Sports festival in kindergarten. Scenario “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family! Family wall newspaper “Sports in my family” Poster sports in my family

Municipal government educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3"



extracurricular activity

physical education teacher

Isilkul city

Target. Fostering a sense of love and pride for your family, respect for your parents.
Decor. The walls of the gym are decorated with posters with sports mottos:
. “Sport helps us everywhere: in the family, study and work”
“Sun, air and water are our best friends”;
with Russian folk proverbs:
Golden time young tribe"
“He who is brave and steadfast is worth ten”
“If it’s tailored in Russian, there’s only one warrior in the field.”
Volleyballs (3 pcs.),
soccer balls (3 pcs.),
basketballs (3 pcs.),
tennis balls (3 white + 3 yellow + 3 spotted),
gymnastic benches (3 pcs.),
boards measuring 30 cm x 15 cm (12 pcs.),
3 large diameter colored paper mugs (yellow, white, orange),
60 paper colored petals (yellow, white, orange),
skittles (8 gpt.),
broom (3 PC.),
plastic buckets (3 pcs.).
Competition scenario
Hello guys! If you want to be skillful, dexterous, fast, strong, brave, learn to love jump ropes, a ball, hoops and sticks. Victory is within the reach of the brave, great success awaits him. Who, without flinching, if necessary, will enter the battle one for all.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we are holding a competition “Dad Mom, I am a sports family.” At all times, people have strived for a healthy lifestyle, wanted to know the limits of their capabilities, were not afraid to challenge fate, and often emerged victorious. And this is what sport is: LIFE.
HEALTH, RISK, SEARCH, VICTORY. (dance number, group of girls).
1 reader. We have no problems with sports -
We are his lovers
And exercise every hour
We love to work out.
2 chshets. It happens like this.
Getting ready for school
We fill our bags
Various tinsel,
The load is not light, but
We develop muscles.
Z reader. Our legs are strong
True, my hands hung down.
The lesson lasts an hour,
Muscles go numb
to warm up at this hour
We raise our hands.
4 chpiets. Then we slowly get up
Let's squat quickly.
And when we don’t know the answer,
We shoot with our eyes.
1 reader. We are so excited
Handles fall all at once.
Bending down, we lift,
We strengthen our abdominal press.
2 reader. Running does everything:
Both study and work.
And so to the dining room
We are jogging.
We had lunch and got up
To the third floor.
Z reader. All the calories burned
Our strength is leaving us.
Here We How persistent!
Look at us all.
Because physical education
We use it every hour!

Children really need sports
We are close friends with sports.
Sports assistant, sports game,
Physical education - hurray - hurray - hurray!
All readers. Hurray - hurray - hurray!
1reader. To grow and harden,
You need to play sports.
Toughen up, kids,
Good luck, physical education!
All readers. Physical training.
Leading. Guys! I present to you the jury of the competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.”
Representation of the members of the jury.

Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a mistake. Whoever turns out to be more friendly, let friends win!
Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. We have established prizes for the youngest and oldest participant, the most dexterous. the strongest, most accurate, skillful, for the best motto, uniform, emblem. After each stage of the competition, Curie will count the points and provide information on the progress of the competition. After the last stage, the jury will announce the final results. The team with the most points based on the sum of all competitions wins. If the points are equal, the jury appoints additional competitions between team captains. We haven't forgotten about the fans and have established a prize for the best support group. We wish the competition participants success!
Mom, my dad and me,
We are a sports family.
We are friends with physical education and sports,
We don't need a doctor at all.
Our competition begins. Three family teams take part in it. The first competition is business cards for family teams. 51 I have no doubt that the calling cards of our teams are their charm, wit, ability and talent. hard work and no doubt. the ability to present oneself. So let's see who can do it best.

The calling card of the Bumbarash team
Captain. Who walks together in a row?
Team. This is ours, this is ours
friendly, brave crew. IIturning to the audience and constructing a living pyramid, the team chants the motto “We love sport, we are friends with it.”-
We don't need a doctor in our family
2. The visiting card of the Strongmen team.
The team in Silachiz comes out from the center of the hall. Badge on the chestasboxing glove. The team faces the audience ii sings a song to the tune ((You, me, and you and me)
Team. You yes I am, yes you and I,
You and me, ladies with you,
Together we are all a very friendly family.
All family is nearby today
AND wishes to other teams:
May you all be happy, friends
You, me, you and me
You, me, you and me,
Important, so that we can hold hands.
beveryone lived alone
That has long been in pieces
Our school fell apart from boredom.
All team.
Be We consider strong, healthy, skillful and brave to be the main family matter.
The calling card of the “Cheerful” team.
To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the Cheerful Team runs into the center of the hall with a handgun in their hands. On balloons inscription for Sport, Victory, Peace.
Sport- the best cure for illness.
Dad. Those who are friends with sports will never
doesn't bother.
Son. If there is peace and harmony in your family,
This means that this family has a sports way of life.
Team. The whole family is firmly friends with the sun, air, and water.

Leading. When you go to storm the relay race,
Victory is not very visible to us.
But we will still achieve victory,
No feathers or fluff to you guys!
The team is located behind the line at the back of each other's heads.
Stage 1:
dad, holding a ball between his knees, jumps to the one lying 10 m from lines starts the gymnastic hoop, puts the ball in it, takes the jump rope, returns to the team and hands the jump rope to mom.
II stage: Mom, jumping rope, runs to the gymnastics mat (10 m from the start line), lies face down on it, hands clasped behind her back, then, without turning over or releasing her hands, gets up and returns to the finish line, jumping over the rope.
III stage: the captain runs to the gymnastics mat, somersaults forward, takes the ball lying on the floor, then turns around; rolls forward while holding the ball in his hands. Then he runs to the finish line.
The team that completes the tasks in the shortest time wins.
I invite participants to prepare for the throwing relay.
Well, what about the next game?
Requires the player
Dexterity, skills,
Great inspiration
[On the end wall of the hall at a height of 2.5 m, three different colored targets with a diameter of 1 m are marked- green, yellow, blue, Teams line up in columns one at a time, each opposite their target at a distance 9 mfrom the wall. Team captains receive three tennis balls: one team receives white balls with
number 1, second
- yellow with number 2, third- spotted with the number 3.
Stage I competitions:
Team captains with balls stand in front of the throwing line. At the signal, the captains throw all three of their balls at the target in turn. For each accurate hit, the team is awarded 1 point.
Stage II of the competition: After the captains, moms and dads throw the balls.
The team with the most points wins.
The next competition is “Ball Race”.

Here are the heavy balls,
It’s immediately obvious that they are strongmen.
Let's develop our hands
Pass the ball to each other.
IN Three gymnastic benches are installed in the hall. The players of each team sit on their bench with their backs to the jury and spectators. Team captains are given one basketball. At the signal, the players pass the ball behind their backs with both hands to a partner sitting next to them. When the ball comes to the last one, he quickly gets up with the ball in his hands, runs around the bench and sits down next to the captain. The transfer of the ball continues again from one player to another behind the back from hand to hand. If a participant loses the ball, he must quickly get up and pick up the ball And take your seat. After this, the passing of the ball continues
until. until the captain and all other players are on their
original places. The captain who has completed the dash sits on the bench and raises the ball up.
The team with the best time wins.

(Demonstration performance by a team of basketball players)
5th COMPETITION “SWAMP” Presenter.
Walk through the swamp
Anyone can!
But how to get through
Don't get your feet wet?
Cheerful laughter.
The desire to win
Will help you
And guarantees success!
6th COMPETITION Football
Leading. We continue our family team competition. Can you guess what the next competition will be called?
I'll start, and you finish.
Answer in unison.
Fun football game -
Already scored the first... (goal!) Someone ran wildly
AND without ball flew in V... (gate!) And Petya slams the ball with his foot
And he hit the boy in the... (forehead!)
The boy laughs merrily,
A large one grows on the forehead. (cone!)
But the guy doesn't care about the bump.
Again he runs after.. (the ball!)
Name the next competition
Leading: That's right, football. I invite our dads to take part in a competition called (<Футбол».
At a distance of 11 m from the starting line, there is a “gate” 50 cm high and 80 cm wide. Dad is invited to hit the goal with a soccer ball. Three attempts are made. The dad who scores a goal into the goal faster and without mistakes wins.
We continue the competition. Team captains are invited to the battlefield along with their dads.
Who is the strongest in the world?
Who is the fastest in the world?
Who is so eager to win?
There is only one answer.
Come with dad together
Take the hoop in your hands
And lead to victory.
Leading. In the medley relay, the competition participants will have to run a lot.
Running is very different
But always so beautiful
Fast, slow and medium,
Steeplechase, hurdle,
And he wins.
Who is not behind in anything.

Just passion, hard work
They will lead you to victory.
Teams line up in columns one at a time. A small obstacle course will be installed in the hall. The team captains begin the relay.
1) run 6 m
2) forward somersault on a gymnastics mat;
H) run 5m;
4) overcoming a gymnastic bench in length, lying on your stomach, simultaneously grabbing both arms and pulling up your torso;
5) run 5 m;
b) crawling through a long bag;
7) running to the starting point.
(Group performance with acrobatic numbers)
9th FAN COMPETITION Presenter.
I look at the fans like THEY actively support their teams. Therefore, we cannot ignore them. The next competition is for them.
In our hall
Friends gathered.
Cheer for athletes
Everyone and me.
They shout to them loudly:
"Keep it up!"
The path to victory is thorny
Hey fan! don't be sad!
Support the team!
Raise the poster.
Take a closer look
Be careful, friend!
It's a captain's competition!
Be brave!
And be smart!
We are all sure
Then you won't lose!
Captain! Captain!
Strength, agility for you
Will be needed here!
The competition is only for those
Who is confident
He will rush to victory!
Captain, move forward!
After all, the team is waiting
Your victories!
I see the captains are ready for the competition. I announce its terms.
Stage I of the competition: The captains try to knock down the maximum number of pins with the ball (out of five in three attempts).
Stage II of the competition: The captains run to the mark, placing a pin on the palms of both hands; when returning to the starting line, they hold the pins in their hands.
III stage of the competition: The captains move like a crab to the mark (marked 10 m from the start), and run back to the starting position.
The team with the best time wins.
An interesting thing is humor. It seems there is nothing more frivolous. Now we will hold a humorous relay race in which the whole family participates. Before starting the relay, I will ask joke questions to the teams.
What is the name of the first female pilot? (Baba Yaga.)
What is the name of Baba Yaga's flying machine? (Mortar.)
Name Baba Yaga's best friend. (Koschei the Immortal.) Well done, guys, you did a good job. You probably guessed that the humorous relay race will be called “Baba Yaga”. I remind you of the conditions of the relay. Mom places six tennis balls on the floor from a plastic bucket as she moves. The son rides on a broom. Dad uses a broom to collect the balls back into the bucket. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Girls group dance number
Leading. So. The competition has come to an end. I provide
THE WORD OF CURIE. A competent jury sums up the results of the competition and announces the winners.
Then prizes, gifts and certificates are awarded.
Thank you all for your attention,
For the enthusiasm for the ringing laughter.
For the fire of Competition.
Guaranteed success.
Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be short
We tell you: goodbye,
See you happy, new meetings."


1. Sports and recreational activities at school. Authors, compilers, etc. Teacher. Volgograd 2007

2. Olympic Games. Cognitive and play activities 1st – 11th grade. etc. Teacher. Volgograd 2013

3. “It’s fun to play together”, Stepkina: OOIPKRO, 2003.

Olga Nikolaevna Popova

Our group had a themed week "Winter views sports» .

It’s a pleasure to talk about this topic with my students, since we live in a region, the Far North region, the city of Norilsk, where they know about this from the cradle. And yet, the guys and I talked, watched video materials from competitions on the ski track, at the skating rink, and watched how the older guys learned the elements of skiing in physical education classes. We were invited as fans to the kindergarten Olympic Games.

In the course of this work, we came up with our motto - “Lying on the sofa is not our thing!” Many of the guys in our group "Stars" visit sport sections. Parents of students take an active part in competitions at enterprises in various forms sports, but going out on the big ski track at Ol-Gula is just great!

I decided to offer my parents "tell" O sports in their family through a wall newspaper. I assumed that my parents would respond to my idea, but I didn’t expect them to respond with such enthusiasm. The children, interrupting each other, talked about how they and their parents did family wall newspaper who is shown in the photo.

Then our newspapers were decorated walls of the preschool gym.

Here are some of them.

Publications on the topic:

“Family soft school” as a means of introducing a healthy lifestyle and forming positive relationships in the family When you have problems, hug your child. Then you will understand that if he is nearby, alive and well, you have no problems. Everything else is just little things.

What do mothers look like through the eyes of their children? We tried to find the answer to this question in one long-relevant and interesting form. This wall newspaper.

Project “Heroes of the Second World War in my family” Project of integrated organized educational activities on the topic: “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War in my family.” Object of study:.

Mother's Day is a special holiday, Let's celebrate it in November: Nature awaits winter, And there is still slush in the yard. But we will give fun to our dear mothers.

Sport is power! Sport - is life! Let's succeed opponent, hold on! This unconventional approach to creating a wall newspaper provides an opportunity.

Sports entertainment for senior and preparatory groups “Sports Assistant! Sports and health! Sports game! Goal: Promoting a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: To create a cheerful and joyful mood in children and parents. Use personal example from adults.

Sports festival “Sport, sport, sport” Sports festival “Sport, sport, sport” Presenter: Attention! Attention! I invite all the guys to go with us to the country of Sportlandia.

Vadim's son had a health week at school. During this week, various sports and creative events took place. My son.

prepared by physical education teacher

Koroleva Ksenia Nikolaevna


Sports festival


Purpose of the event: Strengthening family-school connections aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: 1.Motivation for physical education and sports in order to

health improvement;

2. Development of psychophysical qualities of students;

3.Improving skills and abilities acquired in lessons in game situations.

The gym is decorated with balloons, flags, posters with the name of the competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, as well as calls “The whole family - to health”, “Sport will help us everywhere: both in study and in work!”

For awards: certificates, medals.

Music is playing. Team members enter the hall to applause.


Teacher: Good evening, dear friends! We are very pleased to welcome you to our holiday “Mom, Dad, Me - a Sports Family” dedicated to World Health Day. We have gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. Let the motto of our meeting today be the simple words “Sport will help us everywhere: both in study and in work!”

Today at our holiday we are pleased to welcome friendly sports families:……………., ………………..

Our progress will be assessed by a jury consisting of:………….

Exercising is useful, and fun physical exercise is doubly beneficial. After all, every minute of exercise prolongs a person’s life by one hour, and a person’s life by two.

I urge the teams to fight fairly and wish everyone success.

And may the best man win

1 student .

Look how we are

There's a whole class here

Nearby - dads, moms

Dads threw sofas

Moms threw pans

And they put on the suits!

2 student

Everybody wants to compete

Make a joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity,

And prove your skill!

3 student

We are all happy about this meeting,

We did not gather for a reward,

We need to meet more often

So that we all live together.


“Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”

So, a friendly family!

And a healthy family!

Without movement - not a day

Dad, mom, me!

And so the first competition for teams “Performance”

The team greeting competition has ended. I ask the distinguished jury to evaluate your homework. The highest score is 3 points.

1. Competition “Warm-up”.

1. The word “physical education” is given. You need to make as many words from it as possible, each letter is used once. The winner will be the team with the last word. Time to think 1 minute.

2.What sports do you know? Name it. Whoever names the last sport is the winner.

And now, gentlemen

Let's play

To show everyone

Become a good girl.

2 competition "Train"

Dad runs around the chip, comes back, takes mom by the hand, runs around, takes the child by the hand and runs around the chip and returns to the finish line.

3. Competition “Dexterous Hands”

First, each participant runs around the chip, pushing a balloon with a tennis racket, then moves the ball around the chip with a gymnastic stick, and then carries the child on a gymnastic stick.

Presenter: Everyone knows, everyone understands that it’s nice to be healthy. You just need to know how to become healthy! Well friends! We can't relax! The spirit has been transferred - competition number three!

3.Darts competition

Each person shoots two darts at the target, then we count the points, the one who scores the most points wins.

4. Competition "Shuttles"

You need to transfer cubes from one hoop to another and pass the baton to another.

5. “Combined relay”

You need to roll on the mat, climb through a hoop, jump rope 5 times and pass the baton to someone else.

6. “Composition” competition

Now let’s rest a little and at the same time finish writing a poem.

People are surprised

Why is Fedot angry?


Fan competition.

The judge invites two fans of different teams. Everyone is given the opportunity to collect as many balloons as possible from the floor and hold them in their hands.

The winning fan brings his team 3 points, the losing fan gets 1 point.

7.Competition “In one bundle”.

Mom and Dad's legs are tied, they run around the chip, and climb into the hoop that the child is holding. Then dad and child and mom and child do the same.

8. “Burst the Ball” competition

Each participant has a ball tied to his leg. On command, everyone scatters, trying to burst the other participant’s balloon and save theirs.

9. « Friendly water farmers"

Rules of the game: We offer everyone to drink 500 ml of delicious juice through a straw. But all team members need to drink at the same time. Whoever drinks the juice faster is the winner in this competition.

Presenter: And so, our holiday is over,

Presenter: Attention! Attention! We announce the results of the competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”

1 place...

2nd place.....

3rd place....

Awarding certificates and medals.

Presenter: Thank you all for your participation,

For support in difficult times. You may be somewhat tired, But it’s nice to see you together, next to mom and dad, Son or daughter shoulder to shoulder. What else is needed for happiness, since sport gives health! If there is love and harmony in the family! Be happy always!

To the music “I, you, he, she - together a friendly family....” all children and teams go to the center of the hall (fathers with flags in their hands wave over their heads, mothers and children make a circle around fathers, and all students make a big circle around the competition participants. Everyone faces the audience and performs hand movements to the music, and then, holding hands, jumps in a circle. At the end, everyone raises their hands up and waves their palms.).

Presenter: Let it all just be a game

But we wanted to say with it: A great miracle is family! Keep it, take care of it!

There is nothing more important in life.


    Kapetskaya G.A. Call of the Jungle. Outdoor game // Teachers' Council. - 1999. - No. 5. - P. 7.

    Vasilyeva Yu.A. Lucky case. A fun game for two teams // Teachers' Council. - 1999. - No. 5. - P. 15.


“Malina is the strongest team!

We firmly believe in our success!

We will spare no effort!

Let's show what we can do!"

business card from the “Strawberry” team.

“We are already 10 years old.

This is not a secret at all!

The deadline is serious and long.

We do everything with soul.

We are unstoppable in business,

We are building a house for our loved ones,

We love to relax together

Pamper our children.

Dad sets up a tent for us

Mom is cooking dinner for us.

Well, my brother Gleb and I,

Everyone is ready to give advice.

We've all been to the gym,

at the skating rink, diving into the pool.

In the evening we read fairy tales. (in chorus) WE LIVE IN LOVE AND AFTERNESS!!!”


“We are modest athletes - we don’t sing, we don’t dance.

And we will show our hobbies in ourselves.

Football, fishing, boxing and skiing.

We are a healthy family

Inseparable as water.

And even if you slam, even if you burst,



“Dad, mom, brother and I - we are a sports family.

And on a sunny morning and a cloudy afternoon,

We are friends with sports and live together.

Dad's skiing, mom's fitness,

My brother has football, I have wrestling.

Sport is power! Sport is health!

Sport is a game! Physical training!"


“We are Smorodin’s team.

Dad, mom and three I are our glorious family!

We are friendly, brave, dexterous, skillful.

We are strong for each other,

And quickly we are eager to fight

Today we ask everyone to keep their fingers crossed for us,

Because we want to become winners!”

The gym is decorated with balloons.

Poster “Dad, Mom, I am athletic

Family". Before the start of the holiday there is music.

Take a look at us

There's a whole class here

Nearby are dads and moms.

Dads threw sofas

Moms threw pans

And they put on the suits!

Everybody wants to compete

Make a joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity,

And prove your skill!

We are all happy about this meeting,

We did not gather for a reward,

We need to meet more often

May we all live together!


We have gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. We also gathered to get to know each other better and make stronger friends, to see what our children can do and what their parents can do.

And it doesn’t matter who wins this competition, the main thing is that we feel the holiday atmosphere. Let the motto of our meeting today be simple words: “Inseparable friends – sports, parents and children

Inseparable friends

Available in this world.

Inseparable friends -

This is sports and children!

Sports comes to our school

A fun relay race.

Growing up in class shift

To our glorious record holders.

We are an excellent, friendly class,

Everyone is sporty here!

We love the air, the sun, work,

Things are going well!

Any of us will tell you:

Being an athlete is very cool!

Dedicate every hour

Sports, every minute!

Inseparable friends

Available in this world.

Inseparable friends -

Sports, parents and children!

The holiday has already begun, but we need to get to know the participants.I won’t lie, every child would like to see their parents on the sports field today. But not all parents decided to take this step. Who are they - those families who, overcoming embarrassment, agreed to participate in our competition.

- Meet our courageous, seasoned, athletic dad ! Not everyone can withstand the overload of traditional men's triathlon: football, beer and sofa. But they don't give up. Here they are all in front of us - slightly cheerful, in some places fit, in some places collected, but not defeated, and even invincible in some ways, and in what exactly - we will find out later.

- And now they'll come out here moms ! They are always in shape. Constant training in women's triathlon makes itself felt: the stove, running to the shops, doing the laundry. And we are confident that today they will set the tone for their teams in the competition. Because it is known that a family rests on three pillars: Woman, Woman and again Woman!

- And finally, the team captains are ours children ! It was they who, from the cradle, had been tempering them for many years with constant training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting before them more and more new tasks, constantly increasing the load. But it’s not for nothing that they say: hard to learn, easy to fight.

There's a song playing

February evening, evening, evening

When we, adults, frankly speaking, have nothing to do.

We will all come to school together,

Let's talk about this and that

And we'll have funny competitions!

Let's start the holiday

Let's start the sports festival as soon as possible

Let's start the holiday

Let's start our main holiday soon

We're having fun, fun, fun today!

And our mothers, like gymnasts, can do anything!

Let them run once and twice

To loud shouts: “Hurray!”

But tomorrow their back will still hurt!

And the dads are brave, brave, brave!

They rose from the sofa with a sly smile,

They threw the ball far

They run through the gym easily.

And in the morning it will be difficult for them to walk!


1. The sports family appears first Yachmenevs

dad ........., mom ............... and team captain son Kirill

Your team name and your motto...

2. Sports honor of the family Perfilevs dad will defend........, Mother ........... and team captain son Timofey.

Please, introduce yourself …

3. Here is another team where everyone loves sports. This is family Chuvashovs. Dad ........., mother Irina Sergeevna and captain son Kirill.

Well, are the teams ready? (READY!)

Fans, are you ready? (READY!)

Who is missing?

Jury presentation

The competition today will be judged by:

Judge : To hold a competition

You need an experienced judge.

This, apparently, is a calling -

Of course, I will be the judge!

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be friendlier?

He will win in battle!

1 Competition “Charging” (Synchronicity)

Before any competition, you need to warm up, prepare your body for physical activity, stretch all your muscles, everything is as it should be for serious athletes.

The first relay is an important relay,

Each family will do morning exercises.

All commands accompanied by music

perform a complex of morning exercises - 2 minutes.

The jury evaluates each team.

2 Competition “Running” (speed)

Running is very different

But always so beautiful

Fast, slow and medium,

Steeplechase, hurdle,

And the one wins

Who is not behind in anything.

Just passion, hard work

They will lead you to victory.

Children love to play, especially they love balls.


The conditions of this competition are as follows: captains run with a balloon, which they have to push in front of them from the starting line to the end line of the sports ground. They run back with the ball in their hands to the starting line. Then their parents take over the baton from them.

Mom has no time for playing with balls, she runs around in the kitchen. Get your tool - the tray.

Running with a tray

Players are given a tray with a cup of water on it. All team players run back and forth. The winner is the one who splashes as little water as possible.

And our dads won’t be able to help you. They are slower than the slowest animal... That's right,


Dad gets down on all fours, with a pelvis placed on his back, bottom up. In this position he runs back and forth. The captain is nearby and if the basin falls, he picks it up.

The competition is over, our respected jury is summing up the results.

3 Competition "Accuracy"

Everyone knows, everyone understands

It's nice to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy!

Well, friends!

We can't relax!

The spirit was transferred -

Contest number three!

- The whole team takes part in this competition.

The team captains open this competition. They are given balls - you need to knock down as many pins as possible

Then mothers take up the baton. They should quitbasketball Add to cart.

The last thing in this competition will show us accuracy and dexterity

dads. They need to score soccer ball .

4 Competition “Ingenuity, Strength”

Now we will go on a hike. Yes, we got into a swamp

Leading. Walk through the swamp

Anyone can!

But how to get through

Don't get your feet wet?

Cheerful laughter

The desire to win

Will help you

And guarantees success!


You need to walk along 3 leaf trails “without getting your feet wet”


All members of family teams participate in this competition, and it is called “Transporting a Child.” We remember that the family went on a multi-day hike, and along the way the child was so tired that he could not go further. The task of the father and mother is to carry the child with clasped hands a certain distance and return him to his place. We will call this type of transport “ dad car " Whose dad's car will reach the finish line first?

Baby on a sack

The transportation is not finished yet. The parents are apparently tired, but

as they say, “they can’t carry their own burden,” and they continue to drag their child, but alreadyusing a bag. Mom and Dad take the bag by the corners so that most of the bag lies on the floor. The child sits on the bag and holds on tightly to the burlap so as not to fall off. And on the way you will still encounter an obstacle (pins), you need to go around it. If a child falls, you will have to stop, pick him up and continue on.

Jury evaluation

Game with fans "Musical chairs"

What kind of chairs are they? Apparently the teams were so tired that they decided to sit out? Oh no!

The game is with fans, but the teams can really rest at this time

Strength is, of course, good, but intelligence is BETTER!

5 Competition (Intelligence, creativity)

Quiz (child, mom, dad. The ball is given, after the answer they pass it on)

There are two stripes in the snow,

The two foxes were surprised.

One came closer:

Someone was running here... (skis)

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are racing.

And it’s not horses that carry me, but shiny ones... (skates).

They told me a riddle:

What kind of miracles are these?

Steering wheel, saddle and two pedals,

Two shiny wheels.

The riddle has an answer

This is my...(bike)

Who can “ride a horse” but will not make him move? (Gymnast.)

Even in extreme heat, he plays the game with gloves on? (Boxer.)

Which athlete can't do without a ring? (Parachutist.)

A master of sports, but without a stick he is more helpless than an old woman? (Hockey player.)


Each family is asked to prepare in 3 minutes and demonstrate a specific sport in static or dynamic poses. The jury's task is to guess the sport.

Collect a phrase

- For the next competition, we invite you to help the teams

2 people from support groups.

Currently, teams are offeredFrom the letters, assemble the phrase: “victory!”This competition requires a keen eye, resourcefulness and quick reaction.

- Two cheerleaders hold a taut cord while

Teams find the required letters on the floor and use clothespins to clamp the letters onto the cord. The team that collected the phrase the fastest≪ Give Victory! ≫ , will bring points to your team.

So, we ask the teams to take their places.

Attention, let's start...

Playing with spectators(while the words VICTORY are hanging)

We have gathered for a fun sports festival, and each team needs what?

That's right, “Victory”. After each phrase, one letter of this word is lost. Be careful and complete sentences correctly.

The ship “Victory” is sailing on the sea.

It's time for the sailors - lunch.

But trouble happened to them.

They lost food.

Are the sailors panicking? - Yes.

What are they shouting? - A!!!

This is how I would like to ask you to meet our participants

The final

Attention! Attention! Our families are amazing people.

Today they showed concentration, dexterity, intelligence, perseverance, resourcefulness and the desire to win.

RESULTS of the competition. Rewarding.

Don't be afraid, people, of rain and cold!

Visit the stadium more often

who has been friends with sports since childhood,

always healthy, handsome and agile, and strong.

Well, now, while the jury is working, we invite everyone to sing a song together

Douse yourself with cold water,

If you want to be healthy.

The sun, air and water are more beneficial to us -

They always help us against illnesses.

It is better for us from all diseases

Sun, air and water!

Temper yourself if you want to be healthy,

Try to forget about doctors

Douse yourself with cold water,

If you want to be healthy.

Entertainment scenario for older preschoolers with their parents “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”

Target: To increase interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers and their parents.
Involve parents in the development of the physical qualities of their own children;
Strengthen the motor skills of preschoolers;
Promote a healthy lifestyle;
Involve families in physical education and sports;
Create an emotionally positive attitude in the process of joint activities;
Bring up: mutual assistance, courage, dexterity, strength.
Guide cubes – 3 pcs.,
Balls 3 pcs.,
Hoops 6 pcs.,
Plastic cubes 9 pcs.,
Gymnastic sticks 3 pcs.,
Horse sticks 3 pcs.,
Ropes 3 pcs.,
Large hoops 6 pcs.,
Balloons 3 pcs.,
Large cubes 3 pcs.,
Trays 3 pcs.,
Candies 3 pcs.,
Headscarves 3 pcs.,
Scanword 3 pcs.,
Juice in tetra pack 9 pcs.,
Candies 3 pcs.,
Certificates for awarding and prizes,
Various videos for musical accompaniment.
Participants: family teams (father, mother and child) - 3 families if in the hall, 6 if outside.
Dates: May 12, 2016 at 16.00.
Venue: sports hall.
Characters: teacher and “Carlson”, jury.
Decor: balloons, posters “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”, “Sport helps us everywhere: in the family, in school and at work.”

Progress of the holiday.

Leading. Attention attention! We are reporting from the sports hall of the kindergarten “Solnyshko”! Today there are unusual competitions taking place here, different from others “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family! ", in which our sports children and respected parents take part. 3 teams participate in the competition.
Let's welcome our team members!
Teams walk through the gym one after another to cheerful music and line up.
Let's meet the jury, which will evaluate the sports capabilities of our teams (represented by the jury).
1 Child:
Adults and children know
What is most important in the world -
Dad, mom, you and me -
Together a friendly family.
2 Child:
Family is joy, warmth and comfort,
Family is a home where you are always welcome.
If there is peace and friendship in the family,
Everyone will be proud of you.
Leading. Listen, competition rules that must not be broken:
The game begins at the signal of the leader,
You cannot step behind the starting line,
The next player starts moving only after the previous one has passed the baton to him.
I want to ask the guys a question: “Who is the strongest, bravest, most resilient in your family? »
Children. Dad!
Leading. That's right, it's dad! Therefore, our dads will be team captains.
Now the team captains will come up and choose their name and emblems.
The dads come up and choose emblems from the bag.
Compete without timidity
May victory not be easy
But hope for luck -
And she will always come!
To start completing tasks:
You smile at each other
Get ready to warm up!
All teams warm up to the song “Anthem of Sochi”.
You've warmed up well -
The holiday is more fun
New tasks await us,
Difficult tests.
And here is the first of them.
1. “Centipede” relay race.
At the leader’s signal, dad runs to the landmark, runs around it, returns, takes mom’s hand, both run to the landmark, also run around it and run after the child, and they all run together after their child.
The jury announces the score.

2. Relay race “Switch places.”
The child starts the relay race, then the mother and lastly the father. There are 2 hoops located at a distance, one after the other at a distance of 2.5 m. There is a ball in the first hoop. The participant runs to the first hoop, takes the ball, runs to the next hoop and puts the ball into it. Then he runs around the landmark and on the way back takes the ball from the hoop and returns it to the first hoop, then passes the baton.
The jury announces the score.
Leading. Now let's check which team is the most agile!

3. “Keep your balance” relay race.
Each team receives 3 dice. You need to put the cubes one on top of the other and carry them to the landmark and back.
The jury announces the score.
If you want to be healthy
And not a drop, not sick,
I need to play sports
Swim, run and jump!
And now our guys will turn into dashing riders and their dads will help them with this.

4. “Horses” relay race.
Stage 1 The child rides a horse to a landmark and back.
Stage 2: Mom jumps on one leg, the other is pressed with a hoop, to a landmark and back.
Stage 3: Dad with the child sitting on his back moves on all fours to the landmark and back.
The jury announces the score.
5. Exercise for the mind.
Ribbon, ball, log and parallel bars,
The rings are next to them.
I don’t dare to list
Lots of shells.
Beauty and plasticity
Gives it to us. (gymnastics,
The team wins here
If the ball doesn't drop.
He flies accurately from the serve
Not into the goal - through the net.
And the playground, not the field
In athletes c. (Volleyball,
Very difficult in hot summer
Athletes should run it
Many long kilometers
Fly faster than the wind.
The path is not easy, it is named
An ancient word. (marathon,
In this sport the players
Everyone is agile and tall.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly,
So this is it. (basketball,
I won't chicken out in a fair fight
I will protect my two sisters.
I hit a punching bag in training,
Because I am. (Boxer)
Look, I'm a swimmer!
Well done and brave!
And in the pool I'm the king -
I have style. (crawl,
The jury announces the score.
Leading. We continue our sports festival!
6. Relay race “Thread to the needle”
Dad and child stand sideways from the starting line, holding 2 hoops in each hand. Place them on the edge of the collection, forming a bunch. Mom holds a long rope in her hands, on command she runs to the hoops and climbs through them sideways or straight. He pulls the rope behind him. He runs around the landmark and returns the same way.
The jury announces the score.
And now I announce the next task.
7. “Wisdom - wisdom.”
Each team is given a crossword puzzle with tasks. When the whistle blows, the teams begin to complete the task against the clock. After the time is up, the teams hand over their sheets to the jury.
8. Outdoor game “Stop”.
Leading. Guys, do you like fairy tales and fairy-tale characters?
Children. Yes!
Leading. Now listen to the riddle:
The fat man lives on the roof
He flies higher than everyone else!
Children. It's Carlson!
A buzzing sound is heard and Carlson flies into the hall, holding balloons in his hands.
Carlson. Hello friends! Can I land here?
Leading. Yes please!
Carlson. Friends, do you recognize me?
Children. Well, of course!
Carlson. That's right, my name is Carlson!
Greets each child's hand.
I am a handsome, intelligent and moderately well-fed man. What are you doing here?
Leading. We're having a sports festival here! We run, play, and do different exercises!
Carlson. I love sports holidays too! After all, who is the best runner in the world?
Leading. Who?
Carlson. The best runner in the world is Carlson, who lives on the roof!
Leading. That's great! Then join us!
Carlson gives each team a balloon.
Carlson. With pleasure! I know a very funny relay race.
8. Relay race “Nimble Pair”.
Only mothers and fathers participate. They need to hold the balloon between their foreheads and run to the landmark and back without losing the balloon. The boys support their parents.
Leading. Carlson, are you satisfied with the results of this relay?
Carlson. Yes, sure!
Leading. Do you know how to run yourself?
Carlson. (Takes out a bag of candies from his pocket) I wanted something sweet!
Leading. Wait Carlson, I know a very interesting “Most Tasty Competition.” Now our parents will feed their child candy.
9. “The most delicious competition.”
Stage 1 Dad, blindfolded, must reach the cube, take candy from it, untie his eyes and run to take the candy to mom.
Stage 2: The mother runs to the landmark in a side gallop to the landmark and back in a side gallop. While she is running, she needs to unwrap the candy, run up to the child and give him the candy.
Stage 3: The child eats candy. So who's faster?
While the competition is going on, Carlson treats the children to candy.
Carlson. Well done! I liked the way you eat candy! Now you're probably thirsty!
Children. Yes!
Leading. Carlson, what did you come up with?
Carlson. I want to treat our competition participants to juice!
10. Relay race “Who drinks the juice faster!”
Juice in a tetra pack according to the number of participants is placed on large cubes. The tubes are distributed to the participants. At the signal, participants take turns running up and drinking 1 packet, then return running.
Leading. Carlson, you taught us fun relay races. Thank you!
Carlson. Please, you have so much fun and good, but it’s time for me to go home! See you! (Flies away) .
Leading. And now I will ask our jury to present the results of the fun competitions.
The jury sums up the results and names the winners in the categories of the most dexterous and the fastest.
Awarding and issuing certificates.
Leading. Our sports festival has come to an end.
Let your family starts be remembered,
May all adversity pass by,
May all your wishes come true,
And physical education will become native!
To the music, children and parents take a lap of honor and leave, then the fans.