is Ben Barnes? The biography of the future screen star is not a secret. Ben Barnes and his (mythical) wife are often discussed in the media, but only true fans know that this is the work of the tabloids. Ben Barnes will star in the indie comedy I Was Bono's Doppelganger from Irish director Nick Hamm (The Pit, There's Something About Martha, The Other One). Indifference and passion, coldness and ardor, desire and apathy, evil and good - all in one person, and this person is Dorian Gray (Ben Barnes).

Benjamin "Ben" Thomas Barnes is an English actor and singer, a trustee of the Make-A-Wish charity, which grants wishes to seriously ill children, best known for his roles in the Disney film adaptation of Clive Staples Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia, as well as the film adaptation of the novel Dorian Gray ", written by the classic of British literature Oscar Wilde.

The main films of actor Ben Barnes

  • short biography

    Benjamin was born on August 20, 1981 in London. His mother, Trisha Barnes, was a South African who rose to prominence as a family, marriage and sexual therapist and became one of the world's leading practitioners. Her husband and Ben's father, Thomas Barnes, was a professor of psychiatry at Imperial College London. In addition to Ben, his younger brother Jack was also raised in the family. Barnes attended two schools for boys: Homefield Preparatory School in the south-west of the capital and King's College School in west London. After this, Ben entered Kingston University in south-west London, where he studied in depth for several years Drama and English Literature Barnes graduated with honors and a B.A.

    Ben began his professional acting career in musical theater. As a teenager, he spent several years in a row as part of the National Youth Musical Theater, whose graduates also included such popular actors as Jude Law and Jamie Bell. At the age of fifteen, Barnes got his first professional job as a drummer on the West End stage in a musical adaptation of the 1930s Chicago gangster parody musical Bugsy Malone, in which all the roles were played by children and the murders were committed with cream guns. In 2004, Ben became the vocalist of the boy band Hyrise, which represented the United Kingdom at the Eurovision international music competition with the song “Leading Me On”. As a result, Ben's group lost the victory to another performer, James Fox. In 2006, Barnes began working in television. One of the works at that time was a guest role in the British television series Doctors. At the same time, Ben received the role of the provocateur Dakin in the play “The History Boys,” based on the play by Alan Bennett, which took place on the West End stage. The same role was played by another actor, Dominic Cooper, in the 2006 film.

    In 2007, Barnes appeared in a minor role as young Dunstan Thorne in the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel Stardust of the same name. This adventure family film directed by Matthew Vaughn brought together a galaxy of actors on the screen. Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Charlie Cox, Robert De Niro, Jason Flemyng, Rupert Everett, Sienna Miller and many others took part in the project. The film was awarded the Hugo Award for Best Production. The following year, Ben was cast in the lead role in Susie Hailwood's drama More Ben. The film presented the audience with a series of crazy adventures of two friends Dog and Spiker, who went on a trip to the British capital. Russian actor Andrei Chadov became Barnes's partner. In 2008, Barnes received an invitation to the role of Prince Caspian in the Walt Disney Pictures family adventure film The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. This film became the second part of a large-scale, high-budget film adaptation of the books by science fiction writer Clive Staples Lewis. Filming of the trilogy took place in a number of countries, including New Zealand, the Czech Republic and Poland. Director Andrew Adams searched for an actor to play Prince Caspian for three years, and the idea was crowned with success just three weeks before the scheduled start of filming. An interesting fact was that, according to the book, Ben's character was only thirteen years old. According to the director and screenwriter, Caspian was seventeen in the film. And all this did not stop the twenty-six-year-old Barnes from playing the role.