Tarot online cross 4 cards. Tarot spread Celtic cross: fortune telling and interpretation

Range of issues in tarot divination Cross: development trends.

A typical question is: “What should I do?” "What is important?"

1. Tarot fortune telling The cross is one of the simplest, but no less interesting systems. This is a short, concise and short-term prediction, which is often enough to choose the right direction. This is what we are talking about.

2. This is not necessary.

3. This needs to be done.

4. This is what everything will lead to.

It is very important here to determine what distinguishes cards 2 and 3. Even if they are very similar in meaning, there is always some small difference, and it may turn out to be the most important, the one that separates the desired from the undesirable.

If you are laying out cards for yourself at a time of crisis, this layout technique can be of significant help to you. All you have to do is ask a simple question: “What is important now?” In this case, the meaning of the positions is:

1. This is what we are talking about.

2. It doesn't matter now.

3. This is important now and needs to be done.

4.This is where you will come first.

The same system can be used in cases where you do not fully understand the meaning of a card in another system. Shuffle all the cards again and spread out the Cross, asking the question: “What does such and such a card mean in my last spread?”

1. This is what we are talking about.

2. This is not what the card, in any case, means.

3. This is what she means.

4.This is its purpose.

Range of questions: the current state of affairs within a certain developing process.

A typical question is: “How is my career going? What stage am I at?

This technique shows not only the chronological series of events, but also reflects all our misconceptions and roundabout paths. First, a card is removed from the deck "Fool"(0 Grand Arcana). The remaining 77 cards are shuffled.

The questioner takes out 12 cards and “Fool” is added there. Then all 13 cards are laid out in a row.

The Fool card describes the “here and now.” All the cards lying in front of him indicate the path already taken. Those that follow the “Fool” represent the future, not yet passed, yet to come. If the “Fool” turns out to be the first card, this means that the Questioner is at the very beginning of development or is at the origins of some new endeavor.

If this is the last card, then the Questioner has reached the limit on the chosen road. A significant period of his life is already ending.

When laying out the cards, do not concentrate on the question. Free yourself from all thoughts. The question has already settled in your consciousness, and the unconscious will do the rest for you. It will guide your movements when you shuffle the deck.

The language of cards is images, and our soul speaks through images. A card reader is not a predictor, he is only a translator who knows how to speak the language of images and can help the Questioner enter into a dialogue with the unconscious. The meaning of the layout is not in everyday predictions.

What makes the Tarot particularly valuable is that it gives us a deeper understanding of our tasks in this world, of the essence of our nature.

What does the Western European tradition of tarot divination represent? The Cross

The main divinatory meaning of the card:


with favorable cards - UNDESERVED BENEFIT

with Justice, Court - BEING INVOLVED IN A CRIMINAL CASE with the Nine of Cups - will be avoided with the inverted King of Swords, Five of Staves - IT WILL NOT BE ABLE TO AVOID

A reversed card does not change the meaning:

Occult meaning of the card - REDEMPTION

In a straight position this card can mean the beginning of a new life cycle, any new things. There is energy, optimism, happiness and strength. Indicates unexpected, unplanned circumstances, events that can turn the current state of affairs upside down.

It also means the need to make important decisions.

In an inverted position speaks of restless and impulsive activity, of rash actions. Symbolizes madness and carelessness, a waste of energy, time and effort. Sometimes it means a person who starts many things at once, but does not complete anything, and also tirelessly seeks a change in environment.

For Etteila, this card in an upright position can mean stupidity, in an inverted position - madness. Next to the cards of Justice and Judgment, a criminal case foreshadows, but if the Nine of Cups also appears, it will be avoided, but if the King of Swords or the Five of Wands, it is unlikely.

When Joan of Arc won battle after battle, confounding seasoned commanders, some considered her a saint, others a witch. In a certain sense, both of them were right, because, undoubtedly, something was “LEADING” her. Inexperienced in life: (and even more so in the military craft) the girl was, in our opinion, the highest embodiment of the principle contained in the “Fool” card.

With a small bundle in which all his life experience is placed, without noticing the dogs trying to bite him, the Fool walks through life - a man of God, led by God’s right hand through all obstacles and obstacles.

The main characteristics of this card can be considered curiosity, the spirit of experimentation, and the search for change. The fool bursts into life and thereby begins a new turn in the spiral of infinity. He feels cosmic influences, hears the “voices” of Saints Margaret and Catherine, and is characterized by selfless idealism and endless fantasies.

Vagueness of goals, daydreaming, immaturity, and irresponsibility can irritate and bring disharmony. But in general, with this card we associate surprise (“the enchanted wanderer”), openness, innocence and an eternal readiness to amaze and be amazed.

With this card we associate all the divine simpletons - the “spirit of Flanders” Till Eulenspiegel in a jester’s cap, who is not afraid to ask the king to kiss his ass; the naive child Parzival, who, after difficult trials and a long journey, must find the Holy Grail; all Shakespeare's jesters with their “wise foolishness”; Ivanushka the fool, who conquered the princess and with her half the kingdom (and why did he succeed? Because he poked his nose into the forbidden room), Astrologically The Fool card is associated with Pisces in transition to Aries (the beginning of a new cycle) or with Uranus.

Upright means the beginning of a new cycle of life. Today is the first of the remaining days of your life. You are free to choose any direction, go anywhere, do anything.

Energy, optimism, strength. Unexpected events that can turn everything around. The card can also mean thoughtlessness, whims and caprices, extravagance, lack of discipline, immaturity, irrationality in thoughts and behavior, defenselessness, inability to calculate consequences, enthusiasm, exaltation, in extreme cases, frenzy, attacks of rage (amok).

In an inverted position this card may indicate that you have completely completed the cycle and achieved your desired goal. In addition, this position signals that you indulge in restless, impulsive activity, and your actions are thoughtless. You are wasting energy, time, effort.

Your choice may turn out to be bad, your decision may be fatal. Problems are not being solved. You are very careless in something important. Sometimes this card means a person who starts many things at once, but does not complete anything, tirelessly looking for a change in environment and activities.

The Cross layout is one of the simplest, but no less interesting layout. It allows you to get clear and concise answers, and very often comprehensive information about the further course of events. However, it can be applied to a wide variety of situations.

If you are not yet very familiar with all 78 cards, and you are confused by their number, you can limit yourself to 22 cards Major Arcana.

Position meaning:

  1. The meaning of the problem
  2. What not to do
  3. What to do
  4. What will happen, what will it lead to.

Interpretation of card meanings

It's best to start with card 1, which can sometimes contain unexpected information, although its message may be quite banal. Next, try to understand the difference between cards 2 and 3, because they contain the main advice of the entire layout. If there are similar cards in these positions, identifying the subtle differences between them is very important. Finally, look at the card in position 4, showing the possible (nearest) outcome.
Second option

The same layout can be used when you do not understand the meaning of a card in another layout. Having collected and mixed all the cards, lay out the “Cross” with the question: “What does such and such a card in position X mean?”

Then the positions of this layout acquire the following meanings:

  1. The meaning of the problem.
  2. What this card doesn't mean.
  3. What does it mean?
  4. The direction of development of events, where it will lead.
  • Advantages

    The presence of a large number of characters distinguishes tarot cards from many other methods of fortune telling, where the same meanings presented here in an elementary way have to be obtained by combining several symbols.

    In Lenormand, the Cross is the last, 36th card of the deck. It is a symbol of karma and fate, defeats, exams, worries, sadness, punishment and trials.

    The cross is a symbol of fate and destiny; a person must carry his cross and pass the exam. The map symbolizes the world of things, this is the earth and 4 cardinal directions, formed by 4 elements.

    The cross can also be associated with an instrument of torture; if it is decorated with leaves and flowers, it becomes a symbol of the tree of life and personifies eternal growth.

    In general, the Lenormand Cross is a karmic card, it is associated with the fate and individual plans of each person, you must find a creative way to solve problems and be ready for a challenge.

    The card shows that a person is facing great trials, usually it is negative in any position, the meaning in Lenormand Cross is that everyone has their own cross, problem or misfortune, sometimes it can be behind, or it can only be coming.

    The cross can warn of hardships and suffering; a person consciously accepts them for the sake of various higher-order goals, this is the so-called purification of a person through pain. This is a ruler card that influences surrounding cards, usually it is very negative.

    • She is responsible for the future, showing that it is determined for a person karmically.
    • She says you can start life again after a series of failures.
    • A person’s life priorities must seriously change, then it will be possible to implement the new ideas that have appeared.

    The card may mean that a person has given up on something, but it can also show faith, destiny, hope and trust; there is no need to lose faith in God and yourself. If they fell next to the Cross, then the person probably lost faith.

    The advice of the card is that it always encourages you to believe only in the best, in any situation, even the most difficult.

    This is a map of destiny and life path, depending on other maps it can be straight or rocky.

    There is a lot of sadness, sadness, suffering and grief in a person’s life, all this must be endured, it is also the end of some era, period or period.

    Lenormand Cross in a relationship reading

    If the card falls in the layout for love, then it will be fateful, and at the same time it is subject to tests, not every relationship is able to withstand them.

    Often it can mean the end of some relationship and indicate that you have serious trials ahead.

    Love will be tested repeatedly, it can also indicate that a person must take on difficult trials, on the other hand, the card means that people are destined for each other and there is a deep mental connection between them on a spiritual level.

    It often falls out for preachers, pastors, confessors and priests; if a Book falls next to it, then the person has a calling to write.

    Lenormand cross in a scenario for money and work

    If the alignment showed it, then it’s difficult to expect something good, things are going badly, then you need to prepare for even worse developments, there will be major losses, it’s easier to start all over again than to revive the old one.

    • If it happens in a health scenario, then you need to pay attention to the intervertebral cartilage, back, shoulders, arms, neck; in general, your health is not in the best condition, difficult treatment is underway, serious complications and even disability are possible.
    • The map shows chronic diseases that are extremely difficult to cure.
    • This disease may be an atonement for previous mistakes, it may indicate hereditary or genetic diseases, the disease gives a person a chance for complete self-analysis.

    It usually falls on adults with a slender physique, they are shy and overly fearful, they can be absent-minded, they usually dress discreetly and hide their eyes, they are calm, somewhat conservative and purposeful people, they are diligent, reliable and faithful, but at the same time they can be sad and despondent .

    They perceive life as a heavy cross. They see negativity even when everything seems to be fine; such people are often prone to depression.

    Often it can indicate a situation that a person will have for life. If she was shown, her answer is negative. It is important to look at where it is located, a lot depends on how the Cross is positioned and what cards are located nearby and surround it.

    If the Horseman fell with the Cross, then the person will overcome difficult moments when he receives the news, troubles and trials will soon end.

    If Clover falls with the Cross, then the person will have a new opportunity, and the pessimistic period will end.

    If there is a Ship in the layout, then the person is tormented by melancholy and languor, but this could also be the end of a bad period, emigration or a long journey.

    This is a very stressful card, but never lose hope, you always need to believe and you can overcome all the problems indicated by it.

    The Cross layout is one of the simplest and most popular Tarot layouts. The Cross Tarot card layout is one of the most ancient, but this does not make it any less interesting and convenient layout. To do this, ask the following questions: “What should be done?” or “What is important to me in this matter?” The Cross layout allows you to receive comprehensive information and clear answers about the possible course of events and the development of the problem depending on your further actions. The Cross layout can be used in a variety of situations; it shows the meaning of the problem and the spiritual development of the querent, advises what to do and what not to do. A novice fortuneteller who is not yet very familiar with all 78 Tarot cards can use 22 cards of the Major Arcana Tarot in this layout.

    Cross layout technique

    This layout uses four cards, which are laid out in the shape of a cross:

    the first Tarot card shows the basis, the meaning of the problem;

    the second Tarot card reveals your intentions, what you want to do and what you should avoid;

    the third Tarot card gives advice on what to do in a given situation;

    Fourth card Tarot predicts the possible development of the issue and the outcome in the future.

    Before starting fortune telling, shuffle the deck, if you are telling fortunes for yourself, then pick it up with your left hand, if you are telling fortunes for the querent, then let him pick it up with his left hand. You draw four Tarot cards from the deck and lay out the Arcana in the shape of a cross, as shown in the picture: the first card is on the left edge, the second is placed on the right of the layout, the third is on the top in the middle and the fourth card will be in the middle at the bottom of the layout.

    Interpretation of the meaning of Tarot cards in the layout

    It is better to start with the card in position 1, which sometimes contains unexpected information, although at first glance its message may seem quite banal. Next, try to understand the difference between the cards in positions 2 and 3, this is an important point in interpreting the layout, it is these cards that contain the main advice of the entire Cross layout. There may be similar cards in these positions, it is very important to consider the subtle differences in their meanings and feel the difference between them. The most important information in fortune telling may be in this difference between the cards in positions 2 and 3. And finally, the card in position 4 will show you the possible result of fortune telling and reveal the answer to the question of what is important now and what is not. You look at all the cards and then proceed to interpret the meanings of the tarot cards in the spread, taking into account the position and position of the card in the spread. After interpreting the meaning of each card, you summarize their meanings and draw a conclusion, getting the result of fortune telling.

    The second option for interpreting the alignment

    The same layout can be used when you need to clarify the meaning of a card in another layout. To clarify the meaning of the card, collect all the cards in the layout and mix them, then lay out the Cross layout with the question: What does such and such a card in position X mean?

    Then the positions of this Cross layout acquire the following meanings:

    1st position: The essence of the problem;

    2nd position: What this card does not mean;

    3rd position: What does it mean;

    The Tarot Cross spread is an ideal way to quickly consult the Tarot and is an excellent educational tool for those who wish to join the art of fortune telling with Tarot cards.

    Let's look at an example

    The querent is starting a new business, wants to know the prospects for the development of the business and get advice on further actions. Let's look at the example shown in the figure.

    Position meaning

    1st position: The essence of the problem;

    Position 2: What should not be done;

    3rd position: What needs to be done;

    Position 4: What will this lead to?

    1st position: card 1.Mage represents the essence of the problem.

    Core meaning: Leadership – Cunning

    Key words: Skill, determination, perseverance, skill, manipulation, initiative, creative powers, beginning.

    What can be said about this card, taking into account its position in the layout? The first card of the Tarot Magician represents the beginning of a new idea and any other activity. The magician takes the initiative into his own hands, and a start is made. The magician stands at the source of the path, and the outcome of the matter and the result depend on his choice, on his actions. On the other hand, the Magician card characterizes the querent as an experienced person, completely in control of the situation, everything is in his hands. The problem for the querent is the uncertainty and doubts when starting a business.

    2nd position: card 18. The Moon represents unnecessary and unimportant actions.

    Main meaning: Dreams – Illusions

    Key words: Intuition, clairvoyance, dreams, curiosity, ambiguity, unforeseen danger, deception, betrayal, forced concession, compromise, variability, deceptiveness.

    What can be said about this card, taking into account its position in the layout? The Moon card has a dark side that reveals the very abysses of the soul associated with fears and uncertainty, with nightmares and prejudices in front of the unknown and unknown. This card confirms the conclusions drawn from the card in the 1-Mag position, and the querent should not be afraid of the deceptions of business partners and refuse to open his own business. There is an unnecessary game of mind here, in other words, the querent’s empty fears; for him, all obstacles are solvable and surmountable.

    3rd position: card 15. The Devil represents an indication of what needs to be done.

    Main meaning: Passion – Satiety

    Key words: Sexual attraction, instinct, impulse, the power of the material, pleasure, self-justification, charm, charm, selfishness, violence, hostility, self-destruction, vice, betrayal;

    What can be said about this card, taking into account its position in the layout? The Devil card can mean a desire for enrichment and a thirst for material well-being. This Tarot card can be a prediction of the final choice and an omen of making an important decision. It indicates the need to make more efforts to achieve material success and give up any possible vices.

    4th position: Star card in the position of a possible result.

    Basic meaning: Hope – Optimism

    Key words: Hope, foresight, foresight, omen, inspiration, purity, recovery, expectation, great love, awareness, discovery of truth.

    What can be said about this card, taking into account its position in the layout? The Star card indicates that today's meetings and contacts are extremely important and will have consequences in the future for many years. The Star card is an omen, it indicates that all the plans that we are making or planning at the moment have a long future, their results will appear in the distant future, which is why it is difficult to fully understand what to do today.

    Result of the Cross layout

    As a result of the interpretation of the alignment, we can conclude that the querent’s fears and nightmares are in vain. He has enough experience and knowledge to start his own business if he puts in enough effort. You can draw a positive conclusion from the interpretation of the alignment, predict that everything will be fine for the querent in the future, but he may lose some material wealth if he does not change himself and does not give up some of his secret vices that may interfere and influence to a positive situation. If the querent is satisfied with this state of affairs in the future, then he may not change anything in his life. The readiness for action and success, indicated by the Magician card, is based on harmony between the querent’s consciousness and his subconscious. As a result of this harmony and self-confidence, the querent can really move mountains. A good omen in starting your own business is the Star card in the result position. In the traditional Tarot, the Star card was mainly interpreted as one of the three Guardian Angels, foretelling good luck and a favorable outcome of any planned business.

    Since ancient times, man has tried to predict the future. For this, various prediction tools and techniques were used. Some turned out to be not very successful and have sunk into oblivion, others have proven their effectiveness and are therefore used quite successfully to this day.

    Tarot cards are one such successful and effective tool.

    Both an experienced tarot reader and an amateur can handle this layout.

    The “Celtic Cross” layout will help you find the answer to any question that worries a person at any period of life. Interpretation of the cards here.

    To carry out this layout, you need a full deck of cards, the appropriate attitude, intuition and a little patience.

    Immediately before the start of the sacrament, you should calm the chaos in your thoughts, and it is good to imagine with maximum clarity the image of the person for whom you are currently performing the fortune-telling procedure.

    If there are problems with visualization, take his photo.

    If this action is carried out for yourself, then you should clearly imagine the situation, clearly formulate the question, and ask the cards to tell the truth.

    The deck is then carefully shuffled so that the cards are both upright and upside down.

    Since forward and backward card positions are given completely different interpretations, this shuffling of the deck is very important. After shuffling, some of the cards are moved towards you with the left hand and 10 cards are selected from the deck one by one.

    They need to be laid out like this:

    the first card is directly in front of you, the second is one card higher, the third is to your left, between the first and second cards, the fourth is a mirror image of the third, the fifth is to the left of the third, the sixth is to the right of the fourth. The remaining cards are laid out to your right in this way: the seventh is one card below the first, the eighth is on the same line with the first, the ninth is on the same line with the second, the tenth is above the ninth.

    What do these ten cards symbolize and how to interpret them?

    The first card denotes the consciousness of the fortuneteller and, accordingly, the situation that has been created by him at the moment.

    The second card shows the development of this situation, what help or hindrance can affect it.

    The third gives advice; by listening to it, the fortuneteller will be able to follow the right path to his future.

    The fourth describes the qualities of the fortuneteller or the features of the situation that were the reason for the creation of this event.

    The fifth card will tell you about moments of the past that have a connection with the present situation.

    The sixth card will predict changes in this situation in the future.

    The seventh card will describe the fortuneteller’s attitude to his situation.

    The eighth speaks of a person from the fortuneteller’s environment who influences the given situation.

    The ninth card will help you see what the fortuneteller is worried about and dreams about. These actions influence a person’s actions, and therefore the situation as a whole.

    The tenth card is the totality of all actions. Summarize and tell how this situation will end.

    The alignment can predict good luck or, on the contrary, turn out not to be in favor of the fortuneteller. Therefore, we must remember that, despite the fact that the Tarot is an effective tool, it is just a tool. And a prediction is not a sentence that cannot be appealed.

    Quite the contrary: each individual card can help to deeply analyze the aspect of life that it points to and give the key to a deeper understanding of the personality of the person for whom the alignment is made, which, in turn, can give this person the opportunity to change his life, his future in a favorable direction and turn even the most unfavorable forecast to your advantage!