How to make a rooster from plasticine on cardboard. Children's modeling from plasticine: Cockerel

Modeling plays a very important role in the development of any child. Crafts can be made from plasticine, polymer clay, salt dough, and plaster. You can sculpt simply for the sake of the process itself, or you can decorate a toy in the form of a refrigerator magnet, a figurine on a shelf, or a Christmas tree decoration. For example, make a rooster, which with its many colors will disperse boredom and monotony.

Making a rooster from plasticine

To create this craft you will need:

  • plasticine of different colors;
  • modeling board;
  • a knife for plasticine, which can be replaced with improvised means.

First you need to sculpt the head and body of the cockerel. Take a small piece of plasticine of the desired color, for example, white, mold a ball from which to form a droplet. A tail will be attached to the thin end of the droplet. The rooster should have a comb on its head. Use red plasticine, make a “pancake” and use a knife or toothpick to shape the future comb and stick it on the head. Take small black beads and make the eyes of the cockerel. Make a cone out of yellow plasticine, which should not be completely divided into 2 parts with a knife or toothpick. You will get a beak, under which you need to make a red beard.

For the paws, take 2 orange plasticine triangles and use a toothpick to give them the desired shape and stick the droplets to the bottom. The legs are ready. For the tail, you can take plasticine of several colors, for example, red, green, blue, yellow. Having sculpted thin flagella, flatten them a little and bend them to form multi-colored feathers.

Crafts made from salt dough

Figures made from salt dough are durable, they can be used as a toy, figurine, souvenir, magnet or Christmas tree decoration.

For this craft, you first need to make the dough itself. It requires ingredients:

  • 1 cup flour.
  • 1/2 cup of fine “Extra” salt, but not iodized.
  • 1\2 cups of water.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of PVA glue.

Mix all dough ingredients. For better homogeneity, you can use a mixer.

Salt dough rooster can be flat or voluminous.

For a flat picture or magnet, you can use a stencil, a mold for shaped cookies, or sculpt all the details yourself. When the figurine is sculpted, you need to decide on its purpose. If this is a Christmas tree toy, then before drying you need to make a hole for the thread. Then let the toy dry in the open air for several days, remembering to turn it over. You can dry the toy in a warm oven. A completely dry figurine can be painted in the colors you like, and then varnished for better results. safety and appearance. If it is a magnet, then stick magnetic tape on the reverse side.

To create a three-dimensional craft, all parts need to be sculpted in the same way as from plasticine. With the only difference: if you get a thick layer of dough, the craft will take a very long time to dry and may crack. To correct this drawback, large elements are first made from foil, paper, and then stick around thin layer of dough.

Chicken making process

To create the chicken's body, you can use foil rolled into a ball or an empty egg shell. If you use shells, they must be clean and dry. Wrap the resulting ball in a thin layer of dough, removing any unnecessary residue. Roll into a smaller ball to create a chicken head. It is necessary to roll out the scraps of dough into a thin layer and cut out the tail, wings, beak and small crest with any sharp object (knife, knitting needle, toothpick). Stick in place. Leave the figure until completely dry, and then paint it.

You can also initially make colored dough by dividing it into several parts and adding food coloring. There is no need to paint such a toy, just varnish it.

Polymer clay figurine

Polymer clay is an artificial material, plastic, convenient for modeling. Polymer clay or plastic can be self-hardening and requires baking at high temperatures. Plastic can be bought white or colored.

You can make a toy out of clay using the Dymkovo or Filimonov technique.

To sculpt a rooster in the Filimonov style, you need to make a cone from polymer clay. The narrow part will be the head of the rooster, and the wide part will be the tail. Tail flatten you can make feather notches into the flatbread and with a sharp object, bend the head to create a neck and chest.

Another cone will be the stand-legs of the future figurine. Make a comb, beak and beard on the head. All details are fastened more liquid clay. If the figurine is made from self-hardening clay, then you need to let it dry for several days. Then start painting the product.

In order to paint a rooster in the Filimonov style, you must first apply a white background, let it dry and then decorate the toy using yellow, red and green. For coloring, gouache or tempera paints are most often used.

In the Dymkovo toy, much attention is paid to details. If the Filimonovskaya toy is more laconic, then the Dymkovo figures receive wavy decorations, folds, and frills during the sculpting process. The sculpting technique is the same as in the Filimonov figures. The finished product needs to dry, and then a white background is applied to it and painted using the Dymkovo technique, which is characterized by circular motifs, wavy lines and multi-colored dots.

Attention, TODAY only!

Khalida Rustamova

Master Class« Rooster made of plasticine»

Exciting modeling activities with children are an excellent basis for developing the child’s creative potential. Bright plasticine prompts the creation of interesting crafts. The child will be equally interested in copying real-life objects and creating incredible fantastic crafts. For sculpting rooster you can choose any suitable shades plasticine: white, yellow, orange, brown, red, etc.

I suggest master class on modeling a rooster from plasticine.

Target: manufacturing plasticine rooster.


To form among schoolchildren an aesthetic attitude towards work, the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the world around them;

Implementation of independent creative activities of children;

To develop interest in creativity, imagination and creative abilities of children.

To work you need: board, plasticine, stack, matches.

Step-by-step instructions with photos

1. Roll yellow balls plasticine of different sizes. Connect the balls together, then turn them into the torso, neck and head rooster. First, make an oval out of the larger ball, then pull the smaller piece up with your fingers. Using a stack, make longitudinal cuts along the entire neck to show the feathers.

2. From red plasticine decorate a comb for a graceful bird.

3. On the front part, stick an orange beak in the form of a triangle and two black dots that will replace the eyes.

4. To sculpt the tail, use the brightest shades from the selected plasticine. First, cut the pieces into small portions, knead each of them in your hands and form a ball. After this, pressing the parts onto the modeling board, pull them out into long thin sausages with oscillating movements.

5. Gather the sausages into a fluffy bouquet and attach them as a tail.

6. The easiest way to create wings for rooster- This is the use of teardrop-shaped or triangular cakes. Shape them out of soft red plasticine, then draw the feathers in a stack and attach to the body.

7. To make the paws, use match halves. Then the craft will be more stable.

Plasticine rooster is ready. As you can see, this method of sculpting a bird is very easy; small children can easily master it.

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Today, together with you, we will learn how to sculpt a rooster from plasticine. This poultry is the real owner of the chicken coop and the head of the chicken family. He walks importantly around the yard and looks at his possessions. And if two or more roosters live together, then you cannot do without a fight, because these birds do not like rivals.

In this sculpting lesson we will show you how to sculpt a colorful poultry. And at the same time, we will offer you a way to recycle mixed plasticine, which has already served its purpose.

Other lessons on the topic of pets:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

The plumage of roosters is sometimes replete with rainbow colors. It is impossible to understand which color is the main one, and in the sun the feathers generally shimmer, as if they were mother-of-pearl. In general, for sculpting a rooster it is better to use a mixture of shades, and several. For example, you can make red or orange the main color and add green, yellow, brown and others to it. Overall, sculpting a rooster out of plasticine is a great way to use up already damaged material. Surely, after the experiments of the young sculptors, pieces of an unknown color remain in the box. They are the ones that will suit us for sculpting. Roll into a ball.

Attach a protrusion to the ball - the neck and head. The same mixed red or orange plasticine is suitable for this.

At the top of the protrusion, attach the beak, eyes and red beard under the beak.

To sculpt the wings, plasticine of a similar shade is suitable, or add more green to it. First, pinch off two portions from a piece, knead them in your hands, and flatten them. Then press down on the sides with your fingers. You should get flat cakes, the shape of which resembles a drop. Draw many stripes in a stack on the surface of the wings.

Connect two flat parts with a voluminous body.

Make the tail in the same color scheme as the wings. Pull the mass into several oblong thin sausages. Assemble a bouquet from the prepared parts. And pre- or subsequently rinse the plates with a stack. Fluff the top for a chic ponytail.

Attach the tail to its rightful place.

Next you have to decide how to make the rooster stable. Thin legs can be made using matches or toothpicks. Take the halves, stick a thin layer of plasticine on them, and attach paws with three fingers to the bottom.

Attach the legs to the main craft.

So the bright plasticine rooster is ready. You can make a chicken coop and place a rooster in it.

Children's crafts / Modeling

Cockerel made of plasticine - detailed MK

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In kindergarten, children often sculpt figures from plasticine with their own hands. This material is understandable and popular, the bright pieces beckon you to pick them up and knead them, and then create various crafts. On the eve of the new year 2017, you must make a symbol - a fiery cockerel. The given instructions will be understandable even to children, guided by the photo, it will not be difficult to repeat such an example, and adults can read the clear instructions and help the students.

To sculpt a rooster, take the following:

  • the brightest (fiery) shades of plasticine are yellow, red, orange;
  • plastic spatula;
  • crumbs of black plasticine.

How to make a cockerel - the symbol of 2017. Step-by-step master class

1. The choice of shades is dictated by the theme of the craft.. Since New Year 2017 is considered the year of the bright fiery rooster, among the blocks there must be those that imitate flames. It is also worth paying attention to the hardness of the mass. In kindergarten, it is better to use soft wax plasticine, since it is difficult for children to knead large quantities of dense pieces.

2. From a yellow block, make the body, head, neck and legs of the poultry. Measure plasticine portions approximately 1, 2 and 0.5 cm wide from the block.

3. Cut the pieces to the required length, cut the smallest one in half.

4. Mash each portion and roll into balls.

5. Deform all the balls. Press the largest ball on all sides, stretching it into an oval, pull the middle one into a sausage, and turn the two small ones into cones.

6. Stick the neck and head (oblong tubercle) onto the oval body.

7. Use a stack to mask the junction of the parts, thereby showing the bird’s feathers.

8. Turn the uppermost protruding area of ​​the neck-tubercle into the head of a rooster. Stick on black crumbs - these will be the eyes, add a small beak. It can be opened or made closed.

9. Next, start creating the main pride of the cockerel - a high comb and beard. They should be sculpted from red plasticine. Make two small drops and a flat, curved shape, cut the top of the ridge into a stack.

10. Attach the red pieces into place.

11. Prepare orange plasticine for sculpting the tail and wings. Mark 0.5 cm portions on the block.

12. Cut several pieces of the same size.

13. Make several curved parts in the form of worms - these will be blanks for feathers.

14. Gather the feathers into a bun, forming the bird's tail.

15. Attach the rooster tail at the back.

16. Divide the remaining orange plasticine into two parts to sculpt the wings.

17. Mash the mixture and form into leaf-shaped cakes. Cut each flatbread on one side.

18. Attach the orange wings.

19. Add drumsticks from below - yellow cones prepared at the initial stage.

20. To make the lower part of the legs - the paws, prepare small orange triangles. Stack your fingers.

21. Attach the legs to the sharp ends of the drumstick.

The craft for kindergarten is ready. The New Year's cockerel must be hidden under the Christmas tree during the celebration, because in 2017 it will certainly bring good luck.

One comment

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