Fortune telling on tarot cards a person's character. Personality fortune telling: character, behavior, actions

Each of us wants to know detailed information about our own inner world, character traits and life purpose.

Using special thematic layouts on Tarot cards, the personality characteristics of any person can be described in great detail. We offer five popular fortune telling, each of which will allow you to take a closer look at your individuality, understand and accept it.

“Know yourself” layout

Even a beginner can handle this setup. It uses only three cards, which are very easy to interpret. Fortune telling helps determine the psychological state of a person at a given moment in time.

It can be repeated not only from time to time, but every day, especially for those who are interested in self-analysis. If you are just starting to work with Tarot, use only the Major Arcana for your reading, and if you already have experience, you can work with the entire deck.

Determine the significator, then take three random cards from the deck and arrange them as shown in the diagram.

The meaning of the cards

  1. S is a significator that is chosen independently and placed openly on the table.
  2. The first card will answer the question “Who am I?”
  3. The second will tell you what you need, what you want.
  4. The third will tell you the best way to achieve what you want and answer the question “how can I achieve this?”

Seven Chakras Layout

In this simple Tarot spread, personality characteristics are examined comprehensively. Fortune telling affects not only the psychological and spiritual qualities of a person, but also physical ones. The layout symbolically reflects the state of the chakras - energy centers, which, according to Eastern teachings, tune the human body into communication with the universe and are the concentration of its vital forces.

For fortune telling, you need to select only the Major Arcana from the deck, mix them together, and then divide the stack into seven approximately equal parts. After this, you need to pull out one card from each, mentally focusing at this moment on a certain area of ​​your body or the body of the person for whom you are making the alignment.

The cards should be laid out as in the picture.

The meaning of the cards

  1. When laying out the first card, you need to focus on the tailbone if you are reading fortunes for a man, or on the perineum if you are doing a reading for a woman. This card speaks about a person’s health, financial situation and property.
  2. While pulling out the second card, the concentration of attention should be in the area under the navel. The deuce will tell you everything about the sexuality, emotionality, desires and instincts of the person you are interested in.
  3. The third position shows a person's strength, power and endurance. When choosing a card, you need to concentrate on the solar plexus.
  4. The number four symbolizes love, the desire for unity, and human faith. The chakra this card is associated with is located in the heart area.
  5. When you draw the fifth card, focus on the person's throat. This position will tell everything about his perception, communication abilities, and ego characteristics of the person in question.
  6. The sixth card is associated with extrasensory perception, intuition, and the ability to visualize. At the moment of pulling it out, you need to concentrate your attention on the area of ​​the third eye.
  7. The seventh chakra, located at the top of the head, speaks of a person’s connection with the cosmos and the energies of the universe. This map can be used to judge how open a person is to spirituality and knowledge of the world.
  8. This layout can also be used to diagnose a person’s energetic health: negative arcana can indicate physical problems in the area with which the dropped card is associated.

Layout “All about me”

This detailed fortune telling, which is usually used for self-diagnosis, helps a person understand himself, understand the essence of the problems appearing in his life, and successfully overcome them.

Fortune telling is carried out on a full deck, from which 10 cards are randomly pulled out and laid out as in the picture.

The meaning of the cards

  1. One answers the question of how you satisfy the demands of your ego.
  2. The second and third positions talk about the unconscious influence that your parents have on you: a two speaks about the influence of your mother, a three about the influence of your father.
  3. The fourth card answers the question whether your value system is false, whether it is turning against you.
  4. The number five tells you how you feel about your body and sexual issues.
  5. Six makes it clear how successful the decisions you make regarding relationships with people around you are.
  6. Seven is an indicator of personal success and your self-confidence.
  7. Eight answers the question whether your life attitudes affect your financial situation.
  8. By the ninth card you can judge whether you feel like a victim of circumstances.
  9. Ten is advice from the Tarot about what actions you need to take to change your own life for the better.

This fortune telling based on personality characteristics is very popular among both beginning tarot readers and professionals. The “Modified Celtic Cross” layout gives a deep analysis of the person you are interested in, shows his environment, and also talks about the past and future of the person. For fortune telling, you can use either a full deck or only the Major Arcana.

If you are making a layout for someone, ask that person to randomly pull out ten cards from the deck and arrange them as indicated in the diagram. When telling fortunes for yourself, you perform the same actions yourself.

The meaning of the cards

  1. The first card describes the general situation in which the person you are interested in is located. Cards can show his mood, the situation in the house and the people around him.
  2. The second position talks about the contradictions that are taking place in his life now. There may be some internal influences or outside influences, for example, the intervention of friends or enemies.
  3. The three symbolizes all the hopes of the person in question: the goals set by the person, the plans made, the ideal that he wants to achieve.
  4. The fourth card takes us to the distant past and shows what events that happened a long time ago influenced a person’s current life.
  5. Five speaks of similar recent events and experiences.
  6. Six is ​​the future, open opportunities that await a person or some choice that he will face in the near future.
  7. Seven symbolizes all the difficulties and problems, as well as the inner essence of the person we are interested in.
  8. The Eight shows any external influences, for example, help or, conversely, obstacles from the person around her. Figure cards in this position, as well as the Hierophant, Magician, Priestess, Emperor or Empress, symbolize the authoritative opinion of a person to whom the mysterious person listens.
  9. Nine is a strategy, a person’s internal impulses, his dreams, fears and hopes that he does not speak out loud.
  10. Ten sums up the fortune telling and tells what ultimately awaits this person as a result of the totality of all internal and external influences.

Layout "12 houses of the Zodiac"

This Tarot layout will allow you to most fully analyze your own inner world or the personality of the person you are interested in. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn everything about the character, financial condition, family, health, professional life, household chores and the environment of the person you have guessed.

Before fortune telling, you need to determine the person’s significator, and then lay out the cards as shown in the picture.

The meaning of the cards

  1. S is a card symbolizing the object for which fortune telling is being carried out.
  2. The unit gives a general description of a person’s personality, talks about his self-esteem, life position, and style of activity.
  3. Two is the material condition of the person of interest, the level of his income, savings, as well as the moral values ​​that were instilled by his family.
  4. The third card shows a person’s relationship with members of his family and immediate environment, how he communicates, behaves, how sociable he is with those who are especially close to him.
  5. The number four speaks about how safe the mystery person feels in the circle of his family and in life.
  6. The fifth card talks about how a person likes to spend his time, how wide his social circle is, and whether he has extramarital affairs (if he is married).
  7. The sixth reveals details of his health or shows the balance between household chores and work.
  8. Using the seventh card, you can accurately say how a person behaves towards other people in everyday life.
  9. The number eight symbolizes hidden processes that occur without a person’s knowledge: something that influences him, but he is not aware of it.
  10. By the number nine one can judge the level of intelligence of the person in question, the breadth of his horizons, and his love of travel.
  11. The number 10 means his career: what place a person occupies in the professional field, what he wants to achieve in this area, what he strives for.
  12. The eleventh card reflects the sphere of mutual assistance. She answers the questions: is this person capable of empathy, does she delve into the problems of friends, does she help close people.
  13. The number 12 in this scenario is a person’s karmic destiny, his abilities and predisposition to any kind of activity, the life path that he is destined to follow.
  14. In this layout, you need not only to interpret each card individually, but also pay attention to groups of cards. Positions 1,5 and 9 reflect the personality of the person as a whole. The numbers 2, 6 and 10 are closely related to the earth and characterize the general financial condition of the individual and his capabilities in this area. Cards numbered 3, 7 and 11 symbolize the life of the person of interest, and numbers 4, 8 and 12 speak about issues of karma.

Once you have deciphered the individual cards and their triads, pay attention to the interaction of the dropped arcana with each other to get the full picture.

Tarot layouts, in which personality characteristics are a key theme, are considered quite difficult to understand. That is why you should not try to embrace the immensity and conduct several fortune-telling at once in one session - it is better to make just one layout and carefully analyze it.

Personality fortune telling: character, behavior, actions

Have you known a person for a long time, but he continues to remain a mystery to you?
Or did you just meet yesterday, but it feels like you’ve known the person all your life?
The catch and its absence can equally likely lie in both cases and personalities.

If your intuition is silent or sleeping, the fortune telling below will help wake it up and get it talking.

They will scan a variety of personalities, guises, guises: friends, enemies, spouses, fiancées, colleagues, strangers, fans, children, neighbors, classmates, brothers, traitors, interlocutors, buddies, passengers, accomplices, like-minded people - past, future and present.

Your personality will also not be left without attention.

A large but understandable fortune-telling that helps you look at any incomprehensible person from 4 positions: who he is In fact, who he thinks he is, who he seems to be to others and what else May be. Classic personality fortune telling using 37 (+1 blank) of original, well-written characters will tell you something that perhaps no one else will ever tell you about.
Well, or it will confirm your guesses, which is also good.

A simple fortune-telling transformer will be happy to make its verdict on this or that person using the well-known “diagnosis” scheme, invented and first voiced by the famous king.
The famous king, after a successful and memorable start to using this scheme, even thought (thoroughly and seriously) about changing his profession - as soon as he realized what kind of demons, horonyaks, slaves and stinking dogs were surrounding him. This is what the king and his life-giving verdict do!

Click on the button What kind of woman is this?" or " What kind of man is this?"and listen, that is, read, always with expression and intonation, the (un)hard-hitting (un)truth about the hidden personality from the wise, ironic and not shy in their expressions heroes of our comedies and not only ("Office Romance", "Down House" , “Brother”, “Beware of the car”, “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”, etc.).

Three areas of life and three tabs - Love, case, health- and a million questions that can be asked about the manifestations of this or that personality in these areas and the manifestation of these spheres in the enigma of the personality: “What is this person like in love?”, “How does he behave in the (envisioned) matter?”, “ How does he/she feel?”, “How will he/she show himself/herself in our relationship?” and etc.
There is another tab - “Advice”. Answers questions well like “What is the best way to act/behave with a person?” Fortune telling is universal. Ask a variety of questions. Experiment!

P.S. Judge not, lest you be judged!

Better draw conclusions, put a good face on it and repost:

In Tarot fortune-telling, a person’s alignment will help to create an accurate and as complete description of his personality as possible. The cards will tell you absolutely everything - what he dreams of, what he strives for, what he feels, what positive and negative traits are present in his character. Anyone can tell fortunes - no special knowledge or skills are required.

You must mentally ask the questions below, one at a time - the card drawn will give the answer:

  1. The main life goal of the mysterious person? This is his most global intention; small goals do not count. For example, he dreams of inventing a cure for cancer or flying into space, building a huge house or going on a trip around the world.
  2. Obstacles on the way to your goal? The map will indicate the most important obstacles that need to be eliminated. If you ignore them, your plans will never come true. This concerns obstacles and circumstances specifically external, coming from the outside world.
  3. Internal barriers? These are also obstacles, but a person builds them around himself. These may be negative attitudes, stereotypes imposed by society. For example, the statement: “you can only get rich by dishonest means.” Knowing this will help you work through negative attitudes and get rid of them, and form more positive thinking.
  4. The most important character traits? These are the most clearly manifesting qualities that are clearly visible to others, even if the person himself denies them.
  5. How do others perceive his appearance? He may not be very handsome, but for some reason people around him think otherwise. Or, conversely, a girl with regular facial features will be considered ugly. Most often, this card has a double meaning - it also indicates self-esteem
  6. What events from the past influenced the present? This means positive consequences. For example, in the past a person worked hard, so today he has an excellent level of income
  7. Negative impact of past actions - what events affect the present? The same as in the previous paragraph, but with a negative meaning. For example, in the past a person lied a lot, as a result, in the present he has lost the trust of loved ones
  8. What does he dream about, what does he hope for? This card will tell about the most intimate things, tell about dreams and desires that a person might never share with anyone.
  9. What is it hiding? This card will indicate events from the past, thoughts or desires that the person himself will never admit to. You will probably find out about something shameful
  10. What are his plans for the future? What are you waiting for, what goals and objectives does it set? Real picture of events
  11. What to expect in the future from a relationship with this person? Regardless of what kind of relationship you are in - family, love, business or friendship, the card will tell you about the likely development of events

Watch a video about fortune telling with Tarot cards for a specific person:

Layout "Mysterious mask"

This method of fortune telling is suitable if you and a person find yourself involved in the same situation, the outcome of which is extremely important to you.

Visualize the situation in your mind, then formulate a clear and specific question. And then take out 10 cards in turn, asking each one the following:

  1. What is the other side of the conflict?
  2. What does this person think of me?
  3. Is he being truthful when he voices his intentions towards me?
  4. What are his real goals and intentions, plans and objectives?
  5. What good can I get from a relationship with him?
  6. What bad things can I get that can upset me?
  7. Is he capable of vile, treacherous actions or should he not expect a dirty trick?
  8. Is our relationship dangerous for me? Is it worth giving them up?
  9. How best to behave in this situation in order to get out of it with the least losses and maximum benefits?
  10. What will be the outcome of the case if you do nothing and let events develop naturally?

With these simple layouts you can find out everything about any person.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Layouts on Tarot cards for personality, personality traits of a person are the most popular. When there is a need to analyze relationships, a person’s behavior in business and in communicating with others, you need, first of all, to know what’s inside him.

That is why every tarot reader has one or more layouts, simple and complex, in order to tell fortunes for a specific person.

Such layouts, as a rule, include questions about the general emotional state of a person, his deep experiences, emotions, and feelings. A separate block highlights questions about the essence of a person, what lies at his core.

You can also tell fortunes for a person, the only question is whether the alignment in this case will be sufficiently informative. You can use any layout you like, depending on the goals you are pursuing and the need to study the person in detail.

We offer you several layouts on Tarot cards that you can apply in your work.

Layout on Tarot cards “Personality”

“Personality” is perhaps one of the simplest layouts. He touches on the main points without going into detail. The layout consists of six cards. Shuffle the deck and draw cards one by one, asking each question.

  1. What is the essence of personality?
  2. What is this person's image?
  3. What qualities of a person are basic for him?
  4. What are a person's main goals in life?
  5. What negative qualities prevent a person from achieving his goal?
  6. What positive qualities contribute to achieving the goal?

You can also draw the seventh card, which will become the final card for the layout. The seventh card will show the overall picture, name the person, and act as a kind of... However, this is not necessary.

In this scenario, like nowhere else, additional cards may be required to expand the information. If initially the meaning of a card in a specific question is not clear to you, pull out an additional one, it will explain.

Tarot card layout for a person “Portrait”

Let’s call another layout, more complex in terms of the number of cards and questions asked, “Portrait”. It is quite popular among tarot readers among Tarot layouts for a specific person.

So, the layout consists of eleven cards. Randomly draw cards from the deck, asking them questions.

  1. What is a person's main goal in life?
  2. External obstacles that prevent you from achieving it?
  3. What are a person's internal obstacles and weaknesses?
  4. What is a person’s inner personality, its characteristic features?
  5. What impression does the person make externally?
  6. What are the positive, pleasant events of the past that affect the situation today?
  7. What are the negative events of the past that affect the current situation in a negative way?
  8. What are the hopes and dreams of man today?
  9. What is a person used to keeping deep inside himself?
  10. Plans and expectations for the future regarding the current situation.
  11. Map of the future, what should we expect from a person in the near future?

This variant of the layout is good to use not just for analyzing a person, but for studying his behavior in a specific situation. Suppose you are using , and you need to study in more detail the behavior of one of the partners in the current situation. In this case, such a detailed analysis of a person could not be better suited.

Tarot card spread per person “Mysterious Mask”

Another layout that we offer considers a person’s behavior in a specific situation related to you. There are many examples of such situations: these include situations at work with colleagues and superiors, and relationships with business partners, friends, and relatives.

The layout helps to understand what exactly a person is going to do in a given situation, and what will remain behind the scenes. “Mask” can also be used as a layout in a complex analysis of love relationships, for example, with layouts and.

So, the layout consists of ten cards. Draw cards from the deck, asking them questions one by one:

  1. What is this person like?
  2. What does he think about me?
  3. How does he communicate his intentions to me?
  4. What are a person's true intentions?
  5. What positive things can a relationship with this person bring me?
  6. What negative things can a relationship with this person bring?
  7. Is this person capable of committing meanness towards me?
  8. Does the person pose a serious danger to me?
  9. How should I behave better with this person?
  10. How will my relationship with this person most likely end?

You can order each of the described layouts, as well as any other layout, from our tarot reader in the section.

In astrology, the Sun symbolizes individuality, personality, consciousness and will, the level of energy and creative potential. All planets revolve around the Sun, and each person is the center of his own World.

The opportunity to express yourself and show your personality is very important. However, sometimes the will, creative impulses or other conscious manifestations of the personality are suppressed or blocked by some circumstances.

If you have difficulty expressing yourself or feel that your life energy is suppressed, use the esoteric Sun Tarot spread.

The five cards of this layout will show various aspects of the current energetic state of your personality and will help you better realize and understand your interaction with the World and the Universe.

The layout is performed by the Major Arcana. If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

Scheme and meaning of cards of the esoteric Tarot layout “Sun”

Card 1 – How you consciously perceive yourself at the moment
Card 2 – The true image of your Self, your soul
Card 3 – How the World and Universe perceives you at the moment
Card 4 – What energies strengthen you and harmonize the manifestations of your personality
Card 5 – What energies weaken you or block your personality manifestations

How do you consciously perceive yourself at this moment?

The “Devil” you get speaks of material dependence, intrigue and temptation, and excesses. The illusion of being forced to act contrary or opposite to desires. Tyranny and disappointment. Aggressive suppression of the spiritual world in favor of carnal aspirations. The temptation to enter into an unscrupulous game. The risk of confusion and becoming a victim of manipulation. The need to be alert, closely monitor people and circumstances.

The true image of your higher self, your soul

You got “Lovers”, which always means Decision, Choice (even if it doesn’t concern love). This Choice carries within itself unquestioningness and irrevocability to the rejected option. “There are two sides to a coin” - The Real Truth can only be seen by studying all possible sides of the issue. The need to rely on intuition and inspiration. Deep emotional connection, equality in relationships, the ability to understand the importance of another opinion and value it.

How the World and Universe perceives you at the moment

The “Jester” card is a readiness to experiment, curiosity, spontaneity, inexperience, naivety. Improvisation, chaos, surprise. Too free, inappropriate behavior. Overcoming unexpected obstacles by trusting your natural instincts. Desire and search for something new. Ignorance of the path. Dilettantism. Stupidity. Intoxication. Involuntary exposure. Unplanned circumstances that upend the usual state of affairs. A pure, open mind.

What energies enhance your personality manifestations?

The Tower card foreshadows destruction, the collapse of the existing order of things, plans and expectations. Maliciousness from outside. Humiliation, shame, deception. Deprivation of liberty. The collapse of the existing way of life under the pressure of external forces. A break up. Sudden move, flight. Forced disposal of old ballast, which looks like a disaster. Non-recognition of authorities, scandalousness.

What energies weaken, suppress or block the manifestations of your personality?

Here your card is the “Wheel of Fortune”. This is Chance, Fate, a turning point, unforeseenness. The need to accept your Destiny in order to gain power over it. The uncertainty of the situation, futile attempts to grasp the elusive order of things, to stabilize. Immersion in the question, dedication to solving a life problem. Ability to cope with the demands of circumstances.