Let's play on this day in history. Games for Yandex Alice

Probably everyone dreams of visiting Wonderland, where people can turn into big and small, where caterpillars and other living creatures talk, where danger awaits you at every step, and where with just one act you can change the future of the kingdom of Wonderland!

  • Create a Wonderland for Alice

    Alice does not intend to leave Wonderland, she would like to stay in the kingdom and drink tea with the Hatter, Sonya and other friends. So put everything in its place and seat your guests.

  • When Alice grew up, her previous clothes were already too small. Therefore, with the help of dress up, choose clothes for Alice so that she appears in all her glory in Wonderland!

    The transforming puzzle allows you to plunge into Wonderland, where the lovely charming girl Alice lives. If you move the puzzles, you will definitely get a whole picture, and you will be able to open a portal to go from the real world to the world of Alice.

    Alice must save the good queen, who is sitting in the dungeon of the evil one, then she thought of grabbing some things of the patroness of kindness, but, unfortunately, these things are hidden in secret places.

    Alice has already created a sketch of the clearing and outlined all the images with a black outline. But the Queen of Hearts enchanted the colors and they can be used by a person only with a pure heart, and that person should be you!

    Alice would never have thought that she would play an adventure game, she had been waiting for this for so long. You will help Alice overcome her fear and defeat the Queen of Hearts, who has again started her machinations.

    Alice and her friends returned to Wonderland. Each of them must collect their attributes in order to successfully complete the level and move on. But it's not that simple! Magic and guards will actively try to prevent Alice from completing the task given by the Hatter.

    The stage from which Alice invites you to play has become the most difficult for all players. Get over this stage of similarities and reach the next level.

    Your task is to help Alice get out of the confusing world. To do this you will need to collect items and all the keys on each level. At the same time, it is important not to catch the eye of the guards and other harmful inhabitants of Wonderland.

    While Alice was in Wonderland, she grew up and her appearance requires the selection of new makeup. Your help will be very useful for a cute girl. Apply masks that will cleanse the skin and give it some freshness.

Among them are fortune telling from books, fortune telling using a ball of fate, song guessing, a historical calendar, as well as entertainment for the little ones - “Find the odd one out”.

Until November 25, Yandex will add seven more games. To start each, you just need to contact the voice assistant with the phrase: “Alice, let’s play<название игры>«.

Available games

  • “Guess the song” - name a line from a song in Russian, and “Alice” will tell you the name of the track and artist, lines from the song, and also offer to listen to the composition on Yandex.Music;
  • “This Day in History” - interesting facts from the past that happened on this day;
  • “Ball of Fate” - getting an answer using the “finger in the sky” method;
  • “Fortune telling” - fortune telling takes place according to the book “The Master and Margarita”, where the user asks a question and names the page and line number of the work. To start the game, you need to contact the assistant using “Alice, let’s tell your fortune”;
  • “Find the extra one” is a game in which the user needs to find the extra word out of 4 proposed ones. In case of an incorrect answer, “Alice” will explain what exactly and why it was necessary to choose.

A little about "Alice"

Let us recall that Yandex launched Alice on October 10, 2017. The service is currently available in the company's applications for users

The company continues to develop the project, making communication with Alice more diverse and interactive. This is confirmed by the new opportunity to play a game with a voice assistant.

The number of games is gradually increasing and today we have selected the most interesting entertainment and additional features that Yandex Alice offers.

How it works

First, you need to download the official application to your smartphone using Google Play or the App Store. Already now the assistant can suggest exchange rates, launch applications, and also perform the following tasks:

  • remind dates;
  • provide up-to-date information on traffic jams, finding a store, pharmacy or cafe;
  • select warm clothing stores;
  • provide an answer to a search query with the output of the desired site without opening a search engine.
  • tell jokes;
  • play games together.

To launch one of the games, just make a corresponding voice request with the name.

For example, if you want to play “Guess the Song,” you need to call an assistant and say: “Alice, let’s play Guess the Song.” The smart assistant will ask you to recall any line from a Russian song, and she will try to guess the name of the composition.

Ball of fate

Remember the popular movie from the 2000s called " Highway 60" There was a ball that gave monosyllabic answers to various questions. Alice also implements a similar feature.

It is necessary to ask a question that can be answered " Yes" or " No" The voice assistant gives the answer and accompanies it with a witty comment.


This day in history

If you want to know about important events that happened on this day in past years, just ask Alice to tell about it. You will always be aware of important historical events.


Find the odd one out

In this game, everyone can test their own erudition. Alice names several words, among which you need to name the extra one that does not fit into the logical chain. After your answer, you will find out the correct option and hear a short comment.



You can ask any question you are interested in, and Alice will try to find the answer to it in several books to choose from. Available now " Master and Margarita", and " Aphorisms».

You name any page and line number. The assistant then makes a suggestion that will help you find the answer to your question.


Guess the actor

If you want to test your knowledge in the world of cinema, then you can test your erudition in the game “ Guess the actor" Alice asks questions about a specific actress or actor and you have to guess his name.

If you find it difficult to answer the first time, you can take additional questions. At the same time, the Russian “Siri” always accompanies answers with funny comments so that the user does not get bored.



Another way to spend time benefiting your brain. Alice offers you a long word, from the letters of which you need to form short words. You can suggest the original word yourself or ask your assistant to replace the one suggested.

In this game, everyone can compete with Alice in vocabulary and attentiveness. If after a series of invented words you begin to have difficulty, Alice can give you a hint.


I believe - I don't believe

One of the most interesting games where the voice assistant calls out a fact, and the user must answer whether it is true or not. All the questions are very interesting, many with a twist. After your answer, Alice will explain in detail the correct answer. This way you can broaden your horizons and have fun.



Everyone can play the famous game with a virtual assistant and test their knowledge of geography. The rules remain unchanged. Everyone takes turns naming the city starting with the last letter.

Endings with “ы” and “ь” do not count, so you can come up with the penultimate letter.

Alice has extensive knowledge of geography, so the assistant reinforces the names of exotic cities with known facts about them. When you are on the verge of exhausting your knowledge of geography, you can take a hint.


What happened before

This game deals with famous inventions. You need to name what was invented first.

For example, what did humanity come up with first - antibiotics or Viagra, tape or an electric razor, etc.

After answering, Alice shows the years in which specific inventions were introduced to the world.


Fantastic quest

Do you want to become participants in a detective story? Alice offers you a story, describing the place where you are. You can take specific actions, after which a different outcome awaits you.

Where to go, which button to press, wait, take the stairs, etc. Such interactive entertainment involving the user’s imagination will allow you to plunge into an unusual fictional world.



This game will be interesting for children. Alice is asked questions about animals, and the user must choose one of two options. The questions are simple, so the game is aimed at children.


And by the end of the year there will be even more games with Alice

The developers are announcing the appearance of new games before the end of the year, as well as the gradual introduction of the assistant into other Yandex products, including the browser and other services.

In November 2017, games appeared in the Yandex voice assistant. Some of them can be very useful for developing logic and broadening their horizons, especially in children. In the summer of 2018, it will go on sale with built-in Alice. It will also be possible to run games with a voice assistant.

How to play with Alice

In order to turn on the game, you first need to activate Yandex inside the Yandex application as usual (by clicking on the purple circle or using your voice using the command “Listen, Alice”); and say the name of the game you want to play, for example, “Let's play words.” Games with Alice are a good way to have a fun and educational time.

You can exit the game mode using the “Enough” or “Stop” command.

Football game

  • Run the skill soccer game
  • Let's play a football game

A new game that was released specifically for the 2018 FIFA World Cup taking place in Russia. In this game, Alice asks you a question and gives you several answer options, of which only one is correct, you need to guess this correct answer.


  • Let's play hangman

A game in which you have to guess the word by letter.

  • Let's play Guess the Animal
  • Let's play Guess the Animal

A game in which Alice lets you listen to animal sounds, and you try to recognize them.

Guess the number

  • Let's play Guess the number
  • Let's play Guess the number

A game in which Alice guesses the number from 1 to 100 that you wish for her.


  • Let's play Riddles
  • Let's play Riddles
  • Guess the Riddles

A game in which Alice asks you riddles that you must guess. You can also ask Alice a riddle yourself by saying “Guess the Riddles” and she will try to guess it.

Faster, higher, stronger

  • Let's play Faster, Higher, Stronger
  • Let's play Faster, Higher, Stronger

A game that appeared for the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea in the city of Pyeongchang. Alice asks you a question and gives you two answer options, and you must choose the correct one.

  • Let's play I Believe - I Don't Believe
  • Let's play I Believe - I Don't Believe
  • Normal mode
  • Sports

Alice names a fact and you have to guess whether it is true or not. Use the commands “Believe” or “Do not believe”, Alice says the correct answer and offers the next fact. Each round has 5 questions. Especially for the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics, a sports mode was added to the “Believe it or not” game, which can be selected immediately after starting the game.

  • Let's play Guess the song

You tell Alice a line from a song, and she tries to guess it and continue the text. Something like the Shazam app, but not for music, but for words.

We noticed that Alice is still not good at guessing songs in a foreign language, but sometimes she manages to correctly guess a song in a language similar to Russian - for example, Ukrainian.

  • Tell us about this day in history

Alice talks about historical events that happened today, for example on November 20th. Alice names one event at a time, to find out about another you need to say “Next” or “Next event”.

  • Let's play Find the odd one out

A game for children to develop logic. Alice names several words, from which you need to choose the odd one out - a word that does not fit in meaning with the rest of the words.

  • Let's play Ball of Fate

A game of predictions, a humorous way to predict the future. You ask Alice a question, and she randomly answers with one of the answer options.

A similar game of magic ball can be seen in many films and TV series, for example “Route 60”.

  • Let's tell your fortune
  • Activate fortune telling by book

Alice tells fortunes for you from a book; now there are 2 books available to choose from: “The Master and Margarita” or “Aphorisms”. You ask a question, give the page and line number, and Alice reads a passage from the book.

  • Let's play Guess the Actor

In the game you need to guess the famous actor based on his roles. Alice gives clues until you give the correct answer. If you don’t guess after 5 clues, Alice will tell you the name.

  • Let's play words
  • Let's play words

You and Alice take turns making small words from the letters of the big word. If you don't like the word suggested by Alice, you can guess your own. You can also ask Alice for a hint.

  • Let's play cities
  • Let's play cities
  • Give me a hint

You tell Alice a city, and she responds with a city whose name begins with the last letter of yours. After which you must name the city starting with the last letter of Alice's city, and so on. You can ask for a hint.

  • Let's play what happened before
  • Let's play what happened before

Alice names two inventions or discoveries, and you try to guess which one was made first. After your answer, Alice gives the correct answer and provides short background information.