How to insert respectfully into an email. How to sign an email

Hello. Using the example of previous articles, we have created several mailboxes on various services: Google, Yandex, Thanks to them, you now correspond with your friends, acquaintances, employees, bosses, various representatives of other companies, organizations, etc. And sometimes there may be a need to indicate your or your company’s details, address, telephone numbers at the end of the letter. If this is rarely found in friendly correspondence, then in business correspondence it is one of the important parts of the letter. You can add your signature directly when writing a letter. But you must admit, if you write 10-20 letters every day, then inserting the same information every time is very troublesome. You can forget something, mix it up, or accidentally make a typo. This is where an email signature comes in handy. You enter your data once and they will be automatically inserted at the end of the letter when you click the “Submit” button. This way, you will be sure that the recipient will see all the necessary information about your company, enterprise, and so on.

Even if you are corresponding with your friends, they will probably be pleased to see your respectful signature, say, “Sincerely, your friend (your name or something else)” then you yourself decide what signature to put.

So today we'll look at how to create an email signature. Let's start with the Google service.

How to Create a Signature in Google Mail

We go to your mailbox of this service. If you don’t yet have such a box, then create it by reading our article Open the Main Menu and select “Settings”

A page with all the settings will open. We look for the “Signature” settings item, turn it on and write the necessary information about you, your company, company.

After you have created a signature, go down below and click the “Save Changes” button.

Now let's check if the email is sent with a signature. To do this, create a new test letter with any text. In our example it will simply be “Hello”.

As you can see, our signature is automatically inserted into the letter. We just fill out the required fields and send it to the recipient.

And this is the letter the addressee sees.

Everything worked successfully. The signature is at the end of the letter. All subsequent outgoing emails will contain a similar signature. Agree, much more convenient. Next we will look at how to create a signature in Yandex Mail and

How to sign a letter in Yandex Mail

In the same way, go to Main Change and select the item “Personal data, signature, portrait”

On the settings page, Yandex offers us to create an automatic signature, which it created based on our settings. If you are satisfied with this signature, then click the “Create signature” button. If you want to create your own signature, as in our example, then enter your data in the field just below.

But that is not all. You can create more signatures for various correspondence. And in the process of writing a new letter, tear out the signature you need. To do this, make sure that the “Allow signature selection” checkbox is checked.

Now let's create a new test letter.

When you hover your mouse over the left border near the beginning of the signature (indicated above in the screenshot), a small arrow will appear, by clicking on which you will see a list of your signatures and can select the one you need. You can also add another signature right here. After this, the letter can be sent to the addressee.

How to create a signature in a letter on

To create a signature in, go to the More menu item and select Settings

And add our signature

Like Yandex, also allows you to create multiple signatures. To create a second signature, click the “Add name and email” button. If you need one signature, then after entering it, click “Save”.

We create a new letter. Our signature is automatically included at the end of the letter. We write a letter and send it.

How to open a mailbox on, read the article

That's all for today. Now you know how to create a signature in a letter on Google Mail, Yandex Mail, I hope you liked the article and found it useful. Good luck everyone!

A person cannot be satisfied with life if he is dissatisfied with himself.

Thanks to the existing functionality of the Microsoft email client, it is possible to insert pre-prepared signatures into letters. However, over time, situations may arise such as the need to change the signature in Outlook. And in this instruction we will look at how you can edit and customize signatures.

This guide assumes you already have a few signatures, so let's get straight to the point.

You can access the settings for all signatures by following these steps:

1. Go to the "File" menu

2. Open the “Settings” section

3. In the Outlook options window, open the “Mail” tab

Now all that remains is to click on the “Signatures” button and we will go to the window for creating and editing signatures and forms.

The “Select a signature to edit” list lists all previously created signatures. Here you can delete, create and rename signatures. And in order to access the settings, you just need to click on the desired entry.

The text of the signature itself will be displayed at the bottom of the window. It also contains tools that will allow you to format the text.

To work with text, settings such as choosing a font and its size, writing method and alignment are available here.

Moreover, here you can add a picture and insert a link to a site. It is also possible to attach a business card.

As soon as all changes have been made, you need to click on the “Ok” button and the new design will be saved.

Also, in this window you can configure the default signature selection. In particular, here you can select a signature for new letters, as well as for replies and forwarding.

In addition to the default settings, you can select signature options manually. To do this, in the window for creating a new letter, just click on the “Signature” button and select the desired option from the list.

So, we have looked at how you can set up a signature in Outlook. Following these instructions, you will be able to independently change signatures in later versions.

We also looked at how to change the signature in Outlook; the same actions are also relevant in versions 2013 and 2016.

Your email signature is more than just your name and title. This is part of your personal image. The caption stimulates the reader's response, provides contact information, and attracts attention in a positive and memorable way.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at email signatures. Here are nine tips for creating attractive and informative email signatures. Your reader will want to respond when they see a professional email signature on the messages you send.

Sending Professional Emails (graphic)

Essential Elements of a Good Email Signature

An email signature has two purposes:

  • attract the recipient's attention
  • convey information about you to the reader

Here are some elements of a good email signature:

  1. Name, title and company. Your name tells the reader who sent the email. If you represent a company, please include your name and position within the company.
  2. Contact Information. Contact information should include your business website and at least one phone number. You can provide your email address, although many experts say this is not necessary.
  3. Social links. Including social media contact information in your email signature is becoming increasingly important. Select the most professional social media accounts you link to. LinkedIn is a good example. Avoid links to frivolous or inappropriate social accounts.
  4. Logo (optional). If you work for a company or own your own business, you can include your logo in your email signature.
  5. Photo (optional). Many email signatures contain a photo of the sender. This can help the reader connect your image with your name.
  6. Responsive Design. The use of smartphones and other mobile devices has increased. Most likely, the recipient will open your email on a mobile device. Responsive design is customized for them.
  7. Legal Requirements. Some countries have specific legal requirements that all business communications must comply with. Contact your attorney to find out if the country where your company is located has special laws governing email signatures.

Don't make your caption too long or include an overwhelming amount of information. Research has shown that recipients tend to ignore email signatures with too much information. For example, one or two phone numbers are usually sufficient.

Also, be careful about adding unnecessary information, such as long quotes or controversial statements. They often don't add anything useful to your emai signature. At worst, the quote could offend or anger your reader and cost you business.

Today, professional email signatures make a statement about you and your business. They are part of your brand, like a business card or part of your stationery. This is why it is important to sign correctly.

Email signature templates can help you create a memorable and meaningful email signature. This section has nine email signature tips with inspiring examples of email signature templates available on Envato Market. This way, you can get a professional email signature design that suits you.

1. Keep it simple

You've heard the saying, "less is more." When it comes to your email signature, this may be true. If your email signature contains too much information, the recipient may become distracted. Additionally, some companies require the use of a single electronic signature for company business emails.

Here are two examples from that would be an excellent standard for a corporation or small business.

If you're using a simple, minimalist email signature, include enough information for your reader to contact you.

2. Connect social networks

If you include social media contact information, the links should be professional. If you're unsure about a particular account, it's a good idea to review it and remove any unprofessional messages. You can ask a friend to check your social media account to notify you of any posts that are damaging your image.

Colorful Email Signature Designs

A good colorful email signature is sure to attract attention. Color is a good choice for most businesses. Creative professionals avoid bright colors.

5. Be bold with black and white

A catchy email signature isn't appropriate for some industries and brands. Using too many colors may be against corporate policy. Or may be denounced in more formal business communications.

Even without lots of colors, your email signature can be attractive. A black and white signature is just as effective as a color one. The key is in the design and use of fonts.

Look for a design with bold, clear fonts and plenty of white space for contrast. Here is an effective black and white design template:

Black and white Email signature

Black and white email signatures are perceived as more conservative or formal. This makes them suitable for professions such as finance or law. Depending on the design, a black and white signature will be perceived as quite modern.

6. Lots of options

Since your email signature represents your brand, it's good to have a choice. It's also good to have options if your email signature needs changing.

For example, if you change jobs or companies, you'll need to change your email signature to reflect your new position. Additionally, if you are busy branding or rebranding your business, it is recommended to choose a flexible template that can be customized for your specific activity.

Modern Email Signature

A modern email signature style is great for any company that wants to portray progressive aspirations. This works equally well for a tech firm or a creative worker.

Your next step

The next step is to create an attractive and unique professional email signature. A great place to look for the right email signature templates is Envato Market, there are dozens of designs available.

When designing your professional email signature, don't forget.

How to add a signature in Yandex mail? We make a colored font, a beautiful background, put a link to your blog, website, or VK community, and upload a photo. Looks amazing! The effect is amazing!

Hi all!
From this article you will find out.
How to make a signature in Yandex mail, settings, adding and deleting entries.
Guys, you never paid attention, you receive a message from someone, and below is an autograph with a link.
For example.
Suv. first name, last name and link to a blog or VKontakte group?
Agree, very stylish, professional or something.
The feeling was written by a professional, not some kind of amateur).
Yes, once you make it beautiful, you won’t need to do it all the time.
Done, saved. It will automatically be added to any letter you send.
Let's start with how to create a signature in Yandex mail.

In this article, I will show you how to become a handsome pro.
Believe me, users will have a completely different attitude towards your newsletters depending on the design of their letter (mail).

How to make a signature in Yandex mail

The article is designed for the fact that you already have a Yandex mailbox.
1. How to make a signature in an email.

Let's go to email.
Click “settings,” - “Personal data, portrait.”

I would like to draw your attention to the avatar.
I recommend downloading it immediately.
It looks much more original with it.
Imagine a VKontakte account without a photo. It sucks It doesn’t look important, do you agree? If you are commenting on someone’s website and you don’t have an avatar, that’s also not an activity, right?
It's the same here.

In addition, the user to whom you send the message will immediately see who it came from.
Therefore, put ava. If you don’t have a normal photo of yourself (like I have), put a temporary one for now, fortunately finding it is not a problem, the Internet with pictures can help).

Go down a little lower.
Click “add.”

  • 1. Bold font. Click on “zh,” if you need to remove it, or vice versa, add it.
  • 2. Italic - text with a slant.
  • 3. Underlined - visible in the screenshot below.
  • 4. Crossed out - highlight the word or words you need, highlight it, press “T” to cross it out.
  • 5. Links - you can add or remove a link. Select the word(s), copy and paste a link to a website, blog, or group on VK. When you click on this word, the reader will be taken to you, to your resource.
  • 6. Text color - set the color you like.
  • 7. Background color - the color in the background of the text.
  • 8. Size - you can select the font size.
  • 9. Font - choose which one you like best.

Once done, check the box next to “bind to address”
Here you can choose which email to link to; many have more than one email account.
For example. For work, friends, subscriptions and so on.
Then "add."

This is how I designed it for myself.

Where the bottom line “my blog” is a clickable phrase for it.
Let's go lower.
You can insert it at the beginning or at the end of the letter.
Discretion here.
I'm at the end.
Check the box, Allow.

How to change and remove a signature

If you have done everything, set it up, but for some reason you need to change, remove, or adjust something.
A logical question arises:
How to change signature in Yandex mail?
Go through settings. as I wrote at the beginning of the article.
1. On the bottom right side, look for the inscription.
2. When you hover your mouse over it (top right), a pencil will appear and the inscription “edit,” click on it.
3. Change at your discretion.

How to remove a signature in Yandex mail?
The same thing, only.
1. Find the trash can icon and click on it.
2. The inscription will be deleted.

Seems to be explained clearly.
In general, everything is quite easy and simple, but I judge this from my bell tower).
For a beginner, of course, you need to tinker a little.
If you are a web master (the owner of an Internet resource), or are proficient in Photoshop, you should not have any difficulties.
That's all for today.
If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will definitely answer all of them!