World Internet Day of the year. World Safer Internet Day

The Internet is the greatest invention of mankind. changed people's ideas about time, distance, methods of communication, assistance, earning opportunities and leisure activities. Thanks to the Internet, he receives ten times more information than his parents, grandparents and more distant ancestors. Unfortunately, not everything you see online is meaningful, reliable, logical, or safe.

Children and teenagers most often become victims of the Internet. The content of some sites will shock even an adult, let alone those whose psyche is still in its infancy. In addition, the Internet is a good field of activity for scammers, who are much easier to fall for in the virtual space than offline.

Experts all over the world are concerned about the safety of the younger generation and adults online, which is why the International Safer Internet Day was established in 2004.

About the founder

The holiday was initiated and the project coordinator was the organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network). Insafe consists of national centers whose employees develop and implement educational programs on various aspects and communicate with children and youth via a helpline.

You can share your experience and coordinate your actions on the website Experts and simply caring people from all over the world leave their ideas and developments on this platform. Anyone can take a special test to determine how careful they are on the Internet.

Current issues addressed by Insafe:

  • posting photos and creating avatars on the Internet: which image of yourself can be presented to the whole world, and which one cannot, and why;
  • following dubious banners and links: it is impossible to predict exactly where such a “journey” will lead;
  • actions of attackers: how to avoid becoming a victim of deception.

Russia is also part of Insafe. Domestic authors have written the book “The ABCs of Internet Security”, the pages of which tell about the influence of the Internet on people’s everyday lives, about possible threats and methods of action in

How to celebrate International Safer Internet Day

The founders and all those who support the initiative believe it is important to promote responsible and safe use of the Internet. To attract public attention to the problem, Safer Internet Day hosts various events.

Thus, a year ago, the Safer Internet Day 2014 conference was held in Washington. The organizers did not focus the audience's attention on negative aspects, but sought to demonstrate constructive ways to use the network. Young people, students and politicians were invited to participate and share their experiences of staying safe on the World Wide Web. The opinions of young users regarding the further development of the Internet were also taken into account.

In other countries, Safer Internet Day is also a day of conferences, forums, and lectures on the rights and responsibilities of users. Discussions and meetings with IT specialists, government officials, and law enforcement officers are organized for interested parties.

Safe Internet Day in Russia

In the Russian Federation, the holiday has been celebrated since 2005. On the initiative of the Center for Safe Internet in Russia, a week before the important date, Runet Security Week is held. During the holiday itself, one or another problem of using the World Wide Web is considered. Thus, in 2013, issues of the ethics of online communication were brought up for discussion, and a year later the organizers became concerned with finding ways to improve the Internet. Discussion of this problem continued in 2015. According to the organizers, the network should have positive developmental sites with content that promotes the harmonious development of a child’s personality.

At annual forums, problems of creating a safe Internet environment, increasing digital literacy of the population, including children and adolescents, and ensuring information security are discussed. The event is organized by the Internet Security League, on whose initiative a Unified Register of Sites Containing Information Prohibited for Dissemination was created. Within the framework of the forums, advertising competitions “My Safety on the Internet” and “Internetshka” are held.

Since 2009, Safe Runet Week has been one of the official events of the holiday. International Safer Internet Day is celebrated on the first Tuesday of February.

What worries Russian users

Based on the results of the work of the “Children Online” hotline (2013), most often people turn to specialists regarding trolling of some users towards others) and cyberstalking. In second place are the activities of fraudsters. More often than not, users call after they have found themselves in an unpleasant situation and want to find a way out.

Kaspersky Lab conducted a study (2014), which found that more than half of Russians are afraid of troubles associated with the use of webcams. Using this gadget, criminals can easily find out logins, account passwords, trade secrets, and gain access to personal photos and financial resources. Covering the camera lens does not prevent surveillance. You can protect yourself from uninvited guests using the Kaspersky Internet Security system developed in the laboratory for all devices.

The population is also concerned about the presence of freely accessible “adult” sites with child pornography, pages promoting drugs, violence, racial and other discrimination, and illegal actions.

Prospects for the development of RuNet

The Ministry of Communications takes responsibility for solving the following problems of Internet development. It is planned to provide access to secure Internet resources to more users. To achieve this, new fiber-optic communication channels are being intensively expanded. It is also planned to develop e-mail and online trading. Due attention will be paid to advertising, online transactions, videos, social and other equally important projects. There is reason to believe that World Safer Internet Day in 2016 will begin with a summing up and discussion of fundamentally new problems in network development.

How to keep children safe

Modern parents are concerned about the safety of their children on the Internet. The Safe Internet program will help protect the younger generation from negative influences online. Children and teenagers will learn the rules for using the World Wide Web, gain knowledge about online safety, and how to prevent Internet addiction.

To ensure that the child receives only necessary and useful information, special computer programs have been developed. One of these is the children's browser "Gogul", which is a catalog of sites tested by teachers and child psychologists. The program allows you to keep track of your visits to web pages and limit your child’s presence on the Internet.

It is worth paying attention to the Internet filter “Censor”. If you install it on your computer, you can be sure that your child will only view pages from the “white list.”

International Safer Internet Day has become an official holiday not only in Russia and the USA, but also in many other countries. In 2015, it was celebrated by more than a hundred states.

The initiator of the celebration of World Internet Day in 2004 (Tuesday of the second week of the second month) was the European Commission and the non-profit organization European SchoolNet and Insafe. European.Insafe eventually became the main coordinator of this holiday, which very quickly became popular among Internet users. In our country it was first celebrated in 2005.

International Safer Internet Day is celebrated on all continents of the globe in more than 150 countries. This year’s organizers have prepared an interactive map of events, which can be found via the link on the website http://saferinternetday.or

The motto of the event changes depending on the current agenda. This year it is formulated as follows - “CREATE. CONNECT AND RESPECT OTHERS! A POSITIVE INTERNET STARTS WITH YOU.”

There are official organizers of Safer Internet Day in countries. for example, in Russia and Serbia this organization is called the Center for Safe Internet of the European Union/SES countries; if there is no such representative office in the state, then participants can register their events independently through the Insafe network.

This year, the Russian Federation is hosting an event called Safe Runet Week, which is a global part of the movement. Russian organizers have developed many cases, united by the general theme of the safety of Internet and mobile technology users, the positive and ethical use of digital services and opportunities, and the role of digital technologies in everyday security. These events take place in Moscow and many regions of Russia. Official website of the project:

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06 / 02 / 2018

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Did you know about such a holiday as World International Internet Safety Day?

If not, now is the time to find out and mark it on your calendar. Every year and every second Tuesday of February, all users of the global Internet celebrate a holiday - World Safe Internet Day.

  1. In 2017, it will be February 13th!
  2. In 2018, it will be February 13th!
  3. In 2019, it will be February 12th!
  4. In 2020 it will be February 11th!
  5. In 2021, it will be February 9th!

The holiday itself is quite young and was founded in 2004 by a non-profit organization.

Since 2005, the main coordinator of Safer Internet Day in the world has been the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network), which consists of national centers created with the participation of the European Commission. Insafe members are all countries of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway and Russia.

Each of the organization's national centers runs local Internet safety education programs, operates a helpline, and works with youth to provide an evidence-based, multifaceted approach to improving the Internet.

By the way, I would like to note that this holiday is celebrated in more than 70 countries of the world, the list of which includes Russia. Although in Russia there is another holiday that is closely related to this topic. This is the annual February Safety Week.

In Russia, Internet Safety Day was first held in 2007.

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet was created under the name “National Internet Security Node in Russia”, which later became the Center for Security in the Information Society “Don’t Let It!”.

The Center is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member of the International Network of Hotlines for Combating Illegal Content INHOPE, as well as the official organizer of International Safer Internet Day events in Russia.

For information

The UN News Center reported that by the end of 2016, 3.5 billion people – 47% of the world's population – were using the Internet. The highest level of Internet access is in Iceland (98.2%), the lowest is in African countries: Chad, Sierra Leone, Niger, Somalia and Eritrea (3%).

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

The main coordinator of the Day is the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network).



see also

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Excerpt describing World Safer Internet Day

“No, let’s go,” said Marya Dmitrievna. - And wait there. “If the groom comes here now, there won’t be a quarrel, but here he will talk everything over alone with the old man and then come to you.”
Ilya Andreich approved this proposal, immediately understanding its reasonableness. If the old man relents, then all the better it will be to come to him in Moscow or Bald Mountains, later; if not, then it will be possible to get married against his will only in Otradnoye.
“And the true truth,” he said. “I regret that I went to him and took her,” said the old count.
- No, why regret it? Having been here, it was impossible not to pay respects. Well, if he doesn’t want to, that’s his business,” said Marya Dmitrievna, looking for something in her reticule. - Yes, and the dowry is ready, what else do you have to wait for? and what’s not ready, I’ll send it to you. Although I feel sorry for you, it’s better to go with God. “Having found what she was looking for in the reticule, she handed it to Natasha. It was a letter from Princess Marya. - He writes to you. How she suffers, poor thing! She is afraid that you will think that she does not love you.
“Yes, she doesn’t love me,” said Natasha.
“Nonsense, don’t talk,” Marya Dmitrievna shouted.
- I won’t trust anyone; “I know that he doesn’t love me,” Natasha said boldly, taking the letter, and her face expressed dry and angry determination, which made Marya Dmitrievna look at her more closely and frown.
“Don’t answer like that, mother,” she said. – What I say is true. Write an answer.
Natasha did not answer and went to her room to read Princess Marya’s letter.

This post was created for those who, in one way or another, are associated with working on the World Wide Web. For such work to be useful, and most importantly safe, you need to know and follow several rules. Nothing “new”, everything is well-known “old”, but very important....

Every year since 2004, the world celebrates International Safer Internet Day on the first Tuesday of February. And since 2008, on the initiative of the Center for Safe Internet, Safe Runet Week has been held annually in Russia.

The main coordinator of Safer Internet Day in the world was the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network), which consists of national organizations created with the support of the European Commission. Insafe considers its main task to support citizens in the safe, ethical and effective use of the Internet and other information technologies and communications.

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet in Russia was created under the name “National Internet Security Node in Russia”, which is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member of the International Network of Hotlines for Combating Illegal Content INHOPE.

The Safe Internet Center in Russia is the organizer of the International Safe Internet Day events on the territory of the Russian Federation in the form of Safe Runet Week. Russian Week is held in the days leading up to Safer Internet Day. Since 2009, Safe Runet Week has been one of the official events of the International Safer Internet Day, which are held in various countries around the world, and is an official event of the Day on the territory of the Russian Federation.

And these are the questions that every Internet user should know the answers to. Check yourself...

  1. Questionnaire No. 1 “Be careful, Internet!” >>>> (Answers)
  2. Questionnaire No. 2 “Caution, virus!” >>>>>>> (Answers)
  • Safe Internet >>>>>>


And this needs to be clarified once and for all....

Rules for working on the Internet

1. Do not log into unfamiliar sites.

2. If you receive a Word or Excel file by mail, even from a familiar person, be sure to check it for viruses before opening it.

3. If you receive an unfamiliar attachment, do not launch it under any circumstances, but rather immediately delete it and empty the trash.

4. Never send your password to anyone.

5. Try to use a difficult-to-remember set of numbers and letters for passwords.

6. When communicating on the Internet, do not indicate your personal data, but use a pseudonym (nickname).

7. Never meet people you met on the Internet without adult supervision.

8. If you need to register online, you must do it in such a way that it does not include any personal information.

9. Currently, there are many programs that filter the content of sites. There must be a trusting relationship between family members in order to view the content of sites together.

10. Not all information posted on the Internet can be trusted.

11. Do not leave your computer unattended with important information on the screen.

12. Beware of peeking over your shoulder.

13. Do not save important information on a public computer.


Reminder for safe behavior on the Internet

In order to protect yourself, your family, and your parents from the dangers of the Internet and possible harm, you must take the following precautions when working on the Internet:

 If possible, do not provide your personal information: name, phone number, residential or school address, favorite vacation spots or leisure activities. Remember that everything you communicate about yourself on social networks, chats or forums can be accessed, read and used by anyone in the world: the Internet is transparent and global.

 Never share confidential information publicly: passwords or credit card numbers, PIN codes and other financial information.