Professions in demand for girls. List of popular professions for girls

Professions for women have always been different from men's. Find out which areas of work are the most popular for women in the modern world, and also check out the list of the 10 most popular ones.

It cannot be said that today there is a clear division between male and female professions. Many managers say that when selecting personnel, they primarily pay attention to qualifications and experience. However, when looking at advertisements, you can notice gender preferences.

What are the specifics of professions for women?

First of all, it is worth noting that women are rarely employed in areas that require heavy physical labor. Of course, there are ladies who make a living from construction, mining raw materials, creating cars, etc., but there are not many of them.

Indeed, women's professions are considered to be secretary, salesperson, and hairdresser. It is worth noting that employers themselves choose representatives of the fair sex for such positions. This is explained by women’s ability to maintain cleanliness and order, as well as stress resistance and communication skills.

With the development of the technical process, an increasing number of women began to work in the IT field. Firstly, this industry is in great demand today, and secondly, women are distinguished by their perseverance and attentiveness, which is important when working with high technologies.

Gone are the days when women worked primarily as teachers, nannies, salespeople or hairdressers. Modern beauties strive to conquer new heights, achieve success and self-realization. Increasingly, it is women who are developing technologies and solving economic and environmental problems. In the future, the number of IT specialists, financial analysts and female breeders will increase significantly.

Who to work with? This question worries girls already from grades 9-11, when they begin to think about their future. It is not so easy to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which professions are purely male and which are purely female. If desired, a girl can choose for herself any profession that she would engage in with interest.

Prestigious, in-demand professions for girls graduating from grades 9-11

To master a prestigious profession, you need to gain knowledge and practical skills in your specialty. Secondary specialized and higher institutions are best suited for this purpose. Specialized courses can be a good alternative.

Having mastered the knowledge and skills of the profession, you can begin to compile a portfolio and write a resume. Next there will be many interviews and work as a student or intern with low pay for a probationary period.

List of professions for girls TOP-20

1. Tour operator or guide. One of the most prestigious professions, which allows you to expand your own horizons and learn business communication.

People increasingly prefer to holiday abroad, where both the service and the service culture in general are better. Every year, according to statistics, more than 70% of Russians in Russia go on vacation abroad. For this purpose, they turn to travel agencies and companies, so the demand for tour operators and guides increases every year.

The salary level depends on many factors, including the professionalism and talent of the employee. Salary of a tour operator, guide - 300-800$ .

2. Auditor, accountant, tax inspector, bank employee. Knowledge of the laws of economics and the basics of accounting is never superfluous, not only in everyday life, but also in professional activities.

In a country where financial, economic and market relations exist, the prestige and demand for these professions will always remain at a high level.

All document circulation and financial flows pass through people in these specialties.

Large companies and small firms will not be able to work without employees who have professional knowledge of economics.

The average salary for economic workers (auditor, accountant, tax inspector) is $350-850.

3. Lawyer, lawyer, notary, lawyer. Professions in demand nowadays. “Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility.”

Legal professionals are valuable workers whose services are well paid. The success of the company as a whole largely depends on the professionalism of their work.

Dealing with any controversial agreement, resolving issues in court, protecting the interests of the company, putting documents in order, entering into inheritance or ownership rights - this is an incomplete list of the responsibilities that legal professionals face every day.

What is the salary of a lawyer, notary, lawyer (for private lawyers - a fee) - $500-1000.

4. Journalist, TV presenter. An interesting profession that opens up great opportunities for you. People of this profession are recognizable and public, they are always surrounded by a lot of interesting people and events.

You can apply your knowledge:

    on television,

    radio stations,

    in circulation,

    on freelance.

The ability to express one’s thoughts beautifully and competently, to express oneself correctly, to avoid conflict situations - all this can be learned in journalism.

The average salary of a journalist is 600-1200$ . In addition, there is always a chance to go on a business trip abroad and combine pleasant work with a wonderful vacation.

5. Translator. Good knowledge of a foreign language is:

    private lessons,

    simultaneous translations,

    Freelance translations.

The salary depends on your level of foreign language proficiency and, on average, is $600-1300.

6. Psychologist. A popular profession in the West. In our country, its popularity is beginning to gain momentum.

Psychologists are in demand in:

    preschool and school institutions,

    social and medical services,

    in large enterprises and firms,

    in private clinics.

A competent psychologist is in demand in any team. If there are people, then there are relationships, and a psychologist is the best bridge in relationships and in resolving conflict situations.

Over time, having at least 5-7 years of work experience, you can open a private psychological office.

How much does a psychologist earn? $400-$800.

7. Sales manager. The most popular specialty in the commercial sector.

To be a truly good “salesperson” you need:

    understand the product he sells,

    have the gift of persuasion and charisma,

    understand human psychology and sales psychology,

    be able to “extinguish” emotional outbursts and conflicts.

How much does a sales manager earn - $400-700 + %% of sales.

8. Fitness trainer, choreographer, choreographer. An energetic and physically healthy profession. People in these professions love sports and combine work with health concerns. Good specialists are in demand in:

    fitness clubs,

    various sections,

    entertainment complexes.

The level of a trainer's salary largely depends on his skill and physical fitness and amounts to $500-600.

9. Secretary-assistant. The second person in the company after the manager. Impeccable knowledge of business etiquette and document flow makes the secretary-assistant the calling card of the company.

Basic skills and responsibilities of a secretary-assistant:

    ability to negotiate,

    planning the manager's working day,

    work with incoming and outgoing correspondence.

The average salary of a secretary assistant is $500-800.

10. Stewardess. One of the most dangerous professions in the world. The requirements regarding personal health and appearance are the highest. Flight attendants with chronic diseases or temporary health problems are not allowed to fly. Pension for flight attendants begins at 35 years of age.

The salary of a flight attendant depends on the flight distance - $600-1500.

11. Freelance copywriter. Opportunity to earn money at home on a flexible schedule. Requires self-organization and discipline.

Independent search for customers on various exchanges, forums, through friends. A true freelancer combines several professions at the same time - a journalist, a manager, and the leader himself.

Constant self-education and attendance at seminars necessary for professional growth.

A freelancer must be well versed in computer programs and have reliable access to the Internet. The freelancer determines the time and volume of work independently.

A freelance copywriter earns $100-1500.

12. Hairdresser-stylist. A profession for talented and creative girls. Professional hairdressers and stylists have regular client(s).

Many hairdressers practice visiting the client's home, then the cost of the service increases significantly in price. Wedding and holiday hairstyles will cost the client double or even triple the price.

The salary of a hairdresser-stylist is $350-1000.

13. Neil master. Specialist in women's nails. Everything related to manicure and pedicure, nail extensions and treatment is the work of a nail master.

The cost of a nail technician’s work largely depends on the client’s requirements and the time required to complete the necessary procedures.

The salary of a nail artist is $350-600.

14. Cosmetologist. A good cosmetologist can choose the right comprehensive care for the body and face. The resulting positive effect will force the client to become a regular customer of the master’s procedures. The high level and professionalism of a cosmetologist is of great importance.

The cost of services in beauty salons varies greatly and depends on many factors. Medical education for a cosmetologist is a prerequisite for official work.

The salary level for a cosmetologist is $350-700.

15. Seamstress-fashion designer. The cost of the craftsman’s services depends on the season and the complexity of the cut of the product.

How much does a seamstress-fashion designer earn? $400-800.

16. Photographer. A photographer’s earnings are $300-500.

17. Waitress. A waitress earns $100-300.

18. Call center operator. A girl with a soft and pleasant timbre of voice who will politely and intelligibly help you sort out the current problem.

Who among us has not contacted support when purchasing a product or topping up our phone? Hotlines operate 24 hours a day.

Psychologically difficult profession. The operator needs to take more than a hundred calls per shift. When choosing this profession, make sure that you can communicate on the phone for a long time and not raise your voice at the client, even if he is wrong.

The average salary of a call center operator is $100-200.

19. Nanny, governess, educator, teacher. Giving birth and raising children is the main purpose of a woman. Many are so passionate about this role that they make it their profession.

The demand for women in these specialties is limitless.

Private educators and teachers are paid an order of magnitude more. The salary level of a nanny, governess, teacher, teacher is $100-400.

20. Organizer of children's parties. A fun and very positive job. Here you will have to work with large and noisy children's companies. Having experience working with children will be a plus for you.

An organizer of children's parties earns about $200-400.

The hardest and lowest paid profession is to be a Human. No matter who you have to work with, always remember this and be a Human! —Madame Vera

It is believed that it is more difficult for girls to keep a job and, even more so, to make a career if the chosen path does not seem interesting and creative enough to them. After all, most of the fair sex are creative, and sometimes even extraordinary, people, which is why they try to find someone to match themselves.

We present to your attention the top most interesting and fascinating typical female professions, one way or another related to creativity and creativity.


Photographer is an always relevant hobby profession

Sports instructor

For lovers of heights, the profession of a flight attendant

Fifth place – sports instructor. At first glance, it seems that there is absolutely nothing creative and creative in this profession. However, we should not forget that many of the currently existing training methods (for example, bodyflex) were invented and brought to perfection by ordinary sports trainers (often women).

In addition, the position of yoga, shaping, or even ordinary modern dance instructor will help you keep your body in perfect shape, literally, without being distracted from the work process. Salaries for sports instructors usually range from 25 thousand rubles monthly, which is also very good, especially for a small town.

Television worker

Sixth place – television worker. Who among the fair sex did not dream of becoming an actress in early childhood? What about a singer? Of course, television is not only the “stars” that flash on our blue screens every day, but also hundreds of representatives of other creative professions.

Designers, make-up artists, light and sound engineers, script writers... The modern television industry has given us access to dozens of new positions that allow us to show our creativity. Perhaps one of them is exactly what you need?

Fashion designer

Seventh place – . There are dozens of cases in history where a girl who started out as a simple seamstress eventually became a respected fashion designer and launched her own clothing line. Why don't you try it too? Fashion design is an incredibly interesting and exciting creative activity, albeit not always well paid.

What is important is that the prospect of career growth in this field almost never depends on the professional education of the fashion designer; All that matters is his real practical skills and the presence of a certain talent.

Other interesting professions that are good for women

Makeup artists are always in demand

Let's assume that creativity is not your thing at all. And you don’t find enough perseverance for ordinary office work. What to do in such a situation? Our answer: pay attention to the following interesting vacancies!

Tourism manager

Are you active and easy-going, love to travel and learn new things? Then this job is literally created for you! The tourism manager is constantly on business trips. His job responsibilities include advising clients on all issues related to popular foreign tours and providing them with the most up-to-date information on the topic.

What information could be more reliable than that obtained from your own experience? Once you get a job as a tourism manager in a large company, rest assured that you will have the opportunity to see the whole world. And even though the salary for this position rarely exceeds the threshold of 20 thousand rubles, all trips (and the pleasant impressions received during them) are at the expense of the company.

Etiquette Specialist

Today, all the barriers that have existed for centuries between representatives of different races and nations (territorial, linguistic, etc.) are gradually being erased. And only the cultural barrier, based on differences in the historical traditions and customs of different peoples, sometimes seems irremovable.

And if in the case of informal communication it is customary to simply ignore such problems, then in the process of business negotiations, misunderstandings that arise as a result of different upbringings and habits can become a real stumbling block. This is where an etiquette specialist will come to the rescue.

The responsibilities of this employee include preparing and conducting business meetings between representatives of different ethnic groups and (or) cultures at the highest possible level. Such work is not only very responsible and in demand (and therefore well paid), but also very useful for self-education and general development.


Another traditionally female profession. Working in this position, you will “kill two birds with one stone” - you will receive a decent salary for your work (from 40 thousand Russian rubles per month) and a lot of indescribable sensations and new impressions.

Communication with new people (including a large number of foreigners) and an active schedule will make your life sparkle with new colors. And the habit that exists in society to romanticize the profession of a flight attendant will certainly affect the attitude of others towards you, and only for the better.

When decent wages are a priority

Many people want to become businesswomen

Many women look at life very pragmatically, preferring to look for a job that, first of all, will bring a good income, and only then pleasure.

We present to your attention a unique hit parade of the most paid of all female professions existing today:

  • Advertising Manager. If you know how to competently build PR campaigns, select personnel in accordance with the assigned tasks and have a good idea of ​​what needs to be done to ultimately sell this or that product, this job is for you. True, in order to find a really good vacancy in this specialty, you will have to put in a lot of effort and withstand enormous competition, but the reward will not be long in coming: in the capital, professional advertising managers receive from 100 thousand rubles a month.
  • Lawyer. Today, the services of various legal specialists are in demand more than ever. Career prospects in this area are simply enormous: it is possible that having started your career in some mediocre office, you will end it as the owner of your own legal consultation with a corresponding salary (up to 500 thousand rubles monthly in the capital).
  • Accountant. One of the most popular and versatile specialties with huge prospects for career growth. After all, whatever one may say, any company has to maintain accounting, regardless of its field of activity. In Moscow, the monthly salary of a chief accountant can be from 200 thousand rubles.
  • HR department employee. An ideal job for those who like to communicate with people and feel responsible. Having risen to the head of the HR department in some large company, you can qualify for a salary of 150 thousand rubles and, possibly, even a place on the company’s board of directors.
  • Risk manager. A profession that is extremely in demand in the current economic crisis, although not entirely female. A good specialist in this field can count on a salary of 500 thousand rubles monthly.
  • Beauty industry worker (stylist, makeup artist). All professions related to fashion in one way or another have always been considered purely female. Today, working in this industry, you have a very real chance to “grow” from an employee of an ordinary hairdressing salon to the owner of your own beauty salon, whose salary in Moscow can reach up to 150 thousand rubles per month.
  • Purchasing Manager. Typically, the responsibilities of an employee holding this position include not only monitoring the purchases themselves, but also communicating with the company’s clients. The greater the responsibility, the higher the salary. In the capital, a good purchasing manager can earn up to 50 thousand rubles monthly.

And this video will introduce you to the most unusual professions:

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When choosing a profession, girls fall under the influence of certain stereotypes. So, most of them are faced with a dilemma - whether they need special education and whether they need to work in an unloved but in-demand job. Therefore, many experts give recommendations to choose highly paid ones. However, such professions are not always desirable for girls.

Highly paid professions

There are certain highly paid ones. A list of them can always be found on special statistics sites. You can also conduct your own small research based on a survey of your friends. By the way, the latter method will contribute to the emergence of new acquaintances, which will be useful after receiving the appropriate education and a supporting document (diploma).

By turning to online sources, you can find a whole category “In-Demand Professions for Girls 2014,” which includes, for example, HR inspector. This profession may suit a self-confident and active girl. Tourism manager is a profession that allows, in addition to receiving a good salary, also making new and useful contacts. We must not forget about such people as HR manager, PR manager and environmentalist. These are the professions in which any girl can not only successfully realize her ambitions, abilities, useful and interesting projects, but also earn good money.

What professions are in demand for girls?

Among the professions acceptable for women, there are still priority areas. These include tourism and banking. However, these prestigious professions for girls are not always highly paid, although recently positive trends have been observed in these areas of activity regarding not only wages, but also

Direction one - individual entrepreneur

This example will be successfully implemented only by brave people. This does not always require special education, but it does require business skills and a good idea for a business. In this case, you may not even need large capital at the initial stage, but in any case you will need a computer with Internet access.

Current market trends show that at the initial stage of your own business without significant capital, it is best to carry out business activities in the service sector, in which you can always receive an advance payment from clients, which will allow you to have additional financial resources for the purchase, for example, of materials. However, at this stage, an important task is to justify the client’s trust, which will help create a good reputation and lay the foundation for the formation of your own client base. It is the fulfillment of the latter conditions that contributes to the classification of individual entrepreneurship in the category of “Highly paid professions for girls.”

Direction two - creativity

Another area of ​​activity noted as prestigious professions for girls will be given attention in this article - this is a screenwriter. A woman in this profession must be a creative person with a wild imagination. The screenwriter creates works for cinema and theatrical productions, as well as for mass events. However, such a specialist must have certain knowledge in the field of drama, have creative thinking, be erudite and think outside the box. Screenwriters mainly work in theaters, television, film studios, advertising agencies and companies involved in organizing shows and events. can be classified in the category of “Highly paid professions for girls” due to the size of the salary, which fluctuates depending on the place of work. Thus, in an advertising agency, wages are much higher than in companies involved in organizing holidays.

Direction three - modeling business

Girls in the modeling business must have an attractive appearance and an excellent figure. Thus, fashion models must meet the figure standards of 90-60-90 and have a height of at least 175 cm. Fashion models must be beautiful, proportional, slender and photogenic.

Modeling is in the “Highly Paid Professions for Girls” category due to its good income. However, to become a successful model, in addition to her extraordinary appearance, a girl must have a strong agent who will effectively organize her photo shoots and conclude agreements to represent various brands.

Direction four - image maker

The task of the image maker is to create an image for the client that will contribute to the successful achievement of his goals. In the relevant agencies, image makers organize work to promote a specific candidate in election conditions, creating an image for him that voters may like. Clothes, hairstyle and accessories play an important role in this. The highest position for an image maker is an image analyst. This employee leads a team of relevant specialists who identify and analyze the facts that influenced the success or failure of the enterprise and help create a good reputation. An image maker must have impeccable taste and sense of style, creative thinking, he must be tactful and responsible. In order to become a good specialist, you need to receive special education in specialized educational institutions. The highest salaries go to image-makers and political strategists, and upon successful completion of the election campaign, they may also receive bonuses.

Direction five - croupier

This is an interesting activity for girls with a mathematical mind. The croupier organizes the game in poker clubs. His main task is to competently “sell” the game, which consists in satisfying the players (so that they remain satisfied even if they lose). The croupier is an attentive, careful and precise person with iron self-control.

Choosing a profession is a difficult task for every person. After all, when choosing a specialty, you want it to be to your liking and make you happy.

Note! To ensure that a person does not have problems finding a job in the future, it is worth choosing a profession that is in demand in your country or city.

Professions in demand in 2017–2018:

  1. Information technology specialist.
  2. Design engineer.
  3. Teacher.
  4. Lawyer.
  5. Police officer.
  6. Doctor.
  7. Logistician
  8. Professional worker.

When choosing, do not confuse in-demand professions with highly paid or prestigious ones. This in-demand field does not always pay well, which is why it has become in demand due to the shortage of people willing to find a job at low wages. But it is not always the case.

Often, popular areas are paid decently, and many of these areas are prestigious in the Russian Federation.

In Russia there is a separate list of in-demand specialties, which includes 1,769 professions, 50 of which are recognized as prestigious.

List of prestigious professions:

  1. Specialist in the field of information technology.
  2. Dentist.
  3. Logistician
  4. Engineer.
  5. Business consultant.

In-demand professions that can be obtained after 9th grade

After 9th grade, a person can go to study at a technical school, college, lyceum or vocational school. Studying in such institutions provides a person with a chance to quickly master a specialty and work skills.

  1. Chefs are pastry chefs.
  2. Aircraft technicians.
  3. System administrators.
  4. Automotive mechanics.

Important! After 9th grade you can get what is popularly called “working specialties”. To obtain higher education, you will have to study at a higher educational institution for at least four years.

Specialties that can be obtained after graduation

After finishing 11th grade, a person can enter a lyceum or higher education institution.

In Russia there is a demand for:

  1. Engineers.
  2. Information technology specialists.
  3. Chemists.
  4. Marketers.

Job in Moscow

Moscow is a city with a lot of vacancies in various fields. But not all destinations in this city are in demand. Sometimes popular destinations in other cities are not in demand in the capital of Russia and a person finds it difficult to find a decent job in this city.

Note! Today, the restaurant business is actively developing in this city, so restaurants, clubs and cafes need professional labor. Most restaurants require waiters, cooks, bartenders, cleaners, hostesses and receptionists.

Table: the most popular professions in Moscow.

When choosing a specialty, focus on the future. According to forecasts, in 5–10 years new modern professions will appear that will take precedence in the labor market.

List of popular specialties in the future:

  • Engineer. This direction is relevant at any time. Humanity always needs designers and engineers.
  • A gerontologist is a doctor who diagnoses pathologies in older people.
  • An urbanist is a person who specializes in urban planning.

Important! Experts note that in the future people will value hard work, qualifications, professionalism, diligence and tact. Therefore, if a person possesses these qualities at the proper level, then he will not have problems finding a job.

How to choose a profession for girls and men

The choice of future specialty should be given special attention.

When choosing a profession, you should consider:

  • Wish. Choose a direction you like, which will later bring joy and moral satisfaction.
  • Own abilities. Soberly assess your own abilities. Ambition is good, but some areas require talent. Therefore, if you want to become a theater artist, initially try yourself in this role.
  • Place of training. It is very important to focus on the university where you plan to receive your education.
  • Labor market assessment. Conduct an analysis of in-demand specialties. Analyze the number of free places in this direction.
  • Perspective. It is worth remembering that a profession should give a start to a career and self-development. Don’t choose a direction where you won’t be able to climb the career ladder.

It is better for girls to choose a profession:

  • Accountant.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Makeup artist.
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Teachers.
  • Cooks.
  • Marketer.
  • Secretary.
  • Designer.
  • Veterinarian.
  • Nurses.

Guys should choose a specialty:

  • Builder.
  • Engineer.
  • Doctor.
  • Programmer.
  • Financier.

Guys should also take a closer look at the following professions:

  • Driller.
  • Surveyor.
  • Welder.
  • Bricklayer.
  • Geologist.
  • Crane operator.

Important! These men's specialties are popular in the North of Russia. They are well paid. But it is worth remembering that working in the North requires strong physical condition and difficult and dangerous working conditions.

Talented and ambitious young people should pay attention to creative and interesting highly paid professions:

  1. Theater and film actor.
  2. Visagiste.
  3. A gallerist is a specialist in the field of art. The specialty is suitable for both girls and boys. The gallery owner's responsibilities include organizing exhibitions and advertising paintings.
  4. Designer.
  5. Illustrator.
  6. Fashion designer.
  7. Director.
  8. Animator.
  9. Stylist.
  10. Photographer.
  11. Jeweler.

These specialties will help to fully reveal a person’s potential and talent.

Harmful professions for early retirement

According to the law, each person is required to work a certain amount of time to retire.

Note! But there are a number of professions with harmful working conditions for long-term retirement.

These specialties are divided into 2 groups:

Industries for early retirement:

  1. Mining.
  2. Production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
  3. Production of explosives.
  4. Processing of petroleum products.
  5. Chemical production.
  6. Production of materials intended for construction.
  7. Production of cellulose.
  8. Glass production.
  9. Electronics manufacturing.
  10. Nuclear energy sector.

Table: norms of insurance experience by groups.

Civil servants have the right to retire early if they have at least 15 years of work experience.

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