What does it mean to see mice in a dream? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a small, gray, black and white mouse? Why do you dream of many small mice in the apartment? Why do you dream about a gray, white, black mouse?

These little rodents have never been respected by people. If you dream of mice, the dream does not bode well. Most dream books indicate troubles in the future, illness and quarrels if you dream of a small gray mouse.

Why do mice dream - interpretation of the dream according to different dream books

Let's consider the interpretation of sleep according to the most popular dream books:

  • Miller's dream book. The dream warns a person about impending troubles in business and personal life. If a young girl sees rodents in a dream, she should carefully look around at her surroundings; among her friends there are ill-wishers who act secretly. If a mouse climbs onto your clothes in a dream, be careful, there is a possibility of getting into a scandalous story;
  • Freud's dream book. Enemies may interfere in your affairs, who will bring slander and gossip on you and want to interfere with your work. Dreaming of rodents can be a sign of poverty in reality, an unhappy family life and problems with children;
  • Vanga's dream book. The dream foreshadows a large invasion of mice in reality. Rodents will destroy the harvest and food prices will rise. If you dreamed of a gray dirty trickster on Tuesday, you are hiding some secret from a loved one;
  • Tsvetkov's dream book. Mice dream of secret ill-wishers, losses of you or your loved ones;
  • modern dream book. Sleeping with rodents will bring trouble to the family and the appearance of insincere friends. Problems may arise at work and in running a business.

Why do you dream about mice of different colors?

Mice are not only gray, and if you dream of rodents with a different shade of fur, this means the following:

  • black mouse. A dream means evil ridicule of enemies behind your back and gossip. But nothing may happen;
  • white mouse. A dream may indicate betrayal of a loved one or gossip spread by people around you. But in many modern dream books, white rodents in a dream are considered a favorable omen - a successful marriage, a positive solution to problems, and the like;
  • red mouse. In life you show cowardice and indecision, all the time trying to shift your problems to others;
  • mice with multi-colored fur. This dream indicates some business and troubles. The dull color of the mouse means empty chores, irritability in communicating with people. Bright colors represent unusual and interesting things that can awaken your creativity.

If you dreamed of a lot of mice of any color - to difficulties and problems. You will have to work hard, but your productivity will be low. Your boss or one of your relatives will overload you with pointless work, try not to waste your strength and energy.

Why do you dream about the different behavior of mice?

If you dream of mice being calm, not afraid and not running away, be careful in reality and take a closer look at your friends. Some person is dishonest and takes advantage of your kindness and trust. A white, calm rodent means a woman; in reality, she wants to charm you and gain your trust, but a relationship with her will not bring anything good.

Aggressive rodents attacking and biting in a dream - expect aggression in reality from a calm and timid person. At first glance, it does not pose a danger, but it can seriously ruin your mood. Driving away or killing a mouse in a dream is a good sign; you can put your enemy in his place.

Catching a mouse with a mousetrap means in reality you are behaving carelessly. You can get into an unpleasant situation. A dream with a lot of mice running away promises financial losses.

Mice often dream of trouble. Believe it or not - decide for yourself, but do not look for mysticism in every dream. A mouse can be dreamed of after being seen in a movie or indoors, and the subconscious reflects everything seen during the day in a night’s dream.

Dreams about mice are interpreted differently by most dream books. If we focus on an unfavorable interpretation, then quarrels, unpleasant chores, mutual hostility - these are some of the things that the dreamer can expect after waking up. However, other interpreters give the opposite meaning to the dream. Why do you dream about a gray mouse?

Why do you dream about a gray mouse according to the family dream book?

Dreams about mice mean hostile relationships, especially between people living with the dreamer in the same house. Another interpretation of the dream is difficult times that will soon come. If there were a lot of mice, then the period of failure and lack of money would last a long time.

After waking up, a person should take a closer look at his immediate surroundings. Someone close to you harbors a grudge and is trying to harm you.

In some cases, a dream about a gray mouse means the loss of a loved one, a good friend.

Catching mice in a dream is a hint from the subconscious that you shouldn’t sit idly by. The dreamer has plans, and in order for them to come true, he will have to make an effort: work, run, and a lot. Sometimes a dream predicts that the dreamer will be able to take revenge for betrayal and betrayal.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse that the dreamer is running after? This is a sure sign of matchmaking or courtship.

Hearing a mouse squeak means that the dreamer should be careful and not talk too much. Otherwise, envious people will try to do harm and achieve success. In some cases, a mouse squeak symbolizes theft and warns about it.

Killing a gray mouse means sadness. Seeing her (or several mice) eating supplies is a harbinger that the dreamer will soon have a parasite(s).

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book interprets dreams about mice in general and about a gray mouse in particular unfavorably. The dream means that in real life the dreamer is dissatisfied with his marriage and strives to find a way out of the current situation, but to no avail.

The dream can also mean secret ill-wishers who are aimed at destroying the dreamer's marriage or relationship. There is another interpretation of the dream. If the dreamer has his own children, then the dream means difficulties in raising them.

A gray mouse can warn of poverty associated with an unsuccessful marriage. Perhaps this is the reason for dissatisfaction with your spouse.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Loff’s dream book?

The dream book warns: a mouse with gray fur in a dream is an unkind, envious and very cunning person. An ill-wisher is spreading gossip, perhaps weaving intrigues.

This man's innocent appearance and his social insignificance should not be confusing. Hidden behind the inconspicuousness is a dirty gossip who can seriously damage one's reputation and ruin the favorable course of one's life.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Miller’s dream book?

According to the interpretation of this dream book, gray mice in a dream are harbingers of minor quarrels, troubles, and minor everyday problems.

For a young girl, a dream about a gray mouse sitting on a dress or skirt foreshadows a scandal. A person who has been plotting for a long time and waiting for an opportunity will start a quarrel and gain the upper hand.

Why do you dream about a gray mouse? This may be a reflection of mental stress, accumulated fatigue, dissatisfaction with one’s position in society. If a person feels unhappy, sick, empty, then a dream about a mouse is a symbolic reflection of this state.

The symbolic appearance of a gray mouse in a dream may hide the insincerity of friends, troubles in business, or domestic troubles. If the dreamer killed a rodent, then in reality he will defeat his enemies and be able to correct the situation. If the mouse runs away, then the opponent or opponent has every chance of winning.

If the dreamer saw a gray mouse in bed, then his spouse or lover has a secret. A dead rodent dreams of a family quarrel.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Vanga’s dream book?

According to the interpretation of this dream book, a gray mouse is an unfavorable sign. Seeing a rodent close means rising prices for food and basic necessities. The appearance of a field mouse in a dream foreshadows a quick acquaintance with an inconspicuous, seemingly timid person, who in reality will turn out to be very crafty and grasping.

However, the dream book also gives another interpretation of the dream. If the rodent sleeps peacefully, then in reality everything in the dreamer’s life is calm. People who have children may not worry about them. Everything will be fine in the life of the heirs: there will be no quarrels, there will be no offenders or bad jokes.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Hasse’s dream book?

According to Hasse’s dream book, a gray mouse represents enemies, obvious or hidden enemies. How the dreamer dealt with the rodent determines how the conflict or confrontation will end in reality.

A dream in which a person managed to kill or catch a mouse is favorable. After awakening, he has every chance to defeat his enemies and recapture what he wants from his competitors.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to the combined dream book?

If a gray mouse behaves freely in the dreamer's house, this is a bad sign. Trouble is on the doorstep. It is especially bad to have a dream in which a gray mouse gnaws the dreamer’s food. Such a dream could be a harbinger of unexpected death.

Why does a young girl dream of a gray mouse? To matchmaking. If the groom delays the wedding for too long, then after such a dream events will begin to develop rapidly.

A young woman dreams of catching a mouse as a harbinger of pregnancy. All other dreamers can safely begin any business after waking up: they will definitely turn out to be successful.

Catching a gray mouse in a mousetrap is a favorable sign. The dream means that in reality the dreamer will come out of any situation with honor thanks to his insight, dexterity, and intelligence.

A dream in which a mouse is caught by hand is not good. In real life, the matter could end in disgrace. The dreamer will become the subject of condemnation and ridicule, as he will find himself in a stupid position and will not be able to correct anything.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse biting the dreamer? To the hypocrisy and treachery of a loved one. If a young girl has a dream, she should be wary of treachery and cruelty on the part of her lover.

If the mouse runs away, then in reality enemies and competitors will retreat, and the battlefield or leadership will remain with the dreamer. A dream in which the dreamer caught and ate a gray mouse has a similar meaning.

A dream in which the dreamer feeds a mouse has an unfavorable meaning. An unpleasant surprise awaits him. To cope with it, you will need the help of close people - friends or relatives.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to the modern dream book?

If you dreamed of a gray mouse, then the dreamer experiences strong fear or is trying to attract the attention of another person. Often such a dream comes to insecure people who feel too insignificant in real life.

If gray mice run around the dreamer’s apartment, then he will soon be invited to a wedding. If the dreamer himself runs after gray rodents, then he himself will soon woo or hear the proposal. A joyful event will happen almost immediately after waking up. In addition, a dream can simply mean pleasant news, the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse killed by the dreamer? To victory over enemies. There is nothing more to worry about: there will be no obstacles in business or failure of plans. Problems will be resolved, enemies will disappear from life.

Seeing a gray mouse in a mousetrap in a dream is an unfavorable dream. It means that in real life a person has started a very difficult business. You will have to work hard to complete it the way you want and as your boss or partner expects. Courage and determination will help.

If a gray mouse sleeps peacefully, this portends the resolution of problems. Family relationships will remain as warm and trusting. There is no reason to worry about the strength of the family union. If the dreamer feeds a mouse in a dream, then in reality he is too harsh with his household.

Seeing a huge mouse with gray fur in a dream and being afraid of it is a bad sign. After waking up, you need to pay attention to every little thing to try to prevent negative events. This could be either a major quarrel, fraught with loss of business reputation and money, or unfair competition.

The dream about a dead gray mouse is also poorly interpreted. It is especially unfavorable to see the studied corpse of an animal. Symbolic enemies dream of doing the same to the dreamer.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a mouse in a dream- portends domestic troubles and insincerity of friends. Business affairs will become discouraging.

See that you killed a mouse- means that you will defeat your ill-wishers.

Let her run away- a harbinger of a struggle with a dubious result.

A young woman sees a mouse in her dream- a warning about her secret enemies. The deception that they are planning is also possible.

This is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will play a major role.

Collection of dream books

Mice- feeling of insignificance.

Mouse- gossip, the person who spreads it; bat- unpleasant changes in life.

Dream book of a gypsy

Usually mice- dreams of minor troubles.

If the mouse scared you- you will feel confused due to some incident.

Caught mouse- a sure sign that you do not know how to stand up for yourself and allow others to push you around.

Catch the mouse- to receive an unpleasant letter.

Mouse in a trap- you will have to do something you didn’t want to do.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Mouse- secret ill-wisher; old unresolved obsessive problem, thought, feeling; white- fidelity in unnecessary relationships; mechanical, electronic- creative ideas.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

See- means a sly mockery from a vicious woman; bat- does not bode well and generally means secretive enemies.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Mouse- timidity.

Chinese dream book

Cat catches mouse- portends great profit, wealth.

Lunar dream book

Mice- loss of money.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Computer mouse- a symbol of situation management. It may mean, in your dream, a desire to control events with your own hand. Or the illusion that you are supposedly in control of the situation.

Catch the mouse- means that you will experience satisfaction from passion, take revenge on the traitor.

There is a mouse- the need to be careful, there may be danger, kill the mouse- to sadness.

Seeing a mousetrap in a dream- means that someone is slandering you.

If you set a mousetrap- this may serve as a warning that you need to be extremely careful not to give rise to gossip.

If you saw bats in a dream- this is a very bad dream, foretelling sadness, bad news, trouble, a thief in the house.

See a flying bat- means to rejoice at the failures of your sworn enemy.

Kill the bat- to recovery from a dangerous disease, deliverance from mortal danger.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Do you feel like a “gray mouse”- this can be a sign of fear and apprehension.

Do you feel like you have to be quiet, or are you concerned about being too quiet? Are you too quiet? - Isn’t it time to declare yourself so that people know who you really are?

Mice- are associated with the ability to notice the little things in life. Pay attention to detail and the big things will take care of themselves.

General dream book

Most often, a mouse is in a dream- portends domestic troubles and insincerity in the attitude of your friends towards you. There may also be some decline in business.

If you killed a mouse in a dream- this means you will prevail over your ill-wishers. But if she was allowed to escape, the outcome of the fight would be very doubtful.

Warns of secret envious people. Perhaps they will try to deceive her.

If she sees a mouse on her dress- most likely, she will be drawn into a scandal in which she will be a central figure.

Seeing a lot of mice in a dream- to monetary profit.

If you dreamed of a white mouse- your business will turn out to be unreliable; if there are a lot of mice, your affairs will take a good turn.

You dreamed that you turned into a mouse- you may become a victim of robbery.

Women's dream book

Mouse in a dream- portends domestic troubles and insincerity of friends; an unforeseen course of your affairs is possible.

Kill a mouse in a dream- means victory over ill-wishers.

Let her run away- a harbinger of a struggle with varying success.

A young woman saw a mouse in a dream- warns about the emergence of secret ill-wishers among her, about possible deception on their part.

If she sees a mouse on her dress- this is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will play a major role.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

catch mice- your plans are good; white- lasting marriage; mouse search- they want to rob you; many mice- Hard times; mouse- hidden enemy.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing mice running around the apartment in a dream- foreshadows an invitation to a wedding. Chasing mice- to matchmaking. Kill the mouse- foreshadows a sad event in the family. Seeing mice climbing onto the table and eating everything there is- to well-being and well-being in your home.

White mouse in a dream- means strong family ties. Hear mice squeaking or scratching nearby in the dark- you are in danger of being robbed or robbed.

Lots of mice in the basement- portends difficult times financially.

See a mouse standing on its hind legs- you will be able to accomplish everything you plan. Pick up a mouse- a young rival will cross your path.

The mouse that bit you- a sign of revenge and betrayal in love.

If in a dream you set a mousetrap- this means that in reality you will expose the secret intentions of your enemies. If there is a mouse in it- the property will be divided in court. Seeing a cat with a mouse in its teeth- get the necessary support from your friends on time. Mouse running away from a cat- you will witness a scandal in the family of your friends.

Seeing a dead mouse in a dream- experience financial difficulties.

Dream book for a bitch

Mouse- home problems, insincere friends.

Kill the mouse- deal with the problem.

Runaway mouse- It’s better to give up the fight.

Dream book for the whole family

If the mouse gets close to your feet- it's time to go shopping, prices may rise soon.

If the mouse is sleeping- everything is fine with the children, both with their health and with their communication with peers.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday- a sign that you are carefully hiding something from a loved one, but be careful, it’s better if he finds out your secret from you. Gossip is spread about you, and soon you will find out the name of the person who did it.

If the mouse is white- don’t be surprised that a person close to you spread rumors about you.

Black or gray mouse- life is devoid of change, everything will remain the same in the near future.

Jewish dream book

Mouse- enemy, secretive, invisible, unfamiliar.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Mice in a dream- symbolize someone’s secret plans.

Seeing mice in a dream- get ready for the fact that your plans may be confused, and people whom you considered friends will let you down.

A woman has such a dream- portends intrigues that could jeopardize her home well-being.

Catch or kill a mouse in a dream- a sign that the machinations of your ill-wishers can lead to a loud scandal.

Aesop's Dream Book

Folk signs and sayings are associated with mice, which could have contributed to the appearance of the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before a fire”, “Eat what a mouse has bitten, its teeth will get stronger”, “If a mouse gets into your bosom, then there will be big trouble”, “Mice will gnaw clothes (dress) - to death”, “Do not name, caressing , kittens become little mice: the mother will gnaw them to death.”

The mouse symbolizes- ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness.

Bat- is the personification of night, blindness.

But according to some popular beliefs, a bat- can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness. So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that happened in your life, in one way or another connected with folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream- a sign that you will happily escape danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream- the dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant with them at this time

Watching a bat fly in a dream- a sign that your long-standing hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your affairs, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream- evidence that you should be careful at night. You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects- such a dream portends great happiness. Maybe you have a profitable business ahead of you that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of those around you.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream of a mouse- this means that you are constantly quarreling with your loved one or spouse.

If a girl has a similar dream- this means that someone is trying to harm her and is planning to quarrel between her and her loved one.

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dreams sometimes give us unforgettable moments of happiness, but they can also bring troubles into life. If something disturbs you in a dream, there is no need to be upset, it is better to interpret it.

Why do you dream about a small mouse? It's worth looking into.

Why do little mice dream - basic interpretation

Many of us love animals. Some even keep them at home. But mammals such as mice evoke dual emotions in people. On the one hand, someone may like them. They are so small and fluffy. But only house mice are beautiful; when it comes to street mice, they are mostly disgusting.

Why do you dream about a small mouse? Dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of troubles and troubles. What you should pay special attention to in your sleep:

How many mice appeared in a dream;

Whether they were small or large;

What color are they;

What mice did in their sleep;

Who else appeared in the dream;

How did they make you feel?

It is important to remember exactly where you encountered rodents. If the meeting took place in your house, and you saw a small white mouse on your floor, such a dream promises you troubles, but they will soon become pleasant. If a mouse crawled along the wall, and even tried to somehow climb onto the ceiling, such a dream foreshadows a lot of troubles that will plunge you headlong into the routine of everyday life.

If you dream that some woman brought a mouse into your house, such a dream clearly indicates the intervention of envious people and ill-wishers. Someone has been jealous of you and your success for a long time, don’t let anyone stop you from becoming happy. In that dream in which you see yourself surrounded by mice, try to remember whether they squeaked or not.

Sometimes, through the squeaking of mice in a dream, you can clearly hear intelligible human speech. Thus, you will be given tips from above so that you can make the right decision on a pressing issue.

The color of the mouse is also important:

A black mouse dreams of illness and hunger;

Gray mouse - to big trouble;

White mouse - to troubles;

Red mouse - to problems in the love sphere.

If you dream that you are looking out of the window of your house, and there are a huge number of mice in the yard, such a dream speaks of the fact that you are being judged behind your back. There is nothing unusual for you in this, but nothing pleasant either. Try not to give gossipers reasons to talk. And do not react to their provocations. To change the situation, stop making excuses.

If you dream about someone turning into a mouse, take a closer look at who it was. If we are talking about a person close to you, do not trust him with secrets. Most likely, he will let you down. If we are talking about a person you don’t know, expect intrigues from the outside. Someone outsider will brazenly interfere in the course of your life.

If you are trying to catch a mouse and you can’t do it, you will try to catch luck by the tail and it will slip out of your hands. If you killed a mouse in a dream, you shouldn’t be happy that your troubles will soon end. Such a dream speaks of the beginning of a new difficult period in your life. You barely survived the previous trials, now you are facing a new round of negative events.

If a mouse comes to life in your dream, such a dream promises you new opportunities. You can not only revive your relationships, but also achieve a lot in the professional sphere. If you dream that you yourself have turned into a mouse, such a dream means that you tend to judge others, although you personally make the same mistakes.

Seeing mice chewing on your things in a dream means having health problems. If you dream about feeding a mouse, you should not be afraid of changes in life, they are predictable. This is not to say that all of them will be positive, but most of them will be painless for you.

If in a dream you see a huge mouse that scares you, troubles will be invented by you. You tend to exaggerate the scale of the disaster; you should not be so disappointed in reality. In fact, your inner enemy is your own fear. He controls you and prevents you from developing.

Why do little mice dream according to Freud's dream book?

A little gray mouse in a dream is interpreted by Freud as a hidden sexual desire that you do not give way out. You may be suffering because your sexual energy is stagnant. You need an experienced sexual partner. Even if you are in a relationship, such a dream speaks of unrealized sexual energy, you do not get an outlet for emotions in your couple.

If you see in a dream a lot of small mice that are trying to bite you, you should not place high hopes on your partner. He will make you worry and nervous because of his selfishness. You need to be prepared for the emotional outburst that he will make you experience. On the one hand, such a situation can benefit you - you can take a fresh look at your joint relationship. On the other hand, you may be disappointed in your partner as a person.

For a pregnant woman, mice in a dream are a bad sign. She should be more careful about her health. If she was recently nervous, there is no need to return to resolving this issue. Now she needs rest and peace.

If a woman dreams of a huge gray mouse, such a dream speaks of a rival, who has long had her eye on her lover. If a mouse attacks a woman in a dream, such a dream means that meetings between lovers are already taking place. If the mouse silently disappears into a hole, such a dream foreshadows the rival’s loss of interest in the man.

Why do little mice dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says why a small mouse dreams - it dreams of troubles and health problems. If you dream that a mouse is hiding under your bed, someone is very jealous of your family happiness and now you and your spouse may be in for trouble.

If the mouse has eaten all your food, financial problems await you; you should accumulate reserves so that in difficult times you can always find money for the essentials.

The dream in which mouse gives birth to babies- suggests that your problems will multiply just as quickly. If you see only a few mice, it means that you still have a short time left to resolve difficult situations. But, if there are a lot of mice, you will simply get stuck in a routine.

The dream in which you feed a mouse and it bites your hand- speaks of the betrayal of a close friend, someone close to you, a loved one. You will be betrayed by the person you trusted most. If you dream that mice are literally attacking your house, try to restrain your emotions in the near future. It's not good for you to present yourself in a negative light right now.

If you dream that you are drowning little mice, you will quickly recognize the enemy and neutralize him just as quickly. Unfortunately, you will have to learn about several more betrayals that you suffered earlier.

Why do you dream about a small mouse according to other dream books?

In Miller's dream book It is said that mice dream of unpleasant events related to the house. Also, such a dream may indicate financial problems if mice gnawed banknotes in a dream. If you killed a mouse in a dream, your enemies will be defeated.

If you chased a mouse for a long time in a dream and allowed it to run away, you will struggle for a long time with a result that causes you doubts. If a young woman dreams of a mouse that just looks at her, she will have to fight her enemies single-handedly. They intend to deceive and frame her. We can talk about both personal life and the professional sphere. The mouse that sits on her clothes will become the central figure in a huge scandal.

In Longo's dream book It is said that a mouse dreams of danger. You should not make new acquaintances in the near future. You should have enough communication without them for now. Do not engage in dubious intimate relationships. If someone flirts with you at work, you shouldn’t pay special attention to it. A person does not need you, but some kind of service from you.

A dream in which a mouse falls into a mousetrap promises deliverance from failures in love as well. Such a dream foreshadows many positive events in the near future. The dream book does not advise frequently remembering the past and becoming despondent. The dream book advises moving forward in the direction of positive life changes. It is worth listening to dreams; they sometimes give very practical advice, revealing to a person several options for the development of events in the future.

The mouse symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness.

Folk signs and sayings are associated with mice, which could have contributed to the appearance of the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before a fire”, “Eat what a mouse has bitten, its teeth will get stronger”, “If a mouse gets into your bosom, then there will be big trouble”, “Mice will gnaw clothes (dress) - to death”, “Do not name, caressing , kittens become little mice: the mother will gnaw them to death.”

The bat is the personification of night and blindness. But according to some folk beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness.

So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that happened in your life, in one way or another connected with folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so do not act arrogant with them at the present time.

Setting a trap in a dream to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it in a mousetrap, then such a dream means that you have a very difficult task ahead of you, from which you can emerge victorious only thanks to your courage.

Seeing a large number of mice in a dream means a happy release from problems.

To see a bat in a dream - the dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger.

Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your old hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your affairs, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream is evidence that you should be careful at night. You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects, such a dream portends great happiness. Perhaps you have a profitable business ahead of you that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of those around you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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After dreaming about mice, take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Someone close to you holds a grudge against you and is trying to harm you.

Sometimes a dream about mice foreshadows the loss of a loved one or friend.

Catching mice in a dream is a sign that you should not sit idly by.

To carry out your plans, you will have to run a lot.

Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will take revenge for betrayal or treason.

Running after a mouse in a dream is a sign of matchmaking or courtship.

Hearing the squeak of mice in a dream means that you should be careful and not talk too much, as your envious people will try to harm you.

Sometimes such a dream warns of theft.

Seeing white mice in a dream means good luck in business and family happiness.

For those getting married, the dream foreshadows a long and happy life together.

Killing a mouse in a dream means sadness.

Seeing mice eating your supplies in a dream means that you will have many parasites.

Sometimes such a dream is interpreted differently and means that in the family of parasites the reserves will not be depleted.

See interpretation: bat.

Interpretation of dreams from