Nikolay Nosov short stories. Nikolai Nosov: an entertaining biography of a children's writer in stories and pictures

The stories and fairy tales written by the great writer Nikolai Nosov did not leave every little reader unattended, even despite the fact that store shelves offer a large selection of stories from his contemporaries. Nikolai Nosov's works for children are the standard of children's literature, and we offer a brief overview of some of them.

This is one of the readers' favorite stories, which consists of twenty-one chapters. It describes the lives of schoolchildren, their thoughts and anxieties, followed by actions based on personal conclusions, even children's ones. The funny stories that happen in Vitya's life give a humorous touch to the story and amuse the reader.

The story written by Nosov in three volumes about the unusual character Dunno begins with the book “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.” Events begin in Flower City, where one of the residents comes up with the idea of ​​traveling in a hot air balloon. The adventures of friends are gaining momentum, and to find the way home you will have to put in a lot of effort and ingenuity.

The second part of the trilogy about Dunno, but here the behavior of the main character changes and from a naughty little guy, he transforms into a sympathetic kid who does only good deeds. Thanks to this, Dunno receives a magic wand as a gift and sets off on new journeys to the Sunny City, where new friends and adventures await along the way.

The final part of Nosov’s trilogy, which consists of thirty-six chapters and the writer has invested deep meaning in each of them, while the text is presented in an accessible form. The main events take place on the Moon together with Dunno’s faithful friends, who also think like adults. It’s not for nothing that this part is called a life textbook for kids.

A short story by Nosov, which describes an argument between two young boys who saw a car in the yard and disagreed about whether it was a Volga or a Moskvich. Then one of the comrades had the idea to ride on the bumper of a car, since before that the guys had a dream to ride, but none of the drivers agreed to the request.

This story is about how Vadik and Vova saw a hat on the floor and, to their surprise, it turned out to be “alive.” The guys saw how she suddenly began to crawl across the floor and scared them. The friends decided to look into the situation and eventually found the answer. The hat fell on the cat Vaska, who was sitting on the floor.

The story tells that a simple putty can lead to the adventures of two comrades Kostya and Shurik. They got it when the glazier was covering the windows and after that funny adventures began that took place in the cinema. A stranger sat on the putty, it was confused with a gingerbread, and in the end it was completely lost.

An educational story by Nosov, in which the boy Bobka himself learns to put a patch on his pants, since his mother refused to sew them up. And he tore them like this: he climbed over the fence, got caught and tore them. As a result of many trials and errors, the young tailor manages to make an excellent patch.

A short story where events develop based on the famous fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”. The guys read it and decided to start a game. They built a small house and discovered that it had no windows and therefore could not see anything. And here it suddenly seemed to them that a gray wolf had come to them...

The story is about how a mother gave a gift to her son Vitalik. And it was an aquarium with a beautiful fish - crucian carp. At first the child looked after her, but then he got tired of it and decided to exchange a whistle with a friend. When mom didn’t find the fish at home, she decided to find out where it had gone. Vitalik was cunning and did not want to tell his mother the truth, but in the end he confessed.

Nikolai Nosov in the story “Dreamers” shows how children come up with stories and share them with each other. But at the same time, they compete to see who can invent the most. But here they meet Igor, who ate the jam himself, and told his mother that his younger sister did it. The guys felt sorry for the girl, and they bought her ice cream.

One of the funniest stories. It talks about how a mother and her son Mishka lived in the country and a little friend came to visit them. The guys were left alone because mom had to go to the city. She told the boys how to cook porridge. The friends had fun all day, but then they got hungry, and the most interesting part began, cooking porridge.

A cautionary tale about good and bad behavior in children. The main character, Fedya Rybkin, is a funny kid who comes up with funny stories. But the problem is that he is also fun at school during lessons. And one day the teacher decided to teach him a lesson wisely and she succeeded.

The story is about how Misha’s mother told her son to behave and promised to give him a lollipop as encouragement. Misha tried, but then he climbed into the cupboard, pulled out a sugar bowl, and there were candies in it. He couldn’t resist and ate one, but with sticky hands he took the sugar bowl and here it broke. When mom arrived, a broken sugar bowl and eaten candy were discovered.

The main character of the story is Sasha, he really wanted a gun for himself, but his mother forbade it. One day his sisters gave him a long-awaited toy. Sasha played with a pistol and decided to scare his grandmother by shooting right near her face. Unexpectedly, a policeman came to visit. This is where the most interesting things began, and the child forever remembered that you can’t scare people.

This story is about schoolboy Fed Rybkin, who was doing his math homework. He turned on the radio and started solving problems. He thought it would be more fun this way. Of course, the songs on the radio were much more interesting than the lessons, so all the songs were listened to carefully, but Fedya never solved the problem correctly.

Shurik at grandpa's

A story about two little brothers who spent the summer visiting their grandparents in the village. The guys decided to fish, and for this, in the attic, at first, they decided to find a fishing rod, but there was only one. But a galosh was also found, with which, as it turned out, you can also come up with a lot of interesting things. Fishing on the pond was not so easy...

The story is about how three children were left at home alone and decided to play hide and seek. Despite the fact that there were not many places to hide, one of them hid in such a way that they could not find him. During the search, the entire apartment was in complete disarray, after which it took another whole hour to clean it.

Nosov's story is about a little boy Pavlik, who in the spring went to his dacha and decided to plant something in the garden, although his peers did not believe in his abilities. Mom gave me a shovel for the garden, and grandmother gave me some grains and explained how to plant. And as a result, it turned out that it was a turnip, which, thanks to Pavlik, sprouted and grew.

In Nosov's story, he talks about boys who loved to play hide and seek, but it always turned out that one was constantly hiding, and the other was always looking. Slavik, who was looking for a friend in the game, felt offended. He decided to lock his friend Vitya in the closet. After sitting in the closet for some time, the boy still did not understand why he was locked by his friend.

An instructive story about three hunters who went into the forest for prey, but did not catch anyone and stopped to rest. They sat down and began to tell each other funny stories. In the end, they realized that it is not at all necessary to kill animals, but that they can still have fun in the forest.

The events of this story by Nosov take place in a children's camp, to which three friends arrived, but one day earlier than the others. During the day they had fun, they even decorated the house, but when night came and suddenly there was a knock on the door, the boys got scared. When they asked who it was, there was no answer, and all night the guys could not figure out who it was. In the morning everything became clear.

A comic story about the dog Barboska, who invited Bobik to visit him while his grandfather and cat Vaska were not at home. Barbos boasted about the things that were in the house: a mirror, a comb, a whip. While talking, the friends fell asleep right on the bed, and when the grandfather came and discovered this, he began to kick them out, so much so that Barbos hid under the bed.

A story about a little five-year-old girl Ninochka, who spent most of her time with her grandmother, since her mother and father worked. And one day she had the idea of ​​​​helping adults in search of iron for scrap metal. When she was showing the way to two grown boys, she forgot the way and got lost. The boys helped find the way home.

An interesting instructive story about an excellent student named Kolya Sinitsyn, who during the summer holidays decided to keep a diary. Kolya’s mom promised to buy him a pen if he writes everything carefully. The boy tried to write down all his thoughts and events, but got so carried away that he ran out of notebooks.


A story about the journey of two little boys who got into the Moscow metro while visiting their aunt. After looking at the moving stairs, stops and riding on the train, the boys realized that they were lost. And suddenly they met their mother and aunt, who laughed at the situation. And in the end, they themselves got lost.

According to the definition of S. Ya. Marshak, this is a writer “with a distinct creative individuality”, in works which showed “a combination of humor, lyricism and the memorable vigilance of a writer of everyday life.” Nikolai Nosov created mainly children's works.

Nosov's works for children: list

  • "Entertainers"
  • "Knock-Knock!"
  • "Gardeners"
  • "Mishkina porridge"
  • "Telephone"
  • "Step"
  • "About the turnip"
  • "Dreamers"
  • "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin"
  • "Under the same roof"
  • "Merry Family"
  • "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn"
  • “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”
  • "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
  • "Dunno in the Sunny City"

And that's not all list of children's works by Nosov, loved by many generations.

How did Nikolai Nosov become a children's writer?

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov born in Kyiv, in the family of an actor. At the age of 15, he entered a concrete factory as a laborer. In 1927 he began studying at the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later he moved to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, and then worked as a film director - making educational and animated films. During the war, Nosov was awarded the Order of the Red Star for creating military-technical films.

Which parent hasn't had to write poems, fairy tales, stories for their children? Nikolai Nikolaevich also had to do this: he had a boy growing up. The experiments turned out to be successful. In 1938, Nosov’s story appeared in the magazine “Murzilka” "Entertainers". But he became a professional writer only in 1945, when his first book was published.

"Knock-Knock!"- with this title, Nosov seemed to be knocking on the door of great literature for little ones. The subtitle “Funny Stories” announced the birth of a humorist writer. Here we first meet Mishka, whom we later meet in a whole series of short works by Nosov: “Gardeners”, “Mishka’s Porridge”, “Telephone” and others. This boy always tries to do something good, but does not commensurate this desire with his strengths and skills. This is where situations arise that cause laughter, but not judgmental, but friendly. Nosov believes that “humor is ridicule with a touch of sympathy.” Others also enjoy great success among readers works by Nosov for children: “Step”, “About a turnip”, “Dreamers”, “The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin”, “Under one roof”.

Children's works by N. Nosov

The story "Merry Family"

In 1949, Nosov’s first story was published - "Merry Family" . In many ways, it is still close to those stories of the writer, where the images of the guys who called themselves “Mishka and I” were developed. Friends still do not know peace: “That’s the nature of Mishka and I - we definitely need something to do.” At first, the guys quickly move from one hobby to another: “Mishka is such a person - he definitely needs everything to be useful.” But the boy thinks about the benefit not for himself, but for everyone. In his thoughts about the benefits of incubators at the state farm, a public approach is felt. This means that children need to be helped to find activities that would inspire them with a greater purpose. Only thanks to this goal, Mishka and his friend were able to spend almost a month (a long time for restless boys!) raising chickens in a homemade incubator.

With the entire development of the plot, the author suggests that big things need to be tackled together, as a team. We see how in the boys, especially in Mishka, who just recently was so careless, a sense of duty is maturing, a sense of responsibility for their mistakes.

The story “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn”

In the story "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn" It also talks about the desire of the children to engage in generally useful work. Unlike “The Cheerful Family,” in this book the guys act together from the very beginning and consciously look for “a job that will be useful.” The form of the diary allowed the writer to convey the thoughts of his hero. They contain a lot of naivety, colored by the author's humor, and at the same time, a lot of moral purity characteristic of pioneers.

Following the example of Nosov’s characters, many of the children began to build incubators and raise bees. Writer V. Kataev tells how much destruction was caused in the house by his little son, who, having read “The Cheerful Family,” decided to follow the example of Kolya and Misha. Readers are attracted to Nosov's stories by the passion of the characters, the rapid development of the plot, and the absence of long descriptions, which, as N.K. Krupskaya noted, are unacceptable for children 8-13 years old. Many guys tell Nosov that, following the example of Kolya Sinitsyn, they began to write diaries, and some even ask how to publish them.

Parents, after reading these stories, will truly understand how important adult support is for children. The old beekeeper from “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn” did not scold the boys who accidentally ran into his apiary, but helped them. Kolya reflects on this: “What a kind grandfather he turned out to be! He not only promised to give us bees, but he also kept his promise.” This is a reproach to those adults who thoughtlessly break their word to the children. “And I also had joy today,” Kolya writes some time later in his diary, “my mom and dad came to the apiary and looked at our bees.” Here is an example of how important it is to delve into the interests of your children and encourage them with your attention!

The story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”

If in the books “The Cheerful Family” and “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn” Nosov shows the development of interests and a sense of collectivism in the process of extracurricular work, then his third and most significant story in terms of content is “Vitya Maleev at school and at home” (1951) - mainly devoted to educational work. She was awarded the State Prize and was among the best at the art book competition for children held by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.

...Inseparable friends Vitya Maleev and Kostya Shishkin love school, they want to study well and grow up to be real people. “You dream about something wonderful,” Vitya reflects, “and you want to grow up quickly, become strong and brave, perform various feats and heroism...” There is nothing surprising in these dreams. They are determined by our entire system, which opens clear prospects for children from the very first years of school life. Vitya clearly understands why he should study, but the trouble is that he cannot concentrate - the temptation to play football turns out to be stronger than his still fragile will.

In the books of Soviet writers, there have previously been images of children who, under the influence of the teacher and the whole class, became successful. But we did not see how this process took place in the minds of the poor students themselves. Nosov managed to look into the world of his hero’s thoughts and feelings. “The discovery that Vitya Maleev makes, having solved the problem independently for the first time,” said S. Ya. Marshak at the II Congress of Writers, “is not only a discovery of Vitya, but also of the author himself. It is not so easy to show why the incomprehensible suddenly becomes understandable, how understanding depends on the imagination.”

Kostya’s correction process is much more difficult. He is less able than Vitya to analyze his actions and be critical of them. Kostya even stops going to school and, deceiving his mother, pretends to be sick. It seems to him that it is easier to perform in the circus arena than to write a dictation. And Vitya, although he feels remorse, still hides the truth from the teacher, from the whole class. To act otherwise, he thinks, will not be comradely. But soon Vitya realized that a true pioneer should not hide his friend’s bad deeds, but help him improve. The pages describing how Maleev works with Shishkin, how they, despite the first failures, achieve success, are especially interesting in the story.

In the words of Lev Kassil, “educators will find a lot in Nosov’s story that will be useful in their work.” Let the parents think about how Kostya’s mother failed to correctly direct her son’s hobbies and inspired him that he had no will. And Aunt Zina kept threatening to “tackle him, check his studies, but every time she forgot to do this.” The example of Vitya’s parents is also instructive. The mother scolded her son every time for starting his lessons late, but did not help him manage his time correctly. And the father, having undertaken to help the boy with arithmetic, simply solved the problem for him, and explained so impatiently that Vita did not want to contact him anymore.

The book “Vitya Maleev at school and at home” was published 30 times in the first three years. Hundreds of letters about the children's favorite story are kept in the Children's Book House.

Fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno"

N. Nosov says that when discussing his books, children often say: without friendship there cannot be a full-fledged school community, and girls complain about boys, who often behave arrogantly towards them. The fairy tale is mainly devoted to this topic. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" . But why did the writer decide to resort to fantasy? He explains that “the very form of a fairy tale, as a work telling about fictional events, is close to a game in its entertainment, which arouses the interest of a child who always willingly plays.” As usual in Nosov’s works, the main character of the new book, Dunno, is also endowed with shortcomings. He is inquisitive, active, but does not know how to work, he does not have enough patience for this. Striving for fame, this short guy does not even neglect deception. Dunno is being re-educated.

Fascinating episodes of Nosov's new fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City" says that good deeds must be done unselfishly, that, having advantages, you should use them thoughtfully, otherwise you will harm others. Pictures of the sunny city clearly look to the future.

When Mishka and I were very little, we really wanted to ride in a car, but we just never succeeded. No matter how much we asked for drivers, no one wanted to give us a ride. One day we were walking in the yard. Suddenly we looked - on the street, near our gate, a car stopped. The driver got out of the car and went somewhere. We ran up. I speak:

This is Volga.

No, this is Moskvich.

You understand a lot! - I say.

Of course, “Moskvich,” says Mishka. - Look at his hood.

How much trouble Mishka and I had before the New Year! We have been preparing for the holiday for a long time: we glued paper chains to the tree, cut out flags, and made various Christmas tree decorations. Everything would have been fine, but then Mishka took out a book somewhere called “Entertaining Chemistry” and read in it how to make sparklers himself.

This is where the chaos began! For whole days he pounded sulfur and sugar in a mortar, made aluminum filings and set fire to the mixture for testing. There was smoke and a stink of suffocating gases throughout the house. The neighbors were angry, and there were no sparklers.

But Mishka did not lose heart. He even invited many of the kids from our class to his Christmas tree and boasted that he would have sparklers.

They know what they are! - he said. - They sparkle like silver and scatter in all directions with fiery splashes. I tell Mishka:

Once upon a time there was a dog Barboska. He had a friend - the cat Vaska. They both lived with their grandfather. Grandfather went to work, Barboska guarded the house, and Vaska the cat caught mice.

One day, grandfather went to work, the cat Vaska ran off for a walk somewhere, and Barbos stayed at home. Having nothing else to do, he climbed onto the windowsill and began to look out the window. He was bored, so he yawned around.

“It’s good for our grandfather! - thought Barboska. - He went to work and is working. Vaska is doing well too - he ran away from home and is walking on the rooftops. But I have to sit and guard the apartment.”

At this time, Barboskin's friend Bobik was running down the street. They often met in the yard and played together. Barbos saw his friend and was delighted:

Chapter first

Just think how quickly time flies! Before I knew it, the holidays were over and it was time to go to school. All summer I did nothing but run around the streets and play football, and I even forgot to think about books. That is, I sometimes read books, but not educational ones, but some fairy tales or stories, and so that I could study the Russian language or arithmetic - this was not the case. I was already good at Russian, but I didn’t like arithmetic. The worst thing for me was solving problems. Olga Nikolaevna even wanted to give me a summer job in arithmetic, but then she regretted it and transferred me to the fourth grade without work.

I don’t want to ruin your summer,” she said. - I will transfer you this way, but you must promise that you will study arithmetic yourself in the summer.

Mishka and I had a wonderful life at the dacha! This is where the freedom was! Do what you want, go wherever you want. You can go to the forest to pick mushrooms or pick berries, or swim in the river, but if you don’t want to swim, just go fishing and no one will say a word to you. When my mother’s vacation ended and she had to get ready to go back to the city, Mishka and I even became sad. Aunt Natasha noticed that we were both walking around as if we were in a daze, and began to persuade my mother to let Mishka and I stay for a while longer. Mom agreed and agreed with Aunt Natasha so that she would feed us and stuff like that, and she would leave.

Mishka and I stayed with Aunt Natasha. And Aunt Natasha had a dog, Dianka. And just on the day when her mother left, Dianka suddenly gave birth to six puppies. Five were black with red spots and one was completely red, only one ear was black.

The hat was lying on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and coloring pictures. Suddenly something plopped behind them and fell to the floor. They turned around and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he shouted:

Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.

What are you? - asks Vadik.

She's alive, alive!

One day a glazier was sealing the frames for the winter, and Kostya and Shurik stood nearby and watched. When the glazier left, they picked up the putty from the windows and began to sculpt animals from it. Only they didn’t get the animals. Then Kostya blinded a snake and said to Shurik:

Look what I got.

Shurik looked and said:


Kostya was offended and hid the putty in his pocket. Then they went to the cinema. Shurik kept getting worried and asked:

Where's the putty?

And Kostya answered:

Here it is, in your pocket. I won't eat it!

They took tickets to the cinema and bought two mint gingerbread cookies.

Bobka had wonderful pants: green, or rather khaki. Bobka loved them very much and always boasted:

Look, guys, what kind of pants I have. Soldiers!

All the guys, of course, were jealous. No one else had green pants like these.

One day Bobka climbed over the fence, got caught on a nail and tore these wonderful pants. Out of frustration, he almost cried, went home as quickly as possible and began to ask his mother to sew it up.

Mom got angry:

You will climb fences, tear your pants, and I have to sew them up?

I won't do it again! Sew it up, mom!

Valya and I are entertainers. We are always playing some games.

Once we read the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs". And then they started playing. At first we ran around the room, jumped and shouted:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf!

Then mom went to the store, and Valya said:

Come on, Petya, let's make ourselves a house, like those pigs in the fairy tale.

We pulled the blanket off the bed and covered the table with it. This is how the house turned out. We climbed into it, and it was dark and dark in there!

There lived a little girl named Ninochka. She was only five years old. She had a dad, a mom and an old grandmother, whom Ninochka called grandma.

Ninochka’s mother went to work every day, and Ninochka’s grandmother stayed with her. She taught Ninochka to dress, and wash, and fasten the buttons on her bra, and lace her shoes, and braid her hair, and even write letters.

Anyone who has read the book “The Adventure of Dunno” knows that Dunno had many friends - little people just like him.

Among them were two mechanics - Vintik and Shpuntik, who were very fond of making different things. One day they decided to build a vacuum cleaner to clean the room.

We made a round metal box from two halves. An electric motor with a fan was placed in one half, a rubber tube was attached to the other, and a piece of dense material was placed between both halves so that dust would be retained in the vacuum cleaner.

They worked all day and all night, and only the next morning the vacuum cleaner was ready.

Everyone was still sleeping, but Vintik and Shpuntik really wanted to check how the vacuum cleaner worked.

Znayka, who loved to read, read a lot in books about distant countries and various travels. Often, when there was nothing to do in the evening, he would tell his friends about what he had read in books. The kids loved these stories very much. They liked to hear about countries that they had never seen, but most of all they liked to hear about travelers, since all sorts of incredible stories happen to travelers and the most extraordinary adventures happen.

After hearing such stories, the kids began to dream about going on a trip themselves. Some suggested hiking, others suggested sailing along the river in boats, and Znayka said:

Let's make a hot air balloon and fly in the balloon.

If Dunno took on something, he did it wrong, and everything turned out topsy-turvy for him. He learned to read only in letters, and could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because how could he think then? Of course, he didn’t think well, but he put his shoes on his feet, and not on his head—this, too, requires consideration.

Dunno was not so bad. He really wanted to learn something, but did not like to work. He wanted to learn right away, without any difficulty, and even the smartest little guy couldn’t get anything out of this.

Toddlers and little girls loved music very much, and Guslya was a wonderful musician. He had various musical instruments and often played them. Everyone listened to the music and praised it very much. Dunno was jealous that Guslya was being praised, so he began to ask him:

- Teach me to play. I also want to be a musician.

The mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik were very good craftsmen. They looked alike, only Vintik was a little taller, and Shpuntik was a little shorter. Both wore leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other iron tools were always sticking out of their jacket pockets. If the jackets weren’t leather, the pockets would have come off long ago. Their hats were also leather, with canned glasses. They wore these glasses while working so as not to get dust in their eyes.

Vintik and Shpuntik sat in their workshop all day long and repaired primus stoves, pots, kettles, frying pans, and when there was nothing to repair, they made tricycles and scooters for short people.

Mom recently gave Vitalik an aquarium with fish. It was a very good fish, beautiful! Silver crucian carp - that's what it was called. Vitalik was glad that he had a crucian carp. At first he was very interested in the fish - he fed it, changed the water in the aquarium, and then he got used to it and sometimes even forgot to feed it on time.

I'll tell you about Fedya Rybkin, how he made the whole class laugh. He had a habit of making guys laugh. And he didn’t care: it was a break now or a lesson. So here it is. It started when Fedya got into a fight with Grisha Kopeikin over a bottle of mascara. But to tell the truth, there was no fight here. Nobody hit anyone. They simply tore the bottle out of each other’s hands, and the mascara splashed out of it, and one drop landed on Fedya’s forehead. This left him with a black blot the size of a nickel on his forehead.

Under my window there is a front garden with a low cast-iron fence. In winter, the janitor cleans the street and shovels snow behind the fence, and I throw pieces of bread through the window for the sparrows. As soon as these little birds see a treat in the snow, they immediately fly from different directions and sit on the branches of a tree that grows in front of the window. They sit for a long time, looking around restlessly, but do not dare to go down. They must be frightened by people passing on the street.

But then one sparrow plucked up courage, flew off the branch and, sitting down in the snow, began pecking at the bread.

Mom left home and said to Misha:

I'm leaving, Mishenka, and you behave well. Don't play around without me and don't touch anything. For this I will give you a big red lollipop.

Mom left. At first Misha behaved well: he didn’t play pranks and didn’t touch anything. Then he just moved a chair to the sideboard, climbed onto it and opened the doors of the sideboard. He stands and looks at the buffet, and thinks:

“I don’t touch anything, I just look.”

And there was a sugar bowl in the cupboard. He took it and put it on the table: “I’ll just look, but I won’t touch anything,” he thinks.

I opened the lid and there was something red on top.

“Eh,” says Misha, “but this is a lollipop.” Probably just the one my mother promised me.

My mother, Vovka, and I were visiting Aunt Olya in Moscow. On the very first day, my mother and aunt went to the store, and Vovka and I were left at home. They gave us an old album with photographs for us to look at. Well, we looked and looked until we got tired of it.

Vovka said:

– We won’t see Moscow if we sit at home all day!

More than anything else, Alik was afraid of the police. They always scared him at home with the policeman. If he doesn’t listen, he is told:

The policeman is coming now!

Nashal - they say again:

We'll have to send you to the police!

Once Alik got lost. He didn't even notice how it happened. He went out for a walk in the yard, then ran into the street. I ran and ran and found myself in an unfamiliar place. Then, of course, he began to cry. People gathered around. They began to ask:

Where do you live?

Once, when I was living with my mother at the dacha, Mishka came to visit me. I was so happy that I can’t even say it! I miss Mishka very much. Mom was also glad to see him.

It’s very good that you came,” she said. - You two will have more fun here. By the way, I need to go to the city tomorrow. I might be late. Will you live here without me for two days?

Of course we will live, I say. - We are not small!

Only here you have to cook your own lunch. Can you do it?

We can do it,” says Mishka. - What can’t you do!

Well, cook some soup and porridge. It's easy to cook porridge.

Let's cook some porridge. Why cook it? - says Mishka.

The guys worked all day - building a snow slide in the yard. They shoveled snow and dumped it in a heap under the wall of the barn. Only by lunchtime the slide was ready. The guys poured water on her and ran home for lunch.

“Let’s have lunch,” they said, “while the hill freezes.” And after lunch we will come with a sled and go for a ride.

And Kotka Chizhov from the sixth apartment is so cunning! He didn't build the slide. He sits at home and looks out the window as others work. The guys shout at him to go build a hill, but he just throws up his hands outside the window and shakes his head, as if he’s not allowed to. And when the guys left, he quickly got dressed, put on his skates and ran out into the yard. Teal skates in the snow, chirp! And he doesn’t know how to ride properly! I drove up to the hill.

“Oh,” he says, “it turned out to be a good slide!” I'll jump now.

Vovka and I were sitting at home because we broke the sugar bowl. Mom left, and Kotka came to us and said:

- Let's play something.

“Let’s hide and seek,” I say.

- Wow, there’s nowhere to hide here! - says Kotka.

- Why - nowhere? I will hide in such a way that you will never find me. You just need to show resourcefulness.

In the fall, when the first frost hit and the ground immediately froze almost a whole finger, no one believed that winter had already begun. Everyone thought that it would soon be fun again, but Mishka, Kostya, and I decided that now was the time to start making a skating rink. In our yard we had a garden, not a garden, but, you don’t understand what, just two flower beds, and around there is a lawn with grass, and all this is fenced off with a fence. We decided to make a skating rink in this garden, because in winter the flower beds are not visible to anyone anyway.

PART I Chapter first. Dunno is dreaming

Some readers have probably already read the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends." This book tells about a fabulous country in which babies and toddlers lived, that is, tiny boys and girls, or, as they were otherwise called, shorties. This is the short little kid that Dunno was. He lived in Flower City, on Kolokolchikov Street, together with his friends Znayka, Toropyzhka, Rasteryaika, mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik, musician Guslya, artist Tube, Doctor Pilyulkin and many others. The book tells how Dunno and his friends traveled in a hot air balloon, visited the Green City and the city of Zmeevka, what they saw and learned. Returning from the trip, Znayka and his friends got to work: they began to build a bridge across the Ogurtsovaya River, a reed water supply system and fountains, which they saw in the Green City.

PART I Chapter first. How Znayka defeated Professor Zvezdochkin

Two and a half years have passed since Dunno traveled to the Sunny City. Although for you and me this is not so much, but for little runts, two and a half years is a very long time. After listening to the stories of Dunno, Knopochka and Pachkuli Pestrenky, many of the shorties also made a trip to the Sunny City, and when they returned, they decided to make some improvements at home. Flower City has changed since then so much that it is now unrecognizable. Many new, large and very beautiful houses appeared in it. According to the design of the architect Vertibutylkin, even two revolving buildings were built on Kolokolchikov Street. One is five-story, tower-type, with a spiral descent and a swimming pool around (by going down the spiral descent, one could dive straight into the water), the other is six-story, with swinging balconies, a parachute tower and a ferris wheel on the roof.

Mishka and I asked to be enrolled in the same brigade. We agreed back in the city that we would work together and fish together. We had everything in common: shovels and fishing rods.

One day Pavlik took Kotka with him to the river to fish. But that day they were unlucky: the fish didn’t bite at all. But when they walked back, they climbed into the collective farm garden and filled their pockets full of cucumbers. The collective farm watchman noticed them and blew his whistle. They run away from him. On the way home, Pavlik thought that he wouldn’t get it at home for climbing into other people’s gardens. And he gave his cucumbers to Kotka.

The cat came home happy:

- Mom, I brought you cucumbers!

Mom looked, and his pockets were full of cucumbers, and there were cucumbers in his bosom, and in his hands there were two more large cucumbers.

-Where did you get them? - says mom.

- In the garden.


In one fairy-tale city there lived short people. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each short one was the size of a small cucumber. It was very beautiful in their city. Flowers grew around every house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were named after flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisies Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream.

Tolya was in a hurry because he promised his friend to come by ten o’clock in the morning, but it was already much longer, since Tolya, due to his disorganization, was late at home and did not manage to leave on time.

Works are divided into pages

The children of our country become acquainted with the works of the famous children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (1908-1976) at an early age. “Live Hat”, “Bobik visiting Barbos”, “Putty” - these and many other funny ones children's stories by Nosov I want to re-read it again and again. Stories by N. Nosov describe the daily life of the most ordinary girls and boys. Moreover, it was done very simply and unobtrusively, interesting and funny. Many children recognize themselves in some actions, even the most unexpected and funny ones.

When will you read Nosov's stories, then you will understand how much each of them is imbued with tenderness and love for their heroes. No matter how badly they behave, no matter what they come up with, he tells us about it without any reproach or anger. On the contrary, attention and care, wonderful humor and a wonderful understanding of the child’s soul fill every small work.

Nosov's stories are classics of children's literature. It’s impossible to read stories about the antics of Mishka and other guys without smiling. And who among us in our youth and childhood did not read wonderful stories about Dunno?
Modern kids read and watch them with great pleasure.

Nosov's stories for children published in many of the most famous publications for children of different ages. The realism and simplicity of the story still attract the attention of young readers. “Merry Family”, “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dreamers” - these stories by Nikolai Nosov are remembered for life. Nosov's stories for children They are distinguished by natural and lively language, brightness and extraordinary emotionality. They are taught to be very careful about their daily behavior, especially in relation to their friends and loved ones. On our Internet portal you can see online list of Nosov's stories, and absolutely enjoy reading them for free.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov; USSR, Kyiv; 11/10/1908 – 07/26/1976

Nikolai Nosov is a famous Soviet writer. His works about Dunno became a model of children's literature in our country for many years. More than one generation in our country has grown up with N. Nosov’s “Dunno” books, and now Nikolai Nosov’s stories are chosen by many parents throughout the country. After all, simple and kind fairy tales of the Soviet era are an excellent alternative to modern children's books. Perhaps this is why Nikolai Nosov is still included, and his books occupy high places among the most read books.

Biography of Nikolai Nosov

Nikolai Nosov was born in the suburbs of Kyiv in the city of Irpen. He was the second child in a family of four children. Since childhood, he loved to attend concerts and performances in which his father played. He was a professional actor. Everyone predicted his future as an artist, but the difficult situation in the country and living conditions made their own adjustments. So Nikolai Nosov’s entire family suffered from typhus, and it was only by luck that no one died. Then little Nikolai realized for the first time that tears can come not only from grief, but also from joy. This understanding came along with the tears of the mother, who spent a lot of time over the bed of the future writer.

Even in the gymnasium, Nikolai Nosov was interested in photography, theater, electrical engineering and many other things. But from the age of fourteen he worked as a merchant, mower and digger to help his family. And after graduating from school, at the age of 16, he went to work as a laborer at a concrete plant. At this time, he and his friends became interested in chemistry. He tried to enter the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, but since he did not have completed secondary education, he could not. Therefore, so that training did not interfere with work, Nikolai Nosov entered an evening vocational school.

In 1927, unexpectedly for his parents, the future writer Nikolai Nosov changed his plans and entered the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. He graduated from it in 1932, and for almost 20 years he worked as a director and producer of scientific, educational and animated films.

The first stories by Nikolai Nosov became possible to read in 1938. While telling fairy tales to his son, he realized that he was good at it and decided to write some of them down. They were published in the magazine "Murzilka", and then were combined into the collection "Knock - Knock - Knock". But this collection was published after the end of the war, and was followed by another one - “Steps”.

In 1953, N. Nosov’s first story “Dunno” appeared. Gradually, this literary hero becomes very popular, and brings Nosov the same fame as a children's writer like him. By the way, the last book in the Dunno series, “Dunno on the Moon,” is called by many economists the best work on political economy for children. In addition, you can read Nikolai Nosov’s stories “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn”, “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home”, which also gained wide popularity. Nikolai Nosov wrote his stories until his death, which occurred in 1976 from natural causes.

Books by Nikolai Nosov on the Top books website

The series of books by N. Nosov “Dunno” was included in the ratings of our site. In addition to a fairly high place in the ranking, the book was included in. And given that interest in books about Dunno, stories about Kolya Sinitsyn and Vita Maleev has not diminished over the years, this author will be included in our site’s rating more than once. And the stories of Nikolai Nosov will be presented among the best children's literature more than once.

Nikolay Nosov list of books

  1. Secret at the bottom of the well
  2. We and the children
  3. The story of my friend Igor
  4. Small literary encyclopedia
  5. Grandma Dina
  6. Quanta of laughter
  7. Vitya Maleev at school and at home
  8. Cheerful family
  9. Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn

Nikolai Nosov's stories are action-packed, dynamic, full of unexpected comic situations; reading them is not just interesting, but extremely interesting. Written in the post-war years, they still have not lost their relevance. The heroes of the stories are tireless inventors and dreamers.

The quiz “Stories by Nikolai Nosov” contains 19 questions. All questions are answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. What stories of Nikolai Nosov do you know?
Answer:“Knock-knock-knock”, “Steps”, “Mishkina’s porridge”, “Friend”, “Karasik”, “Blot”, “On the hill”, “Hide and seek”, “Sparklers”

2. What “vegetable” stories of Nikolai Nosov do you know?
Answer:“Cucumbers”, “Gardeners”, “About Turnips”

3. What is the name of N. Nosov’s story, where public transport is one of the “characters”?

4. Name Nikolai Nosov’s stories whose titles contain proper names?
Answer:“Shurik at Grandfather’s”, “Sasha”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin”, “About Gena”

5. What song was playing on Mishka’s telephone receiver? (story "Telephone")
Answer:“Where, where have you gone, the golden days of my spring?”

6. What object did the heroes of N. Nosov’s story “Gardeners” fight for the possession of?
Answer: fought to win the banner

7. What plot number did the main characters of the story “Gardeners” get?
Answer: plot number 12

8. What device, emitting waves, prevented Fedya from the story “Fedya’s task” from learning his lessons?
Answer: radio

9. Why is one of Nosov’s stories called “The Living Hat”?
Answer: because in this story the hat moved as if it were alive

10. What animal got under the hat in the story “The Hat”?
Answer: cat

11. What was the name of Aunt Natasha’s dog in the story “Druzhok”?
Answer: Dianka

12. How many puppies did the dog Dianka bring in the story “Friend”?
Answer: Six

13. Which poem by Pushkin about winter was recited by Mishka in the story “Friend”?
Answer:“Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow..."

14. Which story by Nosov contains a profession in the title?

15. Misha from the story “Mishkina Porridge” is extremely active. Do you remember what actions he performed?
Answer:“I poured cereal into the pan”, “I grabbed a spoon and started pushing the porridge back into the pan”, “I took the mug and reached into the bucket”, “I grabbed the frying pan from the stove”

16. How old was the heroine Ninochka in the story “And I Help”?
Answer: Ninochka was five years old

17. Which story by Nosov contains a type of fish in the title?

18. Do the heroes of N. Nosov’s stories strive to understand the world around them?
Answer: Yes. Either they searched the entire yard, climbed through all the sheds and attics (“Shurik at Grandfather’s”), or they worked all day - “building a snow hill” (“On the Hill”). They either studied the structure of a telephone (“Telephone”), then decided to make a skating rink (“Our Skating Rink”).

19. What was the name of the watchman in Nosov’s story “Knock-knock-knock”?
Answer: Marya Maksimovna