Telegram channels for children. What interesting things await you on my “Child Development” channel in Telegram

We asked the author of the book “#youmother. Motherhood with and without rules” and the host of the popular Telegram channel Moms are all right, Nadezhda Papudoglo, to choose the most interesting channels for parents, to her taste. It's a great list!

Due to a number of news related to Telegram, it seems that even those who are not at all interested in the topic of instant messengers have learned about it. In fact, whether you like instant messengers or not, Telegram has long turned into one of the channels that is convenient to use to thematically and emotionally filter information flows.

When I was first asked to make a selection of channels for parents, I followed the classic path - I asked for expertise in different parent communities. Analyzed channel catalogs. I read the reviews. In the end, it turned out that there weren’t that many channels. And all of them can be divided into groups.

Children's doctor channels and general medical channels

In them you can find information about childhood diseases, development, vaccinations and so on. Telegram has several channels of evidence-based pediatricians and generally good medical channels.

Let's start with the channel "Pediatrics" by Fedor Katasonov, a pediatrician at GMS clinics in Moscow. Fedor writes about a wide variety of things, but all of this is united by medicine and a balanced approach to it. Lots of practical advice - about vaccinations, diseases, antibiotics, strengthening the immune system. The channel is filled with links and voluminous texts.

Another pediatrician’s channel is “Notes of a Children’s Doctor” by Sergei Butria. Also evidence-based medicine, also a lot of useful information. There are a lot of full-text notes and interesting links attached to them, a lot of clear practical information. Many notes were made as reminders for parents - all that remains is to save them on your computer. As I did, for example, with the memo “What to do with insect bites” - my child has a strong reaction to being bitten, so I decided to save all the valuable advice on the topic. Well, in general, this is one of my favorite channels about medicine.

Channel about evidence-based medicine “Mochi Mantu”, hosted by medical journalists Dasha Sargsyan, Marianna Mirzoyan and Karina Nazaretyan. One of the most popular medical channels on Telegram, it is not only about children, but is useful simply as a general tonic for mothers and an educational resource (I am not being ironic here). Here, as a rule, there are no voluminous author's notes, but there are a lot of links - the channel cheerfully reacts to the surrounding reality (for example, to the story about measles in Europe), in a word, I highly recommend it to everyone. The channel comes with a “list of good doctors.”

"Child Psychiatry". The description says: “A channel about child psychiatry and everything interesting to us related to the development and behavior of children and adolescents.” It is led by psychiatrists Elisey Osin and Elizaveta Meshkova. The channel contains a lot of information about child development, autism, ADHD, many descriptions of case studies, telegram longreads and, of course, links. I also highly recommend it.

Logopractice channel, it was recommended to me in one thematic parent group. It is not only about speech therapy, but also about neuropsychology - taught by practicing specialists. A lot of information about the speech development of children and developmental disorders, exercises for speech development, descriptions of various games for children. I didn't subscribe, but I read it with great interest. More than 600 participants.

Channels about children's books

On the Internet, the “book field” is covered very thoroughly by bloggers - from LiveJournal to podcasts and Bookmate shelves. There are not many large channels on Telegram on this topic for children.

Let's start with the channel “What is Freken Books thinking about?” . Those who are in one way or another connected with children's books will immediately understand who runs it: Freken BOOKS is a well-known children's book store. The channel is filled with short stories about books with a lot of illustrations, there are large excerpts from books, there are excerpts of reviews, in a word, this is the children's book world.

Another channel about books is “Read Only Children’s Books” (“Anya Pivovarova talks about good books for children and teenagers” - this is a pseudonym). The channel complements other platforms “Only for Children” - blog, Facebook, Instagram, and is updated almost daily. Everything is here: excerpts from books, reviews, short notes about books, photographs, thematic links, author's speech.

A channel about books and more - “Bibliodush”. It contains a variety of things related to books: announcements, facts about books and authors, good competent reposts, stories about new products, just notes in the margins, in a word, such a human channel, in which not only pictures and annotations, but also stories about meaning.

Entertainment channels

A channel for parents and more - the team from the publishing house "MYTH" writes about comics. A lot of good reviews, stories about what comics are and why comics are very cool, announcements of upcoming books, just interesting stories about reading and illustrations, in a word, the channel is useful and enjoyable in all respects.

Channel about cartoons - Сartoonas (“The most unusual, beautiful, interesting cartoons and animated series!”). The description of the channel fully corresponds to its content. There are cartoons themselves - videos, there are stories about cartoons. For me, it was just a lot of wonderful open-ended things, and not only in terms of “what cartoon to show the child,” but also what I would be happy to watch myself.

Media channels for parents

Telegram is an excellent additional tool for communication between the media and readers, so to speak.

“No, it’s normal” - channel The publication of the resource for parents “No, it’s normal” is currently frozen, but the channel continues to live. Links to a variety of resource texts about everything related to motherhood.

"Mel" - channel The educational resource "Mel" is one of the few media projects for parents that have recently entered the market, but has already firmly occupied its niche. About education, psychology and more.

Ezhikezhik online poster for the whole family! - channel "HedgehogHedgehog". I won’t make any special comments here, because it is “The Hedgehog” that you are reading now. Announcements of children's events, comments from child psychologists, columns about parenting and upbringing.

“Foremotherhood” - “There’s mostly hate here. Main characters: Eva - 1 year and 3 months, Vova - her father, I (Nadya Blinchik) - her mother, Eya - her cat.” This is most likely a channel-blog in the genre sense. There are a lot of those conventional telegram longreads, funny stories, ironic notes, quite practical advice, in a word, if you perceive Telegram as a place for reading, then this is a very good channel.

Mamapro - "the author's channel of a mother with many children. To help good parents. All the most useful, relevant and reliable." This is also a blog channel, which at times reminds me of LiveJournal (in those days when everyone still read LiveJournal, and before Telegram you had to wait and wait). Longreads on a variety of topics, not only about children, thematic author's longreads on

Missisdoc - this channel, in fact, could be in the very first group, where there is a description of medical channels. But his mother runs it, so it’s not only about medicine, but also about children, relationships, and so on. A variety of post options - notes, digests, links to author's longreads on Medium.

Kidstravel is a channel in which mothers describe traveling with their children. The topics are very different - where to go with children in which cities, how to prepare for the trip, in a word, pros, cons, pitfalls, but mostly, of course, pros. Including the author often uses podcasts. It’s a pity that Telegram doesn’t have a very well-developed search, because for me, information about travel is more situational.

Moms are all right - but I have a direct connection to this channel for parents and run it together with the wonderful Olga Levina, who knows a lot of the most useful things for parents. Our editorial principle is simple - what is interesting to us and, as we think, may be important and/or interesting to other parents. We deliberately avoid longreads and live in the format of such a daily digest. There is also a small application channel “The Crocodile Flew” for it. This is a channel where we record children's chatter. My favorite gentle channel.

If I forgot any worthwhile channel, write!

Dear friends! I invite everyone to my new free author’s channel “Child Development” in Telegram

My new author's Telegram channel will soon become the main means of communication between us and will replace mail. The channel is completely new and just created for you. But it already has a lot of interesting things. All materials from the Workshop of educational games “Through play - to success!” this fall will be transmitted to you via Telegram.

Let's explore new opportunities together!

What interesting things await you on my “Child Development” channel in Telegram:

  • "Secrets of Mastery". An unexpected, and perhaps problematic, situation arose in playing with children. What to do? How to solve? I talk about situations from my experience of playing and communicating with children. You are given a problem, you think about what you would do. After this, my exit option is given. The first problem of the section with the answer is already on the channel. I publish only in Telegram!
  • Child development research - what you need to know every family and every teacher. Facts you can't do without! And which few people know about.
  • Interesting about the Russian language — interesting stories about the origin of words, entertaining facts.
  • This is interesting to know: who was the prototype of Thumbelina? Who invented Murzilka? Interesting facts from the biographies of famous people, interesting stories about nature, about children.
  • Author's games and educational materials s for children.
  • Family library — reviews of useful, interesting, heartfelt books for the family.

Why Telegram and why do you need it?

The main thing isreliability. The most important messages will be sent directly to your phone/tablet/laptop via the Telegram application.

THE MOST IMPORTANT: in telegrams it cannot be that the letter is lost and you missed something important for you. Information important to you will always be delivered on time. And it's guaranteed. You will receive the webinar recording or the link you need on time. The mail often fails. Telegram is reliable!

Conciseness of information conveyed to you . All information comes to you in very short announcements. If you are interested in this topic, follow the link to read the full version of the message. If you are not interested, then you miss the news.

Availability. The Telegram application is easy and quick to download to your phone, tablet, laptop and it is free. It doesn't load the phone.

New formats for my communication with readers . Telegram makes it possible to widely use audio answers to your questions. I can record my audio answer to your question on my phone and give all channel subscribers the opportunity not just to read, but to hear my answers to your questions.

How to install Telegram and become a reader of my channel “Child Development”

I have prepared detailed instructions for you on how to become a reader of the new channel.

Attention - the link to the channel is given only on this page, it cannot be found through a search engine!

See you in Telegram on the website channel Native Path “Child Development”


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Modern parents, who do not always have enough time for books on productive parenting, come to the aid of Telegram channels, where the authors briefly but very succinctly share important information and personal experiences in raising children. The Village talks about the most interesting of them - we ourselves subscribe to many of them.

Text: Yulia Markova

Fun parenting

The authors of these channels do not know how to be ideal moms and dads. But their stories and reflections are a kind of course for a young fighter for new parents. Written without vanilla language, but incredibly interesting and almost always funny and topical.

"Everyday life of a bad mother"

telegram, Subscribers: 2,108

Another channel about motherhood without embellishment from IT consultant Asya Yavits, mother of two-year-old Yasha. As Asya herself says, in her blog she describes “her failures in the maternal field. They are funny (other people’s failures are always funny) and true (but no one, of course, knows for sure)” - you can’t say more precisely about the channel. There are no important discussions or advice on certain topics, but it’s worth subscribing to Asya - to understand that everything is fine with you, to laugh and recharge with good emotions.

"Yo Mama!"

telegram, Subscribers: 3,004

Nastya Krasilnikova started a channel on Telegram almost immediately after she found out that she was pregnant. The young mother does not give advice on how to constantly be in a state of euphoria, get enough sleep and have time to take the baby to all the educational activities in the city. But she openly and without embellishment talks about the harsh everyday life of a young mother and clearly explains why the worst leave for her is maternity leave.

"Hug an Elephant"

telegram, Subscribers: 2,117

Anna Kozhara, the host of this “parental zen newsletter,” publishes one quote every morning on the topic of parenting, childhood, growing up, self-discovery, awareness, finding happiness, life, the Universe and all that. The name of the channel was born from a reinterpretation of a parable in which seven wise men blindly felt an elephant, and then argued for a long time about what it really was. Anya’s channel is exactly about this: in the search for truth, sometimes it is more important to simply enjoy the beauty of a moment or thought, hug an elephant for a while and move on on your way.

"The Young Pope"

telegram, Subscribers: 2,054

One of the few parent channels run by a man. The first post appeared on his son’s birthday, and the last one, according to the author’s promises, should be published on his son’s 30th birthday. There is no useful advice here, but the young dad cheerfully and very touchingly describes his everyday life as a father.


telegram, Subscribers: 4,294

In our opinion, the most positive of all the author’s channels about motherhood. The blog is run by a mother of many children, whose parental message is “relax and have fun.” There are a lot of different useful things collected here, from tips on “how to pack your bag for the maternity hospital” to quite sane instructions on how to manage everything. In general, there is something to read, and not only about children.

Moms Are All Right

telegram, Subscribers: 2,547

The authors of the channel, Nadya Papudoglo and Olga Levina, made it an incredibly exciting read, consisting of the most useful links about everything that worries modern parents. As the creators themselves say, the principle of choosing information for the channel is to publish what is interesting to them, which means that other parents will also like it.

“Hello, Kirill Alexandrovich”

telegram, Subscribers: 7,001

The author of the channel is a young history and social studies teacher who writes about children and for children, and most importantly, believes in the modern generation and explains why everything is fine with our children. Kirill Aleksandrovich takes notes about school life, diluting them with interesting historical facts, tries to analyze less and give more food for thought - both to his students and to the channel’s readers.

"We pooped"

telegram, Subscribers: 657

Another ironic channel about motherhood. Mom simply talks about the difficult and funny life with little Polina: how she grows and what she learns - and explains, using her own example, how to calmly react to the child’s antics and not go crazy over trifles.

Health and child care

In these channels, parents will find comprehensive information regarding the health of their children.

"Notes from a pediatrician"

telegram, Subscribers: 13,356

In the channel, pediatrician Sergei Butriy publishes everything about children’s health with an evidence base from authoritative medical periodicals and comments from specialists. His recommendations are clear instructions, detailed and without lyrical digressions.

"Wet the manta"

telegram, Subscribers: 60,805

This channel, hosted by three medical journalists, collects the latest news from the world of medicine (including those related to children's health). Moreover, they are presented in a form that is very accessible to the average person in the form of brief but thorough recommendations, without water and endless longreads. Channel bonus - “list of good doctors.”


telegram, Subscribers: 15,341

Pediatrician Fyodor Katasonov talks about everything that is important to know about children's health: from the symptoms of various diseases to books on conscious parenting. The appearance of posts depends solely on the interests of the public reading the channel - according to the “request-response” principle.

"Home speech therapist"

telegram, Subscribers: 3,265

From publications you can learn how children's speech is formed, what inhibits its development and how to avoid it. Its teacher-speech therapist talks in a very clear manner about problems of speech development and their solutions, and also supplements his posts with very useful developmental activities that the most ordinary mother can easily conduct at home.

"Child Psychiatry"

telegram, Subscribers: 10,351

The channel contains information about autism, ADHD and other diagnoses. It is led by the most experienced psychiatrists Elisey Osin and Elizaveta Mashkova, who give accessible and understandable recommendations based solely on their own medical practice.

“About vaccinations without hysterics”

telegram, Subscribers: 2,203

A blog about vaccinations is written by a doctor, a medical translator, and a mother who was faced with a lack of detailed information about vaccination not only on the Internet, but also in children's clinics, and began to independently figure out when and how to vaccinate her children using evidence-based medicine.

Fun for the whole family

Channels with the most interesting selections of books and cartoons for children and adults, important news for parents and quotes from blogs about education and child psychology.

"The crocodile flew"

telegram, Subscribers: 1,026

A touching, sticky channel run by the admins of Moms Are All Right. Here are funny sayings and pearls from children aged three to 11 years.

"Book Fox"

telegram, Subscribers: 31,604

A huge library of the latest book releases (colorfully illustrated and intelligently presented) and recognized bestsellers of world literature. Here you can find any books for any age - not only new ones, but also selections, for example, of the best science fiction and books that have already become classics.

Grownups Not Only

telegram, Subscribers: 2,854

Cool channel about children's literature and cartoons for adults. Created specifically for those mothers and fathers who periodically want to return to childhood.


telegram, Subscribers: 1,550

A large selection of the most interesting and beautiful cartoons and animated series from around the world. The channel solves the problem of “there is nothing to watch and everything has already been seen.” Much of what is presented in the channel will surprise both you and your children.

"Only read children's books"

telegram, Subscribers: 2,759

Books for children and teenagers with a mandatory indication of the best age to read them. The author of the channel, philologist Anna Pivovarova, selects the best books for children aged 5–18 and not only retells the plot, but briefly and clearly explains why the book is good, why it is useful to read for both children and adults, and what other books it is associated with. About once a month, thematic collections appear on the channel.

"Travel of Parents with Children"

telegram, Subscribers: 1,654

A channel in which mothers talk about traveling with children and share useful information - from preparing for the trip and lists of things to take with them to small guides to different cities: where to go with the child so that the whole family will be interested, how not to go crazy on the road and good rest.


telegram, Subscribers: 4,547

Online poster of children's and family events in Moscow and St. Petersburg - from good performances to entertaining master classes - and articles on a variety of topics that concern modern parents.


telegram, Subscribers: 13,853

A channel of a large educational resource, where the most valuable things are blogs from parents, psychologists and teachers about school education, the psychology of teenagers and real stories that happen to children (and an explanation of what to do about it).

"No it is OK"

telegram, Subscribers: 5,319

The channel not only shares resource materials that you might have missed, but also thematic news from trusted sources and posts from social networks - about ordinary motherhood and everything connected with it. And yes, that's normal.