Review of the fairy tale The dense forest of Karamzin. Fairytale kaleidoscope

Created 12/19/2013 06:29

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky believed: “In Russia, Karamzin was the first to write for children, just as he was the first to write many beautiful things...”

“It turns out that Karamzin also wrote fairy tales!” – the guys exclaimed in genuine surprise, looking with interest at the illustrations to the kind, wise fairy tales of Nikolai Mikhailovich – “The Beautiful Princess and the Happy Karla”, “Ilya Muromets”, “Dense Forest”. Bright, unique, drawn by young readers of Aksakovka, they so accurately conveyed the fairy-tale flavor that they left no one indifferent: neither children nor adults. The children enthusiastically played with N.M. Karamzin’s fairy tales, correlating the proposed fragments of the author’s text with the drawings of their peers. If you guessed the fairy tale from the description, well done, but if you didn’t guess it, come to Aksakovka to get a book and read it, plunging with pleasure into the fairy-tale world created by the classic.

What could be more joyful than communicating with curious, inquisitive, always looking for answers to questions, readers, present and future?

Adults and children learned about N. M. Karamzin’s enormous contribution to children’s literature from the presentation of the literary guide “Karamzin for Children,” revealing for themselves all the versatility of the creative activity of the great classic.

About 30 works addressed to young readers were written and translated by our famous fellow countryman. Almost all of them were and are still included in the reading circle of middle-aged and older children. It was Nikolai Mikhailovich, advocating that “young people could read with passion,” who became one of the editors of the first Russian magazine for teenagers, “Children’s Reading for the Heart and Mind.” This publication published the best works of classical writers, stories about nature, stories about history, stories about children, interesting puzzles about the world around us...

By participating in the multimedia quiz “And his name will live in Russia forever,” guests of the museum night learned many interesting facts and events related to the name of N.M. Karamzin. Who collected the library whose books the future writer devoured? What kind of education did young Karamzin receive? What did you go abroad in search of?

The youngest visitors to the museum, their fathers and mothers also took part with interest in the literary game “The Heartfelt Word of a Classic”. Answering her questions, the guys recalled the works of classics of Russian literature (A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Krylov, A.P. Chekhov, A.I. Kuprin, etc.), guessed from the description “ literary portraits" of book heroes.

The children, of course, not without the help of adults, thoughtfully and carefully looked for answers to the questions: how did the letter “Y” get into the alphabet? How old is she? How are the letter “Y” and our famous fellow countryman N.M. Karamzin connected? Who is depicted at the top of the monument to N.M. Karamzin and why? The little local historians completed their tasks with honor, thereby once again proving that the name of the great classic, “historiographer of the Russian State,” is alive and memorable in his native Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk land!


On the memorable anniversary of the writer and historian N.M. Karamzin, I was invited to the regional children's library with sixth grade students to discuss his work. I was surprised: “Why sixth grade? “Poor Liza” is studied in the 9th!” It turned out that Nikolai Mikhailovich also wrote fairy tales! To my shame, I didn't know this. We were invited to read and discuss the fairy tale “The Deep Forest”.

I found this work on the Internet: “Dense Forest. A fairy tale for children, composed in one day using the following given words: balcony, forest, ball, hut, horse, meadow, raspberry bush, oak, Ossian, source, coffin, music.” It turns out that in the times of N.M. Karamzin they played like this!

Without reading the writer’s fairy tales, I offered the children homework: “Write a fairy tale using the given words (we shortened a few words: Ossian - Celtic bard, source, coffin). When we write our fairy tales, then we will read and discuss “The Deep Forest.” The children agreed, but suggested that I also write a fairy tale using the given words in the evening. We later donated children's original fairy tales to the district library. I post my fairy tale and children’s fairy tales on (I promised them). I’ll admit right away: we discussed the children’s fairy tales in a literature class, helped each other with the plot, and they were slightly edited by me.

Kotenko Tatyana

Winter trip to the dense forest.
Fairy tale (written using given words)

One day, three friends were going to the forest for a ski trip and made an appointment under the balcony of their classmate. It was a lush winter. A light frost silvered the trees, decorated the windows in the houses with patterns, and covered the snowdrifts with a thin shiny crust. The friends jokingly fought and, looking at the treasured balcony, threw snowballs. The balcony was stubbornly silent for a long time, but one of the friends received a text message from a classmate that she had been in the forest for a long time, that she had been waiting for them and was even a little lost.

The message made friends happy and at the same time saddened. “It made me happy” because it was possible to become a hero in rescuing a missing nice person, but it was “upset” because the girl neglected the agreement, and therefore, friendship.

The friends reached the forest without incident, found a lonely ski track, along which they set off into the depths of the dense forest, but then strange things began to happen. The ski track twisted between the trees, as if someone was deliberately confusing the tracks. It's starting to get dark. The frost intensified, stinging my nose and cheeks and blinding my eyelashes. And suddenly they stopped dead in their tracks: the ski track disappeared. It ended suddenly, as if a skier had risen up in a hot air balloon or had flown, like skiers flying from a high jump.
After consulting, the guys nevertheless went forward, aloud recalling the stories of local residents that wolves rule in the dense forest, that hunters set traps for them, and that there were accidents when people disappeared when they fell into some kind of portals. It was a little scary, but no one wanted to admit it even to themselves and no one wanted to consider themselves a coward.

And suddenly they flew one after another into some kind of abyss, not noticing the cliff in the darkness. During the “flight” the children were overcome with fear, their heart seemed to stop, and then it began to beat like a rabbit’s, and it seemed that it was about to jump out. The instinct of self-preservation finally woke up. All the known options for a competent landing instantly popped into my head. Everyone grouped themselves, for some reason closed their eyes and prepared with their whole being for a strong blow. But it didn’t come; moreover, a few seconds later all three landed on their feet, feeling a meter-long layer of snow beneath them. The skis were intact!

And suddenly they saw three small luminous balls, more like balls. They seemed to teleport from each of them and combined into one large silver ball that hovered above them and illuminated the surrounding area. In front of them was a sled road that led them to a hut, barely visible in the distance on the edge of the forest. The thought flashed through their minds that they would find their classmate there, and therefore, without fear, they set off along the sleigh path. A glowing silver ball showed them the way. Near the hut they saw a beautiful sleigh, covered with a carpet, and drawn by three white horses. "It's like a fairytale!" - each of them thought.

They boldly crossed the threshold of the hut. It was empty, but as if it was waiting for them. It was light and warm in the hut, the fire was burning brightly in the stove, there were three cutlery on the table, a hot cast iron pot with boiled potatoes and a jug of cold milk. The instinct of hunger told me what to do. They ate and thought out loud about their next actions. And suddenly they realized that they were calling themselves by ancient names: Dubynya, Koloyar and Mecheslav. These names were written on the wooden mugs from which they drank.

Suddenly the door opened wide, and an old giant, all white and gray-haired, entered the Hut. White is from snow and frost, and gray is from age. It was Leshy, the owner of the forest.
-Ah-ah, the rescuers have arrived! – he said without a smile. - You live well! Aren't you scared that you've found yourself in the magical forest of a fairy-tale portal?! Have dinner, then we'll talk.

The giant told his friends that they were in the three-ninth kingdom. Where is it?! Is it really true that after so many years, neither at school nor in the family did they explain to them where this kingdom-state is located?! People live on the third planet from the Sun, called Earth. And now the friends have arrived on the ninth planet from the Sun. Yes, the planets are relatives, they are almost nearby, in the same orbit, but they are mirror opposites.

Guys, you have taken upon yourself the fate of three heroes, so you must continue to act bravely and bravely. Dubynya - a warrior, like an oak tree, indestructible, wins in hand-to-hand combat. Koloyar is a knight who rotates a circle. The circle, the wheel are his weapons. During the battle, he moves across the battlefield, across the field, using rotational techniques. Mecheslav is a hero who achieves glory with the sword. You are Warriors, you are Wolves. You must show the Will to win to save your unlucky girlfriend. Why unlucky?! Because the beauty goes the wrong way in life,” the giant Leshy added wearily to what was said.

Friends learned that Planet Yalmez had long ago entered the Age of the Wolf. This is a cosmic process and is associated with the movement of the Solar System (Yarila) along the Milky Way. The main task of the Age of the Wolf is the restoration of forests and gardens, groves and forests, parks and taiga. Wolves are nature's orderlies. And their classmate arrived on Planet Yalmez from a previous era - the era of the Fox, where the most successful people, as a rule, were liars and deceivers, people without honor and conscience, and behaved similarly to them.

Here she received the Old Russian name Budana, which means Lazy. In my hut she took a gun and went to hunt hares. In the forest portal she turned into a fox. She was surrounded by a pack of wolves and driven into a pen. Her family “saved” Zmeya Gorynych. Your Budana is being held captive by the Serpent with three heads, which are called Flattery, Lies, and Lazy. He took her to his Wigwam. You will have to challenge him to fight. The wolves will help you,” assured the owner of the Hut.

Friends went to the battlefield. It was a huge meadow covered with snow. In its center stood a hundred-year-old Giant Oak, under whose crown the Wigwam was built. The building was surrounded by thorny raspberry bushes, on which frozen raspberries and yellow-brown leaves hung here and there. On one of the bushes there was a woman's woolen scarf and a knitted hat with a bubo. The other two bushes were decorated with red warm mittens.

Is the owner of these things alive?! What is it like for her at Zmey Gorynych?! Maybe she has a good life there? - thought the friends and buddies, preparing for the battle.

The giant goblin kept his word. Three Protector Wolves came to the aid of the young heroes. Together, the seven of them, they defeated the Serpent Gorynych, depriving him of all three heads. The invisible Bayan, an ancient Russian bard, also helped them in battle. With his music, he either lulled the Serpent’s vigilance, then distracted him from the battle, or praised him for his mistakes and mistakes.

When the Serpent was defeated, morning came. Yarilo, the Sun, appeared in the sky. His Rays illuminated the entire Planet Yalmez. Together with Bayan, the whole prophetic Forest sang and rang to the cheerful harp, the snowy Meadow, iridescent in the sun’s rays, and the centuries-old Oak, silvered with frosty frost. Old Leshy stroked the crying but joyful girl on the head and said: “Take your Blagushu! That's her name now. I give you an order: restore Life on Earth, then the versatility of Human consciousness will be revealed.”

The giant goblin, on his magic sleigh and white horses with silver manes, took his friends out of the fairy-tale portal onto solid ground. Friends returned home from a ski trip before dark. The lesson of the Master of the Dense Forest was useful for Blagusha and her friends.
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for those who understand everything!

P.S. Continued in the section "Children's works". Fairy tales

N.M. Karamzin (1766-1826) also made a great contribution to the development of Russian children's literature. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was a wonderful children's writer who played a significant role in the history of children's literature. He wrote and translated about 30 works for young readers. In addition, the reading circle of middle-aged and older children included almost all of his works. This was explained by the fact that he was the head of a new direction in the history of literature - sentimentalism, the poetics of which are so close to the nature of children. The original works of N. M. Karamzin began to appear on the pages of “Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind” in 1789. Among them, “Anacreontic Poems”, “Walk”, and also the story “Eugene and Julia” stand out.

N.M. Karamzin continued to write for children even after the children's magazine was closed. In 1792 he published the fairy tale “The Beautiful Princess”, and in 1795. - “Ilya Muromets” and “Dense Forest”. The most interesting is the prose fairy tale “Dense Forest”. Through fairy-tale images and events, the author convinces children not to be afraid of the forest, to love nature, to enjoy its beauty and gifts. The fairy tale “Dense Forest” is purely literary. There are no traces of folk art in it. As in his other works, Karamzin adheres to the poetics of sentimentalism.

The work “Ilya Muromets” is called by the author a heroic tale and is written on the basis of epics. This was Karamzin's last and unfinished work in verse, after which he took up history. The fairy tale paints poetic pictures of nature in the style of sentimentalism, creating the image of Ilya Muromets, who does not look like the epic hero. Using delicate colors, the poet paints multicolored pictures of nature, notes the shades and sounds of the surrounding world. The image of the hero created by Karamzin only partially resembles the epic. He is shown not in battles with the enemies of his homeland, but in communication with a charming beauty. As in other works of the writer, there is little action here, but a lot of tender feelings and bright pictures. With his creativity, N.M. Karamzin served the development of Russian culture, aroused interest in children's literature among wide circles of society, and contributed to the education of patriotic and aesthetic feelings in children. Karamzin's work is the most important, turning point in the history of children's literature, which played a huge role in its further fate.

So, children's literature developed actively in the 18th century. Encyclopedias and travel come first in children's reading circles. Nevertheless, in the reading of children of the late 18th century, books for adults occupy a large place, which includes works by Derzhavin, Sumarokov, Karamzin, etc., as well as foreign translations. At the same time, ways for the development of children's literature have emerged: a close connection with modernity, with advanced ideas, with literature for adults, a combination of science and art. These problems continued to be solved by children's literature of the 19th century.

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Municipal budgetary cultural institution “Centralized library system Department - specialized library No. 1 “World of Arts” Lesson No. 3. Topic: "Children's reading for the heart and mind." Reading fairy tales by N.M. Karamzin together (fairy tale “Dense Forest”). Loud readings. Prepared by leading librarian I.M. Babinskaya. Lesson No. 3. Topic: "Children's reading for the heart and mind." Reading fairy tales by N.M. Karamzin together (fairy tale “Dense Forest”). NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH KARAMZIN is a famous Russian writer, poet, historiographer, rightfully leading the glorious galaxy of natives of the Simbirsk region. He wrote or translated about 30 works for young readers, thereby playing a significant role in the history of children's literature. The cult of friendship and tender feelings, attention to the environment and nature, increased interest in the experiences and inner world of man, his earthly joys - all this is characteristic of Karamzin as the founder of the sentimental movement and makes his works interesting and close to children and youth. In the works of N.M. Karamzin there is no book that would be inaccessible or undesirable for children and youth to read. Tales of N.M. Karamzin's "The Beautiful Princess and Happy Karla", "Dense Forest" and "Ilya Muromets" are little known among children and adults; they were not published in a separate edition and were not illustrated. They are of undoubted interest for reading, studying and popularizing. We invite you to take a journey into the magical world of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin’s fairy tales and learn about the fates of the heroes of these fairy tales. Fairy tale "Dense Forest". The most interesting is the prose fairy tale “Dense Forest”. The subtitle to it stated: “A fairy tale for children, composed in one day.” Everyone was afraid of the Deep Forest and did not go there, since it was believed that an evil wizard, sorcerer, godfather and friend of Beelzebub (the head of the demons) reigned in it. In a village, not far from the forest, lived an old man and an old woman with a twenty-year-old son, who was like “an angel of beauty and a dove of humility.” One night there was a knock on their door and a loud voice said: “Send your son to the Deep Forest. The parents were horrified, and the son “proved that the Deep Forest could be scary for others, but not for him.” The parents were forced to agree, and the son went into the Deep Forest “following the little white rabbit, who was frolicking and jumping in front of him.” In the forest near a wonderful house, the young man met a beauty who was destined by fate to be his wife. It is clear that after the wedding the heroes lived happily ever after. And if the reader wants to know where the evil wizard and the monster are, the author replies that this is a rumor that “belonged to the fables,” “a terrible monster existed in the imagination of good villagers.” Through fairy-tale images and events, the author convinces children not to be afraid of the forest, to love nature, to enjoy its beauty and gifts. The fairy tale “Dense Forest” is purely literary. There are no traces of folk art in it. As in his other works, Karamzin adheres to the poetics of sentimentalism. Full of secrets and riddles, the fairy tale begins like this: “The clock strikes eight. Time for tea, my friends. The kind hostess is waiting for us on the balcony. You are looking at me, dear little ones!.. I understand. You want me, under the sound of the wind, under the shadow of gray clouds, to tell you some old story, pitiful and terrible. Okay, listen. Look at the ancient, dense, gloomy forest that rises before our eyes: how terrible its appearance is, what black shadows lie on its curly top! Know, in the old days, ten centuries before our century, this forest was ten times more extensive, darker, more terrible. The rumor that spread through the surrounding villages frightened the timid villagers even more. They said that an evil wizard or sorcerer had long lived and reigned in this dense forest. Often, in the light of the moon, when the villagers looked at the forest from afar, some kind of monster, along with the tall pines, would walk among the trees, and with its fiery eyes it would illuminate everything around it. In this fairy tale, the forest is the personification of life (unfamiliar, and therefore scary and dangerous for many young people). At first, the main character, like all the inhabitants, is afraid of the dense forest, but, having overcome his fear and entering it, he meets there... However, after reading, you will find out everything for yourself. Reading a fairy tale is accompanied by an electronic presentation. List of used literature: 1. Gerlovan, O. K. N. M. Karamzin. Dense forest // Russian literature. – 1993. – No. 5. – P. 12-17.

The pure, high glory of Karamzin belongs to Russia...

(A.S. Pushkin)

2016 - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 23, 2010 No. 1052 “On the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of N.M. Karamzin”, declared the Year of Karamzin in Russia.

The great writer, historiographer, translator, reformer of the Russian language N.M. Karamzin celebrated his 250th birthday on December 12. On this date, a literary salon was held at the MBUK "ZCB" for students of MKOU "Secondary School No. 1", 6"A" class. A Journey Through Karamzin's Fairy Tales.

N.M. Karamzin made a great contribution to the development of Russian children's literature. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky believed: “In Russia, Karamzin was the first to write for children, just as he was the first to write many beautiful things...”

He was a wonderful children's writer who wrote and translated about 30 works for young readers. N. M. Karamzin also wrote fairy tales for children. They teach a person to live, instill in him optimism, faith in the triumph of goodness and justice. Real human relationships are hidden behind fantasy and fiction. This is where the enormous educational significance of the fairy tale comes from. The students were offered a presentation about the biography of N.M. Karamzin with elements of conversation. Readers became acquainted with the name of the great classic and, spinning the wheel of history, turned back time to where the future “historiographer of the Russian state” was still a very small boy. The guys learned about what Nikolai Karamzin was interested in, what books he liked to read, where and how he received his education. The students were told that Karamzin was one of the first to use the letter “Y” and introduced many new words into the Russian language: “impression”, “ influence", "industry", "moral", "harmony", "catastrophe", falling in love."

The schoolchildren also remembered and named places in the Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk region associated with the immortal name of the writer and historian. The conversation aroused a lively, genuine interest among the children and a number of questions about the life of the writer.

Next, the librarians offered to take a trip to the magical world of fairy tales by N. M. Karamzin, learn about the fate of the heroes and the history of the creation of fairy tales. The writer wrote three fairy tales for children: “The Beautiful Princess and the Happy Karla”, “Dense Forest” and the heroic tale “Ilya Muromets”

In the prose fairy tale “Dense Forest”, fairy-tale images and events convince children not to be afraid of the forest, to love nature, to enjoy its beauty and its gifts. In the subtitle, the author indicates that this is “a fairy tale for children, composed on one day.”

Then there was an introduction to a discussion of the ancient fairy tale “The Beautiful Princess and the Happy Karla,” during which outdated words were explained, attention was drawn to the language of the work, the originality of the descriptions and construction of the fairy tale.

The children were also told about the glorious hero from the ancient city of Murom - Ilya Muromets.

Those who have not read Karamzin’s fairy tales “Dense Forest”, “The Beautiful Princess and the Happy Karla”, “Ilya Muromets” learned a lot of new and interesting things, that these tales were not published in separate editions and were not illustrated.

The students not only answered questions, but also asked them themselves and expressed their opinions. The guys gave answers that were not only correct, but also complete, which was a pleasant surprise for the librarians.

After the presentation was shown, a review of the book exhibition “Through the pages of the works of N.M. Karamzin." The exhibition introduced readers to the literature available in the book fund, which can provide assistance both in the educational process and simply for the purpose of self-education.

A book and illustrative exhibition with a multimedia presentation helped to present the life and work of the Russian historian and writer. It would seem that two and a half centuries is a huge period of time, so the writer’s works could fade into the background and lose their relevance. But that's not true.

N.M. Karamzin cannot be considered only as a historian; it is necessary to study his rich literary heritage - his poems, magazine articles, fairy tales, stories. Karamzin wrote: “Communication with books prepares for communication with people. Both are equally necessary.”

At the end of the event, the children received booklets dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of the great writer, historiographer, translator, reformer of the Russian language N.M. Karamzin.