Income for a webmaster. Earnings for webmasters, services for webmasters

From the author: Hello friends! The topic of making money as a modern webmaster is shrouded in many legends. Some people talk about fabulous profits from sites, showing screenshots of tidy sums, while others say that it’s all a lie. I dare say the whole point is that in our country the Internet is considered a source of freebies. I want to immediately disappoint you, friends. Those fabulous sums that some webmasters receive are the result of long, painstaking work and, often, significant cash injections. Let's try to figure out how and how much you can earn as a webmaster on the great and mighty WWW.

The essence of the webmaster profession

This profession appeared relatively recently. The term "webmaster", meaning "site manager", was first coined by Tim Berners-Lee, who wrote The Online Hypertext Style Guide in 1992.

At the beginning of the evolution of the public Internet, the responsibilities of a webmaster were very varied. He combined the functions of a site creator and moderator, web designer, SEO specialist, content manager, system administrator and programmer.

This situation can still be observed today on small Internet resources that the webmaster himself creates and develops. But large sites with serious technologies often employ several highly specialized specialists.

In addition, Internet portals can afford the opportunity to distribute all functions of creation, support and promotion to several specialists, rather than tying them to one person, risking one day being left behind due to too slow development.

JavaScript. Fast start

Is it profitable to be a webmaster?

Nowadays you can raise good money on the Internet, you just need to know how. To start making money as a webmaster, you can “stamp” websites, and then sell or develop them, receiving good income from such assets.

How much can you earn as a webmaster? There is no single recipe for success here. Some people receive 30 thousand dollars a year from their brainchildren, while others cannot earn even a hundred.

The main piece of daily bread for a webmaster is the creation of websites: both on order and on one’s own initiative. The cost of a website is estimated depending on the skill level of the specialist or web studio for which he works.

But usually the price of creating a website does not fall below $300. For such a price, the customer has the right to expect a high-quality resource of 10 pages without any interactive features, such as a chat, forum or animated screensaver.

A plus for a webmaster will be his additional skills and abilities: knowledge of a programming language, SQL databases, and web design. In general, web design, like programming, is a fairly profitable source of income. A simple web page template costs the customer about $100, while an exclusive template costs no less than $500.

How to make money on websites?

A webmaster can make money from online content resources in several ways. The most popular of them:

affiliate programs. By becoming a member of an affiliate program, you will be able to attract clients to a certain company, which will pay you a percentage. To do this, just hang the banner of this company on your website. A specific link is sewn into the banner, thanks to which the partner company will understand which clients came from your website.

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of how to create a web application.

If you decide to create your own website and make good money from it, I advise you not to put on rose-colored glasses right away. The fact is that it may take months before the site begins to bring you profit. The amount of earnings will depend on two factors: the topic and traffic of the resource.

As for traffic: if you post 2 unique articles a day on your site, then after six months your daily traffic will be about 300 visitors - but again, this figure depends on the topic. I do not recommend that you take entertainment topics (movies, music, cooking recipes, etc.). It is better to choose money topics (construction, cars, real estate, etc.). In a year, with daily content replenishment, you will have 1000–2000 unique items per day.

As you age, your website will get better and better, both in the eyes of visitors and search engines. The web resource will begin to generate passive income for you (usually no earlier than six months to a year of hard work).

And finally...

Don't forget to celebrate Webmaster Day! Didn't you know? Now on April 4th we celebrate an unofficial holiday - Webmaster's Day. Please note the date of this event is 4.04. Doesn't remind you of anything? Of course, these numbers are reminiscent of the famous 404 error (“Page not found”). IT people will understand!

Yes, and another holiday is celebrated on this date, International Internet Day. In general, those who are in one way or another connected with computer technology are not recommended to work on April 4. Too many professional holidays in one day


I hope from my article you understand that it is possible to make money as a webmaster, especially for those who are well versed in web technologies and internet marketing, are persistent and are ready to constantly develop. After all, the Internet is a highly competitive environment.
If you are a good marketer, you can go far even without deep knowledge of programming, but only with the ability to “stamp” template sites.

And if you combine the skills of a web programmer, designer, layout designer, system administrator, content developer and Internet marketer, then as a webmaster you can earn round sums, live in any country in the world and feel great. In the future, you will have the opportunity to delegate some of your functions to highly specialized specialists and open your own web studio.

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In general, the webmaster's business is afraid! I’ll end my story on this positive note. Subscribe to our blog and receive useful, relevant and interesting articles on website development and promotion every day. This is just a treasure trove of useful information! See you again, friends!

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of how to create a web application.

Greetings to all readers! Today I have prepared for you not just an article, but an interview with a very interesting character.

Meet: Irina Krinitsa, entrepreneur and owner of information sites. Frankly, Irina breaks all stereotypes about people who create websites and make money from them. If you still think that a webmaster is necessarily a techie in a sweater and with eyes sore from lines of code, then quickly read the interview below. I bet you'll change your mind within 5 minutes!

I met Irina through the webmaster community I have already talked with Roman Puzat about how the project helps people.

But even during the first interview, the idea arose to talk with one of the students of the project, to hear their point of view. And of course, it’s always interesting to know the stories of people who have found an interesting and profitable way to make money on the Internet. So, let's go.

Interview with Irina

- Hello Irina! Very glad to chat! To begin, please tell us about yourself in a few sentences.

Hello Nikolay! My name is Irina, I live in the city of Kyiv. I’ve been working on websites for a long time; it started as a hobby, which eventually grew into a business.

— I wonder what brought you to such a seemingly unfeminine sphere? Can you tell us what you did during that period when websites were just a hobby?

I started studying during my student years. Although, at that time you couldn’t call it a serious experience, because I made wap sites from my phone, since I didn’t have a computer. I began to study more seriously when I worked as a salesman and at the same time studied at the university as a correspondence student. I needed extra money, so I worked part-time as a copywriter, and made websites just for myself, as a hobby.

First of all, it was very interesting to me. But over time, the thought began to come that since they buy texts from me, and also offer me other work on sites, then I can earn something from this.

— With websites as a hobby, everything is clear: you do what seems necessary and enjoy the beautiful result. But as soon as you realize that this is a business that needs to feed you, the stakes rise. How did you go through this transition period until the first serious results?

Before I made my first money, I built a lot of websites and made a lot of mistakes. Since I didn’t study anywhere initially, I just did it as I liked - on many sites there were critical mistakes that could have been avoided. Now I regret that I didn’t study this earlier.

— Tell me honestly: before the first financial results did you want to quit the sites and do something else? Or were you confident that everything would work out?

Earning money began in 2012, when I already had at least some idea of ​​how to do it correctly and began to study various topics on forums, bit by bit collecting information about promotion. Many sites that have put a lot of work into have never yielded results. Probably, if I did this just for the sake of income, I would have given up this idea a long time ago. But since I was interested in it, I opened new sites and tried myself in different topics. And, although not quickly, I got good results.

— And how much time passed between sites as a hobby and sites with serious income?

Approximately 3-4 years. Since one of the first serious sites even had the same Title headings. If that project had been done correctly, I think it would still bring me income to this day, since many people put a lot of effort into it.

- Let's talk about what your business is now. How many websites do you have? Who else works on your team? Can you give examples of your websites?

Now there are more than 20 projects, the turnover is approximately 600-800 thousand depending on the month. The entire team works remotely. These are mainly copywriters, content managers, content managers for social networks. My “flagship”, main site on culinary topics, NaMenu. There are also sites on medical topics.

- Excellent result! At what point did you realize that this is not just additional income, but an independent business?

When in one day I earned more than I earned in several days at work. I realized that if you scale up and hire assistants, you can earn even more.

- Let's talk about the most pleasant things. How has your life changed with the advent of business on websites? And how do your friends and family feel about the fact that you have such an unusual way of earning money?

Thanks to the websites, we bought an apartment in the capital. This was my main goal, I would even say a dream. I thought that I would save for such an apartment until I grow old, and at first we even set a smaller goal. But in the end they bought better than what they originally wanted. I started traveling more. I somehow never thought about it before, but now I travel to countries I never dreamed of going to before.

The environment began to treat differently, many also began to work online. Although before, my family didn’t support me and didn’t understand why I was doing this, and there were always offers to get a normal job.

- Cool! Support from the environment is valuable, I confirm. Well, let's get back to the sites again. How did you develop as a webmaster? Where did you get the information?

I mainly received knowledge from various forums. She herself created topics with questions, if there were any. I didn’t undergo any serious training before Puzat.Ru. I took the course for the first time in the fall of 2016 and realized how much I had lost before. First of all - time. Among the flow of information, you have to re-read a lot and conduct experiments. I realized that if I had started studying earlier, I would have achieved more, better results and would not have made so many mistakes.

— If it weren’t for participation in the courses, how long would it take to reach your current income?

Well, I currently have 1 marathon site, which is already bringing in money, but still does not seriously affect my income from all other sites. I will say this - I think that if I had come to the Marathon earlier, I would have earned more. Since now I spend a lot of energy on fixing errors on sites and rebuilding the team.

Explanation: Marathons - courses on creating and monetizing websites conducted by In 1.5-3 months, a Marathon participant makes his website from scratch: selects a topic, collects semantics, works with authors and works with monetization.

— I understand what the courses are for. Information, knowledge, tools, services, etc. Why do you, as an accomplished webmaster, need a community of webmasters?

For me it is a source of inspiration and knowledge. After every meeting, I have a desire to do more and become better. You learn a lot of new things through sharing experiences. Thanks to the Sparta Marathon and Teleport, I met a lot of like-minded people with whom I communicate from time to time. Marathons have largely turned my life around for the better, not only in terms of business, but also in other areas of life.

— Irina, can you give advice to readers of my blog who are interested in creating information websites? Where to start if you want to make a profitable website? What are the pitfalls?

I would advise you to go for training first. Yes, it costs money and you can find a lot of it online. But you yourself will always make more mistakes and waste much more time. Also, motivation. Most sites don't make money right away.

At first you need to work for the site, and then the site works for you. But many give up during this initial period and abandon the site. When you do something together with like-minded people, there is a much greater chance that you will reach the end and be able to get a decent result.

Instead of a conclusion

Thanks to Irina for the interesting interview and honest answers. Well, have we managed to break the stereotypes about those who make websites and make money from them? After this conversation, I became even more convinced that information sites are suitable as a way to make money for many people. And it doesn’t matter who you are: an athlete, an engineer or a fragile student girl.

If you want to create high-quality websites and make money from it, then the technical side of this matter is secondary. All knowledge has already been collected and packaged, you just need to work. As the heroine of this interview correctly said: “First you need to work for the site, and then the site works for you.”

If you have any questions, ask me in the comments, I’ll try to convey them to Irina. And if you already have a desire to start making your own website, you can sign up for Marathon for beginners in the project.

Thank you for your attention!

On this page I will collect all useful services for webmasters, ways to earn money, affiliate programs, and so on. I GIVE MY REFERRALISTS FREE CONSULTATION ON ALMOST ANY TOPIC OR TYPE OF EARNINGS PRESENTED HERE (ICQ 478655006).

Earn money on a website or blog.

Link exchanges:

  1. (350,000 sites in the system, 250,000 users) - the most famous and largest exchange for selling and buying links. Useful articles: " ", " ", " ", " ".
  2. (160,000 sites in the system) - the second largest and “coolest” (it seems) link exchange (mainly by “faces”). Unlike Sape, it accepts websites on free hosting with any domain. You can buy links cheaper than in Sape.
  3. — accepts any sites, it is also more profitable to buy links here at low prices. Unlike Sape, you can sell links from pages of any nesting level (NL). You can connect this exchange to " ".
  4. — profitable affiliate program (52% of the system’s income), no commission for site owners, you can sell articles.
  5. (56,000 users) - import sites from Sape, Mainlink or Setlinks in 5 minutes. Sites with third-level domains are not accepted.
  6. - another link exchange... with an ugly design.

In fact, I have seen more than 20 of these link exchanges, but for those who need it, this list is enough to find their favorite one.

Advertising reviews, notes, guards (purchase, sale). Earning money from blogging (mostly):

  1. - the best and highest quality exchange of advertising reviews, guard posts, and so on for high earnings and high-quality promotion. The system accepts only high-quality sites and not necessarily blogs (Tits from 10, domain age from 6 months, more than 100 pages indexed by Yandex). The system is developing at a very rapid pace and will soon overtake (for me it has already overtaken) Blogun. I wrote an article about Gogetlinks ““.
  2. is an ancient, well-known exchange that specializes in blogs. Three types: short review, full review (article), postal. Of course, there are guards in use. Unlike Gogetlink, you can promote your site cheaper by purchasing guards, but Blogun has a lot of satellites and it takes a long time to choose between them.
  3. — I came across this exchange quite by accident and, as it turned out, this is Dimka’s new project, but it seems he hasn’t announced it yet. Those who are registered in his other service for selling places under Rotaban banners can log in by entering the password and login from Rotaban. I already bought a couple of guards there very cheaply(!).
  4. - something like Blogun, but, as it seemed to me, with greater functionality. I didn’t really work with them, but the referrals brought in some money, which means they are there (money).
  5. — and this system is similar to Sape, only it focuses on blogs.
  6. - an advertising review exchange designed for Google, namely PageRank (Pr). If your site has high PR, then you can raise it here.
  7. - a very fresh exchange of advertising reviews with a very user-friendly interface and design. It appeared quite recently, so I advise you to attract referrals here in case it becomes popular and starts bringing in a lot of money. I think this exchange has a good future.

Article exchanges:

  1. - by far the best article exchange both for webmasters (very high earnings and high-quality articles) and for optimizers (only high-quality sites are accepted into the system). Promoting through this site is very expensive, but also very effective. All articles are monitored. For a webmaster, this is an absolute freedom, since you can get not only good money, but also high-quality content for your site. There is a very good mode for optimizers - “Carefree”, where you only need to manage to replenish your account, and promotion will take its own course.
  2. — used to be the best exchange for articles, but now it’s cluttered with shitty sites. In general, freedom for beginner webmasters.

Contextual advertising:

  1. — Begun described in the article ““.
  2. — an exchange for selling and buying anything and for anyone: webmasters, copywriters, bloggers.

File hosting services that pay for downloads:

  1. — I think almost everyone has downloaded some file, software or game from here at least once. This is the most popular free file hosting service in Russia and, of course, it pays for downloading files that you upload. This file hosting service is considered mandatory for almost everyone who makes money by downloading their files, so, especially for beginners, I advise you to start with this file hosting service.
  2. — registration here is by invitation, which must be entered at the very beginning when registering. This is also super famous and my favorite file hosting service. Firstly, it is the easiest for people to download files from, because you can download as many files as you want at the same time, but not on others. Secondly, they pay well here and there are always all sorts of promotions and competitions. Third
  3. — this file hosting service is directly related to the past in that by uploading a file to letit, you can automatically and instantly transfer the same file to shareflare and save a lot of time. The same can be done vice versa, from shareflare to letitbit. The main advantage of this file hosting service is high earnings. Paid up to $30 per 1000 downloads.
  4. - an excellent file hosting service that pays for downloads in rubles. Moreover, the peculiarity of this file hosting service is that it does not pay for the number of downloaded files, but the size of the downloaded file plays a big role. The larger the size, the higher the payment.

Banners, teasers, clickers, etc.:

Earning money from online stores.

Affiliate programs for stores with their own script:

  1. — a store of goods for beauty, tourism, cuisine, sports, etc. and so on. Huge selection of any products. You can make a very good affiliate store (which is what I’m doing now). Not long ago, a special plugin for WordPress appeared that fills your website with all the products of the store, the cart widget automatically appears, etc. In general, you get a store from which the user can completely make a purchase for himself without leaving. That is, everything will happen on your website, without any external links. It is also possible to create your own store on Joomla. At first I did this, but I liked it, so I recommend WordPress to you. You will receive a 10% commission on any item sold. All products are certified, high quality and all that, so there should be no returns. If something doesn’t work out for you, you can always ask technical support to install your store from scratch.
  2. — I found out about this store not long ago, and immediately made my own store using their script. Their script has great potential. You can create any page with any product with any title, etc. You will receive from 15 to 30% for each sale. If you make a store using your script, you can raise prices by 15% and then your commission will be 30%.

Earning money from files.

File traffic envelope:

  1. - a great way to make money on vareznik. There are a huge number of visited Warez portals on the Internet. For example, I have several gaming rooms where you can download games for free. And the Loadpays affiliate program means making money on just such sites. You install the code on your site (many engines have modules and plugins for easy installation), and links to download paid archives appear on your site. That is, the system itself, based on the title of your article, for example, “Diablo 3”, selects links like “Download Diablo 3”, which are located in an attractive block that you can customize to suit the design of your site. I got about 150 rubles a day on the gaming Vareznik with an attendance of 800 people a day.

Earnings for a copywriter.

Copyright exchanges:

The list will be updated depending on your mood.