Online fortune telling for conception when. Fortune telling about pregnancy and the gender of the child

Despite the rapid development of medicine, to this day many women treat conceiving a child as a miracle, practically immune to outside influence. Pregnancy fortune telling will answer many of your questions, give you confidence and peace of mind, or warn you against wrong decisions. There are a lot of varieties of fortune telling, but in this article we would like to present to your attention mainly card fortune telling. Fortune telling with cards for pregnancy has been known since ancient times and includes the use of playing cards, Tarot cards or Madame Lenormand cards.

Many women and girls dream of getting pregnant and want to know when it will happen. Pregnancy fortune telling will help answer this question.

Before you start fortune telling on cards, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules and features:

  • It is best to use a new deck for fortune telling on cards or one that was previously used only for predictions;
  • It is not recommended to guess if you are very tired, both physical and emotional;
  • You can’t guess just for fun, you can guess your fate;
  • It is recommended to tell fortunes by the light of one or two non-church candles;
  • cards are shuffled and removed to oneself only with the left hand.

Option 1: Fortune telling with playing cards

Playing cards can be used not only for games, but also for pregnancy fortune telling.

In our article, we called the cards “playing” to make it easier for you to understand what cards we are talking about; this does not mean at all that for fortune telling you need to use a deck that was previously played on, for example, “fool”. You need to tell fortunes at midnight by the light of two white or yellow candles. For fortune telling you will need a new deck of 36 cards. Shuffle the cards thoroughly, remove part of the deck towards you with the little finger of your left hand.

Online option for fortune telling

If you do not have the opportunity to make a layout on the cards yourself, you can tell fortunes online; this is a free and fairly reliable way to find out about the future or get an answer to a question that interests you. The most popular fortune-telling on Tarot cards is at your service: one and three cards, a layout for “Partnerships” and, of course, the famous “Popesses layout”. Try one or more options for fortune telling and higher powers will surely give you a sign!

Questions to ask

Use the following questions when doing fortune telling:

  1. When will I get pregnant?
  2. Who will I wait for?
  3. How will the pregnancy proceed?
  4. Will the child be desired by the father?

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

The order of the layout

Remove one card at a time from the deck and place them next to each other, saying the above questions out loud. Once you do this, then use the decoding of the meanings of the cards.

If in response to the first question you drew a card of a red suit with a numerical designation from six to ten, then pregnancy will not occur very soon (the numbers will serve as a hint to you: they can indicate the number of days or weeks before the significant date). A red card with a figure or Ace means a very early conception. If the suit is black, then the cards warn you that now is not the best period in your life for pregnancy and recommend that you postpone it.

Note: If you drew a Queen to the second question, then pregnancy fortune telling can be interpreted to mean that with a hundred percent probability you will have a girl, if the King and Jack, then a boy. The color of the suit symbolizes the color of his hair: red suit is light, blond or red, black suit is dark or black.

Interpretation of card meanings

  1. If on the third question you put a red card on the table, then expect a calm pregnancy and an easy birth.
  2. If you get a black card, then pregnancy and childbirth will be difficult, especially the peaks indicate a difficult outcome. In this case, the Ace of Spades means the death of either the mother or the child.
  3. If in the fourth question you come across a red card, then the answer is “yes, the child will be desired”; if it is black, then the answer is “no, the child is not desired”.
  4. The color of the suit also means the duration of your union with the child’s father; if you are married, but the color of the suit in this fortune-telling when answering the last question you received black, then divorce or separation is inevitable in the future.

Summarizing the results of this fortune telling on playing cards, it should be noted that no matter what result you get, you can always avoid negative consequences if you change your destiny. Remember, with your actions and words you shape your future.

Option 2: Fortune telling with Tarot cards

Find out an interesting way of fortune telling with tarot cards for pregnancy, which will accurately predict your future

Pregnancy fortune telling using Tarot cards is gaining great popularity. It should be noted that the origin of Tarot cards is still a mystery. According to one legend, they come from Ancient Egypt, according to another - from medieval Italy. Be that as it may, Tarot cards have always been, are and will be the main source of secret knowledge.

Preparing for the ritual

  • For pregnancy fortune telling, 22 cards of the Major Arcana are used.
  • Calculate the day of the full moon, it will be most suitable for fortune telling with Tarot cards. Before you begin, light two white candles and carefully shuffle the cards.
  • It is important to remain calm during the reading process, breathe deeply and think about the desired event.
  • Cards must be arranged six in two rows. Each card will symbolize a month of the year.

Advice: The Major Arcana Moon symbolizes conception, and the Major Arcana Death symbolizes childbirth. If none of these cards appear in your reading, then conception will not occur in the near future.

A simple interpretation

After completing the layout, you should pay attention to the following cards:

  • If only the Moon card appears, then there is a high probability of miscarriage.
  • And if only the Death card comes out, then pay attention to your health.
  • If both cards fall out, pay attention to their location in relation to each other.
  • The most successful arrangement will be the following arrangement: first the Moon card, and in 7-9 place from it the Death card.
  • If the Death card is located closer to the Moon card, then this position may indicate a high risk of miscarriage. If the Death card is in 10th place and further from the Moon card, then complications are possible during childbirth.

You can learn about the reasons for certain negative outcomes from neighboring cards, using the classic interpreter of Tarot card meanings. It is worth noting that for fortune telling with Tarot cards, it is best to use a deck of cards that is not new. When you complete the fortune telling, be sure to wash your hands with soap. If fortune telling was at your home, open the windows and ventilate the room.

Option 3: Fortune telling with Lenormand cards

Lenormand pregnancy fortune telling is one of the most unusual and mysterious fortune telling

When fortune telling for pregnancy using the cards of Maria Lenormand, it is important to pay attention to combinations of different cards, therefore at home fortune telling is done less often with these cards than even with Tarot cards. If in fortune telling on the Tarot the interpretation is very often based on intuitive feelings, then in fortune telling on Lenormand cards it is strictly on the meanings and combinations of cards.

We would like to offer you the most common pregnancy scenario. Any day is suitable for it, regardless of the phase of the moon.

  • Take a deck of 36 cards, the so-called small Lenormand deck. First, find your card in the deck: for a woman, this is card 29 “Woman” (Ace of Spades).
  • Place this card in the center. Then carefully shuffle the deck, remove it with your left hand and mentally ask the question that interests you.
  • Remove one card at a time from the deck and place them on the table in the following order: one card to the left of yours (it symbolizes the past), the next one above yours (it symbolizes the present), the next one to the right of yours (this is a perspective card), the next one below yours (this is an action card).
  • Then place the card to the left of the action card, below the past card (it symbolizes relationships), the next card above the past card (this is the influence card), the next card to the right of the present card (this is the future card), and the last card under the perspective card ( This is a reserve card.)

Note: where in your layout the Child card will be located. It is she, in combination with other cards, that will give you the answer to the question about the desired pregnancy. For example, a Child in combination with a Horseman means the imminent arrival of the desired event; Child and Storks - mean childbirth; Child and Stars - a desired and happy pregnancy; Child and Moon - motherhood.

If the Child card did not fall out at all, then this is not yet a reason for sadness; perhaps, now you are just not in the best period for pregnancy. Still, read the meanings of the cards drawn, they will tell you the reason.

Option 4: Fortune telling on the date of pregnancy on cards

Can't wait to find out when you'll get pregnant? There is a sure way - fortune telling for the date of pregnancy!

There is easy fortune telling using simple cards for pregnancy and its exact date. To do this, take a new deck of 36 cards.

  • Charge it with your energy by placing it under your pillow at night.
  • The next day at midnight, light one blue and one red candle.
  • Shuffle the deck with your eyes closed.
  • If cards fall out, pay attention to them: cards of the red suit are favorable for fortune telling, cards of the black suit are not.

Mentally ask “when will I get pregnant?” Then draw cards one by one from the top of the deck, from the middle of the deck, from the bottom of the deck and place them on the table. Next, draw three cards for the second and third rows in the same way.

Interpretation of the layout (example)

The first row is the day, the second is the month, and the third row is the year of the expected conception. In order to get to the numbers, you need to sum up the values ​​of the drawn cards.

  1. For example, in the first line you got a King, a seven and a nine, you get the number 16.
  2. In the second line you got the following cards: two eights and one six, we get 22, sum 2+2 and we get the 4th month - this is April.
  3. And in the third line you got: six, ten and Ace, here you will have to connect logic, for example, if it is already May 2016, then you have already missed April 16, 2016 for conception, which means you need to sum 6 + 1 + 0 and then we get 7, perhaps the cards meant 2017, since any other year with the number seven is still very far away.

In order to determine the exact date of pregnancy, we suggest you use a unique fortune telling using simple playing cards.

A situation may also arise when, for example, a nine, a six and a King are rolled: 9 + 6 is 15, and the current year is 2016, 5 + 1 is 6, but this year, based on the past month, you will no longer get pregnant. In this case, pay attention to the nine that appears; most likely the cards are hinting at 2019. The cards will prompt you to the best of their ability; your task is to correctly interpret their clues. And of course, once you find out the exact date of the expected pregnancy, remember it and be prepared for it.

Every girl thinks about pregnancy and childbirth at least once in her life. In modern society, it is customary to give birth closer to the age of 30, which means that there is more time to think, weigh and prepare for one of the most important decisions in a woman’s life - the decision to have a child. Tarot reading for pregnancy is one of the tools that will help you find out whether now is a good time to have a child, and, if not, then when this happy time will come.

Fortune telling for conception and pregnancy

Some online tarot readings for pregnancy offer to find out whether you have already conceived a child, that is, this is a “Pregnant or not” fortune telling. In truth, the answer to this question is not obvious from the layout of the cards, and the fact of pregnancy can be easily established by purchasing a simple test. “When will I get pregnant?” - also the question is more likely to relate to more detailed layouts rather than to online pregnancy fortune telling.

Fortune telling about conception (when it happens) also gives a non-obvious answer in the sense that there is no exact date and no year specified when this could or should happen.

The maps give only a general idea of ​​the likelihood of such an event occurring. But here the online cards are no different from the “live” layout. Any fortune teller gives a general idea so that the client can read the specifics from it himself.

What a person receives as a result of fortune telling - this is more likely a pregnancy scenario. Fortune telling operates with general concepts: “favorable/unfavorable, ready/not ready, now will bring losses, in a year - happiness,” etc. You will have to decide and draw conclusions yourself.

The Tarot shows the way and provides general clarity rather than precise prescriptions.

How online fortune telling works

8 cards are laid out, then they are all turned over and read. Each card reveals some piece of information about possible pregnancy and motherhood.

The first two cards speak about readiness to become a mother at the moment, cards 3 to 6 will tell you how pregnancy will affect various aspects of life. The last two cards will tell you what the role of a mother is for you and when it is worth entering into it in your case.

Layout example

In total, it turns out that there will be no pregnancy in the near future, and even its probability would be unfavorable. But when pregnancy does occur in due time, it will bring with it many changes, a strong new creative beginning, comparable to a new life. And for these times to come, you need to stabilize in the present, go through a period of change and a period of calm that comes with pregnancy, as well as some withdrawal within yourself in your relationship with your partner.

What do tarot cards describe?

Online pregnancy fortune telling gives a picture of the future. Indicates weaknesses in the current state of affairs and gaps in life that need to be worked on in order to become ready for having children.

Also When answering the test questions, some awareness is formed about the desire/reluctance to have children, readiness and determination or, conversely, passivity and reluctance to increase the family.

Telling fortunes will be useful for girls who are just thinking about pregnancy, who have many internal contradictions and questions. Online fortune telling will also be useful for already pregnant women, for whom it will help to better understand their current situation, the prospects for relationships with a partner, in finances and in their careers.

Attention, TODAY only!

Such a serious question – when will I get pregnant – worries mature women, for whom family and conception come first.

It is very relevant for those who do not immediately succeed in having a child. Fortune telling for conception, of course, is not the surest way to find out the question of when, but it is a psychologically correct move to calm down and move on to the active actions necessary for pregnancy to occur.

You can do fortune telling by drawing out objects. Usually they wrap a coin (for money), a ring (for marriage), a small onion (for tears), a nut (for prosperity), bread (for abundance) in a cloth or paper, and then put it in an opaque bag.

And you add something there that would symbolize pregnancy, a small children's toy or little thing. Pull it out - to be a child.

Whether I can get pregnant is still guesswork.

- You can tell fortunes about conception using dreams, they will indicate an imminent pregnancy. The most common dream for conception is fish. Other images favorable to conception are jewelry, eggs, newborns, milk, cradle.

- Remember which of your relatives was in the family. If such a relative is alive, visit her with gifts and gifts. If she is no longer in this world, prepare a wake, call the family. Mentally ask her and all your kind for blessings.

- If a pregnant woman suddenly comes to your wedding, this is a clear indication that you will soon be pregnant too. It’s also good if she got into your house by accident, for example, in the wrong apartment - a very good sign.

— If you notice an apple tree that will produce a lot of fruit this year, fertilize it, tie a beautiful ribbon or some kind of decoration, take care of it.

The concept of conception itself means the beginning of pregnancy. And so that nothing overshadows your meeting with your child, you need to prepare for it in advance. It is necessary to take into account many factors influencing the normal course of pregnancy. And you should pay attention to these factors not during pregnancy, but before conception.

Do you sincerely love your unborn child?

Very often a woman becomes pregnant in order to keep her husband. But, as we know, the child has not yet kept anyone in the family, so a woman needs to turn to Tarot cards to find out whether the relationship between them will continue after the birth of the child. The magic of the Tarot is to warn a woman in time about the consequences of conception and talk about what this relationship will be like.

It is very good when the conception of a child is carried out in a favorable psychological environment, when the parents love each other and the conception of a child occurs by mutual consent. If you want to give birth to a child in order to give your parents a grandchild or to keep your husband, then this is an unfavorable environment for conception and the born child will not be comfortable in such conditions. When a Tarot reading is made for conception, the result of fortune telling first of all reveals the issues of its timeliness and reveals the desires of both partners in this regard. Then the woman’s health status is considered. The next card will tell us whether conception will take place. Tarot layouts about conception exist to warn a woman whether there will be problems with conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy, and how it will proceed.

Specifics of Tarot fortune telling about conception

The cards will tell you about the condition of the mother and fetus. A separate card will tell you how the birth will go and describe the state of the child’s health after birth. If fortune telling gives a favorable answer and conception and birth take place, then we can wish you and your baby good luck.

If there are some doubts about the meaning of any card in the layout, you can draw out a few additional cards that will help you correctly interpret the meaning of the cards and give the right advice based on the location of the cards.

Tarot cards have meaning in many cases, and especially in the case when a woman wants a child. The attitude of the expectant mother also matters. You should not have even a shadow of a doubt about whether to keep the child or not if you want to give birth to a healthy, self-confident child. And, if conception has occurred, tune yourself in to the same wavelength as the child, love and think about him. And, during pregnancy, let your child feel that he is expected, that he is desired and so loved.

Have you ever tried to find out your future using magic? I remember how at school we used an ordinary needle to predict who would have how many children, whether they would be boys or girls, and who would get married when. By the way, half of these predictions came true. Are you interested in knowing how you can tell your fortune for pregnancy? Read the article further.

Pregnant or not?

Are you not pregnant yet, but really want to know when it will happen? Or, on the contrary, it’s already a couple of days late, but the tests are still silent, but you really want to find out quickly whether you’re destined to become a mother? Try telling your pregnancy fortune! The method is very simple; no fancy devices are required. So, we take an ordinary needle with a thread threaded through the eye, preferably white. To get a more reliable result, you can thread your hair into the ear. Done?

We take the needle and thread with our right hand and bring it to our left palm (you will get a kind of pendulum). We move the thumb of the left hand to the side. Between it and the other fingers of the hand we lower the needle three times and fix it in the center of the palm. It's time to ask your question: “Am I pregnant?” The needle begins to swing from side to side or describes a circle - the answer is yes. You are pregnant!

If the needle oscillates from side to side - there will be a boy, describes a circle - wait for a girl, freezes and does not move, then you are not pregnant. In this case, we ask the following question: “At what age will I become pregnant?”

At 25? 26?27?….31? At which number the needle starts moving, at what age will you be able to get pregnant? Then you can ask how many children you will have. You can guess until the needle stops responding.

Do you already have children, but want to know if you will have more? You can also use this method of fortune telling and ask the needle about the children. Remember, the needle is the baby's gender from the first baby. That is, if you showed that you will have 2 children, then we take into account the firstborn. Ask the gender of your first child and you can check the accuracy of the needle's predictions. Here is a simple way of telling fortunes with a needle and thread. Try it!

Christmas fortune telling for those wishing to get pregnant

For those who want to get married or become pregnant, the period from Christmas to Epiphany is a time when you can slightly lift the veil of secrecy over the future and find out the answers to your questions. The most accurate fortune telling on the night before Christmas, before the old New Year and on the night of January 18-19 (Epiphany). There are a lot of Christmas fortune-telling, I want to remind you of the simplest, but very accurate, tested by me personally.

Fortune telling by chicken bone

Bake the chicken in the oven or roast it whole. In principle, you can cook any chicken dish, it is important that the chicken is cooked with bones. Have lunch, make a wish, but don’t throw away the bones, and in the evening take them out into the yard. Now attention! If in the morning the bones lie where you left them, the wish will come true, if they are slightly shifted, the wish will come true, but with some difficulties, if they disappear, they will not come true, covered with snow, refuse to release your plans. This method of fortune telling is not suitable for everyone. If cats live nearby, you should abandon this method of fortune telling. After all, the result will not be true. You probably won’t find any seeds in the morning. Which cat would refuse such a treat?

Fortune telling with a log

At first glance, it may seem that this method of fortune telling is not suitable for you. Where can you get logs, you will probably think after reading the name. A way out can be found in any situation if there is a desire. Options: Go to a store that sells logs for fireplaces and grilling. There you will probably find the treasured log, you can visit a cafe where they serve barbecue fried on the fire and ask the waiter to bring the log, or ask yourself to see how they fry your order. I think he won’t refuse, because the client is always right. Perhaps you have friends who heat their boilers with wood. Be creative, use your wits, and you will definitely find a log.

And now about the essence of fortune telling: make a wish and pull out a log, you need to take it at random, whichever one is pulled out is yours. You can even take it with your eyes closed. Pulled out? Now we do a detailed examination to find out what the baby will be like. Light, dark, with a smooth, rough character. The log turned out to be heavy and thick, the baby will be plump, long - the child will be tall. If you pulled one log, and then another one fell out, then you should expect twins.

Fortune telling with cards for pregnancy

When everything is good in the family, you don’t really want to find out what the future holds. But, if you can’t get pregnant for a long time, then any methods are used: from endless trips to doctors to ritual ceremonies and fortune telling. Women want to know when the long-awaited pregnancy will occur, whether they can get pregnant from their husband or whether they should look for another partner. Some people ask the cards for advice.

Often fortune telling brings the desired result and pregnancy occurs. Perhaps there is also a psychological factor at work here: the cards said that I would get pregnant, so it will happen. But the fact remains that fortune telling with cards is effective. Try it and see for yourself.

So, it’s easy to tell fortunes using regular pregnancy cards. For fortune telling, it is better to take a new deck of cards or one that has not been used for card games.

The result of fortune telling on pregnancy cards can only be yes or no. The question needs to be formulated clearly, for example: can I get pregnant?

How to tell fortunes with cards? We ask a question, thoroughly mix the deck and take out 1 card from it. We look at the rank of the card. The higher it is, the better the chance of getting pregnant. If the card is of clubs or spades, then the answer to the question is no, hearts or diamonds is yes.

Remember that fortune telling for pregnancy is just an opportunity to guess whether it will come true or not. No method gives 100% results. Even ultrasound makes mistakes sometimes. You will find out who will be born to you in due time, when the baby is born. Have a great pregnancy!