Tarot layout for work situation diagram. Tarot readings for work - layouts for all occasions

If you are in an unstable situation, can’t decide whether to wait for a promotion or change jobs, or just want to find out if you can start the business of your dreams, try turning to the cards for help.

Career fortune telling using Tarot will help you decide on all the exciting questions and unclear situations.

For fortune-telling, three layouts are most often used - for current work, for those looking for a vacancy and for the future, which is what we will consider in the article.

Tarot spread "Career"

This alignment will allow you to analyze your current work situation, understand what you should strive for and what is best to focus on to achieve your goals, and find out what the future awaits you in the professional field.

For fortune telling, you need to focus on the question that interests you and lay out the cards according to the picture below.

Meanings of cards in the layout

  1. The letter S denotes the face that is being guessed at. You need to choose this card yourself in accordance with the person for whom the layout is being made. She does not participate in the interpretation.
  2. Number 1 will describe your current work situation.
  3. Number 2 will reveal your potential.
  4. The third and fourth cards will answer the question of what you need to do to achieve success in your chosen field.
  5. The fifth card is the most important, it will show the most important aspect on which you need to concentrate.
  6. Six and seven will tell you what to avoid so that your career does not end in failure.
  7. Eight is a forecast of your future in the professional field.

“Parachute” layout for job seekers

This Tarot layout will be useful for people who are looking for a job or who can’t decide to leave their current position, although they already have some options in mind.

The cards are laid out in a pattern reminiscent of a parachute. This form of arrangement was not chosen by chance: for many people, changing jobs really resembles a jump into the unknown with a parachute on your back.

What do the cards mean?

  1. The unit in the layout will tell you about the actions you took in your job search.
  2. The deuce will evaluate the influence of other people on your professional choice, and will also answer the question of whether it is worth attracting some help or whether you can handle it on your own.
  3. The third card will predict how the job search process will go, whether it will be long or fast.
  4. The Four will show whether any unforeseen circumstances will arise that will affect your possible career.
  5. Map number 5 will summarize the results, display the overall result and prospects of your search.

Schedule for future work “Crown”

This arrangement is called the “crown” for a reason, because, as you know, this privileged headdress has long been considered a symbol of power, success and recognition. This fortune telling gives a fairly long-term result - for six months in advance. The layout is recommended to be used if you cannot decide whether to agree to an offer for a new job or not.

The cards must be laid out according to the following figure.

The meaning of each card

  1. The first map will give an idea of ​​what the environment and working conditions will be like at the proposed place of employment.
  2. The second will outline the financial perspective of the proposed project.
  3. The troika will show whether there will be prospects for professional development in the new place, and how your relationship with your superiors or subordinates will develop.
  4. Using the fourth card, you can determine whether you will find mutual understanding with company employees who will be in the same position as you.
  5. The Five will tell you how you will need to behave in your new workplace.
  6. Six will give advice on what behavior, on the contrary, should be avoided.
  7. Seven will look into the future and show how the chosen position (subject to your consent to take it) will affect the most important aspects of your life: relationships with your loved one, relatives, friends, as well as your hobbies.
  8. The number eight will predict the prospects for your work in this company in the distant future.

Remember that career fortune telling on Tarot will give the correct answers only if the question is clearly formulated. If you came to the cards for help out of idle curiosity, be prepared for the fact that they may lie.

Do you want to know about career prospects at your current job? Or maybe you are planning to change your professional activity? In this article we will talk about what a Tarot layout for work is, the basic patterns of fortune telling, as well as a lot of other useful information. Enjoy reading.

Types of Tarot readings for work

There are four main categories of tarot layouts for the near future at work. Let's look briefly at each of the positions.

  • Layouts for the current situation at work (one card or more). They will help you find solutions to the current situation, give recommendations for improving it, etc.
  • Layouts for finding a promising, new job (relevant for the unemployed)
  • Fortune telling for deciding to change jobs. Suitable for those people who doubt the rationality of looking for a new job
  • Layouts for career guidance (professional suitability)

Videos of Tarot layouts for work will help new tarot readers understand the essence of this type of fortune telling. To find out more detailed information about these types of layouts, we suggest taking the opportunity to attend courses by specialists at the Russian Tarot School or read the book by the famous tarot reader Sergei Savchenko, “Evening Tea by Candlelight and Tarot Cards.”

Tarot spreads for the current situation at work

Let's look at several Tarot layouts for the situation at work. Details of the fortune telling are given below.

“Work and money” layout

This type of career Tarot fortune telling allows you to analyze the financial and professional issues of the fortuneteller. Having carried out this alignment, you will be able to form an objective picture of your service in the near future.

Before starting fortune telling, carefully shuffle the cards, choosing your significator (a card that characterizes you as a fortune teller). State your question clearly and arrange the cards according to the diagram below.

The position is interpreted as follows.

  • S - significator of the fortuneteller (querent)
  1. Events of the past that directly/indirectly affect the current situation in the present
  2. How things are at work from an objective point of view
  3. The querent's satisfaction with the performance of official duties
  4. Benefits that can be achieved in the current position (financial rewards, prospects for promotion, etc.)
  5. Will there be changes in the near future?
  6. What will drive change?
  7. Will the above changes affect the salary increase?
  8. What else will the changes bring, how will they affect the life of the fortuneteller as a whole?

“Professional Life Forecast” layout

The proposed Tarot layout for work and finance allows you to conduct a thorough analysis of the professional situation, promptly identify impending troubles, and predict the turn of events in the near future. Can answer the fortuneteller’s question: is his current job suitable for him, is there an opportunity to realize his creative potential in it. Eight cards are used, drawn at random from a shuffled deck. The diagram and interpretation are given below.

The interpretation of the positions is as follows.

  • S - significator of the fortuneteller
  1. The essence of the profession
  2. Is it possible to change it?
  3. What does the questioner think about this?
  4. The real state of affairs
  5. Subconscious attitude towards performing official duties
  6. What future will the querent have if he remains in his current position?
  7. Will there be satisfaction from current job responsibilities?
  8. Do dreams associated with the “ideal” job come true?

Tarot spreads for finding a new job

Let's look at one of the popular examples of Tarot layouts for a new job. See details below.

Fortune telling "Getting a job"

The layout is applicable for cases when the fortuneteller is looking for a first job, or he is currently unemployed and wants to know the prospects for the development of further professional activity. Fortune telling will answer the question of whether you will have a job, show financial possibilities, and the conditions associated with finding it. As in previous examples, eight cards and the querent's card (significator) are used for fortune telling. The scheme and interpretation of the positions are described below.

  • S - questioner's card
  • 1 - Is there any prospect of employment in the near future?
  • 2 - Deciding on the device
  • 3, 4 - Salary, working conditions in the company
  • 5, 6 - How will the relationship with employees develop?
  • 7 - Other possible nuances related to the performance of official duties
  • 8 - Prospects for career advancement and salary increases

Tarot spreads about changing jobs

Here are examples of simple Tarot layouts about changing jobs. Details of each are given below.

Fortune telling “Decision to change jobs”

The layout is applicable for situations when the fortuneteller needs to make a decision about a new place. Allows you to analyze in detail the advantages/disadvantages of your current professional activity, and indicates prospects/problems for a promising position. Nine cards and the fortuneteller's significator are used. The diagram and detailed interpretation of the positions are given below.

The interpretation of the layout is as follows:

  • S - questioner's card
  • 1 - Current state of the professional situation
  • 2 - What can bring you pleasure from work?
  • 3 - What you don’t like about your current place
  • 4 - Subconscious desires of the fortuneteller
  • 5, 6 - Events indicating the need to change workplace
  • 7, 8 - Events pointing to staying in the same place
  • 9 - Final advice card

“Change of work” layout

Fortune telling is used in case of an ardent desire to change jobs by leaving the previous place. The cards will tell you about the possibilities and prospects for making such a decision, touch on the financial side of the issue, and indicate the reality of moving up the career ladder. Eight cards are used (not counting the fortuneteller's card). As usual, the diagram and interpretation of the positions are given below.

The key to interpretation is as follows:

  • S - fortuneteller card
  • 1, 2, 3 - Prospects for development in a new location
  • 4 - What factors should be considered in the decision making process
  • 5 - What type of solution should there be
  • 6, 7, 8 - Opportunities for professional growth

Fortune telling "Move to another job"

The layout allows the fortuneteller to adequately assess all possible prospects for changing his place of work in the near and/or distant future. Fortune telling points to objective circumstances without affecting the subjective aspects of the personality of the questioner. The layout uses six cards from the Major Arcana of the Tarot. See the diagram and interpretation of the layout below.

The interpretation of the above positions is as follows:

  1. Questioner's thoughts on changing jobs
  2. Presence/absence of specific proposals that make sense to implement in the future
  3. Is the prospect of changing jobs in the near future realistic?
  4. What are the consequences of such a turn of events - the state of mind, the health of the questioner, etc.
  5. The financial side of the question is whether the salary will be higher, the presence/absence of bonuses, etc.
  6. Will the predicted place of work be permanent?

Tarot spreads for career guidance

There are moments in the life of any person when the need arises to make the right choice of one’s own career guidance. Let's give an example of one of the popular Tarot layouts in this category.

"Career Guidance" layout

Fortune telling allows you to identify a person’s skills and abilities, determine the prospects for the development of his personality, and career growth. The purpose of the layout is to model four traditional subsystems of social life, each of which is revealed in certain moments applicable to a specific person. The effectiveness of fortune telling is difficult to overestimate. The reading is performed on a full Tarot deck. After preliminary preparation, 10 cards are taken from the deck, which are laid out according to the diagram below.

Note. If cards with a controlling value appear in the sphere positions, they will symbolize the person’s inclinations in a particular area

The interpretation of the layout is as follows:

  1. Material production, its influence on the questioner. Chariot card - governing the sphere
  2. The attitude of the fortuneteller to the above area (handicrafts, interest in the technical field, etc.)
  3. The sphere of organizational activity, its influence on the fortuneteller. The Emperor card is the ruler of the sphere.
  4. The questioner’s attitude towards the above area (presence/absence of organizational skills, ambition, leadership qualities, turnover, etc.)
  5. Reproduction, its influence on the querent. Card - governing the sphere
  6. The querent’s attitude towards the above industry (the ability to become a doctor, psychologist, priest, educator, etc. The ability to maintain distance when communicating with others, a tendency to empathize with other people, etc.)
  7. The sphere of information activity, its influence on the questioner. Mage Card - Sphere Manager
  8. The questioner’s attitude towards the above industry (propensity to engage in creative activities, science, etc.)
  9. The main prospects for personal growth are the level to which a person can reach in promotion. Map of the World - governing the sphere
  10. To what level can the questioner reach on his own, for example, as a business owner? Wheel of Fortune Card - Sphere Ruler

Let these materials help you succeed in your work. Follow the updates, leave comments. Good luck!

Fortune telling on a medieval table is a classic fortune telling based on texts. This type of fortune telling is suitable for predicting the future and answering the question: Will wishes come true? It can also provide information on other questions. To get a prediction, intuitively select any number from the table. Don’t guess too often; if you can’t get an answer to your question, it means this information is still hidden for you.

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and mean exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

The Lenormand “Scales of Justice” card layout is used when you have any dispute between another person. With the help of this fortune telling, you can even find out how the court case (if there is one) will end or a conflict based on a dispute or discussion. The layout gives advice on how to behave if the situation is resolved in your favor or in favor of your opponent. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question with concentration and select nine cards from the deck.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Talent Card” allows you to find out what you are most predisposed to, what hidden talents you have. Fortune telling uses your birth date to calculate your talent chart numerology. Only the cards of the major arcana are used in the decryption. Our online fortune telling automatically calculates the sum of all your birth numbers - all you have to do is indicate your date of birth.

Fortune telling on the three runes of Odin “To work” is simple, but it answers the most exciting questions regarding work and career. Just three runes give an idea of ​​the situation at work at a given time, what your potential is in the future and what needs to be done to improve your potential, avoid a conflict situation or achieve your goal. Think about your question, the third rune gives the answer to it, and choose runes from the scattering.

The Job Change tarot card spread is suitable for those occasions. when the questioner must decide to change jobs. This fortune telling allows you to find out the pros and cons of your current job, as well as what awaits you in your new one, what speaks in favor of changing your job, and what speaks in favor of keeping it. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Simple. but the useful Promotion Tarot card spread will come in handy for those expecting or seeking a promotion. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out how you can speed up your career growth, under what circumstances it will happen, what needs to be done to get the desired position.

The “Loss” tarot card spread is intended for those who are looking for a lost or stolen item, a missing animal, or even a missing person. This fortune telling will show where the wanted item is located, who may have stolen it, whether there is a possibility of returning the loss, how it can be returned and what the outcome of the search will be.

The “Trip” Tarot card layout is intended for those people who are soon going on a trip, business trip, tourist trip or any other trip. Fortune telling will show you the events that will happen to you on the way and upon arrival, whether your plans and hopes will come true and how this journey will end for you.

Tarot reading for work is an effective way to find out how and when to expect a promotion, whether to retire, and how your job search will end. Below you will find layouts for all situations that may be related to the field of professional activity.

In the article:

Tarot reading for work - promotion

This Tarot spread for work will help you find out if you are expecting a promotion in the near future. In addition, he will answer the question about the consequences of this promotion, how it will affect your life and future career.

You must select five cards from the deck. They are laid out in three vertical rows, from left to right. The first should have two cards (lay out from bottom to top), the second - one, the third - two again (lay out from top to bottom).

First the map reveals the likelihood of an increase in the near future. If she answers your question negatively, you can post only the first and second ones - they are quite enough to understand the direction in which you need to move for further career growth. Second the card shows exactly what you must do to get promoted.

Third will indicate what your promotion will be and what event it will be associated with. Fourth shows the impact of getting a new position on your income. Usually increases are associated with, but there are exceptions. The last one fifth the card means a change in social status associated with a new position.

Tarot spread for work - current state of affairs

This Tarot layout for work will help you navigate the current state of affairs at work. It shows only the present, what can be observed now. With this layout, you can learn about things that you would never have guessed without the help of Tarot cards.

The cards are laid out all at once, there should be six in total. It is customary to lay them out in groups of three that are symmetrical to each other, for example, in triangles.

First the card will show what you give to your work. This is your contribution. Think about it - perhaps you are not devoting yourself enough to your professional activities? Or maybe, on the contrary, you give to your career what should be intended for your family? Second indicates how this affects professional activity and answers the question of whether sacrifices are required of you.

Third the card signifies pitfalls as well as hidden dangers that are currently associated with your work. Fourth indicates motivation, revealing the question of why the fortuneteller goes to work in the first place and why he chose this particular position. Fifth means what the work gives to the fortuneteller, what he receives in return for what is reflected by the very first card laid out on the table. Sixth- the influence of other employees on your activities.

Fortune telling for work using the Tarot Path

The Tarot Path layout is great for fortune telling about the situation at work, the environment in the work team, a new project, starting a business and many other aspects related to your activity. The Path Tarot layout can be called universal; it can be used not only for fortune telling for work, but also as, for example.

This layout uses seven cards. Place the first one on the table. The first row of three cards begins at the bottom left of it. They are laid out from top to bottom. At the bottom right of the first card there should be a second row of three cards. They are laid out from bottom to top.

First the card is the most important in this layout. It symbolizes the essence of the matter about which you are asking the Tarot deck. It also reveals prospects for resolving the issue. With its help, you can understand what to expect from the current situation. If you are hoping to achieve a certain goal, get a promotion, or start a new project, pay attention to the general meaning of this card. If it is negative, then at the moment your goal is unattainable. It is better to postpone what you have planned for a while. If you receive a card with a positive value, your prospects are good, and the remaining cards will tell you which way to move forward.

Second the card shows your thoughts about the situation. This means a conscious attitude towards the problem. An unconscious attitude towards her, feelings and emotions shows third. It also reflects hopes and fears; beginning fortune tellers often have difficulties in interpreting this element of the alignment.

Fourth the card shows the behavior of the fortuneteller. This is exactly how others see him; in the case of fortune telling for work, most likely, this means colleagues and superiors. Fifth will give advice on what line of behavior you should choose in the environment in which you are now. Sixth- gives advice regarding feelings and emotions. It reveals feelings that can be shown to others, as well as emotions that a fortuneteller must tune in to in order to maintain a positive attitude towards life.

Seventh the card teaches a lesson. It means what you need to understand from the current situation. This is a benefit that can be learned from even the most painful life lessons, a valuable experience that will be useful to you in the future.

Tarot cards and work - finding new perspectives

This Tarot reading for work is suitable not only for those who want to change their workplace. It can also be used by people who do not yet have work experience and are just starting to look for a suitable position. In order to find out what prospects will open up for you regarding your professional activities, place five cards on the table.

First gives a brief description of the current state of affairs. Second indicates the potential you have. This card will tell you about your strengths. Even if you had no idea about them before, these qualities may appeal to your future employer.

Third the card lists the qualities you need to be . It’s good if its value at least partially coincides with the value of the second card. If not, you will have to look for ways to develop the necessary skills and qualities. Fourth shows the prospect of a suitable vacancy and a positive response from employers. Fifth means what awaits you in a new place.

Work schedule - whether to retire

This work schedule is intended for people who have already begun to think about retiring.
Deciding to take such an important step is not always easy. This layout will help you decide on the answer to the question - whether to retire or not.

In total, you need to lay out seven cards from the deck. They are usually laid out in four vertical rows, from left to right. In this case, all rows except the last one will have two cards. Cards are laid out from top to bottom, except for the third row. In it, the fifth card will be at the bottom and the sixth at the top.

First the card characterizes the current situation at your place of work, your attitude towards it and the reasons for your desire to retire. Second shows the changes after retirement that will affect every area of ​​your life. Third means the consequences of the decision to stay at work and continue professional activity.

Fourth opens the answer to the question - are current circumstances conducive to retirement or is it better to wait a few more years with this question? Fifth shows the actions that need to be taken to ensure a favorable retirement. Most likely, there are things that should be completed before going on a well-deserved rest. Sixth the card indicates the obstacles that stand between you and retirement. Seventh- gives advice that you need right now.

The worst thing is when there are unanswered questions in life - questions to which we have not received a clear answer. The uncertainty of the situation sometimes weighs more heavily than the situation itself. The unknown lies like a heavy burden, threatening to one day fall on your head. In order to prevent anything bad from happening, such situations in which unresolved issues remain must be stopped, it is important to dot the i's in a timely manner. This should also be done when everything that was supposed to happen has already happened. All that remains is to find out what caused it and what conclusions need to be drawn from this. Alternatively, you can always:

  • Seek advice from an outsider who is ready to express his opinion from the outside. But do you need the recommendations of such a well-wisher?
  • Make a Tarot reading for an unclear situation. In the process of fortune telling, a lot will become clearer. The main thing is to correctly interpret the symbols of the cards. The main card (significator) will be the situation that you need to find out.

So, it is possible and necessary to find out what is unclear, even if we are talking about clarifying relationships. You should always know how the people around you treat you. And if you have doubts about the sincerity of the person standing next to you, be sure to turn to the wisdom of Tarot cards. They won't let you down.

Features of the layout of cards for an unclear situation

The power of any deck of Tarot cards lies in its ability to see the hidden capabilities or reserves of a person. The first card of the layout will reveal all the possible causes of the problem, which quite often lie on the surface, and which we simply do not want to notice. In addition, the interpretation of fortune telling will not only clarify, but also indicate what exactly you should pay the most attention to. If there are things that can be ignored and not taken into account, then in the Tarot layout they will definitely be pointed out so that you do not waste your energy in vain. The final card summarizes the experience gained, which may be useful later.

The situation that comes out of each Tarot layout is different. It describes in detail what conclusion should be drawn, a lesson to be learned.