The period of fulfillment of the plan is to guess. Fortune telling - is the wish destined to come true or not? You may also be interested in

We cannot help but experience desires. And we strive for something all the time. This creates a lot of reasons for anxiety and worry, giving rise to thoughts that if you knew how things would turn out, you could do something, refuse something, insist on something. But it is possible to know this! Fortune telling allows you to lift the veil of the unknown and outline probable prospects.

We offer different versions of them - on maps, according to the Book of Fates, etc. All wish fortune telling presented here is free and available online. Among them you will definitely find “yours” - the one that will be the most accurate for you. And perhaps there are even several of these. And then you will be able to use one fortune-telling for your personal life, another to resolve everyday worries, a third to determine career prospects... So, make wishes, dream, strive forward, and let our fortune-telling help you.

Free fortune telling by wish online

It is advisable to use this wish fortune telling on Tarot cards in situations where a short answer to a question - “yes” or “no” - is not enough. Those. when it is necessary to know what circumstances will accompany the fulfillment (or non-fulfillment) of a desire. The layout provides explanations on 5 key aspects with which this may be related.

Have you planned something, but thoughts about what you have planned bother you and give you no rest? This fortune-telling from the Book of Fates will help you. Fortune telling is known for the accuracy and reliability of predictions; it gives laconic answers that leave no ambiguity or doubt.

This fortune telling on a deck of playing cards is an excellent way to get not “smeared” reasoning to a question of interest, but a very definite “yes” or “no”. All you need to do is formulate your desire to yourself and follow the recommendations. Fortune telling is free and works online, so you can use it whenever you need to quickly resolve any doubts or resolve a dilemma.

Fortune telling Goldfish is unusual and amazingly effective. It works flawlessly, accurately determining where you should direct all your thoughts at the moment. Of the three wishes you have in mind, Rybka chooses the one that is most likely to come true, and thus protects you from the risks of directing your efforts in the wrong direction.

Fortune telling "Wheel of Fortune" will help you clarify some circumstances related to your desire. Its principle is simple and absolutely objective: you yourself – intuitively – choose the moment when the Wheel should stop and give you the necessary information. The tips received in fortune telling will help you choose the optimal direction for action, perhaps prepare for upcoming events, perhaps understand how to get around the problem, etc.

“Mirror of the World” is a fortune telling that allows you to find answers to any questions. You can turn to him with your concerns about career prospects, problems in your personal life, circumstances related to your well-being, etc. Moreover, you can formulate what worries you both in the form of a direct question and in the form of a statement of your desire (“I want...”, “I will have...”)

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Virtual prediction

Our ancestors could not use wish fortune telling online. But this does not mean that people were not interested in fortune telling before! There were many ways to perform fortune telling on a wish - whether what you had in mind would come true or not could be found out with the help of a coin.

However, the arsenal of amateur oracles was not limited to fortune telling “heads or tails.” Our ancestors did not need to go online to find out whether a wish would come true or not. To get a prediction, you just had to get up early in the morning and look out the window! The answer depended on who could be seen on the street:

  • An adult man - your wish will certainly come true
  • Adult woman - very little chance of success
  • Child (boy or girl) - will come true, but not completely
  • Dog or cat - there will be difficulties or delays in the execution of plans
  • Bird - they will help you achieve your plans

As you can see, online fortune telling is not the only method of predicting your destiny. Of course, the simple fortune telling listed above does not allow one to get answers to serious questions or solve complex problems. Those who aspired to become a real oracle had to spend a lot of time mastering card layouts.

What determines the accuracy of prediction?

Will online fortune telling for wish fulfillment be reliable? The answer to this question depends on several factors. To determine the probability of fulfillment of a particular desire, the Oracle focuses on planetary cycles. But he also senses the mood of the person asking the question. If you want to make fun of the Prophet, then the answer will also be a joke.

Sometimes the online Prophet cannot foresee the future. This usually happens when the influence of Mars or Saturn is activated. If a forecast cannot be made at this time, you will see the message “The future is very uncertain, it is impossible to give an exact answer.” In this case, try repeating the fortune telling the next day.

Any desire can come true if it is not interfered with. This fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish will show which energies support it and which counteract it, and how you can help the wish come true.

If you are worried or feeling anxious, we recommend.

Scheme and meaning of Tarot cards for wish fulfillment

Card 1 - “Driving Force”, a source of help in fulfilling your desires
Card 2 - What you can use, what you can rely on to fulfill your desire
Card 3 - Vulnerability or upcoming test on the path to fulfilling a desire
Cards 4–5 - What needs to be done to make your wish come true
Map 6 - Summary

So, focus on the question and... look at the layout!

“Driving force”, a source of help in fulfilling your desires

The “Moderation” card means the golden mean, harmony, balance, correct proportions, adequacy of actions. A feeling of balance between the internal and external worlds, recovery. External and internal calm, the need to observe moderation in everything. Thrift, diplomacy, self-discipline, ability to wait. Faith in Higher goals, helping to overcome crisis situations.

Strength in wish fulfillment

The map shows what can be used, what to rely on

Weakness in wish fulfillment

The card indicates vulnerability or an upcoming test on the path to fulfilling a desire.

Here in front of you is the “High Priestess” card. It implies deep, subconscious forces: intuition, inner voice, premonitions that give firm confidence without logical arguments; as well as patience, forbearance, and the ability to wait for the right moment for active action. This is a connection with the Cosmos, encouraging you to know the truth within yourself. The card also means a wise, mysterious woman, the ability for deep self-development, for the transmission of esoteric knowledge.


This and the next card will indicate what needs to be done to fulfill your desire and get closer to your dream.

Here is the Page of Swords, denoting a new life impulse, many ideas, criticism, conflict. A chance to clarify the situation at the risk of being attacked and criticized. Feeling of threat, hidden tension in relationships. The need to be open and accept criticism for the good of things. Annoyance, stirring up a quarrel. Surveillance, covert or overt surveillance. A young man, a student, ready to perceive and competently use information, in a dependent position. A selfless gossip and intriguer.

What needs to be done to make a wish come true

This and the previous cards will indicate what needs to be done to fulfill a desire and get closer to a dream.

You see the Ten of Pentacles - a symbol of spiritual and material wealth, wisdom, happy well-being, achieved in the absence of haste. The onset of a stable period in life, not overshadowed by financial problems. Success, growth of wealth, inheritance. Prosperous family. Passing on traditions and family values. Complete immersion in your chosen business. Absorption in the prosperity and security of the current moment.

Bottom line

This card shows the result you will get by using the cards' advice

Here you got the Knight of Swords, symbolizing a cold, unfriendly environment, an atmosphere of quarrels, aggression, confrontation, rarely leading to positive results. Critical phase, hostile climate. The need for purposefulness, coldness, readiness for battle, sharp open confrontation. Tactlessness, malice, rage, war. Energetic, dexterous, but without leadership qualities, a shrewd materialist, a pragmatist.

Fortune telling by wish is very common, since every person wants to be sure that his dream will come true. At the moment, there are many ways that will help you make sure that your cherished desire is destined to come true.

In the article:

Fortune telling by wish

At the moment there are many ways to help make your wish come true. You can summon an entity from the other world, for example, who will help you fulfill your dream.

If you do not want to contact the other world, then you can perform some simple ritual that will help you determine the likelihood of your plans being fulfilled. You can do this yourself, at home, or.

Simple effective rituals

There are a large number of fortune telling for the fulfillment of desires. If you don’t want wax and other magical attributes, then use these two simple methods.

In the first case, you will need to go out at night, make a wish and approach a multi-story building. Your task is to count how many windows the light is on. If the number is even, then undoubtedly your dream will come true, if it is odd, then the answer is no.

Fortune telling based on the first person you meet will help shed some light. Early in the morning, go out into the yard, when crossing the threshold of the house, be sure to think about what you would like. Now all you have to do is wait for the first person you meet.

  • If a man comes towards you, then the dream will come true.
  • If a woman, then the plan is not destined to come true.
  • If the first person you meet is a child, the wish will come true in a few months.
  • If you met a dog, this means that you will have to make efforts to realize your desire.
  • If a cat comes out to meet you, this is a sign that your plan will not come true, since the enemy will interfere with you.

Fortune telling for the period of fulfillment of a wish

In order to perform this ritual, you will need a new deck of 36 cards. You can use a magical attribute that was previously used for various fortune telling, but in this case it must be properly cleaned and prepared for work. All cards should be shuffled and laid face down. There should be 4 rows, 9 cards each.

Now turn on your imagination. It must be assumed that the cards are in ascending order from left to right. The first line should contain clubs, the second - diamonds, the third - hearts, and the fourth - spades. After this, you can begin the process of fortune telling. Take the last card that is in the first row and open it. For example, the Queen of Spades came up.

Now you need to put this card in the place where it should be. Important: the cards do not move, the empty space is not freed up for this Queen of Spades, if its place is already taken, then it is placed on top of the face-down card. The one that lies at the bottom no longer opens. Reveal all the cards in the same way.

If the Aces do not fall into place, this indicates that the wish will not come true. If it was possible to move them to the required positions, then this indicates that the dream will come true in the next day or two.

If all the aces are immediately in the right places, and some cards are still face down, then the interpretation will be slightly different. In this case, the first row is responsible for the year. If there is one closed card in the first line, then this indicates that the dream will come true in a year.

The second row is responsible for months, the third for weeks, the fourth for days. Your task is to add up the number of years, months, weeks and days. As a result, you will receive the exact date of completion of your plans.

A simple way to find out if your wish will come true

You can find out whether your wish will come true using this simple ritual. Take a pre-cleaned and prepared deck of 36 cards, shuffle and set aside 6. Look at them and make your wish on any card that is not in the selected 6. Now shuffle the remaining cards and place them in 5 piles. The first should have 2, the second 3, the third - 4, the fourth - 5, the fifth - 6.

Now you can turn them over with the images facing up. If the desired image is in 1 line, then the wish will not come true. If in the second, then it is very unlikely that it will come true. In the third, you have an enemy who is interfering with the execution of your plans. In the fourth, it is likely that what was dreamed will come true, but you will have to make an effort. In the fifth, your plans will come true very soon.

If the desired image is not in any pile, take the remaining cards, mix them with the ones set aside and start laying them out one at a time in front of you, while saying the following words.

The most accurate wish fortune telling will lift the veil of the future for you! We invite you to guess online to make your cherished dreams come true. If you really want something, it will certainly come true! However, to be 100% sure of this, you just need to use our virtual service.

click on the goldfish image!

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Fortune telling about wish fulfillment has always attracted people, as it allows them to get answers to pressing questions. Think about what you want more than anything in the world and ask your question! Higher powers will tell you what the likelihood is that your wish will come true.

Not only girls, but also men also dream, they also have secret dreams, they are also interested in accurate fortune telling. By the way, guys tell fortunes no less often than girls! For you, our readers, we have developed this amazing service. Will your secret dream come true or not? Fortune telling online will help you find out the whole truth.

We offer you “fortune telling online for free according to your desire.” Before pressing the button, concentrate on the issue that concerns you. Imagine the face of the person with whom your desire is connected. Or mentally “draw” the situation you want to understand. Then silently tell the universe your aspirations and hopes and press the button. Our wish fortune telling is the most accurate, it will give you a truthful answer!

What can you ask the Universe?

Anyone can use our online service. This wish fortune telling is free and does not require you to register. We provide you with the opportunity to communicate with the Universe and ask it - will your dream come true or remain unattainable?

Desire questions can be very different, but they always begin with the word “I want”:

  • To buy an apartment
  • Move to a new spacious home
  • Buy a new fashionable jacket
  • Meet an attractive girl (guy)
  • Get married or get married
  • Make peace with your beloved (beloved)
  • Get a salary increase
  • Give birth to a child (boy, girl)
  • Win a large amount in the lottery
  • Receive a car as a gift, etc.

Online wish fortune telling is the most accurate - this is your chance to find out how close you are to your goal, how long you still have to wait for your dream to come true. It must be borne in mind that unrealistic wishes and desires are doomed to failure. For example, “I want to get the Moon from the sky” is a clear example of an unrealistic wish. It’s also stupid to think “I want it to snow in the summer and roses in the park to bloom in the winter” - because you know that this will never happen. Ask the Higher Powers only your sincere questions and wishes, the answers to which you really care about.