To our most frequently asked questions. The most common questions from people just starting their path in Orthodoxy

This question can be asked at the beginning, and only preliminary preparation will help you navigate correctly.

- Tell us a little about yourself. (What are your responsibilities at your current job?)

In a concise two-minute answer, you can talk about your education and work experience, while trying to prove that you are an excellent candidate for the available position.

- Why did you choose such a job (company, education)?

Give serious reasons: growth opportunities, useful experience, etc.

- Have you received other job offers?

If you have received it, say so directly: it will increase your chances. Of course, it should be added that this work interests you more.

- Have you been interviewed in other places?

As a rule, you can answer yes, but not specify where exactly.

- Will your personal life interfere with your work, which involves traveling and long working hours?

This question is asked more often to women. The law prohibits an employer from asking whether an applicant's marital status affects the job. If you try to circumvent the law, answer with a firm no.

- What are your strengths?

Emphasize first the qualities that are useful for the job. Confirm the presence of these qualities with examples from your life during your years of study or work.

- What are your weaknesses?

Under no circumstances answer this question honestly. It should be used to improve your chances. It is best to name a disadvantage that would be a logical continuation of your own advantages.

- Why do you want to get this particular job? Why should we hire you?

You should prepare for the answer to this question in advance. You are expected to confirm that you are aware of the company's affairs. Lack of knowledge about the company and industry is one of the main reasons for rejection of a job.

- Why did you leave your previous (decided to change place) job?

You should not talk about the conflict, even if it occurred, and blame your former boss or employer. Give a reason like: due to the upcoming reorganization, I am not sure that I can continue to be useful to the company; I cannot realize my full potential; I have no opportunity for professional growth. If the interviewer knows that you had a conflict, without going into details, explain that it was a unique case associated with special circumstances, and emphasize all the positive things that happened in your previous job: acquired experience, skills, etc.

- How do you imagine your position in five (ten) years?

It’s better to answer in a more streamlined way, for example: I would like to work in the same organization, but in a more responsible job.

- What salary do you expect?

It's better to try to avoid the answer by saying that you don't think salary should be discussed in the first place. If the interviewer insists, try to find out from him how much the company expects to offer. If you are still forced to name a figure, name it slightly above the average or the upper and lower limits of the expected amount.

- What else would you like to know?

Never say that you have no more questions. You can ask about the content of your future work, what the company expects from a candidate for this position, why the person who held this position before you quit, or clarify something that remained unclear from the previous conversation.

- If you get this job, what will be your first steps?

The question is most often asked to applicants for managerial and administrative positions. You should demonstrate your familiarity with similar situations and the ability to take initiative. But don't go overboard and be willing to leave no stone unturned. Also beware of proposing changes if you have not had the opportunity to become sufficiently familiar with the state of affairs.

- What are your greatest achievements?

Make a list of your greatest achievements over the past 5 years. Where possible, provide numbers to gauge the measure of your success.

- What do you think a boss should be like?

In fact, they want to find out from you whether you are prone to conflicts with your superiors. The ideal answer would be: A competent, strong leader from whom I could learn, who would give me a chance to test my own strengths, who would mentor me and, if necessary, give me a dressing down.

Some additional questions you may be asked during the interview:

  • How does your working day usually go?
  • How do you prioritize your tasks?
  • What do you like most and least about your job?
  • What problems do you have to solve in your work?
  • Do you usually agree or argue, and why?
  • What would you be interested in trying your hand at?
  • If given a choice, would you prefer to make plans or carry them out?
  • Name 3 situations in which you were unable to succeed. Why?
  • Name 3 character traits that you would like to improve. Why?
  • Why were you laid off (fired)?
  • What did you agree and what did you disagree with your previous boss?
  • How was your work evaluated?
  • Did you agree with the assessment?
  • Why are you interested in getting this position?
  • How does this position compare with your career expectations?
  • What benefit could you bring to the company?

In any case, you shouldn’t be afraid of the interviewer’s questions; you won’t be afraid to ask a question, and he, in turn, won’t be afraid to answer it.

Question: How is the work going? Is personal presence required?

Answer: The work uses high technology, so your personal presence is not required.
All work is carried out remotely.
For work you will need a photograph of yourself, preferably a full-length one.

QUESTION: Hello, how is mental recording made?
Well, I mean via Skype or just need a photo?

ANSWER: A full-length photo of you is sufficient for this work.
Over the course of a week, the recording is integrated into the energy system.
You can record mentality from any specialist of modern or ancient times. You can choose any one that interests you.

QUESTION: At what age can an identity card be made?
I would like to see my baby's chart.
ANSWER: Possible from a year, but better from 3 years

QUESTION: I am interested in DIAGNOSTICS.
I would like to know more about how this process works.

ANSWER: For diagnosis we need a full-length photo of you.
Diagnostics are carried out remotely, using your photograph.
You place an order, send your photo
and in a week you will be sent a detailed diagnostic report of several pages.
If you wish, you can ask questions about the topics of the report.

QUESTION: How does the ENERGY CLEANING service work?

ANSWER: To cleanse energy, you need a full-length photograph of a person.
Energy cleansing is usually carried out within three to seven days.
During this time, several cleaning cycles are carried out
energy damage, current magical strikes, damage, curses
energy gaps as a result of conflicts, etc., if any.

After cleansing, the state of energy levels out, and the balance of vitality is usually restored.
Cleaning can be done for yourself, loved ones or business.

Cleansing ancient mental traumas that are several thousand years old,
carried out as part of the Mental Restoration service.

After the Energy Cleansing, we will notify you, and you can monitor your condition. More information - .

QUESTION: Is the cleaning work carried out using runic magic or sephirotics or?

ANSWER - in cleaning we usually do not use the channels of runes and sephirotics.
The work involves the correction of mental bodies through the removal of damage to the human mentality.


  • Read more about how we carry out cleanings -.
  • For more information on how you can carry out cleaning yourself, read -.

QUESTION: How does the REMOVAL OF COMPLEXES service work?

ANSWER: The work is carried out remotely. To work, you need a full-length photo of yourself.

It is advisable to first take a Psychological Personality Map,
to identify the main complexes that are currently visible.
Any of these complexes can be cleaned.
After this, you can clear any relevant signals for you, stress, embarrassment, etc.
Before work, you choose a clear formulation of the complex with which you need to work,
indicate your current level of stress on this issue (from 0 to 10 points), 10 maximum.

The complex is cleaned throughout the week. We will notify you when the work is completed.
After cleansing, you track how much your attitude towards this stress/issue has changed.
If necessary, an additional correction cycle can be performed.

A number of stresses/complexes are removed quite quickly. For some, cleaning complexes takes a little longer.
We work until we have enough. Usually, after clearing complexes, the attitude towards factors that stress a person becomes even and calm.

QUESTION: How to increase sensitivity to energies?

ANSWER: Sensitivity to energies is associated with the mobility of the Assemblage Point. Don Juan gave her special substances to emancipate her,

or he manipulated the assembly point - he pressed on it. You can carry out several cycles of clearing the assemblage point to increase its mobility. But it must be taken into account that developing sensitivity is a fairly long process and involves the development of personal diagnostic experience. Details - .

QUESTION: I want to ask about magical initiations. to the same Sephiroth. so people spend them at the Place of Power, with ritual magic... and here just from the photo... how much is it different from what is offered in the center, and will there be a constant connection with the egregor? those. Could there be a possibility that the dedication will fail?

ANSWER: When we make any dedication, we specially strengthen it - we reinforce it with the energies of the 15th lasso so that it lasts for a long time.
Usually these Initiations are maintained for a long period of time. We hope it will last for several hundred years.

In places of Power, work is carried out to strengthen the magician’s energy.
We use our own amplification and power supply systems, which are also connected to places of power. But we prefer to work remotely, which allows us to work with Global places of power, rather than places that are closer.
For experienced specialists, it does not matter whether the person is nearby or at a distance.

We do not know how different our Initiation is from the Initiations of other magicians, since we have not seen a description of all the details of the rituals of other magicians. We do not believe that remote initiation is a problem. It is more spectacular when held at the Place of Power. It will take a lot of time and resources to gather in the Place of Power. The quality at Places of Power is increasing, but this is not essential.

You can do the job no worse remotely than with a face-to-face setup.
We believe that our products are of good quality.
We consider it unethical for us to comment on the work of other specialists.


A magic laboratory is a group of magicians, the composition of which changes periodically.
The group is engaged in the development and implementation of development technologies.
These technologies are mostly developed for themselves, to solve certain problems. The best technology ends up benefiting many other people.
A magical group is looking for references to the technologies of the Ancients and developing them. Examples of developments: Initiation through Death, Experience of the Monad.

QUESTION: Are the Laboratory’s services based on the technologies of ShMA, Monosov or Reiki Yggdrasil, Zhuravlev?

ANSWER: This is not ShMA technology or Yggdrasil Reiki.
We try not to overlap technologies with other magical schools.

Magic laboratory - researches and uses the developments of extraterrestrial civilizations, the Lemurian civilization, the Civilization of the Aesir, the Aryans.
We believe that it is almost impossible to create something new in magic. And all the developments that we have are based on existing technologies.

These technologies were developed by ancient magicians, so the group does not take credit for the discovery of these techniques and does not advertise itself.

QUESTION: Does your group of magicians belong to a specific order or school?

ANSWER: We are a separate formation. There are no Schools or Orders on Earth to which we officially belong. We represent the Forces of evolution, healing. Plus, we are formally priests of those cults whose Initiations we perform.

But we learned and collaborated with many.
We use a common terminology and methodological framework, which is accepted in esotericism in different cultures.
We try to take on tasks that are complex and unsolved in other systems. And we try. so that our technologies do not overlap with any services provided by other schools.
If we somehow overlap in interests with other systems, we apologize in advance.

PS. We are bright representatives of the forces of good. But there is one inconvenience to this. The active glow around the head prevents us and those around us from sleeping))))

QUESTION: How is the diagnosis of a pendulum or reading from the field by clairvoyance carried out?

ANSWER: In the case of Express Cards, diagnostics are carried out by Vision (through the Assemblage Point).
Subtle bodies are considered.
Psychological complexes are tested as a chain of thought forms at the level of the Vishuddha body. We examine the body of Vishuddha and record the available signals in the Personality Map.

To test energy damage, we consider different subtle bodies and the presence of external magical influences.

QUESTION: Do you do custom work for situations with payment based on results?

ANSWER: We try to do only standard procedures, because then we guarantee quality and are responsible for the result.
We work on a prepayment basis - this allows us to avoid debts that destroy the monetary egregor of us and our clients.

QUESTION: In all cases, do Masters undertake diagnostics and work?

ANSWER: Like any teacher, coach, esotericist, Masters can refuse to work with clients without specifying reasons.
But most often such reasons are: for some reason it is not possible to view a person’s energy,
the incompatibility of the forces that stand behind Man and the Master. In the ordinary world, behind each person there are forces (country, egregors, etc.), which can be in tense states. Then working with such a person can cause tension and negative events, and conflicts will inevitably arise.
To prevent this, to avoid this, we regret and refuse. And many other reasons. We cannot declare about most reasons, since stating the presence of such reasons can also aggravate the situation and change the karmic course of events.
We apologize again, but by refusing, we are trying to preserve your health and stability at the expense of our reputation.


  • Customer reviews, description of the results of the Services - read:
  • You can also read audio reviews from clients.
  • Examples of successful reviews can be found on the website.
    Unsuccessful reviews are mercilessly deleted. :-)


For all center services presented on the website
There is a 100% guarantee of results.

If you are dissatisfied with the work, we will fully refund the amount received.
We accept claims within three months after the provision of services.
Please note that if you submit several orders, each new order implies that you are satisfied with the previous work and have no complaints. Details - .

We are grateful for YOUR interest in the center's offerings.
and we will be glad to receive your feedback and recommendations.

The technologies presented are quite interesting, but we will always try to make our work even better, more valuable and interesting for you.

QUESTION: When do you refuse services? I'm worried.

There's no need to worry. When the Masters consider that working with you and any services
can harm you, they refuse to work, caring about your well-being.
We try to carefully check who we can work with so as not to harm anyone.

We maintain confidentiality and try not to discuss your orders with other people,
even if they are your relatives and friends. We change names in reviews.

QUESTION: Why do you talk so little about technology?

ANSWER: The description of many technologies is a direct instruction for delivering black magic attacks, therefore it is necessary to conceal about 60% of the information. First we write articles, and then we have to correct them and delete information, leaving only general information, without describing the exact processes.

QUESTION: How do you check the quality of the work of the Masters you work with?

ANSWER: Firstly, according to the principle of karma. If a person commits bad deeds, he encounters the Forces of Karma, the Forces of Law, and the Forces of Luck. We look at the impact parameter with these forces.

When we begin cooperation, we try to check whether a person has committed unseemly acts from the point of view of these forces, whether there are traces of a collision with Karma, the Law, the forces of Luck on his energy structure, whether the Higher Powers have any claims against him, whether the person belongs to the forces , which are antagonistic to the forces of Development.

In the process of work, we also check how much a person reacts to situations.

Clients often offer us money so that we can do not entirely right, good deeds. We deliberately skip such sentences in order to check how the Master himself reacts, how stable he is in his beliefs.

If we have doubts or suspicions, we carefully check and decide whether to continue to cooperate with such a specialist.

There are technologies that are developed by specialists. At Ezohat we make sure that the client is satisfied or gets his money back.

Before working with Masters, we carefully check their work and collect feedback.

We specifically structure our work so that it is not the brand or name of the specialist that matters, but the quality of the work performed by him.

We make sure that we process the order, explain the nuances of the technology to the customer as thoroughly as possible: so that the Master completes the work efficiently and on time, clarifies the customer’s feedback and, if necessary, finalizes the required order.

The client has the right to make a new order only after confirming the completion of the previous order.

Since we work with the systems of Karma and Law, we are under increased demand for our words and promises. Accordingly, we try to strictly monitor the quality of work and what we offer to clients.

QUESTION: Do you have other accelerated development technologies that you do not disclose but will appear soon? Are some forces controlling you?

ANSWER: We are constantly studying technologies in the field of development, in the field of social adaptation. And, when they are ready and formed (when we understand the answers to the main questions), we publish them.

Since we work with Initiations, we are in the zone of action of the Laws of these Deities, whose initiations we make, and we are also under the Laws of Fate, Karma, and the Power of Law.

Everything that we declare that we are working with automatically increases control in our direction from the Higher Plans.

This is similar to the fact that when a person applies for the position of a judge, they begin to actively check him and monitor his every move.

QUESTION: Please advise which dedicated channel to choose?

ANSWER: If you ask a question, we will try to advise based on our understanding.

But we cannot advise what to choose, because this contradicts the principles of the Development Channel.

THE NOTE. We do not provide treatment, but we are responsible and guarantee for the things we do.

In treatment, when we are trying to correct a symptom, we never know in advance what may be causing the sensation.

And you can only go by the selection method, as healers and doctors do. Try one technology, then another technology, then a third, until we get better.

Health and the body are constantly exposed to external stress, so if we fix something, it’s difficult to say that a person will be constantly healthy. Every doctor and healer knows that the disease can recur - for other reasons.

Therefore, we try not to engage in healing, but to provide specific blocks of services that we know for sure that they improve health.

For example, we remove initiations that influence, we remove mental trauma. But we know that there are other reasons that affect this disease and over time other factors may appear.

A person may be exposed to a geopathogenic zone or magical blows that can cause this disease. Therefore, no healer can guarantee that the disease will not return.

When we work, we ensure that the negative impact that we undertake is removed. But there may be other factors, other influences of egregors, which also influence the situation, etc.

We are very sorry, but we have not yet found a way to solve all the problems with one service.

God (or nature, whichever you prefer) endowed each of us with reason. Thanks to this, we feel a constant need to learn something new. It’s not for nothing that they say: information is food for the brain. Fortunately, in the 21st century we can very quickly find any information on the Internet. In this article we will talk about the most popular questions that modern people ask. Including Google and Yandex

The most popular questions on the Internet

Every year, Google and Yandex publish statistics on the most frequent queries on the Internet. What are the most popular questions among Russians today? Let's find out.

If we talk about keywords, the top three include the following queries: movies, porn and weather (according to the Yandex Wordstat resource as of June 30, 2018). Of the famous personalities in 2017, residents of the country were most often interested in: Dima Bilan, Yulia Samoilova, Maria Maksakova and Diana Shurygina. If we talk about the most popular questions that begin with the words “how” and “what,” then the following queries made it into the top five:

  • What is hype?
  • How to start mining?
  • What is a fiasco?
  • How to start your own business?

The most watched films in 2017 were “It”, “Despicable Me-3” and “Guardians of the Galaxy (Part Two)”, television series were “Game of Thrones”, “Molodezhka” and “Hotel Eleon”. Among other things, the most popular questions among Russians on the Internet were related to such things and phenomena as spinners and cryptocurrency.

Complex questions - simple answers

There are so many interesting and unusual things in the world! And adults often remember this only when they have children. They are the ones who bombard us with millions of “how?”, “why?” and why?". And answering many of the little “why” questions is not so easy.

Next, we will try to answer the most popular questions that children have as simply and concisely as possible. By the way, similar queries are often typed into the Internet. This means that not all adults are able to answer them. So, let's begin!

Why is the grass green?

The answer to the most popular question of every child is extremely simple. It's all about chlorophyll - a special substance found in stems and leaves. All plants obtain energy from sunlight and water through the process of photosynthesis. And it is chlorophyll that is responsible for the production of essential nutrients in plant cells.

Why the sky is blue?

Sunlight, as you know, consists of seven colors (just remember the rainbow). But on the way to the surface of our planet, he has to break through the thickness of the air and overcome many other obstacles. As a result, many colors become less saturated. Only one of them remains clearly visible - blue. That’s why we see the sky above our heads in this beautiful color.

Why is the sea salty?

Be sure that you will absolutely have to answer this question when your baby first gets acquainted with the sea. To begin with, we should remember that salt is a mineral that is found in large quantities in the earth's crust. Numerous rivers erode rocks and annually carry tons of salts into the oceans and seas. There they settle and finally dissolve in the water, making it salty.

Why does a fly rub its legs?

An interesting question to which few people know the answer. Each of us has probably observed how deftly a fly moves along smooth and vertical surfaces (for example, along window glass). She does this with the help of tiny sticky bristles located on her paws. Since dust and dirt accumulate on these bristles very quickly, the fly has to clean them very often, vigorously rubbing its legs together. At this time, it seems to us that the insect is planning something bad.

Why does a cat need a mustache?

Many animals have whiskers. But since the child meets the cat most often, be prepared to hear this very question from him.

Whiskers (or vibrissae) are transformed sensory organs, receptors that respond to the slightest changes in the external environment. The cat does not need them for beauty. Whiskers help the animal navigate in space and collect information about various objects. For example, by touching a hole in the wall with its whiskers, a cat will immediately determine whether the hole is wide enough to pass through. In addition, vibrissae are also indispensable for hunting. With their help, cats determine the direction and speed of the wind in order to make the most accurate jump.

To make the conversation easy, pleasant and relaxed, you need a person who will subtly and skillfully guide it in the right direction. He is usually called the life of the party. He sets the right tone for any conversation and always knows how to fill awkward silences. Do you want to become such a person? Below are the topics (questions) that will definitely interest your interlocutors:

  1. How are you going to spend your vacation?
  2. Do you have any serious dream in life?
  3. Do you like your job?
  4. What can you spend your money on, where is the best place to invest it?
  5. Are you lucky with your neighbors?
  6. What interesting things did you buy last week?
  7. Do you have a hobby or passion?

Of course, this is not a complete list of topics for meaningful conversation. Depending on how close your relationship is with your interlocutors, you can also bring up the topic of love or sex, or you can talk about something philosophical and sublime. But there are also topics that are better not touched upon. There are only four of them:

  • Weather (too corny).
  • Science and research (too narrow).
  • Personal schedule and daily routine (too boring).
  • Politics (too dangerous).

First date: questions for a girl

A first date is a very exciting and important event. After all, the future of these relationships depends on how interesting and lively the conversation turns out. According to statistics, the most popular question to a girl on a first date concerns her musical preferences. Guys also love to ask what countries their interlocutor would like to visit.

What other topics can be discussed at a romantic rendezvous? Below are the questions you can safely ask a girl:

  • What kind of person were you as a child - a naughty girl or an obedient girl?
  • Did you have a funny nickname at school?
  • The most vivid memory from your childhood, what is it?
  • Which relative or friend knows you better than anyone else?
  • Do you believe in opposite-sex friendships?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Do you believe in destiny and destiny from above?
  • What do you love more: the sea or the mountains?
  • How do you usually spend your weekends?
  • What would you choose: directing a film or acting in a film?
  • What's your favorite dish?
  • How many days (hours) in a row can you do without the Internet?
  • Would you like to learn how to read other people's thoughts?
  • What is more important - to love or to be loved?
  • Could you live on a desert island?

First date: questions for a guy

Since we’ve talked about what questions you can ask a girl, it’s fair to devote a little time to the stronger half of humanity. So, what can you talk about with a guy on a first date?

In general, ten topics will be enough for a first acquaintance. To be on the safe side, you can come up with another 5-10 backup questions in case some topic turns out to be uninteresting or simply “won’t work.” The best thing to do is to jot down a list of possible questions on paper and choose the best ones. Here's what you can ask a guy on a date:

  • Have you ever had a desire to move forever to some wilderness and start life there again?
  • Eternal life without love - would you agree to that?
  • Do you have prophetic dreams?
  • What can you spend a million dollars on?
  • Have you ever dreamed of superpowers?
  • Do you love animals? Do you have any four-legged animals living in your home?
  • What historical era would you like to live in?
  • A big noisy metropolis or a tiny cozy town - where would you choose to live?
  • Is there a movie that brings you to tears?
  • When did you earn your first money and how?
  • Do you have any hobby?
  • What is your biggest weakness?
  • Would you like to become a celebrity?
  • Are you satisfied with your life? What would you like to change?
  • Can you dance? Would you like to learn?

Common questions in English

Everyone needs to know English today. At least on a basic level. After all, it is used not only in the USA or Great Britain. English has long become the No. 1 language of interethnic communication. In almost any country in the world, you can easily communicate in English with a border guard, a hotel administrator or a waiter in a restaurant.

If you are just starting to learn this language, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the most popular questions in English. They may be asked to you during a work trip abroad or on a regular trip. Below, in the table, you will find these questions, along with their answers.

Question phrase

Suggested answer to the question

What is your name?

What is your name?

My name is …

Where are you from?

Where are you from?

I'm from Russia

I came from Russia

Where do you live?

Where do you live?

I live in Kazan

How old are you?

How old are you?

I'm twenty six years old

I am 26 years old

Are you married?

Are you married?

Yes, I’m married/No, I’m single

Yes, I am married. No, I'm single (free)

Do you have any children?

Do you have children?

Yes, I have a son

Yes, I have a son

What do you do for a living?

What do you do?

I am a student

What's your phone number?

What's your phone number?

My number is...

My number …

How are you doing?

Fine, thanks. And you?

OK, thank you. And you?

Can you speak English?

Do you speak English?

No, I speak English

No, I speak Russian

The most popular interview questions

An interview is a difficult, nervous and quite tiring event. However, it is here that the fate of a particular applicant is decided. Thinking through the answers to all possible questions in advance will significantly increase your chances of success. They can be very diverse. But most often, employers ask candidates the same questions.

So, the 10 most popular questions that you can hear at an interview:

  1. Tell us a little about yourself (subtext: how do your education and skills relate to our vacancy?).
  2. What are your weaknesses and strengths?
  3. Why do you want to work with us?
  4. Why do you consider yourself worthy of this position?
  5. Why did you leave your last job?
  6. Where do you see yourself in 5-7 years?
  7. What do you know about our company/firm?
  8. What salary are you expecting?
  9. How did you hear about this vacancy?
  10. How many soccer balls can fit in one subway car?

Yes, a question similar to the last one may also be asked with a high degree of probability. Do not rush to answer that this is absurd or stupid. Try to count! With the help of such questions, the employer first of all tries to understand how savvy you are and whether you are capable of solving non-standard problems.


What is the most popular question on the Internet? What topics are ideal for a friendly and leisurely conversation? What to talk about with a girl on the first date? How tricky can interview questions be? We really hope that you found answers to all these questions in our simple article!

So, in this section we will look at the most common interview questions and answers to them. The number depends on the position, field of activity, status of the organization and the seriousness of the approach to personnel search.

Linear positions mean that it is enough to ask standard questions.

Standard interview questions

The most common

The words “Please clarify...” will be heard from the recruiter more than once. They ask a question in order to clarify whether the candidate has embellished when describing his achievements, or whether he will be confused in his answers.

If a person actually did the work described, he will be able to answer any question about it.

Using professional terminology when describing your experience will give a candidate a few extra points.

Why do you want to work with us?

Probably because I’m tired of looking for a job, they won’t hire me anywhere else - that’s definitely not the right answer, even if my thoughts are in tune.

It is important for the employer to see the motivation of the applicant. To feel that he chose the company consciously, and not out of despair.

It is worth first studying what the organization does in order to be able to operate with facts. Perhaps the employer is famous for its corporate spirit, attracts people with achievements in its field, and provides unprecedented prospects.

Why should they hire you??

I am the most ideal, I want to scream from the bottom of my heart. But being known as self-confident will not get you a job. The employer is looking for an employee with real judgment about his abilities and professional qualities. At the same time, he knows how to advertise himself. When ten people apply for one position, you will have to fight for it.

It is necessary to highlight one or two of the strongest qualities that other applicants usually do not indicate. But they are the ones who best suit the employer’s requirements. Long-term experience, specialized courses, even a hobby that has something in common with your job may be of interest to the recruiter.

Read more about how to answer such questions.

How did you communicate with colleagues??

The recruiter is trying to find out the identity of the person sitting in front of him.

Certain positions require leadership qualities; in others, an inconspicuous, quiet, lonely person would be more ideal.

By analyzing communication habits, it is easy to understand how quickly a new employee will fit into the team.

Tell us about your successes.

It is on this question that candidates begin a spatial story and remember everything that happened in their lives. Although it was necessary to answer essentially.

Frequently asked questions

In this part of the article, we will look at the most common interview questions and answers to them.

Are there any other offers??

There are two possible answers:

No offers. Since I am looking for a job only in your company, I am not considering other vacancies.

There are a couple of suggestions in mind. If the employer is very interested in the candidate, perhaps this answer will speed up the choice in his favor.

How do you fill your free time??

These types of questions are also fairly common interview questions. Even if a candidate doesn’t get out of bed on weekends, there’s no point in letting the employer know about it.

A few words about your hobbies, active recreation, and family gatherings is enough.

What salary do you plan to receive?.

When responding to a vacancy, the candidate sees the proposed salary. It is not rational to want more; they are unlikely to offer it. More details about questions about salary are described.

It is more difficult when there is no specific amount in the advertisements. In this case, it is worth monitoring the labor market and finding out what salaries other employers offer in similar positions.

How to answer correctly?

The candidate must understand: the employer is not his enemy. The applicant is interested in a good position, and the company is looking for a worthy employee.

Interview questions are asked with intent.. No one sets a goal to mock applicants or torment them. It is important for the employer to thoroughly study the candidates in order to choose the most suitable one.

There is no need to be afraid of questions. No matter how they seem at first glance, in fact there is nothing supernatural about them. It is unlikely that a psychologist will be asked to quote labor legislation; an accountant will not be required to describe his experience in a field other than the one in which he worked.

Everyone can talk about their personal life, work experience, and character traits.

It's just important to do it right:

  • answer confidently, hit the mark;
  • don't mumble;
  • be convincing, having come up with arguments in advance for each question;
  • not to be unfounded;
  • emphasizing your uniqueness; cliched phrases do not inspire the employer.

Brief, logical answers are best received. It is better to reserve a spatial story about your personal life for meetings with friends.

The employer is waiting for a substantive answer. He still has many interviews ahead and approximately 15-20 minutes are allotted for each applicant, during which he needs to understand whether the person is suitable for the company or not.

What can't you ask?

During interviews, questions about nationality and details of your personal life are not appropriate.

Although very often they sound:

  1. When are you going to get married?
  2. Why are you still without children?
  3. What religion are you?
  4. Are there any debts or loans?

These are some of the frequently asked questions during job interviews.

Having a sense of humor, any incorrect question can be turned into a joke. Or take these questions not as personal and calmly respond to the insatiable curiosity of the employer.

Any interview is stressful for the applicant. A simple question about past experiences or future plans can confuse him. Knowing which questions are the most popular among employers, you can prepare in advance and be ready for even the most tricky of them. And now you know what the most common interview questions are and how to answer them.

In gardening and vegetable farming, in terms of size, the most
a variety of flower pots ranging from small to 2-21/2 inches at the top
diameter and ending with tub-shaped 14-15 inches in upper diameter, counting
it along the internal line, i.e. without wall thickness.
No matter how great the variety of flower pots is, the latest
the ratio of the size of the lower (bottom) and upper diameters and height, considering
the last along the finished weight from the inner surface of the bottom to the level with the edges
pots can be classified into the following three types:
1 type, in which the upper diameter, counting along its inner line,
equal to the plumb height of the pot;
Type 2 - the height of the pot is equal to the lower diameter, along its inner
line, but parallel to the lower surface of the bottom, and
Type 3 - the height of the pot is equal to twice the lower diameter.
In all types, the lower diameter should be 2/3 of the upper
diameter, counting along the internal lines. Size of pots of proper type
increases not along external, but along internal lines, with full compliance
these lines.
If a workshop produces pots of many sizes, then for each
of these you should have patterns made of tin or maple wood. Self
it is clear that all these patterns should have the shape of truncated
isosceles triangles (regular trapezoids), with the lower edge
the pattern corresponds to the inner diameter of the bottom, and the top corresponds to the top
the same diameter of the pot. It is very useful that the inner surface
the bottom was not strictly parallel to the outer surface of the bottom of the pot, but had
there would be a small slope (5-70 to the horizon), directed towards the center of the pot, where
a hole is made; Accordingly, this lower edge of the patterns is given
the shape is not strictly parallel to the top line. An experienced potter, with the help
one “knife” can make a pot into the required shape and give the top
the bottom surface has the indicated shape, but for those with little experience, especially when
it is required that pots of a given type and size be strictly uniform,
the pattern will bring undoubted benefits. Almost inserted into the pot
ready, held vertically in the plane of the diameters of the pot, with copper
By rotating the disk of the molding wheel, the pattern will immediately give the entire internal
the surface of the pot with the required correctness, including the surface
drain for water. It remains by taking out the pattern and moistening your hands or a piece of sponge in
clay mash, smooth the inner surface, wash off lumps of clay and
remove the pot from the disk, which is achieved with thin copper wire, a length of
11/2 arshin, ends tied to sticks for ease of holding
wire in the hands while it is being used.