The series black raven fortune telling on cards. Alignment for the magical effects of tarot

Layout “Diagnostics of damage”

This alignment in the tarological world is called “Damage”. And it is carried out in cases where a person suspects that incomprehensible, inexplicable events, illnesses, fatigue, depression have begun to occur in his life, everything in life is not turning out the way we would like and we begin to think if this is damage?
Attention! The reading is done on a full Tarot deck!

And this little layout answers a number of similar questions.
1 – Possible damage. In this scenario, damage will be shown by the negative Major Arcanum.
2 – Possible evil eye. Here you will see whether the evil eye is present or not. If there is damage in the 1st position, then the 2nd position will show where this damage came from.
3 – The presence of enemies, enemies, those who can cause harm or have already done so.
4 – A person’s personal internal attitude towards this matter, and towards life in general.
Scheme of the "Damage" layout

The following cards will show whether a person has negative or magical influences in the layout:
Moon, especially if the card is reversed.
Magician (more as a possible impact), if the Magician is direct - there is an impact
Inverted Emperor and inverted Devil (can mean severe damage)
Tower, Death, High Priestess, High Priest - regardless of the form in which they appeared in the layout.
The hermit is often mistaken for a negative influence, but this is more “their cockroaches in the head” than an external influence. But it could mean old damage.
If you use a full deck of Tarot cards, the negative and magical effects will show:
10 of Swords. If the layout shows 3 Swords, 4 Swords, 9 Swords, 5 Cups, Ace of Wands, King of Swords and Knight of Swords, then it is necessary to check or supplement the information received with other cards for a negative impact. Although some tarologists say that if Swords, 5 Wands, 9 Wands, 10 Wands, 9 Cups, 6 Pentacles, Ace of Cups are present in the layout, then all these cards indicate the presence of damage or the evil eye on a person, but all these cards require clarification.
If you use only the Major Arcana, and you need to supplement the information received, then you need to pull out one clarifying card from the deck:
Ace of Wands – there is negativity, clarification is required
Ace of Cups – any negative impact that was made on the water
Ace of Swords – funeral service in church
Ace of Pentacles - for financial difficulties, for taking away good luck
2 of Wands – made with love
2 of Cups – made for love, perhaps for a wedding
2 of Swords – possibly a curse, needs clarification
2 of Pentacles – infertility, impotence
3 of Wands – love spell
3 of Cups - love spell
3 of Swords - was done in a cemetery if it falls on the Moon (damage to a cemetery, through a photograph)
3 of Pentacles - good luck
4 of Wands – requires clarification, but in principle a clean card
4 of Cups – love spell
4 of Swords – there is negativity, clarification is required
4 of Pentacles – the crown of celibacy
5 of Wands – needs clarification
5 of Cups – vampirism present
5 of Swords – Love Spell
5 of Pentacles – impact on the general biofield
6 of Wands – love affairs, but requires clarification
6 of Cups - damage
6 of Swords – needs clarification
6 of Pentacles - deprivation of something
7 of Wands – needs clarification
7 of Cups – needs clarification
7 of Swords – needs clarification
7 of Pentacles – cessation of personal growth
8 of Wands – love spell
8 of Cups – with a candle
8 of Swords - using volts
8 of Pentacles – needs clarification
9 of Wands – needs clarification
9 of Cups - generational curse
9 of Swords – funeral service alive
9 of Pentacles – needs clarification
10 of Wands – negativity is present, requires clarification
10 of Cups - damage done at a wedding
10 of Swords – love spell
10 of Pentacles – damage
Page of Wands – love spell
Page of Cups – needs clarification
Page of Swords - the action of a sorcerer
Page of Pentacles – volt
Knight of Wands – needs clarification
Knight of Cups – to be clarified
Knight of Swords - here, no longer an impact, but a thorough scanning of a person
Knight of Pentacles - for blood
Queen of Wands – Plant Magic
Queen of Cups - household damage
Queen of Swords – love spell
Queen of Pentacles - a curse lies on the house, home
King of Wands – Love Spell
King of Cups - for alcohol, drug addiction
King of Swords – energetic impact
King of Pentacles – to be clarified

Let me give you an example of another “Damage” layout:
1,2,3 – possible damage
4,5,6 – possible love spell
7,8,9 – possible evil eye
If there is, then 10 - from whom is the damage, 11 - from whom is the evil eye, 12 - from whom is the love spell, look at the figured cards from that.

Layout diagram:



Tarot card combinations for Damage:

Of the Major Arcana, the presence of damage is indicated (by appearing in an inverted position): Magician, Devil, Priestess, Priest, Moon.

Magician - the damage was done by a young man;

The devil is a strong curse;

Priestess - the damage was caused by an elderly woman;

Priest – the damage was done by an elderly man;

The hermit is an old curse.

Of the Minor Arcana, the presence of damage and the evil eye, a possible attack in the near future and magical interventions that are not particularly strong in impact (in combination with the already indicated cards of the Major Arcana, both inverted and upright) are indicated by the following cards: all swords , Five of Wands, Nine of Wands, Ten of Wands, Nine of Cups.

Six of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, Ace of Cups - these cards indicate damage and the evil eye, specifying what exactly the damage was done for.

So, for example, the following came out in the layout (the cards were all upside down):

Devil + nine of swords + ten of swords = strong damage to a heart attack, and if it is not removed, the person may die.

Devil + nine of swords + ten of swords + Ace of swords = this is a terrible combination, damage to death, when a person is paralyzed through a stroke and dies.

Hermit + Devil + Ace of Swords + Eight of Swords = the damage was done by an old man, and a very strong sorcerer, who caused damage to death by envolting (a wax figurine is pierced with needles).

Ace of swords + ten of swords + nine of swords = damage that can lead to death, serious damage, drying out of a person.

Devil + Ace of Swords + Strength = possession by evil forces.

Court (transl.) + Priest (direct) + nine of cups + six of swords = wedding damage.

Devil + Priest (direct) + ten swords = church damage.

Devil + nine of swords + Death (transl.) = damage to the cemetery.

Ace of Swords + Ace of Cups + Knight of Cups = damage to infertility.

Five of Cups + Death + Nine of Cups = corruption in the water taken after washing the deceased.

Five of swords + seven of pentacles + six of pentacles = damage to the earth for misfortunes in the house.

Nine of Cups + Ace of Wands + King of Swords = damage to male sexual impotence, done by relatives at some family feast, the client “ate” or “drank” the damage.

Seven of cups + ten of swords + eight of swords + ten of cups = damage done on needles that are hidden in the client’s house, to take away health and undermine family well-being.

Three of Swords + Queen of Swords + Eight of Cups = a blonde widow whose neighbor at work or at home bewitched and cast a spell on her husband’s departure from the family.

Six of Swords + Lovers (transl.) + Ten of Cups (transl.) – damage to get rid of your beloved, to conflicts and problems with her.

Judgment + six of swords + Ace of Cups = family damage, already present on all family members.

Judgment + six of swords + Ace of Cups + King of Swords = family damage, damage through a family curse.

Chariot + eight of swords + seven of pentacles = damage to the next.

Chariot + Seven of Pentacles + Knight of Swords = damage at a crossroads, which a person “picked up” by accident.

Chariot + six of wands (transl.) + seven of swords + Tower = damage to death during an accident, problems with the car.

Four of Cups + Three of Swords + Nine of Cups = spell damage on menstrual blood.

Ten of Swords + Death (transl.) + Moon – damage to the cemetery through photography.

Queen of Swords + Eight of Swords + Moon = Gypsy corruption.

Magician + Devil = curse.

Tarot cards usually indicate possible death with the following combination:

Strength + Ace of Swords + Peace + King of Wands + Ten of Swords + Nine of Swords = Death.

Strength + Ace of Swords + Four of Swords = death from cancer.

Strength + Ace of Swords + Four of Swords + King of Swords = death from cancer after unsuccessful surgery.

Strength + Ace of Swords + Four of Swords + Mage = Cancer caused by corruption.
Judgment + Temperance – Death

Do you have a suspicion that someone has damaged you/your loved ones? In this article we will talk about what diagnosing damage to the Tarot is, we will help to identify an ill-wisher, and we will give examples of some popular layouts for damage. Enjoy reading!

Diagnosis of corruption on the Tarot

Diagnosis of magical negativity is a subtype of fortune telling, which allows you to determine the presence/absence of destructive third-party programs on a person and/or property, identify the ill-wisher who brought them, etc. For this purpose, regular or specific layouts can be used, examples of which will be given below. Correct decoding of the obtained values ​​is the key to successfully eliminating negativity.

According to professional tarot readers, such layouts can be carried out using ordinary, classic decks, but it is best to use the Tarot of Shadows.

If you are a beginner and have just begun to study fortune telling with cards, we recommend that you seek advice from specialists at the Russian Tarot School. Another option is to attend courses where you will be taught to independently identify negative programs and eliminate them in a timely manner. Before starting training, it is advisable to read Sergei Savchenko’s book “Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards.”

Tarot spreads for damage

Let's look at simple examples of layouts for damage (is there any) on the Tarot. Details below.

"Three Troubles" layout

One of the simplest fortune telling for beginners. Concentrate, shuffle the deck, then draw a card indicating you (the querent's signifier) ​​and a photo (your own or the one being fortune-told).

Important! When choosing your card, consider the following: if you are a woman, choose the Queen (based on hair color, age), if the fortune telling is for a man - the King (the selection criteria are similar)

Randomly select 12 cards from the deck, placing them in the sequence shown in the diagram below.

A detailed explanation of the layout positions is given below.

  • 1, 2, 3 - Presence/absence of damage (depending on the value of the cards drawn)
  • 4, 5, 6 - Diagnosis of the evil eye on the Tarot
  • 7, 8, 9 - Is there a love spell on the querent?
  • 10 - Who made/ordered the damage
  • 11 - Who jinxed the querent
  • 12 - Who bewitched the object

"Damage" layout

Used in cases of suspected induction of negative magical effects (a constant series of troubles, illnesses, and other problems). Lay out the cards according to the above diagram, look at the interpretation of the positions of the layout.

  1. High probability of damage
  2. Presence/absence of damage
  3. Does the querent have enemies or ill-wishers?
  4. The inner state of a fortuneteller

Layout "Black Raven"

To conduct fortune telling, you can use one of three decks - Black Grimoires, Rider-Waite Tarot, Tarot of Shadows. Allows you to identify the presence of third-party magical interference, how it is expressed, how it was done, etc. A detailed diagram and interpretation of positions are given below.

  • 1 - Reasons to suspect the presence of magical interference in the life of the querent
  • 2 - Does it really exist (check position)
  • 3 - How does the existing magical intervention manifest itself?
  • 4 - Direct assessment of the situation by the querent
  • 5 - Who caused the damage/evil eye/love spell
  • 6 - How was the impact carried out?
  • 7, 8 - Karmic reasons for guidance (what the fortuneteller deserves). What did the initiator of the negative want (to spoil something, to jinx something, to bewitch, to take away the querent or his loved one)
  • 9 - Type of negativity from magical influence, is it available at all?
  • 10 - Rationality of removing damage/evil eye/love spell
  • 11 - The best course of action in this situation
  • 12 - Final map (how the problem will end)

How to find out from the Tarot who caused damage

Who did the damage? Tarot reading will help answer this question.

Try a little experiment with one card. To do this, use Tarot cards with figures and Major Arcana. Ask the question “Where from”, draw one card. The next question is “From whom?” The detailed meaning of the entire Tarot deck will be given at the end of the article.

Attention! Such experimental fortune-telling is shown to those who have already learned to feel each arcan of the deck and its energy - this will help to immediately identify the ill-wisher. If you have just embarked on the path of practice with the Tarot, this type of layout will only confuse you

For more accurate information, use any of the following layouts.

Alignment for damage

The peculiarity of this fortune telling is its simplicity and accessibility. Lay out the cards according to the indicated pattern. See position breakdown below.

Important! If the first card has a negative value, you don’t have to continue fortune telling.

  1. Presence/absence of damage
  2. Who is the initiator?
  3. Why was the ritual performed?
  4. When the damage was done - in the current incarnation or the past
  5. How does the querent react to this magical influence?
  6. Actions necessary to get rid of negativity

"Attack" layout

Allows you to determine the magical effect, its “author” and the final result of damage. Draw six cards at random and arrange them sequentially from left to right. The diagram and interpretation are given below.

  1. Are there any manifestations of negative magical influence on the querent?
  2. Which area of ​​life is most involved?
  3. Who is the attacker?
  4. The goals pursued by the ill-wisher
  5. Ways to eliminate damage/evil eye, etc.
  6. Final result

Fortune telling about property damage allows us to identify the following negative effects:

  • constant breakdowns of household appliances
  • car theft
  • problems with selling real estate, etc.

Inanimate objects, most often, do not have their own energy or chakras, so it will be difficult for beginners to determine the presence/absence of property damage. You can try to do the following - shuffle the deck, randomly draw out several cards and place them in one row, looking at their value (favorable/unfavorable).

Note. Fortune telling will give a reliable answer if the property is very valuable to you, and you have invested a lot of your own energy into it. For example, a comfortable apartment, handicrafts made with your own hands, a car/motorcycle that you have repeatedly disassembled and reassembled. The presence of negativity requires a mandatory cleansing ritual.

The meaning of cards in Tarot layouts for damage

Let's consider the meaning of cards indicating a magical negative (evil eye/damage, love spell, etc.)

Major Arcana

  • Mage: There is damage. Its author is a young guy
  • Devil: The presence of strong damage/curse
  • Priestess: The impact was made by an elderly woman
  • Priest: Elderly man - initiator of damage/evil eye
  • Hermit: Stale Negativity

Minor Arcana

  • Ace: There is an impact. It is necessary to clarify where, who and how
  • Deuce: Love spell, lapel
  • Three: Strong love spell
  • Six: High probability of influence from love magic
  • Eight: Love spell
  • Ten: Negativity of unknown etiology
  • Page: Love spell
  • : Plant magic was used to create negativity
  • King: Love influence
  • Ace: Exposure made through water, drinks
  • Two: Love influence (love spell, lapel)
  • Troika: Love black magic
  • Four: A black love spell is used
  • Five: You have become a victim of energy vampirism
  • Six: Presence of damage
  • Eight: The negative was induced using fire or a candle
  • Nine: The curse goes according to the querent’s gender
  • Ten: Strong damage that was done at a wedding
  • Queen: The evil eye, another type of household damage
  • King: Damage to alcohol/drug addiction
  • Ace: There was a funeral service in the church
  • Deuce: Curse (specify origin)
  • Troika: Cemetery Damage
  • Five: Black love spell
  • Eight: Damage using envolting (a wax figure made in the image, likeness of the querent with the baptism procedure)
  • Nine: Funeral service alive
  • Ten: Having a strong love spell
  • Knight: Forced scanning of a person's energy field
  • Queen: Love spell
  • King: Negative impact of unknown origin
  • Ace: Taking away luck, financial difficulties
  • Two: Impotence/infertility
  • Three: Averting good luck
  • Four: Crown of Celibacy
  • : Negative on the querent’s biofield
  • Six: Stealing (taking away health, success, love)
  • Seven: Freezing of the querent's abilities, lack of growth
  • Ten: Presence of damage
  • Page: Envolting
  • Knight: Damage to blood (menstruation, etc.)
  • : Damage to property

We hope that the above information will help you get rid of possible damage as soon as possible. We wish you good luck and see you soon!


When something goes wrong in our lives, when we are constantly haunted by some difficulties and problems in all areas, the thought always appears: what if all this is a consequence of some kind of negative energy? To find out for sure, you can carry out a diagnosis using cards, making a Tarot layout for magical effects. Today I will tell you about the rules for conducting it, the meaning of the cards and, of course, several variations of fortune telling for different occasions.

Is it possible to diagnose a negative impact on the Tarot?

Yes, of course, it is possible to diagnose magical effects using the Tarot. Absolutely any deck is suitable for this, with the exception of highly specialized ones. In general, there are special decks for diagnosing negativity in the Tarot, for example, it perfectly shows any magical effects of the PMP Tarot by Felix Eldemurov, the Tarot of Shadows by Vera Sklyarova, the Black Grimoire Necronomicon and others. Cards can show ancestral curses, household negativity (evil eye), bindings of astral entities, love spells and much more. There is nothing particularly difficult in carrying out the diagnosis itself; difficulties are usually caused by the interpretation of the cards, but I will talk about this separately a little later. In the meantime, let's look at layouts that will help you detect the presence or absence of magical influence.

Layout “Diagnostics of the negative”

At first glance, this alignment for negativity on the Tarot seems very complex, but in fact it is only an appearance. You need to start it from the top horizontal row. First we lay out cards 1-5 - they will show the type of negative and its presence.

  1. Evil eye
  2. Damage
  3. A curse
  4. Love spell
  5. Karmic problems

If at one of these positions we see a card confirming the presence of a negative, then we already lay out a vertical row under it. If the card indicates the absence of any “byaka”, we do not lay out a vertical row under it.

  • Positions 6-10 show when or under what circumstances the magical effect was induced
  • Positions 11-15 - talk about the source of the negativity, who caused it
  • Cards 16-20 - describe how or through what the influence was induced
  • Cards 21-25 - tell you how to remove it

Let's look at an example. Let's say we laid out the first row and saw the Arcana confirming the negative in positions 2 and 4. This means that the person has damage and a love spell, and then we work only with these vertical rows, i.e. we first lay out cards 7, 12, 17, 22 , and then - 9, 14, 19, 24. We do not need the remaining positions. It is rare to meet a person who experiences all possible types of influences at once.

Simple layout “Presence of negativity”

If the previous fortune telling seemed too complicated to you, use this one - it is simpler. In this case, diagnostics of the magical influence on the Tarot is carried out using only seven cards.

Position meaning

  1. Presence of damage
  2. Is there an evil eye
  3. Curses
  4. Presence of a love spell
  5. Sexual attachments
  6. Lapels
  7. The presence of energy vampirism (when life energy is drawn from a person)

But it is important to understand that when working using this method, you will only find out whether there is some kind of negative, but where and how it came from, you will not be able to find out - for this you can pull out clarifying cards or carry out a repeated detailed alignment specifically for the detected impact.

Chakra alignment for determining magical effects

The chakra alignment is usually used in two variations: in the first version, the tarot reader simply evaluates problematic areas of life, in the second, a diagnosis of magical and negative influences is carried out. Based on the state of each chakra, you can assess what state it is in, what it affects, and whether there is any impact. Since we are talking about the negative, we are interested in the second version of the alignment, but I will still include the main meaning in the description of the positions so that you understand what area of ​​life we ​​are talking about.

  1. Muladhara is the general state of human health, the level of vital energy. Using this chakra we look at problems that come by gender
  2. Svadhisthana is the level of satisfaction with life, including sexual life. Love spells, if any, are visible from this position
  3. Manipura - human ambition, inner strength, endurance. Impact on career, business, money channel blockages
  4. Anahata - heart attachments, the level of love and compassion in a person’s heart. Using this chakra, you can assess whether the questioner has embarked on the path of self-destruction. If there is negativity here, then the person is ruining his life with his own wrong behavior
  5. Vishuddha is a manifestation in society of self-realization. When diagnosing - evil eyes, negativity due to human envy, gossip, slander
  6. Ajna - thinking, telepathy, intuition. In diagnostic scenarios - mental programs, zombification, suggestion of thoughts
  7. Sahasrara is the connection of a person with the Universe, the Higher Powers. In the negative - a severance of connection with the Cosmos, God, Higher Powers

Personally, I consider Felix Eldemurov’s PMP to be the most ideal deck for the chakra alignment of the Tarot. It consists only of the Major Arcana, but there are three sets of them, with the same image, but differing in color. Brown-yellow color speaks of everyday life, blue speaks of psychological influences, and red speaks of magical influences. When working with this deck, you don’t need to carry out two readings - in one, you can immediately see both the problem areas and the reason for the failures: whether it is everyday, psychological or magical.

Fortune telling "Three troubles"

Using this layout, you can conduct a detailed diagnosis of the magical effects on the Tarot. The very name of fortune telling was not chosen by chance: the three main “troubles” with which people turn to a tarot reader are damage, the evil eye and a love spell. It is these negative impacts that are discussed in detail in the scenario.

Position meaning

  • S is the significator of a person. Self-selected
  • 1, 2, 3 - presence or absence of damage
  • 4, 5, 6 - presence or absence of the evil eye
  • 7, 8, 9 - presence or absence of love magic, love spell
  • 10 - source of damage
  • 11 - source of the evil eye
  • 12 - source of love spell

Cards 10, 11 and 12 are laid out only if there are Arcana in the positions above them, indicating the presence of negativity induced by magic.

"Black Raven" layout from Banshi

A very detailed fortune telling, which allows you not only to learn about harmful influences from the outside, but also to understand the reasons why it was carried out, and also to see the method of causing harm.

Position meaning

  1. The reason that made the person think about the possible negative impact
  2. Does such an impact really exist?
  3. How does it express itself to others?
  4. How is it expressed for the person himself?
  5. Source of magical influence, who brought it
  6. Method of causing harm
  7. Karmic reasons why a person “deserves” these failures
  8. Everyday reasons for the impact (why the ill-wisher aimed his impact specifically at this person). This card usually reveals manifestations such as envy, jealousy, rivalry, financial issues, etc.
  9. How will this influence affect a person? How does it manifest itself, is it dangerous to life, health, etc.?
  10. Is it necessary to remove damage, the evil eye or other detected effects?
  11. Recommended way to get rid of "byaka"
  12. Result, prospects, whether there will be a result from withdrawal, etc.

Fortune telling "Diagnostics of the aura"

You can diagnose the negative impact on the Tarot by looking at the state of a person’s aura, because, as you know, it is on the energy field that all possible negative influences manifest themselves.

Positions of cards in the layout

  1. Shows possible damage
  2. Diagnoses the evil eye or the source of damage (if there was a clearly negative Arcana in the previous position)
  3. The presence of ill-wishers and enemies who can harm your energy shell. This card can be used by envious people, avengers, rivals in love or business, and simply energy vampires
  4. Self-tuning of the querent. It happens that a person has jinxed himself by constantly concentrating on the bad, or by making a mistake in magical operations if he is engaged in esotericism on his own
  5. Love magic: love spells, lapels, sugar spells, etc.

Diagnosis of birth negativity

Sometimes family problems are repeated from generation to generation. For example, all women lose their husbands early or men cannot start a family. There are also diseases that run through the family, identical accidents that happen to several family members. If a similar situation occurs in your client’s family, use the layout for the generic negative to understand whether it exists and what its reasons are.

Position meaning

  1. Presence of generic negativity
  2. Which branch does the destructive birth program take?
  3. Source of influence (who or what)
  4. The influence of generic problems on the current life of the querent
  5. Can a person fix the problem on his own?
  6. How can this be done, what forces should we turn to? The same map may also be used to advise you to seek help from a professional.
  7. Is the complex chosen by the Master suitable for cleansing? If, for example, a person turns to a specialist and he advises to remove the negative with runes, prayers, magical rituals
  8. Obstacles that may arise during the elimination of the birth program
  9. What rituals will help overcome these difficulties?

Fortune telling "Crown of celibacy"

Often, women who cannot arrange their personal lives turn to tarot readers. In this case, first of all, it is worth conducting a small “Crown of Celibacy” alignment, and only then, if it does not reveal this problem, do a larger diagnosis of the negative on the Tarot.

The meaning of the layout positions

  1. The presence or absence of a “crown of celibacy”.
  2. If the answer is “yes” in the first position, then we look at this card to see if it matches the gender
  3. Does the “crown of celibacy” come from karma?
  4. Is it possible to remove it and how?

The meaning of cards in diagnostic layouts

Now let's move on to the most interesting part - let's talk about Tarot cards that indicate magical effects. More than once I have come across articles in which almost every Arcana was attributed a negative of one kind or another. I don’t like this approach, because it turns out that the absence of magical influence is much less common than its presence. That is why I do not want to give you specific meanings and advise you to use exclusively your personal, individual perception of the cards.

So, for example, for some it may be a curse to death, and for others it may be a love spell and sexual attachment. Some perceive it as magic emanating from a woman, while others consider it an indicator of the magical abilities of the person himself, with the help of which he can resist any outside influence. How many people - so many opinions.

It is also very important to evaluate the combination of cards with each other, especially in such layouts where the presence of negativity is considered across several Arcana at once, because even something quite harmless at first glance in the environment can radically change its classical interpretation.

Since my favorite and most frequently used deck is the brainchild of the great occultist Aleister Crowley, at first I read thematic forums where the meaning of Thoth Tarot cards in diagnosing negativity was discussed. I honestly tried to apply the interpretations that were offered by practicing tarot readers, but in most cases what came out was some kind of nonsense. And only when I threw aside other people’s elaborations and began to develop my own, everything fell into place. And to this day I cannot say with accuracy what this or that Arcanum will mean in a particular case - there is simply no universal interpretation for all occasions.

So, for example, the card Regulation () in one case was played specifically by karmic, and in another it indicated that the person had problems with the law, and once showed a person’s ability to resist magical influences, and in another scenario it symbolized generic problems along the male line .

It is difficult to explain exactly how I derive the meaning - the hints come purely intuitively.

Important! Until you learn to feel each card, you will not receive clear, specific answers, relying only on interpretations invented by someone from the Internet

Therefore, I advise you to work through each card personally for yourself, feel exactly how it can manifest itself, derive a range of possible interpretations during diagnosis, and then, in a specific scenario, see which interpretation will be closer.

Advice! Do not use different decks to diagnose negativity. Learn to understand just one, or in extreme cases, two. This will be much better than thinking every time about whether the Priestess of the Thoth Tarot, the Rider-Waite Priestess and the Priestess, for example, of the Heavenly Tarot will have the same meaning

Of course, Tarot cards are not the only tool for magical diagnostics. Runes are also quite suitable for this purpose. If Scandinavian symbols are closer to you, check out the article on. In any case, you need to choose exactly the method that is closer and more convenient for you.

What to do after you discover something negative?

If you know for sure that you can help a person yourself - with spells, rituals, or in some other way, then, of course, help. If you have never carried out cleanings, it is better to advise the person to contact another specialist. You can compare the work of a tarot reader with the work of a doctor. Some tarot readers are “therapists” who find a problem and write a referral to another specialist, and some are “doctors” of a specific specialty, for example, tarot readers-runologists, tarot readers-magicians, tarot readers-bioenergetics - they can cope with negativity of any kind on their own . The main thing is not to overestimate the level of your own abilities. Cleaning must be done efficiently, otherwise your work will be of no use. If you feel that you can’t cope or the case is very difficult, just honestly tell the person about it and offer options for solving his problem.

As in any fortune telling, the most important is given to correctly asked questions. Depending on the goal (obtaining the necessary answers), a layout is selected. Advice: beginners should refrain from diagnosing other people’s situations; first they need to gain experience through personal example, analyzing in detail their own life situations. To identify various influences using Tarot cards, it is better to have a separate deck; tarot readers most often use the Tarot of Shadows. Let's look at simple examples of spoilage layouts.

Alignment for damage

The simplest fortune telling available to any beginner. It is necessary to carefully shuffle the deck in a calm state and take out 6 cards.

Decoding cards by position:

1 – presence or absence of magical influence.

2 – who is the initiator of the ritual.

3 – reasons why the impact was carried out.

4 – in what incarnation the damage was caused.

5 – the object’s reaction to magical influence.

6 – how to get rid of negativity.

"Three Troubles" layout

A simple fortune telling that describes the current situation in detail. Concentrate, shuffle the deck well. Take out one card that will symbolize the object of fortune telling (significator) and a photograph of the person for whom the layout is being performed. Important: when choosing an object card, gender, hair color and age are taken into account. For a woman, a Queen is chosen, for a man, a King. Then 12 cards are randomly selected and dealt out.

Explanation of positions:

1, 2, 3 – indicate the presence or absence of damage.

4, 5, 6 – diagnose negative influences in detail.

7, 8, 9 – consider the presence of a love spell on the object.

10 – who ordered or caused damage.

11 – who jinxed the object.

12 – who bewitched the object.

Layout "Black Raven"

An example of another simplest independent diagnostic layout that you can do yourself. You need to select the Major Arcana, mix them well and lay them out one by one.

Each card will answer a specific question:

1 – subconscious reason for suspicion of destructive interference.

2 – verification card. Shows whether there really is an extraneous magical influence.

3 and 4 – manifestation of influence (3 – what others see, 4 – what the questioner sees).

5 – source who carried out the attack.

6 – method of carrying out a magical attack.

7 and 8 – together they reveal the true motives of the one who caused the damage:

7 – by what actions did the object deserve damage;

8 – will clarify the enemy’s goals (the desire to punish, take revenge, harm out of jealousy, etc.).

9 – danger from witchcraft influence.

10 – whether it is necessary to get rid of the influence.

11 – method of removal and cleaning (if necessary).

12 is the result of fortune telling.

Layout "Toad"

Performed from 6 cards of the Major Arcana on the Tarot of Shadows deck. The main goal of the alignment is to identify ill-wishers, envious people and enemies from the immediate circle. The cards are laid out in a row.

1 – the object’s own opinion about the attitude of the people around him.

2 – the actual attitude of others towards the object.

3 – will reveal ill-wishers from a close circle.

4 – will tell you about the reasons for the negative attitude towards the object.

5 – what are the actions of enemies.

6 – advice to the subject of fortune telling from Tarot cards.

"Attack" layout

Determines the magical effect, its source, and the final result. In a random order, 6 cards are drawn and laid out in order, each of which has its own meaning.

1 – whether there is a presence of third-party influence at the facility.

2 – the sphere of life that is affected the most.

3 – will tell you who the source of influence is.

4 – will reveal the target of the attack.

5 – ways to remove negative interference.

6 – final result.

Tarot spread for property damage

This alignment will reveal the reasons, and in some cases, warn in time about the possible consequences of negative influences such as: car theft, failures and breakdowns of household appliances, problems with the purchase or sale of real estate. The layout is simple in technique, but quite complex in interpretation. It is difficult for beginning tarot readers to determine the presence of damage to property, since inanimate objects do not have their own energy. Several cards are pulled out of the shuffled deck, laid out in one row, and then their meaning is interpreted and analyzed.

Attention! The most accurate answer will be obtained if a large amount of effort and the owner’s own energy has been invested in the property for which fortune telling is being carried out, and it is of great importance for the object. If negativity is identified, it is necessary to carry out a cleansing ritual.

Safety precautions when working with Tarot decks

Safety precautions are something that should not be neglected when working with Tarot cards. Especially if the alignment is carried out to analyze negative phenomena leading to damage to the energy sector. Fire is an excellent cleanser, so candles should be used during the reading. After completing the fortune telling, using a new candle each time, you need to clean the deck (holding it over the fire) and walk around the perimeter of the room, thus burning off the accumulated negativity. As for the time for damage, Tarot cards are not picky in this case. However, you should refrain from fortune telling during the full moon and the twilight period. At this time, the line between the worlds becomes thinner, and the interaction of negative energies increases. The exception is rituals that are performed during the specified period.

Which cards indicate damage?

Of course, interpreting cards is a complex process that will take a long time to learn. When fortune telling, it is necessary to ask clarifying questions, take into account the deck used and the individual characteristics of the object. But there are also common signs that often indicate a negative impact. The questions are asked as simple as possible, for example, “Am I damaged?” Particular attention is paid to the combination of cards and their position (straight or inverted). The appearance of inverted Major Arcana in the reading: Magician, Moon, Hermit, Priest, Priestess, Devil indicates the presence of corruption.

Interpretation of combinations in the layout

  • Priestess and Death - talk about 100% presence of damage at the object.
  • Priestess and Devil - confirms the presence of a negative influence, can warn of a generational curse.
  • Moon and Devil - indicate deep energy problems. Most often, these cards are an indication of damage.
  • Magician and Priestess - testify to actions on the part of another person or the performance of rituals over the one to whom the alignment is made. This impact is not always negative. In rare cases, the combination of the Priest and Hermit cards takes on the same meaning.
  • The Devil and the Emperor can talk about a possible cancer.

Additional interpretation

  • The magician is a source of influence on a young man for the purpose of retribution.
  • The devil is a corruption that needs to be gotten rid of urgently.
  • Priestess - damage from an old, envious woman.
  • Priest - source of magical influence old man
  • The hermit is a long-standing, already ingrained corruption.
  • The Last Judgment - indicates personal problems. For example, karma, negativity due to one’s own fault, self-evil eye.
  • Tower - speaks of serious damage to the energy, but unlike damage, they do not have depth and connections, therefore, they were not caused from the outside.

In a regular deck, Ace, King and Queen are close in meaning to the Magician and Priestess. The Minor Arcana do not indicate the presence of damage, but help determine its degree. If, after completing the alignment, clarification is still required, most likely the negative impact will turn out to be no more than an evil eye.

Detecting damage using playing cards

Using Tarot cards requires the use of certain knowledge and good intuition. Even if it is clear how to perform the layout, the interpretation turns out to be complex and time-consuming. In this case, you can turn to a regular deck of playing cards.

“Divination by chakras” on a deck of playing cards

An excellent way to determine the presence of negative influences and the scope of their impact.

Preparation tips:

  • close the door to the room;
  • turn off the phone;
  • light a candle;
  • get into personal contact with the deck by fingering the cards;
  • remove and set aside the top 15 cards.

This Tarot spread is done in 7 rows from top to bottom, which symbolize the chakras of a person. A negative influence on a certain chakra is indicated by: Ace, King, Queen or 7 of Spades. If they are all nearby, this is a sign of damage. The presence of the Jack of Spades indicates trivial damage, its absence indicates dangerous and serious consequences.

Chart of the chakras:

7 – lack of protection from higher powers.

6 – problems associated with thinking.

5 – luck, luck.

4 – marriage, relationships with relatives, loneliness.

3 – material sphere.

2 – the sphere of personal and intimate life.

1 – health, physical body.

Lastly. For a Tarot reading to determine damage, it is advisable to use only the Major Arcana. When interpreting cards, you need to be extremely careful, trust your intuition and literally learn to listen to the Arcana.