New Year's entertainment for children 6 years old. New Year's games and ideas for children's parties

Magical and long-awaited holiday, which our children are so waiting for is already on the doorstep. You still have time to prepare for his meeting with the children, plan the scenario and study competitions and games for the New Year.

Games and competitions

Game "yes" and "no"

The host asks questions to which the game participants must quickly, without hesitation, answer “yes” or “no.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?
- Yes.
- Do you like jokes and gags?
- Yes.
- Do you know songs and riddles?
- Yes.
- Will he eat all your chocolates?
- No.
- Will he light the children’s Christmas tree?
- Yes.
- Will he hide the threads and needles?
- No.
- Doesn’t his soul age?
- Yes.
- Will it warm us up outside?
- No.
- Is Joulupukki Frost's brother?
- Yes.
- Did a rose bloom under the snow?
- No.
- Is the New Year getting closer?
- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?
- No.
- Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?
- Yes.
- Are all the masks bright on New Year’s Day?
- Yes.

Exists another option this game. The presenter names the items, and the participants also quickly, without thinking, answer whether they are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Yes.
- Blankets and pillows?
- No.
- No.
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Yes.
- Glass balls?
- Yes.
- Are the chairs wooden?
- No.
- Teddy bears?
- Yes.
- Primers and books?
- No.
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Yes.
- And the garlands are light?
- Yes.
- Snow made of white wool?
- Yes.
- Good soldiers?
- No.
- Shoes and boots?
- No.
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- No.

"Snow Mission"

For this game, you can use a small ball or make a “snowball” out of cotton wool. The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass the “snowball” around the circle. At the same time they say:
We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” on the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: “And read poetry to you!”, “Let’s dance for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on.

"Anecdote "with a beard""

The contestants take turns telling jokes. If one of those present knows the continuation, the narrator is given a “beard”, which is replaced by a piece of cotton wool. The one who ends up with fewer pieces of cotton wool wins.

"Cooking Competition"

Within a certain time (for example, 5 minutes), the participants in the game must create a New Year's menu. All dishes in it must begin with the letter "N" (New Year). Dishes on the menu for Father Frost must begin with the letter "M", and for the Snow Maiden - with the letter "S". The one with the largest menu wins.

“I’ll sing now!”

On New Year's Day, it is customary to sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree. But this activity can be diversified. For example, when the presenter claps, everyone begins to sing the famous song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...”. At the second clap, singing aloud stops, but all participants in the game continue to sing to themselves. On the third clap, everyone starts singing out loud again. The one who enters incorrectly is eliminated.

"Fairy tale character"

Cards are laid out on the table with the names of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters written on them (with the inscriptions facing down). The participant in the game pulls out any card and, after reading what is written there, must, using facial expressions, gestures, and characteristic sounds, portray this character so that those present understand who they are talking about. The first person to guess pulls out the next card.


The game involves two people. Each participant is blindfolded and asked to disassemble his own slide, in which peas, beans, lentils, and dried rowan are mixed (the ingredients can be changed depending on what is in the house). Blindfolded participants sort the fruits into groups. The one who completes the task first wins.

"Mystery Prize"

A small gift (notebook, pen, etc.) is wrapped in paper, onto which a piece of paper with a riddle is glued. Once again they wrap it in paper and again glue the piece of paper with the riddle on it. There can be any number of such layers, it all depends on the number of players. The participant unfolds one layer of paper, reads the riddle to himself and says the answer out loud. Then he unfolds the next layer, reads the riddle again to himself and says the answer. If he doesn't know the answer, he reads the riddle out loud. The first one to solve this riddle unrolls the next layer of paper. The winner is the one who, having solved the last riddle, gets to the gift.

"Mobile phone"

Participants in the game name the numbers in order. Those who get the number 5 or its multiples say “ding-ding.” Those who get the number 7 and its multiples say “ding-diling.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

"Choose a prize!"

Various gifts wrapped in little bags are attached to a long rope. The participant in the game is blindfolded and given scissors. He must cut some gift, which he gets.

"Slipper for Cinderella"

Participants in the game put their shoes in a pile and blindfold themselves. The presenter mixes the shoes into a pile and gives the command: “Find your shoe!” Blindfolded participants need to find their pair of shoes and put on their shoes. Whoever completes the task faster wins.


For this competition you will need sweet jelly or, for example, halva. The winner is the one who eats the portion offered to him the fastest using a toothpick.

"The Harvesters"

The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The task of each team is to move as many oranges or tangerines as possible to a certain place without using their hands in a certain time (for example, 10 minutes).


Each participant in the game has a piece of paper attached to their back with the name of an animal, object, etc. (for example, an elephant, a pen, a pear, an airplane), but so that the players do not know what is written on their pieces of paper. But they can read what is written on others' backs. Participants in the game must ask each other leading questions to find out what is written on their backs. The answers can only be “yes” or “no”. The one who guesses his “name” first is the winner. The game is played until the last person guesses correctly. Everyone receives incentive prizes.


This competition is best held outdoors. The presenter names a letter, and the competition participants must fashion any thing out of snow that begins with this letter. Whoever blinds faster and more reliably wins. You can conduct this competition at home using plasticine.


Learn these simple tricks, and on New Year's Eve you will become an unsurpassed magician in the eyes of your guests.

Thread on a jacket

You notice a white thread on your jacket and try to brush it off, but the thread remains on the jacket. Then you grab it by the tip and pull. To your surprise (and the surprise of other people), she continues on. You pull further and further until several meters of thread run out.

The secret of the trick: Before performing a trick, you put a small pencil in the inner pocket of your jacket, onto which several meters of thread are wound from a spool. Use a needle to push the tip of the thread through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The main thing is that there are no traces left in your pocket after the demonstration of the trick, if particularly vigilant spectators decide to inspect your pockets. That's why the thread is wound around the pencil.

Three glasses and paper

Place two glass glasses on the table at some distance from one another. Place a sheet of paper on top.

Take the third glass in your hands and invite the audience to place it between the two glasses on a sheet of paper so that the paper does not bend. Of course, no one succeeds. Then you demonstrate your “magical” abilities.

The secret of the trick: Fold a sheet of paper like an accordion along the long side, then it can easily support the weight of even a glass cup.

Magic rope

You sit down at a table in front of the audience, show them a rope, put it on the table and say: “I will tie a knot in this rope without using my hands.”

After this, cross your arms over your chest. Taking one end of the rope with your left hand and the other with your right, you spread your arms to the sides. There really was a knot in the rope!

The secret of the trick: There is no special secret here. You just need to take a rope at least 1 meter long. And, of course, carefully rehearse the act in order to be able to grab both ends of the rope from the table.

Magic "patch"

You ask the audience for two coins in denominations of 1 and 5 rubles. Place a 1 ruble coin on a small piece of paper, draw a mark around it with a pencil and then carefully cut out a hole with a diameter equal to this 1 ruble coin. After this, invite the audience to insert a 5-ruble coin into this hole. Nobody has any idea how to do this. Then you can easily solve the proposed problem.

The secret of the trick: Of course, a 5-ruble coin will not fit into such a small hole. But if you bend a piece of paper in half so that the fold line runs through the center of the hole, the hole will turn into a gap. Stretch the paper a little - the diameter of the hole is enough for a coin to slip through it with ease.

Without getting your hands wet

Take a large flat plate, place a coin on it and pour in a small amount of water until it covers the coin. Then ask the audience to take the coin without getting their hands wet.

The secret of the trick: You light a piece of paper and put it in a glass. Then quickly turn the glass over and place it on a plate near the coin. When the paper in the glass burns and goes out, the water from the plate will collect under it, and the coin will end up in a dry place.

Three layouts

Take any 21 cards and arrange them face up into three cards in seven rows. You should end up with three vertical columns of seven cards each. Invite one of the spectators to remember one card and say which column it is in. Carefully, one by one, place the cards in each column into piles, and then all the piles into one pile. In this case, a stack of cards from the column with the selected card must be placed in the middle between the other two. Then turn the stack face down, again arrange the cards in three columns of seven cards each, and again ask the spectator to indicate which column contains the chosen card. Fold the cards into columns and place the indicated column of cards in the middle again. And finally, lay out the cards for the third time and again place the column with the selected card between the other two. Count out ten cards. The eleventh card comes out.

The secret of the trick: the main thing is to always place the column with the hidden card between the other two.

Tricky trick

Take a deck of cards. Invite one of the spectators to choose and remember a card and put it on top of the deck without showing it to you. Then remove the deck and place its lower part on top. Lay out the cards face up and accurately indicate the hidden card.

The secret of the trick: To find the hidden card, we’ll use a little trick. Before demonstrating the trick, we remember the lowest card of the deck. Now, when laying out the deck, the hidden card will lie in front of the card that we spied.

Guessed card

You invite four spectators to sit at the table with you. You deal five cards to everyone. After this, the spectators must remember one card each from those in their hands. You collect the cards and lay them out on the table in five piles. Spectators choose one of the piles. You take the cards and fan them out to the audience. Then you ask which of them sees their card. Having received the answer, you accurately indicate the card that they remember.

The secret of the trick: You start collecting cards from the spectator who sits to your left and then go clockwise. Moreover, you collect all five cards at once, and not one at a time. Your cards will be the last to be collected, and they will be at the top of the deck. When you then arrange the cards into five piles, any one of them contains the cards in the order in which the spectators sit at the table. If, for example, a third spectator identifies “his” card, it will be third, counting from the top of the pile, etc.

Kings and ladies

Kings and queens are selected from the deck. You place them in front of the audience in two rows - separately for kings and separately for queens. You stack the cards, placing a stack of kings on top of a stack of queens. The resulting deck of eight cards can be removed by spectators any number of times. Then you hide the cards behind your back, take out two cards and show them to the audience. They see that it is the king and queen of the same suit.

The secret of the trick: Initially, you stack the cards so that the sequence of suits in both decks is the same. Behind your back, you divide the deck into two four-card decks and take the top card from each mini-deck. It will always be the king and queen of the same suit.

Intended number

Invite one of the spectators to think of a number. After this, the spectator must multiply it by 2, then add 8, divide by 2 and subtract the number he has in mind. After a significant pause, you announce that the resulting number is 4.

The secret of the trick: There is no secret, pure mathematics!


Happy child 27.11.2016

Dear readers, New Year and happy holidays are coming soon. I suggest preparing for them in advance! Today on the blog we have made for you a selection of New Year's games for children. What to play with the whole family? What to do with kids of different ages? How to properly organize the playing space? What secrets exist in this matter? We will try to find answers to these and other questions in the article.

The presenter of the column, Anna Kutyavina, will share her thoughts and ideas for games for the New Year for children. I give her the floor.

Hello, dear readers of Irina’s blog! Do you feel what the frosty air outside the window smells like? Snow, Christmas tree, tangerines... Although according to the calendar there is still a whole month until the most anticipated holiday of the year, many of us are already expecting a miracle in our souls. Indeed, on New Year's Eve, not only our children, but also we ourselves often make our most cherished wishes, sincerely believing that they will certainly come true! And from January 1, as in a fairy tale, a new life will begin...

So, are we starting to prepare for the holiday fun? In order not to sit through the last hours of December on the Internet, frantically searching for new ideas for games, let's take important steps towards a joyful New Year right now. As long as there is time, strength, energy and desire. And there are a lot of delicious and unusual ideas for fun! Go?

For your convenience, we have divided all the games into age categories. This will make it easier for you to navigate and choose what is best for your child. There are games near the Christmas tree, games with rhymes, New Year's musical games. A separate category includes games for the whole family - a creative space in which there is a place for everyone: moms and dads, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and kids!

New Year's games for children under 2 years old

Let's start looking at the fun with the littlest heroes of the holiday. Typically, children begin to actively engage in simple games from the age of 1.5-2 years. For even younger toddlers, we offer only the simplest things: round dances around the Christmas tree in mother’s arms; funny rhymes and songs with parents. We remember that infants should under no circumstances be overloaded with emotions, including positive ones! The “Christmas tree” for such children lasts no more than half an hour, and we certainly look at the child’s condition. If he is tired, we give him time to rest.

It’s great if mothers love to sing, write poems and fairy tales. It's time to fantasize and little by little include the baby in the creative process. The main thing is the emotional involvement of parents, the desire to play and create. Even with one-year-olds, you can make small crafts together, glue together a New Year's toy - boots from two cardboard parts, and then paint them with colored sparkles. The baby just sits in his mother’s arms, and the mother does everything herself using the “hand in hand” method. Then the toy is solemnly hung on the Christmas tree, and each guest is told who made such beauty. And everyone is happy and satisfied.

It’s good for kids to play short New Year’s songs to which they can clap their hands, stomp their feet, and twirl their butts. Remember first of all about safety precautions: if there is a toddler in the house, the Christmas tree should not stand on the floor, especially not hung with glass toys and garlands with lights.

New Year's games and competitions for children from 2 to 6 years old

Now we move on to the most “grateful” age. Preschoolers love games and fun; they are active and sociable. We present to your attention a selection of games for preschoolers:

Game "Guess the gift"

Place many different items and toys in a large bag. Invite your child to determine by touch what came into his hand. If the child guesses the name of the item, he receives a gift.

Game "Owl and animals"

One driver is selected - “owl”. The rest of the children show various animals: birds, mice, butterflies, frogs, bunnies, etc.
The driver gives the command: “Day!” - and all the “animals” run and jump merrily. On the second command: “Night!” - everyone freezes and doesn’t move. The owl flies to "hunt". Anyone who laughs, moves, or changes position becomes the owl's prey.

Game “It’s boring to sit like this...”

We seat the children on chairs near one wall. The presenter reads the poem:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,
Looking at each other.
Isn't it time to go for a run?
And change places?

With these words, the children quickly run to the opposite wall, trying to occupy the free chairs. There are one fewer chairs than players. The one left without a chair is eliminated from the game. The chairs are also removed one by one. The game is repeated until the winner takes the last chair.

Game "Fox and Hares"

Children move according to instructions in the text:

Along the forest lawn
The bunnies ran away.
These are the bunnies
Running bunnies.
(Children-bunnies run around the hall)
The bunnies sat in a circle,
They dig the root with their paw.
These are the bunnies
Running bunnies.
(“The bunnies” sit down and “dig” roots)
Here is a fox running -
Red-haired sister.
Looking for where the bunnies are,
Running bunnies.

(The fox runs between the kids. When the song ends, she catches up with the kids).

Game "Winter Mood"

The presenter reads poems, and the children answer: “true”, “false”.

1. Bloomed amidst the frost
There are large roses on the pine tree.
They are collected in bouquets
And they give it to the Snow Maiden. (Wrong)

2. With Snow Maiden Snowman
I'm used to visiting children.
He loves to listen to poems
And then eat candy. (Right)

3. Santa Claus melts in winter
And under the Christmas tree he gets bored -
What was left of him was a puddle;
On holidays it is not needed at all. (Wrong)

4. In February on New Year's Eve
Good Grandfather is coming,
He has a big bag
Full of noodles. (Wrong)

5. Toadstools do not grow in winter,
But they do roll sleds.
Children are happy with them -
Both girls and boys. (Right)

6. Come to us from hot countries in winter
Miracle butterflies are flying
Snowy warm times
They want to collect nectar. (Wrong)

7. A glorious New Year's holiday
Main cactus for kids -
It's green and prickly
Christmas trees are much cooler. (Wrong)

8. There are snowstorms in January,
Decorating the spruce with snow.
Bunny in his white fur coat
Jumps boldly through the forest. (Right)

Relay game "Fish"

The leader divides the children into 2 teams. Each team receives a small fishing rod with a hook.

Near each team there is a large blue hoop - a “pond”. In the pond there are toy fish with loops at the mouth, according to the number of participants. To the rhythmic music, the captains go to the pond, hook a fish with a fishing rod, and put it in the buckets of their teams. Then the fishing rod is passed on to the next participant. The winner is the team that finishes fishing first.

And what would a holiday be without music? Pick it up in advance, music always creates a festive atmosphere. And children always like such musical games.

Game "Round dance around the Christmas tree"

The simplest and favorite fun for kids! Turn on a funny song: “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” or “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” and go ahead!

Game "Snowball in a Spoon"

2 players participate at the same time. They are given a spoonful in their mouth, with a cotton snowball in the spoon. At a signal, children run in different directions around the tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and whose snowball remains in the spoon.

Game “Around the Christmas tree in bags”

2 children play at a time. They stand with their feet in the bags, supporting the top of the bags with their hands. At the signal, players scatter in different directions around the tree. The fastest one wins. Then the next pair plays.

Game “We are funny kittens”

The presenter turns on cheerful music. Children break into pairs and dance.
The presenter says: “We are funny kittens,” and the couples are separated. Each one shows a dancing kitten.

It is also very good to offer children various winter riddles. Children enjoy reciting poems and singing songs to Grandfather Frost. And they love to receive gifts.

Let's watch a video of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden playing various interesting games with children! There are a lot of ideas here.

Games for children 6-10 years old

Children of this age can be offered a wide variety of New Year's games, including musical games, dancing, relay races, and riddles. Various production of crafts and Christmas tree decorations are also great. Imagine and get involved!

Game "New Year's Castle"

Several people play. First, they are invited to carefully study the drawn drawing of the New Year's castle. Then everyone receives a set of plastic cups. The players are blindfolded. They get to work.

The participant who reproduces the drawing most accurately and quickly wins the competition.

Game "Tangerine Football"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Tangerines are laid out on the table. Players use two fingers to try to score a goal for the opposing team.

Game "The most accurate snow shooter"

Participants try to hit a target with snowballs - a target, or a bucket, basket, large box. The most accurate shooter wins the competition.

Game "Winter Wind"

Players sit at the table and try to blow a paper ball, a ball of cotton wool or a paper snowflake onto the floor.

Games near the Christmas tree and music games

Game "Decorate the Christmas tree"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Near each of them, the presenter places a box with unbreakable Christmas tree decorations.

Not far from the teams there are two decorated artificial Christmas trees. Children take turns taking one toy from the box, run to their team’s Christmas tree, hang the toy on it and run back. The game continues until the last player. The team that decorates the Christmas tree first wins.

Game "Cap"

Children stand in a circle. Cheerful music is turned on. Players begin passing the New Year's hat around in a circle. When the music stops, the one who still has the cap in his hands puts it on his head and completes the task of Grandfather Frost.

Family games

When a large family gathers at the holiday table, it's time to play fun family New Year's games. They perfectly unite representatives of different generations, and the connection between loved ones becomes even closer and deeper. Also, such games can be offered to groups of teenagers and adults.

Game “Making a Snowman”

To play, you need softened plasticine. Two players sit next to each other at the table. The left hand of one participant and the right hand of another work as the hands of one person, making a snowman. It is not simple! But it really unites! It's great if each couple has children and adults.

Game "Slipper for Cinderella"

All participants in the game put their shoes in a pile. Players are blindfolded. The presenter mixes the shoes into a pile and commands: “Come on, find your shoe!” Each participant, blindfolded, looks for his own pair of shoes and puts on his shoes. The one who completes the task first is the winner.

Game "Cinderella"

Two participants are required. Everyone is blindfolded and told to dismantle their slide. Peas, beans, nuts, dried rowan, and other ingredients are mixed in slides. Blindfolded participants sort the fruits into groups.

Game "Snow Mission"

You need to take a small ball, or make a “snowball” of cotton wool. The participants of the game stand in a circle. The “snowball” is passed around in a circle.

The presenter says:

We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” in his hands at the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase changes: “Let’s dance for you!”, “And read poetry for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on.

And here’s another very interesting game for the whole family for the New Year. I suggest watching the video.

New Year's karaoke

What would it be like to celebrate the New Year without songs? Select in advance a list of “cons”, such as:

- "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
- "Three White Horses"
- “The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky,”
- “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”
- "Five minutes",
- "Blue frost",
- “Song about bears”, etc.
Turn on and have fun singing with the whole family!

Dance game "Locomotive"

Adults and children stand in a column, placing their hands on the waist of the previous dancer. And the locomotive starts moving!

Our games are suitable for organizing a fun space at home, as well as for matinees and corporate events. Some can even be played outside.

Friends, I sincerely hope that you will like our New Year’s games and competitions for children, and you will certainly find something for yourself! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Anna Kutyavina, psychologist, storyteller, owner of the Fairytale World website,
author of the book of fairy tales for adults “The Piggy Bank of Wishes” And

I thank Anya for the wonderful ideas. All that remains is to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to have an interesting time with the children.

My dears, if you want to learn fun, playful songs for the New Year with your children, I invite you to the music blog page. These songs will create exactly the mood; they can be played in the background when you play New Year's games with the children near the Christmas tree, and musical ones.

Merry New Year songsHome first aid kit

Competitions for the New Year 2019, New Year's games and entertainment for children, read about all this in this article.

For the game you will need a facilitator, whose role is to ask questions to the children. And they must answer them in unison “yes” or “no.”
So, kids, let’s try to guess what our forest beauty will like:

  • Prickly needles?
  • Sweets, candies?
  • Chair, stool?
  • Bright garlands?
  • Friendly round dance?
  • Games and fun?
  • Boredom from idleness?
  • Joyful children?
  • Green flowers?
  • Grandfather with the Snow Maiden?
  • Children's laughter and jokes?
  • Warm clothes?
  • Cones and nuts?
  • Chess and checkers?
  • Serpentine, toys?
  • Lights in the windows?
  • Loud firecrackers?
  • Vegetables in the garden?
  • Marmalade and chocolates?
  • New Year's fun?
  • Friendly round dance under the Christmas tree?

About the game for children 2019: “New Year's bags”

To play you will need two bags, tables and boxes with New Year's tinsel, sweets, unbreakable toys and other little things that may not even be related to the New Year.

To play, you will need two children, who are blindfolded and given a bag. The children are brought to tables on which there are boxes with tinsel, toys, candies and other things. The music turns on and while it plays, the children fill their bags with everything they can get their hands on. At the end of the musical accompaniment, the total number of collected items in the participants’ bags is counted. The one who was able to collect the most different things wins.

Game "Looking for a Christmas tree"

To play, you will need to form two teams of children, each of which selects a captain, and a set of flags with images of fairy-tale characters.
Both teams line up in columns, the captains each stand at the head of their column. In another region, the participant is given a set of flags depicting fairy-tale characters. He passes each flag in turn through the column to the captain, and he reviews them to find the image of a Christmas tree. As soon as the captain discovers a Christmas tree, he needs to raise his hand with a flag and shout loudly: “Christmas tree!!!” The first team to discover the Christmas tree is considered the winner.

About the game for children 2019: “New Year’s Riddles”

The essence of the game is that the presenter reads a riddle, at the end of which the children need to shout out the answer to it in unison.

  • How beautiful you are, and the kids are happy about her, the branches are completely covered in needles, and we call her... (Christmas tree);
  • And on the New Year’s tree there is a lot of all kinds of beauty: garlands, and crackers, and toys, and ... (flags);
  • The stars shine brightly, the lanterns light up, the toys click loudly, they clap loudly... (crackers);
  • A bear is blinking at us from the Christmas tree, a monkey is smiling, there is snow and cotton wool, candies and... (chocolates);
  • Next is a little peasant gnome, a white snowman friend, a brown clumsy bear and a huge... (bump);
  • You cannot find a clearer outfit, like shiny garlands, gilding, tinsel and shiny ... (balls);
  • There is one flashlight burning, but here a boat is sailing, a red car is driving, and circling above everything... (snowflake);
  • The Christmas tree is preparing a surprise for everyone, from the reserves of Santa Claus, he lights it here for the cheerful children... (lights).

About the game for children 2019: “Get to the Christmas tree”

To play you will need some kind of prize or just an item. It is placed under the New Year tree.

Two people are taken to participate and placed at the same distance from the tree on different sides, but so that they have equally convenient access to the object. At the command of the presenter, cheerful music is turned on, which serves as a signal for the start of the competition. Participants need to jump to the Christmas tree on one leg and pick up an object. The one who does this first is considered the winner.

About the game for children 2019: “Collect snowflakes”

In this game, snowflakes are hung on a Christmas tree or garland. Participants are blindfolded.

At the command of the presenter, cheerful music is turned on, and blindfolded children collect snowflakes from the Christmas tree. When the music ends, the collected snowflakes are counted. The one who manages to collect the most snowflakes is considered the winner.

About the game for children 2019: “New Year’s Whys”

In the game, the host addresses all the children and asks festive questions. The kids’ task is to answer every question: “Because it’s New Year!”

  • Why is there fun everywhere, jokes are heard, there are no worries? ...
  • Why are everyone expecting cheerful guests any minute now? ….
  • Why does everyone write a hundred wishes in advance?
  • Why is a mountain of A's waiting for you all at school soon?
  • Why does the garland wink brightly at all of us together?
  • Why does everyone look forward to Santa Claus so much?
  • Why do we do a friendly round dance next to the Christmas tree?

About the game for children 2019: “Surprise under the Christmas tree”

To play the game you will need a cardboard Christmas tree, on which, instead of balls, round holes will be made into which ping-pong balls can easily pass.

The presenter gives the players a certain number of balls and takes them to a set distance, from which the children must hit the ping-pong balls into the holes. In case of successful hit, the participant is given a prize. Which can be located both on the Christmas tree and in Santa Claus's bag. It is better to place Christmas tree gifts in bags so that the resulting prize is a surprise for the children.

About the game for children 2019: “Children's pranks”

To play, you will need a presenter and a means to play music. Participants are placed in a circle.

The beginning of the game is marked by the inclusion of music, during which the participants must dance. As soon as the presenter turns off the music, he gives the command what the children need to do:

  • Puff - children begin to puff loudly;
  • Squeak - children begin to squeak;
  • Screaming - children scream;
  • Squeal;
  • Laugh.

In between pranks, music plays and children dance. The actions themselves in the intervals between music can be repeated ad infinitum, periodically changing their sequence.

About the game for children 2019: “Who can decorate the Christmas tree faster”

To play you will need two artificial Christmas trees. Sets of unbreakable Christmas tree decorations.

All kids are divided into two teams. Each team is given a box of Christmas tree decorations. Each team is assigned a Christmas tree, which is installed at a certain distance from the teams. The team lines up in front of their Christmas tree. At the leader’s command, the music turns on, and the children take turns taking a toy from the box and running up to the Christmas tree. Until one person hangs up the toy, the second does not take the next one from the box. To control this, additional assistants can be installed, for example, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman or other fairy-tale characters present at the holiday. Whichever team decorates the Christmas tree faster will win.

About the game for children 2019: “Don’t miss”

To play the game you will need ping pong balls and a small goal. Any available items from New Year's paraphernalia can be suitable for making gates: boxes, cones or small Christmas trees.

The kids are divided into two teams. Each team is assigned a corresponding goal. One by one, children approach the presenter or Santa Claus' assistants and receive ping-pong balls. The music turns on and to it the children begin to roll balls along the floor, trying to get into their goals, and go to the end of the column. The win is awarded to the team that was able to score the most balls into the goal.

About the game for children 2019: “New Year’s Fishing”

To play you will need fishing rods with hooks, hoops and sets of toy fish with rings at the mouth.
The number of fish must be no less than the number of players.

All children are divided into two teams, from which captains are selected. The captains are given fishing rods. For each team, a hoop is placed to indicate a fishing hole, inside which fish with rings at the mouth are placed according to the number of players in the team. At the command of the leader, the captains are the first to approach the hoop and pull out the fish with a fishing rod. The caught fish is located near the hole or can be placed in a special bucket. The team that catches all the fish the fastest wins.

About the game for children 2019: “Hare Cabbage”

To play you will need two collapsible toy cabbages. The number of sheets in which will be the same. Homemade paper cabbage made from colored paper may also work.

Children are divided into two teams. The children are put on bunny ears and lined up in two lines. Place cabbage at the same distance from them. At a signal from Santa Claus, music is turned on, to which the team players must take turns jumping to their cabbage and removing one leaf from it, and then skipping back to the team, passing the baton. The second player repeats the same procedure, and so on until the last player. The winner is the team who removes all the leaves from the cabbage head the fastest.

About the game for children 2019: “Attention guys”

To play, children line up in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. Alternately, but not in order, the leader begins to say the words “well done,” “hammer,” “milk.” Depending on the command spoken, children need to perform a certain action:

  • Well done - means that you need to jump once on the spot;
  • Hammer - means you need to clap your hands once;
  • Milk means that the children must say “Meow”.

The presenter needs to slowly draw out each word, thereby creating intrigue and uncertainty. Those who made the correct movement in accordance with the leader’s commands take a step forward, the rest remain in place. Over time, the pace of the game increases to sharpen the participants' attention. Victory is awarded to those who reach the leader first.

About the game for children 2019: “Christmas tree marathon”

To play you will need two children's scooters. A set of small Christmas trees placed on the floor.

The kids are divided into two teams. All participants are divided into two lines, the first of which are given scooters. In front of the ranks, Christmas trees are lined up at a distance from each other. At the command of Santa Claus, the first players in the ranks begin to go around the Christmas trees and in the same way return to the team and pass the scooter to the next team members. The victory goes to the team that managed to drive around all the Christmas trees without knocking them down and finish the competition first.

About the game for children 2019: “Catch the Mouse”

To play you will need cat ears to put on your head. A stick with a string and a toy mouse.

The required number of players is selected based on the number of sticks. Preferably no more than four. Each of the cats is given cat ears and given a stick with a rope and a mouse. At the command of the leader, the participants need to start winding the ropes, bringing the mouse closer to them. Victory is awarded to the player who is the fastest to wind the string around the stick and get to the mouse.

About the game for children 2019: “New Year’s Relay Race”

To play you will need two pans and two sets of New Year's flags.

All children are divided into two teams, which line up in two lines. Each team is given a pot with New Year's flags. The number of flags must correspond to the number of participants. At the command of Santa Claus, the first participants run up to the pots, pull out one flag at a time and return to their team. The participant with the flag gives his flag to the first player in the line, and he runs to the end. The participant who accepts the flag passes it on. All players on the team pass it from hand to hand until it remains with the last player in line. And he himself runs to the pan and takes out the next New Year's flag, repeating the whole procedure. As a result of the game, all the flags from the pans must be in the hands of the first player. And victory is awarded to the team that can collect all the flags first.

About the game for children 2019: “New Year’s Snowman”

To play, you will need two cardboard snowmen figures that will be missing buttons. Two black markers.

All children are divided into two teams, and the number of players in teams should be no more than seven or eight people. The guys in the teams line up in turns. The first person is given a marker with which he must run up to the snowman and draw the first button. Then he returns to the team and passes the marker to the next participant. The next one runs up and draws another button. During the competition, you can turn on New Year's music. Victory is awarded to the team that quickly draws all the buttons on the snowman and returns to their team.

About the game for children 2019: “Dance of funny kittens”

To play, you only need a means to play music and a presenter.

All children are divided into pairs. Initially, at the command of the leader, the music is turned on and the children begin to dance in pairs. Then, the presenter gives the command: “We are funny kittens.” Children separate from pairs and one by one begin to imitate the dance of cheerful kittens. This procedure is repeated several times at the discretion of the presenter.

About the game for children 2019: “Hare Carrot”

To play you will need two artificial Christmas trees, a plate and a carrot. It is advisable that the plate is not breakable.

All children are divided into two teams with the same number of players. Small Christmas trees are installed at the same distance from the teams. At the command of Santa Claus, the first participants with a plate in their hands and a carrot on it jump to the Christmas tree and go around it in a circle, returning to their team with a plate and carrot and passing it to the next player. The next player jumps along the same route, going around the tree and returning the plate with carrots to the other player. When determining the winner, not only the team that was the first to complete the relay around the Christmas tree is taken into account, but also dropped the carrot the least number of times.

About the game for children 2019: “Burenka”

To play, you need a pair of large galoshes, toy horns, and a bucket with white paper that imitates a bucket of milk.

All children are divided into two teams. Each team is lined up, and the first participant is given galoshes and put on toy horns. They give you a bucket covered with white paper, possibly with the inscription “Milk”. At the command of Santa Claus, New Year's music is turned on. Children with cow attributes run around the New Year tree and return to their teams. Running up to the next player, they pass over galoshes, horns and a bucket. The next player puts on all the paraphernalia and runs in the same sequence. The victory is assigned to that team.

About the game for children 2019: “In the New Year in a new hat”

To play you will need two chairs, two children's jackets, two hats and mittens.

Two players are selected and placed opposite chairs, on the backs of which jackets are hung inside out, and on the chairs themselves are hats and mittens placed inside out. At the command of Santa Claus, the players run to the chairs and begin to turn their jackets inside out. When they are turned inside out, put them on. Then they move on to the mittens turned out, and turning them inside out, put them on. Lastly, the hat is turned inside out and put on. Having finished putting on all the clothes, the participant must sit on a chair and shout loudly: “Happy New Year!” The winner is the participant who finishes dressing first and sits down on a chair.

About the game for children 2019: “New Year’s Bracelets”

To play you will need a Christmas tree rain and a device to play music. It is advisable to have the Jingle bells melody available, but any other cheerful New Year's song will do.

All children are divided into two teams, which form a circle. Each team member is given a bundle of rain. Santa Claus gives the command to start the competition. After which, the kids begin tying their rain from the first participant to the next one on their hand with a bow. The first participant ties his rain to the next, the second to the third, and so on. The last participant imposes rain on the hand of the first participant. The team that has finished tying the New Year’s bracelets raises their hands with the bracelets and shouts in unison: “Happy New Year!” The team that finishes the relay first wins.

About the game for children 2019: “Mysterious Christmas Tree”

To play the game you will need a set of cardboard balls, on the front side of which the letters that make up the word “TREE” will be written. The answers to the questions should be drawn on the back of these balls. Santa Claus gathers all the children and begins to ask riddles. After asking a question and receiving answers, Santa Claus gives the correct answer and turns the ball with the answer.

  • Whoever wheezes like a locomotive brings a cartload of apples. His needles will protect him from offenders and the wolf (waiting for answers).
  • Your answer is quite similar - he is actually a Hedgehog! Come to me quickly, get prizes quickly. (Santa Claus turns the ball with the letter “E”, on the back of which there is a hedgehog).
  • With a bright colorful outfit, she will be able to deceive with her glance. He will deceive you with his tail, red with a white end. (waiting for answers).
  • Receive hello sisters from the fox for your answer! Well, hurry up and get the gift! (turns the ball with the letter “L”, on the back of which is a fox).
  • Her outfit is a beautiful foil that a childish hand can quickly grab. To remove her outfit, to taste the tender sweetness. (waiting for answers).
  • These answers are good, and the beauty is a candy! Hurry up and get your gifts! (turns the ball with the letter “K”, on the back of which there is a candy depicted).
  • Round, smooth, like a ball, it shone like the bright sun. And having fallen to the ground from a branch, he ran quickly to the children. (waiting for answers).
  • A foreign orange visited us today. Hurry here, the game is over. (turns the letter “A”, on the back of which there is an orange).

About the game for children 2019: “Doctor Aibolit comes to visit us”

To play the game you will need two cardboard thermometers. Santa Claus' assistant is chosen to play the role of Doctor Aibolit.

All children are divided into two teams with the same number of participants. All participants are lined up in two rows. Doctor Aibolit approaches the participants and says: “Let’s see if anyone has a fever during today’s holiday?” At the same time, he places thermometers under the armpits of the first participants. At the command of Doctor Aibolit, the first participants place cardboard thermometers under the armpits of the second participants, the third, and so on until the last participant in the row. From the last team members, the thermometer is transferred in the same way to the first. Victory is awarded to the team that hands over the thermometer first.

About the game for children 2019: “New Year’s Clumsy”

The game is designed only for the attentiveness of the participants. All the children get together and answer Santa's questions with either “Yes” or “No”. At the same time, the main thing is not to focus on rhyme, as it can let you down.

  • Dear kids, would you like some fun? ...
  • Give me this answer: Were you waiting for me? ...
  • Are you always ready to dance by the Christmas tree? ...
  • New Year is nonsense, would we rather be sad? ...
  • I have a lot of sweets, shall we try them? ...
  • Are you always ready to spin with snowflakes? ...
  • Will you be able to push easily with everyone? ...
  • And it doesn’t melt at all Grandfather, do you believe me? ...
  • Shall we sing just a verse in a friendly round dance? ...

About the game for children 2019: “What has changed?”

To play, you only need a decorated Christmas tree. The point of the game is to develop good visual attention.

All the children gather around the Christmas tree. They can either be divided into teams or played for general attentiveness. Santa Claus gathers everyone and asks them to carefully examine the forest beauty. Children must carefully track which toys are hanging on which branches. After this, all children are turned away from the tree, the tree is covered with a screen, or the children are taken out of the room. While none of the children sees the tree, some toys are removed from it or new ones are added. Then the children are turned to the tree and asked to point out the differences. Depending on the age of the children, the game can be further complicated or simplified.

About the game for children 2019: “Round Dance of Snowflakes”

To play, you need to take a toy snowflake made of durable material. Unbreakable and large enough.

The Snow Maiden goes with a round dance around the Christmas tree, in which she gathers all the children. When the circle is closed, children are invited to play an exciting round dance of snowflakes. To do this, they are given a snowflake and music is turned on. While the music is playing, children must pass the snowflake from hand to hand in a circle. At the moment the musical accompaniment stops, the one who still has a snowflake in his hands leaves the circle. This continues until there is only one winner left. If there are a lot of children, you can use several snowflakes at once. And after several eliminations, reduce the number of snowflakes.

About the game for children 2019: “Airy Snowflakes”

For this game you will need snowflakes made of lightweight material. This can be paper or ordinary cotton wool, divided into flat lumps of fluff.

Santa Claus calls those who want to take part in the competition. All participants are lined up in the center of the hall and a snowflake is given to each one. At the command of Santa Claus, snowflakes are thrown up and kept in the air by blowing. Each participant is required to keep their snowflake in flight by blowing on it. The winner is the one who holds out and does not drop the snowflake the longest.

About the game for children 2019: “The Magic Snow Maiden”

To play the game you need the letters that make up the word “Snow Maiden”. A simple and understandable story for children, in which there are quite a lot of words with these letters.

The Snow Maiden gathers children into two teams. Participants in each of them are given letters that make up the word “Snow Maiden” in direct sequence. After this, the Snow Maiden begins to read the story. This can be any piece, as long as it is not very long. The Snow Maiden needs to place special emphasis on words consisting of letters that children have. And the teams must form the right word, swapping the places of the participants among themselves. For each correctly composed word, the team that first composed it receives a point. The team that collects the most points wins the game.

About the game for children 2019: “Reindeer Racing”

To organize the game you only need two chairs. It is advisable that the races take place in a large hall.

Santa Claus gathers two teams that must line up in two rows. Each participant must grab the person in front by the waist, thus forming a team. A chair is placed in front of each team. At the command of Santa Claus, the teams squat in their current position. After which, Santa Claus gives instructions to start the race. Both teams must start moving around the chairs and return to their starting position. If one of the teams breaks the formation, they cannot move further until they connect again. It is possible to stipulate in the rules that in the event of a break in formation, the team is automatically counted as defeated.

About the game for children 2019: “Two Frosts”

It is advisable to have enough free space for the game. So that children have somewhere to accelerate and run.

To do this, the children are lined up behind a conventionally drawn line, which can be marked with anything. On the other side of the hall there is the same feature. The space between these lines includes two more people who will play the role of Morozov.

They begin their speech with the words:

  • Two young brothers - Morozenkov, the daring;
  • I am Frost the red nose;
  • I am Frost blue nose;
  • Which of you will decide to go past us?

The children say in response: “Oh, we are not afraid of the frost, nor of cold threats!”

All the children start running from one line to another. Between the lines, Frosts can catch them and freeze them. Whoever Frost touches must freeze in the same place. Beyond the line, Frosts cannot touch children. And they again run between the lines and, as they go, free their comrades by touching them.
So, the children’s task is to free all their frozen comrades, and the Morozov’s task is to freeze all the children.

About the game for children 2019: “New Year’s Raffle”

This game is designed for the ingenuity and knowledge of those involved.
At the beginning of the game, Santa Claus announces to the children that none of them will be able to repeat three short phrases correctly. The children, naturally, do not agree with him, and assure him of the opposite. In response to this, Santa Claus says that it’s time to check it out. He says a short phrase, for example, “New Year is coming to us!” The children repeat what was said in chorus. After which Santa Claus becomes embarrassed and thinks a little, but immediately rejoices and says the second phrase a little quieter: “The weather is beautiful outside!” The children repeat exactly what was said. To which Santa Claus laughs and says: “Well, you were wrong!” Everyone begins to be indignant that they repeated the previous phrase exactly. To which Santa Claus replies that the third phrase that they had to voice was “So you were mistaken,” but the children could not repeat it.

About the game for children 2019: “Lucky Snowflake”

For this game you will need paper snowflakes attached to the ceiling with numbers written on them, for example, from 1 to 35.

Santa Claus gathers children in the center of the hall and announces New Year's dances in the snow, but asks the participants to carefully monitor the snowflakes during the dance. Then he gives the command to turn on the music and the children begin to dance. When the music stops playing, Santa Claus loudly announces a lucky snowflake, for example, snowflake number 18. Children must find the matching snowflake, and the one who does it first receives an incentive prize.

About the game for children 2019: “Attentive Snowmen”

This game is designed for the attentiveness of children. To conduct it, a host is enough, who can also be one of the fairy-tale characters: Father Frost or the Snow Maiden.

The gathering of all snowmen in the center of the hall is announced. The presenter sets a simple task for everyone - to carry out the command only if the word “Please” is added to it. Eg:

  • Snowmen, hands up please;
  • Snowmen, please sit down;
  • Snowmen, please, let's jump.

But if there is no word “Please”, then there is no need to follow such an instruction. And those who still follow the instructions without the word “Please” are eliminated from the game. The most attentive child receives a prize.

About the game for children 2019: “New Year's laughs”

This game is designed for the attention of children. Any person can be appointed to the role of presenter; he is given a list of questions in advance.
All participants are gathered in the center of the hall, and each is assigned a specific name associated with the New Year holidays: snowflake, Christmas tree, bear cub, star, tiger cub, fireworks, sleigh, etc.
The children are placed randomly together and a leader is invited, who should not know what they were named. After which the presenter asks various questions, and the children say their names in order, regardless of their content.


  • Who are you?
  • Snowflake!
  • What's on your nose?
  • Sled!
  • What will you eat today?
  • Christmas tree!

The principle of the game is that participants are not allowed to laugh. If someone laughs, he is eliminated from the game. Or in another interpretation, he is obliged to complete some task from Santa Claus: solve a riddle, perform actions, etc.

About the game for children 2019: “Names”

To play the game you will need two sheets of paper, on which the endings of names will be indicated: “la”, “sha”, “iy”, “or”, etc. You will also need two bags in which pieces of paper with the beginnings of the same names are placed.

For the game, children are assembled into two teams, the number of which must correspond to the number of names in the table. The presenter gives the team captains each a bag and, according to his order, they must run to the sign and, taking out a piece of paper from the bag with the beginning of the name, attach it to the corresponding cell with the ending in the table. After this, the first one runs back to his team and passes the baton to the next one, who also runs to the table and takes out a paper from the bag with the beginning of the name, etc. The first team to finish filling out the table with names wins.

About the game for children 2019: “What types of Christmas trees are there?”

This game is designed for the attentiveness of the participants.
Santa Claus gathers all the children in the center of the hall and starts the game. The rules are very simple: the presenter names what types of Christmas trees there are, and the children must show it with their hands.


  • Christmas trees are tall - children raise their hands up;
  • Christmas trees are low - children sit down;
  • Christmas trees can be wide - children spread their arms to the sides, showing the width of the trees;
  • Christmas trees can be slender - children fold their arms along the seams and stretch out like a string.

The point of the game is that Santa Claus changes the sequence of his commands, and the children must show exactly what he says. Those who are confused are out of the game.

About the game for children 2019: for the little ones “Guess the gift”

You will need several gifts that children can guess by their shape and a gift bag. And also perhaps using a blindfold instead of a bag.
Santa Claus calls the children to him and, one by one, invites them to take a gift out of the bag, while, having felt the gift, the child does not see what he got. And Santa Claus asks: “What did you get there?” The child needs to guess by touch what is in his hands.

About the game for children 2019: “Spoon with Snow”

For this game you will need cotton wool or ready-made cotton wool snow and a couple of spoons. Santa Claus invites two game participants to the Christmas tree. Children are given a spoon containing a cotton snowflake. Each child must take the spoon by the handle with his own hands and, at the leader’s command, begin to run around the tree so that the cotton snow does not fly off the spoon. It is prohibited to hold the cotton wool with your hands. Victory goes to the participant who was the first to return to Santa Claus with cotton snow in a spoon.

About the game for children 2019: “In the bag for gifts to the forest beauty”

For this game you will need two bags that the kids can fit into. The presenter calls two guys over to him, who climb into the bags up to their waists and hold them with their hands. At the leader’s command, they begin to run around the tree in the bag from different sides. Victory is awarded to the fastest runner in the bag.

New Year's games for preschoolers: description of games, card index of New Year's games for preschool children from 3 to 7 years old.

New Year's games for preschoolers

In this article you will find 8 New Year's educational games for preschool children, which you can play both at the New Year's holiday and at home during the New Year holidays. After all, during the winter holidays we have more time to communicate with children and have family leisure! Games will give you ideas. In this article I shared my favorite games that we play with children on New Year's days. And if your family has favorite New Year’s games for children, I will be glad if you share them in the comments to this article.

In addition to the descriptions of the games, at the end of the article you will find a colorful library of games from the article and a link to download it for free. The game library can be used as a folder - moving.

New Year's games for preschoolers: description of games

Game 1. “Where are our hands”: we play with a toy Santa Claus and develop the child’s speech

In this fun grammar game, your child will quietly learn to use words in the genitive plural correctly, and we will prevent many speech errors.

To play you need a paper figure of Santa Claus or a toy Santa Claus.

How to play:

We go with the child to the toy Santa Claus and say the rhyme:

"You are kind, you are bright,

You're wearing a fur coat, you're wearing a hat,

Your nose is red.

So you are Santa Claus!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

Don’t freeze our hands!”

Santa Claus answers (the adult speaks on behalf of the toy cheerfully and jokingly): “Where are your hands? I’ll freeze it now!”

The players’ task is to quickly hide the named part of the body and tell Santa Claus: “Our hands are gone!”

You can cover the named part of the body with your palms, clothes or a scarf or handkerchief. You can stand so that your hands are not visible and cover each other’s hands.

Santa Claus: Where are your legs?

Adult and children: Our legs are missing (we hide our legs under a chair, under a scarf).

Santa Claus: Where are your heels?

Adult and children: Our heels are missing (we hide our heels when sitting on our knees).

Every time a child and an adult figure out how to hide the named part of the body from the Santa Claus toy (no noses, mouths, ears, cheeks, eyes, elbows, knees, etc.). If the child made a mistake, for example, said: “We don’t have eyebrows” instead of “eyebrows,” then Santa Claus asks him again: “Something I didn’t hear - where are your eyebrows?”

Game dictionary:

For small children under 3.5 - 4 years old, we use the simplest words in the game: no heels, knees, arms, legs, palms. Then we introduce more complex words - no mouths, ears, noses, mouths, cheeks, eyebrows, necks, chins, lips, foreheads, etc.

At the end of a dialogue of 5-7 lines (“we don’t have..”), the toy Santa Claus says jokingly:

"One two Three! Run away from the frost! I'll freeze it!" And the child runs away from the frost to the appointed place (his house). The game is repeated again 1-2 more times.

Game 2. New Year's educational game “Guess the Christmas tree toy”: speech development and spatial orientation

The game is played next to a Christmas tree decorated with toys.

Option 1. Guess the toy from the description.

First, look at the toys on the Christmas tree, does the child know who it is, what is the name of this toy? Then the child describes the toy, naming its characteristics. The players guess. When the toy is guessed, everyone imitates this toy to cheerful music.

For example: “This toy is very funny. She has a big blue hat and yellow trousers. She holds a large book in her hands. This toy smiles” (Dunno).

Or “This toy is small. She is white. She has long ears and a short tail. She can jump. This toy is very afraid of the fox and the wolf. Who is this?".

If it is difficult for a child to make a wish for a toy, then an adult tells him the beginning of the phrase: “This toy…. Which? She has... what? What kind of tail does she have?

Option 2. Guess the toy by its “address”.

Each toy has its own “address” on the New Year tree. First, look at the Christmas tree: who lives where? Who lives next to the bear? What toys live above/below the house? Which toys live to the right of the fox, and which ones live to the left of the fox?

Then the presenter makes a riddle for a toy, and the children try to guess which toy is riddled by asking the presenter questions: does this toy live on the tree above the bear figurine? Is it to the right of the asterisk? Is she to the left of the candy? In the future, the children make wishes for toys, and the adult guesses them based on the questions.

Game 3.New Year's speech game "Masks": development of speech and logical thinking

In a fun game we will teach the child to ask questions in a logical sequence and conduct a dialogue.

You will need: ready-made New Year's masks for children or homemade masks.

How to play:
Step 1. A mask is put on the child’s head so that he does not see the image on it. There should be no mirrors in the room so that the child cannot see what kind of mask is on his head.

Step 2. The kid tries to guess what role he plays by asking questions to the players. Questions can only be answered “yes” or “no”.
For example: Am I human? (No). Am I an animal? (Yes). I can jump? (Yes). Can I run? (Yes). Am I green? Do I eat grass? I am kind? etc.

Step 3. After the child has guessed, he takes off the mask and checks the correctness of the answer. And passes on the role of guesser to the next kid.

First, the adult shows how to play this game (becomes the leader of the game, asks a sequence of questions and guesses his mask), then the child guesses.

Helpful advice. How to make a mask:

Option 1. Cut out a strip of paper and glue a picture of a fairy-tale hero or animal to it. The mask and headband are ready. It can also be used to stage fairy tales at a children's New Year's party.

Option 2. Draw the animal’s face. We make two slits on the side and insert ties. We tie the mask on the child's head.

Game 4. Game with snowflakes “Guess the surprise”: speech development

Through the game we enrich and activate children’s vocabulary, we teach the child to speak vividly, figuratively, and expressively.

Make snowflakes out of paper (You can learn how to make different types of snowflakes). Make a large pile of them on a table or floor. Place a surprise (picture, sticker) under the snowdrift so that it is not visible what exactly is hidden under the snowdrift. Ask your child to “disenchant” the snowdrift and find the prize.

In order for the snowflakes to fly away, you need to praise them - name which snowflakes. They are... white, openwork, patterned, cold, shiny, dancing, beautiful, wonderful, icy, fluffy, small, etc.

The adult and child take turns saying one word each. An adult names complex words that are rarely encountered in everyday life, enriching the child’s vocabulary. The child names simpler words in the game.

The number of snowflakes in a snowdrift depends on the age of the child and the level of development of his speech. For the smallest children, it is enough to choose 5 words for the child; for older children, it can be 10-15 words.

When all the snowflakes have flown away, the baby can see the surprise that was hidden under the snowdrift and take it for himself.

Game 5. Find a New Year's surprise: learning to navigate in space

Option 1. Ask your child to go out the door and hide the New Year's toy - a surprise. When he enters the room, tell him the way to the toy. An approximate path can be told like this: “Go straight to the table, turn right at the table (the child does). Walk five steps. Now one step back, turn left (the child does). Walk two steps. Search!” In the first games, you can give a three-year-old child one or two commands; give a four-year-old child no more than 2-3 commands. Then you can increase the number of teams to 5 or even more.

Option 2. When your child masters this game, make it more difficult. In the second version of the game, the baby needs to name the direction in which he is going. Here's how it's done.

Cut out arrows of different colors from colored paper or colored cardboard and place them on the floor. Tell your child: “Go where the red arrow is pointing, walk three steps. Where should you go?” (the child names the direction: left, right, straight or back). “Then go where the blue arrow points. Where is she taking you? (the child calls right or left, forward or backward) Walk 2 steps.” Now search!

Option 3. For older preschoolers, make the task more difficult. Draw a room plan in advance. On the plan, mark the window, door and main pieces of furniture with bright colored rectangles, squares, circles. Mark on the plan with a cross the place where you hid the New Year's surprise.

The child will need to look at the plan of the room, find a door, window, closet, table, sofa on the plan; your location in the room; the place where the prize is hidden. And then find a surprise. It could be a surprise from Santa Claus, or his new task, or a riddle, or a picture - a coloring book, or a small new New Year's toy for the Christmas tree.

Game 6. Family game “One, two, three, look”: a game for unity, liberation and good mood

Both children and adults participate in the game. Players are divided into pairs. Each couple agrees with each other in advance what they will perform for everyone. It could be a small quatrain about a Christmas tree, one verse from a famous New Year's song, a tongue twister, a rhyme or a simple phrase, New Year's greetings for everyone. You can prepare short texts in advance to help adults learn them with kids.

The first couple goes to the Christmas tree and performs their surprise for everyone.

Immediately after this, the game leader says to the first pair: “One…. Two….. Three…..”, stretching out the pauses between words. In response to these words, the players from this pair need to quickly stand with their backs to each other. The presenter continues: “Look.” Players in a pair turn their heads to the right or left.

If the players in a pair match (that is, they both turned in the same direction - for example, towards the tree, towards the window), then they hug and congratulate each other on the New Year. Or maybe they receive a small gift, for example, a cranberry in powdered sugar or a picture, a sticker, a coloring book, or a small prize.

At the end of the game, all players receive small prizes.

Game 7. When Christmas tree decorations come to life: development of expressiveness of movements, emancipation of the child

Look at the toys on the Christmas tree with your children. Tell us that at night, when people sleep, Christmas tree decorations come to life.

Let's close our eyes and imagine what our favorite Christmas tree toy does at night (horse, Snow Maiden, icicle, flashlight, etc.). What is she doing? (we name possible actions - the doll dances, goes to visit, sings songs, bats its eyelashes, combs its hair, etc.)

Tell your child: “Now guess what my favorite Christmas tree toy was as a child. I’ll show you how she came to life at night.” Picture, for example, a soldier beating a drum. Or a doll. You can perform any actions as a toy - walk around the room, greet the child, examine various objects, salute. But toys don’t know how to speak - they do it all in silence!

The child guesses the toy you wished for.

Then the child makes a wish for his Christmas tree toy and shows you with gestures what he does at night silently, so as not to wake up his owners. And you guess.

Game 8. Family game “Pass Santa’s Letter”: we introduce the child to polite words, develop a culture of communication

Take an envelope or bag and put small New Year's surprises in it. Prepare audio fragments of different New Year's songs (the duration of one fragment is 30-45 seconds).

How to play:

Option 1. All players sit in a circle. Turn on the music and pass the envelope around. The rule is that when handing over an envelope (bag), you must make a polite request. Otherwise, the envelope cannot be handed over. Adults help children by initially suggesting different options for wording the request.

Game dictionary: how can I ask

- Misha, please pass the letter (bag) on.

- Vanya, do a good deed, please pass on the letter.

- Lena, if it’s not difficult for you, pass the letter.

- Grandma, could you pass the letter?

- Mommy! Please pass the letter on!

- Olenka! I beg you very much: pass on the letter.

Polite words: Please. Be a friend. I beg you. Please. Could you. If you do not mind. Be so kind.

As soon as the music stops, the passing of the letter in the circle also stops. This means that the one on whom the music stopped (who now has the letter) can open it and take one picture as a gift. Then the music begins to sound until a new stop.

Option 2. From the envelope we take out not prizes in the game, but tasks - forfeits (sing a song, wish everyone a Happy New Year, pretend to be Santa Claus, ask a New Year's riddle, etc.)! If the music stops, the player takes the task out of the envelope and completes it. The envelope must contain not only tasks, but also empty surprise cards, as well as small gifts. The intrigue of the game - what will the player encounter? You'll be surprised how quickly adults can pass envelopes to each other in this game! 🙂

New Year's games for preschoolers: card index of games in pictures

You can print the card index of New Year's games from this article on A4 sheets.

Design of the card file “New Year's games for preschoolers” (here below, as an example, compressed pages of the folder with New Year's games are given; pages for printing on a printer can be downloaded from the link above).

New Year is a holiday that everyone, adults and children, is looking forward to. Interesting competitions for children for the New Year will help you relax and have fun at the same time. Only here you can play “New Year” games, where all the brightest and New Year’s games for every taste are collected!

GAME “NEW YEAR’S Shifters”

Santa Claus says phrases, and children must answer “yes” or “no” in unison, regardless of the rhyme.

You, friends, came here to have fun?..
Tell me a secret: Were you waiting for Grandfather?..
Will frosts and colds scare you?..
Are you sometimes ready to dance at the Christmas tree?..
A holiday is nonsense, Let's get bored better?..
Santa Claus brought sweets, will you eat them?..
Are you always ready to play with the Snow Maiden?..
Can we push everyone around without difficulty? Certainly...
Grandfather never melts - Do you believe this?..
Do you need to sing a verse at the Christmas tree in a round dance?..


As many toys as possible are put into Santa Claus's bag. Each child puts his hand in there, determines by touch what he caught there, and describes in detail. After everyone has taken a toy from the bag, you can announce that these are New Year's gifts (this, of course, is not improvisation, you took care of the gifts in advance)

GAME "Naughty Girls"

All children are located around the hall, 4 people in a circle. Cheerful music is playing and the players are dancing. As soon as the music stops, the presenter announces: “Puffs!” (children puff) Then the cheerful music plays again, the players dance. At the end of the music, the presenter announces: “Tweeters!” (children squeak) Thus, the game continues further with various pranks: “Chants!” (children scream); “Squealers!” (children squeal); "The funny ones!" (children laugh) and again from the beginning. The order in which pranks are announced changes periodically.


Children form 2 teams. At a certain distance from the teams there is a small artificial Christmas tree. Cheerful music sounds, the first participants with carrots on a plate run to the small Christmas tree and back, passing the plate to the second participants, etc. The team that manages to drop the carrot from the plate the least number of times wins.


Divide children and adults into 2 teams. We give everyone decorations for the Christmas tree and clothespins. Toys, snowflakes, garlands need to be hung on... one of the team members... Let him spread his fingers and shine like a Christmas tree!
Yes... he can also hold a garland in his teeth.
Turn on the recording of the chimes! Whoever comes up with the funniest Christmas tree in 1 minute while the recording is going on wins!


2 players each receive an elegant bag and stand at the coffee table, on which in a box there are scraps of tinsel, unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, as well as small things not related to the New Year holiday. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, blindfolded participants put the contents of the box into bags. As soon as the music stops, the players are untied and look at the collected items. The one who has the most New Year's items wins. The game can be played 2 times with different players.


Inventory: Baskets according to the number of participants, cubes, marbles, balls - an odd number. Preparation: “potato” cubes, etc. are placed on the platform. Game: Each player is given a basket and blindfolded. The task is to blindly collect as many “potatoes” as possible and put them in a basket. Winner: The participant who collected the most potatoes.


The presenter says quatrains, to which the children answer “true” or “false.”

1. The waxwings flew to the birch tree in a motley flock. Everyone is glad to see them, Marvelous praising their outfit. (Right)
2. Large roses bloomed among the frost on the pine tree. They are collected into bouquets and given to the Snow Maiden. (Wrong)
3. Santa Claus melts in winter and gets bored under the Christmas tree - A puddle remains from him; On holidays it is not needed at all. (Wrong)
4. With the Snow Maiden The Snowman is used to coming to children. He loves to listen to poems and then eat candy. (Right)
5. In February, on New Year’s Eve, Good Grandfather comes, He has a big bag, all filled with noodles. (Wrong)
6. At the end of December, the calendar sheet was torn off. It is last and unnecessary - New Year is much better. (Right)
7. Toadstools don’t grow in winter, but they roll sleds. Children are happy with them - both girls and boys. (Right)
8. Miracle butterflies fly to us from hot countries in winter, They want to collect nectar in the warm snowy times. (Wrong)
9. In January, snowstorms blow, covering the spruce trees with snow. A bunny in his white fur coat boldly jumps through the forest. (Right)
10. On New Year's holiday, the glorious Cactus is the main one for the kids - It is green and prickly, Christmas trees are much cooler. (Wrong)


Several couples participate. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 4 meters. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain number of “snowballs” (tennis or rubber balls). At a signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The first couple to finish the game and collect the most snowballs wins.


The presenter speaks quatrains, and the children shout out the words of each final line in chorus.

She’s pretty in her outfit, The kids are always happy to see her, There are needles on her branches, She invites everyone to a round dance... (Yolka)
There is a laughing clown on the New Year's tree in a cap, silvery horns and with pictures... (flags)
Beads, colored stars, Painted miracle masks, Squirrels, cockerels and pigs, Very sonorous... (Clappers)
The monkey will wink from the tree, the brown bear will smile; Bunny hanging from cotton wool, Lollipops and... (Chocolates)
An old boletus man, Next to him is a snowman, A red fluffy kitten And a big one on top... (Bump)
There is no more colorful outfit: Multi-colored garland, Gilded tinsel and shiny... (Balloons)
A bright foil lantern, a bell and a boat, a train and a car, snow-white... (Snowflake)
The Christmas tree knows all the surprises and wishes everyone fun; For happy children Light up... (Lights)


The players stand in a circle. The presenter commands: “Touch yellow, one, two, three!” Players try to grab the thing (object, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle as quickly as possible. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The presenter repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one standing wins.


The children answer the host’s questions in unison with the phrase “Because it’s New Year!”

Why is there fun all around, Laughter and jokes without worries?..
Why are cheerful guests expected to arrive?..
Why does everyone make a wish in advance?..
Why will the path of knowledge lead you to “A” grades?..
Why does the Christmas tree playfully wink at you with its lights?..
Why is everyone waiting here for the Snow Maiden and Grandfather today?..
Why do children dance in a circle in an elegant hall?..
Why does Santa Claus send good luck and peace to the guys?..

GAME “Well done, HAMMER, MILK”

Children form a circle. The leader is in the middle of the circle. He alternately (out of order) calls the words “well done”, “hammer”, “milk”, after which the players perform the following movements: - “well done” - jump in place 1 time; - “hammer” - clap your hands once; - “milk” - they say “meow”. The presenter stretches out the first syllables of words to confuse the participants in the game (“mo-lo-o-dets”). The game changes from a slow pace to a fast pace. Those who are inattentive remain in their playing places, and those who perform the movements in accordance with the words without mistakes take a step forward. Thus, the winners are the participants in the game who reach the leader faster than others.


Let the guys take turns listing everything that happens in the New Year: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snow, gifts, Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations, cake, needles, on the floor, lanterns, etc. The one who runs out of ideas is eliminated from the game, and the most persistent one wins.

The child looks carefully at the tree for a minute (or another set time), and then turns away and lists in as much detail as possible what is hanging on it. The one who remembers the most wins.


On the back of two chairs hangs a winter jacket with the sleeves turned out, and on the seats lies a fur hat, a scarf and a pair of mittens. To cheerful music, 2 players turn out the sleeves of their jackets, then put them on, and then put on a hat, scarf and mittens. The prize goes to the one who takes a seat in his chair first and shouts “Happy New Year!”


This game requires good visual memory. Participants are given a task one by one: for a minute, look at the toys hanging on one or two branches of the Christmas tree and remember them. Then you need to leave the room - at this time several toys (three or four) will be outweighed: some will be removed, others will be added. Upon entering the room, you need to look at your branches and say what has changed. Depending on age, you can make the tasks more difficult or easier.


Children form 2 teams. There are small goals at a certain distance from each team. Near the teams, the presenter places a fancy box with ping-pong balls according to the number of participants. Accompanied by cheerful music, the first players take a ball from the box and roll it from their place, trying to get into the goal, after which they take a place at the end of the team. The second participants enter the game, etc. The team with the most balls in the goal wins.

WHO IS nimbler?

To play you will need two large reels (possibly made yourself), two round sticks will do, as well as a rope 6-8 m long, the middle of which is marked with a ribbon.

Two players take the reels and move away from each other as far as the rope allows. At a signal, each of them begins to quickly rotate the reel in his hands and, winding a rope around it, moves forward. The one who winds the rope to the middle first wins.


The players stand in a circle; the leader is 3-4 steps away from him. He blows one whistle, then two. At one whistle, all participants in the game must quickly raise their right hand up and immediately lower it; You cannot raise your hand after two whistles. The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play along with the others. Those who make the fewest mistakes are considered the winners.


In front of the two players, the presenter places a prize on a chair, wrapped in bright wrapping paper, and says the following text:
At the New Year's hour, friends, you can't go without attention! Don’t miss the number “three”, - Take the prize, don’t yawn!
“The Christmas tree greeted guests. Five children came first, So as not to get bored on the holiday, They began to count everything on it: Two snowflakes, six firecrackers, Eight gnomes and parsleys, Seven gilded nuts Among the twisted tinsel; We counted ten cones, and then we got tired of counting. Three little girls came running..."
If the players missed the prize, the presenter takes it and says: “Where were your ears?”; if one of the players turns out to be more attentive, then the presenter concludes: “Those are attentive ears!”


Two children play. Snowballs made of cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket. At the signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most snowballs wins.


Children form 2 teams. All players are given bunny ears. At a certain distance from the teams, the leader places a fake head of cabbage. Cheerful music sounds, the first players, jumping like bunnies, get to the head of cabbage, remove one leaf and, also jumping, return back. Second players enter the game, etc. The fastest bunnies raise their cabbage leaves up, thereby announcing the team's victory.


We use New Year's accessories and don't skimp on facial expressions and gestures!

Each guest is given a casting with photo tests for the role:
the kindest Santa Claus
the greediest Santa Claus
the most beautiful Snow Maiden
the sleepiest Snow Maiden
the most overfed guest
the most cheerful guest


The presenter reads 3 clues to the children, with the help of which they should guess the surprises lying in the elegant box.
The smartest ones receive sweet prizes.

Not a Christmas tree, but an elegant one; Not a musician, but loves to play; It’s not the baby, but “mom” who speaks. (Doll)
Not a watermelon, but a round one; Not a hare, but jumping; It's not a bicycle, it's rolling. (Ball)
Not a gnome, but in a cap; Not a car, but refueling; Not an artist, but a painter. (Felt pen)
Not a fox, but a red one; Not a waffle, but a crispy one; Not a mole, but sitting underground. (Carrot)
Not a cake, but a sweet one; Not a Negro, but a dark-skinned one; Not an orange, but with slices. (Chocolate)
Not a ladle, but scoops; Not a door, but with a handle; Not a cook, but a feeder. (Spoon)
Not a plate, but a round one; Not a heron, but standing on one leg; Not a wheel, but a spinning one. (Yula)
Not a feather, but light; Not a snowflake, but flying; Not a kidney, but bursting. (Balloon)
Not a ruler, but a thin one; Not a mother, but a caring one; Not a crocodile, but a toothy one. (Comb)
Not cotton wool, but white; Not snow, but cold; Not sugar, but sweet. (Ice cream)


Everyone is divided into two teams, each receiving one ice cube (preferably the cubes are the same size). The goal is to melt the ice as quickly as possible. The cube must constantly move from one player to another. Participants can warm it in their hands, rub it, etc. The team that melts the ice faster wins.


The presenter gives answers to the question “What does the Christmas tree like?”, and the children say “yes” as a sign of confirmation and “no” as a sign of disagreement.

What does the Christmas tree like?
- Sticky needles...
- Gingerbread cookies, sweets...
- Chairs, stools...
- Tinsel, garlands...
- Games, masquerades...
- Boredom from idleness...
- Kids, have fun...
- Lilies of the valley and roses...
- Grandfather Frost...
- Loud laughter and jokes...
- Boots and jackets...
- Cones and nuts...
- Chess pawns...
- Serpentine, lanterns...
- Lights and balls...
- Confetti, firecrackers...
- Broken toys...
- Cucumbers in the garden...
- Waffles, chocolates...
- Miracles for the New Year...
- A friendly round dance with a song...


The players become a semicircle. The leader shows them various physical training movements, which they repeat, always lagging behind him by one movement: when the leader shows the first movement, everyone stands still; during the second movement of the leader, the guys repeat his first movement, etc.

The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

In this game you can, for example, show the following movements: both hands up; the left hand is lowered, the right is extended forward; the right hand lowers, half-turn to the left; hands to the side; hands on hips, squat. More than 10 movements should not be shown.


Children form 2 teams. Near each team, the leader places a box with unbreakable Christmas tree decorations. At a distance from the teams there is a small decorated artificial Christmas tree. The first players take one toy from the box, run to their team’s Christmas tree, hang the toy and return - and so on until the last player. The first team to decorate the Christmas tree wins.


Santa Claus says:
- There is a wonderful Christmas tree in our hall. And what toys she has on her! What kind of Christmas tree decorations do you know? The person with the last answer will win this amazing prize. The players take turns calling out the words. During pauses, the presenter begins to count slowly: “Clapper - one, clapper - two...” The auction continues.