If you dreamed that damage was caused. I dreamed that I was damaged in a dream

Investigation of Murder at work, German Shepherd - in reality it speaks of difficulties that have arisen at work, a search for those to blame (possibly a showdown). But this will not affect the Dreamer personally, but only if indirectly (the Dreamer has had something cut or reduced, salary or vacation). This is the kind of damage that tells in reality that something has been ruined for the Dreamer - rest or mood, and nothing more.

Dream Interpretation - Damage

This dream is related to sexual health. He is too replete with recognizable, typical symbols indicating his sexual character. A branch that is pulled by the end, gloved hands, heating of the hand, which occurs during a certain action, and finally “foam”. Perhaps you are concerned about the quality of your sex life, perhaps your erection. You are afraid of something, something is bothering you sexually. It is not entirely clear why you wore gloves (a condom) and how this relates to your concerns. I have one more assumption about your dream, especially in relation to the word “changeling,” but I’m afraid to offend you with this assumption, so I won’t express it. You often have nightmares, and this, according to Freud, for example, is associated with the suppression of some sexual desires, and in general with problems in the sexual sphere, not so much physical as psychological. So, try to delve into yourself and honestly admit to yourself that you are not satisfied in intimate areas.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Damage to a wedding dress

So, in reality, taking someone else’s Wedding dress in advance means postponing your wedding until better times (this is the damage - don’t get into someone else’s share, wait for your own). Sveta with a clean head, a pure soul and with a fish to remove damage - symbolizes the Dreamer’s unconscious suspicions of her troubles towards Sveta’s relative (they say, she didn’t give the dress away kindly). You don’t need to take someone else’s, so as not to lose your Happiness, and Sveta has nothing to do with it, she has her own destiny (it’s better to return the dress, with gratitude - then there will be a wedding).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

If they cause damage, how is this reflected in dreams.
Prophetic dreams

(from report No. 22-71)

I stood on the threshold of a St. Petersburg apartment. How I love this city!

The hallway, more like a standard room in typical panel houses, could accommodate a huge dressing room. But no. The free space was decorated with a vintage mirror and a coat rack - a stand filled with canes and umbrellas.

Polina came out to meet me:

ABOUT! Who came to us!

We hugged and kissed in a familiar way on the cheeks.

Where did everyone go? – I thought, turning to the front door. The husband and children were apparently stuck on the stairs. “It’s strange that I didn’t notice when they “unhooked” from our jib line.

When I turned to continue the conversation with Polina, she was not there either. The front door was wide open. The hall, usually filled with children and household members, was empty. Instead of doors to other rooms, there were curtains hanging everywhere. Wary, because of an unpleasant feeling, I slowly crossed the threshold, feeling the state of some kind of transition with my whole body. Immediately the wind blew towards me. Pleasant, warm, but: - where does it come from? The whole apartment changed its appearance. Instead of the usual interior, curtains hung everywhere.

Polina has gone crazy, I thought. - How can such expensive decor be replaced with these cheap rags? What is going on?

I slowly moved through the rooms, trying to understand why so many curtains were needed? Simple, cheap, with ridiculous flowers. As if, in response to my question, they inflated like sails and touched me.

Ah-ah-ah... I realized that she is “fencing herself off” from everyone with these curtains, hiding... - this thought came out of nowhere, as an answer to my questions.

Yes, lately Polina and her husband have been faced with a lot of problems. They went all-in, but the whole idea failed. They put their wealth, career, opportunities on the line... they risked almost everything they had... And all in vain... Not just in vain. The situation is getting worse every day more and more. But Polina, for some reason, decided that there was a culprit.

Someone jinxed it, someone was jealous... Now she is carrying some plates from the eastern shops that remove the damage. Leads witch doctors, healers, fortune tellers into the house. In short, not a home, but some kind of madhouse.

All these thoughts instantly flashed through my head. At that moment, I approached the curtain covering the door to the kitchen... Once again the wind blew and the curtain was lifted.

When I saw what was happening behind it, I felt uneasy. Polina, standing with her back to me, was stirring the brew in a huge saucepan, if you can call it that. The stinking, putrid slurry gurgled under the scoop and twisted into a spiral as it moved. Polina diligently poured some powder into it and did not stop for a minute.

She's the one cooking us lunch! – I thought. - We need to leave here urgently.

I rushed to the hallway doors. In front of the front door, a spider began to descend from above, right in front of me. Black as pitch, he dragged himself along on a web as black as a rope.

Sliding my gaze along the web, I raised my eyes higher and higher. Finally, I saw the ceiling, all covered with spider webs. Grabbing a pruner, I began to cut away the web, which in its density was more like wires. In a rage, I cut everything in the hallway. The spiders have disappeared. Black scraps lay on the floor. Throwing down the pruning shears, I left the house...

I opened my eyes. It was four in the morning and dawn was just setting. Half an hour passed and I couldn’t stand it, I woke up my husband:

Maybe we won't go to St. Petersburg?

He looked at me with sleepy eyes in surprise.

Let's not go.

I sighed with relief and went to unpack my bags prepared for the trip.

How is corruption visible in dreams?

Damage always has its reflection in the mental world. She is VISIBLE there.

If you get caught:
Spoiled food that someone offers you. This can be food and drink;
Ugly (black, holey, ritual, soiled) clothes sewn or donated by someone;
Bad shoes, given or otherwise offered by someone;
Anything rotten, spoiled, handed down or coming from a specific person;
A bad smell coming from any thing, object, transmitted from a certain person;

As a rule, these symbols most often reflect the negative impact of other people. Please note that this does not apply to special magical rituals, funnels, or karmic nodes. They are “seen” differently in dreams.

If a person deliberately tried to cause harm to you or your loved ones through magic (let’s summarize the definitions: (Wikipedia) Damage is a magical influence on the part of ill-wishers, through or with the help of a magical ritual, hex, through food, things, water...), then in a dream you will see his “work” precisely through such symbols.

The main signs of damage will be:

Damaged objects, things, substance. That is, their characteristics will be negative, and their influence will be negative;

Everything that can be consumed or used personally, since damage is caused in relation to specific subjects or objects;

There will definitely be an effect of influence, since they will try to transfer something “damaged” from those who did the damage to the person for whom it was intended;

The scheme of real events will be reflected in a dream by exactly the same scheme, but through symbolism. Only rearrangement in the sequence relative to time is possible. Since not every influence has the same speed of implementation.

Also in a dream, as a rule, the circumstances under which these actions occur are always visible: place, accompanying events, circumstances, object - goal. The dream environment will reflect some important elements.

What is damage confused with when deciphering dreams? With negative stories of a spontaneous, random nature. Therefore, pay attention again. Damage is a purposeful action from a person to an object - a goal.

If, based on the plot of the dream, you understand that the damage has not been annulled, take active, possible and accessible actions. A dream usually reflects events that have begun to manifest themselves, that is, in relation to this case, the damage has begun to “work.”

We remove damage in a dream. Is this possible? Quite!

N Our dreams can give us creative insights, inspiration and the ability to cope with real life difficulties. Including what is popularly called damage, that is, third-party energy influence.

Sleep consciously

True, for this you need to learn not just to sleep, but to sleep consciously. Or rather, to see lucid dreams and be able to control them. Here are just a few rules for entering a lucid dream.

Your wish . It must be strong enough, because otherwise it is difficult to be consistent and persistent.

Perseverance and patience. The process of entering a lucid dream requires some effort, skills and, most importantly, your own experience, and therefore few people succeed the first time. The second time is usually more successful. But on the third and fourth, we can talk about the experience of controlling dreams.

Creation. Remember that our dreams are individual. We are all different, and our dreams are also different. So take the recommendations as a basis and then follow the prompts of your intuition.

Don't be afraid of anything. Astral projections that you can see in dreams sometimes take the form of terrible monsters, but they are just projections, and their task is to scare us, because they feed on the energy of fear, and if you do not emit this energy, then they are calm " will float past.

Between sleep and wakefulness

The easiest way to learn to have lucid dreams is to practice autogenic training.

To do this, you need to find at least half an hour of time when no one will disturb you. Take a comfortable position - at first it is better not to lie down, but sit, leaning against the wall or back of the sofa, close your eyes and begin to relax.

Turn your attention to your hands. Free them from tension - they should lie limply next to the body. Go to the sensations in the forearm, in the shoulders. And so on throughout the body. Stop acting, start feeling - listen to your sensations, breathing...

After making sure that your whole body is relaxed, mentally imagine some well-known picture (maybe your own apartment or a familiar landscape). Walk there, smell the place, look at the smallest details. If you are relaxed enough (that is, you have completed the first part of the practice correctly), then you will quickly find yourself in the phase of the so-called drowsy state. Surely each of us remembers such a state when you seem to have already fallen asleep, but it seems you haven’t yet. This is the very state that we need to strive for, because it is this that gives us revelations, answers questions and helps us cope with any difficulties.

“Rewriting” the dream

How to get rid of damage. First, ask higher powers to answer the question of whether there is any third-party influence in your field. For those who already understand that it exists (everything falls out of hand, troubles arise out of the blue, etc.), you can skip this point. But for those for whom everything seems to be normal, but some kind of anxiety is gnawing all the time, it is better to find out and remove what can lead to big troubles.

1. Sit in a comfortable position, begin to gradually relax and ask three times:

“Tell me, higher powers, if I have damage, and help me cope with it.”

2. We plunge into a drowsy state and carefully look at what is shown to us. This will be the answer to your question. And although the subconscious speaks to us in the language of symbols, in this case their symbolism is very transparent: we are shown our life in the form of what we associate it with in reality. Most often it is a car or a computer, less often - something related to professional activity (for example, a ship for a sea captain). And if there are foreign influences in our energy field, then we will, accordingly, be shown an attack on the symbol of our life by someone or something. The car may be stolen or broken, the computer will be attacked by viruses, etc. .

IMPORTANT! This will be an attack from the outside, because damage is an outside influence.

3. If you see something like this, don’t wait for intruders to harm your property and intervene. If your car is stolen or broken into, call the police, for example. Use your imagination and draw everything as you see fit. The main thing is that the symbol of your life is no longer threatened.

This symbol is rightfully considered very rare and significant, and it should especially alarm those people who are very far in their real lives from black and white magic, various kinds of rituals and witchcraft. And you can interpret a dream in which you dreamed of damage in two ways - with the help of a dream book, as well as your own feelings from what you saw at night.

What if you dream of damage?

The fact is that sometimes damage can appear to the dreamer’s attention without any apparent reason. And as an example, we can cite the case when a person in reality recently pondered this question, trying on this fate for himself or even wishing it on his ill-wishers and envious people. In this case, we are most likely talking about one’s own imagination, which does not cease to excite consciousness even during deep rest, constantly scrolling through the most relevant information from the dreamer’s real life at the moment. Naturally, in this situation there is no point in worrying, because this vision is most likely completely empty in content, without any secret signs or warning message.

In addition, the dreamer himself is often very well able to feel how seriously he should take what he sees in a dream, because human intuition sometimes works much better than any dream book. Things will be completely different when a person hasn’t even thought about anything like that and his heart is anxiously compressed at the mere memory of what he saw at night.

Damage in a dream is 100% a bad sign, and it does not matter who exactly it was done to - the dreamer himself or, conversely, the dreamer himself saw himself in the role of a black sorcerer who is trying to cause harm to someone else through various rituals .

The very feeling that the sleeper has been damaged in a dream can manifest itself in completely different ways. Finding a miniature copy of the dreamer in the form of a doll pierced with many needles, some chicken paws, black threads tied crosswise, crow feathers, grave soil, eggs stained with blood, and even simply acquiring the knowledge that someone has done damage - All these symbols should cause serious caution.

The fact is that in real life there are actually people who do not disdain anything to achieve their dark goals and actively use magic. In turn, a person who has become a victim of the activities of such dishonest people may feel that something bad has happened to him, and he doesn’t even have to believe it all. The stronger the dreamer’s biofield, the more actively it repels damage, and the appearance of this symbol in a dream may indicate that the supreme forces are giving him some kind of signal about a misfortune that has occurred. That is, damage seen in night vision can easily foreshadow that a person will become a victim of witchcraft in reality.

What does it portend?

If, some time after seeing the image, a person really feels uneasy and he sees that everything in his life is going awry, then in no case should you turn to various kinds of fortune tellers and witches for help, since this is all very is sharply condemned by almost any religion. The only way out of this situation is to attend church and pray. The fact is that the church not only helps to get out of such bondage, but also helps to cleanse the victim himself, because, as you know, what a person emits is what he receives.

You should also think seriously about your life and behavior if a person has a dream in which he himself is trying to bring damage to his enemies. And even if he managed to succeed in this very dubious matter in his night vision, in his real life he must carefully analyze the most important issues. It is quite possible that in the very near future the person to whose attention this image appears will become a hostage to the basest feelings (jealousy, envy, hatred, burning desire for revenge) and will live only by them.

At the same time, one should not be discouraged, much less rush to despair, if the reader recognizes his own vision in the information given above and the interpretation seems too frightening to him. The fact is that human consciousness is too complex and not always one’s own dreams are destined to be embodied in real life.

To experience anxiety in a dream regarding damage caused to relatives or the dreamer himself makes people turn to dream books to find out how these events will affect their fate. Interpretations of what the evil eye means in dreams and everything connected with it speak both of the dreamer’s fantasies and of real threats.

Feel anxious

If a person in a dream clearly felt as if he had been damaged, this is not a reason to worry about his life. A dream, according to the Esoteric Dream Book, indicates a tendency to shift responsibility for one’s own failures onto others.

If you had a dream about health concerns due to damage sent, visit a doctor - perhaps these images are born of painful changes in the body.

Why dream of the certainty that they were definitely under the influence of damage to death - according to the Modern Dream Book, the dreamer will try to ruin his reputation with slander, perhaps even undeserved persecution by law enforcement agencies.

See rituals

Seeing in a dream any rituals carried out with the aim of causing damage is interpreted by Longo’s dream book as hostile interference in fate. Explaining why such conspiracies are dreamed of, he prophesies the failure of dreams.

Suspicious actions and rituals enhance the prophetic component of the dream, but the interpretation of a dream about damage always concerns the circumstances and place where the event took place.

If a girl dreamed of a ritual of death damage to her husband or children that she does not have, or its consequences? In this case, close people reflect plans, the implementation of which will encounter obstacles. For a man, the interpretation of a dream about the evil eye is based on the fact that children and his wife in his dreams often personify his life’s work: competitors or force majeure circumstances will prevent the job from being completed.

If you dreamed of an old woman whispering something under the windows and splashing water, this is a sign of concern about relationships in the house, in the family - you are not yet able to understand what is happening, but attention to loved ones is something that can protect you from troubles.

If you dreamed of a conspiracy to death, you will make mistakes in the disposal of property.

Why do you dream about the evil eye?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

You have jinxed someone - to fulfill a dream.

Why do you dream about the evil eye?

Modern dream book

If you see in a dream that you have been jinxed, it means that in reality you will have to listen to completely undeserved accusations from your friends.

A dream in which you turn to healers to remove the evil eye from yourself means that you will withstand any test and find a way out of the most difficult situations.

To dream that you yourself have jinxed someone means that your frivolity will cause a quarrel with your parents.

If in a dream you collect herbs from the evil eye, it means that you will suffer from the people whom you helped.

Why do you dream about the evil eye?

Dream Interpretation Veles

To jinx someone - someone has a grudge against you.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered a good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail indicates the low social activity of the sleeper. Predictions come true on the coming Friday or Saturday.

18th lunar day

The dream may indicate possible obstacles to your professional growth or personal happiness. It is believed that such dreams pose an energetic danger to the body: the longer they last, the more tired you will feel after waking up.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

22nd of May

A dream with an unpleasant connotation personifies the subconscious fears of the sleeper. There is no point in interpreting it: it will not come true. Only dreams with a good semantic load are destined to come true.