Psychology quizzes for schoolchildren. Methodological development on the topic: Quiz "Experts of Psychology"

Scenario for the game “The Weakest Link” (for students in grades 5-9).

Good afternoon I welcome the players and everyone present in this room! Let's start the game "Weakest Link". Before us is a team consisting of 8 participants, students from grades 5 to 9. Each of them can earn a certain amount of points today. They must become one team. Seven of them will leave with nothing because the team will call them the weak link.
Now about the rules of the game. Each correct answer will earn the team one point. The amount of points you accumulate in each round will be your final result. The first round will last 2 minutes. With each new round we will take 10 seconds from you.
It's time to introduce yourself to the players (players say their names).
So, we begin the game "The Weakest Link". Round one.

Round 1 questions.
1. A rooster, standing on one leg, weighs 5 kg. How much will he weigh standing on two legs? (5 kg)
2. They paid 50 rubles for the book and another half of the cost of the book. How much does the book cost? (100 rubles)
3. A plane took off from Moscow to Vladivostok at a speed of 800 km/h. At the same time, a plane took off from Vladivostok to Moscow at a speed of 500 km/h. Which plane was closest to Moscow at the time of their meeting? (Equal)
4. If it rains at 12 o’clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later? (No)
5. The boy bought several notebooks for 6 rubles and 3 pencils. The seller wrote a check for 76 rubles. “You made a mistake,” the boy told him, looking at the check. How did he guess about this? (76 is not divisible by 3)
6. From a piece of cloth 20 meters long, a tailor cuts 2 meters every day. On what day will he cut the last piece? (On 9)
7. Boil the soft-boiled egg for 3 minutes. How long will it take to soft-boil 5 eggs? (3 min)
8. Two people went and found 5 nails. If four go, how many will they find?
9. Which is easier: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (Equal).
10. To what point does the hare run into the forest? (Up to the middle).
11. Why does the cat run? (Can't fly).
12. Why does a goose swim? (From the shore).
13. What does the dog run on? (On the ground).
14. Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth).
15. What will happen to the crow that has completed its seventh year? (The eighth will go).
16. How many grams are in kg? (1000).
17. How many minutes are there in an hour? (60).

Leading. Who wants to send a team down the wrong path? Who infects the entire team with their pessimism? It's time to identify the weakest link. (Participants say the name of the participant, justifying their choice).

Leading. Round two. You have ____ points in the bank, although there could be 17. We are taking 10 seconds from you. There are seven of you left, and we start the second round with the strongest player from the previous round. This is literature.
Let's begin.

Round 2 questions.
1. What was the name of the Russian hero from the city of Murom? (Ilya)
2. What was the name of A.S. Pushkin’s nanny? (Arina Radionovna)
3. How did Nightingale the Robber greet random guests? (whistle)
4. What subject did Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikoforovich quarrel over? (gun)
5. Who are most often the heroes of Krylov’s fables? (animals)
6. Who does Nekrasov describe in the poem “On the Volga”? (barge haulers)
7. What is the name of the estate in which Leo Tolstoy lived? (Yasnaya Polyana)
8. What did Batsyuk eat in “The Night Before Christmas”? (vareniki)
9. What kind of cheat deceived the crow from Krylov’s famous fable? (fox)
10. From whom did Prince Oleg die? (from his horse)
11. The name of the dog is Gerasim. (Mu Mu)
12. What did the witch collect in her sleeve on the night before Christmas in Gogol’s story? (stars)
13. Who does Nekrasov remember in the poem “Schoolboy”? (About Lomonosov)
14. What was the name of Nikolenka Irtenyev’s nanny from Tolstoy’s story “Childhood”? (Natalia Savishna)
15. What was the name of the main character of Pushkin’s story “The Young Lady-Peasant”? (Lisa)
16. Who sent the crow a piece of cheese? (God)
17. What was Pushkin’s name? (Alexander Sergeevich)
18. Who wrote “Moidodyr”? (K.I. Chukovsky)
19. How many heroes are there in the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin? (33)
20. Who wrote the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”? (Pushkin)
21. What war is talked about in Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”? (Patriotic War with the French)
22. Where does the story “Mumu” ​​take place: in St. Petersburg, Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod? (in Moscow)
23. Did the wounded horse in the story “Warm Bread” stay with the blacksmith, miller or forester? (miller)
24. What is the name of a fairy tale that begins with the words:
25. Once upon a time there was a good king Matvey,
26. He lived with his queen... (“The Sleeping Princess”)
27. Who is the author of the fable “The Pig under the Oak”? (Krylov)
28. Who wrote the story “Mumu”? (Turgenev)

Leading. Who didn't succeed as a player? Who is choking on the flow of information? It's time to identify the weakest link. Voting has begun. (Participants say the name of the participant, justifying their choice).

Leading. Round three. And you have _____ points in the bank, although there could be 34. We are taking away another 10 seconds from you. There are six of you left, and we start with the strongest player from the last round. This is Russian language.

Round 3 questions.
1. Name the consonants that do not have a voiceless pair. (l, m n, r, th)
2. Which is correct: more beautiful or more beautiful?
3. Leather, duck, silver. How many n are written in these adjectives? (one)
4. Is the first one a cardinal or an ordinal number? (ordinal)
5. Half a lemon, half an apple, half a Paris. How are these words with the root pol- written: together or with a hyphen? (hyphenated)
6. How many sounds are there in the pronoun I? (two)
7. Name a synonym for the word selfish (egoist).
8. What ending consists of the first and last letters of the alphabet? (and I)
9. Glass fields, wooden frames, handles... . Continue. (tin)
10. The vocabulary of the language (vocabulary).
11. How many letters are there in the Russian language? (33 letters)
12. A secondary member of the sentence that answers questions about indirect cases? (addition)
13. Is three hundred and five a simple or compound numeral? (composite)
14. Is rubbery a qualitative or relative adjective? (relative)
15. Think about the future. Is it a verb phrase or a noun phrase? (verb)
16. How many sounds are in the word Christmas tree? (5 sounds)

Leading. Who has gone astray? Who's set up to lose? It's time to identify the weakest link. Voting has begun. (Participants say the name of the participant, justifying their choice).

Leading. Round four. And you have ____ points in the bank, although there could be 50. We are taking away another 10 seconds from you. There are five of you left, and we start with the strongest player from the last round. This is general knowledge.

Round 4 questions.
1. Name the artist who painted the painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga.” (Vasnetsov)
2. What did the devil steal in the story “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”? (month)
3. What event is Lermontov’s poem “Borodino” dedicated to? (Battle of Borodino)
4. What is the name of the fairy tale in which Gerda goes to look for Kai? ("The Snow Queen")
5. Name the author of this fairy tale. (Andersen)
6. Which Russian prince is described in the story “Timeless Years”? (Prince Oleg)
7. Name the “horse name” from Chekhov’s story of the same name. (Ovsov)
8. Author of the story “Children of the Dungeon” (Korolenko)
9. What natural phenomenon did Pushkin describe in one of his stories? (Blizzard)
10. A man in his prime who lives on the roof. (Carlson)
11. Where did Gerasim find Mumu? (on the river)
12. Author of the poems “Winter Morning”, “Nanny”. (Pushkin)
13. Who was Gerasim compared to on the lady’s estate? (with the hero)
14. L. Tolstoy’s trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence..." Continue. ("Youth")
15. How many paws does a cat have? (4)
16. Where do penguins live? (Antarctica)
17. Translated from Greek, “ekos” means... (house)
18. Founder of geography? (Eratosthenes)
19. What will you draw through two points? (direct)
20. In what month is Victory Day celebrated? (May)
21. The largest continent? (Eurasia)
22. Who is the weevil: a beetle or a butterfly? (bug)
23. Longest parallel? (Equator)
24. How do you spell the word “chicken”: with “and” or “s”? (s)
25. In what century was America discovered? (15th century)
26. What is another name for the aloe plant? (agave)
27. Who is blind: a mole or a gopher? (mole)
28. How many pairs of legs does a grasshopper have? (3)
29. Where do skunks live? (in North America)
30. Panda: tree or bamboo bear? (bamboo)
31. Capital of France? (Paris)
32. What device measures blood pressure? (barometer)
33. What does the name Victoria mean? (victory)

Leading. Who should be sent to the reserve? Who isn't determined to win? It's time to identify the weakest link. Voting has begun. (Participants say the name of the participant, justifying their choice).

Leading. Round five. And you have ____ points in the bank, although there could be 64. We are taking away another 10 seconds from you. There are four of you left, and we start with the strongest player from the last round. This is ____________________ Let's begin.

Round 5 questions.
1. With what morphemes are indefinite pronouns written with a hyphen? (something, -either, -something).
2. Kill two birds with one stone, talk like two peas in a pod. What rpm are these? (phraseological)
3. Antonym for the word wide (narrow).
4. How are the words Siberian, Cossack, hare formed? (suffixal)
5. Antonym for the word active (passive).
6. And – coordinating or subordinating conjunction? (co-writing)
7. Honest, verbal, famous. What spelling is there in all these words? (unpronounceable consonant)
8. What are relative pronouns used for?
9. Is an ignoramus a poorly educated or rude, ill-mannered person? (rude, ill-mannered person).
10. Drachena, makhotka, dezhka – are these professionalisms or dialectisms? (Dialectisms)
11. Banner, stirrup, tribe. What are these nouns? (mixed)
12. Which is correct: fast taxi or fast taxi? (fast taxi)
13. Seven fifths. Determine the rank of the numeral. (fractional)
14. A suffix is ​​a word-forming morpheme that comes after a root or after a prefix? (After the root)

Leading. Who was covered by the wave? Who can't surface anymore? It's time to identify the weakest link. Voting has begun. (Participants say the name of the participant, justifying their choice).

Leading. Round six. And you have ____ points in the bank, although there could be 76. We are taking away another 10 seconds from you. There are three of you left, and we start with the strongest player from the last round.
This is _________________________________________________ Let's begin.

Round 6 questions.
1. What is the name of the depiction technique when inanimate objects are endowed with human properties? (Personification)
2. What is the exaggeration technique called? (hyperbola)
3. Is the fictitious name the writer adopts? (pseudonym)
4. Reception of opposition. (Antithesis)
5. Natural sketch in a work of art. (Scenery)
6. A short, allegorical, moralizing story, poem. (Fable)
7. The snow is already melting, streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
Who is the author of these lines? (Pleshcheev)
8. Noise, noise, green forest,
I know your majestic noise...
Who is the author of these lines? (Nikitin)
9. I love the forest path,
Not knowing where to wander...
Who is the author of these lines? (Maikov)

Leading. Who still hasn't gotten used to the pace of our game? Who lost in the decisive round? It's time to identify the weakest link.
Voting has begun. (Participants say the name of the participant, justifying their choice).

Leading. Round seven. And we only have two participants left. You have ____ points in the bank, although there could be 86. We are taking away another 10 seconds from you. The amount you put into the pot this round will automatically double. We start with the strongest player from the last round. This is ___________ Let's begin.

Questions from the seventh round.
1. Author of fairy tales “Cinderella”, “Puss in Boots” (Charles Perrault)
2. In house 8, fraction one, near the Ilyich outpost, lived a tall citizen nicknamed Kalancha. Who is this? (Uncle Styopa)
3. What indecent word did Ivan Nikiforovich call Ivan Ivanovich? (gander)
4. Who waited in vain for the keys to the old Kremlin in Pushkin’s poem “Moscow... how much is there in this sound...”? (Napoleon)
5. What fictitious name did Lisa come up with for herself from the story “The Young Lady-Peasant”? (Akulina)
6. Is the word “troika” a numeral or a noun? (noun)
7. What gender are the words sawdust, scales, scissors? (No kind)
8. Is a conjunction an independent or auxiliary part of speech? (Service)
9.Which numerals have only two forms in their declension? (forty and ninety)
10.Name the minor members of the sentence. (addition, definition, circumstance)
Leading. You put ____ points into the bank. Well, we'll double that amount. And now _____ points are at stake. In the eighth round you will play against each other. Each of you will be asked 3 questions in turn. The one who gives the most correct answers wins. So, we begin the last, eighth round.
Round 8 questions.
1. In what literary fairy tale does the princess suffer in prison, and the brown wolf faithfully serves her? (“Ruslan and Lyudmila” by Pushkin)
2. What was the name of the “wonderful doctor” from Kuprin’s story of the same name? (Professor Pirogov)
3. Which letter can turn a geometric figure into fuel? (b corner-coal)
4. What does a person have one thing, but a crow has twice it, you can’t find it in a fox, but three times it in a garden? (Letter o)
5. Name the genres of oral folk art. (Riddles, proverbs, sayings, epics)
6. Who is the author of “The Tale of Bygone Years”? (Nestor)
7. Continue the lines “The storm covers the sky with darkness... (Snow whirlwinds...)
8. Continue the lines “I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon... (A young eagle raised in captivity...)
Leading. So, the game is over. You are the strongest link in the chain of sixth graders. Your winnings amounted to ______ points. Congratulations. We ask all participants of the game to come on stage.
(all participants go on stage to receive incentive prizes and certificates).
And we say goodbye to you. It was just a game. See you!

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There are 6 presentations in total

(Greek ψυχή soul and logos word, thought, knowledge, literally - soul-speak, knowledge of the human soul) the science of mental activity, its patterns of development and functioning. Objective science about the subjective world of humans and animals (as defined by V.P. Zinchenko) On questions

Born in the Poltava province, he studied at the Poltava gymnasium and at the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen. He worked at this institute since 1929, where the topic of his work (in collaboration with L.S. Vygotsky) was the problems of children's play. After the defeat of pedology, from 1937 he worked as a primary school teacher in one of the Leningrad schools, taught at a pedagogical institute, and created school textbooks on the Russian language for the peoples of the Far North. In 1940 he defended his PhD thesis on the development of speech in schoolchildren. Born in the Poltava province, he studied at the Poltava gymnasium and at the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen. He worked at this institute since 1929, where the topic of his work (in collaboration with L.S. Vygotsky) was the problems of children's play. After the defeat of pedology, from 1937 he worked as a primary school teacher in one of the Leningrad schools, taught at a pedagogical institute, and created school textbooks on the Russian language for the peoples of the Far North. In 1940 he defended his PhD thesis on the development of speech in schoolchildren. ANSWER

Basic concepts concepts Famous psychologists Psychology in pictures FINAL

The set of mental processes that underlie cognition, the set of mental processes that underlie cognition, an indirect and generalized reflection of reality, a type of mental activity that consists in knowing the essence of things and phenomena, natural connections and relationships between them. ANSWER

One of the mental functions and types of mental activity designed to preserve, accumulate and reproduce information. The ability to store information about events in the external world and the body’s reactions for a long time and repeatedly use it in the sphere of consciousness to organize subsequent activities. ANSWER

German and then American psychologist, whose ideas had a great influence on American social psychology and many other schools and directions. Many of the issues he dealt with became fundamental for psychologists: aspiration level, group dynamics, social perception, game situations, striving for success and avoiding failure, field theory. ANSWER


Name the movie... “Nothing Happened to Me... I Happened to Me.” You cannot cross out my "I", considering me just a victim of various influences. You have betrayed good and evil for the sake of behaviorism... You have shackled everyone in the incomprehensible bonds of virtue. Look at me... Can you call me a fiend? Am I the personification of evil?”… …“Nothing happened to me... I happened myself. You cannot cross out my "I", considering me just a victim of various influences. You have betrayed good and evil for the sake of behaviorism... You have shackled everyone in the incomprehensible bonds of virtue. Look at me... Can you call me a fiend? Am I the personification of evil?”… ANSWER

“The Silence of the Lambs” is an American psychological thriller from 1991, based on the novel of the same name by T. Harris. The main roles in the film were played by Jodie Foster (FBI agent Clarice Starling) and Anthony Hopkins (serial killer, Dr. Hannibal - "Cannibal" Lecter). The film was awarded an IFF prize (Berlin) and five Oscars. The film became the third in history to win Oscars in the most prestigious categories. Since the release of The Silence of the Lambs, no other film has achieved this. American psychological thriller 1991, based on the novel of the same name by T. Harris. The main roles in the film were played by Jodie Foster (FBI agent Clarice Starling) and Anthony Hopkins (serial killer, Dr. Hannibal - "Cannibal" Lecter). The film was awarded an IFF prize (Berlin) and five Oscars. The film became the third in history to win Oscars in the most prestigious categories. Since the release of The Silence of the Lambs, no other film has achieved this.

Psychological quiz for schoolchildren

Abroskina Evgenia Aleksandrovna, educational psychologist, MBOU PMS "Center for Diagnostics and Consulting "Doverie" Leninsky District, Tula Region
Description of work: The psychological quiz is intended for children aged 10-14 years. This quiz will be useful for educational psychologists, social educators, class teachers, and counselors. Two teams of 7-10 people each take part in the quiz.
Quiz objectives:
1. Develop communication skills;
2. Develop skills of cooperation, making collective decisions;
3. Bring children together;
4. Activate children's cognitive abilities
Equipment: colored pencils, album sheets, whatman paper with assignments, two drawings cut into pieces, seven cards with images of geometric shapes of different colors (2 yellow circles, 1 green triangle, 1 yellow triangle, 2 red squares, 1 yellow square) , 20 clothespins, certificates.
Preliminary work: divide whatman paper into 6 parts. In each part, make a drawing-tip and write a card with the task.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: Hello guys. Today we will participate in the “Psychological Quiz”. In front of you hangs a playing field with hint pictures and numbers of tasks that you will complete. The rules of our game are simple: The team chooses a task. The team that completes the task better and faster receives a token and the right to choose the next task. Those who collect the most tokens win. To begin, we will divide into two teams. Calculate the first, second. Now each team choose its captain and come up with a name and distinctive sign. Time to complete the task is 5 minutes.
The teacher distributes a blank sketchbook sheet and colored pencils to the teams. The guys draw their distinctive sign and come up with a team name.
Teacher: Time is up. Now the first and second teams introduce themselves.
Children represent their teams
Teacher: Well done! Now you have become teams and are ready for our quiz. The right to first choose a task will go to the team that is the first to complete my task: “Whoever lines up first by hair color. I should produce a child with the fairest hair.”
The guys are building
Team...(name of the winning team) has won! You were faster and can be the first to choose any task number.
Children say the number of the task they want to complete.
Exercise 1."Erudite". Each team comes up with as many words starting with the letter “C” as possible and writes them down. You have 5 minutes to prepare for the task. Guys, each team, names words in turn. The winning team starts first. The last one to say the word wins.
The guys name the words
Task 2."Cobweb." Each team captain needs to leave the room. The rest of the team join hands. Now try to “get confused”, the main thing is not to unclasp your hands. When you are ready, the captains will return to us.
The children get confused and the captains enter.
Teacher: Captains, approach the other team and try to untangle it; you cannot separate your hands. The team, captain, who completes the task first will win.

Task 3."The fastest". I will give each team identical pictures, cut into pieces. You will need to collect these pictures.
Task 4."What changed?" Guys, the next task will test your attention and memory. Choose 1 person from each team. Now the selected people and I will go to the table on which I have laid out the pictures. At my signal, you will look at the cards for a few seconds, after which you will move away and I will change something. Your task will be to find the change. Whoever completes the task faster wins.
Task 5:"Hidden clothespins." For this task you will need two people from each team. One person from each team is blindfolded. The other two attach clothespins to each other's clothes so that they are difficult to find. The guys, blindfolded, must find the clothespins. Ready? Then let's begin.
Guys, I'm looking for clothespins. The winners are given a token.
Task 6."Without words". Teacher: Guys, the main rule of the next game is that you cannot say more than one word. Now I will give each team a sheet of paper and each team member a sheet with an assignment. After I hand out the assignments, you can’t say anything out loud, you can’t show your papers to each other. You will need to draw a general picture on the sheets of paper together, without talking over each other. Whoever completes the task faster and more correctly wins.
The teacher distributes sheets of paper from the assignment:
1. The tower has 10 floors
2. Total 10 windows
3. The first floor is red
4. On the window of the 5th floor there is a flower pot
5. The sixth floor is green
6. The eighth floor is pink
7. There are curtains on all windows
8. Blue outline of the tower
9. A person can be seen from a 3rd floor window
10. The tenth floor is yellow
Children complete the task, the teacher names the winner.

Teacher: So we have come to the end of our “Psychological Quiz”. Well done, you completed all the tasks. Now let's count the tokens and determine the winners.
The tokens are counted. The winners are awarded.
Reflection: Let's now sit in a circle and discuss today's event. What tasks did you like best? What caused the difficulties? What helped you win? Your wishes.
Farewell ritual: The time has come to say goodbye. Shake hands and compliment your neighbor. Consultation for parents "Sex education for children of senior preschool age"

"Board of Directors"

The game is intended for older schoolchildren.

Most guys imagine what a board of directors is from movies. You can invite them to do something similar at home.

The presenter must come up with a role for each player in advance, set out the goals and capabilities of each character on separate pieces of paper, and distribute the sheets to the players. To make the game exciting, it is necessary that some participants have opposing interests.

The rules of the game are as follows: it is allowed to enter into alliances with other players, it is forbidden to deviate from the goal, substitute other players and exceed the powers received at the beginning of the game.

Those who achieve their goal first win. It is these players who have the most developed leadership abilities.

The presenter must pay attention to how the participants in the game speak in order to understand what qualities they need to develop first.

"Chickens and Foxes"

For children of high school age and teenagers. The maximum number of players is not limited, but should not be less than 11 people.

A leader is chosen, the players are divided into two equal teams, and each team is given a name: “chickens” and “foxes.” A long line is drawn, parallel to which two teams line up at a distance of 1 m. The presenter gets on the line. When he says the command: “Chickens!”, the “chickens” begin to run away, and the “foxes” catch up with them. The team that is catching up must catch or touch the runners. The more chickens the attacking team catches, the better.

The leader can also make the “chickens” team attacking, so that the players do not get used to the fact that they always run away, and the “foxes” attack, and therefore are on guard.

Films and actors

A presenter is selected. He takes the ball, the others enclose him in a circle. The presenter throws the ball to one of the players and names any film - Russian or foreign. The player who receives the ball must quickly name any actor who is involved in it and give the ball back to the leader. If the player fails to find his bearings and name the actor in time, he leaves the game. The same thing happens if the player named the actor, but did not manage to pass the ball in time.

You can play differently. For example, the presenter names the actor, and the player names the film in which this actor starred. The game continues until the last player remains - the winner.


For children of senior school age.

There are two ways to play the game. In the first case, the players try to convey the human state through facial expressions and color, and in the second, through makeup. In both cases, it is taken into account how reliably the child conveyed the state of the person he saw.

The players draw tokens and set the order of participation. Then they sit in a semicircle. The first player draws a card with a task, and then only using facial expressions (without gestures) depicts the feeling or state of a person given to him. The rest must guess. Tasks can be as follows: express anger, fatigue, fun, cunning, despondency, pity, etc.

Then the same states must be expressed through color. This will help children in the future choose the most appropriate makeup for the next task. Each child is given a sheet of paper, paints and brushes. You have 3 minutes to complete this part of the game. After selecting a color, the players must explain why they believe that this particular color conveys a given state of a person. The winner is the one who most correctly depicts the given state of a person and chooses a color for him.

In the second option, players must divide into pairs and apply makeup to their partner’s face, characterizing the state of the person that was assigned to them. It can also be fun and joy (rosy cheeks, wrinkles around the eyes), pain (pushed eyebrows, dark complexion), fatigue (swollen eyelids, drooping corners of the lips) and other emotions. In addition to makeup, you can use various additions - wigs, glasses, bows, etc. At the same time, no one should know about the task itself except the make-up artist himself, in order to later check the result of the work. That is, to expose the person wearing makeup to the audience and ask them to determine his condition and feelings.

“Create an emotional image”

For children of middle and high school age. Number of participants from four people.

Before the game starts, everyone is given 3 sheets of paper and a pencil.

The presenter invites the players to draw one human face on each sheet of paper, and this face should express some emotion: joy, sadness, anger, dissatisfaction, etc., as chosen by the player. This task will take 10-15 minutes to complete. After this, the presenter collects the drawings from the players and mixes them. Everyone sits in a semicircle near the leader, so that he can be clearly seen. The presenter takes out one drawing and shows (presents) it to all players. The guys, in turn, should try to determine. what emotion the person is expressing. The player who is the author of this drawing should not give hints to others.

If the players guess the emotion correctly, the author of the drawing gets a point.

But it may turn out that when reflecting an emotional image on paper, the author of the drawing has one emotion in mind, and the other children saw another in it. In this case, the player loses one point.

When summing up the results, the winner of the game is the participant with the most points.

Joy or sadness?

For children of senior school age.

All those present are divided into two teams. The first team must leave the room, their participation in the game is limited to the role of an outside observer. The second team starts the game. The host asks the players various questions in the fields of literature, mathematics, and art. The participants in the game answer them.

If the answer is correct, the player receives a small prize - candy, a toy or a souvenir.

After completing the questions, the second team arrives. The participants’ task is to guess from their friends’ behavior which of them answered the questions correctly and which did not. The essence of the game is simple: not all children can contain their joy over a successful answer to a question or, conversely, sadness due to not knowing the correct answer. The second team tries to guess the emotions of the members of the first team.

Of course, not all members of the second team will be able to guess this, guided only by the behavior of the guys from the first. If someone was able to fulfill this condition, he is awarded a certain number of points. Those guys from the first team who managed to restrain their emotions are also celebrated. The winners are those who score the most points.

Exact calculation

For children of senior school age.

Children should be able to analyze a situation, looking at it from the position of an outside observer. Of course, there should be no place for emotions, which only harm close analysis. To teach children this, you can use the following game.

You need to prepare for the game in advance. Its essence is that the presenter reads or tells some story that evokes a lively response from everyone. The children’s task is to express their opinion about the behavior of various characters in this story. But statements should be extremely restrained; any emotions are undesirable in them.

And so that the presenter’s story evokes the most lively response among all the guys, it can be provided with a lot of details and details. In a word, you can tell a story from your life, adding many different details to it.

The presenter carefully monitors everyone’s statements. If the player speaks calmly, analyzing the story from the point of view of an outside observer, without showing emotions such as joy, anger or hostility, then the host may appreciate his answers. If a participant in the game fails to contain his emotions, he receives fewer points. At the end of the game the results are summed up. Those who score more points can be considered winners.

"Poor and Rich"

For children of senior school age.

Modern children are clearly aware of the difference between the financial situation of different families. They know exactly whose parents earn a lot and whose parents earn little. The game will help children overcome the painful complex due to the lack of well-being of their family.

The presenter can tell a short story about a family. You can use a story from a literary work or film and include a mention of a poor or rich family. Then he suggests having a conversation on this topic. The questions can be very different, for example: “Who is happier - the one who has more money, or the one who knows how to be content with little?”

Every child has the right to speak out. For example, children can give their own examples about the influence of money on life. As the conversation progresses, everyone should understand that a lot of money is not the most important thing in life. As an example, the presenter can tell stories from the lives of famous people whose material well-being did not bring them happiness.

The game can be somewhat varied. For example, everyone begins to fantasize about how they imagine their future life. He can say what he wants to be when he grows up, how much he would like to earn and how he would like to arrange his home, etc. There are no winners or losers in the game, everyone has the right to their opinion.

Communication with strangers

For children of senior school age.

Children often have difficulty communicating with strangers. For example, in a store they are embarrassed to ask the seller about something, or on the street they cannot muster up the courage to ask how to get to the right address. The game will help you get rid of this complex over time. The essence of the game is simple. The host and one of the participants in the game must start a conversation with one of the strangers. This can happen in the following way: they approach the salesperson in the store. The presenter remains silent, and the player himself must ask the seller in detail about something.

For example, you can choose a wind-up toy and learn everything about how it works. When the player asks the seller about something in detail, the presenter evaluates the level of his communication using a point system. The rest of the guys may be nearby, or they may be waiting for their comrades not far from the store. The game continues, but now the other player must start the conversation.

The conversation options are very different: for example, you can ask an old woman on a bench, a janitor, a policeman, etc. about something. For the ability to start a conversation with a stranger, the presenter awards each player a certain number of points. Of course, there are no winners or losers in the game, but the one who scores the most points may be rewarded with some kind of prize.