Online fortune telling for a partner, what does it do? Fortune telling Partner's attitude

"Partner" layout

"Partner" layout usually used to show the questioner one of his acquaintances, to help clarify the essence of the attitude of the person of interest towards him + events of the near future associated with this person.

They are removed from the deck 5 cards. The meaning of card positions in the layout:
1 card(central) - the essence of the relationship between the questioner and the person he is interested in;
2 card(left) - the feelings that the person of interest has towards the questioner;
3 card(top) - thoughts of the person of interest, what he is thinking about;
4 card(on right) - what can happen between the questioner and the person he is interested in in the near future;
5 card(at the bottom) - result: what will it all lead to?.

But before moving directly to interactive fortune-telling, I strongly recommend that you carry out a preliminary verification to find out whether you can now lift the veil of the unknown, whether the fortune-telling will be correct.
The verification process is extremely simple: 10 cards will appear in front of you, which you will need to open one by one. If more than half of the cards will find themselves in the natural direct position - you can close the verification window and proceed to the selected fortune telling; if in upside down- fortune telling with Tarot cards is not recommended now; an erroneous answer may be received.
However, during the verification process, another situation may arise - the equal number of cards upright and upside down. This happens in the following cases:
1) most often the cards are “ostentatiously silent” in this way (they do not give the go-ahead for fortune-telling or refusal) when a person turns to fortune-telling by chance: out of boredom, for fun or out of curiosity (look at pictures of the deck, test different layouts, etc. .P.); when a question is born just for the sake of simply trying to tell fortunes, in fact there is no real need to get an answer to this question. In this case, you don’t even have to try to make a layout: virtual Tarot cards are not fun and not a subject for “testing”, except for contradictions (including repetitions of the same card in an upright and inverted position within the same layout) You are nothing else You won’t get it from such a “toy fortune-telling” (!);
2) if you do not have experience in “live” (not computer) fortune telling with Tarot cards, but you are trying to virtually use this particular type of fortune telling and are in a difficult situation, experiencing a real need to get clarification (answer), the fact that you during verification, an equal number of upright and inverted cards constantly appears, which can be an important signal - you cannot now guess with Tarot cards on your own; to correctly interpret your situation, you need the help of a professional fortuneteller.
note : Verification of fortune telling IS NOT the fortune telling itself, therefore, having opened all 10 cards, you can click on each of them again if you have doubts about the upright or inverted position of each card. After clicking on the card again, a window will open specifying the upright/inverted position of the card and its symbolic characteristics. But the characteristics of the cards in this case will not to have something to do with the issue you are interested in is just a test before starting real fortune-telling!

To start fortune telling select your card according to the table and click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are telling fortunes about. Hold down the deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Fortune telling online for free Partner's attitude. This is a very easy fortune-telling, but not in terms of its implementation and interpretation, but in the very philosophy of this fortune-telling. It is carried out as if playfully and without tension, and everything is very simple and harmonious. This fortune-telling was very popular among young girls at Christmas time; it made it possible to find out what a loved one was doing at a given moment in time or how he related to the fortune-teller. Nowadays, the use of this fortune-telling has expanded significantly and with the help of it, not only older women, but also men can now tell fortunes. Naturally, the card form (questioned/fortune-told) must be chosen in accordance with the gender and age of the partner. On our website, a description of the correspondence between cards and types of people is given in the table below.

Fortune telling technique online for free

We will carry out fortune telling with playing cards, a deck consisting of 36 pieces, the cards should not be played, preferably, this deck should not be used for anything other than fortune telling. First, we must decide on a card that will symbolize our partner, we select it in accordance with the table below, remember this card, then we will look for it in the layout, please note, we do not remove it from the deck and do not carry out any manipulations with it. As usual, we tune in, retire and ask the cards to tell us the whole truth. We shuffle the deck well, move some of the cards towards us with our left hand and begin laying out the cards with pictures facing up with the words 1 card - On the road, 2 card - On the threshold, 3 card - At the table, 4 card - In bed, 5 card - Reading a book, 6 card - Remembers me, 7 card - My dear, 8 card - I love you, 9 card - There are better people than you. If the blank card does not fall out after the first layout, we repeat the layout until the blank card appears and the phrase on which it appears and will be the answer to the question of what your partner is doing at a given moment in time, or how he/she relates to you. To conduct fortune telling online for free on our website, click on the deck of cards located below on the page.

Select your partner's card according to the table.

Independent fortune-telling technique:

Card 1 - How does your chosen one feel about you? Card 2 - What does he know about you? Card 3 - What is he not aware of? Card 4 - Does he value your feelings? Card 5 - What can help your relationship?

What is proof of a man's love?

A man behaves this way in two cases:

1. If he is interested in a woman.

This implies that interest, as an unstable quantity, can cease at any moment and without explanation. This problem is often associated with women’s bewilderment that they had a regular admirer and then suddenly disappeared. If he wants to make the right impression in order to achieve what he wants, it would be appropriate to remember Agatha Christie, who claims that when a man pretends to be in love, he is gallant, cheerful and attentive. But if he truly loves, “he looks like a sheep.” You can’t say it more succinctly and eloquently. There are situations through which one can judge the authenticity of the chosen one’s feelings.

2. The desire for children at the moment.

This implies that the man sees the continuation of his lineage with this particular woman here and now. If he likes to talk about children, but does it in a detached manner, then he is, in principle, ready for children as a small copy of himself. A woman does not play a fundamental role in his thinking, which means that anyone can take her place. A man who loves is ready to take responsibility for his woman without conditions. If he says that he is not against children, but first he needs to save some money, get on his feet, increase his living space, make repairs, this is also an alarm bell. When they love, they don’t set conditions. The lover is ready for children now, and not in a hypothetical future. A woman only needs to start a conversation about children to see the reaction and draw a conclusion about the man’s feelings.

Real life change for the better:

True love is aimed at creation, which means that those who are in a state of love should experience noticeable changes for the better. Love is a constructive feeling, which aims at the joint development of a couple. If a person loves, then children are born, poems are born, a new view of the world is born, the quality of life improves, new work and new opportunities appear. Love attracts luck.

The basis of everything is energy, on the quality of which matter depends. It happens that a woman falls in love, blossoms, becomes prettier, is in a great mood, and then over time everything fades away, to nothing. The reason for this is the lack of energy return from the man. If two people are in dissonance, then this is not love, but temporary cohabitation. If there is no return of energy from a woman, then the man earns little and is dissatisfied with himself.

If, after six months of a relationship, two people have not noticed any real changes in their lives for the better, then it is unlikely that love will hold the couple together. If, however, more problems have arisen and a series of failures has begun, then the best solution would be to break up. They will not be able to adapt to each other on an energetic level. To put it simply, you can quote Marilyn Monroe: “It should be good to be with a man, but I can live badly myself.”

Independent fortune-telling technique:

The “Reciprocity” layout is used to clarify the state of the relationship between a love couple. The schedule is valid for about three months. The entire deck participates in it, but only the minor Arcana can be used. Court cards signify mostly men and women. The deck is shuffled on the table in a circular motion clockwise

The left column (Cards 5,6,7) is the column of the questioner, the right (Cards 2, 3, 4) is his partner. Card 1 is the main theme of relationships, the main situation that connects people or interferes with them. Cards 7 and 2 - the top ones indicate what each of the partners thinks about and holds in their heads. Cards 6 and 3 - the middle ones symbolize spiritual relationships, what is in each of the partners’ hearts, what they fear or passionately desire. Cards 5 and 4 - the bottom ones - characterize the external side - the behavior of partners in public or with each other.

The tarot deck gives different advice to a huge number of people. You have to believe in cards. Even if you don’t know what the deal you’ve been dealt means, there is a reason for these cards to appear. Each person is unique and has the right to bring something of their own to the fortune telling process. Some cards can mean the beginning of new events and the need to break past habits. They show that most likely you are between the black and white stripes in life.

How to tell fortunes on your own using new tarot cards?

Fortune telling cards are the most ancient and universal tool that can reveal the secrets of the past, present, and most importantly, the future.
Tarot stands out among fortune-telling systems for its versatility. The archetypes underlying these cards, called Arcana, are intuitive for everyone, regardless of gender, age, place and lifestyle.

1. Choosing a new deck.
Before purchasing, decide on the range of topics that interest you. For questions about personal life, relationships and family, to find out the meaning of your loved one, choose Manara or Victorian Tarot. If you are making fortunes about money and the material sphere in general, look at the Tarot of the Dwarves and the Golden Calf. There are also universal decks for all occasions - Rider-Waite, Dragons, Union of Goddesses, Vikings. The cards are stored in a box in a secluded place; a chest or large box, preferably made of wood, will do.

2. Preparing a place for fortune telling.
Pay attention to this, especially if you are going to tell fortunes at home. Try to choose a place in the center of the room, but preferably not the bedroom or kitchen. You need a wide table on which to place the lamp. Extraneous noise from the street should not interfere, as well as in the apartment itself. Be sure to lay out the mat. Ideally, it should be made of natural fabric or leather, matte and plain. You can have several multi-colored rugs for different layouts. So, for money issues - green, for love issues - pink or red, and purple is suitable for everything.

3. Energy safety technology.
Place a glass of water to your left and light a wax candle to your right. Place a strip of salt under the table, which will protect the client from negative energy. Imagine a 2-3 meter circle on the floor around you, with a high, smoky but dense wall. An imaginary dome made of transparent glass will facilitate perception and maintain detachment. You can pray or state in your own words that you are asking permission to work with the cards and want to help the client find answers.

4. Completion of the fortune telling session.
Fold the deck and mentally thank her. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is an energy-intensive process, so a person must give something in return. Most often this is money, the client puts it on the table, it’s better not to give it to his hands right away. After he leaves, let the candle burn out, pass each card over the flame and put them in the box. The water should be poured out and your hands and face should be washed with running water. Collect the salt under the table and throw it away.