How to make an applique from onion peels. Crafts from onion peels: making with children

What could be more entertaining than arts and crafts? Only creative activities that use unusual materials. Today, people have learned to make interesting decorative accessories from the most seemingly inappropriate things: plastic lids, old felt-tip pens, even wooden popsicle sticks. However, it is very difficult to imagine that onion or garlic peels can turn into a kind of “masterpiece” until you try it from personal experience. The work of creating paintings and panels from such a unique material resembles ordinary appliqué. But the end result looks very creative, so much so that you won’t even guess what exactly the image is made of. So, let's reveal the secret of producing an unusual onion canvas.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

1. Onion and garlic peels (for one picture you will need 100-200 grams of peels of various shades).

2. Cardboard base (it is better to take sheets of dark shades: black, blue, brown - on them the plot will look clearer and more contrasting).

3. Glue (this can be instant glue, PVA, or even hot melt glue - depending on what structure of the picture you want to get: smooth or voluminous).

4.Paper, pencil or finished sketch.

5. Scissors.

7. Brush.

Before starting work, you should prepare the husk. It can be either picked from a fresh onion or prepared several days or weeks in advance. The extracted material should be immersed in water for a few seconds, then pulled out and dried. Wet “petals” can be immediately ironed with a medium-temperature iron.

Next, you should transfer the intended drawing onto the prepared base or sketch out the contours of the plot using a simple pencil on cardboard. The applique itself will be secured with glue, so for convenience you can use a soft brush. In fact, garlic and onion skins are very pliable material, so attaching them to the base is very easy. To make the shape of the drawing more clear, scissors are used in creativity. Using this tool, it is easy to even make carved design elements from dry “feathers”. To create smooth compositions, the husk is applied to the paper as tightly as possible, and for voluminous compositions, it is only partially secured (for example, only one edge is attached). Thus, with the help of incomplete fastening of elements, animal fur, tree foliage, flower petals and other details that require dynamics and depth are imitated.

The finished onion applique is usually placed in a frame. If there are no protrusions in the canvas, then the plot can be placed under glass. Surprisingly, paintings created from such an incredible material are very durable, so you can safely decorate rooms at home with them or give them as a gift. The most interesting works are obtained when more than one shade of husk is used in the image.

Not only can you create wall panels from garlic and onion “feathers”; many craftsmen have tried out non-standard techniques on the covers of notebooks, in the design of boxes and other decorative elements.

Naumova Anastasia, head of Zolotaya V.A.

Last year I presented. First of all voluminous crafts I decided to make a chanterelle too, but not a simple one, but a steppe one.

Korsak- steppe fox, listed in the Red Book of Animals of the Rostov Region. The corsac fox is smaller in size than the common fox. Its muzzle is shorter, but sharper, and its ears, on the contrary, are larger and longer than those of the forest fox. And the color of the corsac is slightly different. Most often it is reddish-gray, but there are also reddish-colored individuals, so you can still use onion peels.


  • onion (onion peel),
  • universal glue,
  • newspapers,
  • threads,
  • wire,
  • skewer,
  • paste,
  • toilet paper,
  • peppercorns,
  • Bay leaf,
  • leaf tea,
  • the basis,
  • ears of wheat.


First you need to make a frame for the craft. Make it better from waste material. Twist old newspapers into two lumps for the body and head, secure them with threads, and connect them with a small stick (skewer).
Photo 2

Make paws and tail from wire.
Photo 3

Using the papier-mâché technique, cover the frame with paper pulp. To do this, you need to tear up toilet paper and soak it in paste. Using the resulting paper pulp, cover the frame of the chanterelle first on one side, when it dries on the other side.
Photo 4

You need to cut the “wools” from the peels of fresh onions, since when they dry, they curl up and become more like real fur. You need to start pasting the product from the tail, and then move on to the paws. When gluing, you must be very careful not to leave gaps and it is important to take into account that the husk will curl after drying.
Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 7

Gradually cover the entire body this way.
Photo 8

Paste the back of the head in the same direction, and after the ears go down to the nose.
Photo 9

After this, you need to make eyes from bay leaves and peppercorns. You can use white onion skins for the base of the eyes. Cover the cheeks. Make antennae from the tea leaves and highlight the eyes. Glue peppercorns onto the nose.
The little fox is ready. The stand for the craft can be made from polystyrene foam, which is covered with corrugated paper and decorated with dry ears.
Photo 10

A significant portion of food waste of plant origin can be disposed of for health, environmental and personal benefits. A striking example of this is onion peels.

Onion peels for the garden and indoor plants

An infusion of onion peels and its waste is used to wash indoor plants, cleansing them of a dangerous pest - spider mites.

The infusion is prepared like this. Place 20 g of onion peels in a liter glass jar of water and leave for 24 hours. Then strain the liquid and thoroughly rinse the plant with it, especially the underside of the leaves. After a day, the plant must be washed well with clean water.

Try watering indoor plants with onion peel infusion and you will see that they will “become more cheerful” literally before your eyes.

It turns out that onion peels are universal and can be used more than once. After preparing a decoction, infusion or dye, do not throw away the husks, but use them as organic fertilizer and you will definitely get a good harvest of vegetables. The husk is not only a fertility stimulant, but also an antiseptic that helps in pest control.

Used husks can be composted.

It is also known from popular experience that to combat the Colorado potato beetle, which destroys potato plantings, onion peels are buried next to the plants - the beetles cannot stand its smell.

When planting tomatoes, cabbage, or potatoes, place a handful of onion peels in the hole. This helps against the invasion of wireworms and mole crickets.

It is useful to spray cucumbers with onion peel infusion when their leaves begin to turn yellow. Take two large handfuls of husks in a bucket of warm water (about 30C), bring the water to a boil and leave to steam under the lid. When the infusion has cooled, drain. Add 2 liters of infusion to a bucket of water (+20-22C) and pour over the cucumber leaves.

Often, with the soil (if it is not steamed) you can introduce a fungus, from which the plants get sick with “blackleg”. “Black leg” can be removed if you treat the soil and plants with an infusion of onion peels (20g of onion scales are poured into 1 liter of water, left for 24 hours, filtered and sprayed 2-3 times after 6 days.

Clean onion peels can be stored in a dry place for years without losing their medicinal effect. One very important note: we take the husks removed from absolutely healthy bulbs.

Onion peel, sprigs of dill and parsley without greens, potato peelings... the average housewife mercilessly throws all this into the trash can. But not the artist from Ukraine Rita Sidorenko. For her, this vegetable waste serves as material to create amazing pictures, from them she draws inspiration and another.

Rita first used such an unusual material for her paintings back in 2003.

Amazingly beautiful paintings are created over a long period of time and painstakingly. For one work, the artist uses 100-150 grams of onion or garlic peels. The technique of doing the work is somewhat similar to appliqué. Initially, Rita selects, dries and irons the husks. Then he prepares the canvas and covers it with black paint. And only then he sticks the husk on, creating magnificent landscapes, still lifes and portraits.

The artist’s collection includes more than 20 works. But, unfortunately, for 10 years of work not a single painting was sold. And this is not because there are no people willing. the artist herself decided so. She simply gives away her paintings to friends, believing that admiration and kind words are worth more than any money.

Theoretical part: game-based lesson, historical information about onions, information about the technology of making crafts from onions.

Practical part: making crafts from onions: cat, dog, cockerel, old man and matryoshka doll, "Chippolino".

Materials and tools: bulbs, grape seeds and seeds, matches or bush knots, pieces of fabric, thread, PVA glue, awl, knife, needle, wire.

The teacher places a “magic” box on the table in which an onion is hidden, and invites them to play the “Guess” game - guess the object hidden in the box by asking different questions. You can ask any questions except the direct one: “What is this?” This game teaches you to connect disparate facts into a single picture and systematize existing information.

After the children have guessed what item is in the “magic” box, the teacher tells the story of the origin of the onion.

Onions are a very peculiar plant. Different types of wild onions grow in fields and forests. What do we call the wild type of onion? (ramson). Cultivated onions come from Western Asia. Onion cultivation began in ancient times in China, and later in India and Egypt.

In the armies of Ancient Greece and Rome, large amounts of onions were added to soldiers' food, believing that onions stimulated strength, energy, and courage. In the Middle Ages, the onion was credited with a miraculous remedy: to protect warriors from arrows and blows from swords and halberds. The knights, clad in steel armor, wore a talisman on their chest - an ordinary onion. That’s why one type of bow was called: “Victory Bow.” At all times, all nations have attributed medicinal properties to onions. The eastern peoples had a saying: “Onion, in your arms every disease passes away.” The ancient Slavs used onions as a medicine for many diseases, which is reflected in the saying: “Onions cure seven ailments.” And in our time, scientists have found that the volatile substances released by onions kill putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria.

The onion was the first visual aid in the study of astronomy. Ancient scientists, cutting an onion crosswise, used it to explain to their students the structure of the Universe. They sometimes argued that the Universe consists of several spheres - shells surrounding the earth.

As you can see, a seemingly simple, ordinary onion has at all times and among all peoples occupied an honorable place in many areas of human life. Today we will look at another area of ​​​​application of onions, look at it from an aesthetic point of view, and learn how to make various crafts from it.

From the bulb you can make original and funny toys and figurines, favorite characters from children's fairy tales and stories. Their main advantage is ease of manufacture and availability of the material at any time of the year. The bulbs are easily cut with a knife and pierced with an awl. The shape of the bulb allows you to create crafts instantly, without finishing almost anything. For example, the “Chippolino” figurine. It is enough to attach eyes, a nose, a mouth to the onion, and it comes to life.

To make a “Chippolino” figurine, you need to take three medium-sized onions. For the head, you can choose a slightly sprouted onion. Use an awl to make tattoos for the eyes, nose and mouth and insert fruit seeds into them. For the eyes you can use grape or apple seeds, for the nose - a grain of corn, and for the mouth - a viburnum seed; form the body from the other two bulbs. First cut off the tops of the bulbs, make a prick in the core with an awl and connect with a thin branch or half a match, cleared of sulfur. When connecting the head, first cut off the root part with a knife and attach it to the body as well. When making crafts, the awl is used minimally, because... fresh onions are soft and easy to prick.

To make arms and legs for the figurine, you can pick up twigs that look like slingshots. At the same time, the branches act as connecting elements, with the help of which the individual parts of the craft are connected to each other. The connecting sticks should not be too thick. Spatulas can be made from small onions, cut in half; A hole is drilled in the middle and pinned onto stick legs.

The basis of these “Old Man and Matryoshka” figurines also consists of three bulbs, but with the help of additional materials the nature of the craft changes. The old man’s face is designed in the same way as “Chippolino”, only the beard is glued on with PVA glue made from corn fiber. The body is formed in the same way as that of the “Cippolino” figurine, and is attached to the old man’s head. The figurine of the old man is complemented by additional decoration: you need to sew a shirt from a scrap of fabric and a hat from a piece of burlap, then put it on the figurine of the old man.

The matryoshka figurine is attached in the same way from three bulbs. The face is shaped the same way, only without the beard. The design of the matryoshka figurine is done using additional decoration: a sundress skirt is sewn, and a headscarf is put on the head.

A large series of animal and bird craft toys can be made from bulbs; all you need to do is show your imagination and put in the effort. For the figurine of a cat and a cockerel, you need to fasten two bulbs, one under the other. Make the cat's whiskers from spruce needles. The ears are made from fir cone scales. The legs and tail are made from small onions, cut in half.

For the cockerel, install a beak from a seed, make a comb, tail and wings from bird feathers. The joints of the parts can be secured with PVA glue.

Volumetric crafts of their onions.

Onion skin applications

Theoretical part: riddles about onions, a conversation about the concept of "applique".

Practical part: preparing material for working with onion peels, a fantasy game on the topic: “What do pieces of onion peel look like?”

Materials and tools: onion peels, PVA glue, cloth, background, tweezers.

The teacher asks the children to remember riddles about onions, and he himself gives them.

1. There are seven skins on one bull.

Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
Whoever undresses him sheds tears.

Everyone loves me
And how to undress - shed tears.

4. What brings you to tears without pain and sadness?

They don't beat, they don't scold,
You won't lose anything, but you'll cry.

Marfutka sits in four fur coats,
Whoever kisses will wrinkle.

I grew up in the garden
My character is smooth:
Wherever I go
I will bring everyone to tears.

8. A hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

The teacher asks the children what features of the onion are emphasized in all the riddles and among all the answers he highlights the following: a large number of clothes - onion peels. Specifies its color. Onion peels are golden, transparent, very dense films. And it is from them that we will learn how to make various types of applications.

Applique is the simplest and most accessible way to create artistic work, which preserves the realistic basis of the image itself.

Applique appeared more than 2500 years ago among nomadic peoples. They decorated clothes, shoes, and homes with it. Different peoples make appliqué from a wide variety of materials. These are leather, fur, felt, birch bark. Much later, fabrics cut from paper and other materials became materials for appliqués.

Work on the application is carried out in a certain sequence. Any application begins with choosing a subject, followed by drawing up a sketch for the application, selecting material, cutting out image details, laying them out on the background, gluing and drying.

Preparation of material.

Onion peel is a delicate, fragile material, very rich in color. It’s a pleasure to work with: it’s golden and smooth. You need to carefully remove the peel from the onion and use it fresh, not crushed. The technology for harvesting material and working with it is a bit similar to harvesting and working with straw.

The onion peel is pre-steamed in hot water for 10-15 minutes until it gets wet, then ironed with a hot iron. A hot iron may change the color from golden to dark brown. Onion peels can be colored in another way - simply boil them. Can be painted with potassium permanganate, wood stain or aniline dyes.

If this is your first work, then it is best to use a ready-made drawing, which can be simplified if desired. To make a small applique, you don’t need a lot of material, but you can show off your abilities and artistic taste.

As a background, you can use velvet, cloth, canvas, silk, stretched on a stretcher. You can use colored cardboard or velvet paper. When selecting a base material that acts as a background, you need to pay attention to ensuring that its color and texture are in harmony with the future composition. A suitable background highlights the beauty of the silhouette and lines, enhances their sound, forms a pleasant color combination, and highlights both the entire composition as a whole and its individual details. We can recommend the following color combination: blue, blue, purple. Black color reduces volume, and as a background enhances the effect of yellow-golden color.

It is necessary to sort the material by color and shades, taking into account the direction of the fabrics, halftones and highlights (showing samples by shade: light, dark).

Methods of working with husks.

Gluing the husk directly onto the base according to the pattern. Lubricate the pieces of husk with PVA glue, then apply them according to the pattern in the direction of the provided sketch. In this case, a method of fitting parts is used, performed directly on the base, which is very difficult to do in practice.

Transferring each individual detail onto thin paper. Onion peels are glued with PVA glue onto thin, transparent paper. Then the parts are cut out on the wrong side. The prepared fragments are placed on the background and glued only when a successful compositional solution has already been drawn up.

You need to remember the harmony of proportions, contrast and natural combinations.

After finishing the practical work, the children are offered a “fantasy” game: from randomly arranged pieces of onion peel, with the help of the teacher, the children create and describe the resulting plot pictures. This develops imagination, imaginative thinking, and a sense of empathy for the world around us.

Samples of appliqués made from onion peels: contour “Bell”, semi-volume “Firebird”, plot “Mushrooms.

A sample of garlic peel application.

Flowers made from onion peels

Theoretical part: riddle, fairy tale, conversation about flowers, information about the technology of making flowers from onion peels.

Practical part: procurement of material - dried flower inflorescences and onion peels, flower production.

Materials and tools: onion peels, dried flower inflorescences, LBA glue, cloth, brush, scissors.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children a riddle:

“The smart little sisters greet guests all day, treat them with honey,” (flowers), and tells the fairy tale “How flowers appeared on earth” (according to T.N. Popov)

Ivan Tsarevich was returning from Baba Yaga, he reached a large river, but there was no bridge. He waved his handkerchief three times to the right - a rainbow hung over the river, and he moved along it to the other side. He waved twice to the left - the rainbow became a thin, thin bridge. Baba Yaga rushed after Ivan Tsarevich along this bridge, got to the middle, and he just broke off. The rainbow on both sides of the river crumbled into small fragments like flowers all over the world. After telling the tale, the question is asked: - What flowers do you know? There is a small conversation about flowers.

Since ancient times, flowers have occupied a strong place in Russian life: not a single celebration in Rus' could take place without them, we learn about this from folk legends and fairy tales.

Three thousand years ago, the gardens of the Persian Shahs were decorated with tulips. This flower is mentioned in the fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights".

In Scandinavia, the modest flower of spring and love is glorified - the daisy, this “bride of the sun”.

In ancient Greek myths, hyacinth was dedicated to the god of the sun, science and art, Apollo - the “flower of rain”, which blooms after the first spring rains.

But the most ancient flower is called the lotus, which is considered sacred in India and China. Wreaths of myrtle flowers, violets, ivy, and roses crowned the heads of the emperors. From ancient Roman mythology the goddess Flora came to us - the goddess of flowers, spring and youth.

And today we will learn how to make flowers ourselves!

To make flowers from onion peels, it is necessary to prepare the material while preserving its natural qualities. To do this, you need to take good dry onions, cut off the bottom part of them, lightly moisten the husk, pull the top and carefully remove it. For the rod, you can use the stems of dry inflorescences, cereals, and seed pods of ornamental garden or marsh plants. Grease the top of the inflorescence with PVA glue and carefully string cups of husks onto it. If possible, straighten the edges of the petals with scissors. This is how a flower is made from a whole onion cup, or it can be made from individual parts of petals and leaves.

With this method, the formation of a flower is carried out by gluing individual petals made from onion peels according to a template: individual petals are glued to the upper basket of the dry inflorescence and assembled into the shape of the flower of your choice, for example, chamomile, bell. The leaves are also cut out according to a template, formed on the stem and fixed with PVA glue.

Rose and peony. These flowers can be made from whole onion cups, which are formed on the inflorescence into a one-on-one bud. Several such cups are collected - for a rose 2-3, for a peony 5-6. The leaves are cut out according to a template and fixed to the stem with PVA glue.

Chamomiles and bells come in different colors and therefore they can be made from both onion and garlic peels.

The basis of chamomile and bellflower flowers is also a dry inflorescence, onto which individual petals cut out according to a template are attached. These flowers can be made using a pattern from individual petals or as a whole piece.


1. Artamonova E.V. Unusual souvenirs and toys. Homemade products made from natural materials. Moscow, ed. "Eksmo", 2005

2. Nagibina N.I. "Natural gifts for crafts and games." A popular guide for parents and teachers. Fundamentals of artistic craft. Moscow, "AST-Press", 1997.

3. Pereverten G.I. "Applique of onion zest and peel." Moscow, AST "Stalker", 2005.

4. Chernysh I.V. Fundamentals of artistic craft. Crafts made from natural materials. Moscow, "AST-Press", 1999.