Why do you dream about somersaults? Why do a somersault in a dream? Why do you dream of somersaulting?

We invite you to read the article on the topic: “dream book of tumbling over your head” on the pages of the most current reference book about dreams in 2018.

A somersault in a dream is a harbinger of surprises, anxiety and difficulties. The dream book, explaining why this acrobatic element is dreamed of, heralds a successful outcome of a risky business.

Miller's explanation

Miller’s dream book foreshadows the burden of responsibility and the machinations of enemies, explaining why one dreams of doing a somersault. Seeing acrobats performing tricks in a dream means: the concern of others will help you refrain from taking a risky step.

Enemies are not asleep!

For those who happened to witness the perfect execution of a somersault in a dream, in reality the enemies will greatly ruin their lives, esotericists are sure. Hasse's dream book warns about the sophisticated traps of enemies, explaining why one dreams of watching other people's tricks.

Think before you do!

The modern combined dream book describes why one dreams of doing a somersault, doing an unexpected and risky act. The girl’s dream image predetermines a love affair with an interesting young man. For a young lady, a frivolous hobby can end very badly for her reputation.

Busy days are coming!

Seeing how acrobats in a circus professionally perform somersaults means that the life of a sleeping person will radically change and be filled with interesting events. The dream interpreter predicts great prospects in the business field, the emergence of an interesting and highly paid project.

Perseverance will be rewarded!

Did you dream that you were learning how to do a somersault? The interpretation of the dream depends on the results of your labors. If in a dream you were unable to perform an acrobatic element, it means that your plans can only be realized with the assistance of an informed person.

For those who managed to do a somersault, the dream book predicts profit and an increase in well-being as a reward for the dreamer’s perseverance and tireless work.

Details: who performed?

Most dream interpreters, when describing the interpretation of a somersault in a dream, associate the image with the character who performed this somersault in a dream. So, see:

  • stranger - indicates the efforts of ill-wishers to ruin the dreamer’s life;
  • a friend - speaks about the character’s actions that will unpleasantly surprise you;
  • beloved - warns of the young lady’s frivolity, her infidelity;
  • beloved man - predicts the possibility of recognizing the chosen one from the opposite side.

Do not worry!

Watching an acrobat perform in a circus indicates that the sleeping person is concerned about one problem, which is almost impossible to resolve. Esotericists assure that the solution will come to you unexpectedly, as well as qualified outside help.

Stop clowning around!

For people who dreamed of doing a backflip, the Universal Dream Interpreter advises them to calm down and think carefully about their authority and reputation. Your eccentric antics can cost not only large financial waste, but also the loss of a high position in society!

Trust, but think!

A dream in which you are persuaded to do a backflip warns of attempts to manipulate you. The English dream book believes that other people's advice will only bring ruin and disappointment in business to the sleeping person. For a young lady, such a picture serves as a warning about a man’s attempts to take advantage of her naivety and inexperience.


Why do you dream of a somersault?

Dreaming that you or someone else is doing a somersault suggests that you like wasting money. You must show some restraint.


How to find out what the dream is about Somersault? The meaning of the dream Somersault will tell you about the secret dream in detail. The interpretation of dreams can always be found in our dream book. We hope your dreams will be bright and clear.

Similar on topic: (from the Action section)

Reviews for Somersault Jump

He jumped so fast in his sleep that he almost broke his head. It's good that it's just a dream))

“Why do you dream about tumbling in a dream? If you see Tumbling in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream of tumbling:

interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Did you dream of Tumbling, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about tumbling in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I live in a big city. In winter I cross the road behind the house, there are snowdrifts all around. And suddenly I see a large black whale or baby whale, which was tumbling like a kitten. Then my dad (deceased) passed by me, I asked to go with him, but he turned away and left. I was offended by this. And I also dreamed of a large black cockroach living under the rug near my front door to the apartment. I was afraid of it, but it was not aggressive, it just crawled out and crawled back.

winter, an icy lake, a lot of people - children again and I tumble among them, as if playing with them

I dreamed that I somersaulted three times in the snow, and then passed out, before that we celebrated the New Year with a Christmas tree and people dancing in the street

I ended up where I used to live as a child, I look, it’s foggy, dark, there’s no one, I’m on my way home, but on the way I found only a pillow. The idea came to my mind, so as not to waste a lot of energy, roll with a pillow along the road lying down .I was rolling and saw the asphalt and the area of ​​​​my street, but then I noticed a khacha, I stopped, he was in a gray sweatshirt, he said, what are you doing here? Let me take you to the road (pointing to the courtyards) where you can go home by trolleybus. I She refused and said it’s better to come with me directly and thought some more (it would be better if he gave me money for the trip)

Well, then my friend called me and I woke up, but when I woke up, in a dream I saw how he and I were walking along the road and he told me something interesting so that the fear would leave me

Hello! I dreamed that I was doing a back somersault at tournaments, and I realized that there were a lot of people around me, and I also realized that my skirt was being pulled up and I was very ashamed!

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Dream Interpretation Tumbling, why do you dream about tumbling in a dream?

    From this article you can find out why you dream of Tumbling from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

    Why do you dream of Tumbling: interpretation of the dream

    Why do you dream of tumbling in the fall?

    Tumbling - Tumbling in fragrant hay in a dream means relaxing in the village.

    Why do you dream about tumbling in summer?

    Tumbling - Tumbling in a dream means hard work.

    Why do you dream about tumbling in spring?

    Tumbling - Tumbling in a dream means hassle, hard days.

    Why do you dream of tumbling?

    Tumbling in a dream yourself - vanity, worries, worries await you.

    Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

    Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

    • If you dream of Tumbling in a dream from Sunday to Monday
    • Why do you dream of Tumbling according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
    • If you dream of Tumbling from Tuesday to Wednesday
    • If you dream of Tumbling according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
    • Why do you dream of tumbling from Thursday to Friday?
    • If you dream of Tumbling in a dream from Friday to Saturday
    • Why do you dream of tumbling in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

    Thu December 10, 2015, 13:17:01

    Tumble in a dream book. Tell me your dream:

    Required fields are marked with *.

    Dream Interpretation

    Tumble over your head

    Dream Interpretation Tumbling over your head dreamed of why you dream of tumbling over your head in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see Tumbling Over Your Head in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Why do you dream of tumbling?

    Tumbling in a dream means hassle and difficult days.

    Tumbling in a dream means hard work.

    Tumbling in fragrant hay in a dream means relaxing in the countryside.

    The reality and meaning of dreams

    The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer’s life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream promises exhaustion. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

    From Tuesday to Wednesday

    The dreamed picture is most often filled with non-standard images and ideas. Often in it you can see yourself in a different physical shell. It is believed that such dreams reveal the secrets of the sleeper’s past lives and show who he was in past reincarnations.

    A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

    A dream that has left a good mark on the dreamer’s soul promises good things in reality. He will most likely be incarnated. The unpleasant coloring of a dream should alert you: problems are coming that can affect any area.

    Why do you dream about Moving, dream book What does it mean to see Moving in a dream?

    Summer dream interpreter

    Why do you dream about Moving?

    Moving – Moving in one direction, almost running, means that you are a very purposeful person.

    Move stealthily – Moving stealthily in a dream means caution.

    Tumbling - moving like this in a dream - means hard work.

    Climbing over – Climbing over something in a dream means overcoming shyness.

    Slide - To loss of fortune, deterioration of life.

    Move while maintaining your balance – If you are balancing and trying to maintain your balance while walking across a bridge or a rope, then you will soon have a hard time in your life.

    Stop moving and be dumbfounded (stunned, frozen). – To become dizzy in a dream - accumulated debts do not give you peace.

    To bury yourself - to move in a similar way in a dream - to family well-being.

    If you dream of Moving, what does it mean:

    Moving - Walking in a dream with a fast, athletic step means the desire to stand out among people.

    Rotate - move in a similar way in a dream - you are dissatisfied with your position in society.

    Moving backwards – To dream that you have forgotten something and are returning is a bad dream: to the loss of a loved one.

    Move forward - Hear in a dream how the commander urges the soldiers on with the exclamation: “Forward!” - you will make a great career in the near future.

    Climb out - Climb out of a hole, ravine, basement, etc. - fall into a debt hole.

    Move stealthily, trying not to be noticed - hide your secrets from friends.

    Tumbling - moving in a similar way in a dream - means relaxing in the village.

    Climbing over a fence - moving in a similar way in a dream - ingratiating yourself with someone.

    Slide down - Slide down from somewhere - commit a fall from grace.

    Balance - Moving in a dream, trying to maintain balance, walking along a bridge, a rope, etc., soon there will be a time when the balance of the spirit will be disturbed, the nerves will be very upset.

    To move and then be dumbfounded - To surprise.

    Bury yourself - you will soon stop fighting and give up.

    Spring dream interpreter

    Why do you dream about Moving?

    Moving without touching the ground means being careful in all your affairs.

    Why do you dream of Floundering? To prolonged lack of money and bad luck.

    Spinning around yourself in a dream - moving in this way - you are too arrogant and wonder a lot, and this is not good.

    Dreamed of moving while rotating - To dream of something spinning quickly before your eyes means that you will often change your place of work.

    Revolving around yourself means wasting time or losing your memory.

    Move up - Move up in a dream - achieve your goal. Climb the scaffold - you will live long. Rise to heaven - all attempts to make a career in the near future will suffer a crushing fiasco. Climbing up a rope ladder - friends will support you in difficult times. Going uphill by car - don’t miss out on the brilliant opportunities that have opened up to you. Taking the elevator up - you can change your destiny

    Why do you dream of moving upward - climbing up the stairs - to success in business and in life. Climbing up the mountains means grief.

    I dreamed of moving back - returning from vacation, from a cruise, etc. - to a fun party with friends.

    Returning to the place where you lived in childhood leads to tears.

    Why see Moving in a dream?

    Dreamed of moving forward - Moving forward in a dream without looking back means that you are on the right path, don’t doubt it.

    Breaking ahead from the crowd is a sign of great luck. You will be noticed, your name will be on the lips of many, and only good things will be said.

    Dreamed/dreamed of Getting out - moving in a similar way in a dream, and with great difficulty - to a hopeless situation at work.

    Getting out - crawling out from under the bed - means your spouse is cheating. From under the table - to the birth of a relative, from under something else - to surprise.

    Moving stealthily - moving stealthily in a dream means that you want not to find out something about you; to duplicity.

    Tumbling - tumbling in a dream - means hassle, hard days.

    Climbing over a fence or something else means avoiding an obstacle in your service.

    To slide down - to move in a similar way in a dream - to a loss of authority.

    Moving, trying to maintain balance in a dream - means trying to correct a bad situation.

    Move quickly and then freeze (freeze). - to bad news.

    To bury oneself - to bury oneself in something - means to wait for a sudden attack, to seek protection.

    Interpretation of sleep taking into account time, day, month

    Do you dream about Moving? Share your dream!

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    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

    Why dream of Tumbling - Tumbling in fragrant hay in a dream - means relaxing in the countryside.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    Why do you dream of tumbling - Tumbling in a dream means hard work.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    Why do you dream of tumbling - Tumbling in a dream means hassle, difficult days.

    Why do you dream about gymnastics?

    This may portend mild forms of rheumatism or arthritis. If you strain a muscle or twist your leg in a dream, it means that you are either in real trouble at home or are mentally worried about your family. These worries will soon leave you.

    If you also dream about gymnastic objects (rings, ribbons), then in the near future you will be getting ready for the trip. Most likely, this is an excursion or tourist trip. If the dream was accompanied by exercise on the horizontal bar, then danger awaits on the road.

    What if you dream about gymnastics?

    Why do you dream about gymnastics? If you yourself are a gymnast in a dream, then you probably have some difficulties in life. In your dreams you overcome them. The more attractive you look in a dream, the greater the likelihood of a successful resolution of your difficulties in reality.

    Also, such a dream may mean that you are bored in your existing company. Try to make new acquaintances or come up with a new type of joint leisure time. If in a dream you do morning exercises or just exercises with children, this promises small and pleasant worries. If in reality you have children, then you will have an unusual activity together with your child.

    What does it portend?

    The dream of gymnastics foreshadows a positive resolution of troubles in reality. If you see yourself doing the splits, then soon a person will appear who will determine the development of events for the long term. If in reality you have a business meeting or conversation with a partner, take it very seriously.

    If you do it with pleasure, then the changes will also be pleasant. If in a dream you are doing a type of gymnastics unknown to you, it means that you are on the verge of a new discovery. Perhaps you have an unripe interesting idea in your head that needs to be brought to completion.

    Please note that all of the above actions occur with the person you saw in your dream. The mystery of the dream in which there is gymnastics has been revealed. Even if the dream foretells you troubles or difficulties, do not despair. This is only temporary.

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    tumbles in his sleep.

    List of messages from the topic “somersaults in his sleep.” forum Parent meeting > Children's health

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  • Seeing your own or someone else's head enlarged in a dream foretells success and fame if you are engaged in intellectual work in real life.

    A small head in a dream foreshadows poverty, painstaking and thankless work.

    A shaggy head in a dream - fortunately, bald - is a warning against bad deeds.

    A cut off head means disappointment.

    A head with luxuriant hair is a sign of love, a shorn head is a sign of unhappiness.

    A broken and bleeding head means exhausting work, but money.

    Permed head - trust your friends who will divulge your secret.

    A head in a hat means deprivation and misfortune.

    A talking head without a body portends you an important meeting with influential people who have power and the ability to provide you with the necessary support.

    Seeing your head in a dream means illness.

    If in a dream you see two heads, this means an opportunity to make a quick career and get rich.

    A child's head without hair means future family happiness and prosperity in the house.

    The animal's head warns: be more selective in your choice of friends and profession.

    Eating a pig’s head in a dream means you will go on a journey, a mutton head means you will make a profit, a lion’s head means you will lose.

    Seeing both dark and light hair on your head at the same time portends great doubts about the upcoming choice, in which you should be extremely careful not to make a mistake.

    Entirely blond hair on the head is a sign of complaisance and kindness, dark hair is a love trap.

    Red head - falsehood, change in relationships.

    The golden head is a sign of the dignity and courage of your chosen one.

    A chestnut head means failure at work, a neatly combed head means affection for the home, a scorched head means you will avoid trouble, a burning head means profit, a head with lice means poverty, a head covered in dandruff means unexpectedly gaining great wealth.

    A head with large ears - you will be given great honor, with long hair - you will suffer a loss, with short hair - it will bring you prosperity.

    Anointing your head means experiencing happiness. To cut off someone's head is to win.

    Seeing a tiara on your head is a sign of disagreement on some issues.

    Feeling a severe headache in a dream means you will be overcome by many worries.

    If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love that will end happily.

    Washing your hair in a dream is an omen of your prudent and effective decisions.

    To see someone washing their hair with shampoo means that you will soon travel secretly from others, taking part in unworthy scams.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Silkworm caterpillars fly without turning into cocoons - portends happiness for people.

    Flying in a boat means great wealth and nobility.

    Flying on a crane is a significant advancement up the career ladder.

    A flock of bats is flying - secret deeds will be done successfully.

    Flying in a boat - portends great wealth and nobility.

    Flying on a crane - portends a significant advancement up the career ladder.

    A flying bird climbs into your bosom - happiness.

    Flying dragon - your appointment to the place will be announced.

    A moth flying towards the fire of a lamp is the defeat of another person.

    Wings grow on your body and you fly - great happiness.

    Catching a bird in flight is a letter from afar.

    Bees fly, playing love games with each other - the matter will not end in success.

    A fish flies over the water - all matters will be resolved.

    Watch dragonflies fly against each other - a beautiful person will arrive.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

    Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

    We invite you to read the article on the topic: “dream book of somersault over the head” on the pages of the most current reference book about dreams in 2018.

    A somersault in a dream is a harbinger of surprises, anxiety and difficulties. The dream book, explaining why this acrobatic element is dreamed of, heralds a successful outcome of a risky business.

    Miller's explanation

    Miller’s dream book foreshadows the burden of responsibility and the machinations of enemies, explaining why one dreams of doing a somersault. Seeing acrobats performing tricks in a dream means: the concern of others will help you refrain from taking a risky step.

    Enemies are not asleep!

    For those who happened to witness the perfect execution of a somersault in a dream, in reality the enemies will greatly ruin their lives, esotericists are sure. Hasse's dream book warns about the sophisticated traps of enemies, explaining why one dreams of watching other people's tricks.

    Think before you do!

    The modern combined dream book describes why one dreams of doing a somersault, doing an unexpected and risky act. The girl’s dream image predetermines a love affair with an interesting young man. For a young lady, a frivolous hobby can end very badly for her reputation.

    Busy days are coming!

    Seeing how acrobats in a circus professionally perform somersaults means that the life of a sleeping person will radically change and be filled with interesting events. The dream interpreter predicts great prospects in the business field, the emergence of an interesting and highly paid project.

    Perseverance will be rewarded!

    Did you dream that you were learning how to do a somersault? The interpretation of the dream depends on the results of your labors. If in a dream you were unable to perform an acrobatic element, it means that your plans can only be realized with the assistance of an informed person.

    For those who managed to do a somersault, the dream book predicts profit and an increase in well-being as a reward for the dreamer’s perseverance and tireless work.

    Details: who performed?

    Most dream interpreters, when describing the interpretation of a somersault in a dream, associate the image with the character who performed this somersault in a dream. So, see:

    • stranger - indicates the efforts of ill-wishers to ruin the dreamer’s life;
    • a friend - speaks about the character’s actions that will unpleasantly surprise you;
    • beloved - warns of the young lady’s frivolity, her infidelity;
    • beloved man - predicts the possibility of recognizing the chosen one from the opposite side.

    Do not worry!

    Watching an acrobat perform in a circus indicates that the sleeping person is concerned about one problem, which is almost impossible to resolve. Esotericists assure that the solution will come to you unexpectedly, as well as qualified outside help.

    Stop clowning around!

    For people who dreamed of doing a backflip, the Universal Dream Interpreter advises them to calm down and think carefully about their authority and reputation. Your eccentric antics can cost not only large financial waste, but also the loss of a high position in society!

    Trust, but think!

    A dream in which you are persuaded to do a backflip warns of attempts to manipulate you. The English dream book believes that other people's advice will only bring ruin and disappointment in business to the sleeping person. For a young lady, such a picture serves as a warning about a man’s attempts to take advantage of her naivety and inexperience.

    “Why do you dream about tumbling in a dream? If you see Tumbling in a dream, what does it mean?

    Why do you dream of tumbling:

    interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    Did you dream of Tumbling, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

    Our experts will help you find out why you dream about tumbling in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I live in a big city. In winter I cross the road behind the house, there are snowdrifts all around. And suddenly I see a large black whale or baby whale, which was tumbling like a kitten. Then my dad (deceased) passed by me, I asked to go with him, but he turned away and left. I was offended by this. And I also dreamed of a large black cockroach living under the rug near my front door to the apartment. I was afraid of it, but it was not aggressive, it just crawled out and crawled back.

    winter, an icy lake, a lot of people - children again and I tumble among them, as if playing with them

    I dreamed that I somersaulted three times in the snow, and then passed out, before that we celebrated the New Year with a Christmas tree and people dancing in the street

    I ended up where I used to live as a child, I look, it’s foggy, dark, there’s no one, I’m on my way home, but on the way I found only a pillow. The idea came to my mind, so as not to waste a lot of energy, roll with a pillow along the road lying down .I was rolling and saw the asphalt and the area of ​​​​my street, but then I noticed a khacha, I stopped, he was in a gray sweatshirt, he said, what are you doing here? Let me take you to the road (pointing to the courtyards) where you can go home by trolleybus. I She refused and said it’s better to come with me directly and thought some more (it would be better if he gave me money for the trip)

    Well, then my friend called me and I woke up, but when I woke up, in a dream I saw how he and I were walking along the road and he told me something interesting so that the fear would leave me

    Hello! I dreamed that I was doing a back somersault at tournaments, and I realized that there were a lot of people around me, and I also realized that my skirt was being pulled up and I was very ashamed!

    Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Why do you dream about gymnastics?

    This may portend mild forms of rheumatism or arthritis. If you strain a muscle or twist your leg in a dream, it means that you are either in real trouble at home or are mentally worried about your family. These worries will soon leave you.

    If you also dream about gymnastic objects (rings, ribbons), then in the near future you will be getting ready for the trip. Most likely, this is an excursion or tourist trip. If the dream was accompanied by exercise on the horizontal bar, then danger awaits on the road.

    What if you dream about gymnastics?

    Why do you dream about gymnastics? If you yourself are a gymnast in a dream, then you probably have some difficulties in life. In your dreams you overcome them. The more attractive you look in a dream, the greater the likelihood of a successful resolution of your difficulties in reality.

    Also, such a dream may mean that you are bored in your existing company. Try to make new acquaintances or come up with a new type of joint leisure time. If in a dream you do morning exercises or just exercises with children, this promises small and pleasant worries. If in reality you have children, then you will have an unusual activity together with your child.

    What does it portend?

    The dream of gymnastics foreshadows a positive resolution of troubles in reality. If you see yourself doing the splits, then soon a person will appear who will determine the development of events for the long term. If in reality you have a business meeting or conversation with a partner, take it very seriously.

    If you do it with pleasure, then the changes will also be pleasant. If in a dream you are doing a type of gymnastics unknown to you, it means that you are on the verge of a new discovery. Perhaps you have an unripe interesting idea in your head that needs to be brought to completion.

    Please note that all of the above actions occur with the person you saw in your dream. The mystery of the dream in which there is gymnastics has been revealed. Even if the dream foretells you troubles or difficulties, do not despair. This is only temporary.

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    Dream Interpretation Tumbling, why do you dream about tumbling in a dream?

    From this article you can find out why you dream of Tumbling from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

    Why do you dream of Tumbling: interpretation of the dream

    Why do you dream of tumbling in the fall?

    Tumbling - Tumbling in fragrant hay in a dream means relaxing in the village.

    Why do you dream about tumbling in summer?

    Tumbling - Tumbling in a dream means hard work.

    Why do you dream about tumbling in spring?

    Tumbling - Tumbling in a dream means hassle, hard days.

    Why do you dream of tumbling?

    Tumbling in a dream yourself - vanity, worries, worries await you.

    Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

    Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

    • If you dream of Tumbling in a dream from Sunday to Monday
    • Why do you dream of Tumbling according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
    • If you dream of Tumbling from Tuesday to Wednesday
    • If you dream of Tumbling according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
    • Why do you dream of tumbling from Thursday to Friday?
    • If you dream of Tumbling in a dream from Friday to Saturday
    • Why do you dream of tumbling in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

    Thu December 10, 2015, 13:17:01

    Tumble in a dream book. Tell me your dream:

    Required fields are marked with *.


    Why do you dream of a somersault?

    Dreaming that you or someone else is doing a somersault suggests that you like wasting money. You must show some restraint.


    How to find out what the dream is about Somersault? The meaning of the dream Somersault will tell you about the secret dream in detail. The interpretation of dreams can always be found in our dream book. We hope your dreams will be bright and clear.

    Similar on topic: (from the Action section)

    Reviews for Somersault Jump

    He jumped so fast in his sleep that he almost broke his head. It's good that it's just a dream))

    Dream Interpretation

    Tumble over your head

    Dream Interpretation Tumbling over your head dreamed of why you dream of tumbling over your head in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see Tumbling Over Your Head in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Why do you dream of tumbling?

    Tumbling in a dream means hassle and difficult days.

    Tumbling in a dream means hard work.

    Tumbling in fragrant hay in a dream means relaxing in the countryside.

    The reality and meaning of dreams

    The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer’s life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream promises exhaustion. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

    From Tuesday to Wednesday

    The dreamed picture is most often filled with non-standard images and ideas. Often in it you can see yourself in a different physical shell. It is believed that such dreams reveal the secrets of the sleeper’s past lives and show who he was in past reincarnations.

    A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

    A dream that has left a good mark on the dreamer’s soul promises good things in reality. He will most likely be incarnated. The unpleasant coloring of a dream should alert you: problems are coming that can affect any area.

    Why do you dream about Moving, dream book What does it mean to see Moving in a dream?

    Summer dream interpreter

    Why do you dream about Moving?

    Moving – Moving in one direction, almost running, means that you are a very purposeful person.

    Move stealthily – Moving stealthily in a dream means caution.

    Tumbling - moving like this in a dream - means hard work.

    Climbing over – Climbing over something in a dream means overcoming shyness.

    Slide - To loss of fortune, deterioration of life.

    Move while maintaining your balance – If you are balancing and trying to maintain your balance while walking across a bridge or a rope, then you will soon have a hard time in your life.

    Stop moving and be dumbfounded (stunned, frozen). – To become dizzy in a dream - accumulated debts do not give you peace.

    To bury yourself - to move in a similar way in a dream - to family well-being.

    If you dream of Moving, what does it mean:

    Moving - Walking in a dream with a fast, athletic step means the desire to stand out among people.

    Rotate - move in a similar way in a dream - you are dissatisfied with your position in society.

    Moving backwards – To dream that you have forgotten something and are returning is a bad dream: to the loss of a loved one.

    Move forward - Hear in a dream how the commander urges the soldiers on with the exclamation: “Forward!” - you will make a great career in the near future.

    Climb out - Climb out of a hole, ravine, basement, etc. - fall into a debt hole.

    Move stealthily, trying not to be noticed - hide your secrets from friends.

    Tumbling - moving in a similar way in a dream - means relaxing in the village.

    Climbing over a fence - moving in a similar way in a dream - ingratiating yourself with someone.

    Slide down - Slide down from somewhere - commit a fall from grace.

    Balance - Moving in a dream, trying to maintain balance, walking along a bridge, a rope, etc., soon there will be a time when the balance of the spirit will be disturbed, the nerves will be very upset.

    To move and then be dumbfounded - To surprise.

    Bury yourself - you will soon stop fighting and give up.

    Spring dream interpreter

    Why do you dream about Moving?

    Moving without touching the ground means being careful in all your affairs.

    Why do you dream of Floundering? To prolonged lack of money and bad luck.

    Spinning around yourself in a dream - moving in this way - you are too arrogant and wonder a lot, and this is not good.

    Dreamed of moving while rotating - To dream of something spinning quickly before your eyes means that you will often change your place of work.

    Revolving around yourself means wasting time or losing your memory.

    Move up - Move up in a dream - achieve your goal. Climb the scaffold - you will live long. Rise to heaven - all attempts to make a career in the near future will suffer a crushing fiasco. Climbing up a rope ladder - friends will support you in difficult times. Going uphill by car - don’t miss out on the brilliant opportunities that have opened up to you. Taking the elevator up - you can change your destiny

    Why do you dream of moving upward - climbing up the stairs - to success in business and in life. Climbing up the mountains means grief.

    I dreamed of moving back - returning from vacation, from a cruise, etc. - to a fun party with friends.

    Returning to the place where you lived in childhood leads to tears.

    Why see Moving in a dream?

    Dreamed of moving forward - Moving forward in a dream without looking back means that you are on the right path, don’t doubt it.

    Breaking ahead from the crowd is a sign of great luck. You will be noticed, your name will be on the lips of many, and only good things will be said.

    Dreamed/dreamed of Getting out - moving in a similar way in a dream, and with great difficulty - to a hopeless situation at work.

    Getting out - crawling out from under the bed - means your spouse is cheating. From under the table - to the birth of a relative, from under something else - to surprise.

    Moving stealthily - moving stealthily in a dream means that you want not to find out something about you; to duplicity.

    Tumbling - tumbling in a dream - means hassle, hard days.

    Climbing over a fence or something else means avoiding an obstacle in your service.

    To slide down - to move in a similar way in a dream - to a loss of authority.

    Moving, trying to maintain balance in a dream - means trying to correct a bad situation.

    Move quickly and then freeze (freeze). - to bad news.

    To bury oneself - to bury oneself in something - means to wait for a sudden attack, to seek protection.

    Interpretation of sleep taking into account time, day, month

    Do you dream about Moving? Share your dream!

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    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

    Why dream of Tumbling - Tumbling in fragrant hay in a dream - means relaxing in the countryside.

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    Why do you dream of tumbling - Tumbling in a dream means hard work.

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    Why do you dream of tumbling - Tumbling in a dream means hassle, difficult days.

    Separation techniques in lucid dreams

    Let's start with a very shocking fact: in half (!) of successful cases of indirect entry into a lucid dream upon awakening, you do not need to do any specific techniques - you manage to immediately separate... This has been proven at the seminars of the School of Out-of-Body Travel and noticed if you analyze any other sources. Moreover, it is with the attempt to separate that the cycling, which will be discussed further.

    On the other hand, misunderstanding separation techniques leads to unpleasant consequences. A person may be in a phase state, but at the same time he may not be able to separate at all. As a result, it is very important to understand what separation techniques are, as this sometimes turns out to be the key point.

    Often a practitioner tries to apply separation techniques and fails, although later he unexpectedly realizes that he was lying in a different position than he felt, and he really just needed to get up. Of course, this only happens to beginners and always signals a misunderstanding of separation techniques.

    Sometimes you just have to think about separation and it immediately happens on its own. But this is not always the case, so there are a number of auxiliary technical means. The most important of them are rolling out, getting up, getting out and taking off.

    In this case, the person tries to roll (without straining his muscles) onto the edge of the bed or towards the wall. Or you should try to just roll out of bed. There is no need to think about what it is like to fall or how it should feel in detail. You just need to roll, roll.

    You should try to get out of bed without straining your muscles. This should be done in the way that seems most convenient at a particular moment.

    Here you need to try to literally crawl out of your body without straining your muscles. Typically, this technique comes to mind when there is only partial separation using other techniques or only one part of the body is separated.

    You need to try to literally fly up parallel to the bed. There is no need to think about how to take off, since intuitively a person himself knows what to do, because it is familiar from dreams.

    Almost the same as taking off, however, you need to try to fall down.

    In this case, you need to try to stretch out of the body through the head, as if from a shell.

    Overhead somersault

    Without straining your physical muscles, you should try to do a somersault back over your head.

    You need to try to bulge or widen your eyes without opening them. Against this background, there may be a movement forward. The technique is especially effective in the presence of images.

    Imagining oneself as divided

    You can imagine yourself already divided in your room, trying to feel this divided body as clearly as possible. Gradually, sensations flow from the physical body into the imagined one, and become just as realistic.

    Without separation, you can immediately try to apply the technique of movement, due to which both movement and separation will occur simultaneously. Teleportation with your eyes closed works best.

    You can try to feel like you are flying at high speed.

    The separation techniques are united by one single point: you cannot imagine anything (except for some techniques), but you need to try to make a movement without straining your muscles. They manifest themselves literally in the same way as if a similar movement were real. If nothing works after several seconds of trying, it means it’s not working right now. If it works, it will be immediately noticeable. Moreover, often people are so unprepared for the reality of sensations that they think that they are doing the movement physically, which is why they come back. Only by indirect evidence do they subsequently understand what happened to them.

    If the separation did not go to the end or with some effort and heaviness, then this is a signal that everything is being done correctly, and you just need to add strength and aggression in order to completely separate. For example, if some movement began and stopped after some progress, then you need to go back and move even stronger in the same direction again. You can also randomly alternate these techniques.

    In approximately 1-3% of cases of lucid dreaming, the person upon awakening immediately feels that he is already divided. That is, he can already stand somewhere, lie down, sit, etc. Moreover, this is not awareness in a dream, but precisely such an awakening.

    To practice the separation techniques, you just need to lie down and, with your eyes closed, try to do them all in turn for a few minutes. Most likely, everything is being done correctly if, during the attempt to separate, no muscles twitch or tense, and certainly no physical movement occurs, but there is a strong, almost physically tangible internal desire to make a movement. In this case, naturally, no movement occurs, and the person simply lies in place. Immediately upon awakening, these same actions will often lead to easy entry into the space of a lucid dream.

    It is also worth noting how to behave during separation if one of the techniques for creating a lucid dream has manifested itself. In such a situation, it is important to understand that you need to separate with the very body, with the very sensations that were acquired during the execution of the technique. For example, when spinning, you need to get up with the very sensations that were spinning, and when observing images, you need to separate with the very body that sees the images, etc.

    In addition, it is important not to completely return back to the body if the technique of creating a lucid dream involves a partial manifestation of the divided one. For example, if rotation has begun, then before trying to separate, there is no need to completely turn into the body and merge with it. It will immediately become much more difficult to separate. It is better to do this right away or by stopping the rotation in the opposite position to the body. The same thing can happen with phantom swinging, when the separation must be started directly from the arm that began to move, without returning it back to the body, etc.

    If the beginner understands from experience what phantom swing is and how it feels, then he can approach the separation as phantom swing, but with the whole body. That is, it is an attempt to make movement felt by the body without straining the muscles.

    The main thing is to logically immediately understand that if indirect techniques have worked or awakening has just occurred, the practitioner is already in a lucid dream. All his sensations are no longer physical, although they seem so, and he can simply stand up, roll out, take off, as if he were trying to do this with an ordinary body.

    Beginners or those with little experience usually try to find some general principle for performing divisions and expect it in practice. In reality, there are many varieties of sensations during this process. Those who don't know this usually lose a lot of experience when faced with situations they don't expect. Therefore, you should immediately be prepared for any situation and know the basic options that are typical for 99% of cases.

    Types of lucid dream entries (separations) based on sensations:

    In most cases, separation appears to be a completely normal movement, indistinguishable from a physical one. The practitioner simply stands up, rolls out, or takes off as if he were doing it in real life.

    The fact of the direct separation of the felt body from the physical, as if the practitioner was actually coming out of something. Although this sensation gives the name to the entire process of transitioning into lucid dreaming (“separation”), it occurs quite rarely and the term is incorrect from the point of view of sensations.

    There is a feeling as if a mass of elastic bands are being pulled back to the physical body, which are connected to all parts of the felt body. You need to overcome this gravity with strength, and it will pass.

    The felt body becomes very heavy, as if many times heavier. The gravity quickly passes in proportion to the counter forces.

    The practitioner immediately awakens or emerges from the lapse of consciousness in a divided state and does not need to separate or use techniques to create a lucid dream. You just need to get up and go.

    During the process of disembodiment, some parts of the body may become stuck in the physical stencil. For example, this often happens to the legs, torso, head and pelvis. In such situations, you need to use all your might to break free completely, changing the direction of your efforts.

    There is a feeling that it is as if you are not standing in a lucid dream and not lying in the body, but on the other hand, you are standing in a lucid dream and lying in the body. You need to try to put pressure on the situation by transferring sensations to the phase body, which will become the only one in perception.

    - manifestation divided (when performing techniques);

    While performing any technique, a spontaneous manifestation may occur already separated in a room or any other place in a lucid dream. There is no need to go back to separate “correctly”.

    In this case, the separation occurs not according to its direct intention, but with the help of objects of a lucid dream. For example, someone begins to pull their legs or lift their whole body up. The main thing in such a situation is not to relax, but to begin independent actions as quickly as possible. This often happens during so-called “abductions” by aliens, which, at least in most cases, is a spontaneous and unrecognized phase.

    When performing techniques such as image observation or visualization, very often the practitioner is fully aware of all sensations., sucks into the observed image, which becomes a full-fledged space. There is no need to go back to separate “correctly”.

    When performing sensory-motor visualization and some other techniques, separation and the technique itself are combined, making the need for classical separation disappear. For example, during sensorimotor visualization, the practitioner first actively imagines that he is walking around the room, but gradually this imagination is replaced by a real feeling that he is actually in the room. And with phantom swaying, all that remains is to stand with the body in which you feel the swaying, etc. There is no need to go back to separate “correctly”.

    Full awareness during the dreaming process, with full understanding of what is happening, is also a separate method of entering a lucid dream, although not an option for separation with a direct or indirect technique. There is no need to go back to separate “correctly,” although many do this to get more colorful sensations.

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  • A somersault in a dream is a harbinger of surprises, anxiety and difficulties. The dream book, explaining why this acrobatic element is dreamed of, heralds a successful outcome of a risky business.

    Miller's explanation

    Miller’s dream book foreshadows the burden of responsibility and the machinations of enemies, explaining why one dreams of doing a somersault. Seeing acrobats performing tricks in a dream means: the concern of others will help you refrain from taking a risky step.

    Enemies are not asleep!

    For those who happened to witness the perfect execution of a somersault in a dream, in reality the enemies will greatly ruin their lives, esotericists are sure. Hasse's dream book warns about the sophisticated traps of enemies, explaining why one dreams of watching other people's tricks.

    Think before you do!

    The modern combined dream book describes why one dreams of doing a somersault, doing an unexpected and risky act. The girl’s dream image predetermines a love affair with an interesting young man. For a young lady, a frivolous hobby can end very badly for her reputation.

    Busy days are coming!

    Seeing how acrobats in a circus professionally perform somersaults means that the life of a sleeping person will radically change and be filled with interesting events. The dream interpreter predicts great prospects in the business field, the emergence of an interesting and highly paid project.

    Perseverance will be rewarded!

    Did you dream that you were learning how to do a somersault? The interpretation of the dream depends on the results of your labors. If in a dream you were unable to perform an acrobatic element, it means that your plans can only be realized with the assistance of an informed person.

    For those who managed to do a somersault, the dream book predicts profit and an increase in well-being as a reward for the dreamer’s perseverance and tireless work.

    Details: who performed?

    Most dream interpreters, when describing the interpretation of a somersault in a dream, associate the image with the character who performed this somersault in a dream. So, see:

    • stranger - indicates the efforts of ill-wishers to ruin the dreamer’s life;
    • a friend - speaks about the character’s actions that will unpleasantly surprise you;
    • beloved - warns of the young lady’s frivolity, her infidelity;
    • beloved man - predicts the possibility of recognizing the chosen one from the opposite side.

    Do not worry!

    Watching an acrobat perform in a circus indicates that the sleeping person is concerned about one problem, which is almost impossible to resolve. Esotericists assure that the solution will come to you unexpectedly, as well as qualified outside help.

    Stop clowning around!

    For people who dreamed of doing a backflip, the Universal Dream Interpreter advises them to calm down and think carefully about their authority and reputation. Your eccentric antics can cost not only large financial waste, but also the loss of a high position in society!