Pythagorean psychomatrix calculation online. Pythagorean magic square by date of birth - the most accurate decoding of personality

The Pythagorean number is an important milestone in the study of numerology. It will help you discover your hidden abilities, strengths and weaknesses, which can help you in self-realization.

Enter date of birth:

1 - if one is rolled, then this characterizes the person as an egoist. He is neither good nor evil, he just doesn’t care about the world around him. He tries from everything to achieve some benefit for himself, to use others for his own purposes. Highly values ​​comfort.

11 - selfish, but this quality is hidden and does not come out as clearly as in the previous case. However, people with two ones also love themselves very much, but, in addition, they can also care about others.

111 - kind, calm people. They think about the happiness of others and love to bring joy to people. It is difficult to anger them or get them out of patience. These people tend to seek compromises.

1111 is a very strong and honest person. Has great willpower. However, they can be overly strict and critical of others. They impose their opinions and advice on others. Very conservative. Men with this number often choose a military career, women become big bosses. They are the heads of the family, regardless of gender.

11111 is a dictator, maybe even a domestic tyrant. Characterized by an extreme desire to control the lives of other people. Very power-hungry. For the sake of his goal he will do anything without the slightest remorse. I am 100% confident in my own rightness. “The end justifies the means” - it is said about such people. Oddly enough, a person with 5 units loves his family very much, but in a very peculiar way. He is vengeful and vindictive, easily adapts to the necessary conditions, can hide his essence, but does not like to do this.

111111 is an extremely rare combination. A very extraordinary person, also tough, maybe even cruel, but without the manic zeal that characterizes the previous version. Usually he has one great goal in his life and all his thoughts are aimed at achieving it. If this happens, he may become depressed due to the lack of meaning in life. But most often he quickly comes to his senses and finds a new dream. It is difficult to build relationships with them, but for the sake of loved ones he will do anything.

0 - no twos - energy vampire.

2 - these people are not very strong energetically. You need to develop your abilities, engage in spiritual practices, yoga, read mantras. Often sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure. Avoid stressful situations, sudden changes, conflicts.

22 - has quite strong energy. Can heal people; with the development of skills and abilities, you can become a good healer. None of the relatives of such a person suffers from particular illnesses, but this is the case when there is a good relationship between them. They unknowingly share their energy with loved ones, but they can also take it away.

222 - sorcerer, magician. Usually they know about their abilities from early childhood, but sometimes even an adult may not be aware of them. If “twos” develop their talents, they achieve a lot.

2222 - 22222 - very strong in the energetic sense. Very popular with the opposite sex, often in the absence of any outstanding external data. However, among the “twos” of this type there is the largest number of energy vampires. If three sixes are added (666), you need to be careful!

2222 - 22222 - very strong in the energetic sense. Very popular with the opposite sex, often in the absence of any outstanding external data. However, among the “twos” of this type there is the largest number of energy vampires.

0 - the absence of a three indicates that such a person is a little obsessed with cleanliness and order, and this hobby does not depend on gender. Good employees and bosses will do everything that depends on them impeccably. A little narcissistic. They are also good owners, but overly picky. They do not tolerate unpunctuality or non-obligation. They love their children, but make strict demands on them.

3 - such a person loves cleanliness and order, but he does not like the cleaning process itself. Therefore, the degree of chaos in his house depends on the mood and workload of the owner. They cook well.

33 - clearly expressed abilities for exact sciences, have an analytical mind. Skeptical, distrustful. They do not believe in mysticism and the otherworldly. To strangers they may seem like "crackers", but in fact they are kind and caring.

333 - also talented in science, have a passion for power. If for some reason they fail to find a way for self-realization, then suppressed desires can break out in outbursts of rage, increased stinginess, stinginess and pedantry.

3333 - 33333 - very great abilities for sciences in general, however, due to their versatility, a person can simply “spray himself”, take on everything at once and never achieve anything big in one field of activity.

0 - the absence of fours indicates poor health. This especially increases depending on the number of twos, since in this case more energy is given to other people.

4 - not very strong health, in adulthood many of the sins of youth will make themselves felt, so it is better to immediately adhere to a healthy diet and exercise.

44 –444 - good health and high temperament. But you still need to take care of yourself and take care of your body.

44 –444 - you have good health and high temperament. But you still need to take care of yourself and take care of your body.

4444 - 44444 - excellent health and excellent sexual performance. Both men and women are naturally very strong physically.

0 - a person is “deaf”, has very weak intuition, therefore he often makes mistakes, and always marks time in one place. They often say about such people that they are unlucky in life. However, with due effort and patience, they can achieve a high position in life.

5 - have good intuition and can foresee major mistakes. They know how to calculate the current situation and make the most of it.

55 - strong intuition. They can correctly predict the course of events. Such people make good businessmen and stock market players.

555 - practically have the gift of clairvoyance. They always know what to do in a given situation, which is why they practically never get into trouble. However, this skill develops over the years and requires constant training.

5555 -55555 - psychics - clairvoyants. They see things that are beyond the control of ordinary people. Can recognize both future and past events.

0 - No sixes. A man came into this world to gain a profession. He does not like physical labor, but is forced to do it;

6 is not a very down-to-earth personality. He is forced to do physical labor, which he does not like, however, he has a desire for beauty and art. He may be a good artist or poet, but without fanaticism.

66 are very practical and down-to-earth people. They live a full-blooded life, but the intangible is beyond the boundaries of their perception. Very sober-minded people, sometimes scientists, do not believe in what cannot be touched with their hands. They are good owners, many love manual labor and the land.

666 is not an easy number. People to whom it falls have special charisma and charm and can turn anyone’s head. Very sociable, they always become the center of attention. However, we should not forget that they feed off of those around them, in particular from their partner.

6666 - 66666 - very down-to-earth people, forced to work hard and a lot. In this way they work off the sins of their previous lives.

0 - no talent in this incarnation. A difficult fate awaits you in this incarnation.

7 - have creative abilities, but weakly expressed. But if you work hard and develop your gift, you can achieve a lot.

77 - very talented in one area: music, painting, sculpture, etc. Nevertheless, they are forced to fight all their lives for the opportunity to live the way they want and develop their talent. Magically gifted.

777 - there is enormous talent, but you will have to pay for it. Few people live to old age. They always rush between two extremes, for them there is only black and white, there are no halftones and shades. They can become religious fanatics. Subject to the influence of more stable personalities.

7777 - Alert sign. Life is often difficult and dangerous.

77777 - sign of an Angel. Sent to Earth for comfort. Yet their lives are often difficult and dangerous.

0 - lack of sense of duty. Never feels bound by obligations, forgets about agreements and deadlines. He does not hesitate to ask for help from those whom he has recently badly let down. It is easy to borrow and not return a large sum of money.

8 - these individuals are very reliable, respectable and accurate. At the same time, they can be picky and petty, overly scrupulous.

88 - very good heads of families, they feel responsible for all family members. They always follow their moral principles and will never leave you in trouble. They can stand up for the weak and infirm, even if they have nothing to do with them.

888 - the conscientiousness and sense of duty of people from the previous case is increased by an order of magnitude. Such individuals feel responsible not for one family, but for the entire nation. They make every effort to lead their people to prosperity.

8888 - 88888 - very unusual people. They are called “indigo children”. They have great magical talent. It seems as if they have not been in our world since birth.

0 - not very high mental abilities. To achieve good results, you need to make an effort, as nothing will happen by itself.

9 - this person does not immediately understand everything. He has the ability, but in order to learn the material, he needs a certain amount of time to understand it properly.

99 - easily perceive and learn new knowledge. Despite this, in order to achieve a high position, you need to make efforts and not forget about your studies.

999 - very smart from birth and because of this they are lazy. To understand the material, just read it. Lack of development due to easy achievement of goals.

9999 - 99999 - geniuses. Sometimes they have psychic abilities. And yet they are often rude and cruel due to the fact that they are not understood and not recognized. Ambitious and narcissistic, but attached to loved ones and friends.

How to calculate working Pythagorean numbers?

As you know, Pythagoras is an ancient Greek mathematician and mystic who founded his own school of Pythagoreans. His ideas influenced many scientists and continue to amaze modern people. In addition to mathematics, he also studied numerology and is one of the fathers of this science.

So how exactly should you calculate the Pythagorean number? First you need to take yours. In this example let it be: 10.09.1994.

First, add up the numbers of the day and month.

1+0+0+9 = 10

1+9+9+4= 23

Count the numbers from the first and second steps together. This number will be yours the first working number.

10+23 = 33

Now you need to decompose the first working number into its components and add them together. It will be yours second working number.

33 = 3+3 = 6

We subtract the second number multiplied by two from the first working number. If the second working number is also two-digit, multiply only the first digit by 2. That's how you'll know third working number.

33 — 6*2 = 21

And the last step remains - divide the third working number into its components and add them together. You just found out fourth working number.

21 = 2+1 = 3

How to correctly compile a table of Pythagorean calculations?

Now you need to take a blank piece of paper and a pen and draw a table on it, which consists of 2 lines of 8 cells each. On the first line you should write your date of birth, and on the other your working numbers. If any number is single-digit, then you need to put a zero in front of it!

Every person interested in his spiritual nature tries to more deeply understand himself and his purpose in life. Sometimes this understanding never comes. This is where the diagnostic method helps - the matrix of fate 22 energy. It is calculated based on a person's date of birth. This is a square within a square with the main lines of fate. And the energies that are placed in the corners and inside the Matrix are our individual programs.

This is a unique discovery of Knowledge about the fate of the New Age by Natalia Ladini. This Method is based on 22 energies of fate, like the 22 Arcana of the Tarot. 22 energies very fully and deeply characterize a person’s personality. I have never seen a more accurate description either in astrology or numerology. The method is unique in that it is clear and easy to use.

The uniqueness of this Method lies in the fact that in it you can develop deeply and comprehend the facets of fate, and advance in your self-improvement. As a result, your health and your mood improve, creativity is revealed, those people and partners who are more harmonious for you and more in tune are attracted, you begin to see and feel your path and the meaning of life, and comprehend your destiny.

Study the philosophy of the universe through comprehension of the 22 energies of fate, and see which energies patronize you. You can and should work on your destiny, transferring energies from the minus of your potentials to the plus. Since on the minus potentials of energies you attract problems, and by healing and turning them into a plus you attract prosperity, self-confidence and tomorrow, harmonious relationships in love, harmony with yourself and with the World!


The calculation of basic, but basic energies + calculation of purposes is given.
The consultation examines an expanded matrix: energies by chakras, channel of relationships and finances.

There are 31 digits in the date of birth, but there are only 22 energies in the matrix. Therefore, all numbers that are greater than 22 add up! All numbers up to 22 and the number 22 itself – leave as is!

So, let's start studying your matrix. All we need is your date of birth and a little perseverance.
Our task is to understand what your purpose is and what prevents you from developing in society: building a career, finding your place in life or creating a business.

IN THE FIGURE: straight and diagonal squares for calculating the fate matrix.


For example, we will take a person who was born 24.03.1981
And you write your date of birth on paper and do the calculations by analogy with us.



Diagonal lines are ancestral streams; they will tell you about those tasks that are important for completing tasks in society.

« F » And « N » these are energies, our ancestral tasks on the father’s side.

1. Calculate the point "F". Let's calculate it, this is the sum ( "A" + "B")
In our example: 6+3= 9 . In the upper left corner of an already RIGHT square (orange circle with "F") enter the resulting number.

2. Next, you need to fill in the point that is located in the lower right corner of the right square (turquoise circle with "N"). To do this you need to fold ( "WITH " + "D"), calculated earlier in the diagonal square.
In our example: 10+19=29 and add 2+9= again 11 . We fit in the circle " N» the resulting number. In our case – 11th energy.

« K » And « M » these are energies, our ancestral tasks along the line of matter.

3. Now we calculate what we must give to the female part of humanity. To do this, calculate the point in the upper right corner of the RIGHT square (lilac circle with "K").
Let's calculate it, this is the sum ( "B" +"WITH ").
In our example: 3+19=22. We enter the resulting number in the circle with “K”. In our case – 22nd energy.

4. Next is the lower left corner of the RIGHT square (blue circle with "M").
To get it: add ( "A" + "D").
In our example: 6+10= 16 . We fit it in a circle with “ M» the resulting number.


The ancestral program on the father's side is also a task in relation to all men who meet on your way. (MEN)
Plus « F » + « N » . In our example: 9+11= 20 . What we get is, in our case, 20th energy– this is our task towards all men.

The maternal birth program is also your task in relation to all women who meet on your way. (WOMEN)
We fold « K » + « M » . In our example: 22+16=38, and once again add 3+8=11. What we get is, in our case, 11th energy– this is our task towards all women.

In our example: Male = 20 ; Female= 11 Add 20+11=31 again add 3+1= 4
The second purpose, which a person must have time to fulfill before the age of 60. This social purpose is what we must convey to the world, to people, to the external plane.

What we got for our example

Pythagorean square is a fundamental term in. Any work with a person begins with compiling him by date of birth. Let's figure out how to correctly calculate your Pythagorean square and what the numbers in this table mean.

Compiling the Pythagorean square: step-by-step algorithm, how to calculate it

For example, you were born on October 16, 1991. Start counting using the following algorithm:

  1. Write down the numbers of the day and month of birth: 1610. Add the numbers, you get the first number: 1+6+1+0 = 8
  2. In the same way, calculate the sum of the digits of the year of birth: 1+9+9+1 = 20. You got the second number
  3. Calculate the sum of the first two numbers obtained as a result of the calculation: 8+20 = 28. This is first working number
  4. Next, find the sum of the digits of the first working number: 2+8 = 10. This is second working number
  5. From the first working number, subtract the first digit of the date of birth multiplied by half: 28-2*1 = 26. This is third working number
  6. And finally, add the digits of the third working number: 2+6=8. As a result we get fourth working number.
6 1 0 1 9 9 1
2 8 1 0 2 6 0

Please note that if the working number consists of one digit, we write it with a leading zero: not 8, but 08.

The initial data has been obtained, now you can create a Pythagorean square. To do this, you need to count how many times each number appears in the table:

  • unit - 11111
  • deuce - 22
  • three - absent
  • four - absent
  • five - absent
  • six - 66
  • seven - absent
  • eight - 88
  • nine - 99

And draw a square:

1 2 3
2 22
3 66

Each number in the Pythagorean square by date of birth, which we were able to calculate, is responsible for certain personality traits. Next, we’ll look at what exactly they are for.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square

In the Pythagorean square, compiled according to your date of birth, there is room for nine numbers. Each of them is responsible for the presence or absence of certain qualities and character traits in a person:

  • unit is character and willpower
  • two - charisma and energy, natural magnetism
  • three - creative abilities, thirst for knowledge
  • four - external beauty and internal health
  • five - “sixth sense”: intuition, as well as logical abilities
  • six - professional skills and hard work
  • seven - luck, shows how lucky a person is in life
  • Eight is responsibility, a sense of duty
  • nine - development of the mind, memory, ability to concentrate

Also, the Pythagorean square by date of birth is deciphered in columns:

  • the first column is responsible for self-esteem
  • the second - for the ability to earn money, attitude towards material things
  • third - an indicator of talent, the presence of special abilities
  • the first is an indicator of determination
  • second - readiness for family life and serious relationships
  • third - stability and a stable position in life


  • diagonal 1-5-9 is responsible for the spiritual potential of the individual
  • the second diagonal shows how developed the sexual temperament is

Depending on the number of numbers, everyone can determine how developed a particular quality is.

Pythagorean Square: detailed explanation

So, let's look at the number of units in your square:

  • 111111 - this meaning occurs in people who are very tough and have a difficult character. But despite his tendency towards dictatorship, he is ready to do anything for those close to him.
  • 11111 - dictatorial qualities are well developed. Such a person can be called a tyrant. Dictates his own rules to everyone
  • 1111 is already closer to the golden mean. A person with very strong willpower, with a tempered character
  • 111 is the golden mean. The person is easy-going, it’s easy to negotiate with him, he quickly makes contact
  • 11 - almost selfish, but there is a chance that he will be fixated not only on himself. Likes to engage in self-praise, constantly presents himself from the best side
  • 1 - an absolute egoist, his own interests always come first, even if they harm others
  • absent - a person is deprived of his own energy, but he, like an empty vessel, is ready to be filled with energy from the outside, well-mannered, treats others well
  • 2 - bioenergy is present, but additional sources are required. It is advisable for such a person to play sports
  • 22 - a sufficient amount of bioenergy, capable of not only receiving it, but also sharing it
  • 222 - developed extrasensory abilities, capable of filling any person with energy
  • 2222 - a person has powerful natural magnetism, incredibly attractive to the opposite sex
  • absent - a person with highly developed punctuality. Perfectionist, order must be in everything
  • 3 - not obsessed with order, the orderliness of their lives depends on other character traits
  • 33 - natural sciences are good, logic is developed
  • 333 - a person has a strong ability for science, he is incredibly pedantic, can make discoveries


  • absence - poor health, easily catches any infection, you need to constantly strengthen your immune system
  • 4 - during his life he gets sick no more often than other people, and in old age he suffers from many illnesses
  • 44 - he has a bright sexual temperament, good health
  • 444 - stormy temperament, almost iron health
  • absent - a person is devoid of intuition, he does not have a “sixth sense”, therefore he makes all decisions guided by logic and common sense
  • 5 - there is intuition, but it is poorly developed. Rarely makes mistakes in life
  • 55 - intuition is well developed. Such a person is close to the legal profession - judge, lawyer, investigator
  • 555 - intuition is excellently developed, the person is practically a psychic. Makes decisions based on premonitions, but almost never makes mistakes
  • 5555 - this is extremely rare. Many fives - a person is clairvoyant. Able to recognize and understand the causes of all events that occur and predict the future


  • absent - a craftsman, does not need education, does not like to do physical labor
  • 6 - work related to physical activity is required
  • 66 - a grounded person, he does not need physical labor, but loves to play sports and active recreation
  • 666 - brightly developed temperament, gives a lot of energy to the partner
  • 6666 - workaholic, rest for him is wasted time
  • absent - life is hard for a person, he works hard to ensure a decent standard of living. There is a possibility that he will go into religion
  • 7 - has a talent that is not expressed too strongly, needs to be developed
  • 77 - a person with pronounced creative abilities. These are musicians, artists
  • 777 is a dangerous sign. Such people are “kissed by God” and, as a rule, come to the earthly world for a short time. Fulfill their destiny and go to another world
  • 7777 is an angelic sign. Either he dies at an early age or lives his whole life under some mortal danger


  • absent: consumer person, prefers to take and never gives
  • 8 - a well-developed sense of duty, able to take responsibility for someone
  • 88 - human assistant. Ready to help others, a well-developed sense of duty
  • 888 - man was created to serve the people. He will make a good politician, military man
  • 8888 is an extremely rare occurrence. A person with strong parapsychological abilities, a genius of the exact sciences
  • 9 - mental abilities must be developed through hard effort
  • 99 is a smart person, but he needs to study a lot to succeed
  • 999 - highly developed intelligence, excellent mental abilities. The danger is that, due to the fact that everything is easy, one does not make any effort and, as a result, can degrade.
  • 9999 - rude and cruel, but very smart person, sarcastic intellectual

Keep in mind that you cannot consider the meaning of the symbols from the Pythagorean table separately. Character must be assessed by analyzing all the meanings together.

Watch a lecture by a numerologist about drawing up a Pythagorean square:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

It is no secret that the date of birth influences the fate, characteristics and abilities of a person. The number received at birth is reflected throughout the life cycle. To understand your actions, to get to know your loved ones and acquaintances better, you can create a square or a Pythagorean table by date of birth, once proposed by an ancient Greek mathematician.

Pythagoras stated: “Everything that surrounds us is a number.” Life is subordinated laws mathematics. The movement of planets, the location of stars, solar and lunar eclipses are calculated through scientific research based on mathematical formulas. Numbers surround us, leaving an imprint on everything, which is why numerology has developed as a separate science.

The psychomatrix and numerology of the Pythagorean square is a way to know yourself, highlighted in a separate direction. The teaching began its development from the time of the Egyptian priests, who were able to find the relationship between numbers and the character and capabilities of a person.

Based on knowledge of the Egyptian system, Pythagoras outlined the mathematical vision in the form of a harmonious quadratures. The new direction expanded the meaning of numbers and helped determine the basic needs and goals of a person. You can come across such concepts as the Pythagorean triangle, or the Archimedes square in the system of numerology, but it would be correct to call it the Pythagorean square.

The Pythagorean square is a tool in numerology that allows you to determine the inclinations, hidden abilities and characteristic traits of an individual inherent in nature. The system is based on a combination of numbers included in the date of birth and revealing a person’s psychotype. Each number from 1 to 9 carries a special meaning, and its frequency of repetition enhances the inherent quality.

The psychomatrix shows natural data, but how much they will be used depends on the person himself.

You can calculate the Pythagorean number by date of birth yourself using the following steps. Let's look at the example of the date of birth: 07/05/1989.

  1. Sum up all the numbers of your date of birth (we don’t count 0): 5+7+1+9+8+9= 39. This will be first significant number.
  2. Add the numbers of the first significant number: 3+9 =12. It turns out second significant number.
  3. Take your birthday date and multiply the first non-zero digit by two. In the case of the example, the first digit is zero, we do not take it, the second digit is five, we double the five: 5 * 2 = 10.
  4. The resulting number is subtracted from the first significant number: 39−10=29. As a result we get third significant number.
  5. Sum up the digits of the third significant number: 2+9 =11. We get fourth significant number.

Make a number series: write down the date of birth and received significant numbers(without zeros):

  • 7.5.1989

Count the number of occurrences of each digit:

  • Units - 11111;
  • Twos - 22;
  • Threes - 3;
  • Fours - no;
  • Fives - 5;
  • Sixes - no;
  • Sevens - 7;
  • Eights - 8;
  • Nines - 9999.

Then make a table according to the figure below. Enter the resulting value in the appropriate cell with a number.

Rice. 1 Magic square of Pythagoras Fig. 2 Example of calculating the Pythagorean square

Each number in a cell corresponds to a certain quality. The more numbers of the same order, the stronger this quality is manifested.

Each number in the square is responsible for the presence or absence of certain qualities in a person and determines the map of life.

Interpretation of the map by the number of numbers in the cells

At the first stage, the Pythagorean square is deciphered by date of birth based on the number of digits in each cell and the corresponding values:

  • One - determines the strength of character, will, and self-centeredness of the individual.
  • Two - is responsible for energy, extrasensory perception ability, charisma and sexual attractiveness.
  • Three - thirst for knowledge in the field of science.
  • Four - physical health and external beauty of the body.
  • Five - intuitive gift, the ability to think logically.
  • Six - attitude towards physical labor, hard work and groundedness.
  • Seven - shows luck, luck, fortune.
  • Eight - responsibility to others, a sense of duty.
  • Nine - intelligence, analytical mind, memory and concentration.

Description of the meanings of numbers in a cube

Unit - character, willpower:

  • 1 - owners of the sign are weak-willed and selfish, have a complex character. They are characterized by inconsistency and exaggeration of volitional qualities, they do not know how to make decisions and shift responsibilities to others.
  • 11 - they are distinguished by a soft and flexible disposition. They are sociable, love praise, which they strive for in every possible way. They are not firm enough in their positions, their sense of purpose is poorly developed if the energy value is low.
  • 111 - psychotype refers to the “golden mean”. People with this trait easily find a common language with everyone. They do not like arguments, they are patient and gentle. But, despite all the positivity, you should not put pressure on them, otherwise conflict is inevitable.
  • 1111 - strong, strong-willed character. Sign of a leader, commander. Able to achieve a goal without resorting to cruelty and despotism. They do not accept flattery, but love sincere compliments and praise. In disputes they do not give in, but do not cross boundaries.
  • 11111 - imperious, purposeful character. The habits of a dictator and despotism prevail. It is better to abstain from power, since the consequences can be unpredictable.
  • 111111 - overload of authority and despotism, complex and unstable character. If it is impossible to achieve power, they may completely abandon their intentions.

Two - energy level, extrasensory data:

  • 2 - weakened energy. They do not like physical labor and conflict situations. They prefer praise and compliments, which increases their energy levels. Weather sensitive people.
  • 22 is a normal energy level at which you can effectively set and achieve goals. Absolutely devoid of laziness with the proper level of self-esteem.
  • 222 is a sign of natural psychic abilities. They can treat with the biofield, but the gift manifests itself in extreme situations. Physical labor is not recommended, as there is a loss of energy.
  • 2222 - people have strong energy, can be a donor. Has great attraction for the opposite sex. There is a possibility of excess energy, which should be removed periodically.

  • No - a penchant for art and humanitarian areas, creative professions are suitable. People with this indicator should definitely reveal their talent while they have the opportunity.
  • 3 - are interested in both humanities and technical specialties. They can be sprayed in different areas, which should not be allowed.
  • 33 - there is an interest in exact sciences and technology. Sign of mathematicians, scientists, physicists. If logic is present, they can make good repairmen, constructors and designers.
  • 333 - instability in interests in science, which is expressed in different ways. Interest in exact sciences can intersect with a craving for art and lead to a change in direction. People of this sign are obliged to reveal their capabilities, for which they need the support of loved ones.

Four - state of health, external beauty:

  • No - poor health from birth, which should be strengthened and maintained. It is not recommended to engage in professional sports or enter into conflicts, otherwise the supply of energy will instantly be exhausted. Physical labor is contraindicated.
  • 4 - fairly good health by nature. They can engage in professional sports if their energy level is high. Conflicts should be avoided so that health and energy remain stable.
  • 44 - good basic health. There is an opportunity to go into professional sports. Naturally beautiful and strong body. They have a high sense of purpose and can set and achieve goals.
  • 444 and above - very good health, practically not susceptible to disease. They are quite goal-oriented, but due to high anxiety for the future of the family, they may give up and not achieve the goal. They have a strong body and good sexual potential.

Five - “sixth sense”, intuitive abilities:

  • No - they don’t use logical thinking, plan poorly and constantly have their head in the clouds. They often wishful thinking and build castles in the air.
  • 5 - there is weak intuition, but still rarely make mistakes.
  • 55 - owners of strong logic. They can study exact sciences and plan the future well. They foresee the outcome of almost any business, but are not always protected from failure. Intuitive abilities are well developed, they are not easy to deceive.
  • 555 - strong intuition, extrasensory abilities, can predict the outcome of any events.
  • 5555 - clairvoyant, the combination is quite rare. They clearly see the causes and consequences of events.

Six - predisposition to work, grounding:

  • No - he doesn’t like to work physically, he does it only out of a sense of duty or necessity. They are more inclined towards creativity and the work of the mind.
  • 6 - can do physical labor when they are in the mood, otherwise they become irritable. Such a person should not be forced to work, otherwise nothing good will come of it.
  • 66 - individuals in this category are “jack of all trades”, they love to work and create something with their own hands.
  • 666 - a complex psychotype, the temperament is clearly manifested, there is aggressiveness, suppression of others.
  • 6666 - workaholic, high tolerance for physical labor, can sometimes be cruel.

Seven - the side of luck, luck, fortune:

  • No - a person’s fate is difficult, the path of life passes without the support of higher powers.
  • 7 - A little luck, there is partial protection from failure. People are faced with the task of finding and revealing themselves in a certain area. If you choose the wrong path, you get into trouble. When choosing the right direction, success follows.
  • 77 - people of this sign are lucky in life, “lucky” with a capital letter. It is easy for them to choose a path in life and follow it.
  • 777 and above - the owner of the combination himself defines your destiny, marked with a special sign of the universe and knowledge of the laws of life.

Eight - responsibility and duty:

  • No - lack of a sense of duty, tolerance and kindness. There is a consumer approach to life.
  • 8 - a sense of duty is inherent from birth. Responsible and conscientious people. But the quality is not very developed, they need to be reminded to take care.
  • 88 - a sense of duty from nature. These are kind, sympathetic and ready to help others people.
  • 888 - this combination has all the qualities of “88”; it makes good politicians and servants for the people.
  • 8888 and more are the qualities of a parapsychologist, a rare occurrence. Outstanding abilities, called to serve the people.

Nine - mental capabilities, analytical bias, memorization of information:

  • No - knowledge is difficult. In some cases, “9” is missing for those born after 2000; for them, there are other calculation methods.
  • 9 - Weak memory, forgetfulness. This is not to say that a person is stupid, but he remembers information less intensively, only the most important, filtering out all that is unnecessary.
  • 99 - have a strong memory. Quite smart people, quickly reproduce information, and can engage in scientific work. The downside is that they remember grievances and keep them in their memory for a long time.
  • 999 are very smart and quick-witted individuals. Good analytical skills. Training is often ignored because it comes easy. There is a predisposition to clairvoyance with certain combinations of other positions.
  • 9999 - highly intelligent people. Good specialists in their field. They have the gift of clairvoyance and can accurately predict events.

Decoding by horizontals, verticals and diagonals

At the second stage, the characteristic personality traits are deciphered using columns, rows and verticals in the table. The quality of character is determined not only by the number of numbers in the cells, but also by their sum in columns, rows and vertical lines.

Columns (vertical):

  • The first (1,2,3) indicates self-esteem. The higher the indicator, the stronger the individual’s desire to stand out from others.
  • The second (4,5,6) is material well-being, the ability to earn money. The higher the quantity, the stronger the desire to earn money and provide for oneself. If the indicator is above five, then there is a high probability of overwork.
  • Third (7,8,9) - talent, special qualities. Often, developing talent requires improving your abilities. If the value level is above three, you should definitely discover and develop your talent.

Lines (horizontal):

  • 1,4,7 - responsible for the ability to set goals. The higher the indicator, the greater the goal a person achieves. If the value exceeds five, the means of achievement become indifferent.
  • 2,5,8 - family life and readiness for a serious relationship. Shows a desire to be responsible for the family. With a value of 1-2 people are reluctant to take a responsible step; with a value of 6-9 they are ready create strong family and take full responsibility upon yourself.
  • 3,6,9 - stability of life position, stability. Indicates attachment to habits and lifestyle. A high level indicates a reluctance to change something, a commitment to stability.

Diagonal lines:

  • 3,5,7 - sexuality and temperament. A high value indicates greater temperament, but does not affect the quality of intimate relationships.
  • 1,5,9 - spiritual side. If the level reaches five, there is an increase in spirituality. The absence of numbers indicates lack of spirituality; an indicator of more than five means fanaticism.

Rice. 3 Example of calculation by lines

How to find out marital compatibility

To check marital compatibility, you should create a numerical matrix for each partner. The calculation is made by the number of values ​​in horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. The closer the partners’ values, the more harmonious the union.

You can view compatibility on the In-contri website at the link:

Attention, TODAY only!

According to numerology and Pythagorean theory, the life of every person has a seven-year cycle of ups and downs of vitality, which depends on the date of birth and represents Life Chart (Vitality). Each year has its own indicator of the 7-year cycle, which is calculated using a special formula.

For Calculation of Life Schedule the numbers of the day, month and year of birth are multiplied among themselves. If the result is a number less than seven digits, then its first digits are sequentially added to it. For example, a person was born on February 10, 1970. Multiply 10x2x1970=39400. The resulting number is less than seven digits, so we sequentially add the first two digits to it and get a seven-digit code: 3940039.

To construct a Graph of Vital Forces, years are set aside along the X axis (7 years), starting from the year of birth. Along the Y axis above each year is a digit (from 0 to 9) of a seven-digit code obtained by multiplying the numbers of the day, month and year of birth (with digits added if necessary). Above the dot of the year of birth is the first digit of the number, above the second year of life is the second digit of the number, etc.). For our example, it will be: 1970 - 3, 1971 - 9, 1972 - 4, 1973 - 0, 1974 - 0, 1975 - 3, 1976 - 9. The resulting points are connected by lines. Since this schedule has a 7-year periodicity, the schedule will be repeated in each subsequent 7 years of life.

Do not confuse the Vitality Graph with, which is calculated using a different algorithm.

Online calculation and construction of a Life Chart

To build a Life Graph, enter your date of birth and click “Build graph”; to clear the fields, click “Reset”. Below is a breakdown of the meanings of the Life Graph.

Enter the correct date of birth

Day Month Year
Build a graph Reset
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Decoding the meanings of the Life Graph

0 Symbolizes a difficult period in life and the need for support from loved ones. During this period, painful conditions, apathy, frequent attacks of melancholy, failure and loss of strength are possible. This is always a period of life when there is a streak of failures and pessimistic thoughts are present. Zero means working off karmic debts; in order to avoid its harmful influence, you need to reconsider your life, understand your actions and draw the necessary conclusions.

1 Indicates a period of recovery after a difficult situation; at this time you need to rely mainly on yourself. At this time, self-dissatisfaction, irritability and imbalance appear. You have to fight for your rights and also work hard. People who have one in their childhood most often grow up in single-parent families or in difficult conditions.

2 It speaks of the beginning of a difficult but confident climb. At this time, there is an alternation of declines and rises in activity. However, this period is perceived, as a rule, with philosophical calm - the deuce gives the ability to control and “extinguish” in advance any negative manifestations.

3 The difficult period continues, but the outlines of a better life can already be seen. This period is characterized by instability of views and beliefs. The precariousness of the situation teaches flexibility in communication and forces one to show maximum ingenuity. As a rule, at this time many new friends appear and business activity increases.

4 Symbolizes constancy in habits and outlook on life. Indicates a period when a person has taken his place in society and does not want any changes. Stability and strength of position both in personal life and at work. If a four occurs after a larger number (the graph goes down), this indicates self-doubt, a loss of faith in one’s strength, which is why an energy decline occurs.

5 Symbolizes risk. This time is both the happiest and most unpredictable period. At this time, there may be a desire to take risks, to go all-in. You should prepare for the fact that life will resemble a lottery with its winnings and unpredictable losses. If the five appears after smaller numbers (the graph is going up), you can expect a gift from fate in the form of true love. At the same time, a five after large numbers (the graph is declining) indicates a possible discord in the family and relationships with a partner.

6 Indicates a period of reliability, harmony with nature and oneself. This is an ideal number that combines a harmonious balance of personality traits and movement towards a goal. Life will be characterized by sociability and balance. A person sets goals for himself that do not run counter to his moral principles. If six is ​​the point of decline in the graph, you should be more attentive to the financial side of life, but if this is the number of rise (comes after smaller numbers), this indicates an increase in well-being.

7 Symbolizes exploration of the unknown. During this period, it is possible to become interested in spiritual practice, meditation, and research work. If seven is the point of decline (after it the graph goes down), it is probably necessary to reconsider your views on family relationships. If seven becomes a rising point (after it the graph goes up), this indicates strengthening relationships not only with relatives, but also with colleagues, friends and others in general.

8 It is the number of material success and means reliability, success in commercial activities. During this period, money seems to go into a person’s hands. If at the same time the eight is also a point of ascent, then you can continue to confidently move towards your goals. If the eight appears after the nine (the chart is declining), you should not take too many risks and tempt fate, hoping to get even more from it.

9 The number of complete self-realization and reaching the limits of your dreams. Symbolizes complete success, the greatest achievements. This is the peak of a person's mental and physical abilities in the current 7-year life cycle.