Health alignment on Lenormand cards. Lenormand layout for health Presence of parasites in the body on Lenormand cards


Health is a very important area of ​​our lives. When we feel bad, even communication with loved ones, hobbies and interesting work does not bring us joy. And on the contrary: when nothing hurts, and the mood is great, even failures and obstacles are easier to overcome, and minor troubles do not put us out of our rut. Of course, if the disease appears, it is best to consult a doctor, however, Lenormand cards will help to make a preliminary diagnosis. A health plan should be in the treasury of every self-respecting Master, because sometimes people seek advice on this very issue. Today we invite you to get acquainted with several diagnostic fortune-telling on the deck of the famous “French Sibyl”.

Lenormand layout “For your health”

The most popular fortune telling using Lenormand cards for diagnosing health conditions is called “For your health.” It was first presented in the book of the famous tarot reader Vera Sklyarova. With it, you can assess the general condition of the human body, learn about its strengths and weaknesses, and also get advice on how to strengthen the immune system and improve well-being.

By tradition, each Lenormand layout uses a significator or blank card. It is selected based on the gender of the querent. For a man, this is always card No. 28 - Man, for a woman - card No. 29 - Woman. If you are not using a classic deck, but, for example, the “Golden Dreams of Lenormand” oracle, you can choose one of two blank cards, since in this deck they are presented in two variations: for a man and a woman (4 blanks in total).

We will describe the step-by-step process of fortune telling only once, so as not to repeat it, since it will be the same for all Lenormand health scenarios.

Algorithm for performing health spreads on Lenormand cards

  1. Choose Blanca
  2. Focusing on the question
  3. Shuffle the deck
  4. We take out the required number of cards and place them as shown in the diagram
  5. Let's interpret the resulting alignment

Card positions in the “For your health” layout

  • S - Significator
  1. "Doctor Paracelsus" - the general state of human health at a given time
  2. The most vulnerable place of the body is the so-called “Achilles heel”
  3. The most problematic area to pay attention to
  4. Chances of successfully getting rid of the existing problem
  5. The key is what you need to do to overcome the disease
  6. Hidden symptoms or diseases that may go undetected
  7. Hidden factors that have a negative impact on the body
  8. Remedies to help improve health and avoid complications
  9. Surprises that the querent can expect in the field of health (whether they will be pleasant or unpleasant - look at the cards drawn)
  10. General prospects for recovery

Fortune telling "Hereditary diseases" on the Lenormand deck

Very often we inherit health problems from our parents or distant relatives. And sometimes the disease begins to manifest itself unexpectedly. If you want to know in advance whether something like this awaits you, or if you don’t have to be afraid of anything, try doing a health fortune telling using Lenormand cards called “Hereditary Diseases.”

Meaning of card positions

  • S - Blank Card
  1. Predisposition to inherited diseases
  2. The presence or absence of the querent’s problems inherited through the female line
  3. The presence or absence of the querent's problems inherited through the male line
  4. Are the diseases described by cards 2 and 3 seriously expressed at the moment?
  5. Will traditional medicine help overcome hereditary diseases?
  6. Will alternative medicine help overcome hereditary diseases?
  7. The risk of transmitting diseases to your descendants or lack thereof

Lenormand layout “Analysis of the disease”

The Lenormand health plan, the diagram of which is presented above, will allow you to examine in detail an existing disease. Fortune telling can be done only after visiting a doctor, when you know your diagnosis for sure - only in this case the result will be correct.

Interpretation of positions

  • S - Form
  1. The true cause of the disease
  2. Can the querent solve this problem right now and what is the best way to do this?
  3. Prospect for the development and completion of the disease
  4. Measures to help prevent recurrence of the disease
  5. General advice to the client regarding future health

Fortune telling on cards by Maria Lenormand “Diagnostics of the body”

This Lenormand health chart will allow you to conduct a general diagnosis and find out whether all the vital systems of the body are functioning correctly.

Meaning of card positions

  • S - Significator
  1. Function of the circulatory system, blood vessels and liver
  2. Functioning of the respiratory system (bronchi, lungs, trachea)
  3. Digestive tract and its work (stomach, intestines, esophagus, gall bladder)
  4. Functioning of the kidneys and bladder
  5. Endocrine system
  6. Nervous system. Tumors also sometimes appear along this map.
  7. Gynecology for women, urology for men
  8. Brain, eyes, dentistry
  9. Joint function, spine condition, musculoskeletal system

Layout "Small Pyramid of the Body"

This fortune telling for health using Lenormand cards, first presented in the Tarot training course by A. Gorodov, is carried out a little unconventionally. Instead of one card for each position (except S), we put three and look at their combinations with each other. The alignment allows you to conduct an energetic diagnosis of your health status, because, as you know, the cause of poor health may well be magical negative influences and psychosomatics.

Position meaning

  • S - Form
  1. State of a person's aura
  2. Bindings of Astral Entities
  3. The psychic and magical effect that someone has on the querent
  4. State of mind, internal experiences affecting health
  5. State of the physical body
  6. Shows how a person interacts with the world around him

Despite the fact that there are classical interpretations of each card in the field of health, you should not blindly rely on them. Listen to your intuition, derive your own meanings! For one Master, the Ship can mean emotional unrest, while for another it means problems with the circulatory system, and a third fortune teller can generally interpret this card as digestive disorders. Therefore, the interpretations given below are just one of the possible variations. They are taken from the book by Anna Kotelnikova and supplemented with my personal experience.

Card name

Importance in health: problematic body parts, organs, diseases, treatment

Rider Head, face, interconnection of all body systems, respiratory diseases, airborne infections, musculoskeletal system
Clover The card gives a chance to improve your well-being, homeopathy, herbal medicine, problems with veins
Ship Circulatory system, change in condition (usually for the better), death - in combination with a Scythe, Cross or Coffin, sometimes - stones or sand in the kidneys
House The body as the residence of the soul, conservative treatment methods, sometimes bed rest
Tree Good health, good immunity, skeletal system, skeleton
Clouds The onset of a protracted illness, vascular blockages, blood clots
Snake Favorable card for prognosis, chemotherapy, poison treatment
Coffin Fatal outcome, advice to go to hospital and not self-medicate
Bouquet Recovery, herbal medicine, advice to use natural remedies for treatment
Scythe The need for urgent surgery, trauma
Broom Nervous system, pathways, rapid, dangerous course of the disease
Owls (Birds) Hidden diseases and eye diseases
Child Underdevelopment of any organs, “childhood” diseases (rubella, chickenpox, etc.), sometimes pregnancy
Fox Difficult to diagnose diseases, fever, sometimes medical error
Bear Vitality, endurance, strong body
Stars Satisfactory condition, prospect of recovery, physical therapy, treatment with electric and magnetic fields
Stork Change for the better, advice to go to a sanatorium
Dog Rehabilitation, wound healing, traditional medicine
Tower Longevity, stability, sometimes chronic diseases
Garden Group therapy, neuroses (if there are negative cards nearby)
Mountain Adhesions, blockages, blood clots, with the Moon - problems with conception
Fork Ambiguous diagnosis, sometimes - injuries and illnesses that cause difficulties with movement
Rats Severe disease, irreversible processes in the body, digestive and stomach problems
Heart Disorders of the cardiovascular system, sexually transmitted diseases
Ring “Closed cycle” that must be completed from start to finish in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations
Book Hidden diseases, difficulty in diagnosis, poor vision, eye problems
Letter Brain work
Man For a man - problems of the sexual sphere, for a woman - hormonal imbalance
Woman For a woman - problems of the sexual sphere, for a man - hormonal imbalance
Lilies Successful cure, sometimes poisoning
Sun Good health, bioenergetic healing, sometimes burns
Moon Kidneys, genitourinary system, water balance, gynecology (for women), sometimes depression
Key Properly chosen treatment, prosthetics, and sometimes destruction of the walls of internal organs
Fish Sluggish illnesses, colds, vascular problems, psychogenic diseases
Anchor Stable condition, sometimes chronic diseases
Cross Complications, disability, diseases that are difficult to treat, karmic diseases, deterioration of well-being due to magical influence

As you can see, Lenormand health charts can provide very useful information, but you should not use only them - be sure to recommend that your clients visit specialists in a timely manner.

Fortune telling using the Lenormand method became known in Europe from the beginning of the 19th century and has not yet lost its popularity. The world of fortune telling on Lenormand cards is very diverse and simple. And if you are still unfamiliar with them, try telling fortunes; you will probably quickly be able to understand their language and make the correct interpretation. As soon as you plunge into this mysterious world, you will be able to control your own destiny - or, for example, guess the health of a person close to you.

About the deck

Fortune telling cards of Marie Lenormand are named after a fortune teller from France, whose life was full of adventures. During the French Revolution, she gained fame and respect from high society thanks to her ability to predict fate. Madame Lenormand is not the author of the deck, despite the fact that it bears her name. Like her other predictor contemporaries Lenormand used a picket deck of 32 cards to tell fortunes, it was missing 2 and 6. Piquet is a card game popular since the 16th century in France and Italy.

The traditional thirty-six card Lenormand deck was created by I. K. Hechtel, it combines gaming meanings and symbolic images. It was first published in the early 19th century for family pastime playing a card game called “The Game of Hope.” Then this deck began to be used for the popular fortune telling of that time, the Small Oracle of Lenormand.

On each card there is only one symbol representing a specific meaning, but the interpretation also takes into account the property of the playing card that belongs to it. Take a closer look at the deck, you will find that the images interact with each other, helping to predict and see the problem more deeply.

Lenormand fortune telling gives an accurate and unique forecast. A simple oracle is accessible to everyone and allows it to be used to solve problems of varying complexity. Fortune telling is common as a parlor entertainment, and is also often used by practitioners endowed with special abilities.

Fortune telling about the health of a loved one

The layout is carried out using a regular deck of 36 cards according to the method of Maria Lenormand:

Another way of fortune telling for a patient’s health:

This layout does not use a significator. Shuffle the deck, reveal it anywhere, the revealed card will be the main topic of the question that worries you. The remaining two pairs dropped on one side and the other will complement the interpretation. Here you can not study the past and future, but go directly to the analysis of the problem itself, trying to understand its essence.

In some cases, there is a need for additional questions that help clarify the health situation. To do this, the deck is shuffled again and new layouts are made for each health question.

Interpretation of fortune telling for recovery

  1. The third, lying to the left of the main one, and the fourth, lying to the right, are interpreted as additional to the central one, both cards describe it.
  2. Both pairs, lying on the sides of the main one, are interpreted as paired combinations that reveal the essence of the problem or characterize what was and will be.
  3. Lying at a distance from the main (central) card of paired interpretation, they indicate that there are additional possibilities for solving the problem. On the left is number 2, on the right is number 5.
  4. If cards six and seven are used in fortune telling, they are interpreted in the same way as paired cards. Then they analyze three cards - 2, 6, 5, and from them they find out where help will come from. The triad of 3, 7, 4 clarifies the nature of the body's resources. Those dropped in positions 6, 1, 7 are interpreted as advice on what to do in this matter. Triads are interpreted according to the first, middle or last.

Health fortune telling for a patient from 5 cards

This layout according to the Lenormand method is quite simple, it is called elementary. Each of the four cards reflects the elements, the last one is the sum of their values, which is calculated. Lay out from left to right. Their meanings in the layout are as follows:

  1. Fire. Gives advice on what to do.
  2. Earth. Financial position.
  3. Air. Relationships with others, information.
  4. Water. Emotional condition.
  5. Spirit. Karma, that is, what is destined for us. Gives an idea of ​​what we need to do in order for the problem to be resolved. This is a kind of recommendation.

This fortune telling for recovery helps to obtain fairly accurate information about the disease and the prospects for its treatment.

You can tell fortunes about the health of a loved one like this:

The entire deck must be shuffled face down. Then you need to focus on the issue of your loved one’s health and select five cards. They are placed from left to right in order, without revealing the picture. The last one is placed and opened, The meaning of the positions is:

  • The first shows the background of the issue, events in the recent past.
  • The second tells about the fortuneteller’s capabilities in this matter. It may indicate outside help or, if unfavorable, obstacles and ill-wishers.
  • Third. Gives a characterization of the problem being studied or reflects the fortuneteller himself.
  • Fourth. He talks about plans and desires, and in some cases gives advice.
  • Fifth. Reports about the future, sums up.

Many fortune tellers work specifically with the Lenormand deck. They are surprised at the simplicity of their interpretation. However, beginners may encounter difficulties - many fail to connect with intuition or inspiration. However, as you memorize the meaning, an assessment of the situation will become available to you, and you will be able to combine pairs and triplets according to their meaning. Over time, you will see the big picture, highlight the main points and confidently interpret them.

Attention, TODAY only!

Issues of well-being sometimes occupy us no less than love and career. Agree: when nothing hurts, life seems brighter and happier, but as soon as any illness appears, relationships with loved ones, professional achievements, and communication with friends immediately cease to please us. Today we will tell you how to make a healthy layout on Lenormand cards.

Lenormand layout “For your health”

The “For Health” Lenormand layout, the diagram of which you see in front of you, was copied from the book of tarot reader Vera Sklyarova. A clear, accurate and fairly detailed fortune telling allows you to assess the general condition of the client’s body, find out its most vulnerable places, consider unpleasant or, on the contrary, pleasant surprises awaiting a person, and also make a general forecast. This technique can be used when a person has been given a certain diagnosis, or when he himself feels a deterioration in his health.

Position meaning

  1. A signifier describing the client’s general health at the moment
  2. Achilles' heel is the body's most vulnerable spot
  3. The problem is what worries the client, his complaints
  4. Chance - describes what a person's chances are of making a full recovery
  5. The key to success - what you need to work on to get rid of the problem
  6. Something that escapes, a problem or disease that does not exist
  7. Agent - hidden factors, causes that negatively affect health
  8. Code - means to help overcome the disease
  9. Surprise - pleasant or unpleasant surprises
  10. Result - the result, how the matter will end

Layout of Lenormand cards “Diagnostics of the body”

This detailed Lenormand health plan will allow you to assess the condition and functionality of the client’s main organs and systems. First, we select a form from the deck (card S), after which we carry out the layout according to the diagram.


  • S - form (Male or Female)
  1. Circulatory system and condition of the heart, blood vessels, liver
  2. Respiratory system (lungs, trachea, bronchi)
  3. Digestive tract (stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder)
  4. Urinary system (bladder, kidneys)
  5. Endocrinology (thyroid, lymph nodes, pancreas)
  6. Nervous system (neuroses, pain, tumors, sensitivity)
  7. Reproductive system (gynecology or andrology, fertility)
  8. Head (this includes dentistry, cosmetic diseases, eye diseases, mental disorders)
  9. Musculoskeletal system (spine and joints)

Fortune telling Lenormand "Analysis of the disease"

This Lenormand health plan should be used only in cases where a person has already been diagnosed. The cards will help to understand the causes of the disease, suggest the possible course of its development, and give the client advice on treatment and prevention. According to tradition, before fortune telling, we pull out the significator (Woman or Man).

The meaning of positions in the layout

  • S - Form
  1. The true cause of the disease
  2. Opportunities to overcome the disease in the near future, how you can do this
  3. Outcome of the disease
  4. Prevention: what you need to do to avoid getting sick again
  5. Advice to a person for the future regarding health

"Hereditary diseases" layout on the Lenormand deck

Very often, health problems are inherited. If there were any serious illnesses in your family on the maternal or paternal side, it may happen that they will be passed on to you. But, as they say, those who are forewarned are forearmed. That is why we invite all beginning Masters to master health fortune telling using Lenormand cards called “Hereditary Diseases” - it will help analyze possible hereditary factors and risks that may affect the client’s body. We guess by first determining the form (Woman or Man).

Position meaning

  • S - Form
  1. General predisposition of the client to hereditary diseases
  2. The presence or absence of diseases transmitted through the female line
  3. The presence or absence of diseases transmitted through the male line
  4. Are the diseases listed above currently manifesting themselves?
  5. Will traditional medicine help you heal?
  6. Will alternative medicine and homeopathy help cure?
  7. The client has diseases that he risks passing on to his descendants

Fortune telling "Small Pyramid of the Body" using Lenormand cards

The Lenormand health spread, the diagram of which was presented in the course on Tarot cards from A. Gorodovoy, is also successfully used by connoisseurs of the French fortune-teller deck. Fortune telling allows you to conduct a not quite ordinary, but rather an energetic diagnosis of the body and identify what diseases a person has due to damage to his bioenergy shell and magical influences.

First, the significator (blank) is removed from the deck, and then the cards are laid out as in the diagram. Each number indicates a specific house into which three cards must be placed. In total, 18 cards are involved in the layout, not counting the blanks.

Position meaning

  • S - form (Male or Female)
  1. House of aura. It assesses the state of the client’s energy body, the presence of damage, holes and other deformations
  2. House of Entities. Tells about the presence or absence of various entities inside a person’s astral body, whose presence affects health
  3. House of Works. Magical, extrasensory influences from third parties. This also includes damage, evil eyes, love spells, quarrels, curses
  4. House of the soul. The client’s state of mind, the impact of emotional experiences on well-being
  5. House of the body. General condition of the physical body, performance of all systems and organs of the body
  6. House of Peace. Describes how a person interacts with the world around him and how his behavior affects his health

Now that you know what fortune telling can be done on your health, it’s worth getting acquainted with the brief meaning of all Lenormand cards in medical matters. Of course, you can not only use a ready-made interpretation, but also expand it with the help of your own intuition - don’t forget about it!

  • Rider: Musculoskeletal system, skeletal system, positive changes in terms of recovery
  • Clover: Cardiovascular system, blood pressure, veins, capillaries, herbal treatment
  • Ship: Problems with the genitourinary system, stones or sand in the kidneys, positive dynamics
  • House: In health readings, Lenormand means excellent health, absence of problems, sometimes bed rest
  • Wood: Health as such, vitality, sometimes the skeleton, skeletal system
  • Clouds: Negative prognosis, intestinal diseases, general disorders
  • Snake: Health disorder, alcoholism, negative outlook
  • Coffin: Serious problems, chronic illnesses, sometimes death
  • Bouquet: Excellent physical shape, speedy recovery
  • Scythe: Surgical intervention
  • Broom: Heart problems, vein diseases, fractures
  • Owls: Eye Diseases
  • Child: Positive card. Sometimes means pregnancy
  • Fox: Misdiagnosis, hidden symptoms
  • Bear: Good health, stamina
  • Stars: Positive dynamics, improved well-being
  • Stork: Good news regarding health
  • Dog: In the health scenario, Lenormand is interpreted in a positive way when combined with positive qualities, and negatively when combined with negative qualities
  • Tower: Immunity, good health, good physical fitness
  • Garden: Hospital, sanatorium, recreation center
  • Mountain: Serious condition, incurable or difficult to treat disease
  • Fork: Problems of legs, veins, joints, difficulties with movement
  • Rats: Nervous system, stomach
  • Heart: Heart diseases, blood vessels, blood pressure
  • Ring: Relapse
  • Book: Difficulties in making a diagnosis, hidden symptoms
  • Letter: Recipe, good or bad news (depending on adjacent cards)
  • Man: Male diseases (if the layout is carried out without a form for a man)
  • Woman: Women's ailments, gynecology (if the layout is carried out without a form for a woman)
  • Lilies: Diseases of the genitourinary system, sexually transmitted diseases, problems with potency
  • Sun: Fever, high temperature, and full recovery
  • Moon: Insomnia, depression, headaches, mental disorders, addictions
  • Key: The right treatment has been found
  • Pisces: Kidneys, bladder
  • Anchor: Stability (in a bad or good sense - the surrounding cards will tell you
  • Cross: Evil eye, damage, magical influence, karmic diseases

Knowing the meanings of the cards, you can easily interpret the layouts for your health status. But remember that only a specialist can make a 100% accurate diagnosis, so do not forget to advise your clients to seek advice from doctors - especially if you see serious problems on the cards.

Health is a very important area of ​​our lives. When we feel bad, even communication with loved ones, hobbies and interesting work does not bring us joy. And on the contrary: when nothing hurts, and the mood is great, even failures and obstacles are easier to overcome, and minor troubles do not put us out of our rut. Of course, if the disease appears, it is best to consult a doctor, however, Lenormand cards will help to make a preliminary diagnosis. A health plan should be in the treasury of every self-respecting Master, because sometimes people seek advice on this very issue. Today we invite you to get acquainted with several diagnostic fortune-telling on the deck of the famous “French Sibyl”.

Lenormand layout “For your health”

The most popular fortune telling using Lenormand cards for diagnosing health conditions is called “For your health.” It was first presented in the book of the famous tarot reader Vera Sklyarova. With it, you can assess the general condition of the human body, learn about its strengths and weaknesses, and also get advice on how to strengthen the immune system and improve well-being.

By tradition, each Lenormand layout uses a significator or blank card. It is selected based on the gender of the querent. For a man, this is always card No. 28 - Man, for a woman - card No. 29 - Woman. If you are not using a classic deck, but, for example, the “Golden Dreams of Lenormand” oracle, you can choose one of two blank cards, since in this deck they are presented in two variations: for a man and a woman (4 blanks in total).

We will describe the step-by-step process of fortune telling only once, so as not to repeat it, since it will be the same for all Lenormand health scenarios.

Algorithm for performing health spreads on Lenormand cards

  1. Choose Blanca
  2. Focusing on the question
  3. Shuffle the deck
  4. We take out the required number of cards and place them as shown in the diagram
  5. Let's interpret the resulting alignment

Card positions in the “For your health” layout

  • S - Significator
  1. "Doctor Paracelsus" - the general state of human health at a given time
  2. The most vulnerable place of the body is the so-called “Achilles heel”
  3. The most problematic area to pay attention to
  4. Chances of successfully getting rid of the existing problem
  5. The key is what you need to do to overcome the disease
  6. Hidden symptoms or diseases that may go undetected
  7. Hidden factors that have a negative impact on the body
  8. Remedies to help improve health and avoid complications
  9. Surprises that the querent can expect in the field of health (whether they will be pleasant or unpleasant - look at the cards drawn)
  10. General prospects for recovery

Fortune telling "Hereditary diseases" on the Lenormand deck

Very often we inherit health problems from our parents or distant relatives. And sometimes the disease begins to manifest itself unexpectedly. If you want to know in advance whether something like this awaits you, or if you don’t have to be afraid of anything, try doing a health fortune telling using Lenormand cards called “Hereditary Diseases.”

Meaning of card positions

  • S - Blank Card
  1. Predisposition to inherited diseases
  2. The presence or absence of the querent’s problems inherited through the female line
  3. The presence or absence of the querent's problems inherited through the male line
  4. Are the diseases described by cards 2 and 3 seriously expressed at the moment?
  5. Will traditional medicine help overcome hereditary diseases?
  6. Will alternative medicine help overcome hereditary diseases?
  7. The risk of transmitting diseases to your descendants or lack thereof

Lenormand layout “Analysis of the disease”

The Lenormand health plan, the diagram of which is presented above, will allow you to examine in detail an existing disease. Fortune telling can be done only after visiting a doctor, when you know your diagnosis for sure - only in this case the result will be correct.

Interpretation of positions

  • S - Form
  1. The true cause of the disease
  2. Can the querent solve this problem right now and what is the best way to do this?
  3. Prospect for the development and completion of the disease
  4. Measures to help prevent recurrence of the disease
  5. General advice to the client regarding future health

Fortune telling on cards by Maria Lenormand “Diagnostics of the body”

This Lenormand health chart will allow you to conduct a general diagnosis and find out whether all the vital systems of the body are functioning correctly.

Meaning of card positions

  • S - Significator
  1. Function of the circulatory system, blood vessels and liver
  2. Functioning of the respiratory system (bronchi, lungs, trachea)
  3. Digestive tract and its work (stomach, intestines, esophagus, gall bladder)
  4. Functioning of the kidneys and bladder
  5. Endocrine system
  6. Nervous system. Tumors also sometimes appear along this map.
  7. Gynecology for women, urology for men
  8. Brain, eyes, dentistry
  9. Joint function, spine condition, musculoskeletal system

Layout "Small Pyramid of the Body"

This fortune telling for health using Lenormand cards, first presented in the Tarot training course by A. Gorodov, is carried out a little unconventionally. Instead of one card for each position (except S), we put three and look at their combinations with each other. The alignment allows you to conduct an energetic diagnosis of your health status, because, as you know, the cause of poor health may well be magical negative influences and psychosomatics.

Position meaning

  • S - Form
  1. State of a person's aura
  2. Bindings of Astral Entities
  3. The psychic and magical effect that someone has on the querent
  4. State of mind, internal experiences affecting health
  5. State of the physical body
  6. Shows how a person interacts with the world around him

The meaning of Lenormand cards in health layouts

Despite the fact that there are classical interpretations of each card in the field of health, you should not blindly rely on them. Listen to your intuition, derive your own meanings! For one Master, the Ship can mean emotional unrest, while for another it means problems with the circulatory system, and a third fortune teller can generally interpret this card as digestive disorders. Therefore, the interpretations given below are just one of the possible variations. They are taken from the book by Anna Kotelnikova and supplemented with my personal experience.

Card name

Importance in health: problematic body parts, organs, diseases, treatment

Rider Head, face, interconnection of all body systems, respiratory diseases, airborne infections, musculoskeletal system
Clover The card gives a chance to improve your well-being, homeopathy, herbal medicine, problems with veins
Ship Circulatory system, change in condition (usually for the better), death - in combination with a Scythe, Cross or Coffin, sometimes - stones or sand in the kidneys
House The body as the residence of the soul, conservative treatment methods, sometimes bed rest
Tree Good health, good immunity, skeletal system, skeleton
Clouds The onset of a protracted illness, vascular blockages, blood clots
Snake Favorable card for prognosis, chemotherapy, poison treatment
Coffin Fatal outcome, advice to go to hospital and not self-medicate
Bouquet Recovery, herbal medicine, advice to use natural remedies for treatment
Scythe The need for urgent surgery, trauma
Broom Nervous system, pathways, rapid, dangerous course of the disease
Owls (Birds) Hidden diseases and eye diseases
Child Underdevelopment of any organs, “childhood” diseases (rubella, chickenpox, etc.), sometimes pregnancy
Fox Difficult to diagnose diseases, fever, sometimes medical error
Bear Vitality, endurance, strong body
Stars Satisfactory condition, prospect of recovery, physical therapy, treatment with electric and magnetic fields
Stork Change for the better, advice to go to a sanatorium
Dog Rehabilitation, wound healing, traditional medicine
Tower Longevity, stability, sometimes chronic diseases
Garden Group therapy, neuroses (if there are negative cards nearby)
Mountain Adhesions, blockages, blood clots, with the Moon - problems with conception
Fork Ambiguous diagnosis, sometimes - injuries and illnesses that cause difficulties with movement
Rats Severe disease, irreversible processes in the body, digestive and stomach problems
Heart Disorders of the cardiovascular system, sexually transmitted diseases
Ring “Closed cycle” that must be completed from start to finish in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations
Book Hidden diseases, difficulty in diagnosis, poor vision, eye problems
Letter Brain work
Man For a man - problems of the sexual sphere, for a woman - hormonal imbalance
Woman For a woman - problems of the sexual sphere, for a man - hormonal imbalance
Lilies Successful cure, sometimes poisoning
Sun Good health, bioenergetic healing, sometimes burns
Moon Kidneys, genitourinary system, water balance, gynecology (for women), sometimes depression
Key Properly chosen treatment, prosthetics, and sometimes destruction of the walls of internal organs
Fish Sluggish illnesses, colds, vascular problems, psychogenic diseases
Anchor Stable condition, sometimes chronic diseases
Cross Complications, disability, diseases that are difficult to treat, karmic diseases, deterioration of well-being due to magical influence

As you can see, Lenormand health charts can provide very useful information, but you should not use only them - be sure to recommend that your clients visit specialists in a timely manner.

Article written by Victoria Kotlyarova RShT