What does it mean if you dreamed about a wedding dress? Why do you dream about a wedding dress? Dream interpretation wedding dress

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress in a dream will seem very pleasant to many people. But in the morning you may have a completely natural question: why do you dream about a wedding dress?

As the dream book suggests, a wedding dress, this symbol of love and family happiness, can portend various events, here everything depends on the details and events of the dream in which it appeared.

There are different interpretations of what you dream about wearing a wedding dress. For example, seeing or trying on a wedding dress in a dream means positive and pleasant events in life. Perhaps you will have the opportunity to get an interesting job, which will also bring a good income.

Another interpretation: if you happened to try on a wedding dress in a dream, it means that you have to engage in social or organizational activities, thanks to which you will make friends with interesting people.

Choosing a wedding dress in a dream portends changes in your life. You may have to make a choice very soon, and it could have a significant impact on your entire life.

If in a dream a woman had to cry when she was wearing such an outfit, perhaps her marriage will not last long, and she will get married more than once.

Wedding dress: what color was it?

Considering that white is the most traditional color for a wedding dress, it is not surprising if in your dream it was snow-white. So why do you dream about this white outfit?

There are their own interpretations, which vary greatly in different dream books. Some argue that this is a sign of illness, disappointment, and deprivation. Others see this dream as a more positive symbol.

If an unmarried girl is wondering why she dreams of wearing a white wedding dress, know that you will probably soon have a new relationship, perhaps even falling in love. For a married woman, such a dream promises an affair on the side, or a new job closely related to public life.

If you dreamed of a wedding dress of a different color, try to remember which one, because each color has its own meaning.

1. For example, you can easily guess why black clothes are dreamed of: if you saw a bride in black, you can expect troubles and sad news in life.

2. There is also no need to guess for a long time about the color red, which is considered the color of passion.

  • If an unmarried girl dreamed that she was in a red wedding dress, then this portends her a new love adventure, where she will experience strong emotions. However, it is unlikely that she will subsequently marry this person.
  • If a woman who is married or in a relationship dreams of a red outfit, this may indicate her desire for more intense sensations in her sex life. In this case, you need to tell your partner about it without hesitation, and a lot will change for the better.

3. Dreaming of a red outfit often symbolizes pleasant events, but if you dreamed of pink clothes, take a closer look at the people around you: perhaps you trust a person too much, who can easily betray you.

4. When in a dream you had to try on a blue outfit, pay attention to what shade it is. Dark blue color foretells disappointment from the actions of a loved one. If you dream of blue or bright blue, this is a symbol that your relationship with your husband or partner is strong and trusting.

5. Green color means that no matter what trials you have to go through, in the end everything will end well for you.

6. Seeing a golden-colored wedding dress in a dream is a wonderful sign; most often, such a dream tells that in the near future good luck will smile on you in all your affairs without exception. And the color yellow symbolizes betrayal and infidelity.

So, in your dream the robe was damaged in some way, most likely this means that some unpleasant events will happen in your life.

  • If it is torn or dirty, then you can expect quarrels and even separation from your lover.
  • If clothes were badly damaged in a dream, this is most likely a symbol of illness or illness.
  • If you dreamed about throwing away an outfit, you will be disappointed in a person close to you or break up a relationship that is important to you.
  • If you saw in a dream that your outfit was stained with blood, it means that your ill-wishers will plot intrigues and spread unpleasant gossip about you. Be prepared to exercise caution and choose your words carefully when communicating with these people, and then you will definitely overcome all difficulties.

If you dreamed of another girl

We have already touched on what the dream suggests to a woman who sees this outfit on herself. But sometimes in a dream we have to see our loved ones, friends or people completely unfamiliar to us. Why do you dream of a girl in a wedding dress?

If you happen to see a friend in the guise of a bride in a dream, you are most likely in for an interesting and fun event. Perhaps you will receive an invitation to a celebration or holiday that will leave behind vivid impressions.

If a married woman dreams that her friend is asking her to try on someone else’s outfit for a wedding, she should be afraid that another woman (not necessarily the one in the dream, don’t rush to blame her friend) wants to take her husband away from her.

Did the mother dream of her daughter in a wedding dress? This marks important news and events in the family. This dream does not necessarily indicate that this girl will soon get married; the events may not be related to marriage. At the same time, a lot depends on the appearance of the outfit: if it is beautiful, well tailored and suits the girl, the events will be joyful, but if it looks bad, then unpleasant.

There is a similar interpretation for a dreamed acquaintance in this outfit - such a dream foreshadows changes. Here their character depends on the girl’s mood: if the bride looks joyful, the changes will be positive, she is sad or crying - you can expect trouble.

A woman or a man had to see his sister dressed for a wedding in a dream - this could mean separation from a dear friend or relative.

If you dream of unfamiliar happy brides, such a dream foreshadows fun and joyful events in life.

But, of course, if you have a real wedding coming up, you shouldn’t think about why you dream about a wedding dress, and attach too much importance to the interpretation of these dreams. After all, the girl is organizing a wedding in reality, so it is not at all surprising that she will try on this outfit in her sleep.

Dreams about a wedding visited by a real bride only indicate that she, like any woman, tends to worry and take care that this wonderful day goes perfectly. If you really are getting married soon, we sincerely wish you family happiness and dreams that foreshadow pleasant events.

Any girl, and any guy too, will be intrigued if they dream of a wedding dress. It is worth noting that the online dream book interprets a wedding dress in different ways, but in most cases such a dream is still an omen of something positive. Although, again, everything depends on the details and details of the dream.

Miller deciphers: why do you dream about a wedding dress?

To the great disappointment of girls and the joy of men, Miller’s dream about a wedding dress does not at all relate to anything related to the marriage ceremony. In his opinion, a wedding dress in a dream predicts some kind of community service. However, it is worth adding that the work will be enjoyable and there is a great chance of meeting new friends. But, unfortunately, the dream book interprets a dirty or unkempt wedding dress as the impending loss of someone extremely close to you.

Wedding dress dream book interpretation of Sigmund Freud

As always, Freud’s dream book deciphers what a wedding dress is for in dreams based on a person’s carnal needs. He believes that such a dress is a symbol of a naked female body. A dream in a wedding dress, which a girl boasts to all her friends, indicates that she is completely satisfied with her own body and even admires it. Why do you dream of a wedding dress on yourself if a girl admires it in the mirror? The psychoanalyst explains how it is a craving for self-satisfaction. On the contrary, the wedding dress dream book deciphers disappointments in family life and some kind of sexual dissatisfaction when it is wrinkled, hidden in a closet or dirty.

Interpretation of dreams of a wedding dress using an esoteric dream book

Why dream about wearing a wedding dress if the bride is thinking about it becomes quite obvious. This means that the above-mentioned event awaits her in the near future, and such a dream only confirms that everything will be successful. But if there are no plans for an upcoming wedding, as for both sexes, then the dream book explains why you dream about a wedding dress a little differently: in the near future you will become a public figure. The interpretation of the dream of a wedding dress that you sew, decorate or embroider sounds like this: you should be wary of envy and therefore you should not talk about your plans ahead of time so that they do not fail.

English dream book - interpretation of dreams wedding dress

The dream book deciphers a wedding dress on oneself depending on the events happening in life. If big changes are ahead of you or you are on the threshold of a new period of life, then you should confidently plunge into new emotions. And if you dream of a wedding dress that you wear for no apparent reason, then this symbolizes fatigue from your current life and the suppression of the desire to start over from scratch.

Big dream book: why dream of a wedding dress not on oneself

In this case, the dream book of wedding dresses that you sew or decorate in some way can be interpreted as future problems with your plans. However, if this work gives you pleasure, then you can safely expect great news. The dream about which you had a dream about a tight wedding dress speaks about future problems in work or study. The dream book interprets washing a wedding dress negatively - you will have big problems with finances. If you had to burn the dress in a dream, then you will be offended by a loved one. Oddly enough, what wedding dresses mean in dreams also depends on the color of the outfit. Gold splashes on the fabric are a symbol of happiness. An unusual green wedding dress foreshadows the fulfillment of desires. Cloudy gray color stands for upcoming difficulties that will have to be overcome in order to achieve what you want. It would seem that the beautiful yellow color became a harbinger of future deception.

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about a wedding dress - Tsvetkov’s explanation

A wedding dress in a dream means something good if you wear it. This is a sign of upcoming success or the realization of serious ambitions. But trying on a dress is even worse, because it is interpreted as a constant comparison of oneself with others. Envy represents a dream about buying a wedding dress.

Video dream book - why do you dream about a wedding dress?

A dream about a wedding dress promises change. They can be positive, they can also be bad - depending on the details accompanying the vision.

The image of a wedding dress appearing in a dream means meeting new people or a lucrative offer that you will not ignore. But a lot also depends on the details revealed in the dream - for example, if you see obvious damage on the dress (cuts, dirt, etc.), then serious trouble awaits you. Some visions may mean an imminent marriage or other events related to your personal and family life. There are cases when such dreams meant the emergence of new acquaintances and opportunities.

A dream can also portend not particularly joyful, and sometimes sad events - the loss of money or a lover, a family breakup, the death of loved ones or quarrels. Dream books compiled by experts can tell you about this image in more detail.

Interpretation of dreams about wedding clothes in various dream books

Miller's Dream Book. A wedding dress is a symbol of new acquaintances and impressions. If the clothes were damaged, then quarrels and ultimately a break in relations with your loved one await you. A girl dreams of an amazingly beautiful wedding dress without a veil - this is a good sign. Admiration and delight from the male side awaits her.

Do you look at yourself in the mirror and are dressed in gorgeous clothes for your upcoming marriage ceremony? Know that this vision has different meanings. In one case, the dream is considered as the personification of spirituality and insight, and in the second case, it is a sign of possible celibacy.

If in a dream you see yourself in a lush white robe next to a deceased person, you are in great danger. You will be judged in society if you dreamed of wearing wedding clothes as casual clothes. The dreamer saw herself pregnant in such clothes - this is wonderful. The birth will be successful, the child will be born healthy. A pale pink wedding dress can mean a new, rather promising acquaintance. The robe worn for the wedding ceremony was red - this is a symbol of the persistent desire for change in one's own life.

Vanga's dream book. If you dreamed of a snow-white dress, but not on yourself, but on a good friend, the event means a serious shift in the dreamer’s real life. Seeing it on yourself means that an unpleasant, undesirable event is likely to happen for the dreamer. Everything will be much worse if you had to dance in a wedding dress.

Dreaming about buying a wedding dress in a store is a sign that you will make peace with the person you broke up with. If you dreamed about being presented with it as a gift, this indicates a possible marriage proposal from a pleasant man.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. For a married woman, dreams of wearing a white dress mean the likelihood of a quarrel with her lover in reality. You will commit a rash act in reality if in your vision you were able to purchase a chic wedding suit. A girl dreams of her mother’s dress - this is a sign that she will soon receive an offer.

Dream book of Astromeridian. Dreams with wedding attire promise a quick acquaintance with the future groom. If in a dream a girl saw a dress similar to a wedding dress on her friend, this means a streak of good luck in the dreamer’s life. Wearing white clothes means that you will have enough time that you can use to relax and have fun. If a woman dreams that her daughter is dressed in a wedding suit, this is a bad sign for the dreamer herself.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. A wedding dress, if seen by an adult married woman, means likely difficult and unpleasant events. If the girl who saw such clothes is unmarried, you should not hope for a quick wedding. You dream of walking down the street in a lush white robe - you will soon meet pleasant people.

A woman dreams of wearing dirty things on herself - in reality she may be condemned for her actions. If the clothes were red, then a rival is likely to appear. You happened to observe how long it takes to choose a suit for marriage - soon the dreamer will lose her fans.

Longo's Dream Interpretation. If a married woman dreams of a beautiful white dress, then tears and sadness await her. A young girl dreams of putting on clothes intended for the celebration - the wedding will not happen soon. The dreamer will face a break with her lover if the dress was stained with blood. If in your dreams you managed to sew yourself a festive suit from unsuitable material, you can count on a happy marriage.

Modern interpretation. An unmarried person will soon get married if in a dream she saw herself in a wedding dress. There will be a quarrel if you wore someone else’s wedding dress in a dream. If you dreamed about sewing clothes not for yourself, the dreamer will have to face a rival.

An ancient dream book. A woman put on a wedding dress in a dream, which means that in reality the lady will have a problem with money. If in dreams it was not she herself who put it on, but her daughter, this is a sign that the girl will soon get married. If you see clothes for a marriage ceremony, an event will happen that will change the dreamer’s life.

Women's dream book. Seeing wedding clothes in a dream means that you will take part in social events, meet many interesting people and make new friends. If what you wore was dirty or torn, then a break in family relationships awaits you. You sewed a suit for someone’s marriage in a dream - soon a rival will appear who wants to take everything away from you. You get dressed and look in the mirror - you should take care of your health: there is a risk of ending up in the hospital.

Indian interpretation. If you dreamed of a story where you saw yourself dressed in a wedding dress next to a man, it means that marriage is just around the corner and possibly with the very person you saw in the dream. The clothes were of different colors - this is a sign that they will make an offer that will give you the opportunity to earn a lot of money. You tried on a robe in a dream, but it doesn’t suit you - an event will soon happen that will force you to sit at home alone.

You will get a groom with the most positive qualities if you dreamed that you got married in a black and white suit. You will recover if in your dream your servants tried to dress you for a wedding ceremony. Success at work and at home will await you if you dream that not only you were wearing a wedding dress. Your path will be long and difficult if it breaks while you are getting dressed.

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Any girl can try on a wedding dress in a dream, regardless of whether she is married or not. Dream books, interpreting such a dream, tend to different versions and interpretations. If you want to understand why you dream about this action, remember the details of the dream: what the dress looked like, and what emotions you experienced.

Brief, but to the point...

It’s not at all scary to wake up in the morning and not remember all the details of what you dreamed about. Dream books, of course, will not give you a complete prediction, but they can explain the essence of what you dreamed about even from a small fragment.

  • Putting on a beautiful and new dress is a sign of joy and good luck.
  • Seeing that your outfit is too small or too big for you is a disappointment.
  • Trying on clothing that causes bewilderment or surprise is a sign of unexpected events.
  • Wearing tatters or dirty decorations to your own wedding means trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

If you look into Gustavus Miller’s dream book, you will find the following interpretation of the dream: joyful experiences and positive emotions await the dreamer who in a dream tried on a wedding dress that was beautiful and sized. And if she dreams that the clothes not only did not impress with their beauty, but even caused a feeling of disgust, then unpleasant moments await her.

A beautiful outfit as a symbol of joy

Pastor Loff's dream book explains dreams in which an unmarried girl dreamed of a chic and expensive vestment prepared for her own wedding, as a symbol of good mood and fun. And if an unmarried girl dreamed that she was putting on her friend’s wedding dress, then it is most likely that her wish will come true thanks to the help of friends.

For a married woman, unlike an unmarried woman, trying on a wedding dress in a dream is a sign of gifts and tempting offers. And a married woman can expect another “honeymoon” with her marriage partner if she has such a dream.

Poor decoration is a sign of unpleasant events

Are you wondering what it means to have a dream in which you had to try on a wedding dress that was torn or dirty? Such fitting does not bode well, according to most dream books. Trying on your dirty clothes is a sign of illness or malaise. Trying on someone else's torn suit is a symbol of trouble and sadness.

If you dream that you helped one of your friends try on someone else’s wretched dress for a wedding, this means a quarrel with this friend in reality. And if she put someone else’s wedding dress on you, then in reality she will become the cause of your conflicts with others.

Non-standard vestments - to surprise and surprises

Seeing a short black wedding dress and a long veil of the same color is a sign of unforeseen sad events. And if you were forced to try on black clothes by your fiancé’s craving for outrageousness, then your lover will bring you unpleasant surprises and disappointment, the Women’s Dream Book interprets this night vision.

A wedding dress of an unusual style or color, for example, a pink swimsuit, a green tracksuit or a yellow robe, coupled with a veil and stilettos, means great surprise from discovering something new in familiar things or people you have known for a long time. And pink wedding attire can mean the sudden fulfillment of your pipe dreams.


Choose a wedding dress according to a dream book

Every girl dreams of a wedding, and choosing a wedding dress is the first step to happiness, not only in reality, but also in a dream. If you dreamed that you were choosing or trying on a wedding dress, do not worry about the consequences of this dream, dream books reassure. When trying to understand why you dream about buying a wedding dress, pay more attention to details, wise interpreters advise.

Short and to the point

If you want to find an explanation for what you dreamed about without going into details, there is nothing easier! Any dream book can give a brief interpretation of the plot that you saw at night beyond reality.

  • Choosing wedding vestments for yourself is a sign of happiness or an imminent wedding.
  • Helped someone choose - there is a high probability of participating in a crowded event.
  • If you bought an outfit that doesn’t fit, beware of trouble.
  • Entrusting the purchase of your decoration to a friend means unexpected discoveries.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book can tell you a lot about buying wedding decorations. So, for example, if in a dream you see a beautiful wedding dress, this means that soon you will take part in social work, where you will meet new friends. But if you dreamed of a soiled or torn dress, beware, as the vision means a break with your loved one.

Purchasing for yourself is a sign of joy and happiness

If you want to correctly interpret why you dream of choosing a wedding dress for yourself, then first decide on your status. For a married woman to see this in a dream is a sign of good news and good mood; for a young girl to buy a wedding dress for herself is a sign of early marriage.

It should also be noted that if a married woman dreamed that she was choosing a wedding dress for her wedding not with her husband, but with another man, in reality she could meet a new admirer, suggests the Gypsy Dream Book.

Help with choice, as a symbol of good luck and luck

Are you wondering why you dream about helping your friend choose clothes for a wedding? Calm down, advises Pastor Loff’s dream book, since such a dream promises luck in literally everything.

If in a dream your friend liked your choice, expect success with the opposite sex. A friend refused to choose a wedding dress with you - don’t be upset, this is just a warning that you will have to make an effort to win the affection of a handsome guy.

An unexpected decision, or Beware of surprises

You will be pleased with the interpretation of the dream in which, when choosing a wedding dress, you decided to order it from a catalog. You will be able to draw the right conclusions from what you hear and will not make mistakes. But if in a dream you liked two dresses at once, then be prepared that you will have not just one fan, but a couple. If you ordered two dresses and can’t decide which one to wear, you’re in for an unpleasant discovery.

The Slavic dream book, when interpreting what dreams of trying on a wedding wardrobe mean, recommends paying attention to the color of the outfit: red is a symbol of painful passion; black - you will understand that they are marrying you for convenience. Seeing black and red vestments in a dream means that if in reality you are preparing for a wedding, then it is better to postpone it.


I dreamed about a wedding dress, what is it for, what does a wedding dress mean in a dream

Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell What does a Wedding Dress mean:

You dreamed of a wedding dress, what is it for - you see a wedding dress in a dream - you will make new friends. A girl dreams that she has soiled her wedding dress - some action of this girl or some words of hers will turn her lover away from her.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream about a wedding dress.

Wedding dress - feelings and hopes. Dirty or in disarray - doubts about your partner’s feelings; a bride in different clothes - unpreparedness for family life, changes; Buying a wedding dress with your mother is a way of thinking and behavior adopted from her in the family.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Wedding Dress mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Wedding dress, what is it for - Soon you will participate in a big celebration. Imagine the dress in all its splendor. Silk, jewelry, furs - everything is in this outfit.

British dream book I dreamed about a wedding dress:

Wedding Dress - Whether expensive or modest, wedding ceremonies signify a long-term agreement between two people and usually involve something unusual in clothing. A common color for a wedding dress is white, especially if it is the woman’s first wedding; color in this case can symbolize innocence and virginity or a new page in life, starting from scratch. What is the dream about: The meaning of the dream depends on what is happening in your real life. Are you about to move into a new phase, such as getting married or entering into a long-term agreement, starting a new job or entering into a new contract? If you're wearing a wedding dress for no obvious reason, then perhaps you're tired of your current circumstances and suppressing the desire to start over? See also Wedding, ; White


Dress according to Miller's dream book

The dress is a symbol of admiration, pride and surprise.

If a young woman dreams of a dress that has grace and good cut, then this promises general admiration for pleasant manners and the art of creating things. If, on the contrary, you dream of dissatisfaction with a dress or ridicule from others, it means disappointment in loved ones. Why do you dream of a torn dress - to condemnation from acquaintances or friends.

The dress is the personification of femininity and morality. It can promise both success in love affairs and a rival in the heart of the chosen one.

Seeing a dress being tried on in a dream means the appearance of a rival in love affairs. If clothes bring joy and comfort, then to victory over the homewrecker, discomfort - to defeat. A girl may dream about how she watches her figure in order to buy a dress she likes - this means victory over her rival and the reciprocal love of her chosen one, Miller’s dream book interprets.

Wearing a wedding dress symbolizes making new friends and participating in social events. Trying on a wedding dress means long loneliness, and a dirty dress means losing a relationship with a loved one. Seeing a dirty wedding dress that you try to clean and put in order means reconciliation with a quarreling friend.

A dress that hangs on a mannequin in a store window speaks of failure in business and disappointment.

Miller's dream book, the interpretation of a dream involving a friend's or relative's dress speaks of unexpected changes for the worse. For a man, seeing himself in a woman’s outfit is a sign of remorse in the present. If a woman sees a man she knows in a dress, then this is a sign of a meeting and a whirlwind romance.


Seeing yourself in a mirror in a wedding dress in a dream...



this is a sign of dramatic changes in life
see yourself in the mirror - you will do everything easily and joyfully
white, pink - clean, easy life
red - full of sexual energy - you need to let it out (steam)
blue or blue - life in sweet worries about others
purple - something needs to be changed!! !
yellow or orange - interesting partners

Yana Angel

Family dream book

A dream about a wedding dress portends a pleasant pastime and the emergence of new friends.

If you see a dress dirty or torn, you may lose your loved one.

Modern dream book

Seeing a wedding dress in a dream predicts that a pleasant job awaits you and you will meet new friends.

If the wedding dress is dirty and shabby, in reality you will lose your close connection with the person you adore.

Dream book of lovers

Wedding dress - dreams of meeting a new admirer.

A dirty wedding dress promises a quarrel with your loved one.

Dream book for a bitch

Wedding dress - joyful, pleasant meetings, making new friends.

To tear or stain - separation from a loved one.

Sewing a wedding dress is an expectation of good news.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a wedding dress in a dream means that you will soon participate in pleasant community service and meet new friends there.

Seeing a dress dirty or in disarray foretells that you will lose a close relationship with the person you most adore.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a wedding dress in a dream foretells your participation in social events and meeting new friends.

A soiled or torn dress means a break in relations with the person closest to you.

Freud's Dream Book

A wedding dress is a symbol of a naked female body.

If a woman shows off her wedding dress to other people, she is proud of the beauty of her naked body.

If she examines him in the mirror, this symbolizes her desire for self-satisfaction.

A wedding dress taken off, crumpled or put in a closet or suitcase symbolizes disappointment in family life and sexual dissatisfaction.

Esoteric dream book

Trying on a wedding dress if you are getting married in reality means you are too preoccupied with upcoming events. They will certainly take place. If not, you will have to become a public figure, regardless of gender.

Sew, embroider, decorate - your plans may not come true, do not detail them ahead of time.