Women's tarot cards. Tarot card - Queen description

The cards that we will look at in this lesson are united by the fact that they depict the powerful aspect of female prototypes found in Tarot cards. We will study the II High Priestess, the III Empress and the XVII Star in relation to the mythical prototypes of the Goddess in her many guises (we mentioned her in Campbell's monomyth in this lesson). We will also explore a concept traditionally associated with the Divine Feminine, which, however, is not entirely the domain of women: intuition. Developing and using intuition is an important part of any tarot card reader's skills and needs constant improvement.

Gender in cards

It should be noted that the terms “divine feminine”, “feminine prototypes” and “goddess” are only terms for images that have traditionally been depicted as women in mythology. The fact that they are conveyed through the feminine form is another symbol used by myth to express traits and characteristics: femininity is traditionally associated with traits such as passivity, creativity, nurturing and intuition. However, one must always remember that this female form in a story or myth is very different from women living in the real world - just as the male form in a story or myth is very different from men living in the real world. Not all women are passive, well-mannered, creative and intuitive. Not all men are aggressive, logical and in control.

When a male or female image appears in cards, its purpose is not to denote physical gender, but rather to depict traits that are traditionally associated with men or women.

Tarot. Exercise 4.1

On a separate page in your Tarot journal, write down some of the traits and actions that are most often associated with the concepts of “masculine” and “feminine.” If possible, pair them so that they represent opposing or mutually exclusive traits (for example, “active” and “passive,” “creating” and “destroying”). Now take the cards of the Major Arcana in your hands and divide them into three parts: those that depict male images; those that depict female images; those that depict both genders or it is unclear which one. Answer the following questions:

  • Why did the creator choose this gender for this card?
  • Which traits on your list seem appropriate for this card? Do they fit the image of the card?
  • What does the image of the card add to its main meaning? Is this card active, expressing forward movement (masculine), or receiving impulse from external forces (feminine)?
  • Why do some cards show multiple characters of different genders? Why do some cards depict images that cannot be attributed to a specific gender?

Girl, Mother, Old Woman, Adulteress and other female prototypes

Robert Graves, Joseph Campbell, and Carl Jung all pointed out in various ways that the sacred, the “feminine” side (expressed in mythology in the form of female figures) can be represented in various categories called prototypes.

In my work The White Goddess Robert Graves writes of the existence of a Triple Goddess - Maiden, Mother and Crone - whom people worshiped in ancient times, and although his historical sources are dubious (he viewed poetic inspiration as a valid historical technique), his mythical understanding is quite clear. The concept of the Girl, the Mother and the Crone can be considered a model in relation to the three cards of the Major Arcana that we consider in this lesson, remembering that the female image is another symbol used in the imagery of the Tarot cards. According to this model:

  • Girl = ХVII Star, waxing moon, rejuvenation, youth, hope;
  • Mother = III Empress, full moon, nurturing, creativity, growth;
  • Crone = II High Priestess, waning moon, wisdom, mystery, introversion.

The girl (Star) is forever young, belongs only to herself. She represents constant renewal because she is an eternal virgin. Her youth and vitality provide hope, optimism and healing. Mother (Empress) is the bearer of life, the creative principle in each of us. The Crone (High Priestess) is inner wisdom and self-knowledge achieved through experience; introversion, that is, fixation on one's inner world, is necessary to comprehend the wisdom and mystery that we encounter when we reach this point.

Carl Jung's vision of the Divine Feminine is expressed through the four main female figures of world mythology: Eve, Helen, Mary and Sophia/Athena. Such a vision adds a fourth appearance to the Goddess, located between the Girl and the Mother. So in this case we have:

  • Girl = XVII Star (Eve)
  • Adulteress = VIII Strength (Helen)
  • Mother = III Empress (Mary, mother of Jesus)
  • Crone = II High Priestess (Sophia)

We will look at the Strength card (also called Passion in Crowley's Tarot deck - Thoth) in a later lesson, but the image of the woman taming the lion - Beauty and the Beast - is touching, depicting the seduction of the Divine hero by the Divine heroine. It is also possible to apply four elements and four sets of Tarot cards to the four above images.

Tarot. Exercise 4.2

How would you relate the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) to the Divine Feminine, which is made up of four images? How does this relate to the four cards above? What does this say in relation to their main meaning? The four elements and their relationship to Tarot cards will be discussed further in subsequent lessons.

Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung and others also considered other female prototypes. The latter are so common in myths, fairy tales, films and literature that they have become part of the plot basis of every story. They can be viewed in a similar way in relation to Tarot cards.

Tarot. Exercise 4.3

Write down some typical female characters from myths, films and literature. Possible examples: temptress, sorceress and princess. Think about the role they might play in someone's life. Keep this list handy so that as you look at the cards, you can analyze how these images fit into the Tarot cards.

Layout of the prototype of the Goddess

This is a fun way to explore female characters in tarot cards, world mythology and yourself - regardless of gender. I advise you to perform this reading even if you still feel some discomfort in relation to the cards: the sooner you begin the interpretation process, the faster you will achieve success. You can use a book that describes the meanings of the cards, but it will be better if you try to interpret the meaning of the cards intuitively. If necessary, return to exercises 2.4 and 2.5: they will help you work with a specific map.

Layout of the prototype of the Goddess

Possessing inner wisdom, a sense of mystery, mystery and intuition, the High Priestess holds in her hands the keys to the inner world, just like the prototype of the Crone in the Divine Feminine.

The High Priestess is closest to determining the ways in which a tarot card reader receives inspiration to interpret the cards during an interpretation. She is often seen as the opposite of the active, "masculine" Magician: she is passive and "feminine." Since knowledge is valued in the world today, this card represents inner knowledge that is gained through experience and understanding rather than study of books. In this sense, the High Priestess is the companion of the High Priest - the Hierophant: she represents wisdom obtained through intuition and internal processes, and he represents knowledge obtained through the study of the traditions and experiences of other people.

The High Priestess is the silence of real wisdom, the ability to really listen to others and the world around you instead of trying to come up with an answer. It is a gap in a sentence, conversation or piece of music. She is also traditionally seen as the guardian of the entrance to Solomon's Temple; thus she is the guardian of the threshold of intuition that we cross as we approach our inner core of understanding.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is a sense of mystery.

Albert Einstein

Regular characters

  • Torah: The High Priestess may hold a scroll, often with "Torah" written on it. The scroll is rolled up, indicating that there is no need for written wisdom.
  • Water: symbol of the passive, receptive, feminine, flow of intuition.
  • Veil: The High Priestess is often depicted in front of a veil. What lies behind it is a mystery.
  • Columns: there are usually two of them, white and black, with the English letters "B" and "J" (or Hebrew letters). These are the columns located at the entrance to the biblical Temple of King Solomon. The image in the Rider-Waite deck indicates that the High Priestess is inside the temple, guarding the exit from it; thus she is the guardian of the threshold.
  • Grenades: according to the myth of Persephone, who descended into the Underworld, they are a symbol of a deeper knowledge of the dark and mysterious within oneself.
  • Crescent: another passive, female symbol. The moon receives light only in the form of reflection from the sun.
  • Crown: magic, knowledge, wisdom.
  • Cross(from two identical parts): balance, four elements, peace.
  • Camel: an indication of the Hebrew letters associated with this card.
  • Night: mystery, silence.

Keywords: intuition, mystery, riddle, silence, receptivity, passivity, femininity, flow, inner wisdom, introspection, observation, reflection, peace, tranquility, understanding, meditation, occultism, psychology.

In literature and cinema: probably due to the passive, "quiet" nature of this card, characters from books and films representing the High Priestess rarely come to the fore of the story. However, at the climax of Pi, we see the hero finally abandon the belief that intelligence is based on books in favor of personal, internal experience. To the same card we can include the Oracle from the Matrix trilogy, who can see the heart of every person, understand the flow of the constantly changing future and receive messages.

As a person: The High Priestess represents a person (regardless of gender) who is quiet, calm and wise. He has the ability to “just know” something, and he does not learn it through standard means. He understands what others are thinking or feeling, and can finish sentences they start or express wise sayings in everyday communication, sometimes without even intending to do so. This person is an excellent listener, calm and open to new ideas. He absorbs knowledge like a sponge and enjoys time spent in libraries and studies, studying, in particular, the occult, religion and spirituality. Possessing intuition, such a person can be a tarot card interpreter, medium or spiritual guide.

Tarot. Exercise 4.4

Looking at the High Priestess card, identify the symbols depicted on it. Are they different from those listed above? What do you think they mean?

Take a few minutes to think about the words “intuition,” “silence,” and “receptivity.” What were you thinking? What are your thoughts on The High Priestess?

Read Thunder, Perfect Mind(See Further Reading) and consider how the text expresses the concepts of wisdom and silence.

Questions to write in your diary

  • How often do I get answers to my own questions instead of listening to the answers of others?
  • Am I afraid of the unknown and hidden?
  • How developed is my intuition? Do I use it often?
  • Do I trust her?
  • How do I receive information?
  • What does my inner world want? How does he communicate with me?
  • What is written on the scroll that the priestess is holding in her hands?
  • What is she doing in front of the veil? If I were to walk through it, what would I find behind it?
  • Are there myths, stories, legends or characters from literature, history, folklore, mythology that illustrate the meaning of this card?

Development of intuition

In order to interpret Tarot cards, you don’t have to be a clairvoyant or fortune teller (they don’t need cards at all). Being a clairvoyant is no better than being a tarot card reader; it's just a different process. So don’t worry if you (like me) are as clairvoyant as the lamp! All you need is intuition.

Having intuition is not the same as having supernatural powers. In the latter case, a person predicts what may happen in the future, in the first, he sees and understands the signs that we encounter in our daily lives.

Thus, intuition is an important element in the interpretation of Tarot cards, since it is with its help that we receive symbols and messages that need interpretation or prediction. The High Priestess teaches us some of the basic components needed to unlock the power of our intuition: silence, receptivity, and introspection.

Intuition cannot be learned through the knowledge of another person or an encyclopedia. It can be understood through the internal dialogue that occurs between you and the signs that you see in the world around you.

The purpose of the exercises below is to develop your intuition and the ability to listen to and trust it when reading Tarot cards.

Tarot. Exercise 4.5. How sticks fall

Take some sticks: twigs, lollipop sticks, plastic sugar stirring sticks - long and thin! Hold them in your hand, then carefully drop them on the ground. How did they fall? What shapes did they form on the ground? What do these figures mean to you? There should be no marks on the sticks, since only the shape matters.

Tarot. Exercise 4.6. Clouds

Children from all over the world have developed their intuition using this method. To do this you will need a warm day, soft grass and a buddy to lie on your back and look at the clouds in the sky. Try to find the most graceful cloud shapes. Who do they remind you of?

Tarot. Exercise 4.7. Bookworm

Go to your nearest bookstore and take any book off the shelf. Open it at random and look at the first offer you come across. Read it out loud, trying to understand what it might mean on another level. Ask yourself this question: if a Chinese sage began a sentence with the words “Confucius says...” what might it mean on a deeper, spiritual level?

Tarot. Exercise 4.8. Red flame

Light a candle or light a fire or fireplace and watch the flames. In what directions is it moving? How? How high does it go? Does it sizzle? Is there a cracking sound? Look at the embers if you have a fire or fireplace, and consider the images they create as they cool. Relax and just watch. The images will come to your mind.

Tarot. III Empress

We approached this card with thoughts about the prototypes of the Mother in mythology and our own lives.

If any card represents man's ability and need to create and imagine, it is undoubtedly the Empress. She is the process of creativity, the mother of our dreams and fantasies, the nurse of our vitality and abundance in life. It is the threshold through which new things begin to exist. An artist, poet, author or composer will become familiar with it in the process of turning an idea into reality.

Deep within our being lies the creative power, the ability to create what needs to be created, and the need to make incredible efforts to give it the desired form in one way or another, either outside ourselves or within ourselves.

I.V. Goethe

The Empress can also be seen as the fertile Earth Mother, the source of our ideas and creativity as we grow and evolve, the force that recreates us and the Universe every second. She is fertility in all areas of life, as well as a rapid flow of resources, feelings, emotions, love, desirability and attention. The Empress shows us universal love, and we strive to find ourselves on her chest.

Regular characters

  • Venus: The astrological sign of Venus (it is also the symbol of any woman or female) denotes sexuality, sensuality and love. Also indicates that the Empress is the active feminine principle, in contrast to the High Priest who represents passive femininity. The Empress actively creates and develops.
  • Swans: these birds unite for life, symbolizing love. In older decks they are also a heraldic symbol.
  • River: the natural flow of life, the waters of life.
  • Fetus: the fruits of someone's labor, completion, or creative process.
  • Hearts: another symbol of love and sensuality.
  • Grains: harvest, productivity.
  • Carpets: luxury, relaxation.
  • Grenades: fertility.
  • Pregnancy: an obvious symbol of the creative process, emphasizing the fact that creativity requires considerable effort and hard work on the part of the creator.
  • Bees: activity, sweetness, busyness, productivity.
  • Lactation: education, care.
  • Moon: connection with femininity.
  • Crown with stars: the crown, usually of 12 stars, represents the signs of the zodiac and, accordingly, the cyclical nature of creativity and the long period of time that may be needed to complete the creative process.

Keywords: life, love, vitality, fertility, abundance, new beginnings, creativity, creative process, nurturing, caring, protection, guardianship, harvest, toil, sacrifice, birth, employment, skill, maturation, prosperity.

In literature and cinema: The character of Mrs. Weasley in the Harry Potter series expresses the maternal care and affection aspect of this card. She loves and nurtures not only the members of her extended family, but also Harry and other characters. She seems to have an endless capacity to love and respect the needs of others, but sometimes those closest to her (like her youngest son Ron) feel suffocated by her love.

As a person: The person characterized by the Empress is creative, down to earth, sensitive, with boundless love and consideration for others. Such a person cares about the feelings and needs of other people, but sometimes this leads to the fact that he forgets about his own needs. He has limitless imagination and a need for creativity, so he is always exploring something new and exciting. This person may also be silent and attached to his family and children.

Tarot. Exercise 4.9

In your Tarot journal, write down what you think about mothers, affection and parenting. What kind of people filled these roles for you? How did they do it? How do you feel about this? Remember the connection of information with the Empress card!

Think back to your experiences with creativity and the creative process. How did it all start? How did it develop? How did it end? What was done? How do you feel about this?

In relation to this map, you can use exercises 2.4 and 2.5.

Questions to write in your diary

  • What am I creating in life?
  • How creative am I?
  • What have I created in the past?
  • Am I nurturing others? Yourself? How do I do this? Does my “caring” correspond to “affection”?
  • How often do I carry out my plans and bring them to perfection?
  • When was the last time I enjoyed the fruits of my labor?
  • What other cards from the deck contain images of a river, moon and pomegranate? Does this connect the cards somehow? If so, how?
  • Are there people in my life who symbolize the Empress?
  • What negative aspects can be applied to this card?

Tarot. ХVII Star

The Star is a card of healing and rejuvenation, as well as youthful optimism and hope, most suitable for the Girl aspect of the Divine Feminine.

The starry sky is incredibly beautiful to contemplate; in the Major Arcana, this card follows two very heavy and dark cards: the XV Devil and the XVI Tower. In this way, the Star acts as a beacon of hope, glowing in the dark and promising renewal, healing, rejuvenation and a release of energy. It's a card of optimism, wishes and high ideals - we look out for shooting stars to make a wish, call celebrities stars and give children gold star stickers for their efforts.

Quote below taken from Liber Аl vel Legis, emphasizes the divine nature that is inherent in all human beings, and this is what we can also find in the Star card: the recognition of our capabilities as participants in the miracle of incarnation. This trait is different from the crude and banal actions that some people enjoy, and reminds us of the great deeds we are capable of, if only we put our soul into these deeds and think in high categories.

For centuries, people have observed the stars while traveling and exploring new lands. They also created stories about the constellations and predicted the future based on their omens. Thus, this card represents the realization of the highest purpose and direction of our spiritual lives.

Every man and every woman is a star.

Liber Al led Legis

Hope returns, just like spring - no matter the time or person! Sometimes it is enough for a tiny bud to break through the thick barrier of circumstances and reach the light of perfection. Don't lose hope!

Dorothy Miller Cole

Regular characters

  • Stars: desires, ambitions, light, hope, realization, inspiration, management.
  • Water: flow, life, energy, healing, renewal, and the subconscious and conscious.
  • Current water: healing, removal of blockages, cleansing.
  • Nude woman: the essence of oneself, as well as self-acceptance and freedom from external traps.
  • Egyptian Sphinx: in Catholic symbolism it is used as a symbol of the rebirth of Jesus Christ and the immortality of the soul. It is another symbol of renewal and rejuvenation, but on a more spiritual level. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, this image is closely associated with the sun, which rises every day from the Underworld, and the god Ra.
  • One foot in the water, one on the land: this symbol is found on other cards of the Major Arcana and symbolizes life in both the spiritual and the “everyday” world.
  • Aquarius: The figure depicted on this card is often in the pose of the zodiac sign Aquarius: the bearer of water, which he pours from two buckets into a pool. Aquarius is a zodiac sign that symbolizes new knowledge, the New Age, idealism and hope.
  • Night: Often the image on this map is at night so that the stars are clearly visible. You can see the brightest light only in pitch darkness.

Keywords: healing, hope, rejuvenation, spirituality, new life, reflection, restoration, liberation, guidance, light in the dark, optimism, luck, fortune, blessing, desires, success, recognition of divinity.

In literature and cinema: in most stories you will find the Star card as an opportunity for the protagonist to experience the calm after the storm and heal wounds. It is also the light that shows the way - the light with which Galadriel in The Two Towers shows the way to Sam Wise Gumga and Frodo Baggins. There is also a Native American myth about how an evil spirit of fire burned the earth, after which the spirit of an Eagle flew over the earth, carrying the ocean on his back, dousing the fire and renewing the incinerated earth.

As a person: The Star Man is interesting to study! He may be scattered most of the time, but he is a light in everyone's life. Despite everything, he remains optimistic, dreams and hopes. He may be interested in spirituality, new ideas and ways of thinking. Star Man is very open, but given his naivety about the fact that everyone in this world is as optimistic and open as he is, dishonest people sometimes take advantage of this.

Tarot. Exercise 4.10

In your Tarot diary, write down what you associate the Star with. What comes to your mind when you think of stars? What does this have to do with the map?

What other cards show stars as symbols? How might they relate to this card?

In relation to this map, you can also use exercises 2.4 and 2.5.

Questions to write in your diary

  • How often do I hope for something? Do I stick to my hopes or do I become pessimistic?
  • How do I heal? How long do I remember about old wounds and grievances, or do I quickly forget everything?
  • Do I consider myself a successful lucky guy? What is this success and luck?
  • When have I been lucky in life?
  • What was the last wish I made? Has it come true?
  • In what forms can healing come?


Do at least two exercises to develop your intuition and record the results in your journal.

Select one of the pages of your diary for writing about one of the cards reviewed.

Write in your journal about the feminine patterns in your life and how they affect you.

additional literature

The Faces of the Goddess, bу Lotte Motz - for further study of the Divine Feminine.

The White Goddess, by Robegt Graves is a dubious story, however, considering the concept of Girl/Mother/Crone.

The Thunder, Perfect Mind- an old text told through the lips of female Wisdom - for further reflection on the topic of the High Priestess (www.gposis.org/naghhamm/thupdeg.html).

Love experiences sometimes make us seriously nervous. Your husband is late at work, and you already suspect that he is having an affair on the side? Does your beloved guy constantly hide his phone and not let you look at his page on a social network? Or maybe these are just empty guesses and there is no trace of any rival? Let's stop torturing ourselves and figure out how to find out from the Tarot whether there is a rival.

Fortune telling using three cards “Is there a rival?”

It is not always necessary to select complex multi-card layouts to consider the issue. Sometimes it’s enough to just pull three cards out of the deck at random and see what they tell you. This is exactly what we suggest you do to find out from the Tarot whether he has another. It is best to interpret the dropped Arcana intuitively. The most important thing that should alert you is the appearance of “female” Arcana among these three cards, for example, Queens, Empress, High Priestess. Also, possible betrayal can be reported by the Devil, the Tower, the Lovers, the Three of Cups and some combinations of cards that clearly indicate problems.

This fortune telling, like the previous one, does not require a specific scheme. We simply ask the deck about a pressing topic and pull out random cards, but not three, like last time, but six, laying them out in a row. What will the Tarot cards tell you in this case: does your man have another woman, what is the relationship between them, does he have serious feelings.

Card positions and questions they answer:

  1. The presence or absence of a rival. Usually, the fact of betrayal is indicated by the Arcana and the Queen, which are negative for the love sphere.
  2. Who is she, a description of this woman. If the answer was “no” in position 1, you don’t have to read the remaining cards
  3. The relationship between this lady and your man
  4. His feelings for this woman
  5. Forecast of their relationship for the future
  6. Advice on what to do

This simple Tarot layout “Does your husband have a mistress?”, the diagram of which is presented above, was posted on the Internet by a tarot reader named Alena Sestritsyna. It is carried out in a standard way. Suitable for a situation of emotional tossing, when a girl suspects her partner of cheating, but there is no evidence of adultery.

Position meaning:

  1. Significator of the relationship between the questioner and her loved one at the moment
  2. The man's feelings for this woman
  3. The presence or absence of an affair
  4. The reason that pushed a man to cheat (if position 3 answers “yes”), or the weak point of the relationship, a situation that theoretically could lead a person to an affair on the side (if position 3 answered “no”)
  5. Tarot advice for a girl: what you can do to regain the attention of your loved one
  6. The couple's forecast for the near future

This layout is useful if you know for sure that you have a rival. In this case, it is not so important whether there has already been a sexual relationship between the loved one and this girl. The fact itself is important - that someone has their eyes on your man, and you know about it.

Meaning of card positions:

  1. Advantages of a questioner over a rival
  2. Weaknesses of competitors
  3. Disadvantages of asking what she is losing to this lady
  4. Danger posed by a rival

This voluminous and informative layout is applicable in cases where the presence of a rival is actually confirmed - the so-called love triangle situation. Fortune telling reveals the true feelings of a beloved man towards the questioner and another contender for his heart. We carry out fortune telling with a full deck.

Position meaning:

  1. General description of the man for whom there is a fight
  2. His feelings for the questioner
  3. His feelings for another woman
  4. How sexy does the questioner look in the eyes of this man?
  5. Sexual attractiveness of a rival
  6. Character traits, habits, everything that a man doesn’t like about the woman asking
  7. What pushes him away from the second lady
  8. How seriously does the knight of the heart take the relationship with the questioner?
  9. How serious are his intentions regarding his competitor?
  10. The expected future together of the man and the fortuneteller
  11. Anticipated future together with another woman

Sometimes we ask Tarot cards if he has another woman, meaning by this word his man's ex-wife or the girl he dated before you. This is especially true when for some reason these people are forced to meet periodically, for example, if they have a child together. Naturally, here you can go crazy with jealousy. And if your ex is also a real beauty, then that’s it! Don’t torture yourself, do a simple fortune telling and find out whether you should be afraid of competition with your ex.

Position meaning:

  1. Significator of a man, its description
  2. The feelings he has for his ex-partner
  3. How does he feel about you?
  4. How do you feel about him?
  5. Current feelings of your ex-wife or lover
  6. The role she plays in your current relationship
  7. Factors that prevent a man from feeling happy in your union
  8. Advice on what to do

If you have already done the Tarot reading “Does your man have a mistress?” and found out that it really exists - it’s time to compare your chances of winning. After all, you will fight for the attention of your loved one, won’t you? Fortune telling is also applicable when a man cannot choose who he should stay with - his wife or his mistress.

Position meaning:

  1. Description of the man, his condition now
  2. This person's priorities today
  3. A man's attitude towards you
  4. The feelings he has for his rival
  5. Reason that makes it difficult to choose
  6. What does a man get from you, what does this relationship give him?
  7. A similar answer, but with regards to the mistress
  8. The gentleman's plans for you
  9. Plans for a mistress
  10. The most likely future of your union
  11. The man's most likely future with your rival

We hope that these layouts will never be useful to you personally, and you will take note of them exclusively for clients. Love to you, happiness, understanding and a harmonious life together with your loved one!

In Lenormand, Woman is a card corresponding to the Ace of Spades; it is a neutral card, subject to the meaning of nearby ones.

In astrology, it corresponds to Venus and is responsible for the erotic beginning; these qualities are focused on building a family and relationships. If the Lenormand Woman falls out to a man, she points to his companion.

This is a beloved woman, a sincere friend and an influential ally. In a negative sense, it can mean a selfish, treacherous, arrogant woman, it all depends on how she is positioned in the reading.

  • This is a female personal card, it is central, if the layout is made for a woman, it needs to be interpreted from her, naturally, you need to pay attention to the surrounding cards.

It signifies the happiness that crowns a relationship. Love goes far beyond passion. If it falls on a woman, then the soul and the unconscious are important to her in a partnership.

She speaks of a strong feminine principle, symbolizes fertility and tranquility. Such a woman can be trusted with even the most secret things.

Such women will never give up and know what they want. Approval is important to them, but they do not need it to be expressed openly. This is a card of great inner strength.

Its historical basis is the abduction of Europa by Jupiter in the region of the bull. She symbolizes all the qualities of women.

The card may indicate the questioner herself, or a friend, mother or sister, if the layout is made for a man. Cards located next to the Lady will show her thoughts, intentions or actions.

Three cards horizontally above her will show her thoughts, desires and hopes, as well as fears. The map can show what place women occupy in the life of the questioner.

If in the layout the card lies in the place of the Man, then it is that the woman is able to protect herself, and if she has a partner whom she can influence.

Near favorable cards, the Lady is a symbol of happiness, love and success, and if there are more gloomy ones near her, then there are clouds and excitement ahead.

If the Lady lies to the right of the Man, then they will find agreement in life, as they look at each other. If the Lady is on the left, then they are standing with their backs turned, which means they have various contradictions and disagreements.

Lenormand Woman in fortune telling for relationships

If the card shows a love alignment, then the woman feels responsible in love and partnership, the relationship will be strong and long.

The woman in this case is the man’s weakness; he forgives her everything like a child. Guardianship is important for him, as self-affirmation, he thinks only about his woman, but on the other hand, his thoughts may include a rival or mother

If it falls in the layout of a profession, then the woman achieves success through femininity; it is also often a card of housewives.

If the health situation showed it, then you need to pay attention to the female genital organs. This is a card of family women, they have good intuition.

If the card is dealt to a woman, then she can completely trust herself, and it shows men that their partner is important to them and they need to pay attention to her. If it is shown, then the answer to the question is not defined. Often the card foreshadows major changes in life.

Lenormand woman in the scenario of money and work

If it was shown, then you need to make illogical, non-standard decisions, make compromises and concessions, and you can achieve success; probably a woman takes a large part in matters.

The card advises relying on instinct and intuition. A man needs play and danger, so he needs a woman.

  • If the Horseman appears with a Woman, then there is a secret meeting ahead with an enterprising, dynamic and younger woman. She is active and travels a lot.
  • Clover talks about a future surprise and a positive, cheerful woman, but the meeting will be short.
  • If a Ship falls with a Woman, then the woman has recently returned from a trip, she often lives far away or likes to keep her distance.
  • If there is a House in the layout, then the woman grew up in a close-knit family, the woman herself is also reliable, a good mother and housewife.
  • If there is a sign in the scenario, then perhaps the partner is sick, she is a constant and very calm woman, she could also be a doctor.
  • If there are Clouds in the reading, then the woman may have overcome insurmountable obstacles, she has gained clarity.
  • If there is a Snake in the layout, the woman is deceiving, for some reason, she is far-sighted and more often than not older than her partner.

If the Coffin appeared, then she experienced a serious loss.

Clouds speak of illness and depression of the questioner; she is going through an important stage of life and is not always confident in herself.

The bouquet, on the contrary, shows a fighting and determined woman, fighting for her ideals; she is an amiable and good woman.

If the Scythe appears in the scenario, then the woman is afraid of something, she herself is tense and aggressive. The broom speaks of a woman's submission to others, and she can also be very eloquent.

If there are Owls in the reading, the questioner often becomes the object of gossip, she is preoccupied, nervous, or maybe just old.

If a Child falls out, then the woman has children, she is naive, infantile, capricious, it could also be a mother, teacher or educator

This complete tarot layout provides an opportunity for a woman who has reached the age of thirty to understand herself, taking into account all the nuances and features of her maturity. Particular attention in this full tarot reading is given to what a woman can expect from her near future, both in the external world and in the internal

Technique for fortune telling the full tarot spread for a woman after 30 years

In order to perform a full tarot reading, you will naturally need the entire deck. But before you start fortune-telling, take out the Major Arcana “Empress” from it and place it to your left. It will symbolize the starting point of all complete tarot readings.

After this, thoroughly mix the deck, trying not to think about anything during this process, so as not to “knock down” the subtle energies.

Then lay out all the Major Arcana, one at a time, to your left, starting from the starting card. Now you can begin the interpretation.

Interpretation of the full tarot spread for a woman after 30 years

Key card of the full tarot reading: The Empress

1st position: the full tarot layout begins with a position indicating the hidden causes of internal anxiety, which led to the fact that a woman needs to carefully and deeply study the current state of her affairs, both from the outside and the inside.

2nd position: this senior lasso demonstrates the “shadow” features of relationships with the men around a woman, shows all the nuances and shades of psychological states that escape her attention.

3rd position: this position is a mirror of the previous one, that is, here we are talking about women.

4th position: this card “reveals” the nature of relationships within the family (if one already exists) or relationships with parents.

5th position: this card demonstrates the nature of intimate relationships, that is, how a woman actually perceives her sex life, and not what she tells herself or others about it.

6th position: the full tarot layout especially highlights this card, since it is the “key” to how a woman can achieve harmony between her inner and outer worlds.

7th position: this senior lasso indicates what a woman needs to do so that she can intuitively make the right decisions in life, what prevents her from using her intuition and trusting her heart more.

8th position: This position of the full tarot reading demonstrates the hidden aspects of relationships with colleagues at work, as well as how a career generally develops (or does not develop). You should pay close attention to this card, since for a mature woman, financial situation is more important than for a young woman.

9th position: this card reflects important nuances of relationships with children or with people much younger than the woman. Moreover, the features relate more to what is not visible at first glance, that is, deep psychological moments.

10th position: this senior lasso makes it possible to look at the subtleties of a woman’s relationship with herself, with her inner world, because the nature of the development of her future will depend on this.

11th position: in the full tarot reading, this card and the next one reflect the adjustment of the internal states of a mature woman. In particular, this senior arcana shows what deep moments should be developed in order to become happy. Therefore, even a negative card in this position is of a strategic nature, for example, the death card suggests that you should not be afraid to sacrifice something in order to get more. The main thing is not to make a mistake.

12th position: this card shows which character traits should be abandoned, or used as little as possible, since because of this a woman often suffers and causes suffering to those she loves.

13th position: an important card in a full tarot reading, because it demonstrates a woman’s inner fears, those moments that she is afraid to say even to herself, but which always influence her life choices.

14th position: this senior lasso indicates the way out of the internal crisis and the opportunity to free yourself from mental fears.

15th position: this position indicates the hidden causes of disturbances in the health of a mature woman.

16th position: this card shows what you should expect in the near future from close men, what the nature of their behavior will be.

17th position: the major lasso of this position demonstrates the features of future relationships with women, especially in the field of psychological nuances

18th position: the card in this position predicts the financial future and the nature of its development.

The third major lasso is “The Empress”, or as she is also called Heavenly Love or the Mistress. The card depicts a beautiful woman with a staff in her hand, with a crown of 12 stars on her head, in a light and airy dress. Forests and fields stretch around, and a river flows nearby with cold and clear water. Harmony and love, life and warmth reign everywhere.

  • The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    Love, harmony, strength, nature, life and prosperity. This is a wonderful card in the Tarot deck, which means the birth of a new life and beginning, strong and mutual love, development.

    The Empress represents love and prosperity on the card. If the card appears in the layout, this is a very good sign and omen. She speaks of a very busy time, in which there will be many favorable moments.

    The card also symbolizes new life, new light, beauty and goodness in all endeavors. It gives a good start in all areas, both in love and in work, and in personal life.
    The Empress is the great Feminine principle and eternal femininity. She exudes calm and complete harmony. She is the very beginning of Life and a harbinger of joyful events. Look, so much warmth and kindness emanates from her that with the naked eye you can see how she herself is all glowing.

    The Empress is also sometimes called the card of Understanding. What does it mean? The card indicates that level of a person when he must already understand and be aware of all his actions, he must also be aware of the results of these actions, their consequences. That is, the concepts of wisdom and stupidity are correlated here, because a person is already obliged to be aware of his desires, on which he builds his destiny.

    This lasso corresponds to the planet Venus, which means wisdom itself, love, strength, birth and harmony. The Empress in the image holds in her hand the Egyptian 'key of life' - which signifies dominion over the entire world. The empress herself signifies fertility and fertility. She commands the entire process of creation and life.

    Meaning of the card in the upright position

    This is a great card in a reading! It brings complete harmony, new growth and potential in any area: in work, in career, in family and in relationships. In addition, the card can indicate the future Birth of a child, or the Birth of a new life, a new stage of life. And also denote a happy marriage or marriage.

    The Mistress is a very lucky card. She speaks of fertility, success, prosperity, stability. In addition, it is a symbol of love, growth, favorable environment, care and motherhood.

    The Empress is the significator of a woman in any scenario - it can be a mother or a girl who has a strong influence on the situation and help. She is involved in this situation and has taken control of the issue. She creates and helps. Most often, this is a beloved woman who helps not only for personal reasons. In general, this is a very positive and favorable card for any scenario and question.

    On a physical (dense) level, the card means growth and development. The emotional level is about new creative abilities and development. At the mental level – new ideas, invention, originality. At the level of the spirit – self-knowledge, self-discovery to the fullest and in harmony.

    State of consciousness and lesson for self-development

    If we look at the personal situation, what will the Empress tell us here? This is a sign of a wonderful woman and girl who keeps within herself many pleasant moments and warm concerns. She is a loving mother, a caring wife, a wise assistant, a skilled housewife, in general, all the most positive traits are contained in her.

    The card denotes a creative and joyful phase in a person's life. This is a person with great potential and strength. This potential has already matured and is ready to go beyond the limits of internal harmony. A person is ready and can calmly realize himself to the fullest.

    This is the development of the wisdom of soul and body, human emotionality, sensuality, the ability to love and be loved. For women, in particular, this is the feminine instinct of care, warmth, comfort and harmony both in the family and in one’s soul.

    You are in a state of harmony and peace of mind. You grow and develop in all directions, and success accompanies you everywhere. A woman who has entered this phase of female self-development should be loved and cherished to the point of madness, because now she is discovering in herself all the qualities of a real and loving woman.

    If you are interested in health issues, then everything is fine here. Your body grows, colors and smells fragrant. The card clearly shows pregnancy. You are now charged with new energy, and your strength is in full swing.

    In its reversed meaning, we have less positive characteristics of the Empress card. In particular, this is an arrogant, narcissistic and cruel woman, incapable of deeply loving and showing her love.

    The woman here has a desire to rule and achieve her goals, regardless of the fact that someone may get hurt. Has strong selfishness. The card can also mean a despot in the family. If there is no one to take care of, all female positive qualities can turn into negative ones. She develops a fear of loneliness, loss, not wanting to be loved, self-doubt, loss of strength, doubt and hesitation.

    When fortune telling a situation, it means a person’s painful perception of any changes.

    In career, work and finances

    In a career scenario, the Empress foretells good career changes. Change of position, profit growth. If you are given a project, this means that you will be able to complete it not only at the proper level, but also with maximum benefit for yourself.

    The card tells you about the development of your talents, growth in the financial sector, self-development, new and pleasant innovations, changes in the workplace, in a positive direction for you. In addition, your work will be appreciated, and you will receive everything in full and even more. All your potential and investments will now pay off and bring you considerable profit. You begin to experience a strong creative surge.

    For a woman, the Empress card is a sign of a serious, enterprising woman who knows what she wants and how she will achieve it. In a scenario for a contract or business alliance, the card gives positive approval, but think about your relationship with your partner now.

    The card gives a favorable financial condition and its growth. Smart distribution of money and its successful increase. Growing prosperity, a cozy, well-equipped home.

    If the card is reversed, then it means a cunning person who is aimed at meanness in order to achieve his goal. I am ready to go to great lengths for my personal result, which will then negatively affect his financial side.

    The card means unfavorable circumstances in the future that will negatively affect your career, including a reduction in position or salary. Also, everything may depend on the personal incompetence or lack of professionalism of the questioner.

    In love and relationships

    The Empress is the most favorable lasso in matters of love. The answer here is yes, yes and yes again. The most beautiful relationship, full of harmony, tranquility, comfort and strong warmth. In some situations, the card foreshadows an imminent marriage.

    The card gives the most true love and harmony in relationships. If now everything is not so welcoming, then very soon you will find your true happiness and harmony. If you are asking about pregnancy, the answer is obvious, yes. If you are worried about fertility, there is also no need to worry, because everything is fine in this direction.

    If the alignment goes to a man, then this indicates the presence in his life of a very influential woman who contributes to the relationship. This could be his wife or his own mother. But it is possible that sometimes a man himself brings so much warmth, care and love into a relationship, and it is this card that truly characterizes him and shows his true character.

    In an inverted state, the lasso denotes a deterioration in the relationship between the couple. Sometimes this can happen due to financial difficulties, which leads to quarrels and breakdowns in communication. If you are looking at the future of a relationship, you need to look at which card fell next to the Empress in an inverted state, and base your interpretation on this.

    Characteristics of the lasso in the upright position

    1. A real loving woman.
    2. New life, new stage and blossoming.
    3. Pregnancy/Marriage.
    4. Abundance and fertility.
    5. New position, promotion, financial increase.
    6. A new stage in the couple’s relationship, a second wind and a new level.
    7. Creative inspiration.
    8. Harmony, new perspectives, prosperity and success in all areas of life.
    9. Feminine strength and harmony, female sexuality.
    10. Beauty and personal growth.
    11. Emotional and physical comfort.
    12. Motherhood, long life.
    13. Excess creative energy.
    14. Home harmony.

    Interpretation in an inverted position

    When inverted, the card indicates such characteristics of a person as: cunning, desire to rule (despot at home or at work), intriguer, careerist, stingy with feelings and emotions, even to the point of tyranny.

    In addition, the card can mean household chores, poor mutual understanding with the family, and financial difficulties. Sometimes it indicates a divorce or miscarriage.

    A person has very high self-esteem, he is ignorant, afraid of change, does not believe in what he is told or what he does. He experiences a loss of strength, including creative energy. Has strong doubts and hesitations on any issue. Unscrupulous in his goals and desires.

    The card can symbolize a crisis, loss of joy in life, various kinds of stagnation in business. Discord in all areas of life, when luck completely turns away from you.

    Characteristics of the lasso in an inverted position

    1. Fear of loneliness.
    2. Domestic despot.
    3. Greed, selfishness.
    4. Unproductive business and undertaking.
    5. Divorce, abortion.
    6. Depression, despair, suffering.
    7. Denial of everything.
    8. Sex without love.
    9. Seeking personal gain.
    10. Stagnation, financial collapse, demotion.
    11. Fading of feelings, lack of growth and development.
    12. Indecision, selfishness.

    Position in the layout in place

    In particular, the card indicates a new life and its favorable development, regardless of the location of its alignment.

    Professions and areas of activity

    Teachers. Hotel business. Talented people (artists, poets, musicians, dancers). Designer. Business lady.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 3, then the Empress will be the Quintessence. TAROT advice is as follows: there is a “rich harvest” ahead, so follow the path of development, rejoicing at the emergence of everything new.

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